コード例 #1
def img_with_wcs(input):
    Open a JWST exposure and apply the distortion model.  
    input : type
        Anything `jwst.datamodels.util.open` can accept for initialization.
    with_wcs : `jwst.datamodels.ImageModel`
        Image model with full `~gwcs` in `with_wcs.meta.wcs`.
    from jwst.datamodels import util
    from jwst.assign_wcs import AssignWcsStep

    # from jwst.stpipe import crds_client
    # from jwst.assign_wcs import assign_wcs

    # HDUList -> jwst.datamodels.ImageModel
    img = util.open(input)

    # AssignWcs to pupulate img.meta.wcsinfo
    step = AssignWcsStep()
    with_wcs = step.process(img)

    ## Above should be more robust to get all of the necessary ref files
    #dist_file = crds_client.get_reference_file(img, 'distortion')
    #reference_files = {'distortion': dist_file}
    #with_wcs = assign_wcs.load_wcs(img, reference_files=reference_files)

    return with_wcs
コード例 #2
def img_with_wcs(input):
    Open a JWST exposure and apply the distortion model.  
    input : type
        Anything `jwst.datamodels.util.open` can accept for initialization.
    with_wcs : `jwst.datamodels.ImageModel`
        Image model with full `~gwcs` in `with_wcs.meta.wcs`.
    from jwst.datamodels import util
    from jwst.stpipe import crds_client
    from jwst.assign_wcs import assign_wcs

    img = util.open(input)
    dist_file = crds_client.get_reference_file(img, 'distortion')
    reference_files = {'distortion': dist_file}
    with_wcs = assign_wcs.load_wcs(img, reference_files=reference_files)

    return with_wcs
コード例 #3
ファイル: jwst.py プロジェクト: kellytree/grizli
def img_with_wcs(input):
    Open a JWST exposure and apply the distortion model.

    input : type
        Anything `jwst.datamodels.util.open` can accept for initialization.

    with_wcs : `jwst.datamodels.ImageModel`
        Image model with full `~gwcs` in `with_wcs.meta.wcs`.

    from jwst.datamodels import util
    from jwst.assign_wcs import AssignWcsStep
    import astropy.io.fits as pyfits
    # from jwst.stpipe import crds_client
    # from jwst.assign_wcs import assign_wcs

    # HDUList -> jwst.datamodels.ImageModel
    # Generate WCS as image
    if isinstance(input, pyfits.HDUList):
        if input[0].header['INSTRUME'] == 'NIRISS':
            if input[0].header['FILTER'].startswith('GR'):
                input[0].header['FILTER'] = 'CLEAR'
                input[0].header['EXP_TYPE'] = 'NIS_IMAGE'
        elif input[0].header['INSTRUME'] == 'NIRCAM':
            if input[0].header['PUPIL'].startswith('GR'):
                input[0].header['PUPIL'] = 'CLEAR'
                input[0].header['EXP_TYPE'] = 'NRC_IMAGE'
    img = util.open(input)

    # AssignWcs to pupulate img.meta.wcsinfo
    step = AssignWcsStep()
    with_wcs = step.process(img)

    # Above should be more robust to get all of the necessary ref files
    #dist_file = crds_client.get_reference_file(img, 'distortion')
    #reference_files = {'distortion': dist_file}
    #with_wcs = assign_wcs.load_wcs(img, reference_files=reference_files)

    return with_wcs
コード例 #4
def hdu_to_imagemodel(in_hdu):
    Workaround for initializing a `jwst.datamodels.ImageModel` from a 
    normal FITS ImageHDU that could contain HST header keywords and 
    unexpected WCS definition.
    in_hdu : `astropy.io.fits.ImageHDU`
    img : `jwst.datamodels.ImageModel`
    from astropy.io.fits import ImageHDU, HDUList
    from astropy.coordinates import ICRS

    from jwst.datamodels import util
    import gwcs

    hdu = ImageHDU(data=in_hdu.data, header=in_hdu.header)

    new_header = strip_telescope_header(hdu.header)

    hdu.header = new_header

    # Initialize data model
    img = util.open(HDUList([hdu]))

    # Initialize GWCS
    tform = gwcs.wcs.utils.make_fitswcs_transform(new_header)
    hwcs = gwcs.WCS(forward_transform=tform,
                    output_frame=ICRS())  #gwcs.CelestialFrame())
    sh = hdu.data.shape
    hwcs.bounding_box = ((-0.5, sh[0] - 0.5), (-0.5, sh[1] - 0.5))

    # Put gWCS in meta, where blot/drizzle expect to find it
    img.meta.wcs = hwcs

    return img