def polynomialFit(Y, X, x0, h):
    # use only polynomial 1
    numObs = X.shape[0]
    l = numpy.zeros((1,numObs))
    L = numpy.zeros((2,numObs))
    constant = numpy.ones((numObs,1))
    dX = numpy.mat(X - x0) 
    regressor = numpy.hstack([constant, dX])
    # make the weights 
    wVec = kernel.tricube(X, x0, h)
    # anti bug
    assert wVec.shape[1] == 1
    if wVec.sum() == 0:
        This is actually wrong, but not sure how to deal with it elegantly
        return 0, l, 0
    # standardize 
    wVec = wVec/wVec.sum()

    # sparsify the W
    sampleIdx = wVec.nonzero()[0]
    effectiveSampleNum = sampleIdx.shape[0]
    effectiveWVec = wVec[sampleIdx]
    regressor = regressor[sampleIdx,:]
    wMat = numpy.zeros((effectiveSampleNum, effectiveSampleNum))
    for iObs in range(effectiveSampleNum):
        wMat[iObs,iObs] = effectiveWVec[iObs]
    # calculate the coefficients
    XTW = regressor.H * wMat
        effectiveL = numpy.linalg.inv(  XTW * regressor )*XTW
        l[:,sampleIdx] = effectiveL[0,:]
        L[:,sampleIdx] = effectiveL
        When except happens, switch to nadaraya-waston estimator, which is just wVec
        l = wVec.T
        L = numpy.zeros((2,numObs))
        L[numpy.array([0]),:] = wVec.T
    # take the constant as forecast
    betaHat =,Y)


    return betaHat[0], l, betaHat[1]
def polynomialFit(Y, X, x0, h):
    # use only polynomial 1
    numObs = X.shape[0]
    l = numpy.zeros((1, numObs))
    L = numpy.zeros((2, numObs))
    constant = numpy.ones((numObs, 1))
    dX = numpy.mat(X - x0)
    regressor = numpy.hstack([constant, dX])

    # make the weights
    wVec = kernel.tricube(X, x0, h)

    # anti bug
    assert wVec.shape[1] == 1

    if wVec.sum() == 0:
        This is actually wrong, but not sure how to deal with it elegantly
        return 0, l, 0
    # standardize
    wVec = wVec / wVec.sum()

    # sparsify the W
    sampleIdx = wVec.nonzero()[0]
    effectiveSampleNum = sampleIdx.shape[0]

    effectiveWVec = wVec[sampleIdx]
    regressor = regressor[sampleIdx, :]
    wMat = numpy.zeros((effectiveSampleNum, effectiveSampleNum))

    for iObs in range(effectiveSampleNum):
        wMat[iObs, iObs] = effectiveWVec[iObs]

    # calculate the coefficients
    XTW = regressor.H * wMat
        effectiveL = numpy.linalg.inv(XTW * regressor) * XTW
        l[:, sampleIdx] = effectiveL[0, :]
        L[:, sampleIdx] = effectiveL
        When except happens, switch to nadaraya-waston estimator, which is just wVec
        l = wVec.T
        L = numpy.zeros((2, numObs))
        L[numpy.array([0]), :] = wVec.T
    # take the constant as forecast
    betaHat =, Y)

    return betaHat[0], l, betaHat[1]

import numpy as np
import kernel as kw
check kernelInt 

assert kw.kernelInt(0) == 1
assert kw.kernelInt(-0.9) == 1
assert kw.kernelInt(0.9) == 1
assert kw.kernelInt(1.1) == 0
assert kw.kernelInt(-1.1) == 0
# test for longer arrays
x = np.array([0, -1.1, 0.8])
trueVal = np.array([1, 0, 1], dtype=int)
z = kw.kernelInt(x)
assert (z == trueVal).any
check tricube
x = np.array([-1.1, -1., -0.5, 0, 0.5, 1, 1.1])
z = kw.tricube(x, 0, 1)
trueVal = np.array([
    0, 0, (7. / 8.)**3 * (70. / 81.), (70. / 81.), (7. / 8.)**3 * (70. / 81.),
    0, 0
assert (z == trueVal).any

print 'Kernel passes unit test.'


import numpy as np
import kernel as kw
check kernelInt 

assert kw.kernelInt(0) == 1
assert kw.kernelInt(-0.9) == 1
assert kw.kernelInt(0.9) == 1
assert kw.kernelInt(1.1) == 0
assert kw.kernelInt(-1.1) == 0
# test for longer arrays
x = np.array([0,-1.1,0.8])
trueVal = np.array([1,0,1], dtype = int)
z = kw.kernelInt(x)
assert (z == trueVal).any

check tricube
x = np.array([-1.1, -1., -0.5, 0, 0.5, 1, 1.1] )
z = kw.tricube(x, 0, 1)
trueVal = np.array([0, 0, (7./8.)**3*(70./81.), (70./81.),(7./8.)**3*(70./81.),0,0])
assert (z == trueVal).any

print 'Kernel passes unit test.'