コード例 #1
def test_left_span_4():
    print("Tests a single read with a single junction N")
    print("Region: chr10:122666367-122668067:+")
    print("Read: D80KHJN1:241:C5HF7ACXX:6:2113:6890:67612")
    print("Should support skipping (read spans this region(intron)")
    bam = single_jxn_skip_4()
    jxc_coord = 'chr10:122666367-122668067:+'
    min_overlap = 8
    aligned_file = pysam.AlignmentFile(bam, "rb")
    chrom, five, three, strand = j.parse_jxn_string(jxc_coord)
    for read in aligned_file.fetch(chrom, five - min_overlap, five):
        skip, incl = j.left_span(read, three, min_overlap)
        assert skip == False
        assert incl == False
コード例 #2
def test_left_span_1():
    print("Tests a single read with a single junction N")
    print("Region: chr10:135209281-135209666:+")
    print("Read: D80KHJN1:241:C5HF7ACXX:6:1307:9279:87799")
    print("Should support skipping (read spans this region(intron)")
    bam = single_jxn_skip_1()
    jxc_coord = 'chr10:135209281-135209666:+'
    min_overlap = 1
    aligned_file = pysam.AlignmentFile(bam, "rb")
    chrom, five, three, strand = j.parse_jxn_string(jxc_coord)
    for read in aligned_file.fetch(chrom, five - min_overlap, five):
        skip, incl = j.left_span(read, three, min_overlap)
        assert skip == True
        assert incl == False
コード例 #3
def test_right_span_inclusion_7():
    print("Tests a inclusion read that doesn't quite overlap over "
          "the min_overlap reqs")
    print("Region: chr10:122666367-122668067:+")
    print("Read: D80KHJN1:241:C5HF7ACXX:6:2113:2908:58516")
    print("Should support nothing (would support inclusion "
          "if min overhang wasn't 34")
    bam = inclusion_7()
    min_overlap = 34
    jxc_coord = 'chr10:122666367-122668067:+'
    aligned_file = pysam.AlignmentFile(bam, "rb")
    chrom, five, three, strand = j.parse_jxn_string(jxc_coord)
    for read in aligned_file.fetch(chrom, five - min_overlap, five):
        skip, incl = j.right_span(read, five, min_overlap)
        assert skip == False
        assert incl == False