コード例 #1
ファイル: test_field.py プロジェクト: xmonader/js-ng
    def test_email(self):
        email = fields.Email(default="*****@*****.**")
        self.assertEqual(email.default, "*****@*****.**")

        with self.assertRaises(ValidationError):
コード例 #2
class Student(Base):
    ID = fields.Integer()
    name = fields.String()
    email = fields.Email()
    tel = fields.Tel()
    web = fields.URL()
    birthday = fields.Date()
コード例 #3
class Wallet(Base):
    ID = fields.Integer(required=True)
    origin = fields.Typed(dict, default=dict)
    addresses = fields.Factory(Address)
    key = fields.Bytes()
    email = fields.Email()
    url = fields.URL(required=False, allow_empty=True)
    data = fields.Json(allow_empty=False)
コード例 #4
class Certbot(Base):
    DEFAULT_NAME = "certbot"
    DEFAULT_LOGS_DIR = j.sals.fs.join_paths(j.core.dirs.LOGDIR, DEFAULT_NAME)
    DEFAULT_CONFIG_DIR = j.sals.fs.join_paths(j.core.dirs.CFGDIR, DEFAULT_NAME)
    DEFAULT_WORK_DIR = j.sals.fs.join_paths(j.core.dirs.VARDIR, DEFAULT_NAME)

    # the following options match the certbot command arguments
    domain = fields.String(required=True)
    non_interactive = fields.Boolean(default=True)
    agree_tos = fields.Boolean(default=True)
    logs_dir = fields.String(default=DEFAULT_LOGS_DIR)
    config_dir = fields.String(default=DEFAULT_CONFIG_DIR)
    work_dir = fields.String(default=DEFAULT_WORK_DIR)

    email = fields.Email()
    server = fields.URL()
    eab_kid = fields.String()
    eab_hmac_key = fields.String()

    # for existing certificates
    key_path = fields.String()
    cert_path = fields.String()
    fullchain_path = fields.String()

    def run_cmd(self):
        args = [self.DEFAULT_NAME]

        for name, value in self.to_dict().items():
            if name.endswith("_"):

            if value:
                # append only if the field has a value
                name = name.replace("_", "-")

                # append the value itself only if it's a boolean value
                # boolean options are set by adding name only
                if not isinstance(value, bool):

        return args

    def install_cmd(self):
        # replace "certbot" with "certbot install"
        cmd = self.run_cmd
        cmd.insert(1, "install")
        return cmd

    def renew_cmd(self):
        # replace "certbot" with "certbot install"
        renew_certbot = Certbot(work_dir=self.work_dir, config_dir=self.config_dir, logs_dir=self.logs_dir, domain="")
        cmd = renew_certbot.run_cmd
        cmd.insert(1, "renew")
        return cmd
コード例 #5
class LetsencryptCertbot(NginxCertbot):
    default installation is for let's encrypt (manual plugin), no need for other options

    currently, we support only email

    # change required value to True here
    email = fields.Email(required=True)
コード例 #6
ファイル: models.py プロジェクト: abdulgig/js-sdk
class Farm(Base):
    id = fields.Integer()
    threebot_id = fields.Integer()
    iyo_organization = fields.String(default="")
    name = fields.String(default="")
    wallet_addresses = fields.List(fields.Object(WalletAddress))
    location = fields.Object(Location)
    email = fields.Email()
    resource_prices = fields.List(fields.Object(ResourceUnitPrice))
    prefix_zero = fields.IPRange()

    def __str__(self):
        return " - ".join([x for x in [self.name, str(self.location)] if x])
コード例 #7
ファイル: models.py プロジェクト: threefoldtech/js-sdk
class Farm(Base):
    id = fields.Integer()
    threebot_id = fields.Integer()
    iyo_organization = fields.String(default="")
    name = fields.String(default="")
    wallet_addresses = fields.List(fields.Object(WalletAddress))
    location = fields.Object(Location)
    email = fields.Email()
    resource_prices = fields.List(fields.Object(ResourceUnitPrice))
    prefix_zero = fields.IPRange()
    ipaddresses = fields.List(fields.Object(FarmerIP))
    enable_custom_pricing = fields.Boolean(default=False)
    farm_cloudunits_price = fields.Object(CloudUnitMonthPrice)
    is_grid3_compliant = fields.Boolean(default=False)

    def __str__(self):
        return " - ".join([x for x in [self.name, str(self.location)] if x])
コード例 #8
class CustomCertbot(NginxCertbot):
    # change email and server required value to True here
    email = fields.Email(required=True)
    server = fields.URL(required=True)