コード例 #1
def transformation_matrix(y, y_tilde, ls_y, lamb):
    Compute the transformation matrix for DME/TTGP, defined as $A := (L + n \lambda I)^{-1} \tilde{L}$.
    This code uses Gaussian kernels only.
    y : np.ndarray [Size: (n, d_y)]
        Samples of the mediating variable from the simulation process
    y_tilde : np.ndarray [Size: (m, d_y)]
        Samples of the mediating variable from the observation process
    ls_y : float or np.ndarray [Size: () or (1,) for isotropic; (d_y,) for anistropic]
        The length scale(s) of the mediating variable(s)
    lamb : float
        Regularization parameter
    np.ndarray [Size: (n, m)]
        The transformation matrix
    # Size: (n, n)
    l = gaussian_kernel_gramix(y, y, ls_y)
    # Size: (n, m)
    tilde_l = gaussian_kernel_gramix(y, y_tilde, ls_y)
    # Size: (n, n)
    n = y.shape[0]
    lower = True
    l_chol = la.cholesky(l + n * lamb * np.eye(n), lower=lower)
    # Size: (n, m)
    a = la.cho_solve((l_chol, lower), tilde_l)
    return a
コード例 #2
def ttgp_pred(x_q, x, y, y_tilde, z_tilde, ls_x, ls_y, sigma, full=True):
    Compute the posterior predictive mean and covariance of a task transformed Gaussian process.
    This code uses Gaussian kernels only.
    x_q : np.ndarray [Size: (n_q, d_x)]
        The query features
    x : np.ndarray [Size: (n, d_x)]
        The features from the transformation set
    y : np.ndarray [Size: (n, d_y)]
        The mediators from the transformation set
    y_tilde: np.ndarray [Size: (m, d_y)]
        The mediators from the task set
    z_tilde : np.ndarray [Size: (m,)]
        The targets from the task set
    ls_x: float or np.ndarray [Size: () or (1,) for isotropic; (d_y,) for anistropic]
        The length scale(s) of the input variable(s)
    ls_y: float or np.ndarray [Size: () or (1,) for isotropic; (d_y,) for anistropic]
        The length scale(s) of the mediating variable(s)
    sigma : float
        The noise standard deviation
    full : boolean, optional
        Whether to do full Bayesian inference on g or use maximum a posteriori approximations on g
    np.ndarray [Size: (n_q,)]
        The predictive mean on the query points
    np.ndarray [Size: (n_q, n_q)]
        The predictive covariance between the query points
    # Size of the transformation and task datasets
    n = y.shape[0]
    m = y_tilde.shape[0]
    # The equivalent regularization parameter from noise standard deviation due to DME-TTGP equivalence
    lamb = sigma**2 / n
    # Size: (n, m)
    trans_mat = transformation_matrix(y, y_tilde, ls_y, lamb)
    # Compute the noise covariance depending on whether we are performing full Bayesian inference on g
    if full:
        # Size: (m, m)
        l_tt = gaussian_kernel_gramix(y_tilde, y_tilde, ls_y)
        # Size: (n, m)
        l_t = gaussian_kernel_gramix(y, y_tilde, ls_y)
        # Size: (m, m)
        noise_cov = l_tt + sigma**2 * np.eye(m) - np.dot(
            np.transpose(l_t), trans_mat)
        # Size: (m, m)
        noise_cov = sigma**2 * np.eye(m)
    # Once we have the transformation and noise covariance, apply the transformed Gaussian process equations for prediction
    return tgp_pred(x_q, x, z_tilde, ls_x, trans_mat, noise_cov)
コード例 #3
def tgp_pred(x_q, x, z_tilde, ls_x, trans_mat, noise_cov):
    Compute the posterior predictive mean and covariance of a transformed Gaussian process with a given transformation and noise covariance.
    This code uses Gaussian kernels only.
    x_q : np.ndarray [Size: (n_q, d)]
        The query features
    x : np.ndarray [Size: (n, d)]
        The features
    z_tilde : np.ndarray [Size: (m,)]
        The transformed targets
    ls_x: float or np.ndarray [Size: () or (1,) for isotropic; (d_y,) for anistropic]
        The length scale(s) of the input variable(s)
    trans_mat : np.ndarray [Size: (n, m)]
        The transformation matrix
    noise_cov: np.ndarray [Size: (m, m)]
        The noise covariance
    np.ndarray [Size: (n_q,)]
        The predictive mean on the query points
    np.ndarray [Size: (n_q, n_q)]
        The predictive covariance between the query points
    # Size: (n, n)
    k = gaussian_kernel_gramix(x, x, ls_x)
    # Size: (m, m)
    s = np.dot(np.transpose(trans_mat), np.dot(k, trans_mat)) + noise_cov
    # Size: (m, m)
    lower = True
    s_chol = la.cholesky(s, lower=lower)
    # Size: (m, n)
    smt = la.cho_solve((s_chol, lower), np.transpose(trans_mat))
    # Size: (n, n_q)
    k_q = gaussian_kernel_gramix(x, x_q, ls_x)
    # Size: (n_q, n_q)
    k_qq = gaussian_kernel_gramix(x_q, x_q, ls_x)
    # Size: (m, n_q)
    smt_k_q = np.dot(smt, k_q)
    # Size: (n_q,)
    f_mean = np.dot(np.transpose(smt_k_q), z_tilde)
    # Size: (n_q, n_q)
    f_cov = k_qq - np.dot(np.transpose(smt_k_q),
                          np.dot(np.transpose(trans_mat), k_q))
    # The posterior predictive mean and covariance of the latent function
    return f_mean, f_cov
コード例 #4
def tgp_nlml(x, z_tilde, ls_x, trans_mat, noise_cov):
    Compute the negative log marginal likelihood of a transformed Gaussian process.
    This code uses Gaussian kernels only.
    x : np.ndarray [Size: (n, d)]
        The features
    z_tilde : np.ndarray [Size: (m,)]
        The transformed targets
    ls_x: float or np.ndarray [Size: () or (1,) for isotropic; (d_y,) for anistropic]
        The length scale(s) of the input variable(s)
    trans_mat : np.ndarray [Size: (n, m)]
        The transformation matrix
    noise_cov: np.ndarray [Size: (m, m)]
        The noise covariance
        The negative log marginal likelihood
    k = gaussian_kernel_gramix(x, x, ls_x)
    s = np.dot(np.transpose(trans_mat), np.dot(k, trans_mat)) + noise_cov
    return negative_log_gaussian(z_tilde, 0, s)
コード例 #5
def kernel_means_likelihood(theta_query, theta_sim, weights, beta):
    Query the kernel means likelihood.
    theta_query : np.ndarray [size: (n_query, p)]
        The parameters to query the likelihood at
    theta_sim : np.ndarray [size: (m, p)]
        Parameter values corresponding to the simulations
    weights : np.ndarray [size: (m, 1)]
        The weights of the kernel means likelihood
    beta : float or np.ndarray [size: () or (1,) for isotropic; (p,) for anistropic]
        The length scale(s) for the parameter kernel
    np.ndarray [size: (n_query,)]
        The kernel means likelihood values at the query points
    # size: (m, n_query)
    theta_evaluation_gramix = gaussian_kernel_gramix(theta_sim, theta_query,

    # size: (n_query,)
    return np.dot(theta_evaluation_gramix.transpose(), weights).ravel()
コード例 #6
def dme_query_fast(t_query, t_tilde, t, x, y, ls_t, ls_x, lamb, eps):
    Compute the deconditional mean embedding using the alternative form which is cubic in simulation samples but linear in prior samples.
    This code uses Gaussian kernels only.
    t_query : np.ndarray [Size: (n_q, d_t)]
        The parameters to query the deconditional mean embedding at
    t_tilde: np.ndarray [Size: (m, d_t)]
        The prior parameter samples
    t : np.ndarray [Size: (n, d_t)]
        The likelihood parameter samples
    x : np.ndarray [Size: (n, d_x)]
        The likelihood statistic samples
    y : np.ndarray [Size: (d_x,)]
        The observed statistic
    ls_t : float or np.ndarray [Size: () or (1,) for isotropic; (d_y,) for anistropic]
        The length scale(s) of the parameters
    lt_x : float or np.ndarray [Size: () or (1,) for isotropic; (d_y,) for anistropic]
        The length scale(s) of the statistics
    lamb : float
        The regularization hyperparameter for the prior operator inversion
    eps: float
        The regularization hyperparameter for the evidence operator inversion
    np.ndarray [Size: (n_q, 1)]
        The deconditional mean embedding evaluated at the query parameters
    m = t_tilde.shape[0]
    n = t.shape[0]
    # Size: (n, m)
    a = transformation_matrix(t, t_tilde, ls_t, lamb)
    # Size: (n, n)
    k = gaussian_kernel_gramix(x, x, ls_x)
    # Size: (n, 1)
    k_y = gaussian_kernel_gramix(x, y, ls_x)
    # Size: (m, 1)
    query_weights = np.dot(np.transpose(a), la.solve(np.dot(k, np.dot(a, np.transpose(a))) + m * eps * np.eye(n), k_y))
    # Size: (m, n_q)
    l_query = gaussian_kernel_gramix(t_tilde, t_query, ls_t)
    # Size: (n_q, 1)
    q_query = np.dot(np.transpose(l_query), query_weights)
    return q_query
コード例 #7
def kernel_means_weights(y, x_sim, theta_sim, eps, beta, reg=None):
    Compute the weights of the kernel means likelihood.
    y : np.ndarray [size: (1, d)]
        Observed data or summary statistics
    x_sim : np.ndarray [size: (m, s, d)]
        Simulated data or summary statistics
    theta_sim : np.ndarray [size: (m, p)]
        Parameter values corresponding to the simulations
    eps : float or np.ndarray [size: () or (1,) for isotropic; (d,) for anistropic]
        The simulator noise level(s) for the epsilon-kernel or epsilon-likelihood
    beta : float or np.ndarray [size: () or (1,) for isotropic; (p,) for anistropic]
        The length scale(s) for the parameter kernel
    reg : float, optional
        The regularization parameter for the conditional kernel mean
    np.ndarray [size: (m, 1)]
        The weights of the kernel means likelihood
    # size: (m, 1)
    if x_sim.ndim == 3:
        data_epsilon_likelihood = gaussian_density_gramix_multiple(
            y, x_sim, eps).transpose()
    elif x_sim.ndim == 2:
        data_epsilon_likelihood = gaussian_density_gramix(y, x_sim,
        raise ValueError('Simulated dataset is neither 2D or 3D.')

    # The number of simulations
    m = theta_sim.shape[0]

    # Set the regularization hyperparameter to some default value if not specified
    if reg is None:
        reg = 1e-3 * np.min(beta)

    # Compute the weights at O(m^3)
    theta_sim_gramix = gaussian_kernel_gramix(theta_sim, theta_sim, beta)
    lower = True
    theta_sim_gramix_cholesky = la.cholesky(theta_sim_gramix +
                                            m * reg * np.eye(m),
    weights = la.cho_solve((theta_sim_gramix_cholesky, lower),

    # size: (m, 1)
    return weights
コード例 #8
def approximate_kernel_means_posterior_embedding(theta_query,
    Compute the approximate kernel means posterior embedding.
    theta_query : np.ndarray [size: (n_query, p)]
        The parameters to query the likelihood at
    theta_sim : np.ndarray [size: (m, p)]
        Parameter values corresponding to the simulations
    weights : np.ndarray [size: (m, 1)]
        The weights of the kernel means likelihood
    beta : float or np.ndarray [size: () or (1,) for isotropic; (p,) for anistropic]
        The length scale(s) for the parameter kernel
    theta_samples : np.ndarray [size: (n_samples, p)]
        The parameters samples to marginalize over
    marginal_likelihood : float, optional
        The marginal likelihood value if it was precomputed
    # Approximate the integral empirically with size: (q, m)
    if beta_query is None:
        beta_query = beta
    h = np.dot(gaussian_kernel_gramix(theta_query, theta_samples, beta_query),
               gaussian_kernel_gramix(theta_samples, theta_sim,
                                      beta)) / theta_samples.shape[0]

    # Compute the marginal likelihood if it has not been computed already
    if marginal_likelihood is None:
        marginal_likelihood = approximate_marginal_kernel_means_likelihood(
            theta_samples, theta_sim, weights, beta)

    # size: (q,)
    return np.dot(h, weights).ravel() / marginal_likelihood
コード例 #9
def marginal_kernel_means_likelihood(theta_sim,
    Compute the marginal kernel means likelihood under a diagonal Gaussian prior.
    theta_sim : np.ndarray [size: (m, p)]
        Parameter values corresponding to the simulations
    weights : np.ndarray [size: (m, 1)]
        The weights of the kernel means likelihood
    beta : float or np.ndarray [size: () or (1,) for isotropic; (p,) for anistropic]
        The length scale(s) for the parameter kernel
    prior_mean : np.ndarray [size: () or (1,) for isotropic; (p,) for anistropic]
        The mean(s) of the diagonal Gaussian prior
    prior_std : np.ndarray [size: () or (1,) for isotropic; (p,) for anistropic]
        The standard deviation(s) of the diagonal Gaussian prior
        The marginal kernel means likelihood
    # By defaut, the prior has zero mean
    if prior_mean is None:
        prior_mean = np.zeros((1, theta_sim.shape[-1]))

    # By default, the prior standard deviation is set to the same as the length scale of the parameter kernel
    if prior_std is None:
        prior_std = beta

    # Compute the final length scale and the ratio scalar coefficient of the resulting prior mean embedding
    prior_embedding_length_scale = np.sqrt(beta**2 + prior_std**2)
    ratio = np.prod(
        convert_anisotropic(beta / prior_embedding_length_scale,

    # Compute the prior mean embedding [size: (m, 1)]
    prior_mean_embedding = ratio * gaussian_kernel_gramix(
        theta_sim, np.atleast_2d(prior_mean), prior_embedding_length_scale)

    # Compute the kernel means marginal likelihood
    return np.dot(prior_mean_embedding.ravel(), weights.ravel())