コード例 #1
    def __init__(
        filepath: str,
        load_args: Dict[str, Any] = None,
        save_args: Dict[str, Any] = None,
        version: Version = None,
        credentials: Dict[str, Any] = None,
        fs_args: Dict[str, Any] = None,
    ) -> None:
        """Creates a new instance of ``TensorFlowModelDataset``.

            filepath: Filepath to a TensorFlow model directory prefixed with a protocol
                like `s3://`. If prefix is not provided `file` protocol (local filesystem)
                will be used. The prefix should be any protocol supported by ``fsspec``.
                Note: `http(s)` doesn't support versioning.
            load_args: TensorFlow options for loading models.
                Here you can find all available arguments:
                All defaults are preserved.
            save_args: TensorFlow options for saving models.
                Here you can find all available arguments:
                All defaults are preserved, except for "save_format", which is set to "tf".
            version: If specified, should be an instance of
                ``kedro.io.core.Version``. If its ``load`` attribute is
                None, the latest version will be loaded. If its ``save``
                attribute is None, save version will be autogenerated.
            credentials: Credentials required to get access to the underlying filesystem.
                E.g. for ``GCSFileSystem`` it should look like `{'token': None}`.
            fs_args: Extra arguments to pass into underlying filesystem class constructor
                (e.g. `{"project": "my-project"}` for ``GCSFileSystem``).
        _fs_args = copy.deepcopy(fs_args) or {}
        _credentials = copy.deepcopy(credentials) or {}
        protocol, path = get_protocol_and_path(filepath, version)
        if protocol == "file":
            _fs_args.setdefault("auto_mkdir", True)

        self._protocol = protocol
        self._fs = fsspec.filesystem(self._protocol, **_credentials,

        self._tmp_prefix = "kedro_tensorflow_tmp"  # temp prefix pattern

        # Handle default load and save arguments
        self._load_args = copy.deepcopy(self.DEFAULT_LOAD_ARGS)
        if load_args is not None:
        self._save_args = copy.deepcopy(self.DEFAULT_SAVE_ARGS)
        if save_args is not None:

        if self._save_args.get("save_format") == "h5":
            self._tmpfile_callable = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile  # type: Callable
            self._tmpfile_callable = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory
コード例 #2
    def __init__(
        filepath: str,
        fs_args: Dict[str, Any] = None,
        credentials: Dict[str, Any] = None,
        save_args: Dict[str, Any] = None,
        version: Version = None,
        overwrite: bool = False,
    ) -> None:
        """Creates a new instance of ``MatplotlibWriter``.

            filepath: Filepath in POSIX format to save Matplotlib objects to, prefixed with a
                protocol like `s3://`. If prefix is not provided, `file` protocol (local filesystem)
                will be used. The prefix should be any protocol supported by ``fsspec``.
            fs_args: Extra arguments to pass into underlying filesystem class constructor
                (e.g. `{"project": "my-project"}` for ``GCSFileSystem``), as well as
                to pass to the filesystem's `open` method through nested key `open_args_save`.
                Here you can find all available arguments for `open`:
                All defaults are preserved, except `mode`, which is set to `wb` when saving.
            credentials: Credentials required to get access to the underlying filesystem.
                E.g. for ``S3FileSystem`` it should look like:
                `{'key': '<id>', 'secret': '<key>'}}`
            save_args: Save args passed to `plt.savefig`. See
            version: If specified, should be an instance of
                ``kedro.io.core.Version``. If its ``load`` attribute is
                None, the latest version will be loaded. If its ``save``
                attribute is None, save version will be autogenerated.
            overwrite: If True, any existing image files will be removed.
                Only relevant when saving multiple Matplotlib objects at
        _credentials = deepcopy(credentials) or {}
        _fs_args = deepcopy(fs_args) or {}
        _fs_open_args_save = _fs_args.pop("open_args_save", {})
        _fs_open_args_save.setdefault("mode", "wb")

        protocol, path = get_protocol_and_path(filepath, version)
        if protocol == "file":
            _fs_args.setdefault("auto_mkdir", True)

        self._protocol = protocol
        self._fs = fsspec.filesystem(self._protocol, **_credentials,


        self._fs_open_args_save = _fs_open_args_save

        # Handle default save arguments
        self._save_args = deepcopy(self.DEFAULT_SAVE_ARGS)
        if save_args is not None:

        if overwrite and version is not None:
            warn("Setting `overwrite=True` is ineffective if versioning "
                 "is enabled, since the versioned path must not already "
                 "exist; overriding flag with `overwrite=False` instead.")
            overwrite = False
        self._overwrite = overwrite
コード例 #3
ファイル: networkx_dataset.py プロジェクト: szczeles/kedro
    def __init__(
        filepath: str,
        load_args: Dict[str, Any] = None,
        save_args: Dict[str, Any] = None,
        version: Version = None,
        credentials: Dict[str, Any] = None,
        fs_args: Dict[str, Any] = None,
    ) -> None:
        """Creates a new instance of ``NetworkXDataSet``.

            filepath: Filepath in POSIX format to the NetworkX graph JSON file.
            load_args: Arguments passed on to ```networkx.node_link_graph``.
                See the details in
            save_args: Arguments passed on to ```networkx.node_link_data``.
                See the details in
            version: If specified, should be an instance of
                ``kedro.io.core.Version``. If its ``load`` attribute is
                None, the latest version will be loaded. If its ``save``
                attribute is None, save version will be autogenerated.
            credentials: Credentials required to get access to the underlying filesystem.
                E.g. for ``GCSFileSystem`` it should look like `{"token": None}`.
            fs_args: Extra arguments to pass into underlying filesystem class constructor
                (e.g. `{"project": "my-project"}` for ``GCSFileSystem``), as well as
                to pass to the filesystem's `open` method through nested keys
                `open_args_load` and `open_args_save`.
                Here you can find all available arguments for `open`:
                All defaults are preserved, except `mode`, which is set to `r` when loading
                and to `w` when saving.
        _fs_args = deepcopy(fs_args) or {}
        _fs_open_args_load = _fs_args.pop("open_args_load", {})
        _fs_open_args_save = _fs_args.pop("open_args_save", {})
        _credentials = deepcopy(credentials) or {}

        protocol, path = get_protocol_and_path(filepath, version)
        if protocol == "file":
            _fs_args.setdefault("auto_mkdir", True)

        self._protocol = protocol
        self._fs = fsspec.filesystem(self._protocol, **_credentials,


        # Handle default load and save arguments
        self._load_args = deepcopy(self.DEFAULT_LOAD_ARGS)
        if load_args is not None:
        self._save_args = deepcopy(self.DEFAULT_SAVE_ARGS)
        if save_args is not None:

        _fs_open_args_save.setdefault("mode", "w")
        self._fs_open_args_load = _fs_open_args_load
        self._fs_open_args_save = _fs_open_args_save
コード例 #4
ファイル: message_dataset.py プロジェクト: szczeles/kedro
    def __init__(
        filepath: str,
        load_args: Dict[str, Any] = None,
        save_args: Dict[str, Any] = None,
        version: Version = None,
        credentials: Dict[str, Any] = None,
        fs_args: Dict[str, Any] = None,
    ) -> None:
        """Creates a new instance of ``EmailMessageDataSet`` pointing to a concrete text file
        on a specific filesystem.

            filepath: Filepath in POSIX format to a text file prefixed with a protocol like `s3://`.
                If prefix is not provided, `file` protocol (local filesystem) will be used.
                The prefix should be any protocol supported by ``fsspec``.
                Note: `http(s)` doesn't support versioning.
            load_args: ``email`` options for parsing email messages (arguments passed
                into ``email.parser.Parser.parse``). Here you can find all available arguments:
                If you would like to specify options for the `Parser`,
                you can include them under the "parser" key. Here you can
                find all available arguments:
                All defaults are preserved, but "policy", which is set to ``email.policy.default``.
            save_args: ``email`` options for generating MIME documents (arguments passed into
                ``email.generator.Generator.flatten``). Here you can find all available arguments:
                If you would like to specify options for the `Generator`,
                you can include them under the "generator" key. Here you can
                find all available arguments:
                All defaults are preserved.
            version: If specified, should be an instance of
                ``kedro.io.core.Version``. If its ``load`` attribute is
                None, the latest version will be loaded. If its ``save``
                attribute is None, save version will be autogenerated.
            credentials: Credentials required to get access to the underlying filesystem.
                E.g. for ``GCSFileSystem`` it should look like `{"token": None}`.
            fs_args: Extra arguments to pass into underlying filesystem class constructor
                (e.g. `{"project": "my-project"}` for ``GCSFileSystem``), as well as
                to pass to the filesystem's `open` method through nested keys
                `open_args_load` and `open_args_save`.
                Here you can find all available arguments for `open`:
                All defaults are preserved, except `mode`, which is set to `r` when loading
                and to `w` when saving.
        _fs_args = deepcopy(fs_args) or {}
        _fs_open_args_load = _fs_args.pop("open_args_load", {})
        _fs_open_args_save = _fs_args.pop("open_args_save", {})
        _credentials = deepcopy(credentials) or {}

        protocol, path = get_protocol_and_path(filepath, version)

        self._protocol = protocol
        if protocol == "file":
            _fs_args.setdefault("auto_mkdir", True)
        self._fs = fsspec.filesystem(self._protocol, **_credentials,


        # Handle default load arguments
        self._load_args = deepcopy(self.DEFAULT_LOAD_ARGS)
        if load_args is not None:
        self._parser_args = self._load_args.pop("parser", {"policy": default})

        # Handle default save arguments
        self._save_args = deepcopy(self.DEFAULT_SAVE_ARGS)
        if save_args is not None:
        self._generator_args = self._save_args.pop("generator", {})

        _fs_open_args_load.setdefault("mode", "r")
        _fs_open_args_save.setdefault("mode", "w")
        self._fs_open_args_load = _fs_open_args_load
        self._fs_open_args_save = _fs_open_args_save
コード例 #5
ファイル: parquet_dataset.py プロジェクト: zeta1999/kedro
    def __init__(
        filepath: str,
        load_args: Dict[str, Any] = None,
        save_args: Dict[str, Any] = None,
        version: Version = None,
        credentials: Dict[str, Any] = None,
        fs_args: Dict[str, Any] = None,
    ) -> None:
        """Creates a new instance of ``ParquetDataSet`` pointing to a concrete Parquet file
        on a specific filesystem.

            filepath: Filepath in POSIX format to a Parquet file prefixed with a protocol like
                `s3://`. If prefix is not provided, `file` protocol (local filesystem) will be used.
                The prefix should be any protocol supported by ``fsspec``.
                It can also be a path to a directory. If the directory is
                provided then it can be used for reading partitioned parquet files.
                Note: `http(s)` doesn't support versioning.
            load_args: Additional options for loading Parquet file(s).
                Here you can find all available arguments when reading single file:
                Here you can find all available arguments when reading partitioned datasets:
                All defaults are preserved.
            save_args: Additional saving options for `pyarrow.parquet.write_table` and
                Here you can find all available arguments for `write_table()`:
                The arguments for `from_pandas()` should be passed through a nested
                key: `from_pandas`. E.g.: `save_args = {"from_pandas": {"preserve_index": False}}`
                Here you can find all available arguments for `from_pandas()`:
            version: If specified, should be an instance of
                ``kedro.io.core.Version``. If its ``load`` attribute is
                None, the latest version will be loaded. If its ``save``
                attribute is None, save version will be autogenerated.
            credentials: Credentials required to get access to the underlying filesystem.
                E.g. for ``GCSFileSystem`` it should look like `{"token": None}`.
            fs_args: Extra arguments to pass into underlying filesystem class constructor
                (e.g. `{"project": "my-project"}` for ``GCSFileSystem``), as well as
                to pass to the filesystem's `open` method through nested keys
                `open_args_load` and `open_args_save`.
                Here you can find all available arguments for `open`:
                All defaults are preserved.
        _fs_args = deepcopy(fs_args) or {}
        self._fs_open_args_load = _fs_args.pop("open_args_load", {})
        _credentials = deepcopy(credentials) or {}

        protocol, path = get_protocol_and_path(filepath, version)
        if protocol == "file":
            _fs_args.setdefault("auto_mkdir", True)

        self._protocol = protocol
        self._fs = fsspec.filesystem(self._protocol, **_credentials,


        self._from_pandas_args = {}  # type: Dict[str, Any]

        # Handle default load and save arguments
        self._load_args = deepcopy(self.DEFAULT_LOAD_ARGS)
        if load_args is not None:
        self._save_args = deepcopy(self.DEFAULT_SAVE_ARGS)
        if save_args is not None:
            self._from_pandas_args.update(save_args.pop("from_pandas", {}))
コード例 #6
    def __init__(
        filepath: str,
        backend: str = "pickle",
        load_args: Dict[str, Any] = None,
        save_args: Dict[str, Any] = None,
        version: Version = None,
        credentials: Dict[str, Any] = None,
        fs_args: Dict[str, Any] = None,
    ) -> None:
        """Creates a new instance of ``PickleDataSet`` pointing to a concrete Pickle
        file on a specific filesystem. ``PickleDataSet`` supports two backends to
        serialize/deserialize objects: `pickle` and `joblib`.

            filepath: Filepath to a Pickle file prefixed with a protocol like `s3://`.
                If prefix is not provided, `file` protocol (local filesystem) will be used.
                The prefix should be any protocol supported by ``fsspec``.
                Note: `http(s)` doesn't support versioning.
            backend: Backend to use, must be one of ['pickle', 'joblib']. Defaults to 'pickle'.
            load_args: Pickle options for loading pickle files.
                Here you can find all available arguments for different backends:
                pickle.load: https://docs.python.org/3/library/pickle.html#pickle.load
                joblib.load: https://joblib.readthedocs.io/en/latest/generated/joblib.load.html
                All defaults are preserved.
            save_args: Pickle options for saving pickle files.
                Here you can find all available arguments for different backends:
                pickle.dump: https://docs.python.org/3/library/pickle.html#pickle.dump
                joblib.dump: https://joblib.readthedocs.io/en/latest/generated/joblib.dump.html
                All defaults are preserved.
            version: If specified, should be an instance of
                ``kedro.io.core.Version``. If its ``load`` attribute is
                None, the latest version will be loaded. If its ``save``
                attribute is None, save version will be autogenerated.
            credentials: Credentials required to get access to the underlying filesystem.
                E.g. for ``GCSFileSystem`` it should look like `{"token": None}`.
            fs_args: Extra arguments to pass into underlying filesystem class constructor
                (e.g. `{"project": "my-project"}` for ``GCSFileSystem``), as well as
                to pass to the filesystem's `open` method through nested keys
                `open_args_load` and `open_args_save`.
                Here you can find all available arguments for `open`:
                All defaults are preserved, except `mode`, which is set to `wb` when saving.

            ValueError: If ``backend`` is not one of ['pickle', 'joblib'].
            ImportError: If ``backend`` library could not be imported.
        if backend not in self.BACKENDS:
            raise ValueError(
                "'backend' should be one of {}, got '{}'.".format(
                    list(self.BACKENDS.keys()), backend

        if not self.BACKENDS[backend]:
            raise ImportError(
                "Selected backend '{}' could not be "
                "imported. Make sure it is installed.".format(backend)

        _fs_args = deepcopy(fs_args) or {}
        _fs_open_args_load = _fs_args.pop("open_args_load", {})
        _fs_open_args_save = _fs_args.pop("open_args_save", {})
        _credentials = deepcopy(credentials) or {}

        protocol, path = get_protocol_and_path(filepath, version)

        self._protocol = protocol
        self._fs = fsspec.filesystem(self._protocol, **_credentials, **_fs_args)


        self._backend = backend

        # Handle default load and save arguments
        self._load_args = deepcopy(self.DEFAULT_LOAD_ARGS)
        if load_args is not None:
        self._save_args = deepcopy(self.DEFAULT_SAVE_ARGS)
        if save_args is not None:

        _fs_open_args_save.setdefault("mode", "wb")
        self._fs_open_args_load = _fs_open_args_load
        self._fs_open_args_save = _fs_open_args_save
コード例 #7
ファイル: gbq_dataset.py プロジェクト: MerelTheisenQB/kedro
    def __init__(
        sql: str = None,
        project: str = None,
        credentials: Union[Dict[str, Any], Credentials] = None,
        load_args: Dict[str, Any] = None,
        fs_args: Dict[str, Any] = None,
        filepath: str = None,
    ) -> None:
        """Creates a new instance of ``GBQQueryDataSet``.

            sql: The sql query statement.
            project: Google BigQuery Account project ID.
                Optional when available from the environment.
            credentials: Credentials for accessing Google APIs.
                Either ``google.auth.credentials.Credentials`` object or dictionary with
                parameters required to instantiate ``google.oauth2.credentials.Credentials``.
                Here you can find all the arguments:
            load_args: Pandas options for loading BigQuery table into DataFrame.
                Here you can find all available arguments:
                All defaults are preserved.
            fs_args: Extra arguments to pass into underlying filesystem class constructor
                (e.g. `{"project": "my-project"}` for ``GCSFileSystem``) used for reading the
                SQL query from filepath.
            filepath: A path to a file with a sql query statement.

            DataSetError: When ``sql`` and ``filepath`` parameters are either both empty
                or both provided, as well as when the `save()` method is invoked.
        if sql and filepath:
            raise DataSetError(
                "`sql` and `filepath` arguments cannot both be provided."
                "Please only provide one.")

        if not (sql or filepath):
            raise DataSetError(
                "`sql` and `filepath` arguments cannot both be empty."
                "Please provide a sql query or path to a sql query file.")

        # Handle default load arguments
        self._load_args = copy.deepcopy(self.DEFAULT_LOAD_ARGS)
        if load_args is not None:

        self._project_id = project

        if isinstance(credentials, dict):
            credentials = Credentials(**credentials)

        self._credentials = credentials
        self._client = bigquery.Client(

        # load sql query from arg or from file
        if sql:
            self._load_args["query"] = sql
            self._filepath = None
            # filesystem for loading sql file
            _fs_args = copy.deepcopy(fs_args) or {}
            _fs_credentials = _fs_args.pop("credentials", {})
            protocol, path = get_protocol_and_path(str(filepath))

            self._protocol = protocol
            self._fs = fsspec.filesystem(self._protocol, **_fs_credentials,
            self._filepath = path
コード例 #8
    def __init__(
        filepath: str,
        backend: str = "pickle",
        load_args: Dict[str, Any] = None,
        save_args: Dict[str, Any] = None,
        version: Version = None,
        credentials: Dict[str, Any] = None,
        fs_args: Dict[str, Any] = None,
    ) -> None:
        """Creates a new instance of ``PickleDataSet`` pointing to a concrete Pickle
        file on a specific filesystem. ``PickleDataSet`` supports custom backends to
        serialize/deserialize objects.

        Example backends that are compatible (non-exhaustive):
            * `pickle`
            * `joblib`
            * `dill`
            * `compress_pickle`

        Example backends that are incompatible:
            * `torch`

            filepath: Filepath in POSIX format to a Pickle file prefixed with a protocol like
                `s3://`. If prefix is not provided, `file` protocol (local filesystem) will be used.
                The prefix should be any protocol supported by ``fsspec``.
                Note: `http(s)` doesn't support versioning.
            backend: Backend to use, must be an import path to a module which satisfies the
                ``pickle`` interface. That is, contains a `load` and `dump` function.
                Defaults to 'pickle'.
            load_args: Pickle options for loading pickle files.
                You can pass in arguments that the backend load function specified accepts, e.g:
                pickle.load: https://docs.python.org/3/library/pickle.html#pickle.load
                joblib.load: https://joblib.readthedocs.io/en/latest/generated/joblib.load.html
                dill.load: https://dill.readthedocs.io/en/latest/dill.html#dill._dill.load
                All defaults are preserved.
            save_args: Pickle options for saving pickle files.
                You can pass in arguments that the backend dump function specified accepts, e.g:
                pickle.dump: https://docs.python.org/3/library/pickle.html#pickle.dump
                joblib.dump: https://joblib.readthedocs.io/en/latest/generated/joblib.dump.html
                dill.dump: https://dill.readthedocs.io/en/latest/dill.html#dill._dill.dump
                All defaults are preserved.
            version: If specified, should be an instance of
                ``kedro.io.core.Version``. If its ``load`` attribute is
                None, the latest version will be loaded. If its ``save``
                attribute is None, save version will be autogenerated.
            credentials: Credentials required to get access to the underlying filesystem.
                E.g. for ``GCSFileSystem`` it should look like `{"token": None}`.
            fs_args: Extra arguments to pass into underlying filesystem class constructor
                (e.g. `{"project": "my-project"}` for ``GCSFileSystem``), as well as
                to pass to the filesystem's `open` method through nested keys
                `open_args_load` and `open_args_save`.
                Here you can find all available arguments for `open`:
                All defaults are preserved, except `mode`, which is set to `wb` when saving.

            ValueError: If ``backend`` does not satisfy the `pickle` interface.
            ImportError: If the ``backend`` module could not be imported.
        # We do not store `imported_backend` as an attribute to be used in `load`/`save`
        # as this would mean the dataset cannot be deepcopied (module objects cannot be
        # pickled). The import here is purely to raise any errors as early as possible.
        # Repeated imports in the `load` and `save` methods should not be a significant
        # performance hit as Python caches imports.
            imported_backend = importlib.import_module(backend)
        except ImportError as exc:
            raise ImportError(
                f"Selected backend '{backend}' could not be imported. "
                "Make sure it is installed and importable.") from exc

        if not (hasattr(imported_backend, "load")
                and hasattr(imported_backend, "dump")):
            raise ValueError(
                f"Selected backend '{backend}' should satisfy the pickle interface. "
                "Missing one of `load` and `dump` on the backend.")

        _fs_args = deepcopy(fs_args) or {}
        _fs_open_args_load = _fs_args.pop("open_args_load", {})
        _fs_open_args_save = _fs_args.pop("open_args_save", {})
        _credentials = deepcopy(credentials) or {}

        protocol, path = get_protocol_and_path(filepath, version)
        if protocol == "file":
            _fs_args.setdefault("auto_mkdir", True)

        self._protocol = protocol
        self._fs = fsspec.filesystem(self._protocol, **_credentials,


        self._backend = backend

        # Handle default load and save arguments
        self._load_args = deepcopy(self.DEFAULT_LOAD_ARGS)
        if load_args is not None:
        self._save_args = deepcopy(self.DEFAULT_SAVE_ARGS)
        if save_args is not None:

        _fs_open_args_save.setdefault("mode", "wb")
        self._fs_open_args_load = _fs_open_args_load
        self._fs_open_args_save = _fs_open_args_save
コード例 #9
    def __init__(
        filepath: str,
        load_args: Dict[str, Any] = None,
        save_args: Dict[str, Any] = None,
        version: Version = None,
        credentials: Dict[str, Any] = None,
        fs_args: Dict[str, Any] = None,
    ) -> None:
        """Creates a new instance of ``GeoJSONDataSet`` pointing to a concrete GeoJSON file
        on a specific filesystem fsspec.


            filepath: Filepath in POSIX format to a GeoJSON file prefixed with a protocol like
                `s3://`. If prefix is not provided `file` protocol (local filesystem) will be used.
                The prefix should be any protocol supported by ``fsspec``.
                Note: `http(s)` doesn't support versioning.
            load_args: GeoPandas options for loading GeoJSON files.
                Here you can find all available arguments:
            save_args: GeoPandas options for saving geojson files.
                Here you can find all available arguments:
                The default_save_arg driver is 'GeoJSON', all others preserved.
            version: If specified, should be an instance of
                ``kedro.io.core.Version``. If its ``load`` attribute is
                None, the latest version will be loaded. If its ``save``
            credentials: credentials required to access the underlying filesystem.
                Eg. for ``GCFileSystem`` it would look like `{'token': None}`.
            fs_args: Extra arguments to pass into underlying filesystem class constructor
                (e.g. `{"project": "my-project"}` for ``GCSFileSystem``), as well as
                to pass to the filesystem's `open` method through nested keys
                `open_args_load` and `open_args_save`.
                Here you can find all available arguments for `open`:
                All defaults are preserved, except `mode`, which is set to `wb` when saving.
        _fs_args = copy.deepcopy(fs_args) or {}
        _fs_open_args_load = _fs_args.pop("open_args_load", {})
        _fs_open_args_save = _fs_args.pop("open_args_save", {})
        _credentials = copy.deepcopy(credentials) or {}
        protocol, path = get_protocol_and_path(filepath, version)
        self._protocol = protocol
        if protocol == "file":
            _fs_args.setdefault("auto_mkdir", True)

        self._fs = fsspec.filesystem(self._protocol, **_credentials,


        self._load_args = copy.deepcopy(self.DEFAULT_LOAD_ARGS)
        if load_args is not None:

        self._save_args = copy.deepcopy(self.DEFAULT_SAVE_ARGS)
        if save_args is not None:

        _fs_open_args_save.setdefault("mode", "wb")
        self._fs_open_args_load = _fs_open_args_load
        self._fs_open_args_save = _fs_open_args_save
コード例 #10
    def __init__(
        filepath: str,
        key: str,
        load_args: Dict[str, Any] = None,
        save_args: Dict[str, Any] = None,
        version: Version = None,
        credentials: Dict[str, Any] = None,
        fs_args: Dict[str, Any] = None,
    ) -> None:
        """Creates a new instance of ``HDFDataSet`` pointing to a concrete hdf file
        on a specific filesystem.

            filepath: Filepath in POSIX format to a hdf file prefixed with a protocol like `s3://`.
                If prefix is not provided, `file` protocol (local filesystem) will be used.
                The prefix should be any protocol supported by ``fsspec``.
                Note: `http(s)` doesn't support versioning.
            key: Identifier to the group in the HDF store.
            load_args: PyTables options for loading hdf files.
                You can find all available arguments at:
                All defaults are preserved.
            save_args: PyTables options for saving hdf files.
                You can find all available arguments at:
                All defaults are preserved.
            version: If specified, should be an instance of
                ``kedro.io.core.Version``. If its ``load`` attribute is
                None, the latest version will be loaded. If its ``save``
                attribute is None, save version will be autogenerated.
            credentials: Credentials required to get access to the underlying filesystem.
                E.g. for ``GCSFileSystem`` it should look like `{"token": None}`.
            fs_args: Extra arguments to pass into underlying filesystem class constructor
                (e.g. `{"project": "my-project"}` for ``GCSFileSystem``), as well as
                to pass to the filesystem's `open` method through nested keys
                `open_args_load` and `open_args_save`.
                Here you can find all available arguments for `open`:
                All defaults are preserved, except `mode`, which is set `wb` when saving.
        _fs_args = deepcopy(fs_args) or {}
        _fs_open_args_load = _fs_args.pop("open_args_load", {})
        _fs_open_args_save = _fs_args.pop("open_args_save", {})
        _credentials = deepcopy(credentials) or {}

        protocol, path = get_protocol_and_path(filepath, version)
        if protocol == "file":
            _fs_args.setdefault("auto_mkdir", True)

        self._protocol = protocol
        self._fs = fsspec.filesystem(self._protocol, **_credentials,


        self._key = key

        # Handle default load and save arguments
        self._load_args = deepcopy(self.DEFAULT_LOAD_ARGS)
        if load_args is not None:
        self._save_args = deepcopy(self.DEFAULT_SAVE_ARGS)
        if save_args is not None:

        _fs_open_args_save.setdefault("mode", "wb")
        self._fs_open_args_load = _fs_open_args_load
        self._fs_open_args_save = _fs_open_args_save
コード例 #11
ファイル: excel_dataset.py プロジェクト: MerelTheisenQB/kedro
    def __init__(
        filepath: str,
        engine: str = "xlsxwriter",
        load_args: Dict[str, Any] = None,
        save_args: Dict[str, Any] = None,
        version: Version = None,
        credentials: Dict[str, Any] = None,
        fs_args: Dict[str, Any] = None,
    ) -> None:
        """Creates a new instance of ``ExcelDataSet`` pointing to a concrete Excel file
        on a specific filesystem.

            filepath: Filepath in POSIX format to a Excel file prefixed with a protocol like
                `s3://`. If prefix is not provided, `file` protocol (local filesystem) will be used.
                The prefix should be any protocol supported by ``fsspec``.
                Note: `http(s)` doesn't support versioning.
            engine: The engine used to write to excel files. The default
                engine is 'xlsxwriter'.
            load_args: Pandas options for loading Excel files.
                Here you can find all available arguments:
                All defaults are preserved, but "engine", which is set to "xlrd".
                Supports multi-sheet Excel files (include `sheet_name = None` in `load_args`).
            save_args: Pandas options for saving Excel files.
                Here you can find all available arguments:
                All defaults are preserved, but "index", which is set to False.
                If you would like to specify options for the `ExcelWriter`,
                you can include them under the "writer" key. Here you can
                find all available arguments:
            version: If specified, should be an instance of
                ``kedro.io.core.Version``. If its ``load`` attribute is
                None, the latest version will be loaded. If its ``save``
                attribute is None, save version will be autogenerated.
            credentials: Credentials required to get access to the underlying filesystem.
                E.g. for ``GCSFileSystem`` it should look like `{"token": None}`.
            fs_args: Extra arguments to pass into underlying filesystem class constructor
                (e.g. `{"project": "my-project"}` for ``GCSFileSystem``), as well as
                to pass to the filesystem's `open` method through nested keys
                `open_args_load` and `open_args_save`.
                Here you can find all available arguments for `open`:
                All defaults are preserved, except `mode`, which is set to `wb` when saving.
        _fs_args = deepcopy(fs_args) or {}
        _fs_open_args_load = _fs_args.pop("open_args_load", {})
        _fs_open_args_save = _fs_args.pop("open_args_save", {})
        _credentials = deepcopy(credentials) or {}

        protocol, path = get_protocol_and_path(filepath, version)
        if protocol == "file":
            _fs_args.setdefault("auto_mkdir", True)

        self._protocol = protocol
        self._fs = fsspec.filesystem(self._protocol, **_credentials,


        # Handle default load arguments
        self._load_args = deepcopy(self.DEFAULT_LOAD_ARGS)
        if load_args is not None:

        # Handle default save arguments
        self._save_args = deepcopy(self.DEFAULT_SAVE_ARGS)
        if save_args is not None:
        self._writer_args = self._save_args.pop("writer", {"engine": engine})

        _fs_open_args_save.setdefault("mode", "wb")
        self._fs_open_args_load = _fs_open_args_load
        self._fs_open_args_save = _fs_open_args_save
コード例 #12
ファイル: csv_dataset.py プロジェクト: zach-data/kedro
    def __init__(
        filepath: str,
        load_args: Dict[str, Any] = None,
        save_args: Dict[str, Any] = None,
        version: Version = None,
        credentials: Dict[str, Any] = None,
        fs_args: Dict[str, Any] = None,
        layer: str = None,
    ) -> None:
        """Creates a new instance of ``CSVDataSet`` pointing to a concrete CSV file
        on a specific filesystem.

            filepath: Filepath to a CSV file prefixed with a protocol like `s3://`.
                If prefix is not provided, `file` protocol (local filesystem) will be used.
                The prefix should be any protocol supported by ``fsspec``.
                Note: `http(s)` doesn't support versioning.
            load_args: Pandas options for loading CSV files.
                Here you can find all available arguments:
                All defaults are preserved.
            save_args: Pandas options for saving CSV files.
                Here you can find all available arguments:
                All defaults are preserved, but "index", which is set to False.
            version: If specified, should be an instance of
                ``kedro.io.core.Version``. If its ``load`` attribute is
                None, the latest version will be loaded. If its ``save``
                attribute is None, save version will be autogenerated.
            credentials: Credentials required to get access to the underlying filesystem.
                E.g. for ``GCSFileSystem`` it should look like `{"token": None}`.
            fs_args: Extra arguments to pass into underlying filesystem class.
                E.g. for ``GCSFileSystem`` class: `{"project": "my-project", ...}`.
            layer: The data layer according to the data engineering convention:
        _fs_args = deepcopy(fs_args) or {}
        _credentials = deepcopy(credentials) or {}

        protocol, path = get_protocol_and_path(filepath, version)

        self._protocol = protocol
        self._fs = fsspec.filesystem(self._protocol, **_credentials,


        self._layer = layer

        # Handle default load and save arguments
        self._load_args = deepcopy(self.DEFAULT_LOAD_ARGS)
        if load_args is not None:
        self._save_args = deepcopy(self.DEFAULT_SAVE_ARGS)
        if save_args is not None:
コード例 #13
    def __init__(
        filepath: str,
        file_format: str,
        load_args: Dict[str, Any] = None,
        save_args: Dict[str, Any] = None,
        version: Version = None,
        credentials: Dict[str, Any] = None,
        fs_args: Dict[str, Any] = None,
        """Creates a new instance of ``GenericDataSet`` pointing to a concrete data file
        on a specific filesystem. The appropriate pandas load/save methods are
        dynamically identified by string matching on a best effort basis.

            filepath: Filepath in POSIX format to a file prefixed with a protocol like `s3://`.
                If prefix is not provided, `file` protocol (local filesystem) will be used.
                The prefix should be any protocol supported by ``fsspec``.
                Key assumption: The first argument of either load/save method points to a
                filepath/buffer/io type location. There are some read/write targets such
                as 'clipboard' or 'records' that will fail since they do not take a
                filepath like argument.
            file_format: String which is used to match the appropriate load/save method on a best
                effort basis. For example if 'csv' is passed in the `pandas.read_csv` and
                `pandas.DataFrame.to_csv` will be identified. An error will be raised unless
                at least one matching `read_{file_format}` or `to_{file_format}` method is
            load_args: Pandas options for loading files.
                Here you can find all available arguments:
                All defaults are preserved.
            save_args: Pandas options for saving files.
                Here you can find all available arguments:
                All defaults are preserved, but "index", which is set to False.
            version: If specified, should be an instance of
                ``kedro.io.core.Version``. If its ``load`` attribute is
                None, the latest version will be loaded. If its ``save``
                attribute is None, save version will be autogenerated.
            credentials: Credentials required to get access to the underlying filesystem.
                E.g. for ``GCSFileSystem`` it should look like `{"token": None}`.
            fs_args: Extra arguments to pass into underlying filesystem class constructor
                (e.g. `{"project": "my-project"}` for ``GCSFileSystem``), as well as
                to pass to the filesystem's `open` method through nested keys
                `open_args_load` and `open_args_save`.
                Here you can find all available arguments for `open`:
                All defaults are preserved, except `mode`, which is set to `r` when loading
                and to `w` when saving.

            DataSetError: Will be raised if at least less than one appropriate
                read or write methods are identified.

        self._file_format = file_format.lower()

        _fs_args = deepcopy(fs_args) or {}
        _fs_open_args_load = _fs_args.pop("open_args_load", {})
        _fs_open_args_save = _fs_args.pop("open_args_save", {})
        _credentials = deepcopy(credentials) or {}

        protocol, path = get_protocol_and_path(filepath)
        if protocol == "file":
            _fs_args.setdefault("auto_mkdir", True)

        self._protocol = protocol
        self._fs = fsspec.filesystem(self._protocol, **_credentials,


        self._load_args = deepcopy(self.DEFAULT_LOAD_ARGS)
        if load_args is not None:
        self._save_args = deepcopy(self.DEFAULT_SAVE_ARGS)
        if save_args is not None:

        _fs_open_args_save.setdefault("mode", "w")
        self._fs_open_args_load = _fs_open_args_load
        self._fs_open_args_save = _fs_open_args_save
コード例 #14
 def _exists(self) -> bool:
     protocol = get_protocol_and_path(self._filepath)[0]
     file_system = fsspec.filesystem(protocol=protocol, **self.fs_args)
     return file_system.exists(self._filepath)
コード例 #15
 def __init__(self, filepath: str, credentials: Dict[str, Any],
              fs_args: Dict[str, Any]):
     _, path = get_protocol_and_path(filepath)
     self._fs = gcsfs.GCSFileSystem(projec=fs_args["project"],
     self._filepath = PurePosixPath(path)
コード例 #16
ファイル: json_dataset.py プロジェクト: vermashivam679/kedro
    def __init__(
        filepath: str,
        load_args: Dict[str, Any] = None,
        save_args: Dict[str, Any] = None,
        version: Version = None,
        credentials: Dict[str, Any] = None,
        fs_args: Dict[str, Any] = None,
    ) -> None:
        """Creates a new instance of ``JSONDataSet`` pointing to a concrete JSON file
        on a specific filesystem.

            filepath: Filepath to a JSON file prefixed with a protocol like `s3://`.
                If prefix is not provided `file` protocol (local filesystem) will be used.
                The prefix should be any protocol supported by ``fsspec``.
                Note: `http(s)` doesn't support versioning.
            load_args: Pandas options for loading JSON files.
                Here you can find all available arguments:
                All defaults are preserved.
            save_args: Pandas options for saving JSON files.
                Here you can find all available arguments:
                All defaults are preserved, but "index", which is set to False.
            version: If specified, should be an instance of
                ``kedro.io.core.Version``. If its ``load`` attribute is
                None, the latest version will be loaded. If its ``save``
                attribute is None, save version will be autogenerated.
            credentials: Credentials required to get access to the underlying filesystem.
                E.g. for ``GCSFileSystem`` it should look like `{'token': None}`.
            fs_args: Extra arguments to pass into underlying filesystem class constructor
                (e.g. `{"project": "my-project"}` for ``GCSFileSystem``), as well as
                to pass to the filesystem's `open` method through nested keys
                `open_args_load` and `open_args_save`.
                Here you can find all available arguments for `open`:
                All defaults are preserved, except `mode`, which is set to `r` when loading
                and to `w` when saving.
        _fs_args = deepcopy(fs_args) or {}
        _fs_open_args_load = _fs_args.pop("open_args_load", {})
        _fs_open_args_save = _fs_args.pop("open_args_save", {})
        _credentials = deepcopy(credentials) or {}
        protocol, path = get_protocol_and_path(filepath, version)

        self._protocol = protocol
        self._fs = fsspec.filesystem(self._protocol, **_credentials, **_fs_args)


        # Handle default load and save arguments
        self._load_args = deepcopy(self.DEFAULT_LOAD_ARGS)
        if load_args is not None:
        self._save_args = deepcopy(self.DEFAULT_SAVE_ARGS)
        if save_args is not None:

        _fs_open_args_load.setdefault("mode", "r")
        _fs_open_args_save.setdefault("mode", "w")
        self._fs_open_args_load = _fs_open_args_load
        self._fs_open_args_save = _fs_open_args_save
コード例 #17
 def __init__(self, filepath: str) -> None:
     protocol, path = get_protocol_and_path(filepath=filepath)
     self._protocol = protocol
     self._filepath = PurePath(path)
     self._filesystem = fsspec.filesystem(protocol=protocol)