def runTest(self): """ Tests which cehck the function of the deployment library, but do not need any environment parameters or access to aws """ import kavedeploy as lD lD.testproxy() self.assertIsNot(lD.which("ls"), None) self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lD.run_quiet, ("thisisnotacommand")) stdout = lD.run_quiet(['which', 'ls'], shell=False) self.assertTrue('/bin/ls' in stdout) self.assertIsNot(lD.which("pdsh"), None, "pdsh is not installed, please install it in order to test the multiremotes functionality, " "sudo yum -y install pdsh") lD.run_quiet("touch /tmp/fake_test_ssh_key.pem") lD.run_quiet("chmod 400 /tmp/fake_test_ssh_key.pem") test = lD.remoteHost("root", "test", '/tmp/fake_test_ssh_key.pem') test = lD.multiremotes([], access_key='/tmp/fake_test_ssh_key.pem')
security_group = security_config["SecurityGroup"] keypair = security_config["AccessKeys"]["AWS"]["KeyName"] keyloc = security_config["AccessKeys"]["AWS"]["KeyFile"] subnet = None if "Subnet" in security_config: subnet = security_config["Subnet"] lA.testaws() if lD.detect_proxy() and lD.proxy_blocks_22: raise SystemError( "This proxy blocks port 22, that means you can't ssh to your machines to do the initial configuration. To " "skip this check set kavedeploy.proxy_blocks_22 to false and kavedeploy.proxy_port=22") lD.testproxy() instancetype = lA.chooseinstancetype(instancetype) upped = lA.up_os(osval, instancetype, security_group, keypair, subnet=subnet) print "submitted" iid = lA.iid_from_up_json(upped)[0] import time time.sleep(5) lA.name_resource(iid, machinename) ip = lA.pub_ip(iid) acount = 0 while (ip is None and acount < 20):
print __doc__ raise ValueError("Only one arguement allowed! The keyfile") if len(sys.argv) == 2: keyfile = sys.argv[1] else: if "AWSSECCONF" not in os.environ: print __doc__ raise IOError( "please specify keyfile or set AWSSECCONF environment variable!") keyfile = os.path.expanduser(os.environ["AWSSECCONF"]) import kavedeploy as lD lD.debug = verbose lD.testproxy() import kaveaws as lA import json try: jsondat = open(keyfile) security_config = json.loads( jsondat.close() lA.checksecjson(security_config, requirekeys=["AWS"]) keyfile = security_config["AccessKeys"]["AWS"]["KeyFile"] except: pass if not os.path.exists(os.path.expanduser(keyfile)): raise IOError("That is not a valid keyfile!", keyfile)