コード例 #1
def kic_llc(k, quarter=9):  ## 9 or 3!
    kclient = k2plr.API()
    if k > 100000000:
        star = kclient.k2_star(k)  ## K2
        star = kclient.star(k)  # Kepler

    lcs = star.get_light_curves(short_cadence=False)

    quarters = np.zeros_like(lcs, dtype=int)
    for i, lc in enumerate(lcs):
        hdu_list = lc.open()
        quarters[i] = hdu_list[0].header['QUARTER']

    qq, = np.where(quarters == 9)
    if len(qq) == 0:
        print("No Q9", k)
        return False
    if len(qq) > 1:
        print("Two or more", k)
        return False

    lc = lcs[qq[0]]
    with lc.open() as f:
        hdu_data = f[1].data
        time = hdu_data["time"]
        flux = hdu_data["sap_flux"] / np.nanmedian(hdu_data["sap_flux"]) - 1.
        ferr = hdu_data["sap_flux_err"] / np.nanmedian(hdu_data["sap_flux"])
        mask = hdu_data["sap_quality"] == 0
        name = f[0].header['OBJECT'].replace(' ', '')

        one_star(time, flux, ferr, name, mask)

        return True
コード例 #2
ファイル: panstarrs.py プロジェクト: jpdeleon/panstarrs2
def get_ra_dec(epicnum, verbose=False):
    client = k2plr.API()
    if verbose:
        print('\nquerying RA and DEC...\n')
    epic = client.k2_star(int(epicnum))
    ra = epic.k2_ra
    dec = epic.k2_dec
    return ra, dec
コード例 #3
def GetSources(ID, darcsec=None, stars_only=False):
    Grabs the EPIC coordinates from the TPF and searches MAST
    for other EPIC targets within the same aperture.

    :param int ID: The 9-digit :py:obj:`EPIC` number of the target
    :param float darcsec: The search radius in arcseconds. \
           Default is four times the largest dimension of the aperture.
    :param bool stars_only: If :py:obj:`True`, only returns objects \
           explicitly designated as `"stars"` in MAST. Default :py:obj:`False`
    :returns: A list of :py:class:`Source` instances containing \
              other :py:obj:`EPIC` targets within or close to this \
              target's aperture

    client = kplr.API()
    star = client.k2_star(ID)
    tpf = star.get_target_pixel_files()[0]
    with tpf.open() as f:
        crpix1 = f[2].header['CRPIX1']
        crpix2 = f[2].header['CRPIX2']
        crval1 = f[2].header['CRVAL1']
        crval2 = f[2].header['CRVAL2']
        cdelt1 = f[2].header['CDELT1']
        cdelt2 = f[2].header['CDELT2']
        pc1_1 = f[2].header['PC1_1']
        pc1_2 = f[2].header['PC1_2']
        pc2_1 = f[2].header['PC2_1']
        pc2_2 = f[2].header['PC2_2']
        pc = np.array([[pc1_1, pc1_2], [pc2_1, pc2_2]])
        pc = np.linalg.inv(pc)
        crpix1p = f[2].header['CRPIX1P']
        crpix2p = f[2].header['CRPIX2P']
        crval1p = f[2].header['CRVAL1P']
        crval2p = f[2].header['CRVAL2P']
        cdelt1p = f[2].header['CDELT1P']
        cdelt2p = f[2].header['CDELT2P']
        if darcsec is None:
            darcsec = 4 * max(f[2].data.shape)

    epicid, ra, dec, kepmag = MASTRADec(
        star.k2_ra, star.k2_dec, darcsec, stars_only)
    sources = []
    for i, epic in enumerate(epicid):
        dra = (ra[i] - crval1) * np.cos(np.radians(dec[i])) / cdelt1
        ddec = (dec[i] - crval2) / cdelt2
        sx = pc[0, 0] * dra + pc[0, 1] * ddec + crpix1 + crval1p - 1.0
        sy = pc[1, 0] * dra + pc[1, 1] * ddec + crpix2 + crval2p - 1.0
        sources.append(dict(ID=epic, x=sx, y=sy, mag=kepmag[i],
                            x0=crval1p, y0=crval2p))

    return sources
コード例 #4
ファイル: mirai.py プロジェクト: jpdeleon/mirai
def get_coord_from_epicid(epicid):
        import k2plr

        client = k2plr.API()
    except Exception:
        raise ModuleNotFoundError(
            "pip install git+https://github.com/rodluger/k2plr.git")
    epicid = int(epicid)
    star = client.k2_star(epicid)
    ra = float(star.k2_ra)
    dec = float(star.k2_dec)
    coord = SkyCoord(ra=ra, dec=dec, unit="deg")
    return coord
コード例 #5
 def __init__(self, epicid):
     client = k2plr.API()
     self.s = client.k2_star(epicid)
コード例 #6
def get_k2_star(epicid):
    Uses k2plr
    client = k2plr.API()
    return client.k2_star(epicid)
コード例 #7
def GetHiResImage(ID):
    Queries the Palomar Observatory Sky Survey II catalog to
    obtain a higher resolution optical image of the star with EPIC number


    # Get the TPF info
    client = kplr.API()
    star = client.k2_star(ID)
    k2ra = star.k2_ra
    k2dec = star.k2_dec
    tpf = star.get_target_pixel_files()[0]
    with tpf.open() as f:
        k2wcs = WCS(f[2].header)
        shape = np.array(f[1].data.field('FLUX'), dtype='float64')[0].shape

    # Get the POSS URL
    hou = int(k2ra * 24 / 360.)
    min = int(60 * (k2ra * 24 / 360. - hou))
    sec = 60 * (60 * (k2ra * 24 / 360. - hou) - min)
    ra = '%02d+%02d+%.2f' % (hou, min, sec)
    sgn = '' if np.sign(k2dec) >= 0 else '-'
    deg = int(np.abs(k2dec))
    min = int(60 * (np.abs(k2dec) - deg))
    sec = 3600 * (np.abs(k2dec) - deg - min / 60)
    dec = '%s%02d+%02d+%.1f' % (sgn, deg, min, sec)
    url = 'https://archive.stsci.edu/cgi-bin/dss_search?v=poss2ukstu_red&' + \
          'r=%s&d=%s&e=J2000&h=3&w=3&f=fits&c=none&fov=NONE&v3=' % (ra, dec)

    # Query the server
    r = urllib.request.Request(url)
    handler = urllib.request.urlopen(r)
    code = handler.getcode()
    if int(code) != 200:
        # Unavailable
        return None
    data = handler.read()

    # Atomically write to a temp file
    f = NamedTemporaryFile("wb", delete=False)

    # Now open the POSS fits file
    with pyfits.open(f.name) as ff:
        img = ff[0].data

    # Map POSS pixels onto K2 pixels
    xy = np.empty((img.shape[0] * img.shape[1], 2))
    z = np.empty(img.shape[0] * img.shape[1])
    pwcs = WCS(f.name)
    k = 0
    for i in range(img.shape[0]):
        for j in range(img.shape[1]):
            ra, dec = pwcs.all_pix2world(float(j), float(i), 0)
            xy[k] = k2wcs.all_world2pix(ra, dec, 0)
            z[k] = img[i, j]
            k += 1

    # Resample
    grid_x, grid_y = np.mgrid[-0.5:shape[1] - 0.5:0.1, -0.5:shape[0] - 0.5:0.1]
    resampled = griddata(xy, z, (grid_x, grid_y), method='cubic')

    # Rotate to align with K2 image. Not sure why, but it is necessary
    resampled = np.rot90(resampled)

    return resampled
コード例 #8
        import astropy.io.fits as pyfits
    except ImportError:
        raise Exception('Please install the `pyfits` package.')
from astropy.wcs import WCS
from scipy.interpolate import griddata
from k2plr.api import K2_CAMPAIGNS
import numpy as np
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
from six.moves import urllib
import re
import os
import subprocess
import logging
import k2plr as kplr
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
kplr_client = kplr.API()

__all__ = ['Campaign', 'GetK2Stars', 'GetK2Campaign', 'Channel',
           'RemoveBackground', 'GetNeighboringChannels', 'GetSources',
           'GetHiResImage', 'GetCustomAperture',
           'StatsPicker', 'SaturationFlux', 'Module', 'Channels']

def _range10_90(x):
    Returns the 10th-90th percentile range of array :py:obj:`x`.


    x = np.delete(x, np.where(np.isnan(x)))
    i = np.argsort(x)
コード例 #9
ファイル: pipelines.py プロジェクト: ruimeng-duan/everest
def get_outliers(campaign, pipeline='everest2', sigma=5):
    Computes the number of outliers for a given `campaign`
    and a given `pipeline`.
    Stores the results in a file under "/missions/k2/tables/".

    :param int sigma: The sigma level at which to clip outliers. Default 5


    # Imports
    from .utils import GetK2Campaign
    client = k2plr.API()

    # Check pipeline
    assert pipeline.lower() in Pipelines, 'Invalid pipeline: `%s`.' % pipeline

    # Create file if it doesn't exist
    file = os.path.join(EVEREST_SRC, 'missions', 'k2', 'tables',
                        'c%02d_%s.out' % (int(campaign), pipeline))
    if not os.path.exists(file):
        open(file, 'a').close()

    # Get all EPIC stars
    stars = GetK2Campaign(campaign, epics_only=True)
    nstars = len(stars)

    # Remove ones we've done
    with warnings.catch_warnings():
        done = np.loadtxt(file, dtype=float)
    if len(done):
        done = [int(s) for s in done[:, 0]]
    stars = list(set(stars) - set(done))
    n = len(done) + 1

    # Open the output file
    with open(file, 'a', 1) as outfile:

        # Loop over all to get the CDPP
        for EPIC in stars:

            # Progress
            sys.stdout.write('\rRunning target %d/%d...' % (n, nstars))
            n += 1

            # Get the number of outliers
                time, flux = get(EPIC, pipeline=pipeline, campaign=campaign)

                # Get the raw K2 data
                tpf = os.path.join(
                    KPLR_ROOT, "data", "k2", "target_pixel_files",
                    "%09d" % EPIC,
                    "ktwo%09d-c%02d_lpd-targ.fits.gz" % (EPIC, campaign))
                if not os.path.exists(tpf):
                with pyfits.open(tpf) as f:
                    k2_qual = np.array(f[1].data.field('QUALITY'), dtype=int)
                    k2_time = np.array(f[1].data.field('TIME'),
                    mask = []
                    for b in [
                            1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17
                        mask += list(np.where(k2_qual & 2**(b - 1))[0])
                    mask = np.array(sorted(list(set(mask))))

                # Fill in missing cadences, if any
                tol = 0.005
                if not ((len(time) == len(k2_time)) and
                        (np.abs(time[0] - k2_time[0]) < tol) and
                        (np.abs(time[-1] - k2_time[-1]) < tol)):
                    ftmp = np.zeros_like(k2_time) * np.nan
                    j = 0
                    for i, t in enumerate(k2_time):
                        if np.abs(time[j] - t) < tol:
                            ftmp[i] = flux[j]
                            j += 1
                            if j == len(time) - 1:
                    flux = ftmp

                # Remove flagged cadences
                flux = np.delete(flux, mask)

                # Remove nans
                nanmask = np.where(np.isnan(flux))[0]
                flux = np.delete(flux, nanmask)

                # Iterative sigma clipping
                inds = np.array([], dtype=int)
                m = 1
                while len(inds) < m:
                    m = len(inds)
                    f = SavGol(np.delete(flux, inds))
                    med = np.nanmedian(f)
                    MAD = 1.4826 * np.nanmedian(np.abs(f - med))
                    inds = np.append(
                        np.where((f > med + sigma * MAD)
                                 | (f < med - sigma * MAD))[0])
                nout = len(inds)
                ntot = len(flux)

            except (urllib.error.HTTPError, urllib.error.URLError, TypeError,
                    ValueError, IndexError):
                print("{:>09d} {:>5d} {:>5d}".format(EPIC, -1, -1),

            # Log to file
            print("{:>09d} {:>5d} {:>5d}".format(EPIC, nout, ntot),
コード例 #10
import k2plr
kclient = k2plr.API()
from appaloosa import detrend

# these are nearby M dwarfs with short cadence Kepler data
#kid = [9726699,8451881,201885041]
kid = [9726699,8451881]
for k in kid:
    if k>100000000:
        star = kclient.k2_star(k)
        star = kclient.star(k)
    lcs = star.get_light_curves(short_cadence=True, fetch=True)
    name = str(kid)+'.pkl'
    time, flux, ferr, quality = [], [], [], []
    for lc in lcs[0:1]:
        with lc.open() as f:
            if f[0].header['OBSMODE'] == 'short cadence':
                print star, lc
                hdu_data = f[1].data

box1 = detrend.MultiBoxcar(time_i[fin], flux_i[fin], err_i[fin], kernel=2.0, numpass=2)
sin1, per = detrend.FitSin(time_i[fin], box1, err_i[fin], maxnum=5, maxper=(max(time_i)-min(time_i)        
コード例 #11
ファイル: simulatetarget.py プロジェクト: WilliamCFong/scope
def generate_target(mag=12.,

     `mag` :
         Magnitude of primary target PSF.
     `roll` :
         Coefficient on K2 motion vectors of target. roll=1 corresponds to current K2 motion.
     `background_level` :
         Constant background signal in each pixel. Defaults to 0.
     `ccd_args` :
         Autogenerated if nothing passed, otherwise takes the following arguments:
         `cx` : sensitivity variation coefficients in `x`
         `cy` : sensitivity variation coefficients in `y`
         `apsize` : see below
         `background_level` : see above
         `inter` : matrix (apsize x apsize) of stochastic inter-pixel sensitivity variation
         `photnoise_conversion`: see below
     `neighbor_magdiff` :
         Difference between magnitude of target and neighbor. Only accessed if neighbor initialized as
         `True` or if AddNeighbor() function is called.
     `photnoise_conversion` :
         Conversion factor for photon noise, defaults to 0.000625 for consistency with benchmark.
     `ncadences` :
         Number of cadences in simulated light curve.
     `apsize` :
         Dimension of aperture on each side.

     `Target`: :class:`Target` object
        A simulated CCD observation

    aperture = np.ones((ncadences, apsize, apsize))

    # calculate PSF amplitude for given Kp Mag
    A = _calculate_PSF_amplitude(mag)

    # read in K2 motion vectors for provided K2 target (EPIC ID #)
    if ftpf is None:

            # access target information
            client = k2plr.API()
            star = client.k2_star(ID)
            tpf = star.get_target_pixel_files(fetch=True)[0]
            ftpf = os.path.join(KPLR_ROOT, 'data', 'k2', 'target_pixel_files',
                                '%d' % ID, tpf._filename)
        except OSError:
            raise ScopeError(
                'Unable to access internet. Please provide a path '
                '(str) to desired file for motion using the `ftpf` '

    with fits.open(ftpf) as hdu:
        # read motion vectors in x and y
        xpos = _interpolate_nans(hdu[1].data['pos_corr1'])
        ypos = _interpolate_nans(hdu[1].data['pos_corr2'])
        t = _interpolate_nans(hdu[1].data['time'][:ncadences])

    # throw out outliers
    for i in range(len(xpos)):
        if abs(xpos[i]) >= 50 or abs(ypos[i]) >= 50:
            xpos[i] = 0
            ypos[i] = 0
        if np.isnan(xpos[i]):
            xpos[i] = 0
        if np.isnan(ypos[i]):
            ypos[i] = 0

    # crop to desired length and multiply by roll coefficient
    xpos = xpos[0:ncadences] * roll
    ypos = ypos[0:ncadences] * roll

    # create self.inter-pixel sensitivity variation matrix
    # random normal distribution centered at 0.975
    inter = np.zeros((apsize, apsize))
    for i in range(apsize):
        for j in range(apsize):
            inter[i][j] = (0.975 + 0.001 * np.random.randn())

    # assign PSF model parameters to be passed into PixelFlux function
    if not custom_ccd:

        # cx,cy: intra-pixel variation polynomial coefficients in x,y
        cx = [1.0, 0.0, -0.05]
        cy = [1.0, 0.0, -0.05]

        # x0,y0: center of PSF, half of aperture size plus random deviation
        x0 = (apsize / 2.0) + 0.2 * np.random.randn()
        y0 = (apsize / 2.0) + 0.2 * np.random.randn()

        # sx,sy: standard deviation of Gaussian in x,y
        # rho: rotation angle between x and y dimensions of Gaussian
        sx = [0.5 + 0.05 * np.random.randn()]
        sy = [0.5 + 0.05 * np.random.randn()]
        rho = [0.05 + 0.02 * np.random.randn()]
        psf_args = np.concatenate([[A],
                                   np.array([y0]), sx, sy, rho])

    ccd_args = [cx, cy, apsize, background_level, inter, photnoise_conversion]
    ccd_args = ccd_args

    # initialize pixel flux light curve, target light curve, and isolated noise in each pixel
    fpix = np.zeros((ncadences, apsize, apsize))
    target = np.zeros((ncadences, apsize, apsize))
    ferr = np.zeros((ncadences, apsize, apsize))
    Here is where the light curves are created
    PSF function calculates flux in each pixel
    Iterate through cadences (c), and x and y dimensions on the detector (i,j)

    for c in tqdm(range(ncadences)):

        fpix[c], target[c], ferr[c] = PSF(psf_args, ccd_args, xpos[c], ypos[c])

    flux = np.sum(fpix.reshape((ncadences), -1), axis=1)

    return Target(fpix,