コード例 #1
def new():
    Create an empty I/O data set.

        An empty I/O data set adhering to the latest schema version.
    data = dict(
        version=dict(major=schema.LATEST.major, minor=schema.LATEST.minor))
    assert schema.is_valid_latest(data)
    return data
コード例 #2
def to_io(oo_data):
    Convert OO data to I/O data.

        oo_data:    The OO data to convert to I/O data.

        The converted I/O data.
    io_data = _to_io(oo_data)
    assert schema.is_valid_latest(io_data)
    return io_data
コード例 #3
def _obj_list_from_io(oo_data, io_data, obj_list_name):
    Convert I/O data for an object list and all its children to OO data.

        oo_data:        The OO data to output the converted objects into.
        io_data:        The I/O data to get the original objects from.
        obj_list_name:  The name of the object list to convert.
    assert isinstance(oo_data, dict)
    assert schema.is_valid_latest(io_data)
    assert isinstance(obj_list_name, str)
    assert obj_list_name.endswith("s")
    obj_name = obj_list_name[:-1]
    child_list_name_list = schema.LATEST.tree[obj_list_name]

    # Convert all objects in this list, add child map attributes
    oo_obj_map = {
                                 {n + "_": {}
                                  for n in child_list_name_list})
        for io_obj in io_data.get(obj_list_name, [])

    # For each child object list
    for child_list_name in child_list_name_list:
        # Convert all child objects
        _obj_list_from_io(oo_data, io_data, child_list_name)
        # For each child object
        for oo_child_id, oo_child in oo_data.get(child_list_name, {}).items():
            # Get the child's parent, if we can
            oo_obj_id = getattr(oo_child, obj_name + "_id")
            oo_obj = oo_obj_map.get(oo_obj_id, None)
            # Link parent from child
            setattr(oo_child, obj_name + "_", oo_obj)
            # Link child from parent, if any
            if oo_obj:
                getattr(oo_obj, child_list_name + "_")[oo_child_id] = oo_child

    # Output the converted object map, if not empty
    if oo_obj_map:
        oo_data[obj_list_name] = oo_obj_map
コード例 #4
def merge(target, source, copy_target=True, copy_source=True):
    Merge one I/O data into another.

        target:         The data to merge into.
        source:         The data to merge from.
        copy_target:    True if "target" contents should be copied before
                        upgrading and modifying. False if not.
                        Default is True.
        copy_source:    True if "source" contents should be copied before
                        upgrading and referencing. False if not.
                        Default is True.

        The merged data, adhering to the latest schema version.
    assert schema.is_valid(target)
    assert schema.is_valid(source)

    # Make sure the data is copied, if requested
    if copy_target:
        target = deepcopy(target)
    if copy_source:
        source = deepcopy(source)

    # Upgrade without copying, even if modifications are needed
    target = schema.upgrade(target, copy=False)
    source = schema.upgrade(source, copy=False)

    for obj_list_name in schema.LATEST.tree:
        if obj_list_name:
            target[obj_list_name] = \
                target.get(obj_list_name, []) + source.get(obj_list_name, [])

    assert schema.is_valid_latest(target)
    return target
コード例 #5
def is_valid(oo_data):
    Check that OO data is valid.

        oo_data:    The OO data to check.

        True if the OO data is valid, false otherwise.
    if not isinstance(oo_data, dict):
        return False

    required_keys = set(("version", ))
    allowed_keys = \
        (set(schema.LATEST.tree.keys()) | set(("version",))) - set(("",))
    if not set(oo_data.keys()) & required_keys:
        return False
    if set(oo_data.keys()) > allowed_keys:
        return False

    # pylint: disable=fixme
    # TODO Validate tree node types and object links
    return schema.is_valid_latest(_to_io(oo_data))