class Certbot(Base): DEFAULT_NAME = "certbot" DEFAULT_LOGS_DIR = j.sals.fs.join_paths(j.core.dirs.LOGDIR, DEFAULT_NAME) DEFAULT_CONFIG_DIR = j.sals.fs.join_paths(j.core.dirs.CFGDIR, DEFAULT_NAME) DEFAULT_WORK_DIR = j.sals.fs.join_paths(j.core.dirs.VARDIR, DEFAULT_NAME) # the following options match the certbot command arguments domain = fields.String(required=True) non_interactive = fields.Boolean(default=True) agree_tos = fields.Boolean(default=True) logs_dir = fields.String(default=DEFAULT_LOGS_DIR) config_dir = fields.String(default=DEFAULT_CONFIG_DIR) work_dir = fields.String(default=DEFAULT_WORK_DIR) email = fields.Email() server = fields.URL() eab_kid = fields.String() eab_hmac_key = fields.String() # for existing certificates key_path = fields.String() cert_path = fields.String() fullchain_path = fields.String() @property def run_cmd(self): args = [self.DEFAULT_NAME] for name, value in self.to_dict().items(): if name.endswith("_"): continue if value: # append only if the field has a value name = name.replace("_", "-") args.append(f"--{name}") # append the value itself only if it's a boolean value # boolean options are set by adding name only if not isinstance(value, bool): args.append(value) return args @property def install_cmd(self): # replace "certbot" with "certbot install" cmd = self.run_cmd cmd.insert(1, "install") return cmd @property def renew_cmd(self): # replace "certbot" with "certbot install" renew_certbot = Certbot(work_dir=self.work_dir, config_dir=self.config_dir, logs_dir=self.logs_dir, domain="") cmd = renew_certbot.run_cmd cmd.insert(1, "renew") return cmd
class PoolPayment(Base): id = fields.Integer() farmer_id = fields.Integer() address = fields.String() expiration = fields.DateTime() asset = fields.String() amount = fields.Integer() paid = fields.Boolean() released = fields.Boolean() canceled = fields.Boolean() cause = fields.String()
class SSHClient(Client): name = fields.String() sshkey = fields.String() host = fields.String(default="") user = fields.String(default="root") port = fields.Integer() forward_agent = fields.Boolean(default=True) connect_timeout = fields.Integer(default=10) # gateway = ? FIXME: should help with proxyjumps. # connect_kwargs = ? FIXME: how to pass dict? inline_ssh_env = fields.Boolean(default=True) # whether to send environment variables “inline” as prefixes in front of command strings (export VARNAME=value && mycommand here), instead of trying to submit them through the SSH protocol itself (which is the default behavior). This is necessary if the remote server has a restricted AcceptEnv setting (which is the common default). def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.__client = None def _sshkey(self): return j.clients.sshkey.get(self.sshkey) @property def sshclient(self): if not self.__client: connection_kwargs = dict(, user=self.user, port=self.port, forward_agent=self.forward_agent, connect_timeout=self.connect_timeout, connect_kwargs={ "key_filename": self._sshkey().private_key_path, }) # FIXME: coredump here. # if self._sshkey.passphrase: # connection_kwargs["connect_kwargs"]["passphrase"] = self._sshkey().passphrase self.__client = j.core.executors.RemoteExecutor(**connection_kwargs) return self.__client def reset_connection(self): self.__client = None def __getattr__(self, name): return getattr(self.sshclient, name) def __dir__(self): return list(self.__dict__.keys()) + dir(self.sshclient)
class Website(Base): port = fields.Integer(default=80) ssl = fields.Boolean() domain = fields.String() path = fields.String() locations = fields.Factory(Location) @property def path_cfg_dir(self): return f"{self.parent.path_cfg_dir}/servers" @property def path_cfg(self): return f"{self.path_cfg_dir}/{self.instance_name}.http.conf" @property def path_web(self): return self.parent.path_web def configure(self): """Writes configuration of the website and its locations """ j.sals.fs.mkdir(self.path_cfg_dir) config = render_config_template("website", base_dir=j.core.dirs.BASEDIR, website=self) j.sals.fs.write_file(self.path_cfg, config) for location_name in self.locations.list_all(): location = self.locations.get(location_name) location.configure()
class K8s(Base): id = fields.Integer() size = fields.Integer() network_id = fields.String(default="") ipaddress = fields.IPAddress() cluster_secret = fields.String(default="") master_ips = fields.List(fields.IPAddress()) ssh_keys = fields.List(fields.String()) public_ip = fields.Integer() stats_aggregator = fields.List(fields.Object(Statsaggregator)) info = fields.Object(ReservationInfo) datastore_endpoint = fields.String(default="") disable_default_ingress = fields.Boolean(default=True) SIZES = VMSIZES def resource_units(self): resource_units = ResourceUnitAmount() size = VMSIZES.get(self.size) if not size: raise j.exceptions.Input(f"kubernetes size {self.size} not supported") resource_units.cru += size["cru"] resource_units.mru += size["mru"] resource_units.sru += size["sru"] return resource_units
class Container(Base): id = fields.Integer() flist = fields.String(default="") hub_url = fields.String(default="") storage_url = fields.String(default="") environment = fields.Typed(dict) secret_environment = fields.Typed(dict) entrypoint = fields.String(default="") interactive = fields.Boolean(default=True) volumes = fields.List(fields.Object(ContainerMount)) network_connection = fields.List(fields.Object(ContainerNetworkConnection)) stats = fields.List(fields.Object(ContainerStats)) farmer_tid = fields.Integer() logs = fields.List(fields.Object(ContainerLogs)) capacity = fields.Object(ContainerCapacity) info = fields.Object(ReservationInfo) def resource_units(self): cap = self.capacity resource_units = ResourceUnitAmount() resource_units.cru = cap.cpu resource_units.mru = round(cap.memory / 1024 * 10000) / 10000 storage_size = round(cap.disk_size / 1024 * 10000) / 10000 storage_size = max(0, storage_size - 50) # we offer the 50 first GB of storage for container root filesystem if cap.disk_type == DiskType.HDD: resource_units.hru += storage_size elif cap.disk_type == DiskType.SSD: resource_units.sru += storage_size return resource_units
class Location(Base): name = fields.String() path_url = fields.String() is_auth = fields.Boolean(default=False) force_https = fields.Boolean(default=False) path_location = fields.String() index = fields.String() use_weblibs = fields.Boolean(default=False) ipaddr_dest = fields.String() port_dest = fields.Integer() path_dest = fields.String() connection_type = fields.String() location_type = fields.String() scheme = fields.String() config = fields.String() @property def path_cfg_dir(self): return f"{self.parent.path_cfg_dir}/{self.parent.instance_name}_locations" @property def path_cfg(self): return f"{self.path_cfg_dir}/{self.instance_name}.conf" @property def path_web(self): return self.parent.path_web def write_config(self, content=""): if not content: content = render_config_template(f"location_{self.location_type}", obj=self) j.sals.fs.write_file(self.path_cfg, content) def configure(self): """Config is a server config file of nginx (in text format) """ j.sals.fs.mkdir(self.path_cfg_dir) if self.location_type in ["static", "spa"]: if not self.path_location.endswith("/"): self.path_location += "/" # if self.location_type == "proxy": Uncomment when dependencies are handled # j.sals.process.execute("moonc .", cwd=self.path_location) self.write_config(self.config)
class Farm(Base): id = fields.Integer() threebot_id = fields.Integer() iyo_organization = fields.String(default="") name = fields.String(default="") wallet_addresses = fields.List(fields.Object(WalletAddress)) location = fields.Object(Location) email = fields.Email() resource_prices = fields.List(fields.Object(ResourceUnitPrice)) prefix_zero = fields.IPRange() ipaddresses = fields.List(fields.Object(FarmerIP)) enable_custom_pricing = fields.Boolean(default=False) farm_cloudunits_price = fields.Object(CloudUnitMonthPrice) is_grid3_compliant = fields.Boolean(default=False) def __str__(self): return " - ".join([x for x in [, str(self.location)] if x])
def test_bool(self): field = fields.Boolean() self.assertEqual(field.from_raw("yes"), True) self.assertEqual(field.from_raw("off"), False) self.assertEqual(field.from_raw(complex(1, 2)), True) self.assertEqual(field.from_raw(0), False) with self.assertRaises(ValidationError): field.validate("habd kteer")
class ZdbNamespace(Base): id = fields.Integer() node_id = fields.String(default="") size = fields.Integer() mode = fields.Enum(ZDBMode) password = fields.String(default="") disk_type = fields.Enum(DiskType) public = fields.Boolean(default=False) stats_aggregator = fields.List(fields.Object(Statsaggregator)) info = fields.Object(ReservationInfo)
class Location(Base): name = fields.String() path_url = fields.String() is_auth = fields.Boolean(default=False) force_https = fields.Boolean(default=False) path_location = fields.String() index = fields.String() ipaddr_dest = fields.String() port_dest = fields.Integer() path_dest = fields.String() location_type = fields.Enum(LocationType) scheme = fields.String() @property def path_cfg_dir(self): return f"{self.parent.path_cfg_dir}/{self.parent.instance_name}_locations" @property def path_cfg(self): return f"{self.path_cfg_dir}/{self.instance_name}.conf" @property def path_web(self): return self.parent.path_web def write_config(self, content=""): if not content: content = render_config_template(f"location_{self.location_type}", obj=self) j.sals.fs.write_file(self.path_cfg, content) def configure(self): """Config is a server config file of nginx (in text format) """ j.sals.fs.mkdir(self.path_cfg_dir) if self.location_type.value in [ LocationType.STATIC.value, LocationType.SPA.value ]: if not self.path_location.endswith("/"): self.path_location += "/" self.write_config(self.config)
class User(Base): user_code = fields.String(default="") poll_name = fields.String(default="") wallets_addresses = fields.List(fields.String()) transaction_hashes = fields.List(fields.String()) tokens = fields.Float(default=0.0) vote_data = fields.Typed(dict, default={}) extra_data = fields.Typed(dict, default={}) vote_data_weighted = fields.Typed(dict, default={}) has_voted = fields.Boolean(default=False) manifesto_version = fields.String(default="2.0.0")
class SSHKeyClient(Client): name = fields.String() public_key = fields.String() private_key = fields.String() #should use secret. private_key_path = fields.String() # should use secret. passphrase = fields.String(default="") # should use secret. duration = fields.Integer() allow_agent = fields.Boolean() def __init__(self): super().__init__() if self.private_key_path and j.sals.fs.exists(self.private_key_path): self.load_from_file_system() def load_from_file_system(self): self.public_key = j.sals.fs.read_file(self.public_key_path) self.private_key = j.sals.fs.read_file(self.private_key_path) def generate_keys(self): if not self.private_key_path: # TODO: make sure the new sshkey name doesn't exist. sshkeys_dir = j.sals.fs.join_paths(j.core.config.config_root, "sshkeys") j.sals.fs.mkdirs(sshkeys_dir) self.private_key_path = j.sals.fs.join_paths( sshkeys_dir, if self.passphrase and len(self.passphrase) < 5: raise ValueError( "invalid passphrase length: should be at least 5 chars.") cmd = 'ssh-keygen -f {} -N "{}"'.format(self.private_key_path, self.passphrase) rc, out, err = j.core.executors.run_local(cmd) if rc == 0: self.public_key = j.sals.fs.read_file(self.public_key_path) self.private_key = j.sals.fs.read_file(self.private_key_path) else: raise RuntimeError("couldn't create sshkey") @property def public_key_path(self): return "{}.pub".format(self.private_key_path) def write_to_filesystem(self): if not self.private_key: raise RuntimeError("no private key to write") if not self.public_key: raise RuntimeError("no public key to write") j.sals.fs.write_file(self.private_key_path, self.private_key) j.sals.fs.write_file(self.public_key_path, self.public_key) def delete_from_filesystem(self): pass
class Location(Base): path_url = fields.String(default="/") force_https = fields.Boolean(default=False) path_location = fields.String(default="/") index = fields.String(default="index.html") scheme = fields.String(default="http") host = fields.String(default="") port = fields.Integer() path_dest = fields.String(default="/") spa = fields.Boolean(default=False) websocket = fields.Boolean(default=False) location_type = fields.Enum(LocationType) is_auth = fields.Boolean(default=False) is_admin = fields.Boolean(default=False) custom_config = fields.String(default=None) proxy_buffering = fields.Enum(ProxyBuffering) proxy_buffers = fields.String() proxy_buffer_size = fields.String() @property def cfg_dir(self): return j.sals.fs.join_paths(self.parent.cfg_dir, "locations") @property def cfg_file(self): return j.sals.fs.join_paths(self.cfg_dir, f"{self.instance_name}.conf") def get_config(self): return render_config_template( "location", base_dir=j.core.dirs.BASEDIR, location=self, threebot_connect=j.core.config.get_config().get( "threebot_connect", True), https_port=PORTS.HTTPS) def configure(self): j.sals.fs.mkdir(self.cfg_dir) j.sals.fs.write_file(self.cfg_file, self.get_config())
class Node(Base): node_id = fields.String(default="") node_id_v1 = fields.String(default="") farm_id = fields.Integer() os_version = fields.String(default="") created = fields.DateTime() updated = fields.DateTime() uptime = fields.Integer() address = fields.String(default="") location = fields.Object(Location) total_resources = fields.Object(ResourceUnitAmount) used_resources = fields.Object(ResourceUnitAmount) reserved_resources = fields.Object(ResourceUnitAmount) workloads = fields.Object(WorkloadsAmount) proofs = fields.List(fields.Object(HardwareProof)) ifaces = fields.List(fields.Object(NodeIface)) public_config = fields.Object(NodePublicIface) exit_node = fields.Boolean() approved = fields.Boolean(default=False) public_key_hex = fields.String(default="") wg_ports = fields.List(fields.Integer()) free_to_use = fields.Boolean()
class Gateway(Base): node_id = fields.String(default="") os_version = fields.String(default="") farm_id = fields.Integer() created = fields.DateTime() updated = fields.DateTime() uptime = fields.Integer() address = fields.String(default="") location = fields.Object(Location) public_key_hex = fields.String(default="") workloads = fields.Object(WorkloadsAmount) managed_domains = fields.List(fields.String()) tcp_router_port = fields.Integer() dns_nameserver = fields.List(fields.String()) free_to_use = fields.Boolean()
class PaymentResult(Base): success = fields.Boolean(default=False) extra_paid = fields.Boolean(default=False) transactions = fields.List(fields.Object(PaymentTransaction)) def refund_extra(self): if self.extra_paid and self.parent.refund_extra: for transaction in self.transactions: if transaction.success: trans_amount = transaction.get_amount(self.parent.wallet) diff = float(trans_amount) - self.parent.amount if diff <= TRANSACTION_FEES: self.extra_paid = False break sender_address = self.parent.wallet.get_sender_wallet_address( transaction.transaction_hash) amount = round(diff - TRANSACTION_FEES, 6) try: f"refunding extra amount: {amount} of transaction {transaction.transaction_hash} to address: {sender_address}" ) a = self.parent.wallet._get_asset() refund_hash = self.parent.wallet.transfer( sender_address, amount=amount, asset=f"{a.code}:{a.issuer}") self.extra_paid = False f"extra amount: {amount} of transaction {transaction.transaction_hash} refunded successfully in transaction: {refund_hash} to address: {sender_address}" ) except Exception as e: j.logger.critical( f"failed to refund extra amount {amount} for payment: {self.parent.payment_id} due to error: {str(e)}" ) return self.extra_paid
class PaymentTransaction(Base): transaction_hash = fields.String(required=True) transaction_refund = fields.Object(PaymentTransactionRefund) success = fields.Boolean(default=False) def refund(self, wallet): if self.transaction_refund.success: return True try: amount = round( self.get_amount(wallet) - Decimal(TRANSACTION_FEES), 6) if amount < 0: self.transaction_refund.success = True else: a = wallet._get_asset() sender_address = wallet.get_sender_wallet_address( self.transaction_hash) f"refunding transaction: {self.transaction_hash} with amount: {amount} to address: {sender_address}" ) self.transaction_refund.transaction_hash = wallet.transfer( sender_address, amount=amount, asset=f"{a.code}:{a.issuer}") self.transaction_refund.success = True f"transaction: {self.transaction_hash} refunded successfully with amount: {amount} to address: {sender_address} in transaction: {self.transaction_refund.transaction_hash}" ) except Exception as e: j.logger.critical( f"failed to refund transaction: {self.transaction_hash} due to error: {str(e)}" ) return self.transaction_refund.success def get_amount(self, wallet): try: effects = wallet.get_transaction_effects(self.transaction_hash) except Exception as e: j.logger.warning( f"failed to get transaction effects of hash {self.transaction_hash} due to error {str(e)}" ) raise e trans_amount = 0 for effect in effects: if effect.asset_code != "TFT": continue trans_amount += effect.amount return trans_amount
class Website(Base): port = fields.Integer(default=80) ssl = fields.Boolean() domain = fields.String() path = fields.String() locations = fields.Factory(Location) letsencryptemail = fields.String() @property def path_cfg_dir(self): return f"{self.parent.path_cfg_dir}/servers" @property def path_cfg(self): return f"{self.path_cfg_dir}/{self.instance_name}.http.conf" @property def path_web(self): return self.parent.path_web def generate_certificates(self): """Generate ssl certificate if ssl is enabled """ if self.ssl: j.sals.process.execute( f"certbot --nginx -d {self.domain} --non-interactive --agree-tos -m {self.letsencryptemail} --nginx-server-root {self.parent.path_cfg_dir}" ) def configure(self, generate_certificates=True): """Writes configuration of the website and its locations Args: generate_certificates (bool, optional): Will generate certificates if true. Defaults to True. """ j.sals.fs.mkdir(self.path_cfg_dir) config = render_config_template("website", base_dir=j.core.dirs.BASEDIR, website=self) j.sals.fs.write_file(self.path_cfg, config) for location_name in self.locations.list_all(): location = self.locations.get(location_name) location.configure() if generate_certificates: self.generate_certificates()
class Container(Base): id = fields.Integer() flist = fields.String(default="") hub_url = fields.String(default="") storage_url = fields.String(default="") environment = fields.Typed(dict) secret_environment = fields.Typed(dict) entrypoint = fields.String(default="") interactive = fields.Boolean(default=True) volumes = fields.List(fields.Object(ContainerMount)) network_connection = fields.List(fields.Object(ContainerNetworkConnection)) stats_aggregator = fields.List(fields.Object(Statsaggregator)) farmer_tid = fields.Integer() logs = fields.List(fields.Object(ContainerLogs)) capacity = fields.Object(ContainerCapacity) info = fields.Object(ReservationInfo)
class RefundRequest(Base): payment_id = fields.String(required=True) success = fields.Boolean(default=False) refund_transaction_hash = fields.String() last_tried = fields.DateTime() amount = fields.Float(default=-1) def apply(self): payment = PAYMENT_FACTORY.find_by_id(self.payment_id) if not payment.is_finished(): j.logger.warning(f"can't refund active payment {self.payment_id}") return False self.last_tried = datetime.datetime.utcnow() amount = payment.amount # check if refund extra is False. then amount should be same as successful transaction in case of extra was paid but not refunded automatically sender_address = None for transaction in payment.result.transactions: if transaction.success: sender_address = payment.wallet.get_sender_wallet_address( transaction.transaction_hash) if not payment.refund_extra: amount = float(transaction.get_amount(payment.wallet)) # if a specific amount was specified by the refund request if self.amount > 0: amount = self.amount if amount <= TRANSACTION_FEES or not sender_address: self.success = True else: try: a = payment.wallet._get_asset() self.refund_transaction_hash = payment.wallet.transfer( sender_address, amount=round(amount - TRANSACTION_FEES, 6), asset=f"{a.code}:{a.issuer}") self.success = True f"refund request successful for payment: {self.payment_id} amount: {amount} to address: {sender_address} in transaction: {self.refund_transaction_hash}" ) except Exception as e: j.logger.critical( f"failed to apply refund request for payment {self.payment_id} due to error {str(e)}" ) return self.success
class ZdbNamespace(Base): id = fields.Integer() node_id = fields.String(default="") size = fields.Integer() mode = fields.Enum(ZDBMode) password = fields.String(default="") disk_type = fields.Enum(DiskType) public = fields.Boolean(default=False) stats_aggregator = fields.List(fields.Object(Statsaggregator)) info = fields.Object(ReservationInfo) def resource_units(self): resource_units = ResourceUnitAmount() if self.disk_type == DiskType.HDD: resource_units.hru += self.size elif self.disk_type == DiskType.SSD: resource_units.sru += self.size return resource_units
class GedisHTTPServer(Base): host = fields.String(default="") port = fields.Integer(default=8000) allow_cors = fields.Boolean(default=True) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._app = Bottle() self._client = None http_methods = ["GET", "POST"] if self.allow_cors: http_methods.extend(["OPTIONS", "PUT", "DELETE"]) self._app.route("/<package>/<actor>/<method>", http_methods, self.enable_cors(self.handler, self.allow_cors)) @property def client(self): if self._client is None: self._client = j.clients.gedis.get(self.instance_name) self._client.disable_deserialization = True return self._client def make_response(self, code, content): response.status = code response.content_type = "application/json" return json.dumps(content) def enable_cors(self, fn, allow_cors=True): def _enable_cors(*args, **kwargs): # set CORS headers response.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Origin"] = "*" response.headers[ "Access-Control-Allow-Methods"] = "GET, POST, PUT, OPTIONS, DELETE" response.headers[ "Access-Control-Allow-Headers"] = "Origin, Accept, Content-Type, X-Requested-With, X-CSRF-Token" if request.method != "OPTIONS": # actual request; reply with the actual response return fn(*args, **kwargs) if allow_cors: return _enable_cors else: return fn def handler(self, package, actor, method): actors = self.client.actors actor = getattr(actors, f"{package}_{actor}", None) if not actor: return self.make_response(400, {"error": "actor not found"}) method = getattr(actor, method, None) if not method: return self.make_response(400, {"error": "method not found"}) kwargs = request.json or dict() response = method(**kwargs) if not response.success: if response.error_type == GedisErrorTypes.NOT_FOUND: return self.make_response(404, {"error": response.error}) elif response.error_type == GedisErrorTypes.BAD_REQUEST: return self.make_response(400, {"error": response.error}) elif response.error_type == GedisErrorTypes.PERMISSION_ERROR: return self.make_response(403, {"error": response.error}) else: return self.make_response(500, {"error": response.error}) return self.make_response(200, response.result) @property def gevent_server(self): return WSGIServer((, self.port), self._app, spawn=Pool())
class SSHKeyClient(Client): public_key = fields.String() private_key = fields.Secret() private_key_path = fields.Secret() passphrase = fields.Secret(default="") duration = fields.Integer() allow_agent = fields.Boolean() def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) if self.private_key_path and j.sals.fs.exists(self.private_key_path): self.load_from_file_system() def load_from_file_system(self): """ Load public key and private key from files using private key path and public key path e.g ssh_cl = j.clients.sshkey.get("ssh_test") ssh_cl.load_from_file_system() """ self.public_key = j.sals.fs.read_file(self.public_key_path) self.private_key = j.sals.fs.read_file(self.private_key_path) def generate_keys(self): """Generate a new ssh key e.g ssh_cl = j.clients.sshkey.get("ssh_test") ssh_cl.generate_keys() """ if not self.private_key_path: # TODO: make sure the new sshkey name doesn't exist. sshkeys_dir = j.sals.fs.join_paths(j.core.config.config_root, "sshkeys") j.sals.fs.mkdirs(sshkeys_dir) self.private_key_path = j.sals.fs.join_paths( sshkeys_dir, if self.passphrase and len(self.passphrase) < 5: raise ValueError( "invalid passphrase length: should be at least 5 chars.") cmd = 'ssh-keygen -f {} -N "{}"'.format(self.private_key_path, self.passphrase) rc, out, err = j.core.executors.run_local(cmd) if rc == 0: self.public_key = j.sals.fs.read_file(self.public_key_path) self.private_key = j.sals.fs.read_file(self.private_key_path) else: raise RuntimeError("couldn't create sshkey") @property def public_key_path(self): """ Get the public key path e.g ssh_cl = j.clients.sshkey.get("ssh_test") ssh_cl.public_key_path -> "/root/.config/jumpscale/sshkeys/" Returns str: the path for public key """ return "{}.pub".format(self.private_key_path) def write_to_filesystem(self): """ Write public key and private key to files using private key path and public key path. e.g ssh_cl = j.clients.sshkey.get("ssh_test") ssh_cl.write_to_filesystem() """ if not self.private_key: raise RuntimeError("no private key to write") if not self.public_key: raise RuntimeError("no public key to write") j.sals.fs.write_file(self.private_key_path, self.private_key) j.sals.fs.write_file(self.public_key_path, self.public_key) def delete_from_filesystem(self): pass
class UserEntry(Base): tname = fields.String() has_agreed = fields.Boolean(default=False)
class SSHClient(Client): """ SSHClient has the following properties: sshkey (str): sshkey to use within that client host (str): host ip user (str): user to connect as default: True port (int): the port to use forward_agent (bool): forward agent or not (default True) connect_timeout (int): timeout (default 10 seconds) """ sshkey = fields.String(required=True) host = fields.String(default="", required=True) user = fields.String(default="root", required=True) port = fields.Integer(default=22, required=True) forward_agent = fields.Boolean(default=True) connect_timeout = fields.Integer(default=10) connection_kwargs = fields.Typed(dict, default={}) # gateway = ? FIXME: should help with proxyjumps. inline_ssh_env = fields.Boolean( default=True ) # whether to send environment variables “inline” as prefixes in front of command strings (export VARNAME=value && mycommand here), instead of trying to submit them through the SSH protocol itself (which is the default behavior). This is necessary if the remote server has a restricted AcceptEnv setting (which is the common default). def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.__client = None @property def _sshkey(self): """ Get sshkey client that you have loaded e.g JS-NG> localconnection ="localconnection") JS-NG> localconnection.sshkey = "xmonader" JS-NG> localconnection._sshkey() -> SHKeyClient(_Base__instance_name='xmonader', _Base__parent=None, ... Returns: Obj: It returns object of SSHkeyClient """ return j.clients.sshkey.get(self.sshkey) @property def sshclient(self): self.validate() if not self.__client: self.connection_kwargs[ "key_filename"] = self._sshkey.private_key_path connection_kwargs = dict(, user=self.user, port=self.port, forward_agent=self.forward_agent, connect_timeout=self.connect_timeout, connect_kwargs=self.connection_kwargs, ) if self._sshkey.passphrase: connection_kwargs["connect_kwargs"][ "passphrase"] = self._sshkey.passphrase self.__client = j.core.executors.RemoteExecutor( **connection_kwargs) return self.__client def reset_connection(self): """ Reset the connection e.g localconnection ="localconnection") localconnection.reset_connection() """ self.__client = None
class ContainerNetworkConnection(Base): network_id = fields.String(default="") ipaddress = fields.IPAddress() public_ip6 = fields.Boolean()
class UserEntry(Base): explorer_url = fields.String() tname = fields.String() has_agreed = fields.Boolean(default=False)
class Permission(Base): is_admin = fields.Boolean()
class ZDBClient(Client): addr = fields.String(default="localhost") port = fields.Integer(default=9900) secret_ = fields.String(default="1234567") nsname = fields.String(default="test") admin = fields.Boolean(default=False) mode = fields.Enum(Mode) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # if not self.secret_: # self.secret_ = j.core.myenv.adminsecret assert len(self.secret_) > 5 if self.admin: self.nsname = "default" self.type = "ZDB" self._redis = None self.nsname = self.nsname.lower().strip() # if # self._model.trigger_add(self._update_trigger) def _update_trigger(self, obj, action, **kwargs): if action in ["save", "change"]: self._redis = None @property def redis(self): if not self._redis: pool = redis.ConnectionPool( host=self.addr, port=self.port, password=self.secret_, connection_class=ZDBConnection, namespace=self.nsname, namespace_password=self.secret_, admin=self.admin, ) self._redis = _patch_redis_client(redis.Redis(connection_pool=pool)) return self._redis def _key_encode(self, key): if self.mode.value == Mode.SEQ.value: if key is None: key = "" else: key = struct.pack("<I", key) return key def _key_decode(self, key): if self.mode.value == Mode.SEQ.value: key = struct.unpack("<I", key)[0] return key def set(self, data, key=None): key = key or "" key = self._key_encode(key) res = self.redis.execute_command("SET", key, data) if not res: return res return self._key_decode(res) def get(self, key): key = self._key_encode(key) return self.redis.execute_command("GET", key) def exists(self, key): key = self._key_encode(key) return self.redis.execute_command("EXISTS", key) == 1 def delete(self, key): if not key: raise j.exceptions.Value("key must be provided") key = self._key_encode(key) self.redis.execute_command("DEL", key) def flush(self): """ will remove all data from the database DANGEROUS !!!! This is only allowed on private and password protected namespace You need to select the namespace before running the command. :return: """ if not self.nsname in ["default", "system"]: self.redis.execute_command("FLUSH") def stop(self): pass @property def nsinfo(self): cmd = self.redis.execute_command("NSINFO", self.nsname) return _parse_nsinfo(cmd.decode()) def list(self, key_start=None, reverse=False): """ list all the keys in the namespace :param key_start: if specified start to walk from that key instead of the first one, defaults to None :param key_start: str, optional :param reverse: decide how to walk the namespace if False, walk from older to newer keys if True walk from newer to older keys defaults to False :param reverse: bool, optional :return: list of keys :rtype: [str] """ result = [] for key, data in self.iterate(key_start=key_start, reverse=reverse, keyonly=True): result.append(key) return result def iterate(self, key_start=None, reverse=False, keyonly=False): """ walk over all the namespace and yield (key,data) for each entries in a namespace :param key_start: if specified start to walk from that key instead of the first one, defaults to None :param key_start: str, optional :param reverse: decide how to walk the namespace if False, walk from older to newer keys if True walk from newer to older keys defaults to False :param reverse: bool, optional :param keyonly: [description], defaults to False :param keyonly: bool, optional :raises e: [description] """ next = None data = None if key_start is not None: next = self.redis.execute_command("KEYCUR", self._key_encode(key_start)) if not keyonly: data = self.get(key_start) yield (key_start, data) CMD = "SCANX" if not reverse else "RSCAN" while True: try: if not next: response = self.redis.execute_command(CMD) else: response = self.redis.execute_command(CMD, next) # format of the response # see except redis.ResponseError as e: if e.args[0] == "No more data": return raise e (next, results) = response for item in results: keyb, size, epoch = item key_new = self._key_decode(keyb) data = None if not keyonly: data = self.redis.execute_command("GET", keyb) yield (key_new, data) @property def count(self): """ :return: return the number of entries in the namespace :rtype: int """ return self.nsinfo["entries"] def ping(self): """ go to default namespace & ping :return: """ return @property def next_id(self): """ :return: return the next id :rtype: int """ id_bytes = struct.pack("<I", int(self.nsinfo["next_internal_id"], 16)) return int.from_bytes(id_bytes, byteorder="big", signed=True)