コード例 #1
class DonorHistory:

    name = js.String()
    donations = js.List()

    def __init__(self, name, donations=None):

        self.name = name
        if donations is None:
            self.donations = []
            self.donations = donations

    def add_donation(self, amount):
        except ValueError:
            print("Please enter a donation amount.")

    def number_donations(self):
        return len(self.donations)

    def total_donation(self):
            return sum(self.donations)
        except TypeError:
            return self.donations

    def donation_avg(self):
            return self.total_donation() / self.number_donations()
        except TypeError:
            return self.donations
コード例 #2
class Donor():
    name = js.String()
    amount = js.Float()
    lst = js.List()

    def __init__(self, name, lst = []):
        self.name = name.capitalize()
        self.donation = lst

    def add_donations(self, amount):

    def total(self):
        return sum(self.donation)

    def times(self):
        return len(self.donation)

    def ave(self):
        return self.total/self.times

    def last(self):
        if len(self.donation) > 0:
            return self.donation[-1]
            return 0

    def __str__(self):
        return f'{self.name}:{self.donation}'
コード例 #3
class Donor:

    name = js.String()
    donations = js.List()

    def __init__(self, name, donations):
        self.name = name
        self.donations = donations

    def total_donations(self):
        return sum(self.donations)

    def num_of_gifts(self):
        return len(self.donations)

    def add_donation(self, donation):

    def save_data(self):
        data = self.to_json_compat()
        data = json.dumps(data)
        with open('{}.json'.format(self.name), 'w') as datafh:

    def load_data(cls, donor_name):
        with open('{}'.format(donor_name), 'r') as ddatafh:
            ddata = ddatafh.read()
        ddata = json.loads(ddata)
        return cls.from_json_dict(ddata)
コード例 #4
class ClassWithList:

    x = js.Int()
    lst = js.List()

    def __init__(self, x, lst):
        self.x = x
        self.lst = lst
コード例 #5
class Donor:

    _f_name = js.String()
    _l_name = js.String()
    _donations = js.List()

    def __init__(self, f_name, l_name, donation=None):
        self._f_name = f_name
        self._l_name = l_name
        if donation is None:
            self._donations = []
            self._donations = donation

    def f_name(self):
        return self._f_name

    def l_name(self):
        return self._l_name

    def full_name(self):
        return self._f_name + " " + self._l_name

    def get_donation_count(self):
        return len(self._donations)

    def get_donation_total(self):
        return sum(self._donations)

    def get_avg_donation(self):
        if len(self._donations) == 0:
            return 0
            return round(sum(self._donations) / len(self._donations), 2)

    def add_donation(self, value):

    def get_email_text(self, current_donation):
        """Prints a thank you email to a donator
        Donor name and amount is passed in as a parameter"""
        return "Dear {:s} {:s},\n\
            Thank you for the generous donation of ${:,.2f}.\n\
            Your Local Charity".format(*current_donation)

    def get_letter_text(self):
        """Returns a message of the donor name and donation total"""
        message = "Dear {:s},\n\
        Thank you for donating ${:,.2f}.\n\
        Your Local Charity"

        return message.format(self.full_name, self.get_donation_total)
コード例 #6
class MyClass:

    x = js.Int()
    y = js.Float()
    lst = js.List()

    def __init__(self, x, lst):
        self.x = x
        self.lst = lst
コード例 #7
class Donor:
    Instance of donor class for each donor.  Takes a tuple of
    (name, [donations]) and has methods for finding total donations and
    average donation.  Sorts on donor name or total donations.
    Implementing save as JSON feature

    name = js.String()
    _donations = js.List()

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Expected input format is a tuple containting a donor name
        and a list of donation values.
        self.name = str(args[0])
        # Using protected _donations value because I don't want people
        # overwriting These values.  I don't mind if they change the name.
            self._donations = [float(x) for x in args[1]]
        except IndexError:
            self._donations = []

    def add_donation(self, val):
        """ Appends a positive numerical value to donations"""
        if val < 0:
            raise ValueError('Donation must be greater than 0')

    def sort_key(self):
        return self.name

    def sort_by_total(self):
        return self.total

    def donations(self):
        return self._donations

    def total(self):
        return sum(self._donations)

    def count(self):
        return len(self._donations)

    def average(self):
            return self.total / self.count
        except ZeroDivisionError:
            return 0
コード例 #8
class DonorCollection:
    """ Keeps track of the collection of donors as well as writing thank you letters and the donor report """
    donorList = js.List()

    def __init__(self):
        self.donorList = js.List()

    def addDonor(self, donor):
        """ Add a donor to the list """

    def findDonor(self, searchName):
        """ Search for a donor in the list by the donor's name """
        result = None
        for donor in self.donorList:
            if donor.name.lower() == searchName.strip().lower():
                result = donor
        return result

    def listDonors(self):
        """ List all the donors """
        for donor in self.donorList:

    def storeThankYouLetters(self):
        """ Save each thank you letter to a file by the donor's name """
        for donor in self.donorList:
            f = open("{:s}.txt".format(donor.name).replace(" ", "_"), 'w')

    def getReport(self):
        """ Return a report of all the donors and donation roll-up """
        result = (
            "\nDonor Name          | Total Given | Num Gifts | Average Gift"
        for donor in self.donorList:
            result += "\n{:20s}| ${:10.2f} |{:10d} | ${:10.2f}".format(
                donor.name, donor.getTotDonation(), donor.getNumDonations(),
        return result

    def getDictRep(self):
        return [donor.getDictRep() for donor in self.donorList]

    def saveDB(self):
        f = open("donors.json", 'w')
コード例 #9
class json_dh:
    Donors = js.List()

    def __init__(self, dh):
        self.Donors = [{'name': donor_object.name, 'donations': donor_object.donations} \
        for donor_object in dh.donors.values()]

    def save(self):
        with open('json_out.json', 'w') as outfile:

    def load(cls, file='json_in.json'):
        with open(file, 'r') as infile:
            return js.from_json(infile)
コード例 #10
class Donor():

    _first = js.String()
    _last = js.String()
    _donations = js.List()

    def __init__(self, first_name, last_name, donations=None):
        self._first = first_name
        self._last = last_name
        if donations is None:
            self._donations = []
            self._donations = donations

    def full_name(self):
        return '{} {}'.format(self._first, self._last)

    def thank_you_letter_template(self, donor):
        if self.num_of_donations > 1:
            return "Dear {},\nThank you for your {} generous donations of ${:.2f}. Your continued support helps our charity stay in business.\n\nSincerely,\n-The Team\n".format(
                donor.full_name, donor.num_of_donations, donor.total_donation)
            return "Dear {},\nThank you for your generous donation of ${:.2f}. Your support helps our charity stay in business.\n\nSincerely,\n-The Team\n".format(
                donor.full_name, donor.total_donation)

    def add_donation(self, amount):
        return self._donations.append(amount)

    def num_of_donations(self):
        return len(self._donations)

    def total_donation(self):
        return sum(self._donations)

    def avg_donation(self):
        return sum(self._donations / len(self._donations))

    def donation_lis(self):
        return self._donations

    def __str__(self):
        return f"{self.full_name:20} ${self.total_donation:>17.2f}    {self.num_of_donations:>6}     ${self.avg_donation:>16.2f}"
コード例 #11
class Donor:
    """ Class to keep track of a donor with a donor name and list of donation amounts """
    name = js.String()
    donationList = js.List()

    def __init__(self, name=''):
        self.name = name.strip()
        self.donationList = js.List()

    def addDonation(self, amount):
        """ Add a donation amount to the list """

    def getNumDonations(self):
        """ Get the number of donations the donor has made """
        return len(self.donationList)

    def getAvgDonation(self):
        """ Get the average value of the donations the donor has made"""
            return self.getTotDonation() / self.getNumDonations()
        except ZeroDivisionError:
            return 0.0

    def getTotDonation(self):
        """ Get the total value of the donations the donor has made """
        return sum(self.donationList)

    def createThankYouEmail(self):
        """ Return donation thank you e-mail text based on the donor name and the donated amount """
        result = (
            "\nDear {:s},\n\n"
            "\tThank you so much for your generous donation of ${:,.2f}!\n\n"
            "\tIt will be put to very good use.\n\n"
            "\t\tSincerely,\n\t\t\t- The Team".format(self.name,
        return result

    def getDictRep(self):
        return {self.name: self.donationList}
コード例 #12
class Donor():

    first_name = js.String()
    last_name = js.String()
    donations = js.List()

    def __init__(self, first, last, amount):
        self.first_name = first
        self.last_name = last
        if type(amount) is list:
            self.donations = amount
            self.donations = [amount]

    def add_donation(self, amount):
        if type(amount) is list:

    def challenge(self, factor, min_donation=None, max_donation=None):
        if min_donation is not None:
            self.donations = list(
                filter(lambda x: x > min_donation, self.donations))
        if max_donation is not None:
            self.donations = list(
                filter(lambda x: x < max_donation, self.donations))
        self.donations = list(map(lambda x: x * factor, self.donations))

    def total(self):
        return sum(self.donations)

    def count(self):
        return len(self.donations)

    def average(self):
        if self.count == 0:
            return 0
            return self.total / self.count

    def __lt__(self, other):
        return self.total < other.total

    def __le__(self, other):
        return self.total <= other.total

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return self.total == other.total

    def __ge__(self, other):
        return self.total >= other.total

    def __gt__(self, other):
        return self.total > other.total

    def __ne__(self, other):
        return self.total != other.total
コード例 #13
class Donor(object):

    name = js.String()
    donations = js.List()

    def __init__(self, name, donations=None):
        if not name:
            raise ValueError("Donor name cannot be empty.")
        self.name = name
        if not donations:
            self.donations = []
            self.donations = donations

    def first(self):
        name_sp = self.name.split()
        if len(name_sp) == 1:
            return ''
            return name_sp[0]

    def last(self):
        name_sp = self.name.split()
        if len(name_sp) == 1:
            return self.name
            return ' '.join(name_sp[1:])

    def add_donation(self, amount):
        if float(amount) <= 0:
            raise ValueError('Donation amount must be a positive number.')

    def last_donation(self):
        if not self.donations:
            return None
            return self.donations[-1]

    def generate_letter(self):
        Generates a Thank You letter to send to a donor. Uses the last value in their donations list to
        mention their last donation amount.
        :param donor: a donor dictionary entry
        :return: string containing the text of the Thank You letter.
        format_string = """
Dear {first_name} {last_name},

   Thank you for your donation of ${last_donation:.2f}.

            Warmest Regards,
                Local Charity
        return format_string.format(last_donation=float(self.last_donation),
コード例 #14
class Donors(object):

    DATA_FILE = 'donors'

    donorlist = js.List()

    def __init__(self, donorlist=None):
        if donorlist:
            self.donorlist = donorlist
            self.donorlist = []

    def add_donor(self, donor):

    def print_report(self):
        Prints a formatted report on the donors with name, amount given, number of gifts, and average gift.
        :return: None
        # Find longest name in donor list, or use name_min value
        if self.donorlist:
            name_max = max(*[len(donor.name) for donor in self.donorlist], 25)
            name_max = 25

        rpt_title = "Donor Name" + ' ' * (
            name_max - 9) + "| Total Given | Num Gifts | Average Gift"
        print("-" * len(rpt_title))
        for donor in self.donorlist:
            print(f"{donor.name:{name_max}}  ", end='')
            ddons = donor.donations
                f"$ {sum(ddons):>10.2f}   {len(ddons):>9}  ${sum(ddons)/len(ddons):>12.2f}"

    def send_letters_all(self):
            Runs through donor data structure, generates a thank you letter for each and saves it to
            the current working directory with in a date+donorname.txt file
            :return: None
        for donor in self.donorlist:
            print(f'Generating letter for {donor.name}')
            now = time.localtime()
            f_name = f"{now.tm_year}{now.tm_mon:02}{now.tm_mday:02}_"
            f_name += donor.name.replace(" ", "_") + ".txt"
            with open(f_name, 'w') as file_out:
        return None

    def list_donors(self):
        return [donor.name for donor in self.donorlist]

    def count(self):
        return len(self.donorlist)

    def get_donor(self, dname):
        if dname == "":
            return None

        for donor in self.donorlist:
            if donor.name == dname:
                return donor

        newdonor = Donor(dname)
        return newdonor

    def print_json(self):

    def load_json(self):
        print('loading from json')
        with open(self.DATA_FILE + ".json") as file_in:
            temp = js.from_json(file_in)
        self.donorlist = temp.donorlist
        return self.count

    def save_json(self):
        print('saving to json')
        json_dlist = self.to_json()
        with open(self.DATA_FILE + ".json", 'w') as file_out:
        return self.count

    def load_donorlist(self):
        print('loading from pickle')
        with open(self.DATA_FILE + ".pkl", 'rb') as file_in:
            self.donorlist = pickle.load(file_in)
        return self.count

    def save_donorlist(self):
        print('saving to pickle')
        with open(self.DATA_FILE + ".pkl", 'wb') as file_out:
            pickle.dump(self.donorlist, file_out)
        return self.count

    def total_contribution(self):
        return sum([sum(d.donations) for d in self.donorlist])

    def challenge(self, mul, min_don=None, max_don=None):
        Multiplies donations, returns a Donors object.
        Note that this function destroys the original order of the donations, as multiplied donation values get
        grouped together, and non-multiplied donations get moved to the end of the list.
        :param mul: a multiplier to be applied to each donation value of each donor
        :param min_don: multiplier only applies to values greater than this amount, if None - does not apply
        :param max_don: multiplier only applies to values less than or equal to this amount, if None - does not apply
        :return: a new Donors object, with multiplied donation values

        # define the filter functions, based on if min or max values for donation multipliers were added
        # unfortunately, PEP8 abhors assigning lambdas to variables, so here are some glorious Defs.
        #  fi = donations that should be multiplied
        #  not_fi = donations that should not be multiplied
        if min_don and max_don:

            def fi(x):
                return max_don >= x > min_don

            def not_fi(x):
                return x <= min_don or x > max_don

        elif min_don:

            def fi(x):
                return x > min_don

            def not_fi(x):
                return x <= min_don

        elif max_don:

            def fi(x):
                return x <= max_don

            def not_fi(x):
                return x > max_don

            def fi(x):
                return True

            def not_fi(x):
                return False

        # iterate the donorlist, apply filters to the list of donations for each donor, multiply the donations on only
        #   one of the filters, add these two donation lists together, slap it together with the donors' name to create
        #   a donor object. List comprehension makes a list of the new Donors, which is then used as an input to create
        #   a new Donors() class object.
        return Donors([
                list(map(lambda y: y * mul, filter(fi, donor.donations))) +
                list(filter(not_fi, donor.donations)))
            for donor in self.donorlist
コード例 #15
class Donor:
    class to hold the information about a single donor
    name = js.String()
    donations = js.List()

    # reference to the DB its in -- this will be set in the instance
    # when added to the DonorDB
    _donor_db = None

    def __init__(self, name, donations=None):
        create a new Donor object

        :param name: the full name of the donor

        :param donations=None: iterable of past donations

        self.norm_name = self.normalize_name(name)
        self.name = name.strip()
        if donations is None:
            self.donations = []
            self.donations = list(donations)

    def __str__(self):
        msg = (f"Donor: {self.name}, with {self.num_donations:d} "
               f"donations, totaling: ${self.total_donations:.2f}")
        return msg

    def mutating(method):
        Decorator that saves the DB when a change is made

        It should be applied to all mutating methods, so the
        data will be saved whenever it's been changed.

        NOTE: This requires that the donor object is in a DonorDB.

        # note that this is expecting to decorate a method
        # so self will be the first argument
        def wrapped(self, *args, **kwargs):
            print("wrapped method called")
            res = method(self, *args, **kwargs)
            if self._donor_db is not None:
            return res

        return wrapped

    def normalize_name(name):
        return a normalized version of a name to use as a comparison key

        simple enough to not be in a method now, but maybe you'd want to make it fancier later.
        return name.lower().strip()

    def last_donation(self):
        The most recent donation made
            return self.donations[-1]
        except IndexError:
            return None

    def total_donations(self):
        return sum(self.donations)

    def num_donations(self):
        return len(self.donations)

    def average_donation(self):
        return self.total_donations / self.num_donations

    def add_donation(self, amount):
        add a new donation
        print("add_donation called")
        amount = float(amount)
        if amount <= 0.0:
            raise ValueError("Donation must be greater than zero")

    def gen_letter(self):
        Generate a thank you letter for the donor

        :param: donor tuple

        :returns: string with letter

        note: This doesn't actually write to a file -- that's a separate
              function. This makes it more flexible and easier to test.
        return dedent('''Dear {0:s},

              Thank you for your very kind donation of ${1:.2f}.
              It will be put to very good use.

                                -The Team
              '''.format(self.name, self.last_donation))
コード例 #16
class Roster:

    donor_list = js.List()

    def __init__(self, donors):
        self.donor_list = donors

    def donor_roster(self):
        donor_names = []
        for donor in self.donor_list:
        return donor_names

    def save_roster(self):
        data = self.to_json_compat()
        data = json.dumps(data)
        with open('roster.json', 'w') as data_file:

    def load_roster(self):
        global mailroom
        with open('roster.json', 'r') as roster_json:
            roster = roster_json.read()
            roster_dict = json.loads(roster)
            mailroom = self.from_json_dict(roster_dict)
        return mailroom

    def thank_you(self, new_donor, amount):
        if new_donor in self.donor_list:
                print('Thank you {} for your generous donation of ${:.2f}'.
                      format(new_donor, amount))
            except ValueError:
                print("Please enter a valid amount.")
            new_donor_object = DonorHistory(new_donor, [amount])
            print('Thank you {} for your generous donation of ${:.2f}'.format(
                new_donor, amount))

    def donor_report(self):

        print('Here is a list of donors and the amount donated.')
        report = []
            'Name', 'Total Donation', 'No. of Donations', 'Average Donation'))
        for donor in self.donor_list:
                donor.name, donor.total_donation(), donor.number_donations(),
        return '\n'.join(report)

    def print_donors(self):

    def write_files(self):
        """Creates a text file with a thank you message for each of the donors in the dictionary"""

        for donor_data in self.donor_list:
            filename = donor_data.name.replace(" ", "_") + ".txt"
            total_donation = donor_data.total_donation()
            letter = (
                'Thank you {} for you generous contributions totalling {:.2f}!'
                .format(donor_data.name, total_donation))
            with open(filename, 'w') as letter_file:
            print(f"{donor_data.name}'s letter has been saved to " + filename)

    def challenge(self, factor, lo=None, hi=None):

        challenge = []

        if lo and hi:
            if lo > hi:
                raise ValueError(
                    'Maximum must be greater than the minimum amount.')
                for donor in self.donor_list:
                                lambda x: x * factor,
                                filter(lambda y: min <= y <= max,
                    return challenge

        elif min:
                    map(lambda x: x * factor,
                        filter(lambda y: y >= min, donor.donations))))
            return challenge

        elif max:
                    map(lambda x: x * factor,
                        filter(lambda y: y <= max, donor.donations))))
            return challenge

            challenge.append(list(map(lambda x: x * factor, donor.donations)))
            return challenge

    def make_roster(self, factor, hi=None, lo=None):
        donor_names = self.donor_roster()
        philanthropist_donation = self.challenge(factor, hi, lo)
        donors_new = list(zip(donor_names, philanthropist_donation))
        for name in donors_new:
            new_list = []
            name = DonorHistory(name[0], name[1])
        return Roster(new_list)

    def donation_projected(self, factor, lo=None, hi=None):
        return sum(list(sum(self.challenge(factor, lo, hi), [])))
コード例 #17
class DonorDonations(object):
    Class to hold the records of a donor and their donations.

    # Class attributes
    # It becomes apparent when looking at the constructor and the format we will be working with.
    # Need to work with the data in JSON format - here we will use:
    # string --> Donor name
    donor_name = js.String()
    # list --> Donations made by donor
    donations = js.List()
    # May not be needed but adding in case need it
    initial_state = False

    # Constructor - take in the name of the donor and donations
    def __init__(self, donor_name, donations=None):
        """Constructor for instantiating a donor."""
        # Follow the example in example_dec.py
        # self.donor_name = donor_name
        # self.donations = []
        self.donor_name = donor_name
        if donations is None:
            self.donations = []
            self.donations = list(donations)

    def first_name(self):
        forename = self.donor_name.split()
        return forename[0]

    def last_name(self):
        surname = self.donor_name.split()
        return surname[1]

    def last_donation(self):
        """Grab the most recent donation from the list of donations."""
            # We want the last donation so we want to use the negative index
            return self.donations[-1]
        except IndexError:
            return None

    def total_donations(self):
        """Total up all the donations that were made by a donor."""
        return sum(self.donations)

    def average_donation(self):
        """Take the total_donations that were calculated and divide by the amount of
        donations made using len() on the donations list."""
        return self.total_donations / len(self.donations)

    def letter_template(self):
        """Template for writing a letter to a donor, thanking them for their donation."""
        return """Dear {}{},\n
        Thank you for your very kind donation of ${:.2f}.\n\n
        It will be put to very good use.\n\n \t\tSincerely,\n\t\t\t
        -The Team""".format(self.first_name, self.last_name,
コード例 #18
class Donor():
    _name = js.Tuple()
    _donations = js.List()

    def __init__(self, val=None):
        self.name = val
        self._donations = []

    def name(self):
        return self._name

    def name(self, val):
        if val is None:
            self._name = None
            self._name = tuple(val.split())

    def check_list(l):
        return all(
            (isinstance(item, int) or isinstance(item, float)) for item in l)

    def donations(self):
        return self._donations

    def donations(self, val):
        if isinstance(val, int) or isinstance(val, float):
        elif self.check_list(val):
            self._donations = val
            raise ValueError("Donation should be in USD!")

    def above_min(self, min_don):
        return list(filter(lambda x: x >= min_don, self.donations))

    def below_max(self, max_don):
        return list(filter(lambda x: x <= max_don, self.donations))

    def between_min_max(self, min_don, max_don):
        return list(filter(lambda x: min_don <= x <= max_don, self.donations))

    def above(self, min_don):
        return list(filter(lambda x: x > min_don, self.donations))

    def below(self, max_don):
        return list(filter(lambda x: x < max_don, self.donations))

    def multiply_donations(self, factor, min_donation=None, max_donation=None):
        if min_donation and max_donation:
            ll = self.below(min_donation) + \
                 list(map(lambda x: x * factor,
                                               max_donation))) + \
        elif min_donation and not max_donation:
            ll = self.below(min_donation) + (list(
                map(lambda x: x * factor, self.above_min(min_donation))))
        elif max_donation and not min_donation:
            ll = list(
                map(lambda x: x * factor,
                    self.below_max(max_donation))) + self.above(max_donation)
            ll = list(map(lambda x: x * factor, self.donations))
        self.donations = ll
        return (self)

    def total(self):
        return sum(self.donations)

    def average(self):
        return sum(self.donations) / len(self.donations)

    def number(self):
        return len(self.donations)

    def greetings(self):
        g1 = """
    Ex Programmers Charity
    1999 Heartbeat Avenue
    11111 Fresh Spring, Alaska

        g2 = "".join([' {}'] * len(self.name)).format(*self.name)
        g3 = """

    Thank you so much for your generous donation of ${}

    It will be put to very good use.

                          -The Team

        return (g1 + g2 + "," + g3)

    def print_greetings(self):

    def write_letter(self):
            with open(
                    "_".join(['{} '] * len(self.name)).format(*self.name) +
                    '.txt', 'w') as f:
        except IOErrors as e:
                Cannot write a file, cought
コード例 #19
 def __init__(self):
     self.donorList = js.List()
コード例 #20
 def __init__(self, name=''):
     self.name = name.strip()
     self.donationList = js.List()
コード例 #21
class Donors():
    data_file = 'donors'
    donors_list = js.List()

    def __init__(self, donors_list=None):
        # list of donors objects
        if donors_list:
            self.donors_list = donors_list
            self.donors_list = []

    def list_of_donors(self):
        return [donor.name for donor in self.donors_list]

    def count(self):
        return len(self.donors_list)

    def add_donor(self, donor):

    def get_donor(self, name):
        if name == "":
            return None

        for donor in self.donors_list:
            if donor == name:
                return donor
        new_donor = Donor(name, [])
        return new_donor

    def send_letters(self):
        """ Send letters to every one, the letters will be stored as text files on disk """
        for donor in self.donors_list:
            file_name = donor.name + ".txt"
            letter = donor.generate_letter()
            with open(file_name, "w") as f:

    def create_a_report(self):
        """ Prints donor information for all donors
            "Donor Name                | Total Given | Num Gifts | Average Gift"
        for donor in self.donors_list:
            if donor.donations:
                    f"{donor.name:26} $ {sum(donor.donations):>10.2f}   {len(donor.donations):9} ${sum(donor.donations)/len(donor.donations):>12.2f}"
                print("coming to else")

    def load_donors_list(self):
        temp_list = []
        donations = []
        for donor in donor_data:
            donor_obj = Donor(donor, donations)
            donor_obj.donations = donor_data[donor]
        self.donors_list = temp_list
        return self.count

    def load_json_from_file(self):
        print("Loading from json")
        with open(self.data_file + ".json", 'r') as file_in:
            temp = js.from_json(file_in)
        self.donors_list = temp.donors_list
        return self.count

    def save_donors_list(self):
        for donor in self.donors_list:
            if donor.name not in donor_data:
                donor_data[donor.name] = donor.donations
        return self.count

    def save_json_to_file(self):
        print("Saving to json file")
        json_dlist = self.to_json()
        with open(self.data_file + ".json", 'w') as file_out:

        return self.count

    def print_json(self):

    def total_contribution(self):
        return sum([sum(d.donations) for d in self.donors_list])

    def challenge(self, mul, min_donation=None, max_donation=None):
        if min_donation and max_donation:

            def func(x):
                return max_donation > x > min_donation

        elif min_donation:

            def func(x):
                return x > min_donation

        elif max_donation:

            def func(x):
                return x < max_donation

            def func(x):
                return True

        return Donors([
                  list(map(lambda x: x**mul, filter(func, donor.donations))))
            for donor in self.donors_list
コード例 #22
class Donor(object):
    name = js.String()
    donations = js.List()

    def __init__(self, name, donations=None):
        if not name:
            raise ValueError("Donor name can not be empty")
        self.name = name
        if donations:
            self.donations = donations
            self.donations = []

    def first_name(self):
        name_split = self.name.split()
        if len(name_split) >= 1:
            return name_split[0]

    def last_name(self):
        name_split = self.name.split()
        if len(name_split) == 1:
            return ''
            return ''.join(name_split[1:])

    def donor_donations(self):
        Returns list of donor donations
        :return: list of donor donations
        return self.donations

    def donor_donations_sum(self):
        Returns sum of all donor donations
        :return: donor latest donation
        return sum(self.donations)

    def latest_donation(self):
        Returns donor latest donation
        :return: donor latest donation
        if self.donations:
            return self.donations[-1]

    def add_donation(self, amount):
        Adds donation to donor donations
        if float(amount) <= 0:
            raise ValueError("donation amount can not be negative")

    def generate_letter(self):
        """ Generate letter for donor """
        return "Dear {},\n \nThank you for your generous donation {}.\n \n\n\t\tSincerely, \n\t\tLocal Charity". \
            format(self.name, self.latest_donation)