コード例 #1
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: kom3/Keycloak_Django
    def get(self, request):
        This is a get request for getting the file explorer data. It internally calls the
        get_dir_tree_json() in navigator_utils.py to get a list of directories. THIS VIEW EXISTS

        params sent via the request:

        start_dir: Absolute path to the start directory. If not given, defaulted to "Warriorspace".
        path: Absolute path to the current directory. Send a path via this argument indicates that
              information for current directory's parent needs to be obtained. If not False, it is
              prioritized over start_dir
        lazy_loading: Indicates that jsTree lazy_loading is being used and only direct
                      sub-children's information needs to be obtained.

        nav_obj = Navigator()
        start_dir = "false"
        lazy_loading = True if "lazy_loading" in request.GET and request.GET["lazy_loading"].lower() == "true" else False
        config_data = read_config_file_data()

        get_children_only = False
        if "start_dir" in request.GET:
            get_children_only = True
            start_dir = request.GET["start_dir"]

        if os.environ["pipmode"] == 'True':
            if config_data["pythonsrcdir"] != "" and start_dir == "false":
                get_children_only = False
                if config_data["xmldir"].split("/")[-2] == "warriorspace" or config_data["xmldir"].split("/")[-2] == "Warriorspace":
                    start_dir = config_data["pythonsrcdir"] + "/" +config_data["xmldir"].split("/")[-2]
                elif config_data["xmldir"].split("/")[-3] == "warriorspace" or config_data["xmldir"].split("/")[-3] == "Warriorspace":
                    start_dir = config_data["pythonsrcdir"] + "/" +config_data["xmldir"].split("/")[-3]
                    start_dir = config_data["pythonsrcdir"]
            elif config_data["pythonsrcdir"] == "" and start_dir == "false":
                get_children_only = False
                start_dir = nav_obj.get_katana_dir()
            if config_data["pythonsrcdir"] != "" and start_dir == "false":
                get_children_only = False
                if config_data["xmldir"].split("/")[-2] == "warriorspace" or config_data["xmldir"].split("/")[-2] == "Warriorspace":
                    start_dir = config_data["pythonsrcdir"] + "/" +config_data["xmldir"].split("/")[-2]
                elif config_data["xmldir"].split("/")[-3] == "warriorspace" or config_data["xmldir"].split("/")[-3] == "Warriorspace":
                    start_dir = config_data["pythonsrcdir"] + "/" +config_data["xmldir"].split("/")[-3]
                    start_dir = config_data["pythonsrcdir"]
            elif config_data["pythonsrcdir"] == "" and start_dir == "false":
                get_children_only = False
                start_dir = nav_obj.get_katana_dir()

        if "path" in request.GET:
            get_children_only = False
            start_dir = request.GET["path"]

        output = nav_obj.get_dir_tree_json(start_dir_path=start_dir, lazy_loading=lazy_loading)
        if get_children_only:
            output = output["children"]
        return JsonResponse(output, safe=False)
コード例 #2
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: kom3/Keycloak_Django
    def post(self, request):
        This is a post request for getting the file explorer data. It internally calls the
        get_dir_tree_json() in navigator_utils.py to get a list of directories.

        params sent via the request:

        start_dir: Absolute path to the start directory. If not given, defaulted to "Warriorspace".
        path: Absolute path to the current directory. Send a path via this argument indicates that
              information for current directory's parent needs to be obtained. If not False, it is
              prioritized over start_dir
        lazy_loading: Indicates that jsTree lazy_loading is being used and only direct
                      sub-children's information needs to be obtained.

        nav_obj = Navigator()
        lazy_loading = True if "data[lazy_loading]" in request.POST and request.POST["data[lazy_loading]"].lower() == "true" else False
        start_dir = "false"
        config_data = read_config_file_data()
        if "data[start_dir]" in request.POST:
            start_dir = request.POST["data[start_dir]"]
        if os.environ["pipmode"] == 'True':
            if config_data["pythonsrcdir"] != "" and start_dir == "false":
                start_dir = config_data["pythonsrcdir"]
            elif config_data["pythonsrcdir"] == "" and start_dir == "false":
                start_dir = nav_obj.get_katana_dir()
            if config_data["pythonsrcdir"] != "" and start_dir == "false":
                get_children_only = False
                start_dir = config_data["pythonsrcdir"]
            elif config_data["pythonsrcdir"] == "" and start_dir == "false":
                get_children_only = False
                start_dir = nav_obj.get_katana_dir()

        if "data[path]" in request.POST and request.POST["data[path]"] != "false":
            start_dir = get_parent_directory(request.POST["data[path]"])
        output = nav_obj.get_dir_tree_json(start_dir_path=start_dir, lazy_loading=lazy_loading)
        return JsonResponse(output)
コード例 #3
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: terrakom/wapps
class Execution(object):
    Execution app class
    def __init__(self):
        Constructor for execution app
        self.nav = Navigator()
        self.config_data = read_config_file_data()
        self.katana_dir = os.path.dirname(native.__path__[0])
        self.wf_dir = os.path.dirname(self.katana_dir)
        self.warrior = os.path.join(self.wf_dir, 'warrior', 'Warrior')
        if os.environ["pipmode"] == 'True':
            self.default_ws = self.config_data["pythonsrcdir"]
            self.default_ws = os.path.join(self.wf_dir, 'warrior',
        self.templates_dir = os.path.join(templates_dir, 'execution')
        self.jira_settings_file = os.path.join(self.wf_dir, 'warrior', 'Tools',
                                               'jira', 'jira_config.xml')
        self.execution_settings_json = os.path.join(templates_dir, 'execution',
        self.config_json = os.path.join(self.katana_dir, 'config.json')

    def index(self, request):
        Index page for exeution app
        execution_settings_dict = update_jira_proj_list(
            self.jira_settings_file, self.execution_settings_json)
        start_dir = self.default_ws if execution_settings_dict['defaults']['start_dir'] == 'default' \
        else execution_settings_dict['defaults']['start_dir']
        execution_settings_dict['defaults']['start_dir'] = start_dir
        index_template = os.path.join(self.templates_dir, 'execution.html')

        return render(request, index_template, execution_settings_dict)

    def get_results_index(self, request):
        Render the results index html to the client
        fname = 'live_html_results'
        path = data_live_dir
        fpath = file_utils.get_new_filepath(fname, path, '.html')
        html_file = open(fpath, 'w')
        html_file.write('<div data-currentTable="1"> </div> ')

        result_setting = {'fpath': fpath}
        results_template = os.path.join(self.templates_dir,
        return render(request, results_template, result_setting)

    def get_html_results(self, request):
        Update the html results by reading the live html results
        file sent in the request
        data_dict = json.loads(request.GET.get('data'))
        fpath = data_dict['liveHtmlFpath']
        with open(fpath) as htmlfile:
            data = htmlfile.readlines()
        return HttpResponse(data)

    def delete_live_html_file(self, request):
        delete the live html file created
        status = 'success'
            data_dict = json.loads(request.GET.get('data'))
            fpath = data_dict['liveHtmlFpath']
        except Exception as err:
            status = 'failure'

        return HttpResponse(status)

    def get_logfile_contents(self, request):
        Update the html results by reading the live html results
        file sent in the request
        data_dict = json.loads(request.GET.get('data'))
        logpath = data_dict['logpath']
        logtype = data_dict['logtype']
        op_data = {}
        logfile_name = logpath.split(os.sep)[-1]

        if str(logtype.lower()) == 'defects':
            contents = json.loads(open(logpath).read())

        if str(logtype.lower()) == 'console_logs':
            contents = open(logpath).read()
            contents = contents.replace('\n', '<br>')

        op_data['logfile_name'] = logfile_name
        op_data['contents'] = contents

        return JsonResponse(op_data)

    def cleanup_data_live_dir(self, request):
        Update the html results by reading the live html results
        file sent in the request
        status = 'success'
            for item in os.listdir(data_live_dir):
                path = os.path.join(data_live_dir, item)
                if os.path.isfile(
                        path) and not path.endswith('donotdeletethisfile.txt'):
                elif os.path.isdir(path):
                    shutil.rmtree(path, 'ignore_errors')
        except Exception as err:
            print("error ceaning up dir {0}".format(data_live_dir))
            status = 'failure'

        return HttpResponse(status)

    def get_ws(self, request):
        return the dir tree json for warriorspace
        data_dict = json.loads(request.GET.get('data'))
        ws_dir = data_dict['start_dir']
        layout = self.nav.get_dir_tree_json(ws_dir)
        return JsonResponse(layout)

    def execute_warrior(self, request):
        Execute warrior command and send console logs to the client in a
        streaming fashion.
        data_dict = json.loads(request.GET.get('data'))
        execution_file_list = data_dict['execution_file_list']
        cmd_string = data_dict['cmd_string']
        live_html_res_file = data_dict['liveHtmlFpath']
        config_json_dict = json.loads(open(self.config_json).read())
        python_path = config_json_dict['pythonpath']

        katana_dir = os.path.dirname(katana.native.__path__[0])
        config_json = os.path.join(katana_dir, 'config.json')
        config_json_dict = json.loads(open(config_json).read())
        pythonpaths = []
        for key in config_json_dict.keys():
            if key.startswith('userreposdir'):
                repo = config_json_dict[key].split('/')
                repo = "/".join(repo[:-1])
        pythonpath = ':'.join(pythonpaths)
        cmd_string = cmd_string + ' -pythonpath {0}'.format(pythonpath)
        return StreamingHttpResponse(
            stream_warrior_output(self.warrior, cmd_string,
                                  execution_file_list, live_html_res_file,