コード例 #1
ファイル: cipher.py プロジェクト: john299792/Narrated-Code
def logicBased():
    x = var()
    print(run(1, x, eq(x, 5)))
    z = var()
    print(run(1, x, eq(x, z), eq(z, 3)))

    print(run(1, x, eq((1, 2), (1, x))))

    print(run(2, x, membero(x, (1, 2, 3)), membero(x, (2, 3, 4))))

    z = var('test')

    a, b, c = vars(3)

    parent = Relation()
    facts(parent, ("Homer", "Bart"), ("Homer", "Lias"), ("Abe", "Homer"))
    print(run(2, x, parent("Homer", x)))

    y = var()
    print(run(1, x, parent(x, y), parent(y, 'Bart')))

    def grandparent(x, z):
        y = var()
        return conde((parent(x, y), parent(y, z)))

    print(run(1, x, grandparent(x, 'Bart')))
    menu()  #calls the menu function (a menu loop)
コード例 #2
 def locate():
     mention = var('mention')
     post_mention = var('post.mention')
     return (
         (post_mention, (mention,)),
             R['LEMMA'](mention, 'mention'),
             R['poss'](mention, post_mention),
             membero(mention, not_used),
             membero(post_mention, not_used)
コード例 #3
def logic_solve(puzzle):
    """First attempt to solve the puzzle using membero. Works but SLOW..."""
    words = set()
    for word in RAW_WORDS:
    vs = kn.vars(len(puzzle))
    gs = []
    for i, v in enumerate(vs):
        print(tuple(map(str.lower, puzzle[i])))
        gs.append(kn.membero(v, tuple(map(str.lower, puzzle[i]))))
    gs.append(kn.membero(vs, words))
    return kn.run(0, vs, *gs)
コード例 #4
 def locate():
     post_text = var('post.text')
     prep = var('prep')
     return (
         (post_text, (prep,)),
             one_of(R, prep, {'with'}),
             R['pobj'](prep, post_text),
             membero(prep, not_used),
             membero(post_text, not_used)
コード例 #5
 def locate():
     like_action = var('like')
     times = var('times')
     post_likes = var('post.likes_count')
     return (
         (post_likes, (like_action, times)),
             R['LEMMA'](like_action, 'like'),
             R['npadvmod'](like_action, times),
             R['nummod'](times, post_likes),
             membero(like_action, not_used),
             membero(times, not_used),
             membero(post_likes, not_used)
コード例 #6
 def locate():
     with_prep = var('with')
     with_what = var('with_what')
     post_likes = var('post.likes_count')
     return (
         (post_likes, (with_what,)),
             R['LEMMA'](with_prep, 'with'),
             R['pobj'](with_prep, with_what),
             R['LEMMA'](with_what, 'like'),
             R['nummod'](with_what, post_likes),
             membero(post_likes, not_used),
             membero(with_what, not_used)
コード例 #7
def possible(y, x, n):
    ''' initialize variables'''
    global grid
    array = []
    ''' initialize for loop and if true there is no number similar to the
    input number inside the row or column of the grid or board.'''
    for i in range(0, 9):
        if grid[y][i] == n:
            if grid[i][x] == n:
                return False
    ''' initialize variables and calculate the index location of the board.'''
    output = var()
    x0 = (x // 3) * 3
    y0 = (y // 3) * 3
    ''' initialize a for loop and store the values inside array'''
    for i in range(0, 3):
        for j in range(0, 3):
            array.append(grid[y0 + i][x0 + j])
    ''' Applying Kanren functions into the Sudoku algorithm.
    The functions are use to implement a logic program to verify
    whether the input variable is identical to the numbers inside the array.
    If there is no numbers identical to the numbers inside the array, then
    the function will return True.'''
    find_number = run(1, output, eq(output, n), membero(output, array))
    if len(find_number) != 0:
        return False
    return True
コード例 #8
 def locate():
     mention = var('mention')
     prep = var('prep')
     post_mention = var('post.mention')
     return (
         (post_mention, (mention, prep)),
             one_of(R, mention, {'mention'}),
             R['prep'](mention, prep),
             one_of(R, prep, {'of'}),
             R['pobj'](prep, post_mention),
             membero(mention, not_used),
             membero(post_mention, not_used),
             membero(prep, not_used)
コード例 #9
 def locate():
     action = var('action')
     reply = var('reply')
     post_replies = var('post.repliesCount')
     reply_syns = {'reply', 'comment'}
     return (
         (post_replies, (reply,)),
             conde((R['dobj'](action, reply),),
                   (R['pobj'](action, reply),)),
             one_of(R, reply, reply_syns),
             R['nummod'](reply, post_replies),
             membero(reply, not_used),
             membero(post_replies, not_used)
コード例 #10
 def locate():
     post_text = var('post.text')
     post = var('post')
     post_syns = {'message', 'content', 'post'}
     contain = var('contain')
     return (
         (post_text, (contain, post_text)),
             one_of(R, post, post_syns),
             R['LEMMA'](contain, 'contain'),
             conde((R['relcl'](post, contain),),
                   (R['acl'](post, contain),)),
             R['oprd'](contain, post_text),
             membero(contain, not_used),
             membero(post_text, not_used)
コード例 #11
def eval_expro(expr, env, value, depth=0, maxdepth=3):
    # logger.debug("Evaluating expr {} to {} with env {}".format(expr, value, env))
    uuid = str(uuid4())[:4]
    if isinstance(expr, ast.AST):
        logger.info("Found AST for expr -> {}".format(
    if isinstance(value, ast.AST):
        logger.info("Found AST for value -> {}".format(

    if depth >= maxdepth:
        return fail
    # fmt: off
    return conde(
        (eq(expr, ast.Name(id=var('name_' + uuid), ctx=ast.Load())),
         lookupo(var('name_' + uuid), env, value)),
        # (lany(
        #     typeo(value, int),
        #     typeo(value, str),
        #  ),
        #  eq(expr, ast.Constant(value=value)),),
        (eq(expr, ast.Str(s=var('str_e_' + uuid))), typeo(
            value, str), eq(var('str_e_' + uuid), value)),
        (eq(expr, ast.Num(n=value)), membero(value, [_ for _ in range(5)])),
            ast.BinOp(left=var('e1_' + uuid),
                      op=var('op_e_' + uuid),
                      right=var('e2_' + uuid))), typeo(var('v1_' + uuid), int),
         typeo(var('v2_' + uuid), int),
         eval_expro(var('e1_' + uuid), env, var('v1_' + uuid), depth + 1,
         eval_expro(var('e2_' + uuid), env, var('v2_' + uuid), depth + 1,
         eval_opo(var('op_e_' + uuid), var('op_v_' + uuid), var('v1_' + uuid),
                  var('v2_' + uuid), value),
         binopo(var('v1_' + uuid),
                var('v2_' + uuid),
                op=var('op_v_' + uuid))),

        # Lists
        (eq(expr, ast.List(elts=var("list_elements_" + uuid), ctx=ast.Load())),
         eval_expr_listo(var("list_elements_" + uuid), env, value, depth,

        # Functions
        (eq(expr, ast.Lambda(body=var('body_' + uuid),
                             args=[])), typeo(value, FunctionType),
         eval_expro(var('body_' + uuid), env, var('body_v_' + uuid), depth + 1,
                    maxdepth), eq(lambda: var('body_v_' + uuid), value)),
        (eq(expr, ast.Call(func=var('func_' + uuid), args=[], keywords=[])),
         typeo(var('func_v_' + uuid), FunctionType),
         eval_expro(var('func_' + uuid), env, var('func_v_' + uuid), depth + 1,
                    maxdepth), applyo(var('func_v_' + uuid), [], value)),
コード例 #12
 def locate():
     action = var('action')
     post_text = var('post.text')
     return (
         (post_text, (action,)),
             R['LEMMA'](action, 'contain'),
             R['dobj'](action, post_text),
             membero(post_text, not_used)
コード例 #13
 def locate():
     about = var('about')
     post_text = var('post.text')
     return (
         (post_text, (about,)),
             R['LEMMA'](about, 'about'),
             R['pobj'](about, post_text),
             membero(post_text, not_used)
コード例 #14
 def locate():
     post_sentiment = var('post.sentiment')
     sentiment = var('sentiment')
     return (
         (post_sentiment, (sentiment,)),
             R['LEMMA'](sentiment, 'sentiment'),
             R['amod'](sentiment, post_sentiment),
             membero(post_sentiment, not_used)
コード例 #15
 def locate():
     post_count = var('post.count')
     post = var('post')
     post_syns = {'message', 'content', 'post'}
     return (
         (post_count, ()),
             one_of(R, post, post_syns),
             R['nummod'](post, post_count),
             membero(post_count, not_used)
コード例 #16
from kanren import run, membero, var

x = var()
sol = run(1, x, membero(x, [1, 2, 3]), membero(x, [2, 3, 4]))
コード例 #17
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: john299792/Narrated-Code
# Program Author:  Kaleb Newsom
#         Course:  CS 351 Programming Languages
#     Assignment:  Logic Programming Lab 2

# import logic methods from kanren
from kanren import run, var, membero
import random  # import package that creates random numbers

x = list(range(1, 70))  # set x to a list of numbers from 1 to 69 inclusive
y = list(range(1, 27))  # set y to a list of numbers from 1 to 26 inclusive
    x)  # randomly shuffle the list of numbers from 1 to 69 inclusive
random.shuffle(y)  # randomly shuffle the list of numbers from 1 to 26

z = var()  # let z be a logic variable
# let user know that the following statement will be the first 5 powerball numbers
    'These are your first 5 randomly chosen numbers to select on your powerball ticket!'
# display a tupple containing the first 5 numbers of the randomized list of numbers including numbers 1 to 69 inclusive
        run(5, z, membero(z, x), membero(z, x), membero(z, x), membero(z, x),
            membero(z, x))))
# let user know that the following statement will be the 6th powerball number
    'This is your randomly chosen 6th powerball number to select on your powerball ticket!'
# display a tupple containing the 6th powerball number
print(sorted(run(1, z, membero(z, (y)))))
コード例 #18
#project 2-Author: Luke Landon-
import kanren
from kanren import run, eq, membero, var, conde, Relation, facts
import random
x = kanren.var()
print(run(1, x, eq(x, 5)))
#asks for a number x such that x is equal to z and z is equal to 3
z = kanren.var()
print(run(1, x, eq(x, z), eq(z, 3)))
#asks for a number x such that 1,2 equals 1,x
print(run(1, x, eq((1, 2), (1, x))))
#uses membero twice to ask for 2 values of x such that x is a member of 1,2,3 and that x is a member of 2,3.4
print(run(2, x, membero(x, (1, 2, 3)), membero(x, (2, 3, 4))))
#creates a logic variable
z = kanren.var('test')
#creates multiple logic variables at once
a, b, c = var('a'), var('b'), var('c')
#creates a parent relationship and uses it to state facts about who is related to who
parent = Relation()
facts(parent, ("Homer", "Bart"), ("Homer", "Lisa"), ("Abe", "Homer"))
print(run(1, x, parent(x, "Bart")))
print(run(2, x, parent("Homer", x)))
#uses intermediate variables for complex queries
y = var()
print(run(1, x, parent(x, y), parent(y, 'Bart')))

コード例 #19

# optional name strings are helpful for debugging
first = var("first")
last = var("last")
ident = var("ident")
balance = var("balance")
newbalance = var("newbalance")

# Describe a couple of transformations on accounts
source = Account(first, last, ident, balance)
target = Account(first, last, ident, newbalance)

theorists = ("Adam", "Carl")
# Give $10 to theorists
theorist_bonus = lall(
    membero(source, accounts),
    membero(first, theorists),
    add(10, balance, newbalance),

# Take $10 from anyone with more than $100
tax_the_rich = lall(membero(source, accounts), gt(balance, 100),
                    sub(balance, 10, newbalance))

print("Take $10 from anyone with more than $100")
print(run(0, target, tax_the_rich))

print("Give $10 to theorists")
print(run(0, target, theorist_bonus))
コード例 #20
# Michael Martindill
# CS 351
# 2/7/2019
# The purpose of this program is to find the union of two sets by using logic programming with the kanren package

from kanren import run, eq, membero, var, conde

# Function to convert the inputted string into an array
def stringToArray(str):
    setArray = str.split(',')
    return setArray

    "Input two sets of numbers to find the union between them. (Separated by commas)"

set1 = input("Set 1: ")
set1 = set1.replace(" ", "")
set1Array = stringToArray(set1)

set2 = input("Set 2: ")
set2 = set2.replace(" ", "")
set2Array = stringToArray(set2)

x = var()
print("The union of these two sets is: ")
print(run(len(set1Array), x, membero(x, set1Array), membero(x, set2Array)))
コード例 #21
ファイル: user_classes.py プロジェクト: pythological/kanren
# optional name strings are helpful for debugging
first = var(prefix="first")
last = var(prefix="last")
ident = var(prefix="ident")
balance = var(prefix="balance")
newbalance = var(prefix="newbalance")

# Describe a couple of transformations on accounts
source = Account(first, last, ident, balance)
target = Account(first, last, ident, newbalance)

theorists = ("Adam", "Carl")
# Give $10 to theorists
theorist_bonus = lall(
    membero(source, accounts),
    membero(first, theorists),
    applyo(add, (10, balance), newbalance),

# Take $10 from anyone with more than $100
a = var(prefix="a")
tax_the_rich = lall(
    membero(source, accounts),
    applyo(gt, (balance, 100), a),
    eq(a, True),
    applyo(sub, (balance, 10), newbalance),

print("Take $10 from anyone with more than $100")
print(run(0, target, tax_the_rich))
コード例 #22
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: bsolca/-CSUSM-Py-LogicProg
run(1, x, eq(x, 5))
print (run(1, x, eq(x, 5)))

# Multiple variables and multiple goals can be used simultaneously
print ("\n [2] Multiple variables:")
z = var()
print(run(1, x, eq(x, z),
          eq(z, 3)))

# unification, an advanced form of pattern matching
print ("\n [3] unification:")
print (run(1, x, eq((1, 2), (1, x))))

# Member usage
print ("\n [1] equal:")
print(run(2, x, membero(x, (1, 2, 3)),  # x is a member of (1, 2, 3)
          membero(x, (2, 3, 4))))  # x is a member of (2, 3, 4)

# Logic variable
z = var('test')
print (z)

# Multiple variable at one
a, b, c = var('a'), var('b'), var('c')

# Data store and relationship
parent = Relation()
facts(parent, ("Homer", "Bart"),
コード例 #23
ファイル: Lab 8.py プロジェクト: M0HTeP/Study
def left(q, p, list): 
    return membero((q,p), zip(list, list[1:])) 
コード例 #24
def one_of(R, idx, lst):
    l = var('l'+str(idx))
    return conde((R['LEMMA'](idx, l), membero(l, lst)))