コード例 #1
def test_all_groups_saturated(setup_nrc_cube):
    '''Check case where all groups are saturated.'''

    # Create inputs, data, and saturation maps
    ngroups = 5
    nrows = 20
    ncols = 20
    satvalue = 60000

    data, satmap = setup_nrc_cube(ngroups, nrows, ncols)

    # Add ramp values at or above saturation limit
    data.data[0, 0, 5, 5] = 60000
    data.data[0, 1, 5, 5] = 62000
    data.data[0, 2, 5, 5] = 62000
    data.data[0, 3, 5, 5] = 60000
    data.data[0, 4, 5, 5] = 62000

    # Set saturation value in the saturation model
    satmap.data[5, 5] = satvalue

    # Run the pipeline
    output = do_correction(data, satmap)

    # Make sure all groups are flagged
    assert np.all(output.groupdq[0, :, 5, 5] == dqflags.group['SATURATED'])
コード例 #2
def test_ad_floor_flagging(setup_nrc_cube):
    """Check that the ad_floor flag is set when a pixel value is zero or

    # Create inputs, data, and saturation maps
    ngroups = 5
    nrows = 20
    ncols = 20
    satvalue = 60000

    data, satmap = setup_nrc_cube(ngroups, nrows, ncols)

    # Add ramp values up to the saturation limit
    data.data[0, 0, 5, 5] = 0  # Signal at bottom rail - low saturation
    data.data[0, 1, 5, 5] = 0  # Signal at bottom rail - low saturation
    data.data[0, 2, 5, 5] = 20
    data.data[0, 3, 5, 5] = 40
    data.data[0, 4, 5, 5] = 60

    # frames that should be flagged as saturation (low)
    satindxs = [0, 1]

    # Set saturation value in the saturation model
    satmap.data[5, 5] = satvalue

    # Run the pipeline
    output = do_correction(data, satmap)

    # Check if the right frames are flagged as saturated
    assert np.all(output.groupdq[0, satindxs, 5,
                                 5] == dqflags.group['DO_NOT_USE']
                  | dqflags.group['AD_FLOOR'])
コード例 #3
def test_nans_in_mask(setup_nrc_cube):
    '''Check that pixels in the reference files that have value NaN are not
       flagged as saturated in the data and that in the PIXELDQ array the
       pixel is set to NO_SAT_CHECK.'''

    # Create inputs, data, and saturation maps
    ngroups = 5
    nrows = 20
    ncols = 20

    data, satmap = setup_nrc_cube(ngroups, nrows, ncols)

    # Add ramp values up to the saturation limit
    data.data[0, 0, 5, 5] = 0
    data.data[0, 1, 5, 5] = 20000
    data.data[0, 2, 5, 5] = 40000
    data.data[0, 3, 5, 5] = 60000
    data.data[0, 4, 5, 5] = 62000

    # Set saturation value for pixel to NaN
    satmap.data[5, 5] = np.nan

    # Run the pipeline
    output = do_correction(data, satmap)

    # Check that output GROUPDQ is not flagged as saturated
    assert np.all(output.groupdq[0, :, 5, 5] != dqflags.group['SATURATED'])
    # Check that output PIXELDQ is set to NO_SAT_CHECK
    assert output.pixeldq[5, 5] == dqflags.pixel['NO_SAT_CHECK']
コード例 #4
def test_basic_saturation_flagging(setup_nrc_cube):
    '''Check that the saturation flag is set when a pixel value is above the
       threshold given by the reference file.'''

    # Create inputs, data, and saturation maps
    ngroups = 5
    nrows = 20
    ncols = 20
    satvalue = 60000

    data, satmap = setup_nrc_cube(ngroups, nrows, ncols)

    # Add ramp values up to the saturation limit
    data.data[0, 0, 5, 5] = 0
    data.data[0, 1, 5, 5] = 20000
    data.data[0, 2, 5, 5] = 40000
    data.data[0, 3, 5, 5] = 60000   # Signal reaches saturation limit
    data.data[0, 4, 5, 5] = 62000

    # Set saturation value in the saturation model
    satmap.data[5, 5] = satvalue

    # Run the pipeline
    output = do_correction(data, satmap)

    # Make sure that groups with signal > saturation limit get flagged
    satindex = np.argmax(output.data[0, :, 5, 5] == satvalue)
    assert np.all(output.groupdq[0, satindex:, 5, 5] == dqflags.group['SATURATED'])
コード例 #5
ファイル: test_saturation.py プロジェクト: STScI-JWST/jwst
def test_basic_saturation_flagging(setup_nrc_cube):
    '''Check that the saturation flag is set when a pixel value is above the
       threshold given by the reference file.'''

    # Create inputs, data, and saturation maps
    ngroups = 5
    nrows = 2048
    ncols = 2048
    satvalue = 60000

    data, satmap = setup_nrc_cube(ngroups, nrows, ncols)

    # Add ramp values up to the saturation limit
    data.data[0, 0, 500, 500] = 0
    data.data[0, 1, 500, 500] = 20000
    data.data[0, 2, 500, 500] = 40000
    data.data[0, 3, 500, 500] = 60000   # Signal reaches saturation limit
    data.data[0, 4, 500, 500] = 62000

    # Set saturation value in the saturation model
    satmap.data[500, 500] = satvalue

    # Run the pipeline
    output = do_correction(data, satmap)

    # Make sure that groups with signal > saturation limit get flagged
    satindex = np.argmax(output.data[0, :, 500, 500] == satvalue)
    assert np.all(output.groupdq[0, satindex:, 500, 500] == dqflags.group['SATURATED'])
コード例 #6
def test_subarray_extraction(setup_miri_cube):
    '''Check the step correctly handles subarrays.'''

    # Create input data
    # Create model of data with 0 value array
    ngroups = 50
    nrows = 224
    ncols = 288

    data, satmap = setup_miri_cube(1, 467, ngroups, nrows, ncols)

    # Place DQ flags in DQ array that would be in subarray
    # MASK1550 file has colstart=1, rowstart=467
    satmap.dq[542, 100:105] = dqflags.pixel['DO_NOT_USE']

    # Test a value of NaN in the reference file with an existing DQ flag
    satmap.data[550, 100] = np.nan
    satmap.dq[550, 100] = dqflags.pixel['NONLINEAR']

    # Run the pipeline
    output = do_correction(data, satmap)

    # Check for DQ flag in PIXELDQ of subarray image
    assert(output.pixeldq[76, 100] == dqflags.pixel['DO_NOT_USE'])
    assert(output.pixeldq[76, 104] == dqflags.pixel['DO_NOT_USE'])

    # Pixel 84, 100 in subarray maps to 550, 100 in reference file
    # Check that pixel was flagged 'NO_SAT_CHECK' and that original
    # DQ flag persists (i.e. did not get overwritten)
    assert(output.pixeldq[84, 100] ==
           dqflags.pixel['NO_SAT_CHECK'] + dqflags.pixel['NONLINEAR'])
コード例 #7
def test_signal_fluctuation_flagging(setup_nrc_cube):
    '''Check that once a pixel is flagged as saturated in a group, all
       subsequent groups should also be flagged as saturated, even if the
       signal value drops back below saturation.'''

    # Create inputs, data, and saturation maps
    ngroups = 5
    nrows = 20
    ncols = 20
    satvalue = 60000

    data, satmap = setup_nrc_cube(ngroups, nrows, ncols)

    # Add ramp values up to the saturation limit
    data.data[0, 0, 5, 5] = 0
    data.data[0, 1, 5, 5] = 20000
    data.data[0, 2, 5, 5] = 40000
    data.data[0, 3, 5, 5] = 60000   # Signal reaches saturation limit
    data.data[0, 4, 5, 5] = 40000   # Signal drops below saturation limit

    # Set saturation value in the saturation model
    satmap.data[5, 5] = satvalue

    # Run the pipeline
    output = do_correction(data, satmap)

    # Make sure that all groups after first saturated group are flagged
    satindex = np.argmax(output.data[0, :, 5, 5] == satvalue)
    assert np.all(output.groupdq[0, satindex:, 5, 5] == dqflags.group['SATURATED'])
コード例 #8
ファイル: test_saturation.py プロジェクト: STScI-JWST/jwst
def test_all_groups_saturated(setup_nrc_cube):
    '''Check case where all groups are saturated.'''

    # Create inputs, data, and saturation maps
    ngroups = 5
    nrows = 2048
    ncols = 2048
    satvalue = 60000

    data, satmap = setup_nrc_cube(ngroups, nrows, ncols)

    # Add ramp values at or above saturation limit
    data.data[0, 0, 500, 500] = 60000
    data.data[0, 1, 500, 500] = 62000
    data.data[0, 2, 500, 500] = 62000
    data.data[0, 3, 500, 500] = 60000
    data.data[0, 4, 500, 500] = 62000

    # Set saturation value in the saturation model
    satmap.data[500, 500] = satvalue

    # Run the pipeline
    output = do_correction(data, satmap)

    # Make sure all groups are flagged
    assert np.all(output.groupdq[0, :, 500, 500] == dqflags.group['SATURATED'])
コード例 #9
ファイル: test_saturation.py プロジェクト: STScI-JWST/jwst
def test_subarray_extraction(setup_miri_cube):
    '''Check the step correctly handles subarrays.'''

    # Create input data
    # Create model of data with 0 value array
    ngroups = 50
    nrows = 224
    ncols = 288

    data, satmap = setup_miri_cube(1, 467, ngroups, nrows, ncols)

    # Place DQ flags in DQ array that would be in subarray
    # MASK1550 file has colstart=1, rowstart=467
    satmap.dq[542, 100:105] = 1

    # Test a value of NaN in the reference file
    satmap.data[550, 100] = np.nan

    # Run the pipeline
    output = do_correction(data, satmap)

    # Check for DQ flag in PIXELDQ of subarray image
    assert(output.pixeldq[76, 100] == dqflags.pixel['DO_NOT_USE'])
    assert(output.pixeldq[76, 104] == dqflags.pixel['DO_NOT_USE'])

    # Pixel 84, 100 in subarray maps to 550, 100 in reference file
    # Check that pixel was flagged 'NO_SAT_CHECK'
    assert(output.pixeldq[84, 100] == dqflags.pixel['NO_SAT_CHECK'])
コード例 #10
ファイル: test_saturation.py プロジェクト: STScI-JWST/jwst
def test_signal_fluctuation_flagging(setup_nrc_cube):
    '''Check that once a pixel is flagged as saturated in a group, all
       subsequent groups should also be flagged as saturated, even if the
       signal value drops back below saturation.'''

    # Create inputs, data, and saturation maps
    ngroups = 5
    nrows = 2048
    ncols = 2048
    satvalue = 60000

    data, satmap = setup_nrc_cube(ngroups, nrows, ncols)

    # Add ramp values up to the saturation limit
    data.data[0, 0, 500, 500] = 0
    data.data[0, 1, 500, 500] = 20000
    data.data[0, 2, 500, 500] = 40000
    data.data[0, 3, 500, 500] = 60000   # Signal reaches saturation limit
    data.data[0, 4, 500, 500] = 40000   # Signal drops below saturation limit

    # Set saturation value in the saturation model
    satmap.data[500, 500] = satvalue

    # Run the pipeline
    output = do_correction(data, satmap)

    # Make sure that all groups after first saturated group are flagged
    satindex = np.argmax(output.data[0, :, 500, 500] == satvalue)
    assert np.all(output.groupdq[0, satindex:, 500, 500] == dqflags.group['SATURATED'])
コード例 #11
ファイル: test_saturation.py プロジェクト: STScI-JWST/jwst
def test_nans_in_mask(setup_nrc_cube):
    '''Check that pixels in the reference files that have value NaN are not
       flagged as saturated in the data and that in the PIXELDQ array the
       pixel is set to NO_SAT_CHECK.'''

    # Create inputs, data, and saturation maps
    ngroups = 5
    nrows = 2048
    ncols = 2048
    huge_num = 100000.

    data, satmap = setup_nrc_cube(ngroups, nrows, ncols)

    # Add ramp values up to the saturation limit
    data.data[0, 0, 500, 500] = 0
    data.data[0, 1, 500, 500] = 20000
    data.data[0, 2, 500, 500] = 40000
    data.data[0, 3, 500, 500] = 60000
    data.data[0, 4, 500, 500] = 62000

    # Set saturation value for pixel to NaN
    satmap.data[500, 500] = np.nan

    # Run the pipeline
    correct_for_NaN(satmap.data, satmap.dq)
    output = do_correction(data, satmap)

    # Check that NaN reference value gets reset to HUGE_NUM
    # Check that reference DQ is set to NO_SAT_CHECK
    # Check that output GROUPDQ is not flagged as saturated
    # Check that output PIXELDQ is set to NO_SAT_CHECK
    assert satmap.data[500, 500] == huge_num
    assert satmap.dq[500, 500] == dqflags.pixel['NO_SAT_CHECK']
    assert np.all(output.groupdq[0, :, 500, 500] != dqflags.group['SATURATED'])
    assert output.pixeldq[500, 500] == dqflags.pixel['NO_SAT_CHECK']
コード例 #12
ファイル: test_saturation.py プロジェクト: STScI-JWST/jwst
def test_no_sat_check(setup_nrc_cube):
    '''Check that pixels flagged with NO_SAT_CHECK in the reference file get
       added to the DQ mask and are not flagged as saturated.'''

    # Create inputs, data, and saturation maps
    ngroups = 5
    nrows = 2048
    ncols = 2048
    satvalue = 60000

    data, satmap = setup_nrc_cube(ngroups, nrows, ncols)

    # Add ramp values up to the saturation limit
    data.data[0, 0, 500, 500] = 0
    data.data[0, 1, 500, 500] = 20000
    data.data[0, 2, 500, 500] = 40000
    data.data[0, 3, 500, 500] = 60000
    data.data[0, 4, 500, 500] = 62000   # Signal reaches saturation limit

    # Set saturation value in the saturation model & DQ value for NO_SAT_CHECK
    satmap.data[500, 500] = satvalue
    satmap.dq[500, 500] = dqflags.pixel['NO_SAT_CHECK']

    # Run the pipeline
    output = do_correction(data, satmap)

    # Make sure output GROUPDQ does not get flagged as saturated
    # Make sure PIXELDQ is set to NO_SAT_CHECK
    assert np.all(output.groupdq[0, :, 500, 500] != dqflags.group['SATURATED'])
    assert output.pixeldq[500, 500] == dqflags.pixel['NO_SAT_CHECK']
コード例 #13
def test_no_sat_check(setup_nrc_cube):
    '''Check that pixels flagged with NO_SAT_CHECK in the reference file get
       added to the DQ mask and are not flagged as saturated.'''

    # Create inputs, data, and saturation maps
    ngroups = 5
    nrows = 20
    ncols = 20
    satvalue = 60000

    data, satmap = setup_nrc_cube(ngroups, nrows, ncols)

    # Add ramp values up to the saturation limit
    data.data[0, 0, 5, 5] = 0
    data.data[0, 1, 5, 5] = 20000
    data.data[0, 2, 5, 5] = 40000
    data.data[0, 3, 5, 5] = 60000
    data.data[0, 4, 5, 5] = 62000   # Signal reaches saturation limit

    # Set saturation value in the saturation model & DQ value for NO_SAT_CHECK
    satmap.data[5, 5] = satvalue
    satmap.dq[5, 5] = dqflags.pixel['NO_SAT_CHECK']

    # Also set an existing DQ flag in input science data
    data.pixeldq[5, 5] = dqflags.pixel['RC']

    # Run the pipeline
    output = do_correction(data, satmap)

    # Make sure output GROUPDQ does not get flagged as saturated
    # Make sure PIXELDQ is set to NO_SAT_CHECK and original flag
    assert np.all(output.groupdq[0, :, 5, 5] != dqflags.group['SATURATED'])
    assert output.pixeldq[5, 5] == (dqflags.pixel['NO_SAT_CHECK'] +
コード例 #14
def test_dq_propagation():
    '''Test pixel DQ propagation.'''

    ngroups = 5
    nrows = 2048
    ncols = 2048
    dqval1 = 5
    dqval2 = 10

    data, satmap = setup_cube(ngroups, nrows, ncols)
    data.pixeldq[5, 5] = dqval1
    satmap.dq[5, 5] = dqval2
    output = do_correction(data, satmap)
    assert output.pixeldq[5, 5] == dqval1 + dqval2
コード例 #15
def test_basic_saturation_flagging():
    '''Test basic saturation flagging.'''

    ngroups = 5
    nrows = 2048
    ncols = 2048
    satvalue = 60000

    data, satmap = setup_cube(ngroups, nrows, ncols)
    data.data[0,0,500,500] = 0
    data.data[0,1,500,500] = 20000
    data.data[0,2,500,500] = 40000
    data.data[0,3,500,500] = 60000   # signal reaches saturation limit
    data.data[0,4,500,500] = 80000
    satmap.data[500,500] = satvalue
    output = do_correction(data, satmap)
    satindex = np.argmax(output.data[0,:,500,500] == satvalue)
    assert np.all(output.groupdq[0,satindex:,500,500] == dqflags.group['SATURATED'])
コード例 #16
def test_no_sat_check():
    '''Test pixels with NO_SAT_CHECK are not flagged.'''

    ngroups = 5
    nrows = 2048
    ncols = 2048
    satvalue = 60000

    data, satmap = setup_cube(ngroups, nrows, ncols)
    satmap.dq[500,500] = dqflags.pixel['NO_SAT_CHECK']
    data.data[0,0,500,500] = 0
    data.data[0,1,500,500] = 20000
    data.data[0,2,500,500] = 40000
    data.data[0,3,500,500] = 60000
    data.data[0,4,500,500] = 80000
    output = do_correction(data, satmap)
    assert np.all(output.groupdq[0,:,500,500] != dqflags.group['SATURATED'])
    assert output.pixeldq[500,500] == dqflags.pixel['NO_SAT_CHECK']
コード例 #17
def test_first_group_saturation():
    '''Test case where all groups are saturated.'''

    ngroups = 5
    nrows = 2048
    ncols = 2048
    satvalue = 60000

    data, satmap = setup_cube(ngroups, nrows, ncols)
    data.data[0,0,500,500] = 60000
    data.data[0,1,500,500] = 70000
    data.data[0,2,500,500] = 70000
    data.data[0,3,500,500] = 60000
    data.data[0,4,500,500] = 70000
    satmap.data[500,500] = satvalue
    output = do_correction(data, satmap)
    satindex = np.argmax(output.data[0,:,500,500] == satvalue)
    assert np.all(output.groupdq[0,satindex:,500,500] == dqflags.group['SATURATED'])
コード例 #18
def test_signal_fluctuation_flagging():
    '''Test case where signal drops after reaching saturation.'''

    ngroups = 5
    nrows = 2048
    ncols = 2048
    satvalue = 60000

    data, satmap = setup_cube(ngroups, nrows, ncols)
    data.data[0,0,500,500] = 0
    data.data[0,1,500,500] = 20000
    data.data[0,2,500,500] = 40000
    data.data[0,3,500,500] = 60000
    data.data[0,4,500,500] = 40000  # signal dips back below saturation limit
    satmap.data[500,500] = satvalue
    output = do_correction(data, satmap)
    satindex = np.argmax(output.data[0,:,500,500] == satvalue)
    assert np.all(output.groupdq[0,satindex:,500,500] == dqflags.group['SATURATED'])
コード例 #19
def test_subarray_flagging():
    '''Test subarray extraction and saturation flagging.'''

    ngroups = 5
    nrows = 200
    ncols = 200
    satvalue = 60000

    data, satmap = setup_cube(ngroups, nrows, ncols)
    data.data[0,0,150,150] = 0
    data.data[0,1,150,150] = 20000
    data.data[0,2,150,150] = 40000
    data.data[0,3,150,150] = 60000
    data.data[0,4,150,150] = 80000
    satmap.data[150,150] = satvalue
    output = do_correction(data, satmap)
    satindex = np.argmax(output.data[0,:,150,150] == satvalue)
    assert np.all(output.groupdq[0,satindex:,150,150] == dqflags.group['SATURATED'])
コード例 #20
ファイル: test_saturation.py プロジェクト: STScI-JWST/jwst
def test_dq_propagation(setup_nrc_cube):
    '''Check PIXELDQ propagation.'''

    # Create inputs, data, and saturation maps
    ngroups = 5
    nrows = 2048
    ncols = 2048
    dqval1 = 5
    dqval2 = 10

    data, satmap = setup_nrc_cube(ngroups, nrows, ncols)

    # Add DQ values to the data and reference file
    data.pixeldq[5, 5] = dqval1
    satmap.dq[5, 5] = dqval2

    # Run the pipeline
    output = do_correction(data, satmap)

    # Make sure DQ values from data and reference file are added in the output
    assert output.pixeldq[5, 5] == dqval1 + dqval2
コード例 #21
def test_dq_propagation(setup_nrc_cube):
    '''Check PIXELDQ propagation.'''

    # Create inputs, data, and saturation maps
    ngroups = 5
    nrows = 20
    ncols = 20
    dqval1 = 5
    dqval2 = 10

    data, satmap = setup_nrc_cube(ngroups, nrows, ncols)

    # Add DQ values to the data and reference file
    data.pixeldq[5, 5] = dqval1
    satmap.dq[5, 5] = dqval2

    # Run the pipeline
    output = do_correction(data, satmap)

    # Make sure DQ values from data and reference file are added in the output
    assert output.pixeldq[5, 5] == dqval1 + dqval2