コード例 #1
def possible(y, x, n):
    ''' initialize variables'''
    global grid
    array = []
    ''' initialize for loop and if true there is no number similar to the
    input number inside the row or column of the grid or board.'''
    for i in range(0, 9):
        if grid[y][i] == n:
            if grid[i][x] == n:
                return False
    ''' initialize variables and calculate the index location of the board.'''
    output = var()
    x0 = (x // 3) * 3
    y0 = (y // 3) * 3
    ''' initialize a for loop and store the values inside array'''
    for i in range(0, 3):
        for j in range(0, 3):
            array.append(grid[y0 + i][x0 + j])
    ''' Applying Kanren functions into the Sudoku algorithm.
    The functions are use to implement a logic program to verify
    whether the input variable is identical to the numbers inside the array.
    If there is no numbers identical to the numbers inside the array, then
    the function will return True.'''
    find_number = run(1, output, eq(output, n), membero(output, array))
    if len(find_number) != 0:
        return False
    return True
コード例 #2
def five():
    i = int
    i = 0
    temp = var()
    temp = run(int(a), n, prime_test(n))

    while int(temp[i]) < int(a):
        i = i + 1

    i = i - 1
    if int(temp[i + 1]) == int(a):
        return ("{} is a prime number".format(a))

        j = int
        k = int
        j = int(a) - int(temp[i])
        k = int(temp[i + 1]) - int(a)
        if j < k:
            return ("{} is the closest prime number".format(temp[i]))
        elif k < j:
            return ("{} is the closest prime number".format(temp[i + 1]))
            return ("{} and {} are the closest prime numbers".format(
                temp[i], temp[i + 1]))
コード例 #3
def three():
    i = int
    i = 0
    factor = []
    temp = var()
    result = False
    temp = run(int(a), n, prime_test(n))
    while i < int(a):
        if (int(a) == int(temp[i])):
            result = True
            i = i + 1
            i = i + 1
    if result == True:
        return ("{} is a prime number".format(a))
        i = 0
        while int(temp[i]) < int(a):
            if (int(a) % int(temp[i]) == 0):
                i = i + 1
                i = i + 1

    return (factor)
コード例 #4
ファイル: prime.py プロジェクト: logpy/logpy
def test_primo():
    if not sg:
        pytest.skip("Test missing required library: sympy.ntheory.generate")

    x = var()
    res = (set(run(0, x, (membero, x, (20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29,
                                       30)), (primo, x))))

    assert {23, 29} == res

    assert ((run(5, x, primo(x)))) == (2, 3, 5, 7, 11)
コード例 #5
ファイル: prime.py プロジェクト: yusuf-kayyalie/logpy
def test_primo():
    if not sg:
        pytest.skip("Test missing required library: sympy.ntheory.generate")

    x = var()
    res = (set(
        run(0, x, (membero, x, (20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30)),
            (primo, x))))

    assert {23, 29} == res

    assert ((run(5, x, primo(x)))) == (2, 3, 5, 7, 11)
コード例 #6
def six():
    temp = var()
    temp = run(int(a), n, prime_test(n))
    i = int
    i = 0
    z = int
    z = 0

    while int(temp[i]) < int(a):
        i = i + 1

    if int(temp[i]) == int(a):
        j = int
        k = int
        jresult = False
        kresult = False
        j = int(temp[i]) + 6
        k = int(temp[i]) - 6
        temp = run(int(j), n, prime_test(n))

        while z < int(j):
            if (int(j) == int(temp[z])):
                jresult = True
                z = z + 1
                z = z + 1

        z = 0

        while z < int(k):
            if (int(k) == int(temp[z])):
                kresult = True
                z = z + 1
                z = z + 1

        if jresult == True and kresult == False:
            return ("{} is a Sexy Prime with {}".format(a, str(j)))
        elif kresult == True and jresult == False:
            return ("{} is a Sexy Prime with {}".format(a, str(k)))
        elif jresult == True and kresult == True:
            return ("{} is a Sexy Prime with {} and {}".format(
                a, str(j), str(k)))
            return ("{} does not have a Sexy prime".format(a))

        return ("{} is not a prime number".format(a))
コード例 #7
def two():
    i = int
    i = 0
    result = False
    temp = var()
    temp = run(int(a), n, prime_test(n))
    while i < int(a):
        if (int(a) == int(temp[i])):
            result = True
            i = i + 1
            i = i + 1
    if result == True:
        return ("{} is prime".format(a))
        return ("{} is not prime".format(a))
コード例 #8
ファイル: listing1_1.py プロジェクト: mtmnhnina14/IF-KCB
from kanren.core import var, eq, run
x = var()
output = run(1, x, eq(5, x))
コード例 #9
def sibling(x, y):
    temp = var()
    return conde((parent(temp, x), parent(temp, y)))
コード例 #10
def grandparent(x, y):
    temp = var()
    return conde((parent(x, temp), parent(temp, y)))
コード例 #11
def uncle(x, y):
    temp = var()
    return conde((parent(temp, x), grandparent(temp, y)))
コード例 #12
def main(stdscr):
    FPS = 60

    minFrameTime = 1 / FPS
    frameDelta = 0

    height, width = stdscr.getmaxyx()
    height -= 1

    g1Yrange = range(0, int((width / 2) - 1))
    g2Yrange = range(int((width / 2) + 1), width - 1)
    midLoc = int(width / 2 - 1)
    midWidth = 2
    graphWidth = int(width / 2 - 1)
    g1Title = 'y=sin(x), where x is prime and 0 < x < 100,000'
    g2Title = 'y=sin(sqrt(x)), where x is prime and 0 < x < 100,000'
    g1TitleLoc = midLoc - int(graphWidth / 2) - int(len(g1Title) / 2)
    g2TitleLoc = midLoc + int(graphWidth / 2) - int(len(g2Title) / 2)
    leftBuffer = []
    midBuffer = []
    rightBuffer = []

    loadingMsg1 = 'Calculating prime numbers between 0 and 100,000'
    loadingMsg2 = 'Please wait...'
    stdscr.addstr(int(height / 2), int(midLoc - len(loadingMsg1) / 2),
        int(height / 2) + 1, int(midLoc - len(loadingMsg2) / 2), loadingMsg2)

    for i in range(0, graphWidth):
        for j in range(0, height):

    for i in range(0, midWidth):
        for j in range(0, height):
            midBuffer[i].append(' ')

    for i in range(0, graphWidth):
        for j in range(0, height):

    n = var()
    primeSet = sorted(
        set(run(0, n, (membero, n, range(1, 100000)), (prime_test, n))))

    for entry in primeSet:
        frameStart = time.time()

        g1Col = []
        g2Col = []
        for i in range(0, height):

        g1Index = int((math.sin(entry) + 1) / 2 * (height - 1))
        g2Index = int((math.sin(math.sqrt(entry)) + 1) / 2 * (height - 1))

        g1Col[g1Index] = ' '
        g2Col[g2Index] = ' '

        del leftBuffer[0]
        del rightBuffer[0]

        stdscr.addstr(0, g1TitleLoc, g1Title, curses.A_UNDERLINE)
        stdscr.addstr(0, g2TitleLoc, g2Title, curses.A_UNDERLINE)

        for i in g1Yrange:
            for j in range(0, height - 1):
                if leftBuffer[i][j] == ' ':
                    stdscr.addch(j + 1, i, leftBuffer[i][j], curses.A_STANDOUT)
                    stdscr.addch(j + 1, i, leftBuffer[i][j])

        for i in range(0, midWidth):
            for j in range(0, height - 1):
                stdscr.addch(j + 1, midLoc + i, midBuffer[i][j],

        for i, k in zip(g2Yrange, range(0, graphWidth)):
            for j in range(0, height - 1):
                if rightBuffer[k][j] == ' ':
                    stdscr.addch(j + 1, i, rightBuffer[k][j],
                    stdscr.addch(j + 1, i, rightBuffer[k][j])

        if frameDelta > 0:
            fpsDisplay = 'FPS: ' + '{0:.2f}'.format(1 / frameDelta)
            stdscr.addstr(height, 0, fpsDisplay)
            stdscr.addstr(height, len(fpsDisplay), '\t\tCTRL+C to exit',

        frameDelta = time.time() - frameStart
        while frameDelta < minFrameTime:
            frameDelta = time.time() - frameStart


コード例 #13
        return ("{} is not a prime number".format(a))

def seven():
    return ("Thank you for using this program")

def choice(argument):
    switcher = {1: one, 2: two, 3: three, 4: four, 5: five, 6: six, 7: seven}
    func = switcher.get(argument, lambda: "Invalid choice")

n = var()
x = var()
a = int
b = int
b = 0
a = input(
    "Please enter the number that you wish to discover some fun prime facts about: "
print("What would you like to do?")
print("Enter 1 for the first {} primes".format(a))
print("Enter 2 to see if {} is prime".format(a))
print("Enter 3 to get the prime factors of {}".format(a))
print("Enter 4 to get all primes from the first {} integers".format(a))
print("Enter 5 to find the closest prime number to {}".format(a))
print("Enter 6 to check if {} has a Sexy Prime counterpart".format(a))
print("Enter 7 to exit")
コード例 #14
""" Example using SymPy to construct a prime number goal """

from kanren.core import (isvar, success, fail, assoc, goaleval, var, run,
        membero, condeseq, eq)
from sympy.ntheory.generate import prime, isprime
import itertools as it

def primo(x):
    """ x is a prime number """
    if isvar(x):
        return condeseq([(eq, x, p)] for p in it.imap(prime, it.count(1)))
        return success if isprime(x) else fail

x = var()
print((set(run(0, x, (membero, x, (20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30)),
                    (primo, x)))))
# set([29, 33])

print((run(5, x, primo(x))))
# (2, 3, 5, 7, 11)
コード例 #15
from kanren import *
from kanren.core import success, fail, goaleval, condeseq, eq, var, lall
from sympy.ntheory.generate import prime, isprime
import itertools as it
import time

def prime_check(x):
    if isvar(x):
       return condeseq([(eq,x,p)]
       for p in map(prime, it.count(1)))
       return success if isprime(x) else fail

x = var()

def left(q, p, list):
   return membero((q,p), zip(list, list[1:]))
def next(q, p, list):
   return conde([left(q, p, list)], [left(p, q, list)])

# Zebra probelm   

houses = var()

rules_zebraproblem = lall(
   (eq, (var(), var(), var(), var(), var()), houses),
   (membero,('Englishman', var(), var(), var(), 'red'), houses),
   (membero,('Swede', var(), var(), 'dog', var()), houses),
   (membero,('Dane', var(), 'tea', var(), var()), houses),
コード例 #16
from kanren.core import var, eq, run
x = var()
y = var()
output = run(1, x, eq((x, y), (y, 3)))
コード例 #17

read the json file and store in data
# read json
with open('profile2.json') as f:
    data = json.load(f)
find the total number of employees
total_employees = np.arange(1, len(data), 1)
intialize variable n
n = var()
check the array and filter the numbers that are prime numbers
result_id = run(0, n, (membero, n, (total_employees)), (prime_check, n))
the attributes is for the user to read the data
attributes = ['index', 'prime', 'first', 'last', 'jobtype']
print('\nHere are all the prime numbers from the database:')
print the attributes
print('\n' + '\t'.join(attributes))
print('=' * 57)
コード例 #18
from kanren.facts import Relation, facts, fact
from kanren.core import var, run
from kanren.goals import membero
from kanren import vars

ukuran = Relation()
warna = Relation()
gelap = Relation()

facts(ukuran, ("beruang", "besar"), ("gajah", "besar"), ("kucing", "kecil"))

facts(warna, ("beruang", "cokelat"), ("kucing", "hitam"), ("gajah", "kelabu"))

fact(gelap, "hitam")
fact(gelap, "cokelat")

z = var()
ukuran_h = "kecil"
kecil = run(0, z, ukuran(z, ukuran_h))
print("hewan berukuran " + ukuran_h + ": ", kecil)