コード例 #1
def run_LSTM(X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test, symbol, price):
    y_train = to_categorical(y_train)
    y_test = to_categorical(y_test)
    LSTM = create_LSTM(X_train)
    history = LSTM.fit(X_train, y_train, epochs=100, batch_size=32)

    results = LSTM.evaluate(X_test, y_test, batch_size=32)
    print("test loss, test acc:", results)
    # summarize history for accuracy
    plt.plot(history.history['accuracy'], label='Train')
    plt.title('model accuracy')
    plt.legend(['train', 'test'], loc='upper left')

    prediction = LSTM.predict(X_test)
    y_prediction = prediction[:, -1, :]
    y_prediction = np.argmax(prediction, axis=1)
    NAV_history = Generate_nav(10000, symbol, price, y_prediction)
コード例 #2
def predcoin(coinname, dataset):
    result = []
    global xs_xrp, ys_xrp, LSTM_xrp, lgb1_xrp, lgb2_xrp, xgb_xrp
    global xs_cosm, ys_cosm, LSTM_cosm, lgb1_cosm, lgb2_cosm, xgb_cosm
    global xs_eth, ys_eth, LSTM_eth, lgb1_eth, lgb2_eth, xgb_eth
    global xs_knc, ys_knc, LSTM_knc, lgb1_knc, lgb2_knc, xgb_knc
    global xs_powr, ys_powr, LSTM_powr, lgb1_powr, lgb2_powr, xgb_powr

    if coinname == 'XRP':
        xs, ys, LSTM, lgb1, lgb2, xgb = xs_xrp, ys_xrp, LSTM_xrp, lgb1_xrp, lgb2_xrp, xgb_xrp
    elif coinname == 'COSM':
        xs, ys, LSTM, lgb1, lgb2, xgb = xs_cosm, ys_cosm, LSTM_cosm, lgb1_cosm, lgb2_cosm, xgb_cosm
    elif coinname == 'ETH':
        xs, ys, LSTM, lgb1, lgb2, xgb = xs_eth, ys_eth, LSTM_eth, lgb1_eth, lgb2_eth, xgb_eth
    elif coinname == 'KNC':
        xs, ys, LSTM, lgb1, lgb2, xgb = xs_knc, ys_knc, LSTM_knc, lgb1_knc, lgb2_knc, xgb_knc
    elif coinname == 'POWR':
        xs, ys, LSTM, lgb1, lgb2, xgb = xs_powr, ys_powr, LSTM_powr, lgb1_powr, lgb2_powr, xgb_powr

    data = Indicators(dataset)

    nptf = np.array(data[-50:])
    nptf = pd.DataFrame(xs.transform(nptf), columns=data.columns)
    nptf = np.array(nptf)
    nptf = nptf.reshape(1, 50, -1)


    nptf = np.array(data.iloc[-1])
    nptf = nptf.reshape(1, -1)


    return result
コード例 #3
# This can be a simple Dense layer of size 16 as well
#model = Flatten()(inputs)
model = LSTM(LATENT_SIZE, activation='relu')(inputs)
model = Dense(2)(model)

model = Model(inputs, model)
model.compile(loss=univariate_gaussian_loss, optimizer=OPTIMIZER)

callbacks = [
    TensorBoard(log_dir='./tensorboard_log/' + TIMESTAMP + ' ' + SCRIPT_NAME,
    DecypherAll(lambda x: str(x)),
    EarlyStopping(patience=40, min_delta=1e-3)

history = model.fit(x=training_vectors,

prediction = model.predict(training_vectors[0:1000])
error = np.sum(np.abs(prediction[:, 0] - target_vectors[0:1000, 0])) / 1000
print('Error factor:', error)

       'validation loss of ' + str(history['val_loss'][-1]))
print(SCRIPT_NAME, 'finished successfully')
コード例 #4
def go(options):

    tbw = SummaryWriter(log_dir=options.tb_dir)

    if options.task == 'wikisimple':

        x, w21, i2w = \
            util.load_words(util.DIR + '/datasets/wikisimple.txt', vocab_size=options.top_words, limit=options.limit)

        # Finding the length of the longest sequence
        x_max_len = max([len(sentence) for sentence in x])

        numwords = len(i2w)
        print('max sequence length ', x_max_len)
        print(numwords, 'distinct words')

        x = util.batch_pad(x, options.batch, add_eos=True)

    elif options.task == 'europarl-50':

        x, w21, i2w = \
            util.load_words(util.DIR + '/datasets/europarl.50.txt', vocab_size=options.top_words, limit=options.limit)

        # Finding the length of the longest sequence
        x_max_len = max([len(sentence) for sentence in x])

        numwords = len(i2w)
        print('max sequence length ', x_max_len)
        print(numwords, 'distinct words')

        x = util.batch_pad(x, options.batch, add_eos=True)

    elif options.task == 'coco':

        x, w21, i2w = \
            util.load_words(util.DIR + '/datasets/coco.valannotations.txt', vocab_size=options.top_words, limit=options.limit)

        # Finding the length of the longest sequence
        x_max_len = max([len(sentence) for sentence in x])

        numwords = len(i2w)
        print('max sequence length ', x_max_len)
        print(numwords, 'distinct words')

        x = util.batch_pad(x, options.batch, add_eos=True)

    elif options.task == 'europarl-100':

        x, w21, i2w = \
            util.load_words(util.DIR + '/datasets/europarl.100.txt', vocab_size=options.top_words, limit=options.limit)

        # Finding the length of the longest sequence
        x_max_len = max([len(sentence) for sentence in x])

        numwords = len(i2w)
        print('max sequence length ', x_max_len)
        print(numwords, 'distinct words')

        x = util.batch_pad(x, options.batch, add_eos=True)

    elif options.task == 'file':

        x, w21, i2w = \
            util.load_words(options.data_dir, vocab_size=options.top_words, limit=options.limit)

        # Finding the length of the longest sequence
        x_max_len = max([len(sentence) for sentence in x])

        numwords = len(i2w)
        print('max sequence length ', x_max_len)
        print(numwords, 'distinct words')

        x = util.batch_pad(x, options.batch, add_eos=True)

        raise Exception('Task {} not recognized.'.format(options.task))

    def decode(seq):
        return ' '.join(i2w[id] for id in seq)

    print('Finished data loading. ', sum([b.shape[0] for b in x]),
          ' sentences loaded')

    ## Define encoder
    input = Input(shape=(None, ), name='inp')

    embedding = Embedding(numwords, options.embedding_size, input_length=None)
    embedded = embedding(input)

    encoder = LSTM(
        options.lstm_capacity) if options.rnn_type == 'lstm' else GRU(
    h = Bidirectional(encoder)(embedded)

    tozmean = Dense(options.hidden)
    zmean = tozmean(h)

    tozlsigma = Dense(options.hidden)
    zlsigma = tozlsigma(h)

    ## Define KL Loss and sampling

    kl = util.KLLayer(
        weight=K.variable(1.0))  # computes the KL loss and stores it for later
    zmean, zlsigma = kl([zmean, zlsigma])

    eps = Input(shape=(options.hidden, ), name='inp-epsilon')

    sample = util.Sample()
    zsample = sample([zmean, zlsigma, eps])

    ## Define decoder
    input_shifted = Input(shape=(None, ), name='inp-shifted')

    expandz_h = Dense(options.lstm_capacity, input_shape=(options.hidden, ))
    z_exp_h = expandz_h(zsample)

    if options.rnn_type == 'lstm':
        expandz_c = Dense(options.lstm_capacity,
                          input_shape=(options.hidden, ))
        z_exp_c = expandz_c(zsample)

        state = [z_exp_h, z_exp_c]
        state = z_exp_h

    seq = embedding(input_shifted)
    seq = SpatialDropout1D(rate=options.dropout)(seq)

    if options.rnn_type == 'lstm':
        decoder_rnn = LSTM(options.lstm_capacity, return_sequences=True)
        decoder_rnn = GRU(options.lstm_capacity, return_sequences=True)

    h = decoder_rnn(seq, initial_state=state)

    towords = TimeDistributed(Dense(numwords))
    out = towords(h)

    auto = Model([input, input_shifted, eps], out)

    ## Extract the encoder and decoder models form the autoencoder

    # - NB: This isn't exactly DRY. It seems much nicer to build a separate encoder and decoder model and then build a
    #   an autoencoder model that chains the two. For the life of me, I couldn't get it to work. For some reason the
    #   gradients don't seem to propagate down to the encoder. Let me know if you have better luck.

    encoder = Model(input, [zmean, zlsigma])

    z_in = Input(shape=(options.hidden, ))
    s_in = Input(shape=(None, ))
    seq = embedding(s_in)
    z_exp_h = expandz_h(z_in)
    if options.rnn_type == 'lstm':
        z_exp_c = expandz_c(z_in)
        state = [z_exp_h, z_exp_c]
        state = z_exp_h
    h = decoder_rnn(seq, initial_state=state)
    out = towords(h)
    decoder = Model([s_in, z_in], out)

    ## Compile the autoencoder model for training
    opt = keras.optimizers.Adam(lr=options.lr)

    auto.compile(opt, sparse_loss)

    instances_seen = 0
    for epoch in range(options.epochs + 1):

        klw = anneal(epoch, options.epochs)
        print('EPOCH {:03}: Set KL weight to {}'.format(epoch, klw))
        K.set_value(kl.weight, klw)

        for batch in tqdm(x):

            n, l = batch.shape

            batch_shifted = np.concatenate([np.ones((n, 1)), batch],
                                           axis=1)  # prepend start symbol
            batch_out = np.concatenate([batch, np.zeros((n, 1))],
                                       axis=1)[:, :, None]  # append pad symbol
            eps = np.random.randn(
                n, options.hidden)  # random noise for the sampling layer

            loss = auto.train_on_batch([batch, batch_shifted, eps], batch_out)

            instances_seen += n
                           float(loss) / l, instances_seen)

        if epoch % options.out_every == 0:

            # show samples for some sentences from random batches
            for i in range(CHECK):

                # CHECK 1. Generate some sentences from a z vector for a random
                # sentence from the corpus
                b = random.choice(x)

                z, _ = encoder.predict(b)
                z = z[None, 0, :]

                print('in             ', decode(b[0, :]))

                l = 60 if options.clip_length is None else options.clip_length

                gen = generate_seq(decoder, z=z, size=l)
                print('out 1          ', decode(gen))
                gen = generate_seq(decoder, z=z, size=l, temperature=0.05)
                print('out 2 (t0.05)  ', decode(gen))
                gen = generate_seq(decoder, z=z, size=l, temperature=0.0)
                print('out 3 (greedy) ', decode(gen))

                # CHECK 2. Show the argmax reconstruction (i
                n, _ = b.shape
                b_shifted = np.concatenate([np.ones((n, 1)), b],
                                           axis=1)  # prepend start symbol
                eps = np.random.randn(
                    n, options.hidden)  # random noise for the sampling layer

                out = auto.predict([b, b_shifted, eps])[None, 0, :]
                out = np.argmax(out[0, ...], axis=1)
                print('recon ', decode([int(o) for o in out]))


            for i in range(CHECK):

                # CHECK 3: Sample two z's from N(0,1) and interpolate between them
                # Here we use use greedy decoding: i.e. we pick the word that gets the highest
                # probability

                zfrom, zto = np.random.randn(1,
                                             options.hidden), np.random.randn(
                                                 1, options.hidden)

                for d in np.linspace(0, 1, num=NINTER):
                    z = zfrom * (1 - d) + zto * d
                    gen = generate_seq(decoder, z=z, size=l, temperature=0.0)
                    print('out (d={:.1}) \t'.format(d), decode(gen))
コード例 #5
epoch_callback = EpochLogger(input_func=GeoVectorizer.decypher,
                             target_func=lambda x: str(x),
                             predict_func=lambda x: str(x),

          callbacks=[epoch_callback, tb_callback])

plot_sample = training_vectors[-10000:]
prediction = model.predict(plot_sample)
intersecting_error = np.abs(prediction[:, 0] - target_vectors[-10000:])

triangle_vectors = plot_sample.reshape(10000, 6, 2)
triangle_sets = np.array(
      Polygon(point_set[3:]).wkt] for point_set in triangle_vectors])
zipped = zip(triangle_sets, target_vectors[-10000:], prediction[:, 0])
sorted_results = sorted(zipped, key=lambda record: abs(record[2] - record[1]))

print('Intersection surface area mean:', np.mean(target_vectors))
print('Intersecting error mean:', np.mean(intersecting_error))

plot_samples = 50
print('Saving top and bottom', plot_samples,
      'results as plots, this will take a few minutes...')
コード例 #6
ファイル: seq2seq.py プロジェクト: pbloem/python-stuff
def go(options):

    slength = options.max_length
    lstm_hidden = options.lstm_capacity

    print('devices', device_lib.list_local_devices())

    tbw = SummaryWriter(log_dir=options.tb_dir)

    if options.task == 'file':

        dir = options.data_dir
        x, x_vocab_len, x_word_to_ix, x_ix_to_word = \
            util.load_sentences(options.data_dir, vocab_size=options.top_words)

        if options.clip_length is not None:
            x = [(sentence if len(sentence) < options.clip_length else sentence[:options.clip_length]) for sentence in x]

        # Finding the length of the longest sequence
        x_max_len = max([len(sentence) for sentence in x])

        print('max sequence length ', x_max_len)
        print(len(x_ix_to_word), 'distinct words')

        x = util.batch_pad(x, options.batch, add_eos=True)

        def decode(seq):
            return ' '.join(x_ix_to_word[id] for id in seq)

    elif options.task == 'europarl':

        dir = options.data_dir
        x, x_vocab_len, x_word_to_ix, x_ix_to_word, _, _, _, _ = \
            util.load_data(dir+os.sep+'europarl-v8.fi-en.en', dir+os.sep+'europarl-v8.fi-en.fi', vocab_size=options.top_words)

        # Finding the length of the longest sequence
        x_max_len = max([len(sentence) for sentence in x])

        print('max sequence length ', x_max_len)
        print(len(x_ix_to_word), 'distinct words')

        x = util.batch_pad(x, options.batch)

        # Padding zeros to make all sequences have a same length with the longest one
        # x = sequence.pad_sequences(x, maxlen=slength, dtype='int32', padding='post', truncating='post')
        # y = sequence.pad_sequences(y, maxlen=slength, dtype='int32', padding='post', truncating='post')

        def decode(seq):
            return ' '.join(x_ix_to_word[id] for id in seq)

        # Load only training sequences
        (x, _), _ = imdb.load_data(num_words=options.top_words)

        # rm start symbol
        x = [l[1:] for l in x]

        # x = sequence.pad_sequences(x, maxlen=slength+1, padding='post', truncating='post')
        # x = x[:, 1:] # rm start symbol

        x = util.batch_pad(x, options.batch)

        decode = decode_imdb

    print('Data Loaded.')

    print(sum([b.shape[0] for b in x]), ' sentences loaded')

    # for i in range(3):
    #     print(x[i, :])
    #     print(decode(x[i, :]))

    num_words = len(x_ix_to_word)

    ## Define encoder
    input = Input(shape=(None, ), name='inp')

    embedding = Embedding(num_words, options.embedding_size, input_length=None)
    embedded = embedding(input)

    encoder = LSTM(lstm_hidden) if options.rnn_type == 'lstm' else GRU(lstm_hidden)
    h = Bidirectional(encoder)(embedded)

    tozmean = Dense(options.hidden)
    zmean = tozmean(h)

    tozlsigma = Dense(options.hidden)
    zlsigma = tozlsigma(h)

    ## Define KL Loss and sampling

    kl = util.KLLayer(weight = K.variable(1.0)) # computes the KL loss and stores it for later
    zmean, zlsigma = kl([zmean, zlsigma])

    eps = Input(shape=(options.hidden,), name='inp-epsilon')

    sample = util.Sample()
    zsample = sample([zmean, zlsigma, eps])

    ## Define decoder
    # zsample = Input(shape=(options.hidden,), name='inp-decoder-z')
    input_shifted = Input(shape=(None, ), name='inp-shifted')

    if options.rnn_type == 'lstm':
        expandz_h = Dense(lstm_hidden, input_shape=(options.hidden,))
        expandz_c = Dense(lstm_hidden, input_shape=(options.hidden,))
        z_exp_h = expandz_h(zsample)
        z_exp_c = expandz_c(zsample)
        state = [z_exp_h, z_exp_c]
        expandz = Dense(lstm_hidden, input_shape=(options.hidden,))
        state = expandz(zsample)

    seq = embedding(input_shifted)
    seq = SpatialDropout1D(rate=options.dropout)(seq)

    decoder_rnn = LSTM(lstm_hidden, return_sequences=True) if options.rnn_type == 'lstm' else GRU(lstm_hidden, return_sequences=True)
    h = decoder_rnn(seq, initial_state=state)

    towords = TimeDistributed(Dense(num_words))
    out = towords(h)

    auto = Model([input, input_shifted, eps], out)

    ## Extract the encoder and decoder models form the autoencoder

    # - NB: This isn't exactly DRY. It seems much nicer to build a separate encoder and decoder model and then build a
    #   an autoencoder model that chains the two. For the life of me, I couldn't get it to work. For some reason the
    #   gradients don't seem to propagate down to the encoder. Let me know if you have better luck.

    encoder = Model(input, [zmean, zlsigma])

    z_in = Input(shape=(options.hidden,))
    s_in = Input(shape=(None,))
    seq = embedding(s_in)
    if options.rnn_type == 'lstm':
        z_exp_h = expandz_h(z_in)
        z_exp_c = expandz_c(z_in)
        state = [z_exp_h, z_exp_c]
        state = expandz(z_in)
    h = decoder_rnn(seq, initial_state=state)
    out = towords(h)
    decoder = Model([s_in, z_in], out)

    ## Compile the autoencoder model
    if options.num_gpu is not None:
        auto = multi_gpu_model(auto, gpus=options.num_gpu)

    opt = keras.optimizers.Adam(lr=options.lr)

    auto.compile(opt, sparse_loss)

    epoch = 0
    instances_seen = 0

    # DEBUG
    # x = x[:20]

    while epoch < options.epochs:

        klw = anneal(epoch, options.epochs)
        print('EPOCH {:03}: Set KL weight to {}'.format(epoch, klw))
        K.set_value(kl.weight, klw)

        for batch in tqdm(x):

            n, l = batch.shape

            batch_shifted = np.concatenate([np.ones((n, 1)), batch], axis=1)            # prepend start symbol
            batch_out = np.concatenate([batch, np.zeros((n, 1))], axis=1)[:, :, None]   # append pad symbol
            eps = np.random.randn(n, options.hidden)   # random noise for the sampling layer

            loss = auto.train_on_batch([batch, batch_shifted, eps], batch_out)

            instances_seen += n
            tbw.add_scalar('seq2seq/batch-loss', float(loss)/l, instances_seen)

        epoch += 1

        if epoch % options.out_every == 0:

            # show samples for some sentences from random batches
            for i in range(CHECK):

                # CHECK 1. Generate some sentences from a z vector for a random
                # sentence from the corpus
                b = random.choice(x)

                z, _ = encoder.predict(b)
                z = z[None, 0, :]

                print('in             ',  decode(b[0, :]))

                l = 60 if options.clip_length is None else options.clip_length

                gen = generate_seq(decoder, z=z, size=l)
                print('out 1          ', decode(gen))
                gen = generate_seq(decoder, z=z, size=l, temperature=0.05)
                print('out 2 (t0.05)  ', decode(gen))
                gen = generate_seq(decoder, z=z, size=l, temperature=0.0)
                print('out 3 (greedy) ', decode(gen))

                # CHECK 2. Show the argmax reconstruction (i
                n, _ = b.shape
                b_shifted = np.concatenate([np.ones((n, 1)), b], axis=1)  # prepend start symbol
                eps = np.random.randn(n, options.hidden)   # random noise for the sampling layer

                out = auto.predict([b, b_shifted, eps])[None, 0, :]
                out = np.argmax(out[0, ...], axis=1)
                print('recon ',  decode([int(o) for o in out]))


            for i in range(CHECK):

                # CHECK 3: Sample two z's from N(0,1) and interpolate between them
                # Here we use use greedy decoding: i.e. we pick the word that gets the highest
                # probability

                zfrom, zto = np.random.randn(1, options.hidden), np.random.randn(1, options.hidden)

                for d in np.linspace(0, 1, num=NINTER):
                    z = zfrom * (1-d) + zto * d
                    gen = generate_seq(decoder, z=z, size=l, temperature=0.0)
                    print('out (d={:.1}) \t'.format(d), decode(gen))
コード例 #7
ファイル: app.py プロジェクト: LuisValgoi/predia
    scaler = preprocessing.MinMaxScaler()

    train_X = np.array(X_train).reshape((X_train.shape[0], 1, X_train.shape[1]))
    train_y = np.array(y_train).reshape((y_train.shape[0], 1, 1))

    lstm_features = []

    lstm_features = scaler.transform([lstm_features])
    lstm_features = np.array(lstm_features).reshape((lstm_features.shape[0], 1, lstm_features.shape[1]))
    lstm_y_pred = LSTM.predict(lstm_features).round().astype(int)


    x = data.drop(columns=get_features_to_drop_gb(), axis=1)
    y = data["VENDAS"]
    X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(x, y, test_size=0.05, random_state=1, shuffle=False)
    scaler = preprocessing.MinMaxScaler()

    gb_features = []
コード例 #8

callbacks = [
    TensorBoard(log_dir='./tensorboard_log/' + TIMESTAMP + ' ' + SCRIPT_NAME, write_graph=False),
    DecypherAll(lambda x: str(x)),
    EarlyStopping(patience=40, min_delta=0.001)

history = model.fit(x=training_vectors,

val_set_start = -round(data_points * TRAIN_VALIDATE_SPLIT)
prediction = model.predict(training_vectors[val_set_start:])
error = prediction[:, 0] - target_vectors[val_set_start:, 0]
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
plt.text(0.01, 0.94, r'prediction error $\mu: $' + str(np.round(np.mean(error), 4)), transform=ax.transAxes)
plt.text(0.01, 0.88, r'prediction error $\sigma: $' + str(np.round(np.std(error), 4)), transform=ax.transAxes)
plt.title('Geometric distance error')
n, bins, patches = plt.hist(error, 50, facecolor='g', normed=False, alpha=0.75)
os.makedirs(str(PLOT_DIR), exist_ok=True)
plt.savefig(PLOT_DIR + '/plt_' + TIMESTAMP + '.png')

notify(TIMESTAMP, SCRIPT_NAME, 'validation loss of ' + str(history['val_loss'][-1]))
print(SCRIPT_NAME, 'finished successfully')