コード例 #1
ファイル: compile_handlebars.py プロジェクト: csilvers/kake
    def build(self, outfile_name, infile_names, _, context):
        assert infile_names[0].endswith('.handlebars'), infile_names

        assert self.should_compile(infile_names[0]), infile_names[0]
        log.v3("Compiled handlebars: %s -> %s", infile_names[0], outfile_name)
コード例 #2
ファイル: compile_all_pot.py プロジェクト: csilvers/kake
def _write_pofile(po_entries, filename, write_debug_file_to=None):
    """Write a polib.POFile to filename.

    The po-file format is nicely human-readable, but slow to parse.
    The mo-file format is faster to parse, but loses important
    information.  So we introduce a *third* format: pickled
    polib.POFile.  Whenever we save a pofile to disk, we save a
    pickled form of the python data structure (polib.POFile).

    We also normalize the po-entries before writing the file, to
    minimize diffs.

       po_entries: a list of of POEntry objects.
       filename: an absolute path to write the pofile to.
       write_debug_file_to: if not None, a filename to write the po_entries
          as a (human-readable) po-file, rather than a po.pickle file.
    from intl import polib_util

    output_pot = polib_util.pofile()

    # sort the po-entries in a canonical order, to make diff-ing
    # easier, but that tries to keep content close together in the
    # file if it's close together in real life.  We sort by first
    # occurrence (alphabetically), which is good for most content,
    # but not for datastore entities, which all have the same
    # occurrence (_DATASTORE_FILE:1).  For them, we sort by first
    # url-they-appear-in.  For entities that match on all of these
    # things, we depend on the fact python's sorts are stable to
    # keep them in input order (that is, the order that we extracted
    # them from the input ifle).
    url_re = re.compile('<http[^>]*>')
    output_pot.sort(key=lambda e: (e.occurrences[0][0], int(e.occurrences[0][
        1]), sorted(url_re.findall(e.comment))[:1]))

    log.v2('Writing to %s', filename)
    with open(filename, 'w') as f:
        cPickle.dump(output_pot, f, protocol=cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)

    if write_debug_file_to:
        log.v2('Also writing to %s', write_debug_file_to)
        with open(write_debug_file_to, 'w') as f:
            polib_util.write_pofile(output_pot, f)

コード例 #3
ファイル: compile_perseus_hash.py プロジェクト: csilvers/kake
    def build(self, outfile_name, infile_names, _, context):
        assert len(infile_names) == 1, (
            "Each hash should be computed over a single version of Perseus")

        infile_name = infile_names[0]

        log.v3("Reading from Perseus build: %s" % infile_name)
        with open(self.abspath(infile_name)) as f:
            full_content = f.read()

        # We use just the first six characters of the hash. Per
        # compile_js_css_manifest.py: "Even if every deploy had a new md5,
        # this would give us a good 8 years between collisions."
        perseus_md5sum = md5.new(full_content).hexdigest()[:6]
        log.v3("Writing Perseus hash: %s" % perseus_md5sum)

        with open(self.abspath(outfile_name), 'w') as f:
コード例 #4
ファイル: compile_all_pot.py プロジェクト: csilvers/kake
    def build(self, outfile_name, infile_names, changed, context):
        # We import here so the kake system doesn't require these
        # imports unless they're actually used.
        import third_party.babel.messages.extract

        assert len(infile_names) == 1, infile_names

        keywords = third_party.babel.messages.extract.DEFAULT_KEYWORDS.copy()
        keywords['_js'] = keywords['_']  # treat _js() like _()
        # <$_> in jsx expands to $_({varmap}, "string", ...), so kw-index is 2.
        keywords['$_'] = (2, )  # used in .jsx files as <$_>
        keywords['mark_for_translation'] = None  # used in .py files
        keywords['cached_gettext'] = keywords['gettext']  # used in .py files
        keywords['cached_ngettext'] = keywords['ngettext']  # used in .py files

        comment_tags = ['I18N:']

        options = {
            'newstyle_gettext': 'true',  # used by jinja/ext.py
            'encoding': 'utf-8'
        }  # used by jinja/ext.py

        extractor = _extractor(infile_names[0])  # fn extracting strings
        log.v3('Extracting from %s (via %s)' % (infile_names[0], extractor))

        with open(self.abspath(infile_names[0])) as fileobj:
            nltext_data = third_party.babel.messages.extract.extract(

            # Create 'pseudo' polib entries, with sets instead of lists to
            # make merging easier.  We'll convert to real polib entries later.
            po_entries = collections.OrderedDict()
            for (lineno, message, comments, context) in nltext_data:
                _add_poentry(po_entries, infile_names[0], lineno, message,
                             comments, context)

        # This turns the 'pseudo' polib entries back into real polib
        # entries and writes them as a pickled pofile to disk.
        _write_pofile(po_entries.itervalues(), self.abspath(outfile_name))
コード例 #5
def _update_image_url_info(css_filename, image_url_info):
    """Given css_filenames relative to ka-root, update _IMAGE_URL_INFO.

        A list of image filenames, relative to ka-root, mentioned in
        this css-filename.
    # First, we need to delete all old references to css_filenames.
    for file_info in image_url_info.itervalues():
        new_files = [f for f in file_info[0] if f != css_filename]
        if len(new_files) < len(file_info[0]):
            # We go through this contortion so we can edit the list in place.
            del file_info[0][:]

    # If the file no longer exists (has been deleted), we're done!
    if not os.path.exists(ka_root.join(css_filename)):
        log.v3("removing image-url info for %s: it's been deleted",

    # Then, we need to add updated references, based on the current
    # file contents.
    log.v2('Parsing image-urls from %s', css_filename)
    with open(ka_root.join(css_filename)) as f:
        content = f.read()

    retval = []
    for (img_url, img_relpath,
         img_size) in (_image_urls_and_file_info(content)):
        image_url_info.setdefault(img_url, ([], img_relpath, img_size))

    log.v4('Image-url info: %s', retval)
    return retval
コード例 #6
ファイル: compile_po_files.py プロジェクト: csilvers/kake
    def build(self, outfile_name, infile_names, changed, context):
        """Merge the pofiles and approved pofiles & build pickle and chunks.

        We export from crowdin twice for each language. One time to get all the
        translated strings which winds up in
        intl/translation/pofile/{lang}.(rest|datastore).po files and another
        time to get just the approved translations which winds up in the
        intl/translation/approved_pofile/{lang}.(rest|datastore).po files. This
        merges them all together, preferring an entry in the approved pofile
        over the unapproved one, and adding a flag to the approved entries.  We
        then create our own specially formatted files that use less space.
        There is the genfiles/translations/{lang}/index.pickle that gets
        created, and a bunch of genfiles/translations/{lang}/chunk.# files that
        the index file points to and holds the actual translations.

        # We import here so the kake system doesn't require these
        # imports unless they're actually used.
        import intl.translate
        from intl import polib_util

        full_content = ''
        for infile in sorted([n for n in infile_names
                              if "approved_pofiles" not in n]):
            with open(self.abspath(infile)) as f:
                log.v3("Reading %s" % infile)
                full_content += f.read()

        approved_full_content = ''
        for infile in sorted([n for n in infile_names
                              if "approved_pofiles" in n]):
            with open(self.abspath(infile)) as f:
                log.v3("Reading %s" % infile)
                approved_full_content += f.read()

        log.v3("Calculating md5 to get translation file version for %s" %
        # The output files need a version string.  We'll use an
        # md5sum of the input files.
        version_md5sum = md5.new(
            full_content + approved_full_content).hexdigest()
        version = 'compile_po_%s' % version_md5sum

        translate_writer = intl.translate.TranslateWriter(
            os.path.dirname(outfile_name), context['{lang}'], version)

        # Now lets combine the two po files and add a flag to the approved
        # pofile entries.
        log.v3("Creating .index and .chunk translation files for %s" %

        approved_msgids = set()

        def add_approved_entry(po_entry):

        def add_unapproved_entry(po_entry):
            if po_entry.msgid not in approved_msgids:

        _ = polib_util.streaming_pofile(
            callback=add_approved_entry)   # called on each input POEntry.

        unapproved_pofile = polib_util.streaming_pofile(

        # This adds in the metadata (and only the metadata).
