コード例 #1
### fill the gap (one line) ###
# apply the 'get_word_att_coeffs' model over all the sentences in 'my_review_tensor', and store the results as 'word_coeffs'
word_coeffs = TimeDistributed(get_word_att_coeffs)(my_review_tensor)
word_coeffs = K.eval(
)  # shape = (1, 7, 30, 1): (batch size, nb of sents in doc, nb of words per sent, coeff)

word_coeffs = word_coeffs[
    0, :, :, 0]  # shape = (7, 30) (coeff for each word in each sentence)

word_coeffs = sent_coeffs * word_coeffs  # re-weigh according to sentence importance

word_coeffs = np.round((word_coeffs * 100).astype(np.float64), 2)

word_coeffs_list = word_coeffs.tolist()

# match text and coefficients
text_word_coeffs = [
    list(zip(words, word_coeffs_list[idx][:len(words)]))
    for idx, words in enumerate(my_review_text)

for sent in text_word_coeffs:
    [print(elt) for elt in sent]
    print('= = = =')

# sort words by importance within each sentence
text_word_coeffs_sorted = [
    sorted(elt, key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
    for elt in text_word_coeffs