コード例 #1
def nn_distance(pc1, pc2, l1smooth=False, delta=1.0, l1=False):
        pc1: (B,N,C) torch tensor
        pc2: (B,M,C) torch tensor
        l1smooth: bool, whether to use l1smooth loss
        delta: scalar, the delta used in l1smooth loss
        dist1: (B,N) torch float32 tensor
        idx1: (B,N) torch int64 tensor
        dist2: (B,M) torch float32 tensor
        idx2: (B,M) torch int64 tensor
    N = K.int_shape(pc1)[1]
    M = K.int_shape(pc2)[1]
    pc1_expand = K.tile(K.expand_dims(pc1, 2), [1, 1, M, 1])
    pc2_expand = K.tile(K.expand_dims(pc2, 1), [1, N, 1, 1])
    pc_diff = pc1_expand - pc2_expand
    if l1smooth:
        pc_dist = K.sum(huber_loss(pc_diff, delta), axis=-1)
    elif l1:
        pc_dist = K.sum(K.abs(pc_diff), axis=-1)
        pc_dist = K.sum(K.square(pc_diff), axis=-1)  # (B,N,M)
    dist1 = K.min(pc_dist, axis=2, keepdims=False)  #(B,N)
    idx1 = K.argmin(pc_dist, axis=2)  #
    dist2 = K.min(pc_dist, axis=1, keepdims=False)  #(B,M)
    idx2 = K.argmin(pc_dist, axis=1)
    return dist1, idx1, dist2, idx2
コード例 #2
    def update_state(self, y_false, y_pred, sample_weight=None):

        y_false = K.argmin(y_false, axis=-1)
        y_pred = K.argmin(y_pred, axis=-1)
        y_false = K.flatten(y_false)

        false_poss = K.sum(K.cast((K.equal(y_false, y_pred)), dtype=tf.float32))

コード例 #3
 def _process_channel(args):
     __kps, __hm_hp = args
     thresh = 0.1
     __hm_scores, __hm_inds = tf.math.top_k(__hm_hp, k=k, sorted=True)
     __hm_xs = K.cast(__hm_inds % width, 'float32')
     __hm_ys = K.cast(K.cast(__hm_inds / width, 'int32'), 'float32')
     __hp_offset = K.gather(_hp_offset, __hm_inds)
     __hm_xs = __hm_xs + __hp_offset[..., 0]
     __hm_ys = __hm_ys + __hp_offset[..., 1]
     mask = K.cast(__hm_scores > thresh, 'float32')
     __hm_scores = (1. - mask) * -1. + mask * __hm_scores
     __hm_xs = (1. - mask) * -10000. + mask * __hm_xs
     __hm_ys = (1. - mask) * -10000. + mask * __hm_ys
     __hm_kps = K.stack([__hm_xs, __hm_ys], -1)  # k x 2
     __broadcast_hm_kps = K.expand_dims(__hm_kps, 1)  # k x 1 x 2
     __broadcast_kps = K.expand_dims(__kps, 0)  # 1 x k x 2
     dist = K.sqrt(
         K.sum(K.pow(__broadcast_kps - __broadcast_hm_kps, 2),
               2))  # k, k
     min_dist = K.min(dist, 0)
     min_ind = K.argmin(dist, 0)
     __hm_scores = K.gather(__hm_scores, min_ind)
     __hm_kps = K.gather(__hm_kps, min_ind)
     mask = (K.cast(__hm_kps[..., 0] < _x1, 'float32') +
             K.cast(__hm_kps[..., 0] > _x2, 'float32') +
             K.cast(__hm_kps[..., 1] < _y1, 'float32') +
             K.cast(__hm_kps[..., 1] > _y2, 'float32') +
             K.cast(__hm_scores < thresh, 'float32') + K.cast(
                 min_dist > 0.3 *
                 (K.maximum(_wh[..., 0], _wh[..., 1])), 'float32'))
     mask = K.expand_dims(mask, -1)
     mask = K.cast(mask > 0, 'float32')
     __kps = (1. - mask) * __hm_kps + mask * __kps
     return __kps
コード例 #4
 def step(self, input_energy_t, states, return_logZ=True):
     # not in the following  `prev_target_val` has shape = (B, F)
     # where B = batch_size, F = output feature dim
     # Note: `i` is of float32, due to the behavior of `K.rnn`
     prev_target_val, i, chain_energy = states[:3]
     t = K.cast(i[0, 0], dtype='int32')
     if len(states) > 3:
         if K.backend() == 'theano':
             m = states[3][:, t:(t + 2)]
             m = K.tf.slice(states[3], [0, t], [-1, 2])
         input_energy_t = input_energy_t * K.expand_dims(m[:, 0])
         chain_energy = chain_energy * K.expand_dims(
                 m[:, 0] * m[:, 1]))  # (1, F, F)*(B, 1, 1) -> (B, F, F)
     if return_logZ:
         energy = chain_energy + K.expand_dims(
             input_energy_t - prev_target_val,
             2)  # shapes: (1, B, F) + (B, F, 1) -> (B, F, F)
         new_target_val = K.logsumexp(-energy, 1)  # shapes: (B, F)
         return new_target_val, [new_target_val, i + 1]
         energy = chain_energy + K.expand_dims(
             input_energy_t + prev_target_val, 2)
         min_energy = K.min(energy, 1)
         argmin_table = K.cast(K.argmin(energy, 1),
                               K.floatx())  # cast for tf-version `K.rnn`
         return argmin_table, [min_energy, i + 1]
コード例 #5
 def step(self, input_energy_t, states, return_logZ=True):
     prev_target_val, i, chain_energy = states[:3]
     t = K.cast(i[0, 0], dtype='int32')
     if len(states) > 3:
         if K.backend() == 'theano':
             m = states[3][:, t:(t + 2)]
             m = K.tf.slice(states[3], [0, t], [-1, 2])
         input_energy_t = input_energy_t * K.expand_dims(m[:, 0])
         chain_energy = chain_energy * K.expand_dims(
                 m[:, 0] * m[:, 1]))  # (1, F, F)*(B, 1, 1) -> (B, F, F)
     if return_logZ:
         energy = chain_energy + K.expand_dims(
             input_energy_t - prev_target_val,
             2)  # shapes: (1, B, F) + (B, F, 1) -> (B, F, F)
         new_target_val = K.logsumexp(-energy, 1)  # shapes: (B, F)
         return new_target_val, [new_target_val, i + 1]
         energy = chain_energy + K.expand_dims(
             input_energy_t + prev_target_val, 2)
         min_energy = K.min(energy, 1)
         argmin_table = K.cast(K.argmin(energy, 1),
                               K.floatx())  # cast for tf-version `K.rnn`
         return argmin_table, [min_energy, i + 1]
コード例 #6
 def metric(y_true, y_pred):
     val = K.cast(K.one_hot(
         K.argmin(K.mean(K.square(new_img - af_img), (2, 3, 4),
                         keepdims=True)[:, :, 0, 0, 0],
                  axis=1), 4),
     return keras.metrics.categorical_accuracy(val, y_pred)
コード例 #7
def rgb2hsv_convert(x):
    x = K.cast(x, dtype=K.floatx())
    max_rgb = K.max(x, axis=-1)
    min_rgb = K.min(x, axis=-1)
    max_which = K.argmax(x, axis=-1)
    min_which = K.argmin(x, axis=-1)

    R = x[:, :, :, 0]
    B = x[:, :, :, 1]
    G = x[:, :, :, 2]

    # print(K.eval(R))
    # print(K.eval(max_which))

    H1 = (G - B) / (max_rgb - min_rgb)
    H2 = 2 + (B - R) / (max_rgb - min_rgb)
    H3 = 4 + (R - G) / (max_rgb - min_rgb)

    H = K.cast((max_which - 1) * (max_which - 2), K.floatx()) * H1 / 2 + \
        K.cast((max_which - 0) * (max_which - 2), K.floatx()) * H2 / (-1) + \
        K.cast((max_which - 0) * (max_which - 1), K.floatx()) * H3 / 2

    H = H / 6

    # print(K.eval(H))

    H = H + K.cast(H < 0, dtype=K.floatx())

    V = max_rgb / 255
    S = (max_rgb - min_rgb) / max_rgb

    HSV = K.stack([H, S, V], axis=-1)
    return HSV
コード例 #8
    def precision_class(y_true, y_pred, class_id):
        Precision for a specifc class. This is only verified for 2-class one-hot encoding to be working.
        :param y_true: True labels
        :param y_pred: Prediction labels
        :param class_id: Class we want to get recall on (located at [_, class] on the one-hot encoding)
        :return: Precision for specified class
        class_id_true = K.argmax(y_true, axis=-1)
        class_id_preds = K.argmax(y_pred, axis=-1)

        # Generate maths for predictions for classes true positive labels
        mask_positive_self = K.cast(
            K.equal(class_id_true, class_id),
            'int32')  # This is own class true positive plus false negative
        true_positive_tensor = K.cast(K.equal(class_id_true, class_id_preds),
                                      'int32') * mask_positive_self

        # Generate maths for predictions for other classes false negatives (meaning our false positives)
        mask_positive_other = K.cast(
            K.equal(class_id_true, ((class_id - 1) * -1)), 'int32'
        )  # This is other class true positive plus false negative (so our true negatives and false positives)
        false_positive_tensor = K.cast(
            K.not_equal(class_id_true, K.argmin(y_pred, axis=-1)),
            'int32') * mask_positive_other

        # Now we have our true positives and false positives
        true_positive_count = K.sum(true_positive_tensor)
        false_positive_count = K.sum(false_positive_tensor)
        class_precision = true_positive_count / K.maximum(
            (true_positive_count + false_positive_count), 1)
        return class_precision
コード例 #9
ファイル: backend.py プロジェクト: leodestiny/onnx-keras
 def handle_arg_min(cls, node, input_dict):
     data = input_dict[node.inputs[0]]
     axis = node.attrs["axis"]
     keepdims = node.attrs.get("keepdims", 1)
     if keepdims == 1:
             "Definition of ArgMin with keepdims enabled is "
             "incompatible between onnx and keras.", UserWarning)
     return [Lambda(lambda x: K.argmin(x, axis=axis))(data)]
コード例 #10
ファイル: vq_vae_keras.py プロジェクト: yieshah/vae
 def call(self, inputs):
     """inputs.shape=[None, m, m, dim]
     l2_inputs = K.sum(inputs**2, -1, keepdims=True)
     l2_embeddings = K.sum(self.embeddings**2, -1)
     for _ in range(3):
         l2_embeddings = K.expand_dims(l2_embeddings, 0)
     embeddings = K.transpose(self.embeddings)
     dot = K.dot(inputs, embeddings)
     distance = l2_inputs + l2_embeddings - 2 * dot
     codes = K.cast(K.argmin(distance, -1), 'int32')
     code_vecs = K.gather(self.embeddings, codes)
     return [codes, code_vecs]
コード例 #11
def retriv_acc(s_im):

    # For a minibatch of sentence and image embeddings,
    # compute the retrieval accuracy
    s = s_im[0]
    im = s_im[1]

    s2 = K.expand_dims(s, 1)
    im2 = K.expand_dims(im, 0)
    order_violation = K.pow(K.maximum(0.0, s2 - im2), 2)
    errors = K.sum(order_violation, axis=2)
    inds = K.argmin(errors, axis=1)
    inds = tf.cast(inds, tf.int32)
    inds_true = tf.range(tf.shape(s)[0])
    elements_equal_to_value = tf.equal(inds, inds_true)
    as_ints = tf.cast(elements_equal_to_value, tf.int32)
    results = tf.reduce_sum(as_ints)
    results = tf.cast(results, tf.float32)

    return results
コード例 #12
    def prune_empty_boxes(self, coord_t, class_t):
        Removes boxes that don't contain any predictions/true boxes.
        (1) Boxes are sorted by confidence
        (2) For each batch the index of the first smallest element is calculated
        (3) Boxes that are higher than the overall highest index are pruned. That way
            the dimension for each batch is the same and some of the boxes are still
            empty but the overall size of the tensor is drastically reduced.
        :param coord_t: tensor(#boxes,4) true bounding box coordinates in minmax-format
        :param class_t: tensor(#boxes,#classes) true class confidences one-hot encoded
        :return: same as input but with reduced size
        coord_sorted, class_sorted = self._sort_by_conf(coord_t, class_t)

        conf_true = K.max(class_sorted, -1)

        min_idx = K.argmin(conf_true, axis=-1)
        max_min_idx = K.cast(K.max(min_idx), K.tf.int32)

        coord_sorted = coord_sorted[:, :max_min_idx + 1]
        class_sorted = class_sorted[:, :max_min_idx + 1]

        return coord_sorted, class_sorted
コード例 #13
def fls_neg(y_true, y_pred):
    axis = K.ndim(y_true) - 1
    ytam = K.argmin(y_true, axis=axis)
    ypam = K.argmin(y_pred, axis=axis)
    diff = ypam - ytam
    return K.sum(K.clip(diff, 0, 1))
コード例 #14
def tru_neg(y_true, y_pred):
    axis = K.ndim(y_true) - 1
    ytam = K.argmin(y_true, axis=axis)
    ypam = K.argmin(y_pred, axis=axis)
    prod = ytam * ypam
    return K.sum(prod)
コード例 #15
    def _call(self, inputs, **kwargs):
        if self.proto_number == self.capsule_number:
            return inputs
            signals = inputs[0]
            diss = inputs[1]
            signal_shape = mixed_shape(signals)

            if self.use_for_loop:
                diss_stack = []
                signals_stack = []
                sub_idx = None
                with K.name_scope('for_loop'):
                    for p in self._proto_distrib:
                        with K.name_scope('compute_slices'):
                            diss_ = diss[:, p[0]:(p[-1]+1)]
                            signals_ = K.reshape(signals[:, p[0]:(p[-1]+1), :],
                                                 [signal_shape[0] * len(p)] + list(signal_shape[2:]))
                        with K.name_scope('competition'):
                            if len(p) > 1:
                                with K.name_scope('competition_indices'):
                                    argmin_idx = K.argmin(diss_, axis=-1)
                                    if sub_idx is None:
                                        sub_idx = K.arange(0, signal_shape[0], dtype=argmin_idx.dtype)
                                    argmin_idx = argmin_idx + len(p) * sub_idx

                                with K.name_scope('dissimilarity_competition'):
                                    diss_stack.append(K.expand_dims(K.gather(K.flatten(diss_), argmin_idx), -1))

                                with K.name_scope('signal_competition'):
                                    signals_stack.append(K.gather(signals_, argmin_idx))

                diss = K.concatenate(diss_stack, 1)

                with K.name_scope('signal_concatenation'):
                    signals = K.concatenate(signals_stack, 1)
                    signals = K.reshape(signals, [signal_shape[0], self.capsule_number] + list(signal_shape[2:]))

                with K.name_scope('dissimilarity_preprocessing'):
                    # extend if it is not equally distributed
                    if not self._equally_distributed:
                        # permute to first dimension is prototype (protos x batch)
                        diss = K.permute_dimensions(diss, [1, 0])
                        # gather regarding extension (preparing for reshape to block)
                        diss = K.gather(diss, self._proto_extension)
                        # permute back (max_proto_number x (max_proto_number * batch))
                        diss = K.permute_dimensions(diss, [1, 0])

                    # reshape to block form
                    diss = K.reshape(diss, [signal_shape[0] * self.capsule_number, self._max_proto_number_in_capsule])

                with K.name_scope('competition_indices'):
                    # get minimal idx in each class and batch for element selection in diss and signals
                    argmin_idx = K.argmin(diss, axis=-1)
                    argmin_idx = argmin_idx + self._max_proto_number_in_capsule * \
                                 K.arange(0, signal_shape[0] * self.capsule_number, dtype=argmin_idx.dtype)

                with K.name_scope('dissimilarity_competition'):
                    # get minimal values in the form (batch x capsule)
                    diss = K.gather(K.flatten(diss), argmin_idx)
                    diss = K.reshape(diss, [signal_shape[0], self.capsule_number])

                with K.name_scope('signal_preprocessing'):
                    # apply the same steps as above for signals
                    # get signals in: (batch x protos x dim1 x ... x dimN) --> out: (batch x capsule x dim1 x ... x dimN)
                    # extend if is not equally distributed
                    if not self._equally_distributed:
                        signals = K.permute_dimensions(signals, [1, 0] + list(range(2, len(signal_shape))))
                        signals = K.gather(signals, self._proto_extension)
                        signals = K.permute_dimensions(signals, [1, 0] + list(range(2, len(signal_shape))))

                    signals = K.reshape(signals,
                                        [signal_shape[0] * self.capsule_number * self._max_proto_number_in_capsule]
                                        + list(signal_shape[2:]))

                with K.name_scope('signal_competition'):
                    signals = K.gather(signals, argmin_idx)
                    signals = K.reshape(signals, [signal_shape[0], self.capsule_number] + list(signal_shape[2:]))

            return {0: signals, 1: diss}
コード例 #16
 def call(self, inputs, **kwargs):
     return K.cast(K.argmin(inputs, axis=1), dtype=K.floatx())
コード例 #17
 def loss(y_true, y_pred):
     index = K.cast(K.argmin(K.mean(K.square(new_img - a_img), (2, 3, 4),
                                    keepdims=True)[:, :, 0, 0, 0],
     return keras.losses.mse(new_img[:, index, :, :, :], p_image)
コード例 #18
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: Stigjb/NorskASK
def ranked_prediction(y_pred):
    extra_column = K.zeros((K.shape(y_pred)[0], 1), dtype='int32')
    threshold = K.constant(0.5, dtype=K.floatx())
    over_threshold = K.cast(K.greater(y_pred, threshold), 'int32')
    concatted = K.concatenate([over_threshold, extra_column], axis=1)
    return K.cast(K.argmin(concatted, axis=1), 'int32')
コード例 #19
def tnr(y_true, y_pred):
   true=K.argmin(y_true, axis=1)
   pred=K.argmin(y_pred, axis=1)
   return true_negative/(num_true)#+K.epsilon())
コード例 #20
def DistanceMetric(y_true, y_pred):
    e = K.equal(K.argmax(y_true, axis=1), K.argmin(y_pred, axis=1))
    s = tf.reduce_sum(tf.cast(e, tf.float32))
    n = tf.cast(K.shape(y_true)[0], tf.float32)
    return s / n