def combine_catalogs(header, cats, columns, data_start, destination, conversion_factor=1): # Combines a list of catalogs (cats) row by row and adds the given header # at the top of the file, writes the resulting catalog to (destination) # RA and DEC MUST be the first two columns, flux and fluxerr MUST be the # next two columns. (There should be 4 columns) # Change conversion factor to multiple flux and fluxerr by that value. Useful when # converting between Jy and uJy jtools.check_paths(cats) num_entries = 0 # default value in case something goes wrong. table = [] ra_col = columns[0] dec_col = columns[1] flux_col = columns[2] fluxerr_col = columns[3] num_params = len(columns) - 2 # We subtract 2 because of the RA/DEC columns we've already accounted for for (n, c) in enumerate(cats): if n == 0: data = param_get(c, [ra_col, dec_col], data_start) num_entries = len(data[0]) for i in range(num_entries): table.append([i+1, data[0][i], data[1][i]]) data = param_get(c, columns[2:], data_start) for i in range(num_entries): temp = [] for j in range(num_params): temp.append(data[j][i]) for t in temp: table[i].append(t) #table[i].append(float(data[0][i])*conversion_factor) #table[i].append(float(data[1][i])*conversion_factor) jtools.write_table(table, header, destination) return
def fits_add(file_paths, destination, header_index=0, conversion_factor=1.0): # Adds a list of fits files together, uses the header of file_paths[header_index] # and multiplies by the conversion factor if you are converting units jtools.check_paths(file_paths) d_list = [] for f in file_paths: hdu = d_list.append(hdu[0].data) hdu.close() hfits =[header_index]) h = hfits[0].header hfits.close() data_sum = sum(d_list) * conversion_factor / len(file_paths) pyfits.writeto(destination, data_sum, header=h, clobber=1) return