コード例 #1
def get_map(pred, gt, f):
	T = {}
	P = {}
	fx, fy = f

	for bbox in gt:
		bbox['bbox_matched'] = False

	pred_probs = np.array([s['prob'] for s in pred])
	box_idx_sorted_by_prob = np.argsort(pred_probs)[::-1]

	for box_idx in box_idx_sorted_by_prob:
		pred_box = pred[box_idx]
		pred_class = pred_box['class']
		pred_x1 = pred_box['x1']
		pred_x2 = pred_box['x2']
		pred_y1 = pred_box['y1']
		pred_y2 = pred_box['y2']
		pred_prob = pred_box['prob']
		if pred_class not in P:
			P[pred_class] = []
			T[pred_class] = []
		found_match = False

		for gt_box in gt:
			gt_class = gt_box['class']
			gt_x1 = gt_box['x1']/fx
			gt_x2 = gt_box['x2']/fx
			gt_y1 = gt_box['y1']/fy
			gt_y2 = gt_box['y2']/fy
			gt_seen = gt_box['bbox_matched']
			if gt_class != pred_class:
			if gt_seen:
			iou = data_generators.iou((pred_x1, pred_y1, pred_x2, pred_y2), (gt_x1, gt_y1, gt_x2, gt_y2))
			if iou >= 0.5:
				found_match = True
				gt_box['bbox_matched'] = True


	for gt_box in gt:
		if not gt_box['bbox_matched'] and not gt_box['difficult']:
			if gt_box['class'] not in P:
				P[gt_box['class']] = []
				T[gt_box['class']] = []


	#import pdb
	return T, P
コード例 #2
def calc_iou(R, img_data, C, class_mapping):
	本函数读入图片数据和经过非极大值抑制的rpn预测的坐标数据,对每个提出的predict box进行label的制作
	label包括GT 类别, GT坐标
	:param R:
	:param img_data:
	:param C:
	:param class_mapping:
    ## img_data_aug 是哈希表,存放各种和当前图象有关的信息
    bboxes = img_data['bboxes']

    (width, height) = (img_data['width'], img_data['height'])
    # get image dimensions for resizing
    (resized_width, resized_height) = data_generators.get_new_img_size(
        width, height, C.im_size)
    ## 有多少标注的ground truth boxes 就有多少gta
    gta = np.zeros((len(bboxes), 4))

    for bbox_num, bbox in enumerate(bboxes):
        # get the GT box coordinates, and resize to account for image resizing
        ## 计算调整后且映射到输出图大小上的ground truth boxes
        gta[bbox_num, 0] = int(
            round(bbox['x1'] * (resized_width / float(width)) / C.rpn_stride))
        gta[bbox_num, 1] = int(
            round(bbox['x2'] * (resized_width / float(width)) / C.rpn_stride))
        gta[bbox_num, 2] = int(
            round(bbox['y1'] * (resized_height / float(height)) /
        gta[bbox_num, 3] = int(
            round(bbox['y2'] * (resized_height / float(height)) /

    x_roi = []
    y_class_num = []
    y_class_regr_coords = []
    y_class_regr_label = []
    IoUs = []  # for debugging only
    ## R 只有 [bbox, prob] 中的 bbox 对应坐标值
    ## A: layerkinds*w*h, coor, 这里[0]会小于layerkinds*w*h 因为最多300
    for ix in range(R.shape[0]):
        (x1, y1, x2, y2) = R[ix, :]
        x1 = int(round(x1))
        y1 = int(round(y1))
        x2 = int(round(x2))
        y2 = int(round(y2))

        best_iou = 0.0
        best_bbox = -1
        for bbox_num in range(len(bboxes)):
            curr_iou = data_generators.iou([
                gta[bbox_num, 0], gta[bbox_num, 2], gta[bbox_num, 1],
                gta[bbox_num, 3]
            ], [x1, y1, x2, y2])
            if curr_iou > best_iou:
                best_iou = curr_iou
                best_bbox = bbox_num
        ## 选择可以用来最终分类的predict box
        if best_iou < C.classifier_min_overlap:  #if C.classifier_min_overlap <= best_iou < C.classifier_max_overlap:
            w = x2 - x1
            h = y2 - y1
            x_roi.append([x1, y1, w, h])
            ## 难例挖掘,与目标有部分重合但不够判断,分类成背景
            ## 一张图里面有再多的类
            if C.classifier_min_overlap <= best_iou < C.classifier_max_overlap:  #if best_iou < C.classifier_min_overlap:
                # hard negative example
                cls_name = 'bg'
            elif C.classifier_max_overlap <= best_iou:
                cls_name = bboxes[best_bbox]['class']
                ## ground truth box的中心点
                cxg = (gta[best_bbox, 0] + gta[best_bbox, 1]) / 2.0
                cyg = (gta[best_bbox, 2] + gta[best_bbox, 3]) / 2.0
                ## predict box的中心值
                cx = x1 + w / 2.0
                cy = y1 + h / 2.0

                tx = (cxg - cx) / float(w)
                ty = (cyg - cy) / float(h)
                tw = np.log((gta[best_bbox, 1] - gta[best_bbox, 0]) / float(w))
                th = np.log((gta[best_bbox, 3] - gta[best_bbox, 2]) / float(h))
                print('roi = {}'.format(best_iou))
                raise RuntimeError

        class_num = class_mapping[cls_name]
        class_label = len(class_mapping) * [0]
        class_label[class_num] = 1
        ## -1 是因为背景
        coords = [0] * 4 * (len(class_mapping) - 1)
        labels = [0] * 4 * (len(class_mapping) - 1)
        if cls_name != 'bg':
            label_pos = 4 * class_num
            sx, sy, sw, sh = C.classifier_regr_std
            coords[label_pos:4 +
                   label_pos] = [sx * tx, sy * ty, sw * tw, sh * th]
            labels[label_pos:4 + label_pos] = [1, 1, 1, 1]

    if len(x_roi) == 0:
        return None, None, None, None
    ## 感觉像创建label
    X = np.array(x_roi)
    Y1 = np.array(y_class_num)
    ## axis= 1 这样同属于同一个像素的位置的同一个格式anchorbox的label coord 标签在同一行
    Y2 = np.concatenate(
         np.array(y_class_regr_coords)], axis=1)

    return np.expand_dims(X, axis=0), np.expand_dims(
        Y1, axis=0), np.expand_dims(Y2, axis=0), IoUs
コード例 #3
    best = False
    value = 0

    for key in bboxes:
        bbox = np.array(bboxes[key])

        new_boxes, new_probs = roi_helpers.non_max_suppression_fast(
            bbox, np.array(probs[key]), overlap_thresh=0.7)
        for jk in range(new_boxes.shape[0]):
            (x1, y1, x2, y2) = new_boxes[jk, :]

            (real_x1, real_y1, real_x2,
             real_y2) = get_real_coordinates(ratio, x1, y1, x2, y2)
            predBox = (real_x1, real_y1, real_x2, real_y2)

            iou_value = iou(realBox, predBox)

            if iou_value > iou_threshold:
                best = True
                value = iou_value

                img, (real_x1, real_y1), (real_x2, real_y2),
                (int(class_to_color[key][0]), int(
                    class_to_color[key][1]), int(class_to_color[key][2])), 2)

            textLabel = '{}: {}'.format(key, int(100 * new_probs[jk]))
            all_dets.append((key, 100 * new_probs[jk]))

            (retval, baseLine) = cv2.getTextSize(textLabel,
                                                 cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 1,
コード例 #4
		# get the GT box coordinates, and resize to account for image resizing
		# bbox_gt2pred[bbox_num] = (-1,0)
		gta[bbox_num, 0] = int(round(bbox['x1'] * (resized_width / float(width))))
		gta[bbox_num, 1] = int(round(bbox['x2'] * (resized_width / float(width))))
		gta[bbox_num, 2] = int(round(bbox['y1'] * (resized_height / float(height))))
		gta[bbox_num, 3] = int(round(bbox['y2'] * (resized_height / float(height))))

	for jk in range(new_bboxes.shape[0]):
		# bbox_pred2tr[jk] = False
		best_iou = 0.0
		best_bbox = 0
		best_score = 0
		for bbox_num in range(len(true_bboxes)):
			curr_iou = data_generators.iou([gta[bbox_num, 0], gta[bbox_num, 2], gta[bbox_num, 1], gta[bbox_num, 3]], [new_bboxes[jk,0], new_bboxes[jk,1], new_bboxes[jk,2], new_bboxes[jk,3]])
			if curr_iou > base_threshold and curr_iou > best_iou:
				best_iou = curr_iou
				best_bbox = bbox_num

		true_orient = (180/3.14)*np.array([true_bboxes[best_bbox]['roll'],true_bboxes[best_bbox]['pitch'], true_bboxes[best_bbox]['yaw'] ])
		pred_orient = (180/3.14)*new_poses[jk]
		# bp()
		df_curr = {'filename':[img_data['filepath']],'iou':[best_iou], 'score':[new_probs[jk]],'pred_gender':[new_genders[jk]], \
		df = df.append(df_curr,ignore_index=True)

		if displayImages:		
コード例 #5
            # Iterate over remaining boxes
            for jk in range(new_boxes.shape[0]):
                (x1, y1, x2, y2) = new_boxes[jk, :]
                (real_x1, real_y1, real_x2,
                 real_y2) = get_real_coordinates(ratio, x1, y1, x2, y2)

                overlap = False

                for gt_box in gt_boxes:
                    if real_x1 >= gt_box['x2'] or real_y1 >= gt_box[
                            'y2'] or real_x2 <= gt_box[
                                'x1'] or real_y2 <= gt_box['y1']:
                        curr_iou = iou((real_x1, real_y1, real_x2, real_y2),
                                       (gt_box['x1'], gt_box['y1'],
                                        gt_box['x2'], gt_box['y2']))
                        overlap = True
                        if gt_box['best_iou'] < curr_iou:
                            gt_box['best_iou'] = curr_iou
                            if gt_box['best_iou_index']:
                            if curr_iou > iou_threshold_tp:
                                gt_box['best_iou_index'] = jk

                        # Calculate distance from center point in meters
コード例 #6
def calc_iou(R, img_data, C, class_mapping):

	bboxes = img_data['bboxes']
	(width, height) = (img_data['width'], img_data['height'])
	# get image dimensions for resizing
	(resized_width, resized_height) = data_generators.get_new_img_size(width, height, C.im_size)

	gta = np.zeros((len(bboxes), 4))

	for bbox_num, bbox in enumerate(bboxes):
		# get the GT box coordinates, and resize to account for image resizing
		gta[bbox_num, 0] = int(round(bbox['x1'] * (resized_width / float(width))/C.rpn_stride))
		gta[bbox_num, 1] = int(round(bbox['x2'] * (resized_width / float(width))/C.rpn_stride))
		gta[bbox_num, 2] = int(round(bbox['y1'] * (resized_height / float(height))/C.rpn_stride))
		gta[bbox_num, 3] = int(round(bbox['y2'] * (resized_height / float(height))/C.rpn_stride))

	x_roi = []
	y_class_num = []
	y_class_regr_coords = []
	y_class_regr_label = []

	for ix in range(R.shape[0]):
		(x1, y1, x2, y2) = R[ix, :]
		x1 = int(round(x1))
		y1 = int(round(y1))
		x2 = int(round(x2))
		y2 = int(round(y2))

		best_iou = 0.0
		best_bbox = -1
		for bbox_num in range(len(bboxes)):
			curr_iou = data_generators.iou([gta[bbox_num, 0], gta[bbox_num, 2], gta[bbox_num, 1], gta[bbox_num, 3]], [x1, y1, x2, y2])
			if curr_iou > best_iou:
				best_iou = curr_iou
				best_bbox = bbox_num

		if best_iou < C.classifier_min_overlap:
			w = x2 - x1
			h = y2 - y1
			x_roi.append([x1, y1, w, h])

			if C.classifier_min_overlap <= best_iou < C.classifier_max_overlap:
				# hard negative example
				cls_name = 'bg'
			elif C.classifier_max_overlap <= best_iou:
				cls_name = bboxes[best_bbox]['class']
				cxg = (gta[best_bbox, 0] + gta[best_bbox, 1]) / 2.0
				cyg = (gta[best_bbox, 2] + gta[best_bbox, 3]) / 2.0

				cx = x1 + w / 2.0
				cy = y1 + h / 2.0

				tx = (cxg - cx) / float(w)
				ty = (cyg - cy) / float(h)
				tw = np.log((gta[best_bbox, 1] - gta[best_bbox, 0]) / float(w))
				th = np.log((gta[best_bbox, 3] - gta[best_bbox, 2]) / float(h))
				print('roi = {}'.format(best_iou))
				raise RuntimeError

		class_num = class_mapping[cls_name]
		class_label = len(class_mapping) * [0]
		class_label[class_num] = 1
		coords = [0] * 4 * (len(class_mapping) - 1)
		labels = [0] * 4 * (len(class_mapping) - 1)
		if cls_name != 'bg':
			label_pos = 4 * class_num
			sx, sy, sw, sh = C.classifier_regr_std
			coords[label_pos:4+label_pos] = [sx*tx, sy*ty, sw*tw, sh*th]
			labels[label_pos:4+label_pos] = [1, 1, 1, 1]

	if len(x_roi) == 0:
		return None, None, None

	X = np.array(x_roi)
	Y1 = np.array(y_class_num)
	Y2 = np.concatenate([np.array(y_class_regr_label),np.array(y_class_regr_coords)],axis=1)

	return np.expand_dims(X, axis=0), np.expand_dims(Y1, axis=0), np.expand_dims(Y2, axis=0)
コード例 #7
def eval_each_img(pred, gt, f, overlap_thresh=0.5):
    # all the dict below is by class
    tp = {}  # true positive
    fp = {}  # false positive
    fn = {}  # false negative (undetected ground truth boxes)
    prob_fp = []  # proba of false positive
    fx, fy = f
    for gt_bbox in gt:
        gt_bbox['bbox_matched'] = False

    pred_probs = np.array([s['prob'] for s in pred])
    box_idx_sorted_by_prob = np.argsort(pred_probs)[::-1]

    for box_idx in box_idx_sorted_by_prob:
        pred_box = pred[box_idx]
        pred_class = pred_box['class']
        # init tp, fp, fn:
        if pred_class not in tp:
            tp[pred_class] = 0
        if pred_class not in fp:
            fp[pred_class] = 0
        if pred_class not in fn:
            fn[pred_class] = 0
        pred_x1 = pred_box['x1']
        pred_x2 = pred_box['x2']
        pred_y1 = pred_box['y1']
        pred_y2 = pred_box['y2']

        # find list of ground truth with matched class
        idx_gt_class_matched = [
            i for i in range(len(gt)) if gt[i]['class'] == pred_class

        # compute IoU with GT_same_class and find the max
        if len(
        ) > 0:  # this line is important: only consider ground truth of same class
            idx_max = -1
            cur_max_IoU = -np.inf
            for idx in idx_gt_class_matched:
                gt_box = gt[idx]
                gt_x1 = gt_box['x1'] / fx
                gt_x2 = gt_box['x2'] / fx
                gt_y1 = gt_box['y1'] / fy
                gt_y2 = gt_box['y2'] / fy
                cur_IoU = data_generators.iou(
                    (pred_x1, pred_y1, pred_x2, pred_y2),
                    (gt_x1, gt_y1, gt_x2, gt_y2))
                if cur_max_IoU < cur_IoU:
                    cur_max_IoU = cur_IoU
                    idx_max = idx
            if cur_max_IoU >= overlap_thresh:
                if not gt[idx_max][
                        'bbox_matched']:  # gt not detected previously
                    tp[pred_class] += 1  # true positive
                    gt[idx_max]['bbox_matched'] = True
                    fp[pred_class] += 1

            else:  # detect where no ground truth overthere -> FP
                fp[pred_class] += 1

    # now deal with the false negative:
    gt_bbox_not_detected = [
        gt_bbox for gt_bbox in gt if not gt_bbox['bbox_matched']
    for undetected_bb in gt_bbox_not_detected:
        # for VOC difficult:
        if 'difficult' in gt_bbox_not_detected:
            if gt_bbox_not_detected['difficult']:

        bb_class = undetected_bb['class']
        # init all to make sure the accumulation match
        if bb_class not in fn:
            fn[bb_class] = 0
        if bb_class not in tp:
            tp[bb_class] = 0
        if bb_class not in fp:
            fp[bb_class] = 0

        fn[bb_class] += 1

    return tp, fp, fn, prob_fp
コード例 #8
def get_map(pred, gt, f):
    T = {}
    P = {}
    fx, fy = f
    tp = {}  # true positive
    fp = {}  # false positive
    num_gt = {}  # number of ground truth box

    for bbox in gt:
        bbox['bbox_matched'] = False

    pred_probs = np.array([s['prob'] for s in pred])
    box_idx_sorted_by_prob = np.argsort(pred_probs)[::-1]

    # for each predicted box in highest proba -> lowest proba
    for box_idx in box_idx_sorted_by_prob:
        pred_box = pred[box_idx]
        pred_class = pred_box['class']  # get the class
        pred_x1 = pred_box['x1']
        pred_x2 = pred_box['x2']
        pred_y1 = pred_box['y1']
        pred_y2 = pred_box['y2']
        pred_prob = pred_box['prob']

        if pred_class not in P:
            P[pred_class] = []
            T[pred_class] = []

        P[pred_class].append(pred_prob)  # P is the probability list

        found_match = False

        for gt_box in gt:
            gt_class = gt_box['class']
            if gt_class not in num_gt:
                num_gt[gt_class] = 1
                num_gt[gt_class] += 1

            gt_x1 = gt_box['x1'] / fx
            gt_x2 = gt_box['x2'] / fx
            gt_y1 = gt_box['y1'] / fy
            gt_y2 = gt_box['y2'] / fy
            gt_seen = gt_box['bbox_matched']
            if gt_class != pred_class:
            if gt_seen:
            iou = data_generators.iou((pred_x1, pred_y1, pred_x2, pred_y2),
                                      (gt_x1, gt_y1, gt_x2, gt_y2))
            if iou >= 0.5:
                found_match = True
                gt_box['bbox_matched'] = True

        )  # for each predicted box, T is the true label -> either True or False

    for gt_box in gt:
        if not gt_box['bbox_matched']:  # and not gt_box['difficult']:
            if gt_box['class'] not in P:
                P[gt_box['class']] = []
                T[gt_box['class']] = []


    #import pdb
    return T, P