コード例 #1
 def test_UnPrepSteg(self):
     msg1 = np.array(
         [47, 44, 14, 33, 4, 58, 19, 6, 16, 52, 50, 11, 6, 13, 41, 26, 39, 15, 39, 11])
     msg2 = np.array(
         [22, 29, 9, 53, 17, 23, 57, 14, 20, 36, 39, 11, 59, 23, 28, 16, 53, 8, 57, 0])
     expectedresult1 = np.array(
         [16, 52, 50, 11, 6, 13, 41, 26, 39, 15, 39, 11])
     expectedresult2 = np.array(
         [20, 36, 39, 11, 59, 23, 28, 16, 53, 8, 57, 0])
     result1 = jt.unprepsteg(msg1)
     result2 = jt.unprepsteg(msg2)
     self.assertEqual(len(result1), len(expectedresult1))
     self.assertEqual(len(result2), len(expectedresult2))
     self.assertEqual(result1.tolist(), expectedresult1.tolist())
     self.assertEqual(result2.tolist(), expectedresult2.tolist())
コード例 #2
def retrievesteg(jt65data, hidekey, verbose=False, unprep=False):
# Retrieve steganography data from array of JT65 data
    stegdata = []

    for index, value in enumerate(jt65data):
        data = jtunsteg(value, hidekey)

        if verbose:
            print "Steg Bytes in Message " + str(index) + " : " + str(data)

        if unprep:
            data = jt.unprepsteg(data)


    return stegdata
コード例 #3
def deciphersteg(stegdata, cipher, key, aesmode, verbose=False, unprep=True):
# Decipher hidden message from array of data hidden in JT65 errors
    stegedmsg = ""
    stegedmsgba = np.array(range(0), dtype=np.int32)
    statusar = []

    for index, value in enumerate(stegdata):
        if unprep:
            value = jt.unprepsteg(value)  # Decode real data from FEC

        if cipher == "none":
            recoveredtext = jt.decode(value)[0:13]
            if verbose:
                print "Steg Text in Message " + str(index) + " : " + recoveredtext
            stegedmsg += recoveredtext

        elif cipher == "XOR" or cipher == "OTP":
            thesebytes = jt65tobytes(value)

            thisstatus = thesebytes[0:1]

            if thisstatus & 0x40 == 0x40:
                # This is the last packet, signals how many bytes to read
                bytestoread = thisstatus & 0x3F
                thisunstegbytes = thesebytes[1:bytestoread + 1]
                thisunstegbytes = thesebytes[1:]

            if verbose:
                print "Steg Data in Message " + str(index) + " : " + str(thisunstegbytes)
            stegedmsgba = np.append(stegedmsgba, thisunstegbytes)

            thesebytes = jt65tobytes(value)
            thisunstegbytes = thesebytes[1:10]

            if verbose:
                print "Steg Data in Message " + str(index) + " : " + str(thisunstegbytes)
            stegedmsgba = np.append(stegedmsgba, thisunstegbytes)

    if cipher == "XOR":
        if verbose:
            print"Cipher Data : " + str(stegedmsgba)

        finalcipherdata = (
            ''.join('{0:02x}'.format(int(e)).decode("hex") for e in stegedmsgba))

        if verbose:
            print"Cipher Data Hex : " + finalcipherdata

        cryptobj = XOR.new(key)
        stegedmsg = cryptobj.decrypt(finalcipherdata)

    if cipher == "ARC4":
        if verbose:
            print"Cipher Data : " + str(stegedmsgba)

        finalcipherdata = (
            ''.join('{0:02x}'.format(int(e)).decode("hex") for e in stegedmsgba))

        if verbose:
            print"Cipher Data Hex : " + finalcipherdata

        tempkey = SHA.new(key).digest()
        cryptobj = ARC4.new(tempkey)
        stegedmsg = cryptobj.decrypt(finalcipherdata)

    if cipher == "AES":
        if verbose:
            print"Cipher Data : " + str(stegedmsgba)

        finalcipherdata = (
            ''.join('{0:02x}'.format(int(e)).decode("hex") for e in stegedmsgba))

        if verbose:
            print"Cipher Data Hex : " + finalcipherdata

        if aesmode == "ECB":
            cryptobj = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_ECB)
        elif aesmode == "CBC":
            cryptobj = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CBC, finalcipherdata[0:16])
            finalcipherdata = finalcipherdata[16:]
        elif aesmode == "CFB":
            cryptobj = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CFB, finalcipherdata[0:16])
            finalcipherdata = finalcipherdata[16:]

        stegedmsg = cryptobj.decrypt(finalcipherdata)

    if cipher == "GPG":
        if verbose:
            print"Cipher Data : " + str(stegedmsgba)

        finalcipherdata = (
            ''.join('{0:02x}'.format(int(e)).decode("hex") for e in stegedmsgba))

        if verbose:
            print"Cipher Data Hex : " + finalcipherdata

        gpg = GPG()
        stegedmsg = gpg.decrypt(finalcipherdata)
        stegedmsg = str(stegedmsg)

    if cipher == "OTP":
        finalcipherdata = (''.join(chr(e) for e in stegedmsgba))

        if verbose:
            print"Cipher Data : " + str(finalcipherdata)

        stegedmsg = otp_decode(str(finalcipherdata), key)

    return stegedmsg