コード例 #1
ファイル: mnemonic.py プロジェクト: duncant/tausch2
def encode(s, compact=False):
    """From a byte string, produce a list of words that durably encodes the string.

    s: the byte string to be encoded
    compact: instead of using the length encoding scheme, pad by prepending a 1 bit

    The words in the encoding dictionary were chosen to be common and unambiguous.
    The encoding also includes a checksum. The encoding is constructed so that
    common errors are extremely unlikely to produce a valid encoding.
    if not isinstance(s, bytes):
        raise TypeError("mnemonic.encode can only encode byte strings")

    k = Keccak()
    checksum_length = max(1, (len(s)-1).bit_length())
    checksum = k.squeeze(checksum_length)

    length = chr(checksum_length) if compact else encode_varint(len(s), endian='little')

    s += checksum
    s += length

    word_index = 0
    i = bytes2int(s)
    retval = [None] * int(floor(log(i, len(words)) + 1))
    for j in xrange(len(retval)):
        assert i > 0
        word_index += i % len(words)
        word_index %= len(words)
        retval[j] = words[word_index]
        i //= len(words)
    assert i == 0
    return tuple(retval)
コード例 #2
ファイル: keccak_wrapper.py プロジェクト: lzfernandes/Pleco
def keccak_fun(msg, nbits_in, nbits_out):
    a wrapper for Keccak's reference code
    using the default values r = 1024, c = 576
    kclass = Keccak()

    assert len(msg) * 8 >= nbits_in > 0
    # the ref code of Keccak doesn't accept
    # output lengths that are not multiples of 8
    nbytes_out = ceil(nbits_out, 8)
    nbits_extra = nbytes_out * 8 - nbits_out
    assert 0 <= nbits_extra <= 7

    if nbits_in % 8:
        # to fix the bug (?) in Keccak's offical python code
        last_byte = ord(msg[-1])
        # last_byte = int('{:08b}'.format(last_byte)[::-1], 2)
        last_byte <<= 8 - (nbits_in % 8)
        msg = msg[:-1] + chr(last_byte)

    hex_msg = hexlify(msg)
    hashed = kclass.Keccak(
        (nbits_in, hex_msg),
        n=nbytes_out * 8
    hashed = unhexlify(hashed)

    # truncate the output
    byte_mask = (1 << (8 - nbits_extra)) - 1
    hashed = hashed[:-1] + chr(ord(hashed[-1]) & byte_mask)
    assert len(hashed) * 8 - 7 <= nbits_out <= len(hashed) * 8

    return hashed
コード例 #3
ファイル: mnemonic.py プロジェクト: duncant/tausch2
def randomart(s, height=9, width=17, length=64, border=True, tag=''):
    """Produce a easy to compare visual representation of a string.
    Follows the algorithm laid out here http://www.dirk-loss.de/sshvis/drunken_bishop.pdf
    with the substitution of Keccak for MD5.

    s: the string to create a representation of
    height: (optional) the height of the representation to generate, default 9
    width: (optional) the width of the representation to generate, default 17
    length: (optional) the length of the random walk, essentially how many
        points are plotted in the representation, default 64
    border: (optional) whether to put a border around the representation,
        default True
    tag: (optional) a short string to be incorporated into the border,
        does nothing if border is False, defaults to the empty string
    k = Keccak()
    # we reverse the endianness so that increasing length produces a radically
    # different randomart
    i = bytes2int(reversed(k.squeeze(int(ceil(length / 4.0)))))

    field = [ [0 for _ in xrange(width)]
              for __ in xrange(height) ]
    start = (height // 2,
             width // 2)
    position = start
    directions = ((-1, -1),
                  (-1, 1),
                  (1, -1),
                  (1, 1))
    for j in xrange(length):
        row_off, col_off = directions[(i>>(j*2)) % 4]
        position = (min(max(position[0] + row_off, 0),
                        height - 1),
                    min(max(position[1] + col_off, 0),
                        width - 1))
        field[position[0]][position[1]] += 1

    field[start[0]][start[1]] = 15
    field[position[0]][position[1]] = 16
    chars = ' .o+=*BOX@%&#/^SE'

    if border:
        if len(tag) > width - 2:
            tag = tag[:width-2]
        if tag:
            tag_pad_len = (width - len(tag) - 2) / 2.0
            first_row = '+' + ('-'*int(floor(tag_pad_len))) \
                        + '['+tag+']' \
                        + ('-'*int(ceil(tag_pad_len))) + '+\n'
            first_row = '+' + ('-'*width) + '+\n'
        last_row = '\n+' + ('-'*width) + '+'
        return first_row \
               + '\n'.join('|'+''.join(chars[cell] for cell in row)+'|'
                           for row in field) \
               + last_row
        return '\n'.join(''.join(chars[cell] for cell in row)
                         for row in field)
コード例 #4
ファイル: mnemonic.py プロジェクト: duncancmt/tausch2
def encode(s, compact=False):
    """From a byte string, produce a list of words that durably encodes the string.

    s: the byte string to be encoded
    compact: instead of using the length encoding scheme, pad by prepending a 1 bit

    The words in the encoding dictionary were chosen to be common and unambiguous.
    The encoding also includes a checksum. The encoding is constructed so that
    common errors are extremely unlikely to produce a valid encoding.
    if not isinstance(s, bytes):
        raise TypeError("mnemonic.encode can only encode byte strings")

    k = Keccak()
    checksum_length = max(1, (len(s) - 1).bit_length())
    checksum = k.squeeze(checksum_length)

    length = chr(checksum_length) if compact else encode_varint(
        len(s), endian='little')

    s += checksum
    s += length

    word_index = 0
    i = bytes2int(s)
    retval = [None] * int(floor(log(i, len(words)) + 1))
    for j in xrange(len(retval)):
        assert i > 0
        word_index += i % len(words)
        word_index %= len(words)
        retval[j] = words[word_index]
        i //= len(words)
    assert i == 0
    return tuple(retval)
コード例 #5
ファイル: mnemonic.py プロジェクト: duncancmt/crypto_utils
def unpad_and_checksum(s, compact, checksum):
    """Check length padding and checksum for a string
    return the string without length padding or checksum
    raise ValueError if either are wrong"""
    assert isinstance(s, bytes)
    if checksum:
        if compact:
            checksum_length = ord(s[-1])
            consumed = 1
            length = len(s) - checksum_length - consumed
            (length, consumed) = decode_varint(s, endian='little')
            checksum_length = max(1, (length - 1).bit_length())

        s = s[:-consumed]
        s, checksum = s[:-checksum_length], s[-checksum_length:]
        if len(s) != length:
            raise ValueError("Invalid length")

        k = Keccak()
        if k.squeeze(checksum_length) != checksum:
            raise ValueError("Invalid checksum")

        return s
        if compact:
            return s[:-1]
            (length, consumed) = decode_varint(s, endian='little')
            s = s[:-consumed]
            if len(s) != length:
                raise ValueError("Invalid length")
            return s
コード例 #6
ファイル: mnemonic.py プロジェクト: duncant/crypto_utils
def unpad_and_checksum(s, compact, checksum):
    """Check length padding and checksum for a string
    return the string without length padding or checksum
    raise ValueError if either are wrong"""
    assert isinstance(s, bytes)
    if checksum:
        if compact:
            checksum_length = ord(s[-1])
            consumed = 1
            length = len(s) - checksum_length - consumed
            (length, consumed) = decode_varint(s, endian='little')
            checksum_length = max(1, (length-1).bit_length())

        s = s[:-consumed]
        s, checksum = s[:-checksum_length], s[-checksum_length:]
        if len(s) != length:
            raise ValueError("Invalid length")

        k = Keccak()
        if k.squeeze(checksum_length) != checksum:
            raise ValueError("Invalid checksum")

        return s
        if compact:
            return s[:-1]
            (length, consumed) = decode_varint(s, endian='little')
            s = s[:-consumed]
            if len(s) != length:
                raise ValueError("Invalid length")
            return s
コード例 #7
ファイル: mnemonic.py プロジェクト: duncancmt/tausch2
def decode(w, compact=False, permissive=False):
    """From a list of words, or a whitespace-separated string of words, produce
    the original string that was encoded.

    w: the list of words, or whitespace delimited words to be decoded
    compact: compact encoding was used instead of length encoding
    permissive: if there are spelling errors, correct them instead of throwing
        an error (will still throw ValueError if spelling can't be corrected)

    Raises ValueError if the encoding is invalid.
    if isinstance(w, bytes):
        w = w.split()

    indexes = [None] * len(w)
    for i, word in enumerate(w):
        if word in rwords:
            indexes[i] = rwords[word]
        elif permissive:
            for nearby in dldist(word, 1):
                if nearby in rwords:
                    indexes[i] = rwords[nearby]
        if indexes[i] is None:
            raise ValueError('Unrecognized word %s' % repr(word))

    # because we don't directly encode the mantissas, we have to extract them
    values = reduce(
        lambda (last_index, accum), index:
        (index, accum + [(index - last_index) % len(words)]), indexes,
        (0, []))[1]
    i = sum(mantissa * len(words)**radix
            for radix, mantissa in enumerate(values))
    # we don't need to worry about truncating null bytes because of the encoded length on the end
    s = int2bytes(i)

    if compact:
        checksum_length = ord(s[-1])
        consumed = 1
        length = len(s) - checksum_length - consumed
        (length, consumed) = decode_varint(s, endian='little')
        checksum_length = max(1, (length - 1).bit_length())

    s = s[:-consumed]
    s, checksum = s[:-checksum_length], s[-checksum_length:]
    if len(s) != length:
        raise ValueError("Invalid length")

    k = Keccak()
    if k.squeeze(checksum_length) != checksum:
        raise ValueError("Invalid checksum")

    return s
コード例 #8
ファイル: mnemonic.py プロジェクト: duncant/tausch2
def decode(w, compact=False, permissive=False):
    """From a list of words, or a whitespace-separated string of words, produce
    the original string that was encoded.

    w: the list of words, or whitespace delimited words to be decoded
    compact: compact encoding was used instead of length encoding
    permissive: if there are spelling errors, correct them instead of throwing
        an error (will still throw ValueError if spelling can't be corrected)

    Raises ValueError if the encoding is invalid.
    if isinstance(w, bytes):
        w = w.split()

    indexes = [None]*len(w)
    for i,word in enumerate(w):
        if word in rwords:
            indexes[i] = rwords[word]
        elif permissive:
            for nearby in dldist(word, 1):
                if nearby in rwords:
                    indexes[i] = rwords[nearby]
        if indexes[i] is None:
            raise ValueError('Unrecognized word %s' % repr(word))

    # because we don't directly encode the mantissas, we have to extract them
    values = reduce(lambda (last_index, accum), index: (index,
                                                        accum + [(index - last_index) % len(words)]),
                    (0, []))[1]
    i = sum(mantissa * len(words)**radix for radix, mantissa in enumerate(values))
    # we don't need to worry about truncating null bytes because of the encoded length on the end
    s = int2bytes(i)

    if compact:
        checksum_length = ord(s[-1])
        consumed = 1
        length = len(s) - checksum_length - consumed
        (length, consumed) = decode_varint(s, endian='little')
        checksum_length = max(1, (length-1).bit_length())

    s = s[:-consumed]
    s, checksum = s[:-checksum_length], s[-checksum_length:]
    if len(s) != length:
        raise ValueError("Invalid length")

    k = Keccak()
    if k.squeeze(checksum_length) != checksum:
        raise ValueError("Invalid checksum")

    return s
コード例 #9
ファイル: mnemonic.py プロジェクト: duncancmt/crypto_utils
def randomart(s, height=9, width=17, length=64, border=True, tag=''):
    """Produce a easy to compare visual representation of a string.
    Follows the algorithm laid out here http://www.dirk-loss.de/sshvis/drunken_bishop.pdf
    with the substitution of Keccak for MD5.

    s: the string to create a representation of
    height: (optional) the height of the representation to generate, default 9
    width: (optional) the width of the representation to generate, default 17
    length: (optional) the length of the random walk, essentially how many
        points are plotted in the representation, default 64
    border: (optional) whether to put a border around the representation,
        default True
    tag: (optional) a short string to be incorporated into the border,
        does nothing if border is False, defaults to the empty string
    k = Keccak()
    # we reverse the endianness so that increasing length produces a radically
    # different randomart
    i = bytes2int(reversed(k.squeeze(int(ceil(length / 4.0)))),

    field = [[0 for _ in xrange(width)] for __ in xrange(height)]
    start = (height // 2, width // 2)
    position = start
    directions = ((-1, -1), (-1, 1), (1, -1), (1, 1))
    for j in xrange(length):
        row_off, col_off = directions[(i >> (j * 2)) % 4]
        position = (min(max(position[0] + row_off, 0), height - 1),
                    min(max(position[1] + col_off, 0), width - 1))
        field[position[0]][position[1]] += 1

    field[start[0]][start[1]] = 15
    field[position[0]][position[1]] = 16
    chars = ' .o+=*BOX@%&#/^SE'

    if border:
        if len(tag) > width - 2:
            tag = tag[:width - 2]
        if tag:
            tag_pad_len = (width - len(tag) - 2) / 2.0
            first_row = '+' + ('-'*int(floor(tag_pad_len))) \
                        + '['+tag+']' \
                        + ('-'*int(ceil(tag_pad_len))) + '+\n'
            first_row = '+' + ('-' * width) + '+\n'
        last_row = '\n+' + ('-' * width) + '+'
        return first_row \
               + '\n'.join('|'+''.join(chars[cell] for cell in row)+'|'
                           for row in field) \
               + last_row
        return '\n'.join(''.join(chars[cell] for cell in row) for row in field)
コード例 #10
ファイル: mnemonic.py プロジェクト: duncant/crypto_utils
def pad_and_checksum(s, compact, checksum):
    """Apply length padding and checksum to a string"""
    assert isinstance(s, bytes)
    if checksum:
        k = Keccak()
        checksum_length = max(1, (len(s)-1).bit_length())
        checksum = k.squeeze(checksum_length)

        length = chr(checksum_length) if compact else encode_varint(len(s), endian='little')
        return s + checksum + length
        length = '\x01' if compact else encode_varint(len(s), endian='little')
        return s + length
コード例 #11
ファイル: mnemonic.py プロジェクト: duncancmt/crypto_utils
def pad_and_checksum(s, compact, checksum):
    """Apply length padding and checksum to a string"""
    assert isinstance(s, bytes)
    if checksum:
        k = Keccak()
        checksum_length = max(1, (len(s) - 1).bit_length())
        checksum = k.squeeze(checksum_length)

        length = chr(checksum_length) if compact else encode_varint(
            len(s), endian='little')
        return s + checksum + length
        length = '\x01' if compact else encode_varint(len(s), endian='little')
        return s + length
コード例 #12
ファイル: oaep.py プロジェクト: duncant/crypto_utils
def oaep_keccak(m, label='', out_len=None, hash_len=32, random=random, keccak_args=dict()):
    """Perform OAEP (as specified by PKCS#1v2.1) with Keccak as the one-way function and mask-generating function

    All lengths specified in *bytes*
    m: message to be padded
    label: (optional) to be associated with the message, the default is the empty string
    out_len: (optional) the length of the message after padding, the default is len(m) + 2*hash_len + 2
    hash_len: (optional) the length of the output of the hash algorithm, the default is 32
    random: (optional) source of entropy for the random seed generation, the default is python's random module
    keccak_args: (optional) parameters for the Keccak sponge function, the defaults are the Keccak defaults
    if out_len is not None and len(m) > out_len - 2*hash_len - 2:
        raise ValueError("Message too long to specified output and hash lengths")
    # hash the label
    k = Keccak(**keccak_args)
    lhash = k.squeeze(hash_len)

    if out_len is not None:
        pad_string = '\x00' * (out_len - len(m) - 2*hash_len - 2)
        pad_string = ''
    # pad m
    padded = lhash + pad_string + '\x01' + m

    # generate rand_seed, a hash_len-byte random string
    rand_seed = random.getrandbits(hash_len*8)
    rand_seed = int2bytes(rand_seed)

    # expand rand_seed to the length of padded
    k = Keccak(**keccak_args)
    mask = k.squeeze(len(padded))

    # XOR the message with the expanded r
    masked = ''.join(imap(chr, imap(xor, imap(ord, padded),
                                         imap(ord, mask))))

    # hash masked to generate the seed mask
    k = Keccak(**keccak_args)
    seed_mask = k.squeeze(len(rand_seed))

    # mask the seed
    masked_seed = ''.join(imap(chr, imap(xor, imap(ord, rand_seed),
                                              imap(ord, seed_mask))))

    # concatenate the two together
    return '\x00' + masked_seed + masked
コード例 #13
ファイル: oaep.py プロジェクト: duncant/crypto_utils
def unoaep_keccak(m, label='', hash_len=32, keccak_args=dict()):
    """Recover a message padded with OAEP (as specified by PKCS#1v2.1) with Keccak as the one-way function and mask-generating function

    All lengths specified in *bytes*
    m: message to be decoded
    label: (optional) the label expected on the message, the default is the empty string
    hash_len: (optional) the length of the output of the hash algorithm, the default is 32
    keccak_args: (optional) parameters for the Keccak sponge function, the defaults are the Keccak defaults
    # hash the label
    k = Keccak(**keccak_args)
    lhash = k.squeeze(hash_len)

    # split the three parts of the OAEP'd message
    leading_null, masked_seed, masked = m[0], m[1:hash_len+1], m[hash_len+1:]

    # recover rand_seed
    k = Keccak(**keccak_args)
    seed_mask = k.squeeze(len(masked_seed))

    rand_seed = ''.join(imap(chr, imap(xor, imap(ord, masked_seed),
                                            imap(ord, seed_mask))))

    # recover the original message
    k = Keccak(**keccak_args)
    mask = k.squeeze(len(masked))

    padded = ''.join(imap(chr, imap(xor, imap(ord, masked),
                                         imap(ord, mask))))

    # find the '\x01' separator byte without leaking timing info
    ## these need to be longs because of Python's small int caching
    separator_index = 0L
    separator = 0L
    for i in xrange(hash_len,len(padded)):
        # the result of ord is unavoidably a small int
        char = ord(padded[i])
        nonnull = int(char != 0)
        # set separator and separator_index, but only if char is nonnull and
        # they haven't already been set
        separator |= -long(separator == 0) & -nonnull & char
        separator_index |= -long(separator_index == 0) & -nonnull & i

    # check that lhash matches, the separator is correct, and the leading NUL is
    # preserved without leaking which one failed
    if sum([ 0L, # force the sum to be a long
             secure_compare(lhash, padded[:hash_len]),
             separator == 1L,
             leading_null == chr(0L) ]) != 3L:
        raise ValueError("Decryption failed")
コード例 #14
ファイル: oaep.py プロジェクト: duncancmt/crypto_utils
def oaep_keccak(m,
    """Perform OAEP (as specified by PKCS#1v2.1) with Keccak as the one-way function and mask-generating function

    All lengths specified in *bytes*
    m: message to be padded
    label: (optional) to be associated with the message, the default is the empty string
    out_len: (optional) the length of the message after padding, the default is len(m) + 2*hash_len + 2
    hash_len: (optional) the length of the output of the hash algorithm, the default is 32
    random: (optional) source of entropy for the random seed generation, the default is python's random module
    keccak_args: (optional) parameters for the Keccak sponge function, the defaults are the Keccak defaults
    if out_len is not None and len(m) > out_len - 2 * hash_len - 2:
        raise ValueError(
            "Message too long to specified output and hash lengths")

    # hash the label
    k = Keccak(**keccak_args)
    lhash = k.squeeze(hash_len)

    if out_len is not None:
        pad_string = '\x00' * (out_len - len(m) - 2 * hash_len - 2)
        pad_string = ''

    # pad m
    padded = lhash + pad_string + '\x01' + m

    # generate rand_seed, a hash_len-byte random string
    rand_seed = random.getrandbits(hash_len * 8)
    rand_seed = int2bytes(rand_seed)

    # expand rand_seed to the length of padded
    k = Keccak(**keccak_args)
    mask = k.squeeze(len(padded))

    # XOR the message with the expanded r
    masked = ''.join(imap(chr, imap(xor, imap(ord, padded), imap(ord, mask))))

    # hash masked to generate the seed mask
    k = Keccak(**keccak_args)
    seed_mask = k.squeeze(len(rand_seed))

    # mask the seed
    masked_seed = ''.join(
        imap(chr, imap(xor, imap(ord, rand_seed), imap(ord, seed_mask))))

    # concatenate the two together
    return '\x00' + masked_seed + masked
コード例 #15
ファイル: oaep.py プロジェクト: duncancmt/crypto_utils
def unoaep_keccak(m, label='', hash_len=32, keccak_args=dict()):
    """Recover a message padded with OAEP (as specified by PKCS#1v2.1) with Keccak as the one-way function and mask-generating function

    All lengths specified in *bytes*
    m: message to be decoded
    label: (optional) the label expected on the message, the default is the empty string
    hash_len: (optional) the length of the output of the hash algorithm, the default is 32
    keccak_args: (optional) parameters for the Keccak sponge function, the defaults are the Keccak defaults
    # hash the label
    k = Keccak(**keccak_args)
    lhash = k.squeeze(hash_len)

    # split the three parts of the OAEP'd message
    leading_null, masked_seed, masked = m[0], m[1:hash_len + 1], m[hash_len +

    # recover rand_seed
    k = Keccak(**keccak_args)
    seed_mask = k.squeeze(len(masked_seed))

    rand_seed = ''.join(
        imap(chr, imap(xor, imap(ord, masked_seed), imap(ord, seed_mask))))

    # recover the original message
    k = Keccak(**keccak_args)
    mask = k.squeeze(len(masked))

    padded = ''.join(imap(chr, imap(xor, imap(ord, masked), imap(ord, mask))))

    # find the '\x01' separator byte without leaking timing info
    ## these need to be longs because of Python's small int caching
    separator_index = 0L
    separator = 0L
    for i in xrange(hash_len, len(padded)):
        # the result of ord is unavoidably a small int
        char = ord(padded[i])
        nonnull = int(char != 0)
        # set separator and separator_index, but only if char is nonnull and
        # they haven't already been set
        separator |= -long(separator == 0) & -nonnull & char
        separator_index |= -long(separator_index == 0) & -nonnull & i

    # check that lhash matches, the separator is correct, and the leading NUL is
    # preserved without leaking which one failed
    if sum([
            0L,  # force the sum to be a long
            secure_compare(lhash, padded[:hash_len]),
            separator == 1L,
            leading_null == chr(0L)
    ]) != 3L:
        raise ValueError("Decryption failed")