コード例 #1
def showMenu() :
	listItem = xbmcgui.ListItem(
		label 			= jw_common.t(30046)
	params = { 
		"content_type" 		: "video"
	url = jw_config.plugin_name + '?' + urllib.urlencode(params)
		handle	 = jw_config.plugin_pid, 
		url 	 = url, 
		listitem = listItem, 
		isFolder = True 

	listItem = xbmcgui.ListItem(
		label 			= jw_common.t(30047)
	params = { 
		"content_type" 		: "audio", 
	url = jw_config.plugin_name + '?' + urllib.urlencode(params)
		handle	 = jw_config.plugin_pid, 
		url 	 = url, 
		listitem = listItem, 
		isFolder = True 
	listItem = xbmcgui.ListItem(
		label 			= jw_common.t(30048)
	params = { 
		"content_type" 		: "executable", 
	url = jw_config.plugin_name + '?' + urllib.urlencode(params)
		handle	 = jw_config.plugin_pid, 
		url 	 = url, 
		listitem = listItem, 
		isFolder = True 
コード例 #2
def showWeekProgram(date):

    language    = jw_config.language

    json_url    = jw_config.wol_url 
    json_url    = json_url + "dt/" 
    json_url    = json_url + jw_config.const[language]["wol"] + "/" + date

    json  = jw_common.loadJsonFromUrl(url = json_url, ajax = True)

    text  = "[COLOR=FF0000FF][B]" + jw_common.t(30035) + "[/B][/COLOR]\n"
    text  = text + json["items"][1]["content"] # there is a trailing \n in the item text
    text  = text + "[COLOR=FF0000FF][B]" + jw_common.t(30028) + "[/B][/COLOR]"
    text  = text + "\n" +  json["items"][2]["content"]
    text  = jw_common.cleanUpText(text).encode("utf8") 

    dialog = WeekProgram()
    del dialog
コード例 #3
	def getText(self, soup):
		paragraphs = soup.findAll("p", { "class" : re.compile(r'\bp\d+\b') })

		out =  ""
		for p in paragraphs :
			text = "".join(p.findAll(text = True))
			text =  re.sub("<strong>", "[B]", text)
			text =  re.sub("</strong>", "[/B]", text)
			out = out + text + "\n\n";

		out = out + "\n\n[COLOR=FF0000FF][I]" + jw_common.t(30038).encode("utf8") + "[/I][/COLOR]"
		return out
コード例 #4
	def getText(self, text):

		text =  re.sub("<strong>", "[B]", text)
		text =  re.sub("</strong>", "[/B]", text)
		text =  re.sub("<a[^>]+>", "", text)

		regexp_pars = '<p id="p[0-9]+" class="p[0-9]+">(.+)</p>|<h3 class="inline">(.+)</h3>'
		pars = re.findall(regexp_pars, text)

		out = ""
		for par in pars:
			text = par[0] + "[B]"+par[1]+"[/B]"
			out = out + "\n\n" + jw_common.removeHtml(text)
		out = out + "\n\n[COLOR=FF0000FF][I]" + jw_common.t(30038).encode("utf8") + "[/I][/COLOR]"

		return out
コード例 #5
def showMagazineFilterIndex(pub_filter=None):

    if pub_filter is None:

        items = [
            {"title": jw_common.t(30026), "mode": "open_magazine_index", "pub_filter": " ", "year_filter": ""},
            {"title": jw_common.t(30027), "mode": "open_magazine_index", "pub_filter": "g", "year_filter": ""},
            {"title": jw_common.t(30028), "mode": "open_magazine_index", "pub_filter": "wp", "year_filter": ""},
            {"title": jw_common.t(30029), "mode": "open_magazine_index", "pub_filter": "w", "year_filter": ""},

        # Support for simpliefied study edition of watchtower [english, spanish, ...]
        language = jw_config.language
        if jw_config.const[language]["has_simplified_edition"] == True:
                {"title": jw_common.t(30030), "mode": "open_magazine_index", "pub_filter": "ws", "year_filter": ""}

    if pub_filter is not None:

        items = []

        for year in [" ", "2014", "2013", "2012"]:
            title = year
            if title == " ":
                title = jw_common.t(30031)

            items.append({"title": title, "mode": "open_magazine_index", "pub_filter": pub_filter, "year_filter": year})

    for item in items:

        if item["title"] == "-":

        title_text = jw_common.cleanUpText(item["title"])
        listItem = xbmcgui.ListItem(title_text)

        params = {
            "content_type": "audio",
            "mode": item["mode"],
            "pub_filter": item["pub_filter"],
            "year_filter": item["year_filter"],

        url = jw_config.plugin_name + "?" + urllib.urlencode(params)
        xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(handle=jw_config.plugin_pid, url=url, listitem=listItem, isFolder=True)

コード例 #6
def showVideoIndex(start, video_filter):

	language 	= jw_config.language
	url 		= jw_common.getUrl(language) + jw_config.const[language]["video_path"] + "/?start=" + str(start) + "&videoFilter=" + video_filter  + "&sortBy=" + jw_config.video_sorting
	html 		= jw_common.loadUrl (url)

	# I mix two method to patch quick and dirty. One day I'll cleanup
	soup 		= BeautifulSoup(html)
	index_list 	= soup.findAll("div", { "id" : 'videosIndexList' })
	boxes 		= index_list[0].findAll("div", { "class" : re.compile(r'\bmixDesc\b') }, recursive=False)

	count = 0
	posters = {}

	# Scraping for video images
	for box in boxes :
		img = box.find("span", {"class" : 'jsRespImg' })
		if img is None :
			img = box.find("img")
			if img is None :	
				posters[count] = None
			else :
				posters[count] = img.get('src')	
		else :
			posters[count] = img.get('data-img-size-lg')
			if posters[count] is None :
				posters[count] = img.get('data-img-size-md')

		count = count + 1

	# Grep video titles
	regexp_video_title = 'data-onpagetitle="([^"]+)"'
	videos = re.findall(regexp_video_title, html)  

	# Grep url of json wich contain data on different version of the video [240,360, etc..]
	regexp_video_json = '.*[^"] data-jsonurl="([^"]+)".*'
	video_json = re.findall(regexp_video_json, html)

	if video_json is None or video_json == [] :
		string = jw_common.t(30033) + " "
		xbmcgui.Dialog().ok("jworg browser", string)

	count = 0
	total = len(videos)

	progress = xbmcgui.DialogProgress()
	progress.create(jw_common.t(30042), jw_common.t(30043), jw_common.t(30044) )

	# Output video list 
	for title in videos:
		if posters[count] is None :
			count = count + 1

		json_url = video_json[count]

		# if video has a video in default resolution
		# the url will be a playable item
		# otherwise it will be a xbmc folder url
		setVideoUrl(title, json_url, posters[count])

		count = count + 1
		percent = float(count) / float(total)  * 100
		message = jw_common.t(30045).format(count, total)
		progress.update( int(percent), "", "", message)
		if progress.iscanceled():

	# if it's the first page, I show the 'filter'
	if start == 0 :
		listItem = xbmcgui.ListItem(
			label 			= jw_common.t(30041)

		params = { 
			"content_type" 	: "video", 
			"mode" 			: "open_video_filter", 
		url = jw_config.plugin_name + '?' + urllib.urlencode(params)
			handle 	 = jw_config.plugin_pid, 
			url 	 = url, 
			listitem = listItem, 
			isFolder = True 

		# Sign language link
		sign_index = jw_config.const[language]["sign_index"] 
		if sign_index != False :

			title = jw_common.t(30040)
			listItem = xbmcgui.ListItem( title )
			params = {
				'content_type' 	: 'video',
				'mode'			: "open_sign_index",
			url = jw_config.plugin_name + '?' + urllib.urlencode(params)
					handle		= jw_config.plugin_pid, 
					url			= url, 
					listitem	= listItem, 
					isFolder	= True 

	jw_common.setNextPageLink(html, "open_video_index", "video", "video_filter", video_filter)

コード例 #7
def showVideoJsonUrl(json_url, thumb):

	language 		= jw_config.language
	json_url 		= json_url
	json 			= jw_common.loadJsonFromUrl(url = json_url,  ajax = False, month_cache = True)
	max_resolution	= xbmcplugin.getSetting(jw_config.plugin_pid, "max_resolution")

	# json equals to [] when a cached json was empty
	if json is None or json == [] :
		string = jw_common.t(30033) + " "
		xbmcgui.Dialog().ok("jworg browser", string)

	language_code = jw_config.const[language]["lang_code"]

	# Case: "Bible from Japan" Video
	# No speak, so no language, so only one "" entry suitable for every language
	if len(json["languages"]) == 0:
		language_code = ""
 	try :
		temp = json["files"][language_code]
	except :
			temp = json["files"]["univ"]
			language_code = "univ"
			# e.g. http://www.jw.org/apps/TRGCHlZRQVNYVrXF?docid=802014548&output=json&fileformat=mp4&alllangs=1&track=1&langwritten=I&txtCMSLang=I
			temp = json["files"]["E"] 
			language_code = "E"

	# Create in memory dict of dict with all available videos
	video_dict = {}
	for mp4 in json["files"][language_code]["MP4"]:
		res 				= mp4["label"]		
		url_to_play			= mp4["file"]["url"]
		mp4_title_cleaned 	= jw_common.cleanUpText (mp4["title"])
		title 				= "[" + res + "] - " + mp4_title_cleaned

		if res not in video_dict :
			video_dict[res] = {}

		video_dict[res].update({mp4_title_cleaned:  url_to_play})

	# Try do autodetect the video to play basaed on user setting of
	# default video resolution
	list_only = False

	if (max_resolution != "0" and max_resolution != "") or max_resolution is None :
		right_resoluction_dict = None
		max_resolution = max_resolution + "p"

		# If found default resolution video, I use this
		# else I use the latest added (because it's the the highest) res available
		if max_resolution in video_dict is not None :
			right_resoluction_dict = video_dict[max_resolution]
		else :
			max_resolution, right_resoluction_dict = video_dict.popitem()

		# If I've only one video at right res, I play It
		if len(right_resoluction_dict) == 1 :
			title, url_to_play = right_resoluction_dict.popitem() 				

			listItem = xbmcgui.ListItem(
				label 			=  title
				type 		= 'Video', 
				infoLabels 	= {'Title': mp4_title_cleaned}

			xbmc.Player().play(item=url_to_play, listitem=listItem)

		# This is an error condition, could not verify never ...
		elif  len(right_resoluction_dict) == 0 :
			xbmc.log("JWORG: NO  one video at res " + max_resolution, xbmc.LOGERROR)
		# There are many video at the right res: enable listing of ONLY these
		else :
			list_only = max_resolution

	# Standard listing code
	for mp4 in json["files"][language_code]["MP4"]:

		url 				= mp4["file"]["url"]
		res 				= mp4["label"]
		mp4_title_cleaned 	= jw_common.cleanUpText (mp4["title"])
		title 				= "[" + res + "] - " + mp4_title_cleaned

		if (list_only is not False) and (res != max_resolution) : 
			# if user has choosen a res, and there are more than one video on this res
			# I skip every video of different resolution, but show a list
			# of all available video of this resolution

		listItem = xbmcgui.ListItem(
			label 			= title,
			thumbnailImage	= thumb
			type 		= 'Video', 
			infoLabels 	= {'Title': mp4_title_cleaned}

			handle		= jw_config.plugin_pid, 
			url			= url, 
			listitem	= listItem, 
			isFolder	= False 

コード例 #8
def setVideoUrl(main_video_title, json_url, thumb) :
	language 		= jw_config.language
	json_url 		= "http://www.jw.org" + json_url
	json 			= jw_common.loadJsonFromUrl(url = json_url,  ajax = False, month_cache = True)

	max_resolution			= xbmcplugin.getSetting(jw_config.plugin_pid, "max_resolution")
	max_resolution_string 	= max_resolution + "p"

	# json equals to [] when a cached json was empty
	if json is None or json == [] :
		string = jw_common.t(30033) + " "
		xbmcgui.Dialog().ok("Jw.org audio/video browser", string)

	language_code = jw_config.const[language]["lang_code"]

	# Case: "Bible from Japan" Video
	# No speak, so no language, so only one "" entry suitable for every language
	if len(json["languages"]) == 0:
		language_code = ""

	try :
		temp = json["files"][language_code]
	except :
			temp = json["files"]["univ"]
			# e.g. http://www.jw.org/apps/TRGCHlZRQVNYVrXF?docid=802014548&output=json&fileformat=mp4&alllangs=1&track=1&langwritten=I&txtCMSLang=I
			temp = json["files"]["E"] 

	video_dict = {}

	xbmc.log ("JWORG: json_url " + json_url.encode("utf-8"), xbmc.LOGERROR)

	for mp4 in temp["MP4"]:
		res 				= mp4["label"]		
		url_to_play			= mp4["file"]["url"]
		mp4_title_cleaned 	= jw_common.cleanUpText (mp4["title"])
		title 				= mp4_title_cleaned + " [" + res + "]"

		if mp4_title_cleaned not in video_dict :
			video_dict[mp4_title_cleaned] = {}

		if res not in video_dict[mp4_title_cleaned] :
			video_dict[mp4_title_cleaned][res] = {}

		video_dict[mp4_title_cleaned][res] = {"title" : title, "full_title" : mp4_title_cleaned, "url" : url_to_play, "resolution" : res }
	if max_resolution == '0' :
		addVideoFolderItem(main_video_title, json_url, thumb )

	if (len(video_dict) ==1) :
		# good, only one video title 
		if max_resolution_string in video_dict[mp4_title_cleaned] :
			# max resolution available !
			addPlayableItem(video_dict[mp4_title_cleaned][max_resolution_string], thumb )
		else :
			# look max resolution available under the choosen one
			for available_res in video_dict[mp4_title_cleaned] :
				if available_res < max_resolution_string :
					addPlayableItem(video_dict[mp4_title_cleaned][available_res], thumb )	
	else : 
		# more then one video related to this title - show the list
  		addVideoFolderItem(main_video_title, json_url, thumb )

コード例 #9
def showExecIndex():

    language        = jw_config.language

    # 1. Dailiy Text
    now             = datetime.datetime.now()
    date_for_json   = str(now.year) + "/" + str(now.month) + "/" + str(now.day)
    date_format     = jw_config.const[language]["date_format"]
    title           = jw_common.t(30012)  + " - " + now.strftime(date_format)
    listItem        = xbmcgui.ListItem( title )
    params          = {
        "content_type"  : "executable", 
        "mode"          : "open_daily_text",
        "date"          : date_for_json
    url = jw_config.plugin_name + '?' + urllib.urlencode(params)
        handle      = jw_config.plugin_pid, 
        url         = url, 
        listitem    = listItem, 
        isFolder    = False 

    # 2. Week program
    title           = jw_common.t(30034)  
    listItem        = xbmcgui.ListItem( title )
    params          = {
        "content_type"  : "executable", 
        "mode"          : "open_week_program",
        "date"          : date_for_json
    url = jw_config.plugin_name + '?' + urllib.urlencode(params)
        handle      = jw_config.plugin_pid, 
        url         = url, 
        listitem    = listItem, 
        isFolder    = False
    # 3. News
    title           = jw_common.t(30032)  
    listItem        = xbmcgui.ListItem( title )
    params          = {
        "content_type"  : "executable", 
        "mode"          : "open_news_index",
    url = jw_config.plugin_name + '?' + urllib.urlencode(params)
        handle      = jw_config.plugin_pid, 
        url         = url, 
        listitem    = listItem, 
        isFolder    = True
    # 4. Activities
    title           = jw_common.t(30037)  
    listItem        = xbmcgui.ListItem( title )
    params          = {
        "content_type"  : "executable", 
        "mode"          : "open_activity_index",
    url = jw_config.plugin_name + '?' + urllib.urlencode(params)
        handle      = jw_config.plugin_pid, 
        url         = url, 
        listitem    = listItem, 
        isFolder    = True
