def test1_timeseries(self, boreholeno, compound, datefrom, dateto): """ Based of matplotlib.plot_date TEST: No use of ax - one borehole multiple compounds """ # Here we just use one figure plt.figure(1) db = JupiterDb() # Test compound - overwrites gui input compound = 'Nitrat; Sulfat' compounds = compound.split(';') for c in compounds: amount, dt = db.get_timeserie(boreholeno, c.strip(), datefrom, dateto) if amount is None: return False dt = dates.date2num(dt) plt.plot_date(dt, amount, linestyle='-', label=c) plt.xticks(rotation='vertical') plt.title('{}-tidsserie for boring: {}'.format(compound, boreholeno)) plt.legend(loc='upper center', shadow=True) plt.grid(True) return True
def timeseries_oneborehole_multiplecompounds(self, boreholeno, compoundlist, datefrom, dateto, skip_unit=False, progress=None): """ Based of matplotlib.plot_date Multiple compounds and one borehole """ # General Figure plt.figure(1) fig = plt.figure(1) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, right=0.9, top=0.9, bottom=0.15) # General Axis ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) # X-Axis ax.set_xlabel(u'År') # Y-Axis ax.set_ylabel('Koncentration') ax.yaxis.grid() db = JupiterDb() compounds = compoundlist.split(';') not_found = [] compound_index = 0 for c in compounds: compound_index += 1 if progress is not None: progress.setPercentage(compound_index * 100 / len(compounds)) c = c.strip() # Get amount and dates for compound amount, dt = db.get_timeserie(boreholeno, c, datefrom, dateto) if amount is None: not_found.append(c) if len(compounds) == 1: return False, None else: continue if skip_unit: label_legend = c else: # Get unit for legend label - time consuming part unit_tuple_list = db.count_compound_units(c) if unit_tuple_list is None: # No unit for compound - not likely label_legend = '{} [???]'.format(c) else: if len(unit_tuple_list) == 1: # Perfect - just one unit for compound unit_count, unit = unit_tuple_list[0] label_legend = '{} [{}]'.format(c, unit) elif len(unit_tuple_list) > 1: # More than one unit pr compound units = [] for unit_count, unit in unit_tuple_list: units.append('{}?'.format(unit)) label_legend = '{} [{}]'.format(c, ' '.join(units)) # Convert datetime to matplot numbers dt = dates.date2num(dt) plt.plot_date(dt, amount, linestyle='-', markersize=3, label=label_legend) plt.xticks(rotation='vertical') plt.title('Tidsserie for boring: {}'.format(boreholeno)) plt.legend(loc='upper center', shadow=True) return True, not_found
def timeseries_onecompound_multipleborehole(self, boreholenolist, compound, datefrom, dateto, progress=None): """ Based of matplotlib.plot_date. Multiple borehole and one compound """ from datetime import datetime def onclick(event): JupiterAux.msg_box( '%s click: button=%d, x=%d, y=%d, xdata=%f, ydata=%f' % ('double' if event.dblclick else 'single', event.button, event.x, event.y, event.xdata, event.ydata)) def onpick(event): thisline = event.artist borehole_graph_pick = thisline.get_label() #JupiterAux.msg_box('Picked borehole graph: {}'.format(borehole_graph_pick)) #xdata = thisline.get_xdata() #convert to dates.num2date(dt) #ydata = thisline.get_ydata() #ind = event.ind #points = tuple(zip(xdata[ind], ydata[ind])) #JupiterAux.msg_box('{} - onpick points: {}'.format(borehole_graph_selection, points)) qgis = JupiterQGIS() qgis.add_vertexmarker_borehole(borehole_graph_pick) # General Figure plt.figure(1) fig = plt.figure(1) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, right=0.75, top=0.9, bottom=0.15) #cid = fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', onclick) cid = fig.canvas.mpl_connect('pick_event', onpick) # General Axis ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) # Draw compound limit as a horizontal line #plt.axhline(y=2.7) only relevant for drwplant, no boreholes # X-Axis ax.set_xlabel(u'År') # Y-Axis - get unit of compound db = JupiterDb() unit_tuple_list = db.count_compound_units(compound) ax_ylabel = compound.title() if unit_tuple_list is None: # No unit for compound - not likely ax_ylabel += u' [???]' JupiterAux.msg_box( u'Bemærk der findes ingen enhed for stoffet: {} i PCJupiterXL'. format(compound)) else: if len(unit_tuple_list) == 1: # Perfect - just one unit for compound unit_count, unit = unit_tuple_list[0] ax_ylabel += u' [{}]'.format(unit) elif len(unit_tuple_list) > 1: # More than one unit pr compound units = [] for unit_count, unit in unit_tuple_list: units.append(u'{}?'.format(unit)) ax_ylabel = u' [{}]'.format(' '.join(units)) JupiterAux.msg_box( u'Bemærk stoffet: {} har flere enheder: ({}) i PCJupiterXL' .format(compound, ', '.join(units))) ax.set_ylabel(ax_ylabel) ax.yaxis.grid() boreholes = boreholenolist.split(',') not_found = [] borehole_index = 0 for b in boreholes: borehole_index += 1 if progress is not None: progress.setPercentage(borehole_index * 100 / len(boreholes)) b = b.strip() # Get amount and dates for compound and boreholes amount, dt = db.get_timeserie(b, compound, datefrom, dateto) if amount is None: not_found.append(b) if len(boreholes) == 1: return False, None else: continue # Convert datetime to matplot numbers dt = dates.date2num(dt) plt.plot_date(dt, amount, linestyle='-', markersize=3, label=b, picker=5) plt.xticks(rotation='vertical') plt.title('Tidsserie') plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.02, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0., shadow=True) return True, not_found