def export2kaldi(databyid): kaldidata = databyid filter_field = ('Click1', 'Hush', 'Click2', 'Click3') #, 'LongPress') #exclude_field = ('LongPress') test_size = 0.2 trainset = [] testset = [] filtered_kaldidata = {} for k, v in kaldidata.items(): label = k.split('_')[0] if label in filter_field: #if label not in exclude_field: if label not in filtered_kaldidata: filtered_kaldidata[label] = [] filtered_kaldidata[label].append((k, v)) for label in filtered_kaldidata: length = len(filtered_kaldidata[label]) random.shuffle(filtered_kaldidata[label]) testset.extend(filtered_kaldidata[label][:int(length * test_size)]) trainset.extend(filtered_kaldidata[label][int(length * test_size):]) with kaldi_io.open_or_fd('feats_train.ark', 'wb') as f: for k, m in trainset: kaldi_io.write_mat(f, m, k) with kaldi_io.open_or_fd('feats_test.ark', 'wb') as f: for k, m in testset: kaldi_io.write_mat(f, m, k)
def make_feature(wav_path_list, noise_wav_list, feat_dir, thread_num, argument=False, repeat_num=1): mag_ark_scp_output = 'ark:| copy-feats --compress=true ark:- ark,scp:{0}/feats{1}.ark,{0}/feats{1}.scp'.format( feat_dir, thread_num) ang_ark_scp_output = 'ark:| copy-feats --compress=true ark:- ark,scp:{0}/angles{1}.ark,{0}/angles{1}.scp'.format( feat_dir, thread_num) if argument: fwrite = open(os.path.join(feat_dir, 'db' + str(thread_num)), 'a') f_mag = kaldi_io.open_or_fd(mag_ark_scp_output, 'wb') f_ang = kaldi_io.open_or_fd(ang_ark_scp_output, 'wb') print("进入num循环") for num in range(repeat_num): for tmp in wav_path_list: uttid, wav_path = tmp clean = load_audio(wav_path) y = None print("argument = ", argument) while y is None: if argument: print("argument=True") noise_path = choice(noise_wav_list) n = load_audio(noise_path[0]) db = np.random.uniform(low=0, high=20) y = MakeMixture(clean, n, db) uttid_new = uttid + '__mix{}'.format(num) print(uttid_new + ' ' + str(db) + '\n') fwrite.write(uttid_new + ' ' + str(db) + '\n') else: y = clean uttid_new = uttid # STFT print("y = ", y) if y is not None: D = librosa.stft(y, n_fft=512, hop_length=256, win_length=512, window=scipy.signal.hamming) spect = np.abs(D) angle = np.angle(D) print("创建STFT") ##feat = np.concatenate((spect, angle), axis=1) ##feat = feat.transpose((1, 0)) kaldi_io.write_mat(f_mag, spect.transpose((1, 0)), key=uttid_new) kaldi_io.write_mat(f_ang, angle.transpose((1, 0)), key=uttid_new) else: print(noise_path, tmp, 'error') if argument: fwrite.close()
def testFloatVectorReadWrite(self): """ Test read/write for float vectors. """ # read, flt_vec = { k: v for k, v in kaldi_io.read_vec_flt_scp('tests/data/conf.scp') } # scp, return flt_vec2 = { k: v for k, v in kaldi_io.read_vec_flt_ark('tests/data/conf.ark') } # binary-ark, flt_vec3 = { k: v for k, v in kaldi_io.read_vec_flt_ark('tests/data/conf_ascii.ark') } # ascii-ark, # store, with kaldi_io.open_or_fd('tests/data_re-saved/conf.ark', 'wb') as f: for k, v in flt_vec.items(): kaldi_io.write_vec_flt(f, v, k) # read and compare, for k, v in kaldi_io.read_vec_flt_ark('tests/data_re-saved/conf.ark'): self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(v, flt_vec[k]), msg="flt. vector same after re-saving")
def scp2dict(ipath2scp): fd = kaldi_io.open_or_fd(ipath2scp) # ipath2scp can be a pipeline id2path = {} for line in fd: (id, path) = line.decode("utf-8").rstrip().split(' ', 1) id2path[id] = path return id2path
def testMatrixReadWrite(self): """ Test read/write for float matrices. """ # read, flt_mat = { k: m for k, m in kaldi_io.read_mat_scp('tests/data/feats_ascii.scp') } # ascii-scp, flt_mat2 = { k: m for k, m in kaldi_io.read_mat_ark('tests/data/feats_ascii.ark') } # ascii-ark, flt_mat3 = { k: m for k, m in kaldi_io.read_mat_ark('tests/data/feats.ark') } # ascii-ark, # store, with kaldi_io.open_or_fd('tests/data_re-saved/mat.ark', 'wb') as f: for k, m in flt_mat3.items(): kaldi_io.write_mat(f, m, k) # read and compare, for k, m in kaldi_io.read_mat_ark('tests/data_re-saved/mat.ark'): self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(m, flt_mat3[k]), msg="flt. matrix same after re-saving")
def read_plda(file_or_fd): """ Loads PLDA from a file in kaldi format (binary or text). Input: file_or_fd - file name or file handle with kaldi PLDA model. Output: Tuple (mu, tr, psi) defining a PLDA model using the kaldi parametrization: mu - mean vector tr - transform whitening within- and diagonalizing across-class covariance matrix psi - diagonal of the across-class covariance in the transformed space """ fd = open_or_fd(file_or_fd) try: binary = if binary == b'\x00B': assert ( == b'<Plda> ') plda_mean = _read_vec_binary(fd) plda_trans = _read_mat_binary(fd) plda_psi = _read_vec_binary(fd) else: assert (binary + == b'<Plda> ') plda_mean = np.array(fd.readline().strip(' \n[]').split(), dtype=float) assert ( == b' [') plda_trans = _read_mat_ascii(fd) plda_psi = np.array(fd.readline().strip(' \n[]').split(), dtype=float) assert ( == b'</Plda> ') finally: if fd is not file_or_fd: fd.close() return plda_mean, plda_trans, plda_psi
def main(): print("start time:", time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(time.time()))) model = load_model() ext = ExtractEmbedding(model, "layer4") dir = "/home/work_nfs4_ssd/hzhao/feature/voxceleb1/test/feats.scp" dataset = getTestData(dir) batch_size = 256 test_loader = DataLoader(dataset=dataset, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=False) for i, trainset in enumerate(test_loader): (input_x, target_var) = trainset input_x = input_x.cuda() #print(input_x.size(),type(input_x)) output = ext(input_x) output = output.squeeze() output = output.cpu() #tensor to numpy output = output.detach().numpy() #print(":::",len(target_var)) target_var = np.squeeze(target_var) #tmp="/home/work_nfs/lizhang/node6/kaldi02/kaldi02/egs/voxceleb/v2/tmp" filename = "./test/99_test/enroll/xvector." + str(i) + ".ark" f = kaldi_io.open_or_fd(filename, "wb") for i, uttid in enumerate(target_var): kaldi_io.write_vec_flt(f, output[i], key=uttid) print("end time:", time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(time.time())))
def fetch_audio_segment(wavid, ipath2wav_scp, seg=(0.0, math.inf), fs=16000): """ given wavid, return an audio segment from ipath2wav_scp args: wavid -- string, id of a audio file ipath2wav_scp -- the path to wav.scp (wav.scp has the same format as kaldi's: each row of the file is <wavid> <wavpath>) seg -- a tuple of float, (start_time, end_time) fs -- sampling frequency return: y -- audio samples with numpy format fs -- sampling frequency """ fd = kaldi_io.open_or_fd(ipath2wav_scp) for line in fd: (wid, path) = line.decode("utf-8").rstrip().split(' ', 1) if wavid == wid: y, fs = kaldi_read_wav(path) start_t, end_t = seg end_t = min(end_t, y.shape[0] / fs) # the second term is float by default assert start_t < end_t and start_t >= 0.0, "InputArg: seg {0} invalid".format( str(seg)) # return the segment and fs return y[int(start_t * fs):int(end_t * fs)], fs # wavid not found raise Exception("wavid: {0} not found in file {1}".format( wavid, ipath2wav_scp))
def forward_dct(args, cpc_model, device, data_loader, output_ark, output_scp, dct_dim=24): ''' forward with dct '''"Starting Forward Passing") cpc_model.eval() # not training cdc model ark_scp_output = 'ark:| copy-feats --compress=true ark:- ark,scp:' + output_ark + ',' + output_scp with torch.no_grad(): with ko.open_or_fd(ark_scp_output, 'wb') as f: for [utt_id, data] in data_loader: data = data.float().unsqueeze(1).to( device) # add channel dimension data = data.contiguous() hidden = cpc_model.init_hidden(len(data)) output, hidden = cpc_model.predict(data, hidden) mat = output.squeeze( 0).cpu().numpy() # kaldi io does not accept torch tensor dct_mat = fft.dct(mat, type=2, n=dct_dim) # apply dct ko.write_mat(f, dct_mat, key=utt_id[0])
def fetch_llkprob_segment(wavid, ipath2prob_scp, seg=(0.0, math.inf), win_len=0.025, hop_len=0.010): """ given wavid, return an loglikehood probability segment from ipath2prob_scp args: wavid -- string, id of a audio file ipath2prob_scp -- the path to llk_prob.scp each wavid corresponds to a float vector of llk_prob llk_prob: the prob of a specific GMM generating a frame seg -- a tuple of (start_time, end_time) win_len -- window length in second hop_len -- window shift in second return: vec -- llk_prob curve with numpy format """ fd = kaldi_io.open_or_fd(ipath2prob_scp) for line in fd: (wid, path) = line.decode("utf-8").rstrip().split(' ', 1) if wavid == wid: vec = kaldi_io.read_vec_flt(path) # np.array start_t, end_t = seg end_t = min(end_t, vec.shape[0] * hop_len) # the second term is float by default assert start_t < end_t and start_t >= 0.0, "InputArg: seg {0} invalid".format( str(seg)) start_f = int(start_t / hop_len) end_f = int(end_t / hop_len) return vec[start_f:end_f]
def dvec_compute(generator, ds_eval, device, num_jobs=20, outfolder='./exp/example_dvecs'): # naively compute the embeddings for each window # ds_len = len(ds_feats) all_utts = ds_eval.all_utts ds_len = len(all_utts) indices = np.arange(ds_len) job_split = np.array_split(indices, num_jobs) generator.eval().to(device) for job_num, job in enumerate(tqdm(job_split)): print('Starting job {}'.format(job_num)) ark_scp_output = 'ark:| copy-vector ark:- ark,scp:{0}/xvector.{1}.ark,{0}/xvector.{1}.scp'.format( outfolder, job_num + 1) job_utts = all_utts[job] job_feats = ds_eval.get_batches(job_utts) job_feats = mtd(job_feats, device) with torch.no_grad(): job_embeds =[ generator(x.unsqueeze(0)) for x in tqdm(job_feats) ]).cpu().numpy() with kaldi_io.open_or_fd(ark_scp_output, 'wb') as f: for xvec, key in zip(job_embeds, job_utts): kaldi_io.write_vec_flt(f, xvec, key=key)
def main(): logging.basicConfig(format='[%(filename)s:%(lineno)d] %(message)s', level=logging.WARN) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="load .rec rawfile from first argument SCPPATH, \ and convert all rec to scpfile-contained-utterence-id-indexed ark file to ARKPATH" ) parser.add_argument("SCPPATH", help="scp file path") parser.add_argument("ARKPATH", help="ark file path") parser.add_argument("OUTPUTTYPE", help="raw | diff | baseline") args = parser.parse_args() logging.debug(args) SCP_FILEPATH = args.SCPPATH ARK_FILEPATH = args.ARKPATH OUTPUT_TYPE = args.OUTPUTTYPE if not ARK_FILEPATH.endswith('.ark') or not SCP_FILEPATH.endswith('.scp'): logging.error('extension error') exit() logging.debug(SCP_FILEPATH) uttid2recpath = io_helper.loadscp(SCP_FILEPATH) logging.debug(uttid2recpath) dataset = loaddata(uttid2recpath, OUTPUT_TYPE) with kaldi_io.open_or_fd(ARK_FILEPATH, 'wb') as f: for k, m in dataset.items(): kaldi_io.write_mat(f, m, k)
def compute_plda_score(enr_embeds, test_embeds, plda_dir, all_pair=True, mean=False): os.environ["KALDI_ROOT"] = "/host/projects/kaldi" if mean: enr_keys = ['enr'] n_uttrs = len(enr_embeds) enr_embeds = enr_embeds.mean(0, keepdims=True) else: enr_keys = ['enr_{}'.format(i) for i in range(len(enr_embeds))] test_keys = ['test_{}'.format(i) for i in range(len(test_embeds))] keys = enr_keys + test_keys embeds = np.concatenate([enr_embeds, test_embeds]) # write trials score_dir = TemporaryDirectory() with open("{}/num_utts.ark".format(, "w") as f: if mean: f.write("enr {}\n".format(n_uttrs)) else: for key in enr_keys: f.write("{} {}\n".format(key, 1)) with open("{}/kaldi_trial".format(, "w") as f: if all_pair: trial_pairs = itertools.product(enr_keys, test_keys) else: trial_pairs = zip(enr_keys, test_keys) for pair in trial_pairs: f.write(" ".join(pair)) f.write("\n") # write feat ark_scp_output='ark:| copy-vector ark:- ' +\ 'ark,scp:{output}/feats.ark,{output}/feats.scp'.format( with kaldi_io.open_or_fd(ark_scp_output, "wb") as f: for key, vec in zip(keys, embeds): kaldi_io.write_vec_flt(f, vec.squeeze(), key=str(key)) # call scoring ret =["./", plda_dir,]) if ret != 0: print("plda scoring fails") raise ValueError # read plda scores plda_scores = pd.read_csv("{}/plda_scores".format(, delimiter=" ", names=["enroll", "test", "score"]).score plda_scores = np.array(plda_scores) plda_scores = plda_scores.reshape(len(enr_keys), -1) if all_pair: assert plda_scores.shape[1] == len(test_embeds) score_dir.cleanup() return plda_scores
def scp2dict(ipath2scp): fd = kaldi_io.open_or_fd(ipath2scp) # iapth2scp can be a pipeline id2path = {} for line in fd: items = line.decode("utf-8").rstrip().split(' ') id = items[0] id2path[id] = items[1:] return id2path
def read_wav_scp(ipath2wav_scp): fd = kaldi_io.open_or_fd(ipath2wav_scp) try: for line in fd: uttid, path2wav = line.rstrip().decode().split(' ', 1) yield uttid, path2wav finally: if fd is not ipath2wav_scp: fd.close()
def kaldi_get_datas(file_path: str, targets: List[Tuple[str]], dep: bool = False) -> Tuple[Callable, Callable, Callable, int]: def get_src_data_factory(raw_src_datas): def func(utt_ids): utt_datas = [] for utt_id in utt_ids: rx_file = raw_src_datas[utt_id] utt_datas.append(kaldi_io.read_mat(rx_file)) source_data = np.concatenate((utt_datas), axis=0) return source_data return func raw_src_datas: Dict[str, str] = {} for line in kaldi_io.open_or_fd(file_path): key, rxfile = line.decode().split(' ') raw_src_datas[key] = rxfile get_src_data = get_src_data_factory(raw_src_datas) targets = list(targets) instances_before_filtering = len(targets) targets = list(filter(lambda fields: fields[2].strip(), targets)) logger.warning(f"number of empty targets: {instances_before_filtering - len(targets)}") orders = [i for i, fields in enumerate(targets) if all(utt_id in raw_src_datas for utt_id in fields[0])] ignored = [fields[0] for i, fields in enumerate(targets) if not all(utt_id in raw_src_datas for utt_id in fields[0])] print(ignored) dropped_instances = len(targets) - len(orders) if not dropped_instances:"No instances dropped from {}.".format(file_path)) else: logger.warning("Dropped {} instances from {}.".format(dropped_instances, file_path)) # for utt_ids, src_trns, *tgt_trns in tqdm(targets): # utt_datas = [] # source_data = get_src_data(utt_ids) # source_datas.append(source_data) # target_datas.append(tgt_trns[0]) # src_lens = [src.shape[0] for src in source_datas] # source_orders = np.argsort(src_lens) src_data_func = data_func_factory(lambda idx: get_src_data(targets[idx][0]), orders) tgt_data_func = data_func_factory(lambda idx: targets[idx][2], orders) annotations = None if dep: annotations = read_dependencies(os.path.dirname(file_path)) anno_data_func = data_func_factory(lambda idx: annotations[idx] if annotations else None, orders) return src_data_func, tgt_data_func, anno_data_func, len(orders)
def __execute_command__(self, datain, cmd): #try: fin, fout = kio.open_or_fd(cmd, 'wb') kio.write_wav(fin, datain,, key='utt') fin.close() #so its clear nothing new arrives feats_ark = kio.read_mat_ark(fout) for _, feats in feats_ark: fout.close() return feats.T #there is only one to read
def construct_tensor(orig_feat_scp, ark_scp_output, tuncate_len): with ko.open_or_fd(ark_scp_output, 'wb') as f: for key, mat in ko.read_mat_scp(orig_feat_scp): tensor = tensor_cnn_utt(mat, truncate_len) repetition = int(tensor.shape[1] / truncate_len) for i in range(repetition): sub_tensor = tensor[:, i * truncate_len:(i + 1) * truncate_len] new_key = key + '-' + str(i) ko.write_mat(f, sub_tensor, key=new_key)
def decode(args, dataset, model, priors, device='cpu'): ''' Produce lattices from the input utterances. ''' # This is all of the kaldi code we are calling. We are just piping out # out features to latgen-faster-mapped which does all of the lattice # generation. lat_output = '''ark:| copy-feats ark:- ark:- |\ latgen-faster-mapped --min-active={} --max-active={} \ --max-mem={} \ --lattice-beam={} --beam={} \ --acoustic-scale={} --allow-partial=true \ --word-symbol-table={} \ {} {} ark:- ark:- | lattice-scale --acoustic-scale={} ark:- ark:- |\ gzip -c > {}/lat.{}.gz'''.format(args.min_active, args.max_active, args.max_mem, args.lattice_beam, args.beam, args.acoustic_scale, args.words_file, args.trans_mdl, args.hclg, args.post_decode_acwt, args.dumpdir, args.job) # Do the decoding (dumping senone posteriors) model.eval() with torch.no_grad(): with kaldi_io.open_or_fd(lat_output, 'wb') as f: utt_mat = [] prev_key = b'' generator = evaluation_batches(dataset) # Each minibatch is guaranteed to have at most 1 utterance. We need # to append the output of subsequent minibatches corresponding to # the same utterances. These are stored in ``utt_mat'', which is # just a buffer to accumulate the posterior outputs of minibatches # corresponding to the same utterance. The posterior state # probabilities are normalized (subtraction in log space), by the # log priors in order to produce pseudo-likelihoods useable for # for lattice generation with latgen-faster-mapped for key, mat in decode_dataset(args, generator, model, device='cpu', output_idx=args.output_idx): if len(utt_mat) > 0 and key != prev_key: kaldi_io.write_mat(f, np.concatenate(utt_mat, axis=0)[:utt_length, :], key=prev_key.decode('utf-8')) utt_mat = [] utt_mat.append(mat - args.prior_scale * priors) prev_key = key utt_length = dataset.utt_lengths[key] // dataset.subsample # Flush utt_mat buffer at the end if len(utt_mat) > 0: kaldi_io.write_mat(f, np.concatenate(utt_mat, axis=0)[:utt_length, :], key=prev_key.decode('utf-8'))
def write_kaldi(orig_feat_scp, ark_scp_output, max_len): """Write the slice feature matrix to ark_scp_output """ with ko.open_or_fd(ark_scp_output,'wb') as f: for key,mat in ko.read_mat_scp(orig_feat_scp): tensor = tensor_cnn_utt(mat, max_len) if tensor.shape[1] != max_len: print(tensor.shape) ko.write_mat(f, tensor, key=key)
def plda_write(self, plda): with kaldi_io.open_or_fd(plda, 'wb') as f: kaldi_io.write_vec_flt(f, self.mean, key='mean') kaldi_io.write_vec_flt(f, self.within_var.reshape(-1, 1), key='within_var') kaldi_io.write_vec_flt(f, self.between_var.reshape(-1, 1), key='between_var')
def extract_file(wav_lines, wfilename, winstep, winlen, mode): ark_scp_output = 'ark:| copy-feats ark:- ark,scp:%s.ark,%s.scp' %(wfilename, wfilename) with kaldi_io.open_or_fd(ark_scp_output, 'wb') as wf: for line in wav_lines: items = line.split() key = items[0] wav_ = items[5] mat = extract(wav_, winstep, winlen, mode) kaldi_io.write_mat(wf, mat, key=key)
def outputfile_mat2ark(mat, filepath): logging.debug(filepath) if not filepath.endswith('.ark'): logging.error('extension error') return with kaldi_io.open_or_fd(filepath, 'wb') as f: for k, m in mat.items(): if 0 in m.shape: continue kaldi_io.write_mat(f, m, k)
def eval_dnn(args): """ The main function for doing evaluation on a trained network. Args: args: a Namespace object with the required parameters obtained from the function process_args() """ model_dir = args.model_dir use_gpu = args.use_gpu == 'yes' min_chunk_size = args.min_chunk_size chunk_size = args.chunk_size # First change the output files temp ones and at the end rename them wspecifier, ark, scp = process_wspecifier(args.vector_wspecifier) if ark is not None and os.path.exists( ark) and scp is not None and os.path.exists(scp): 'Both output ark and scp files exist. Return from this call.') return model = Model() print(args.feature_rspecifier) with kaldi_io.open_or_fd(args.feature_rspecifier) as input_fid: with kaldi_io.open_or_fd(wspecifier) as output_fid: model.make_embedding(input_fid, output_fid, model_dir, min_chunk_size, chunk_size, use_gpu, logger) # rename output files if ark is not None: os.rename(ark + '.tmp.ark', ark) # first load scp and correct them to point to renamed ark file. if scp is not None: with open(scp + '.tmp.scp', 'rt') as fid_in: with open(scp + '.tmp', 'wr') as fid_out: text = text = text.replace('ark.tmp.ark', 'ark') # Sometimes there is no \n at the end of file ank cause a Kaldi error. # For preventing this error juts check the last char and append \n if not exist if text[-1] != '\n': text += '\n' fid_out.write(text) os.rename(scp + '.tmp', scp)
def main(): args = get_args() inp_feats_scp = args.inp_feats_scp out_feats_ark = args.out_feats_ark ark_scp_output = 'ark:| copy-feats --compress=true ark:- ark,scp:{p}.ark,{p}.scp'.format( p=out_feats_ark) with kaldi_io.open_or_fd(ark_scp_output, 'wb') as f: for utt, feats in kaldi_io.read_mat_scp(inp_feats_scp): mfcc = convert_mfcc_to_fbank(feats)'ark_check4/{u}.npy'.format(u=utt), mfcc) kaldi_io.write_mat(f, mfcc, key=utt)
def read_mat_key(file, target_key): """read the matrix of the target key/utterance from a kaldi scp file """ fd = ko.open_or_fd(file) try: for line in fd: (key, rxfile) = line.decode().split(' ') if key == target_key: return ko.read_mat(rxfile) finally: if fd is not file: fd.close()
def plda_read(self,plda): with kaldi_io.open_or_fd(plda,'rb') as f: for key,vec in kaldi_io.read_vec_flt_ark(f): if key == 'mean': self.mean = vec.reshape(-1,1) self.dim = self.mean.shape[0] elif key == 'within_var': self.within_var = vec.reshape(self.dim, self.dim) else: self.between_var = vec.reshape(self.dim, self.dim)
def read_all_key(file): """return all keys/utterances of a kaldi scp file """ key_list = [] fd = ko.open_or_fd(file) try: for line in fd: (key, _) = line.decode().split(' ') key_list.append(key) finally: if fd is not file: fd.close() return key_list
def write_vectors(utt_list, csvector_list, data_path): size = len(utt_list) csvector_dict = {} for i in range(size): sub_list = utt_list[i] sub_vector = csvector_list[i] for j in range(len(sub_list)): csvector_dict[sub_list[j]] = sub_vector[j] with kaldi_io.open_or_fd(data_path,'wb') as f: for k,v in csvector_dict.items(): kaldi_io.write_vec_flt(f, v, k)
def testInt32VectorReadWrite(self): """ Test read/write for int32 vectors. """ # read, i32_vec = { k:v for k,v in kaldi_io.read_vec_int_ark('tests/data/ali.ark') } # binary, i32_vec2 = { k:v for k,v in kaldi_io.read_vec_int_ark('tests/data/ali_ascii.ark') } # ascii, # re-save the data, with kaldi_io.open_or_fd('tests/data_re-saved/ali.ark','wb') as f: for k,v in i32_vec.items(): kaldi_io.write_vec_int(f, v, k) # read and make sure it is the same, for k,v in kaldi_io.read_vec_int_ark('tests/data_re-saved/ali.ark'): self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(v,i32_vec[k]), msg="int32 vector same after re-saving")
def testWriteReadPosteriors(self): data = [[(0, 0.0), (1, 0.1), (2, 0.2)], [(0, 0.00), (1, 0.11), (2, 0.22)], [(0, 0.000), (1, 0.111), (3, 0.333)]] key = 'posterior_test1' with kaldi_io.open_or_fd('tests/data_re-saved/posterior_tests.ark', 'wb') as w: kaldi_io.write_post(w, data, key=key) with kaldi_io.open_or_fd('tests/data_re-saved/posterior_tests.ark', 'rb') as r: posts = [(k, posteriors) for k, posteriors in kaldi_io.read_post_ark(r)] self.assertEqual(len(posts), 1) self.assertEqual(posts[0][0], key) rdata = posts[0][1] self.assertEqual(len(rdata), len(data)) for a1, a2 in zip(rdata, data): self.assertEqual(len(a1), len(a2)) for ((idx1, p1), (idx, p)) in zip(a1, a2): self.assertEqual(idx1, idx) self.assertAlmostEqual(p1, p)
def testMatrixReadWrite(self): """ Test read/write for float matrices. """ # read, flt_mat = { k:m for k,m in kaldi_io.read_mat_scp('tests/data/feats_ascii.scp') } # ascii-scp, flt_mat2 = { k:m for k,m in kaldi_io.read_mat_ark('tests/data/feats_ascii.ark') } # ascii-ark, flt_mat3 = { k:m for k,m in kaldi_io.read_mat_ark('tests/data/feats.ark') } # ascii-ark, # store, with kaldi_io.open_or_fd('tests/data_re-saved/mat.ark','wb') as f: for k,m in flt_mat3.items(): kaldi_io.write_mat(f, m, k) # read and compare, for k,m in kaldi_io.read_mat_ark('tests/data_re-saved/mat.ark'): self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(m, flt_mat3[k]), msg="flt. matrix same after re-saving")
def testFloatVectorReadWrite(self): """ Test read/write for float vectors. """ # read, flt_vec = { k:v for k,v in kaldi_io.read_vec_flt_scp('tests/data/conf.scp') } # scp, return flt_vec2 = { k:v for k,v in kaldi_io.read_vec_flt_ark('tests/data/conf.ark') } # binary-ark, flt_vec3 = { k:v for k,v in kaldi_io.read_vec_flt_ark('tests/data/conf_ascii.ark') } # ascii-ark, # store, with kaldi_io.open_or_fd('tests/data_re-saved/conf.ark','wb') as f: for k,v in flt_vec.items(): kaldi_io.write_vec_flt(f, v, k) # read and compare, for k,v in kaldi_io.read_vec_flt_ark('tests/data_re-saved/conf.ark'): self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(v,flt_vec[k]), msg="flt. vector same after re-saving")
def testPipeReadWrite(self): """ Test read/write for pipes. Note: make sure the "os.environ['KALDI_ROOT']" in "kaldi_io/" is correct. """ # the following line disables 'stderr' forwarding, comment it for DEBUG, with open("/dev/null","w") as sys.stderr: # read, flt_mat4 = { k:m for k,m in kaldi_io.read_mat_ark('ark:copy-feats ark:tests/data/feats.ark ark:- |') } # write to pipe, with kaldi_io.open_or_fd('ark:| copy-feats ark:- ark:tests/data_re-saved/mat_pipe.ark','wb') as f: for k,m in flt_mat4.items(): kaldi_io.write_mat(f, m, k) # read it again and compare, for k,m in kaldi_io.read_mat_ark('tests/data_re-saved/mat_pipe.ark'): self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(m, flt_mat4[k]),"flt. matrix same after read/write via pipe") # read some other formats from pipe, i32_vec3 = { k:v for k,v in kaldi_io.read_vec_int_ark('ark:copy-int-vector ark:tests/data/ali.ark ark:- |') } flt_vec4 = { k:v for k,v in kaldi_io.read_vec_flt_ark('ark:copy-vector ark:tests/data/conf.ark ark:- |') }
if do_training: net.train() test_flag=0 N_batches=int(N_snt/batch_size) if rnn==0: N_ex_tr=data_set.shape[0] N_batches=int(N_ex_tr/batch_size) if do_eval: N_batches=N_snt net.eval() test_flag=1 batch_size=1 if do_forward: post_file=kaldi_io.open_or_fd(out_file,'wb') counts = load_counts(count_file) beg_batch=0 end_batch=batch_size snt_index=0 beg_snt=0 loss_sum=0 err_sum=0 for i in range(N_batches):