コード例 #1
    def runTest(self):
        Tests that verify the kavecommon library and simple functions in that library
        import kavecommon as kc

        sources = []
        for mirror in kc.mirrors():
            sources.append(kc.repo_url("", repo=mirror))
        self.assertRaises(IOError, kc.failover_source, ["non-existing-file-88989381923813.file"])  # ,"bug ABK-112"
        # make some directory structure to check the permissions changing...
        import tempfile
        import os

        tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        os.system("mkdir -p " + tempdir + "/this/is/a/test1")
        os.system("mkdir -p " + tempdir + "/this/is/a/test2")
        os.system("mkdir -p " + tempdir + "/this/is/a/test3")
        os.system("chmod -R 555 " + tempdir + "/this ")
        kc.chmod_up(tempdir + "/this/is/a/test1", "511", seen=[tempdir, tempdir + "/this"])
        self.assertFalse(os.access(tempdir + "/this/is/a", os.W_OK), tempdir + " permissions settings failed")
        kc.chmod_up(tempdir + "/this/is/a/test1", "744", seen=[tempdir])
        self.assertTrue(os.access(tempdir + "/this/is/a", os.W_OK), tempdir + " permissions settings failed")
        self.assertFalse(os.access(tempdir + "/this/is/a/test2", os.W_OK), tempdir + " permissions settings failed")
        # create a file in this directory to test the copy/caching, at least for things without wget
        os.system("touch " + tempdir + "/this/is/test.test")
        topd = os.path.realpath(os.curdir)
        kc.copy_or_cache(sources=[tempdir + "/this/is/test.test"], filename="test.test", cache_dir=tempdir + "/this/")
        self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(tempdir + "/test.test") and os.path.exists(
            tempdir + "/this/is/test.test") and os.path.exists(tempdir + "/this/test.test"),
            tempdir + " copy/caching failed")
        # Test the trueorfalse method
        cnv = {'true': True, 'y': True, 'ye': True, 'yes': True,
               'false': False, 'n': False, 'no': False, 'none': False,
               ' false': False, 'y ': True}
        for k, v in cnv.iteritems():
            self.assertTrue(kc.trueorfalse(k) == v)
            self.assertTrue(kc.trueorfalse(k.upper()) == v)
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, kc.trueorfalse, {})
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, kc.trueorfalse, 'GAAAH')

        # remove this temporary file when done
        if os.path.exists(tempdir) and len(tempdir) > 4:
            os.system("rm -rf " + tempdir)
コード例 #2
ファイル: base.py プロジェクト: Kobus-Smit/AmbariKave
    def verify_bpjson(self, jbp, bp):
        Check that a given x.blueprint.json file is OK
        jbp = the json dictionary
        check that the jbp has the needed config params

        self.assertTrue("host_groups" in jbp, bp + " blueprint misses host_groups!")
        self.assertTrue("Blueprints" in jbp, bp + " blueprint misses Blueprints directive!")
        all_services = []
        for hostgroup in jbp["host_groups"]:
            all_services = all_services + [component["name"] for component in hostgroup["components"]]
        supplied_configs = {}
        if "configurations" in jbp:
            for aconf in jbp["configurations"]:
                for k, v in aconf.iteritems():
                    supplied_configs[k] = v
        # find the parameters which must be forced for these services
        required_configs = {}
        known_services = find_services()
        for service in all_services:
            for sname, dir in known_services:
                if service.split('_')[0] not in sname:
                cfg_name = glob.glob(dir + '/configuration/*.xml')[0]
                # Load XML and parse
                tree = ET.ElementTree(file=cfg_name)
                for property in tree.getroot():
                    if property.tag != 'property':
                    name = property.find('name').text
                    isRequired = (
                        'require-input' in property.attrib and
                    if isRequired:
                        except KeyError:
                            required_configs[cfg_name.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]] = [name]
        missing = []
        for k, v in required_configs.iteritems():
            for req in v:
                except KeyError:
                    missing.append((k, req))
        if len(missing):
            print "Blueprint:", bp, jbp["Blueprints"]["blueprint_name"]
            print "Services:", all_services
            print "Required:", required_configs
            print "Supplied:", supplied_configs
            print "Missing:", missing
                         bp + " missing required configurations in default group! \n\t"
                         + '\n\t'.join([str(x) for x in set(missing)]))
        return True
コード例 #3
    def verify_bpjson(self, jbp, bp):
        Check that a given x.blueprint.json file is OK
        jbp = the json dictionary
        check that the jbp has the needed config params

        self.assertTrue("host_groups" in jbp, bp + " blueprint misses host_groups!")
        self.assertTrue("Blueprints" in jbp, bp + " blueprint misses Blueprints directive!")
        all_services = []
        for hostgroup in jbp["host_groups"]:
            all_services = all_services + [component["name"] for component in hostgroup["components"]]
        supplied_configs = {}
        if "configurations" in jbp:
            for aconf in jbp["configurations"]:
                for k, v in aconf.iteritems():
                    supplied_configs[k] = v
        # find the parameters which must be forced for these services
        required_configs = {}
        known_services = find_services()
        for service in all_services:
            for sname, dir in known_services:
                if service.split('_')[0] not in sname:
                cfg_name = glob.glob(dir + '/configuration/*.xml')[0]
                # Load XML and parse
                tree = ET.ElementTree(file=cfg_name)
                for property in tree.getroot():
                    if property.tag != 'property':
                    name = property.find('name').text
                    is_required = (
                        'require-input' in property.attrib and
                    if is_required:
                        except KeyError:
                            required_configs[cfg_name.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]] = [name]
        missing = []
        for k, v in required_configs.iteritems():
            for req in v:
                except KeyError:
                    missing.append((k, req))
        if len(missing):
            print "Blueprint:", bp, jbp["Blueprints"]["blueprint_name"]
            print "Services:", all_services
            print "Required:", required_configs
            print "Supplied:", supplied_configs
            print "Missing:", missing
                         bp + " missing required configurations in default group! \n\t"
                         + '\n\t'.join([str(x) for x in set(missing)]))
        return True
コード例 #4
ファイル: params.py プロジェクト: KaveIO/AmbariKave
hostname = config["hostname"]

gitlab_conf_file = "/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb"
gitlab_ssl_port = kc.default("configurations/gitlab/gitlab_ssl_port", "443", kc.is_valid_port)
gitlab_url = kc.default("configurations/gitlab/gitlab_url", hostname, kc.is_valid_hostname)
unicorn_port = kc.default("configurations/gitlab/unicorn_port", "8080", kc.is_valid_port)
unicorn_interface = default("configurations/gitlab/unicorn_interface", '')

if gitlab_url == 'hostname':
    gitlab_url = hostname
if not gitlab_url:
    raise Exception('gitlab_url set to an unusable value \'%s\'' % gitlab_url)

gitlab_signin_enabled = default('configurations/gitlab/gitlab_signin_enabled', 'true')
gitlab_signin_enabled = kc.trueorfalse(gitlab_signin_enabled)
gitlab_admin_password = config['configurations']['gitlab']['gitlab_admin_password']
Logger.sensitive_strings[gitlab_admin_password] = "[PROTECTED]"
restrict_public_projects = default('configurations/gitlab/restrict_public_projects', 'true')
restrict_public_projects = kc.trueorfalse(restrict_public_projects)
use_external_postgres = default('configurations/gitlab/use_external_postgres', 'false')
use_external_postgres = kc.trueorfalse(use_external_postgres)
postgres_database_name = default('configurations/gitlab/postgres_database_name', 'gitlabhq_production')
postgres_database_port = default('configurations/gitlab/postgres_database_port', '5432')
postgres_database_host = default('configurations/gitlab/postgres_database_host', '')
postgres_database_user = default('configurations/gitlab/postgres_database_user', 'gitlab')

# doesn't work at the moment, check in gitlabs explicitly and throw an exception instead
ldap_group = ''
ldap_admin_group = ''
コード例 #5
ファイル: verifyxml.py プロジェクト: KaveIO/AmbariKave
    def runTest(self):
        """Check that properties are either forced to be entered or have a default set,
        in case a default is set, check the same default exists in the params file"""
        import os
        import string
        failingxmlfiles = {}
        failingpyfiles = {}
        defaults = {}
        # First, part 1: check that all params are either required or have a default
        # Also fill defaults with the list of defaults to check against the params file
        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(os.path.realpath(__file__ + '/../../../')):
            for f in [os.path.join(root, f) for f in files if f.endswith('.xml') and f not in self.skip]:
                if "configuration" not in root:
                tree = ET.ElementTree(file=f)
                for property in tree.getroot():
                    if property.tag != 'property':
                    name = property.find('name').text
                    is_required = (
                        'require-input' in property.attrib and
                    has_default = False
                    for child in property:
                        if child.tag != 'value':
                        if child.text is not None and len(child.text.strip()):
                            has_default = True
                            if not is_required:
                                    defaults[f][name] = child.text.strip()
                                except KeyError:
                                    defaults[f] = {name: child.text.strip()}
                    if not has_default and not is_required:
                        failingxmlfiles[f] = name

        self.assertEqual(len(failingxmlfiles), 0,
                         "Found " + str(len(failingxmlfiles))
                         + " xml file missing defaults/required "
                         + str(failingxmlfiles.keys())
                         + " \n" + str(failingxmlfiles)

        # Part 2: now check in the params file to see that the same default is set there
        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(os.path.realpath(__file__ + '/../../../')):
            for f in [os.path.join(root, f) for f in files if f == 'params.py' and f not in self.skip]:
                confname = None
                existingdefaultslist = []
                for confname in defaults:
                    if f.startswith(confname[:confname.find('configuration')]):
                if not existingdefaultslist:
                for existingdefaults in existingdefaultslist:
                    configname = existingdefaults.split('/')[-1].lower().split('.')[0]
                    all_params = ""
                    with open(f) as fp:
                        all_params = fp.read()
                    all_params = self.rm_unchecked_chars(all_params)
                    for defaultp, defaultv in defaults[existingdefaults].iteritems():
                        if configname + '/' + defaultp in self.skip_prop:
                        defaultvs = self.rm_unchecked_chars(defaultv)
                        search_string = 'default(configurations/' + configname + '/' + defaultp + ',' + defaultvs
                        if search_string not in all_params:
                            failingpyfiles[f + '/' + configname + '/' + defaultp] = search_string
                            # If the default is longer than 80 characters it' very difficult to debug, and best
                            # if I return just some substring instead
                            if len(search_string) > 80:
                                begin = 'default(configurations/' + configname + '/' + defaultp + ','
                                if begin not in all_params:
                                    failingpyfiles[f + '/' + configname + '/' + defaultp] = search_string[:80] + '... )'
                                    # find the first non-matching character and return 80 chars including 10 before
                                    search_string = 'default(configurations/' + configname + '/' + defaultp + ','
                                    this_default = all_params[all_params.find(search_string) + len(search_string):]
                                    print this_default[:10]
                                    start = 0
                                    for start in range(len(defaultvs)):
                                        if len(this_default) < start:
                                            start = 0
                                        if defaultvs[start] != this_default[start]:
                                            start = max(start - 10, 0)
                                    failingpyfiles[f + '/' + configname + '/' + defaultp
                                                   ] = ('( ... '
                                                        + this_default[start:start + 80]
                                                        + '... )'

        self.assertEqual(len(failingpyfiles), 0,
                         "Found " + str(len(failingpyfiles))
                         + " python params file missing defaults {file/service/property: missing_str_approx }"
                         + " \n" + str(failingpyfiles).replace("',", "',\n")
コード例 #6
ファイル: params.py プロジェクト: Kobus-Smit/AmbariKave
ldap_bind_password = default('configurations/freeipa/ldap_bind_password', False)
if not ldap_bind_password or len(ldap_bind_password) < 8:
    raise Exception('FreeIPA ldap_bind_password: \'%s\' isn\'t acceptable (min 8 char long)' % ldap_bind_password)
    Logger.sensitive_strings[ldap_bind_password] = "[PROTECTED]"

hostname_components = config["hostname"].split('.')
if len(hostname_components) < 3:
    raise Exception('FreeIPA hostname is not a FQDN. installation not possible')
domain = '.'.join(hostname_components[1:])
realm = '.'.join(hostname_components[1:]).upper()
realm_ldap = 'dc=' + ',dc='.join(hostname_components[1:])

install_with_dns = default('configurations/freeipa/install_with_dns', True)
install_with_dns = kc.trueorfalse(install_with_dns)
default_shell = default('configurations/freeipa/default_shell', '/bin/bash')

# Only except IPv4 for now
forwarders = default('configurations/freeipa/forwarders', '').split(',')
forwarders = [forwarder.strip() for forwarder in forwarders]
forwarders = [forwarder for forwarder in forwarders if re.match('\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+', forwarder)]

client_init_wait = default('configurations/freeipa/client_init_wait', 600)

all_hosts = default("/clusterHostInfo/all_hosts", [hostname])

ldap_bind_user = default('configurations/freeipa/ldap_bind_user', 'kave_bind_user')
ldap_bind_services = ['twiki', 'gitlab', 'jenkins']

initial_users_and_groups = default('configurations/freeipa/initial_users_and_groups', '{"Users": [], "Groups" : {}}')
コード例 #7
import os
import kavecommon as kc

config = Script.get_config()

hostname = config["hostname"]

top_dir = kc.default("configurations/kavetoolbox/top_dir", "/opt/",
releaseversion = default('configurations/kavetoolbox/releaseversion',
alternative_download = default(
    'configurations/kavetoolbox/alternative_download', "none")
ignore_missing_groups = default(
    'configurations/kavetoolbox/ignore_missing_groups', "False")
ignore_missing_groups = kc.trueorfalse(ignore_missing_groups)
command_line_args = default('configurations/kavetoolbox/command_line_args',
    command_line_args = kc.trueorfalse(command_line_args)
except TypeError, ValueError:
    if type(command_line_args) is str:
        print "could not interpret value of command_line_args correctly"
custom_install_template_default = """
# -------------------------------
import kavedefaults as cnf

コード例 #8
ファイル: params.py プロジェクト: shit0u/AmbariKave
hostname = config["hostname"]

gitlab_conf_file = "/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb"
gitlab_port = kc.default("configurations/gitlab/gitlab_port", "80", kc.is_valid_port)
gitlab_url = kc.default("configurations/gitlab/gitlab_url", hostname, kc.is_valid_hostname)
unicorn_port = kc.default("configurations/gitlab/unicorn_port", "8080", kc.is_valid_port)
unicorn_interface = default("configurations/gitlab/unicorn_interface", '')

if gitlab_url == 'hostname':
    gitlab_url = hostname
if not gitlab_url:
    raise Exception('gitlab_url set to an unusable value \'%s\'' % gitlab_url)

gitlab_signin_enabled = default('configurations/gitlab/gitlab_signin_enabled', 'true')
gitlab_signin_enabled = kc.trueorfalse(gitlab_signin_enabled)
gitlab_admin_password = config['configurations']['gitlab']['gitlab_admin_password']
Logger.sensitive_strings[gitlab_admin_password] = "[PROTECTED]"
restrict_public_projects = default('configurations/gitlab/restrict_public_projects', 'true')
restrict_public_projects = kc.trueorfalse(restrict_public_projects)

# postgre configuration in case it is already installed!
postgre_disabled = False
# doesn't work at the moment, check in gitlabs explicitly and throw an exception instead
ldap_group = ''
ldap_admin_group = ''

# ldap configuration
ldap_enabled = False
freeipa_host = default('/clusterHostInfo/freeipa_server_hosts', [False])[0]
if freeipa_host:
コード例 #9
ファイル: params.py プロジェクト: KaveIO/AmbariKave
from resource_management import *
from resource_management.core.system import System
import os
import kavecommon as kc

config = Script.get_config()

hostname = config["hostname"]

top_dir = kc.default("configurations/kavetoolbox/top_dir", "/opt/", kc.is_valid_directory)
releaseversion = default('configurations/kavetoolbox/releaseversion', "3.7-Beta")
alternative_download = default('configurations/kavetoolbox/alternative_download', "none")
ignore_missing_groups = default('configurations/kavetoolbox/ignore_missing_groups', "False")
ignore_missing_groups = kc.trueorfalse(ignore_missing_groups)
command_line_args = default('configurations/kavetoolbox/command_line_args', "False")
    command_line_args = kc.trueorfalse(command_line_args)
except TypeError, ValueError:
    if type(command_line_args) is str:
        print "could not interpret value of command_line_args correctly"
kave_custom_environment = default('configurations/kavetoolbox/kave_custom_environment', """
# -------------------------------

if [ -f $PY4JSRC ]; then
コード例 #10
    raise Exception(
        'FreeIPA ldap_bind_password: \'%s\' isn\'t acceptable (min 8 char long)'
        % ldap_bind_password)
    Logger.sensitive_strings[ldap_bind_password] = "[PROTECTED]"

hostname_components = config["hostname"].split('.')
if len(hostname_components) < 3:
    raise Exception(
        'FreeIPA hostname is not a FQDN. installation not possible')
domain = '.'.join(hostname_components[1:])
realm = '.'.join(hostname_components[1:]).upper()
realm_ldap = 'dc=' + ',dc='.join(hostname_components[1:])

install_with_dns = default('configurations/freeipa/install_with_dns', True)
install_with_dns = kc.trueorfalse(install_with_dns)
default_shell = default('configurations/freeipa/default_shell', '/bin/bash')

pki_insecure_port = kc.default('configurations/freeipa/pki_insecure_port',
                               '8081', kc.is_valid_port)
pki_secure_port = kc.default('configurations/freeipa/pki_secure_port', '8444',

# Only except IPv4 for now
forwarders = default('configurations/freeipa/forwarders', '').split(',')
forwarders = [forwarder.strip() for forwarder in forwarders]
forwarders = [
    forwarder for forwarder in forwarders
    if re.match('\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+', forwarder)
コード例 #11
ファイル: params.py プロジェクト: Kobus-Smit/AmbariKave
#   limitations under the License.
from resource_management import *
from resource_management.core.system import System
import os
import random
import string
import kavecommon as kc

config = Script.get_config()

hostname = config["hostname"]

enable_pam_auth = default('configurations/hue/enable_pam_auth', 'True')
enable_pam_auth = kc.trueorfalse(enable_pam_auth)

server_user = default('configurations/hue/server_user', 'hue')

# Copied from knox configuration!!
namenode_hosts = default("/clusterHostInfo/namenode_host", None)
if type(namenode_hosts) is list:
    namenode_host = namenode_hosts[0]
    namenode_host = namenode_hosts

has_namenode = (namenode_host is not None)
namenode_http_port = "50070"
namenode_rpc_port = "8020"

if has_namenode:
コード例 #12
ファイル: params.py プロジェクト: Kobus-Smit/AmbariKave
hostname = config["hostname"]

gitlab_conf_file = "/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb"
gitlab_port = default("configurations/gitlab/gitlab_port", "80")
gitlab_url = default("configurations/gitlab/gitlab_url", hostname)
unicorn_port = default("configurations/gitlab/unicorn_port", "8080")
unicorn_interface = default("configurations/gitlab/unicorn_interface", '')

if gitlab_url == 'hostname':
    gitlab_url = hostname
if not gitlab_url:
    raise Exception('gitlab_url set to an unusable value \'%s\'' % gitlab_url)

gitlab_signin_enabled = default('configurations/gitlab/gitlab_signin_enabled', 'true')
gitlab_signin_enabled = kc.trueorfalse(gitlab_signin_enabled)
gitlab_admin_password = config['configurations']['gitlab']['gitlab_admin_password']
Logger.sensitive_strings[gitlab_admin_password] = "[PROTECTED]"
restrict_public_projects = default('configurations/gitlab/restrict_public_projects', 'true')
restrict_public_projects = kc.trueorfalse(restrict_public_projects)

# postgre configuration in case it is already installed!
postgre_disabled = False
# doesn't work at the moment, check in gitlabs explicitly and throw an exception instead
ldap_group = ''
ldap_admin_group = ''

# ldap configuration
ldap_enabled = False
freeipa_host = default('/clusterHostInfo/freeipa_server_hosts', [False])[0]
if freeipa_host:
コード例 #13
ファイル: verifyxml.py プロジェクト: Kobus-Smit/AmbariKave
    def runTest(self):
        """Check that properties are either forced to be entered or have a default set,
        in case a default is set, check the same default exists in the params file"""
        import os
        import string
        failingxmlfiles = {}
        failingpyfiles = {}
        defaults = {}
        # First, part 1: check that all params are either required or have a default
        # Also fill defaults with the list of defaults to check against the params file
        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(os.path.realpath(__file__ + '/../../../')):
            for f in [os.path.join(root, f) for f in files if f.endswith('.xml') and f not in self.skip]:
                if "configuration" not in root:
                tree = ET.ElementTree(file=f)
                for property in tree.getroot():
                    if property.tag != 'property':
                    name = property.find('name').text
                    isRequired = (
                        'require-input' in property.attrib and
                    hasDefault = False
                    for child in property:
                        if child.tag != 'value':
                        if child.text is not None and len(child.text.strip()):
                            hasDefault = True
                            if not isRequired:
                                    defaults[f][name] = child.text.strip()
                                except KeyError:
                                    defaults[f] = {name: child.text.strip()}
                    if not hasDefault and not isRequired:
                        failingxmlfiles[f] = name

        self.assertEqual(len(failingxmlfiles), 0,
                         "Found " + str(len(failingxmlfiles))
                         + " xml file missing defaults/required "
                         + str(failingxmlfiles.keys())
                         + " \n" + str(failingxmlfiles)

        # Part 2: now check in the params file to see that the same default is set there
        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(os.path.realpath(__file__ + '/../../../')):
            for f in [os.path.join(root, f) for f in files if f == 'params.py' and f not in self.skip]:
                existingdefaults = None
                for existingdefaults in defaults:
                    if f.startswith(existingdefaults[:existingdefaults.find('configuration')]):
                if not existingdefaults:
                servicename = existingdefaults.split('/')[-1].lower().split('.')[0]
                all_params = ""
                with open(f) as fp:
                    all_params = fp.read()
                all_params = self.rm_unchecked_chars(all_params)
                for defaultp, defaultv in defaults[existingdefaults].iteritems():
                    if servicename + '/' + defaultp in self.skip_prop:
                    defaultvs = self.rm_unchecked_chars(defaultv)
                    search_string = 'default(configurations/' + servicename + '/' + defaultp + ',' + defaultvs + ')'
                    if search_string not in all_params:
                        failingpyfiles[f + '/' + servicename + '/' + defaultp] = search_string

        self.assertEqual(len(failingpyfiles), 0,
                         "Found " + str(len(failingpyfiles))
                         + " python params file missing defaults {file/service/property: missing_str_approx }"
                         + " \n" + str(failingpyfiles).replace("',", "',\n")
コード例 #14
gitlab_url = kc.default("configurations/gitlab/gitlab_url", hostname,
unicorn_port = kc.default("configurations/gitlab/unicorn_port", "8080",
unicorn_interface = default("configurations/gitlab/unicorn_interface",

if gitlab_url == 'hostname':
    gitlab_url = hostname
if not gitlab_url:
    raise Exception('gitlab_url set to an unusable value \'%s\'' % gitlab_url)

gitlab_signin_enabled = default('configurations/gitlab/gitlab_signin_enabled',
gitlab_signin_enabled = kc.trueorfalse(gitlab_signin_enabled)
gitlab_admin_password = config['configurations']['gitlab'][
Logger.sensitive_strings[gitlab_admin_password] = "[PROTECTED]"
restrict_public_projects = default(
    'configurations/gitlab/restrict_public_projects', 'true')
restrict_public_projects = kc.trueorfalse(restrict_public_projects)
use_external_postgres = default('configurations/gitlab/use_external_postgres',
use_external_postgres = kc.trueorfalse(use_external_postgres)
postgres_database_name = default(
    'configurations/gitlab/postgres_database_name', 'gitlabhq_production')
postgres_database_port = default(
    'configurations/gitlab/postgres_database_port', '5432')
postgres_database_host = default(
    'configurations/gitlab/postgres_database_host', '')
コード例 #15
ファイル: verifyxml.py プロジェクト: shit0u/AmbariKave
    def runTest(self):
        """Check that properties are either forced to be entered or have a default set,
        in case a default is set, check the same default exists in the params file"""
        import os
        import string
        failingxmlfiles = {}
        failingpyfiles = {}
        defaults = {}
        # First, part 1: check that all params are either required or have a default
        # Also fill defaults with the list of defaults to check against the params file
        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(os.path.realpath(__file__ + '/../../../')):
            for f in [os.path.join(root, f) for f in files if f.endswith('.xml') and f not in self.skip]:
                if "configuration" not in root:
                tree = ET.ElementTree(file=f)
                for property in tree.getroot():
                    if property.tag != 'property':
                    name = property.find('name').text
                    is_required = (
                        'require-input' in property.attrib and
                    has_default = False
                    for child in property:
                        if child.tag != 'value':
                        if child.text is not None and len(child.text.strip()):
                            has_default = True
                            if not is_required:
                                    defaults[f][name] = child.text.strip()
                                except KeyError:
                                    defaults[f] = {name: child.text.strip()}
                    if not has_default and not is_required:
                        failingxmlfiles[f] = name

        self.assertEqual(len(failingxmlfiles), 0,
                         "Found " + str(len(failingxmlfiles))
                         + " xml file missing defaults/required "
                         + str(failingxmlfiles.keys())
                         + " \n" + str(failingxmlfiles)

        # Part 2: now check in the params file to see that the same default is set there
        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(os.path.realpath(__file__ + '/../../../')):
            for f in [os.path.join(root, f) for f in files if f == 'params.py' and f not in self.skip]:
                existingdefaults = None
                for existingdefaults in defaults:
                    if f.startswith(existingdefaults[:existingdefaults.find('configuration')]):
                if not existingdefaults:
                servicename = existingdefaults.split('/')[-1].lower().split('.')[0]
                all_params = ""
                with open(f) as fp:
                    all_params = fp.read()
                all_params = self.rm_unchecked_chars(all_params)
                for defaultp, defaultv in defaults[existingdefaults].iteritems():
                    if servicename + '/' + defaultp in self.skip_prop:
                    defaultvs = self.rm_unchecked_chars(defaultv)
                    search_string = 'default(configurations/' + servicename + '/' + defaultp + ',' + defaultvs
                    if search_string not in all_params:
                        failingpyfiles[f + '/' + servicename + '/' + defaultp] = search_string
                        # If the default is longer than 80 characters it' very difficult to debug, and best if I return
                        # just some substring instead
                        if len(search_string) > 80:
                            begin = 'default(configurations/' + servicename + '/' + defaultp + ','
                            if begin not in all_params:
                                failingpyfiles[f + '/' + servicename + '/' + defaultp] = search_string[:80] + '... )'
                                # find the first non-matching character and return 80 chars including 10 before
                                search_string = 'default(configurations/' + servicename + '/' + defaultp + ','
                                this_default = all_params[all_params.find(search_string) + len(search_string):]
                                print this_default[:10]
                                start = 0
                                for start in range(len(defaultvs)):
                                    if len(this_default) < start:
                                        start = 0
                                    if defaultvs[start] != this_default[start]:
                                        start = max(start - 10, 0)
                                failingpyfiles[f + '/' + servicename + '/' + defaultp
                                               ] = ('( ... '
                                                    + this_default[start:start + 80]
                                                    + '... )'

        self.assertEqual(len(failingpyfiles), 0,
                         "Found " + str(len(failingpyfiles))
                         + " python params file missing defaults {file/service/property: missing_str_approx }"
                         + " \n" + str(failingpyfiles).replace("',", "',\n")
コード例 #16
    raise Exception(
        'FreeIPA ldap_bind_password: \'%s\' isn\'t acceptable (min 8 char long)'
        % ldap_bind_password)
    Logger.sensitive_strings[ldap_bind_password] = "[PROTECTED]"

domain_components = ipa_domain.split('.')
if len(domain_components) < 2:
    raise Exception('FreeIPA domain is not a FQDN. installation not possible')

domain = ipa_domain.lower()
realm = ipa_domain.upper()
realm_ldap = 'dc=' + ',dc='.join(domain_components)

install_with_dns = default('configurations/freeipa/install_with_dns', False)
install_with_dns = kc.trueorfalse(install_with_dns)
default_shell = default('configurations/freeipa/default_shell', '/bin/bash')

# Only except IPv4 for now
forwarders = default('configurations/freeipa/forwarders',
forwarders = [forwarder.strip() for forwarder in forwarders]
forwarders = [
    forwarder for forwarder in forwarders
    if re.match('\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+', forwarder)

other_nameservers = '\n'.join(['nameserver ' + f for f in forwarders])

client_init_wait = default('configurations/freeipa/client_init_wait', 600)
コード例 #17
ファイル: params.py プロジェクト: KaveIO/AmbariKave
ldap_bind_password = default('configurations/freeipa/ldap_bind_password', False)
if not ldap_bind_password or len(ldap_bind_password) < 8:
    raise Exception('FreeIPA ldap_bind_password: \'%s\' isn\'t acceptable (min 8 char long)' % ldap_bind_password)
    Logger.sensitive_strings[ldap_bind_password] = "[PROTECTED]"

domain_components = ipa_domain.split('.')
if len(domain_components) < 2:
    raise Exception('FreeIPA domain is not a FQDN. installation not possible')

domain = ipa_domain.lower()
realm = ipa_domain.upper()
realm_ldap = 'dc=' + ',dc='.join(domain_components)

install_with_dns = default('configurations/freeipa/install_with_dns', False)
install_with_dns = kc.trueorfalse(install_with_dns)
default_shell = default('configurations/freeipa/default_shell', '/bin/bash')

# Only except IPv4 for now
forwarders = default('configurations/freeipa/forwarders', '').split(',')
forwarders = [forwarder.strip() for forwarder in forwarders]
forwarders = [forwarder for forwarder in forwarders if re.match('\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+', forwarder)]

other_nameservers = '\n'.join(['nameserver ' + f for f in forwarders])

client_init_wait = default('configurations/freeipa/client_init_wait', 600)

all_hosts = default("/clusterHostInfo/all_hosts", None)

ldap_bind_user = kc.default('configurations/freeipa/ldap_bind_user', 'kave_bind_user', kc.is_valid_username)
ldap_bind_services = ['twiki', 'gitlab', 'jenkins']