コード例 #1
    def train(self, training_data, do_clustering=False, num_of_means=-1):

        if do_clustering:
            # Run k-means on the training set, the centroids become the middle of the hidden nodes
            kmeans_model = KMeans(num_of_means)
            centroids = kmeans_model.get_centroids()
            # Determine the spread for each hidden node, spread
            for cent_1_idx, cent_1_val in enumerate(centroids):
                total_distance = 0.0
                for cent_2_idx, cent_2_val in enumerate(centroids):
                    if cent_1_idx != cent_2_idx:
                        # Calculate distance between two centroids
                        total_distance += sqrt(
                            sum((np.array(cent_1_val[:-1]) -
                # Spread defined above, centroid = hidden node center
                     2 * (total_distance / (training_data.shape[0] - 1))))
            # Randomized 10% subset of training data will serve as hidden node centers
            random_centers_for_hidden_nodes = []
            indices = []
            while len(indices) < (training_data.shape[0] * 0.1):
                random_idx = np.random.randint(0, training_data.shape[0])
                if not random_idx in indices:
            random_centers_for_hidden_nodes = training_data[indices]

            # Determine the spread for each hidden node, spread
            for inst_1_idx, inst_1_val in enumerate(
                total_distance = 0.0
                for inst_2_idx, inst_2_val in enumerate(
                    if inst_1_idx != inst_2_idx:
                        # Calculate distance between two instances
                        total_distance += sqrt(
                            sum((inst_1_val[:-1] - inst_2_val[:-1])**2))
                # Spread defined above, instance = hidden node center
                     2 * (total_distance / (len(indices) - 1))))
                "Chose random training instances to serve as hidden node centers"

        # Initial weights for gradient descent
        self.weights = \
            np.array([np.random.randint(-100, 100) for weight in range(len(self.hidden_nodes))])
        print("Initialized weight vector")

        # Learn weights to determine hidden node influence on output
        done = False
        while not done:
            print("Started gradient descent")
            # Batch updating of weights, store individual updates in new_weights
            new_weights = np.array([0.0 for i in range(len(self.weights))])
            for instance in training_data:
                # Determine Gaussian outputs
                gaussian_outputs = []
                for node in self.hidden_nodes:
                    # radial basis function
                        exp((-1 / float(2 * (node[1]**2))) *
                            (sqrt(sum((instance[:-1] - node[0])**2)))))

                # Determine error gradient (implies a vector)
                gradient = []
                for gaussian_output in gaussian_outputs:
                    if self.learner_type == "REGRESSION":
                            2 * (np.dot(self.weights, gaussian_outputs) -
                                 instance[-1]) * gaussian_output)
                        activation_score = 1 / (
                            1 + exp(np.dot(self.weights, gaussian_outputs)))
                            (activation_score - instance[-1]) *
                            (activation_score *
                             (1 - activation_score)) * gaussian_output)

                # Calculate weight update
                new_weights += (self.weights -
                                (self.learning_rate * np.array(gradient)))
            new_weights = (new_weights / training_data.shape[0])
            if (abs(sum(self.weights - new_weights))) < 0.01:
                done = True
            if not done:
                print("Weights were updated by %f last iteration" %
                      abs(sum(self.weights - new_weights)))
            self.weights = new_weights
        print("Found weights: %s" % str(self.weights))
コード例 #2
    # 10 fold cross validation
    fold_size = data_instances.shape[0] / 10
    data_indices = [idx for idx in xrange(data_instances.shape[0])]
    for num_of_means in xrange(1, 50):
        total_performance = 0.0
        for holdout_fold_idx in xrange(10):
            # try some num of means
            kmeans_model = KMeans(num_of_means)
            # run k means on training data to find centroids
            clusters = kmeans_model.cluster( \
                data_instances[ \
                    np.array( \
                        np.setdiff1d(data_indices, data_indices[ \
                                fold_size * holdout_fold_idx : \
                                fold_size * holdout_fold_idx + fold_size]))])
            centroids = kmeans_model.get_centroids()
            for cluster_idx in xrange(len(clusters)):
                ave_label = 0.0
                for instance in clusters[cluster_idx]:
                    ave_label += instance[-1]
                if len(clusters[cluster_idx]) > 0:
                    ave_label = ave_label / len(clusters[cluster_idx])
                if learner_type == "CLASSIFICATION":
                    ave_label = int(round(ave_label))

            #     for classification, vote to determine centroid classification
            #     for regression, average to find centroid estimate
            #  feed centroids into k-NN as training data
            kNN_model = KNearestNeighbor(best_ks[test[0]], learner_type)