def try_launch_container(cls, user_id, max_hop=False): sessname = unique_sessname(user_id) cont = SessContainer.get_by_name(sessname) cls.log_debug("have existing container for %s: %r", sessname, None != cont) if cont is not None: cls.log_debug("container running: %r", cont.is_running()) if max_hop: self_load = Compute.get_instance_stats(Compute.get_instance_id(), 'Load') if self_load < 100: SessContainer.invalidate_container(sessname) JBoxAsyncJob.async_launch_by_name(sessname, user_id, True) return True is_leader = is_proposed_cluster_leader() if ((cont is None) or (not cont.is_running())) and ( not Compute.should_accept_session(is_leader)): if cont is not None: SessContainer.invalidate_container(cont.get_name()) JBoxAsyncJob.async_backup_and_cleanup(cont.dockid) return False SessContainer.invalidate_container(sessname) JBoxAsyncJob.async_launch_by_name(sessname, user_id, True) return True
def is_cluster_leader(): self_id = Compute.get_instance_id() cluster = Compute.get_install_id() instances = Compute.get_all_instances() leader = JBoxDynConfig.get_cluster_leader(cluster) img_recentness = Compute.get_image_recentness() JBoxDB.log_debug( "cluster: %s. instances: %s. leader: %s. image recentness: %d", cluster, repr(instances), repr(leader), img_recentness) # if none set, or set instance is dead elect self as leader, but wait till next cycle to prevent conflicts if (leader is None) or (leader not in instances) and (img_recentness >= 0): JBoxDB.log_info("setting self (%s) as cluster leader", self_id) try: JBoxDynConfig.set_cluster_leader(cluster, self_id) except: JBoxDB.log_info( "error setting self (%s) as cluster leader, will retry", self_id) return False is_leader = (leader == self_id) # if running an older ami, step down from cluster leader if (img_recentness < 0) and is_leader: JBoxDB.log_info("unmarking self (%s) as cluster leader", self_id) JBoxDynConfig.unset_cluster_leader(cluster) return False return is_leader
def is_cluster_leader(): self_id = Compute.get_instance_id() cluster = Compute.get_install_id() instances = Compute.get_all_instances() leader = JBoxDynConfig.get_cluster_leader(cluster) img_recentness = Compute.get_image_recentness() JBoxDB.log_debug("cluster: %s. instances: %s. leader: %s. image recentness: %d", cluster, repr(instances), repr(leader), img_recentness) # if none set, or set instance is dead elect self as leader, but wait till next cycle to prevent conflicts if (leader is None) or (leader not in instances) and (img_recentness >= 0): JBoxDB.log_info("setting self (%s) as cluster leader", self_id) try: JBoxDynConfig.set_cluster_leader(cluster, self_id) except: JBoxDB.log_info("error setting self (%s) as cluster leader, will retry", self_id) return False is_leader = (leader == self_id) # if running an older ami, step down from cluster leader if (img_recentness < 0) and is_leader: JBoxDB.log_info("unmarking self (%s) as cluster leader", self_id) JBoxDynConfig.unset_cluster_leader(cluster) return False return is_leader
def process_commands(argv): with open(argv[2]) as f: uplcourse = eval( conf_dir = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../../host/tornado/conf')) conf_file = os.path.join(conf_dir, 'tornado.conf') user_conf_file = os.path.join('/jboxengine/conf', 'jbox.user'), user_conf_file) LoggerMixin.configure() db.configure() Compute.configure() cmd = argv[1] if cmd == "upload": HomeworkHandler.upload_course(None, uplcourse) elif cmd == "report": as_csv = (argv[3] == "csv") if len(argv) > 3 else False get_report(uplcourse, as_csv) elif cmd == "answers": get_answers(uplcourse) else: print("Unknown option %s" % (cmd, )) print("DONE!")
def chk_and_launch_docker(self, user_id): if self.redirect_to_logged_in_instance(user_id): return nhops = int(self.get_argument('h', 0)) numhopmax = JBoxCfg.get('numhopmax', 0) max_hop = nhops > numhopmax launched = self.try_launch_container(user_id, max_hop=max_hop) if launched: self.set_container_initialized(Compute.get_instance_local_ip(), user_id) self.rendertpl("loading.tpl", user_id=user_id, cfg=JBoxCfg.nv, js_includes=JBPluginHandler.PLUGIN_JAVASCRIPTS) return self.unset_affinity() self.log_debug("at hop %d for user %s", nhops, user_id) if max_hop: if JBoxCfg.get('cloud_host.scale_down'): msg = "JuliaBox is experiencing a sudden surge. Please try in a few minutes while we increase our capacity." else: msg = "JuliaBox servers are fully loaded. Please try after sometime." self.log_error("Server maxed out. Can't launch container at hop %d for user %s", nhops, user_id) self.rendertpl("index.tpl", cfg=JBoxCfg.nv, state=self.state(error=msg, success='')) else: redirect_instance = Compute.get_redirect_instance_id() if redirect_instance is not None: redirect_ip = Compute.get_instance_local_ip(redirect_instance) self.set_redirect_instance_id(redirect_ip) self.redirect('/?h=' + str(nhops + 1))
def post_auth_launch_container(self, user_id): for plugin in JBPluginHandler.jbox_get_plugins(JBPluginHandler.JBP_HANDLER_POST_AUTH): self.log_info("Passing user %r to post auth plugin %r", user_id, plugin) pass_allowed = plugin.process_user_id(self, user_id) if not pass_allowed: self.log_info('Login restricted for user %r by plugin %r', user_id, plugin) return jbuser = JBoxUserV2(user_id, create=True) if not JBPluginHandler.is_user_activated(jbuser): self.redirect('/?pending_activation=' + user_id) return self.set_authenticated(user_id) if jbuser.is_new: if self.redirect_to_logged_in_instance(user_id): return # check if the current instance is appropriate for launching this if self.try_launch_container(user_id, max_hop=False): self.set_container_initialized(Compute.get_instance_local_ip(), user_id) else: # redirect to an appropriate instance redirect_instance = Compute.get_redirect_instance_id() if redirect_instance is not None: redirect_ip = Compute.get_instance_local_ip(redirect_instance) self.set_redirect_instance_id(redirect_ip) self.redirect('/')
def redirect_to_logged_in_instance(self, user_id): loggedin_instance = self.find_logged_in_instance(user_id) if loggedin_instance is not None \ and loggedin_instance != Compute.get_instance_id() \ and loggedin_instance != 'localhost': # redirect to the instance that has the user's session self.log_info("Already logged in to %s. Redirecting", loggedin_instance) redirect_ip = Compute.get_instance_local_ip(loggedin_instance) self.set_redirect_instance_id(redirect_ip) self.redirect('/') return True self.log_info("Logged in %s", "nowhere" if loggedin_instance is None else "here already") return False
def handle_get_metadata(self, is_admin, courses_offered): mode = self.get_argument('mode', None) if (mode is None) or (mode != "metadata"): return False self.log_debug("handling answers") params = self.get_argument('params', None) params = json.loads(params) course_id = params['course'] problemset_id = params['problemset'] question_ids = params['questions'] if 'questions' in params else None send_answers = True if (not is_admin) and (course_id not in courses_offered): send_answers = False err = None course = JBoxDynConfig.get_course(Compute.get_install_id(), course_id) self.log_debug("got course %r", course) if problemset_id not in course['problemsets']: err = "Problem set %s not found!" % (problemset_id,) if question_ids is None: question_ids = course['questions'][problemset_id] if err is None: report = JBoxCourseHomework.get_problemset_metadata(course_id, problemset_id, question_ids, send_answers) code = 0 else: report = err code = -1 response = {'code': code, 'data': report} self.write(response) return True
def find_logged_in_instance(user_id): sessname = unique_sessname(user_id) try: sess_props = JBoxSessionProps(Compute.get_install_id(), sessname) return sess_props.get_instance_id() except JBoxDBItemNotFound: return None
def get(self): self.log_debug("APIInfo handler got GET request") key = self.get_argument("key", None) sign = self.get_argument("sign", None) if key is None or sign is None: self.send_error() return sign2 = signstr(key, JBoxCfg.get('sesskey')) if sign != sign2: self.log_info("signature mismatch. key:%r sign:%r expected:%r", key, sign, sign2) self.send_error() return api_status = JBoxInstanceProps.get_instance_status(Compute.get_install_id()) self.log_info("cluster api status: %r", api_status) # filter out instances that should not accept more load filtered_api_status = {k: v for (k, v) in api_status.iteritems() if v['accept']} preferred_instances = filtered_api_status.keys() # flip the dict per_api_instances = dict() for (inst, status) in filtered_api_status.iteritems(): api_names = status['api_status'].keys() for api_name in api_names: v = per_api_instances.get(api_name, []) v.append(inst) per_api_instances[" preferred "] = preferred_instances self.log_info("per api instances: %r", per_api_instances) self.write(per_api_instances) return
def update_user_home_image(fetch=True): plugin = JBPluginCloud.jbox_get_plugin(JBPluginCloud.JBP_BUCKETSTORE) if plugin is None: VolMgr.log_info("No plugin provided for bucketstore. Can not update packages and user home images") return home_img_dir, curr_home_img = os.path.split(JBoxVol.USER_HOME_IMG) pkg_img_dir, curr_pkg_img = os.path.split(JBoxVol.PKG_IMG) bucket, new_pkg_img, new_home_img = JBoxDynConfig.get_user_home_image(Compute.get_install_id()) new_home_img_path = os.path.join(home_img_dir, new_home_img) new_pkg_img_path = os.path.join(pkg_img_dir, new_pkg_img) updated = False for img_path in (new_home_img_path, new_pkg_img_path): if not os.path.exists(img_path): if fetch: VolMgr.log_debug("fetching new image to %s", img_path) k = plugin.pull(bucket, img_path) if k is not None: VolMgr.log_debug("fetched new image") if os.path.exists(new_home_img_path): VolMgr.log_debug("set new home image to %s", new_home_img_path) JBoxVol.USER_HOME_IMG = new_home_img_path updated = True if os.path.exists(new_pkg_img_path): VolMgr.log_debug("set new pkg image to %s", new_pkg_img_path) JBoxVol.PKG_IMG = new_pkg_img_path updated = True return updated
def do_cluster_housekeeping(): JBoxEBSHousekeep.log_debug("starting cluster housekeeping") detached_disks = JBoxDiskState.get_detached_disks() time_now = for disk_key in detached_disks: disk_info = JBoxDiskState(disk_key=disk_key) user_id = disk_info.get_user_id() sess_props = JBoxSessionProps(Compute.get_install_id(), unique_sessname(user_id)) incomplete_snapshots = [] modified = False for snap_id in disk_info.get_snapshot_ids(): if not EBSVol.is_snapshot_complete(snap_id): incomplete_snapshots.append(snap_id) continue JBoxEBSHousekeep.log_debug("updating latest snapshot of user %s to %s", user_id, snap_id) old_snap_id = sess_props.get_snapshot_id() sess_props.set_snapshot_id(snap_id) modified = True if old_snap_id is not None: EBSVol.delete_snapshot(old_snap_id) if modified: disk_info.set_snapshot_ids(incomplete_snapshots) if len(incomplete_snapshots) == 0: if (time_now - disk_info.get_detach_time()).total_seconds() > 24*60*60: vol_id = disk_info.get_volume_id() JBoxEBSHousekeep.log_debug("volume %s for user %s unused for too long", vol_id, user_id) disk_info.delete() EBSVol.detach_volume(vol_id, delete=True) else: JBoxEBSHousekeep.log_debug("ongoing snapshots of user %s: %r", user_id, incomplete_snapshots) JBoxEBSHousekeep.log_debug("finished cluster housekeeping")
def do_cluster_housekeeping(): JBoxEBSHousekeep.log_debug("starting cluster housekeeping") detached_disks = JBoxDiskState.get_detached_disks() time_now = for disk_key in detached_disks: disk_info = JBoxDiskState(disk_key=disk_key) user_id = disk_info.get_user_id() sess_props = JBoxSessionProps(Compute.get_install_id(), unique_sessname(user_id)) incomplete_snapshots = [] modified = False for snap_id in disk_info.get_snapshot_ids(): if not EBSVol.is_snapshot_complete(snap_id): incomplete_snapshots.append(snap_id) continue JBoxEBSHousekeep.log_debug("updating latest snapshot of user %s to %s", user_id, snap_id) old_snap_id = sess_props.get_snapshot_id() sess_props.set_snapshot_id(snap_id) modified = True if old_snap_id is not None: EBSVol.delete_snapshot(old_snap_id) if modified: disk_info.set_snapshot_ids(incomplete_snapshots) if len(incomplete_snapshots) == 0: if (time_now - disk_info.get_detach_time()).total_seconds() > 24 * 60 * 60: vol_id = disk_info.get_volume_id() JBoxEBSHousekeep.log_debug("volume %s for user %s unused for too long", vol_id, user_id) disk_info.delete() EBSVol.detach_volume(vol_id, delete=True) else: JBoxEBSHousekeep.log_debug("ongoing snapshots of user %s: %r", user_id, incomplete_snapshots) JBoxEBSHousekeep.log_debug("finished cluster housekeeping")
def redirect_to_logged_in_instance(self, user_id): loggedin_instance = self.find_logged_in_instance(user_id) if loggedin_instance is not None \ and loggedin_instance != Compute.get_instance_id() \ and loggedin_instance != 'localhost': # redirect to the instance that has the user's session self.log_info("Already logged in to %s. Redirecting", loggedin_instance) redirect_ip = Compute.get_instance_local_ip(loggedin_instance) self.set_redirect_instance_id(redirect_ip) self.redirect('/') return True self.log_info( "Logged in %s", "nowhere" if loggedin_instance is None else "here already") return False
def has_update_for_user_home_image(): home_img_dir, curr_home_img = os.path.split(JBoxVol.USER_HOME_IMG) pkg_img_dir, curr_pkg_img = os.path.split(JBoxVol.PKG_IMG) # VolMgr.log_debug("checking for updates to user home image %s/%s", img_dir, curr_img) bucket, new_pkg_img, new_home_img = JBoxDynConfig.get_user_home_image( Compute.get_install_id()) if bucket is None: VolMgr.log_info("Home: none configured. current: %s/%s", home_img_dir, curr_home_img) return False if new_home_img == curr_home_img and new_pkg_img == curr_pkg_img: VolMgr.log_info("Home: no updates. current: %s/%s", home_img_dir, curr_home_img) VolMgr.log_info("Packages: no updates. current: %s/%s", pkg_img_dir, curr_pkg_img) return False else: VolMgr.log_info("Home: update: %s/%s. current: %s/%s", bucket, new_home_img, home_img_dir, curr_home_img) VolMgr.log_info("Packages: update: %s/%s. current: %s/%s", bucket, new_pkg_img, home_img_dir, curr_pkg_img) return True
def is_user_activated(jbuser): reg_allowed = JBoxDynConfig.get_allow_registration( Compute.get_install_id()) if jbuser.is_new: if not reg_allowed: activation_state = JBoxUserV2.ACTIVATION_REQUESTED else: activation_state = JBoxUserV2.ACTIVATION_GRANTED jbuser.set_activation_state(JBoxUserV2.ACTIVATION_CODE_AUTO, activation_state) else: activation_code, activation_state = jbuser.get_activation_state() if reg_allowed and (activation_state != JBoxUserV2.ACTIVATION_GRANTED): activation_state = JBoxUserV2.ACTIVATION_GRANTED jbuser.set_activation_state(JBoxUserV2.ACTIVATION_CODE_AUTO, activation_state) elif activation_state != JBoxUserV2.ACTIVATION_GRANTED: if not ((activation_state == JBoxUserV2.ACTIVATION_REQUESTED) and (activation_code == JBoxUserV2.ACTIVATION_CODE_AUTO)): activation_state = JBoxUserV2.ACTIVATION_REQUESTED jbuser.set_activation_state( JBoxUserV2.ACTIVATION_CODE_AUTO, activation_state) return activation_state == JBoxUserV2.ACTIVATION_GRANTED
def _backup(self, clear_volume=False): sess_props = JBoxSessionProps(Compute.get_install_id(), self.sessname) desc = sess_props.get_user_id() + " JuliaBox Backup" disk_id = self.disk_path.split('/')[-1] snap_id = EBSVol.snapshot_volume(dev_id=disk_id, tag=self.sessname, description=desc, wait_till_complete=False) return snap_id
def handle_if_instance_info(self, is_allowed): stats = self.get_argument('instance_info', None) if stats is None: return False if not is_allowed: AdminHandler.log_error("Show instance info not allowed for user") response = {'code': -1, 'data': 'You do not have permissions to view these stats'} else: try: if stats == 'load': result = {} # get cluster loads average_load = Compute.get_cluster_average_stats('Load') if None != average_load: result['Average Load'] = average_load machine_loads = Compute.get_cluster_stats('Load') if None != machine_loads: for n, v in machine_loads.iteritems(): result['Instance ' + n] = v elif stats == 'sessions': result = dict() instances = Compute.get_all_instances() for idx in range(0, len(instances)): try: inst = instances[idx] result[inst] = JBoxAsyncJob.sync_session_status(inst)['data'] except: JBoxHandler.log_error("Error receiving sessions list from %r", inst) elif stats == 'apis': result = APIContainer.get_cluster_api_status() else: raise Exception("unknown command %s" % (stats,)) response = {'code': 0, 'data': result} except: AdminHandler.log_error("exception while getting stats") AdminHandler._get_logger().exception("exception while getting stats") response = {'code': -1, 'data': 'error getting stats'} self.write(response) return True
def setup_instance_config(self, profiles=('default',)): for profile in profiles: profile_path = '.ipython/profile_' + profile profile_path = os.path.join(self.disk_path, profile_path) if not os.path.exists(profile_path): continue nbconfig = os.path.join(profile_path, '') wsock_cfg = "c.NotebookApp.websocket_url = '" + JBoxVol.NOTEBOOK_WEBSOCK_PROTO + \ Compute.get_alias_hostname() + "'\n" JBoxVol.replace_in_file(nbconfig, "c.NotebookApp.websocket_url", wsock_cfg)
def setup_instance_config(self, profiles=('default', )): for profile in profiles: profile_path = '.ipython/profile_' + profile profile_path = os.path.join(self.disk_path, profile_path) if not os.path.exists(profile_path): continue nbconfig = os.path.join(profile_path, '') wsock_cfg = "c.NotebookApp.websocket_url = '" + JBoxVol.NOTEBOOK_WEBSOCK_PROTO + \ Compute.get_alias_hostname() + "'\n" JBoxVol.replace_in_file(nbconfig, "c.NotebookApp.websocket_url", wsock_cfg)
def get(self): args = self.get_argument('m', default=None) if args is not None: self.log_debug("setting cookies") self.unpack(args) self.set_status(status_code=204) self.finish() else: args = self.pack() url = "//" + Compute.get_alias_hostname() + "/jboxcors/?m=" + args self.log_debug("redirecting to " + url) self.redirect(url)
def get_cluster_api_status(): result = dict() for inst in Compute.get_all_instances(): try: api_status = JBoxAsyncJob.sync_api_status(inst) if api_status['code'] == 0: result[inst] = api_status['data'] else: APIContainer.log_error("error fetching api status from %s", inst) except: APIContainer.log_error("exception fetching api status from %s", inst) APIContainer.log_debug("api status: %r", result) return result
def get_active_sessions(): instances = Compute.get_all_instances() active_sessions = set() for inst in instances: try: sessions = JBoxAsyncJob.sync_session_status(inst)['data'] if len(sessions) > 0: for sess_id in sessions.keys(): active_sessions.add(sess_id) except: SessContainer.log_error("Error receiving sessions list from %r", inst) return active_sessions
def allocate_random_endpoints(): ctx = zmq.Context.instance() binder = ctx.socket(zmq.REQ) bind_pfx = "tcp://" + Compute.get_docker_bridge_ip() port_in = binder.bind_to_random_port(bind_pfx) port_out = binder.bind_to_random_port(bind_pfx) binder.close() time.sleep(0.25) endpoint_in = bind_pfx + str(':') + str(port_in) endpoint_out = bind_pfx + str(':') + str(port_out) return endpoint_in, endpoint_out
def find_logged_in_instance(user_id): container_id = "/" + unique_sessname(user_id) instances = Compute.get_all_instances() for inst in instances: try: sessions = JBoxAsyncJob.sync_session_status(inst)['data'] if len(sessions) > 0: if container_id in sessions: return inst except: JBoxHandler.log_error("Error receiving sessions list from %r", inst) pass return None
def get_disk_for_user(user_email): JBoxEBSVol.log_debug("creating EBS volume for %s", user_email) disk_id = JBoxEBSVol._reserve_disk_id() if disk_id is None: raise Exception("No free disk available") try: existing_disk = JBoxDiskState(cluster_id=CompEC2.INSTALL_ID, region_id=CompEC2.REGION, user_id=user_email) except Exception as ex: JBoxEBSVol.log_debug("No existing disk for %s. Exception %r", user_email, ex) existing_disk = None if existing_disk is None: sess_id = unique_sessname(user_email) sess_props = JBoxSessionProps(Compute.get_install_id(), sess_id, create=True, user_id=user_email) if sess_props.is_new: snap_id = sess_props.get_snapshot_id() if snap_id is None: snap_id = JBoxEBSVol.DISK_TEMPLATE_SNAPSHOT JBoxEBSVol.log_debug("will use snapshot id %s for %s", snap_id, user_email) dev_path, vol_id = EBSVol.create_new_volume( snap_id, disk_id, tag=user_email, disk_sz_gb=JBoxEBSVol.DISK_LIMIT) existing_disk = JBoxDiskState(cluster_id=CompEC2.INSTALL_ID, region_id=CompEC2.REGION, user_id=user_email, volume_id=vol_id, attach_time=None, create=True) else: dev_path = EBSVol.attach_volume(existing_disk.get_volume_id(), disk_id) existing_disk.set_state(JBoxDiskState.STATE_ATTACHING) return JBoxEBSVol(dev_path, user_email=user_email)
def post_auth_launch_container(self, user_id): jbuser = JBoxUserV2(user_id, create=True) if not JBPluginHandler.is_user_activated(jbuser): self.redirect('/?pending_activation=' + user_id) return self.set_authenticated(user_id) if jbuser.is_new: if self.redirect_to_logged_in_instance(user_id): return # check if the current instance is appropriate for launching this if self.try_launch_container(user_id, max_hop=False): self.set_container_initialized(Compute.get_instance_local_ip(), user_id) else: # redirect to an appropriate instance redirect_instance = Compute.get_redirect_instance_id() if redirect_instance is not None: redirect_ip = Compute.get_instance_local_ip(redirect_instance) self.set_redirect_instance_id(redirect_ip) self.redirect('/')
def try_launch_container(cls, user_id, max_hop=False): sessname = unique_sessname(user_id) cont = SessContainer.get_by_name(sessname) cls.log_debug("have existing container for %s: %r", sessname, None != cont) if cont is not None: cls.log_debug("container running: %r", cont.is_running()) if max_hop: self_load = Compute.get_instance_stats(Compute.get_instance_id(), 'Load') if self_load < 100: SessContainer.invalidate_container(sessname) JBoxAsyncJob.async_launch_by_name(sessname, user_id, True) return True is_leader = is_proposed_cluster_leader() if ((cont is None) or (not cont.is_running())) and (not Compute.should_accept_session(is_leader)): if cont is not None: SessContainer.invalidate_container(cont.get_name()) JBoxAsyncJob.async_backup_and_cleanup(cont.dockid) return False SessContainer.invalidate_container(sessname) JBoxAsyncJob.async_launch_by_name(sessname, user_id, True) return True
def get_active_sessions(): instances = Compute.get_all_instances() active_sessions = set() for inst in instances: try: sessions = JBoxAsyncJob.sync_session_status(inst)['data'] if len(sessions) > 0: for sess_id in sessions.keys(): active_sessions.add(sess_id) except: SessContainer.log_error( "Error receiving sessions list from %r", inst) return active_sessions
def handle_if_instance_info(self, is_allowed): stats = self.get_argument('instance_info', None) if stats is None: return False if not is_allowed: AdminHandler.log_error("Show instance info not allowed for user") response = {'code': -1, 'data': 'You do not have permissions to view these stats'} else: try: if stats == 'load': result = {} # get cluster loads average_load = Compute.get_cluster_average_stats('Load') if average_load is not None: result['Average Load'] = average_load machine_loads = Compute.get_cluster_stats('Load') if machine_loads is not None: for n, v in machine_loads.iteritems(): result['Instance ' + n] = v elif stats == 'sessions': result = JBoxSessionProps.get_active_sessions(Compute.get_install_id()) elif stats == 'apis': result = JBoxInstanceProps.get_instance_status(Compute.get_install_id()) else: raise Exception("unknown command %s" % (stats,)) response = {'code': 0, 'data': result} except: AdminHandler.log_error("exception while getting stats") AdminHandler._get_logger().exception("exception while getting stats") response = {'code': -1, 'data': 'error getting stats'} self.write(response) return True
def do_periodic_task(_mode): active_clusters = UserCluster.list_all_groupids() ParallelHousekeep.log_info("%d active clusters", len(active_clusters)) if len(active_clusters) == 0: return for cluster_id in active_clusters: sessname = UserCluster.sessname_for_cluster(cluster_id) try: sess_props = JBoxSessionProps(Compute.get_install_id(), sessname) if not sess_props.get_instance_id(): ParallelHousekeep.log_info( "Session (%s) corresponding to cluster (%s) not found. Terminating cluster.", sessname, cluster_id) ParallelHousekeep.terminate_or_delete_cluster(cluster_id) except JBoxDBItemNotFound: pass
def handle_if_report(self, user_id, is_admin, courses_offered): mode = self.get_argument('mode', None) if (mode is None) or ((mode != "report") and (mode != "myreport")): return False self.log_debug("handling report") params = self.get_argument('params', None) params = json.loads(params) course_id = params['course'] problemset_id = params['problemset'] question_ids = params['questions'] if 'questions' in params else None if mode == "myreport": student_id = user_id else: student_id = params['student'] if 'student' in params else None err = None if (not is_admin) and (course_id not in courses_offered): if student_id is None: student_id = user_id elif student_id != user_id: err = "Course %s not found!" % (course_id, ) if err is None: course = JBoxDynConfig.get_course(Compute.get_install_id(), course_id) if problemset_id not in course['problemsets']: err = "Problem set %s not found!" % (problemset_id, ) elif question_ids is None: question_ids = course['questions'][problemset_id] if err is None: report = JBoxCourseHomework.get_report(course_id, problemset_id, question_ids, student_id=student_id) code = 0 else: report = err code = -1 response = {'code': code, 'data': report} self.write(response) return True
def release(self, backup=False): sess_props = JBoxSessionProps(Compute.get_install_id(), self.sessname) existing_disk = JBoxDiskState(cluster_id=CompEC2.INSTALL_ID, region_id=CompEC2.REGION, user_id=sess_props.get_user_id()) existing_disk.set_state(JBoxDiskState.STATE_DETACHING) disk_id = self.disk_path.split('/')[-1] if backup: snap_id = self._backup() else: snap_id = None vol_id = EBSVol.get_volume_id_from_device(disk_id) EBSVol.detach_volume(vol_id, delete=False) if snap_id is not None: existing_disk.add_snapshot_id(snap_id) existing_disk.set_state(JBoxDiskState.STATE_DETACHED)
def has_update_for_user_home_image(): home_img_dir, curr_home_img = os.path.split(JBoxVol.USER_HOME_IMG) pkg_img_dir, curr_pkg_img = os.path.split(JBoxVol.PKG_IMG) # VolMgr.log_debug("checking for updates to user home image %s/%s", img_dir, curr_img) bucket, new_pkg_img, new_home_img = JBoxDynConfig.get_user_home_image(Compute.get_install_id()) if bucket is None: VolMgr.log_info("Home: none configured. current: %s/%s", home_img_dir, curr_home_img) return False if new_home_img == curr_home_img and new_pkg_img == curr_pkg_img: VolMgr.log_info("Home: no updates. current: %s/%s", home_img_dir, curr_home_img) VolMgr.log_info("Packages: no updates. current: %s/%s", pkg_img_dir, curr_pkg_img) return False else: VolMgr.log_info("Home: update: %s/%s. current: %s/%s", bucket, new_home_img, home_img_dir, curr_home_img) VolMgr.log_info("Packages: update: %s/%s. current: %s/%s", bucket, new_pkg_img, home_img_dir, curr_pkg_img) return True
def handle_if_report(self, user_id, is_admin, courses_offered): mode = self.get_argument('mode', None) if (mode is None) or ((mode != "report") and (mode != "myreport")): return False self.log_debug("handling report") params = self.get_argument('params', None) params = json.loads(params) course_id = params['course'] problemset_id = params['problemset'] question_ids = params['questions'] if 'questions' in params else None if mode == "myreport": student_id = user_id else: student_id = params['student'] if 'student' in params else None err = None if (not is_admin) and (course_id not in courses_offered): if student_id is None: student_id = user_id elif student_id != user_id: err = "Course %s not found!" % (course_id,) if err is None: course = JBoxDynConfig.get_course(Compute.get_install_id(), course_id) if problemset_id not in course['problemsets']: err = "Problem set %s not found!" % (problemset_id,) elif question_ids is None: question_ids = course['questions'][problemset_id] if err is None: report = JBoxCourseHomework.get_report(course_id, problemset_id, question_ids, student_id=student_id) code = 0 else: report = err code = -1 response = {'code': code, 'data': report} self.write(response) return True
def get(self): self.log_debug("APIInfo handler got GET request") key = self.get_argument("key", None) sign = self.get_argument("sign", None) if key is None or sign is None: self.send_error() return sign2 = signstr(key, JBoxCfg.get('sesskey')) if sign != sign2: self.log_info("signature mismatch. key:%r sign:%r expected:%r", key, sign, sign2) self.send_error() return api_status = JBoxInstanceProps.get_instance_status( Compute.get_install_id()) self.log_info("cluster api status: %r", api_status) # filter out instances that should not accept more load filtered_api_status = { k: v for (k, v) in api_status.iteritems() if v['accept'] } preferred_instances = filtered_api_status.keys() # flip the dict per_api_instances = dict() for (inst, status) in filtered_api_status.iteritems(): api_names = status['api_status'].keys() for api_name in api_names: v = per_api_instances.get(api_name, []) v.append(inst) per_api_instances[" preferred "] = preferred_instances self.log_info("per api instances: %r", per_api_instances) self.write(per_api_instances) return
def handle_if_stats(self, is_allowed): stats = self.get_argument('stats', None) if stats is None: return False if not is_allowed: AdminHandler.log_error("Show stats not allowed for user") response = {'code': -1, 'data': 'You do not have permissions to view these stats'} else: try: if stats == 'stat_sessions': stats = self.get_session_stats() else: stats = JBoxDynConfig.get_stat(Compute.get_install_id(), stats) response = {'code': 0, 'data': stats} if stats is not None else {'code': 1, 'data': {}} except: AdminHandler.log_error("exception while getting stats") AdminHandler._get_logger().exception("exception while getting stats") response = {'code': -1, 'data': 'error getting stats'} self.write(response) return True
def get_disk_for_user(user_email): JBoxEBSVol.log_debug("creating EBS volume for %s", user_email) disk_id = JBoxEBSVol._reserve_disk_id() if disk_id is None: raise Exception("No free disk available") try: existing_disk = JBoxDiskState(cluster_id=CompEC2.INSTALL_ID, region_id=CompEC2.REGION, user_id=user_email) except Exception as ex: JBoxEBSVol.log_debug("No existing disk for %s. Exception %r", user_email, ex) existing_disk = None if existing_disk is None: sess_id = unique_sessname(user_email) sess_props = JBoxSessionProps(Compute.get_install_id(), sess_id, create=True, user_id=user_email) if sess_props.is_new: snap_id = sess_props.get_snapshot_id() if snap_id is None: snap_id = JBoxEBSVol.DISK_TEMPLATE_SNAPSHOT JBoxEBSVol.log_debug("will use snapshot id %s for %s", snap_id, user_email) dev_path, vol_id = EBSVol.create_new_volume(snap_id, disk_id, tag=user_email, disk_sz_gb=JBoxEBSVol.DISK_LIMIT) existing_disk = JBoxDiskState(cluster_id=CompEC2.INSTALL_ID, region_id=CompEC2.REGION, user_id=user_email, volume_id=vol_id, attach_time=None, create=True) else: dev_path = EBSVol.attach_volume(existing_disk.get_volume_id(), disk_id) existing_disk.set_state(JBoxDiskState.STATE_ATTACHING) return JBoxEBSVol(dev_path, user_email=user_email)
def is_user_activated(jbuser): reg_allowed = JBoxDynConfig.get_allow_registration(Compute.get_install_id()) if jbuser.is_new: if not reg_allowed: activation_state = JBoxUserV2.ACTIVATION_REQUESTED else: activation_state = JBoxUserV2.ACTIVATION_GRANTED jbuser.set_activation_state(JBoxUserV2.ACTIVATION_CODE_AUTO, activation_state) else: activation_code, activation_state = jbuser.get_activation_state() if reg_allowed and (activation_state != JBoxUserV2.ACTIVATION_GRANTED): activation_state = JBoxUserV2.ACTIVATION_GRANTED jbuser.set_activation_state(JBoxUserV2.ACTIVATION_CODE_AUTO, activation_state) elif activation_state != JBoxUserV2.ACTIVATION_GRANTED: if not ((activation_state == JBoxUserV2.ACTIVATION_REQUESTED) and (activation_code == JBoxUserV2.ACTIVATION_CODE_AUTO)): activation_state = JBoxUserV2.ACTIVATION_REQUESTED jbuser.set_activation_state(JBoxUserV2.ACTIVATION_CODE_AUTO, activation_state) return activation_state == JBoxUserV2.ACTIVATION_GRANTED
def publish_stats(): VolMgr.calc_stats() VolMgr.log_debug("stats: %r", VolMgr.STATS) JBoxDynConfig.set_stat(Compute.get_install_id(), VolMgr.STAT_NAME, VolMgr.STATS)
def upload_course(user_id, course): course_id = course['id'] if (user_id is not None) and (user_id not in course['admins']): course['admins'].append(user_id) existing_course = JBoxDynConfig.get_course(Compute.get_install_id(), course_id) existing_admins = existing_course['admins'] if existing_course is not None else [] existing_psets = existing_course['problemsets'] if existing_course is not None else [] question_list = {} if (existing_course is not None) and ('questions' in existing_course): question_list = existing_course['questions'] if (existing_course is not None) and (user_id is not None) and (user_id not in existing_admins): return -1 for pset in course['problemsets']: pset_id = pset['id'] if pset_id not in existing_psets: existing_psets.append(pset_id) question_ids = [q['id'] for q in pset['questions']] question_list[pset_id] = question_ids dt = JBoxDynConfig.set_course(Compute.get_install_id(), course_id, { 'admins': course['admins'], 'problemsets': existing_psets, 'questions': question_list, 'create_time': JBoxUserV2.datetime_to_yyyymmdd(dt) }) for problemset in course['problemsets']: problemset_id = problemset['id'] questions = problemset['questions'] for question in questions: question_id = question['id'] answer = question['ans'] score = question['score'] if 'score' in question else 0 attempts = question['attempts'] if 'attempts' in question else 0 # nscore = question['nscore'] if 'nscore' in question else 0 try: ans = JBoxCourseHomework(course_id, problemset_id, question_id, JBoxCourseHomework.ANSWER_KEY, answer=answer, state=JBoxCourseHomework.STATE_CORRECT, create=True) except: ans = JBoxCourseHomework(course_id, problemset_id, question_id, JBoxCourseHomework.ANSWER_KEY) ans.set_answer(answer, JBoxCourseHomework.STATE_CORRECT) ans.set_score(score) ans.set_attempts(attempts) for uid in course['admins']: user = JBoxUserV2(uid) courses_offered = user.get_courses_offered() if course['id'] not in courses_offered: courses_offered.append(course['id']) user.set_courses_offered(courses_offered) user.set_role(JBoxUserV2.ROLE_OFFER_COURSES) for uid in existing_admins: if uid in course['admins']: continue user = JBoxUserV2(uid) courses_offered = user.get_courses_offered() if course['id'] in courses_offered: courses_offered.remove(course['id']) user.set_courses_offered(courses_offered) user.set_role(JBoxUserV2.ROLE_OFFER_COURSES) return 0
from jbox_util import JBoxCfg, LoggerMixin, unique_sessname from juliabox import db from juliabox.db import JBoxDynConfig, JBoxSessionProps, JBoxUserV2 from import JBPluginCloud from import Compute conf_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../conf')) conf_file = os.path.join(conf_dir, 'tornado.conf') user_conf_file = os.path.join(conf_dir, 'jbox.user'), user_conf_file) JBoxCfg.dckr = docker.Client() LoggerMixin.configure() db.configure() Compute.configure() TESTCLSTR = 'testcluster' class TestDBTables(LoggerMixin): @staticmethod def test(): sprops = JBoxSessionProps(TESTCLSTR, unique_sessname('*****@*****.**')) TestDBTables.log_debug("JBoxSessionProps. user_id: %s, snapshot_id: %s, message: %s", sprops.get_user_id(), sprops.get_snapshot_id(), sprops.get_message()) JBoxDynConfig.set_cluster_leader(TESTCLSTR, 'testinstance') assert JBoxDynConfig.get_cluster_leader(TESTCLSTR) == 'testinstance'
def publish_stats(): JBoxUserV2.calc_stats() JBoxDynConfig.set_stat(Compute.get_install_id(), JBoxUserV2.STAT_NAME, JBoxUserV2.STATS)