def test_mixed_verfication(self): """ Test verification using allowlist and keys """ lists_map = ima.process_allowlists(ALLOWLIST.splitlines(), '') # every entry is covered by the allowlist and there's no keyring -> this should pass self.assertTrue( ima.process_measurement_list(COMBINED.splitlines(), str(lists_map)) is not None) curdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) keydir = os.path.join(curdir, "data", "ima_keys") keyring = ima_file_signatures.ImaKeyring() rsakeyfile = os.path.join(keydir, "rsa2048pub.pem") pubkey = ima_file_signatures.get_pubkey_from_file(rsakeyfile) keyring.add_pubkey(pubkey) eckeyfile = os.path.join(keydir, "secp256k1.pem") pubkey = ima_file_signatures.get_pubkey_from_file(eckeyfile) keyring.add_pubkey(pubkey) # entries are not covered by a exclude list -> this should fail self.assertTrue( ima.process_measurement_list(COMBINED.splitlines(), ima_keyring=keyring) is None) # all entries are either covered by exclude list or by signature verification -> this should pass self.assertTrue( ima.process_measurement_list(COMBINED.splitlines(), str(lists_map), ima_keyring=keyring) is not None)
def test_signature_verification(self): """ Test the signature verification """ curdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) keydir = os.path.join(curdir, "data", "ima_keys") lines = SIGNATURES.split('\n') # empty keyring keyring = ima_file_signatures.ImaKeyring() self.assertTrue( ima.process_measurement_list(lines, ima_keyring=keyring) is None) # add key for 1st entry; 1st entry must be verifiable rsakeyfile = os.path.join(keydir, "rsa2048pub.pem") pubkey = ima_file_signatures.get_pubkey_from_file(rsakeyfile) keyring.add_pubkey(pubkey) self.assertTrue( ima.process_measurement_list(lines[0:1], ima_keyring=keyring) is not None) self.assertTrue( ima.process_measurement_list(lines[1:2], ima_keyring=keyring) is None) # add key for 2nd entry; 1st & 2nd entries must be verifiable eckeyfile = os.path.join(keydir, "secp256k1.pem") pubkey = ima_file_signatures.get_pubkey_from_file(eckeyfile) keyring.add_pubkey(pubkey) self.assertTrue( ima.process_measurement_list(lines[0:2], ima_keyring=keyring) is not None)
def test_signature_verification(self): """ Test the signature verification """ curdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) keydir = os.path.join(curdir, "data", "ima_keys") lines = SIGNATURES.split('\n') # empty keyring keyrings = ima_file_signatures.ImaKeyrings() _, failure = ima.process_measurement_list(AgentAttestState('1'), lines, ima_keyrings=keyrings) self.assertTrue(failure) tenant_keyring = ima_file_signatures.ImaKeyring() keyrings.set_tenant_keyring(tenant_keyring) # add key for 1st entry; 1st entry must be verifiable rsakeyfile = os.path.join(keydir, "rsa2048pub.pem") pubkey, keyidv2 = ima_file_signatures.get_pubkey_from_file(rsakeyfile) tenant_keyring.add_pubkey(pubkey, keyidv2) _, failure = ima.process_measurement_list(AgentAttestState('1'), lines[0:1], ima_keyrings=keyrings) self.assertTrue(not failure) _, failure = ima.process_measurement_list(AgentAttestState('1'), lines[1:2], ima_keyrings=keyrings) self.assertTrue(failure) # add key for 2nd entry; 1st & 2nd entries must be verifiable eckeyfile = os.path.join(keydir, "secp256k1.pem") pubkey, keyidv2 = ima_file_signatures.get_pubkey_from_file(eckeyfile) tenant_keyring.add_pubkey(pubkey, keyidv2) _, failure = ima.process_measurement_list(AgentAttestState('1'), lines[0:2], ima_keyrings=keyrings) self.assertTrue(not failure)
def process_allowlist(self, args): # Set up PCR values tpm_policy = config.get('tenant', 'tpm_policy') if "tpm_policy" in args and args["tpm_policy"] is not None: tpm_policy = args["tpm_policy"] self.tpm_policy = TPM_Utilities.readPolicy(tpm_policy)"TPM PCR Mask from policy is %s", self.tpm_policy['mask']) vtpm_policy = config.get('tenant', 'vtpm_policy') if "vtpm_policy" in args and args["vtpm_policy"] is not None: vtpm_policy = args["vtpm_policy"] self.vtpm_policy = TPM_Utilities.readPolicy(vtpm_policy)"TPM PCR Mask from policy is %s", self.vtpm_policy['mask']) if args.get("ima_sign_verification_keys") is not None: # Auto-enable IMA (or-bit mask) self.tpm_policy['mask'] = "0x%X" % ( int(self.tpm_policy['mask'], 0) | (1 << config.IMA_PCR)) # Add all IMA file signing verification keys to a keyring ima_keyring = ima_file_signatures.ImaKeyring() for filename in args["ima_sign_verification_keys"]: pubkey = ima_file_signatures.get_pubkey_from_file(filename) if not pubkey: raise UserError( "File '%s' is not a file with a key" % filename) ima_keyring.add_pubkey(pubkey) self.ima_sign_verification_keys = ima_keyring.to_string() # Read command-line path string allowlist al_data = None if "allowlist" in args and args["allowlist"] is not None: self.enforce_pcrs(list(self.tpm_policy.keys()), [ config.IMA_PCR ], "IMA") # Auto-enable IMA (or-bit mask) self.tpm_policy['mask'] = "0x%X" % ( int(self.tpm_policy['mask'], 0) | (1 << config.IMA_PCR)) if isinstance(args["allowlist"], str): if args["allowlist"] == "default": args["allowlist"] = config.get('tenant', 'allowlist') al_data = ima.read_allowlist(args["allowlist"], args["allowlist_checksum"], args["allowlist_sig"], args["allowlist_sig_key"]) elif isinstance(args["allowlist"], list): al_data = args["allowlist"] else: raise UserError("Invalid allowlist provided") # Read command-line path string IMA exclude list excl_data = None if "ima_exclude" in args and args["ima_exclude"] is not None: if isinstance(args["ima_exclude"], str): if args["ima_exclude"] == "default": args["ima_exclude"] = config.get( 'tenant', 'ima_excludelist') excl_data = ima.read_excllist(args["ima_exclude"]) elif isinstance(args["ima_exclude"], list): excl_data = args["ima_exclude"] else: raise UserError("Invalid exclude list provided") # Set up IMA if TPM_Utilities.check_mask(self.tpm_policy['mask'], config.IMA_PCR) or \ TPM_Utilities.check_mask(self.vtpm_policy['mask'], config.IMA_PCR): # Process allowlists self.allowlist = ima.process_allowlists(al_data, excl_data) # Read command-line path string TPM event log (measured boot) reference state mb_refstate_data = None if "mb_refstate" in args and args["mb_refstate"] is not None: self.enforce_pcrs(list(self.tpm_policy.keys()), config.MEASUREDBOOT_PCRS, "measured boot") # Auto-enable TPM event log mesured boot (or-bit mask) for _pcr in config.MEASUREDBOOT_PCRS : self.tpm_policy['mask'] = "0x%X" % ( int(self.tpm_policy['mask'], 0) | (1 << _pcr))"TPM PCR Mask automatically modified is %s to include IMA/Event log PCRs", self.tpm_policy['mask']) if isinstance(args["mb_refstate"], str): if args["mb_refstate"] == "default": args["mb_refstate"] = config.get('tenant', 'mb_refstate') mb_refstate_data = measured_boot.read_mb_refstate(args["mb_refstate"]) else: raise UserError("Invalid measured boot reference state (intended state) provided") # Set up measured boot (TPM event log) reference state if TPM_Utilities.check_mask(self.tpm_policy['mask'], config.MEASUREDBOOT_PCRS[2]) : # Process measured boot reference state self.mb_refstate = measured_boot.process_refstate(mb_refstate_data)
def test_mixed_verfication(self): """ Test verification using allowlist and keys """ lists_map = ima.process_allowlists(ALLOWLIST, '') lists_map_wrong = ima.process_allowlists(ALLOWLIST_WRONG, '') lists_map_empty = ima.process_allowlists(ALLOWLIST_EMPTY, '') lists_map_exclude = ima.process_allowlists(ALLOWLIST, EXCLUDELIST) lists_map_exclude_wrong = ima.process_allowlists( ALLOWLIST_WRONG, EXCLUDELIST) ima_keyrings = ima_file_signatures.ImaKeyrings() empty_keyring = ima_file_signatures.ImaKeyring() # every entry is covered by the allowlist and there's no keyring -> this should pass _, failure = ima.process_measurement_list(AgentAttestState('1'), COMBINED.splitlines(), json.dumps(lists_map)) self.assertTrue(not failure) curdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) keydir = os.path.join(curdir, "data", "ima_keys") tenant_keyring = ima_file_signatures.ImaKeyring() rsakeyfile = os.path.join(keydir, "rsa2048pub.pem") pubkey, keyidv2 = ima_file_signatures.get_pubkey_from_file(rsakeyfile) tenant_keyring.add_pubkey(pubkey, keyidv2) eckeyfile = os.path.join(keydir, "secp256k1.pem") pubkey, keyidv2 = ima_file_signatures.get_pubkey_from_file(eckeyfile) tenant_keyring.add_pubkey(pubkey, keyidv2) ima_keyrings.set_tenant_keyring(tenant_keyring) # entries are not covered by a exclude list -> this should fail _, failure = ima.process_measurement_list(AgentAttestState('1'), COMBINED.splitlines(), ima_keyrings=ima_keyrings) self.assertTrue(failure) # all entries are either covered by allow list or by signature verification -> this should pass _, failure = ima.process_measurement_list(AgentAttestState('1'), COMBINED.splitlines(), json.dumps(lists_map), ima_keyrings=ima_keyrings) self.assertTrue(not failure) # the signature is valid but the hash in the allowlist is wrong -> this should fail _, failure = ima.process_measurement_list(AgentAttestState('1'), SIGNATURES.splitlines(), json.dumps(lists_map_wrong), ima_keyrings=ima_keyrings) self.assertTrue(failure) # the signature is valid and the file is not in the allowlist -> this should pass _, failure = ima.process_measurement_list(AgentAttestState('1'), SIGNATURES.splitlines(), json.dumps(lists_map_empty), ima_keyrings=ima_keyrings) self.assertTrue(not failure) # the signature is invalid but the correct hash is in the allowlist -> this should fail ima_keyrings.set_tenant_keyring(empty_keyring) _, failure = ima.process_measurement_list(AgentAttestState('1'), SIGNATURES.splitlines(), json.dumps(lists_map), ima_keyrings=ima_keyrings) self.assertTrue(failure) # the file has no signature but the hash is correct -> this should pass _, failure = ima.process_measurement_list(AgentAttestState('1'), MEASUREMENTS.splitlines(), json.dumps(lists_map)) self.assertTrue(not failure) # All files are in the exclude list but hashes are invalid -> this should pass _, failure = ima.process_measurement_list( AgentAttestState('1'), MEASUREMENTS.splitlines(), json.dumps(lists_map_exclude_wrong)) self.assertTrue(not failure) # All files are in the exclude list and their signatures are invalid -> this should pass ima_keyrings.set_tenant_keyring(tenant_keyring) _, failure = ima.process_measurement_list( AgentAttestState('1'), SIGNATURES.splitlines(), json.dumps(lists_map_exclude), ima_keyrings=ima_keyrings) self.assertTrue(not failure) # All files are in the exclude list but hashes or signatures are invalid -> this should pass _, failure = ima.process_measurement_list( AgentAttestState('1'), MEASUREMENTS.splitlines(), json.dumps(lists_map_exclude_wrong), ima_keyrings=ima_keyrings) self.assertTrue(not failure)
def init_add(self, args): """ Set up required values. Command line options can overwrite these config values Arguments: args {[string]} -- agent_ip|agent_port|cv_agent_ip """ if "agent_ip" in args: self.agent_ip = args["agent_ip"] if 'agent_port' in args and args['agent_port'] is not None: self.agent_port = args['agent_port'] if 'cv_agent_ip' in args and args['cv_agent_ip'] is not None: self.cv_cloudagent_ip = args['cv_agent_ip'] else: self.cv_cloudagent_ip = self.agent_ip # Make sure all keys exist in dictionary if "file" not in args: args["file"] = None if "keyfile" not in args: args["keyfile"] = None if "payload" not in args: args["payload"] = None if "ca_dir" not in args: args["ca_dir"] = None if "incl_dir" not in args: args["incl_dir"] = None if "ca_dir_pw" not in args: args["ca_dir_pw"] = None # Set up accepted algorithms self.accept_tpm_hash_algs = config.get( 'tenant', 'accept_tpm_hash_algs').split(',') self.accept_tpm_encryption_algs = config.get( 'tenant', 'accept_tpm_encryption_algs').split(',') self.accept_tpm_signing_algs = config.get( 'tenant', 'accept_tpm_signing_algs').split(',') # Set up PCR values tpm_policy = config.get('tenant', 'tpm_policy') if "tpm_policy" in args and args["tpm_policy"] is not None: tpm_policy = args["tpm_policy"] self.tpm_policy = TPM_Utilities.readPolicy(tpm_policy)"TPM PCR Mask from policy is {self.tpm_policy['mask']}") vtpm_policy = config.get('tenant', 'vtpm_policy') if "vtpm_policy" in args and args["vtpm_policy"] is not None: vtpm_policy = args["vtpm_policy"] self.vtpm_policy = TPM_Utilities.readPolicy(vtpm_policy)"TPM PCR Mask from policy is {self.vtpm_policy['mask']}") if args.get("ima_sign_verification_keys") is not None: # Auto-enable IMA (or-bit mask) self.tpm_policy['mask'] = "0x%X" % (int(self.tpm_policy['mask'], 0) | (1 << config.IMA_PCR)) # Add all IMA file signing verification keys to a keyring ima_keyring = ima_file_signatures.ImaKeyring() for filename in args["ima_sign_verification_keys"]: pubkey = ima_file_signatures.get_pubkey_from_file(filename) if not pubkey: raise UserError("File '%s' is not a file with a key" % filename) ima_keyring.add_pubkey(pubkey) self.ima_sign_verification_keys = ima_keyring.to_string() # Read command-line path string allowlist al_data = None if "allowlist" in args and args["allowlist"] is not None: self.enforce_pcrs(list(self.tpm_policy.keys()), [config.IMA_PCR], "IMA") # Auto-enable IMA (or-bit mask) self.tpm_policy['mask'] = "0x%X" % (int(self.tpm_policy['mask'], 0) | (1 << config.IMA_PCR)) if isinstance(args["allowlist"], str): if args["allowlist"] == "default": args["allowlist"] = config.get('tenant', 'allowlist') al_data = ima.read_allowlist(args["allowlist"]) elif isinstance(args["allowlist"], list): al_data = args["allowlist"] else: raise UserError("Invalid allowlist provided") # Read command-line path string IMA exclude list excl_data = None if "ima_exclude" in args and args["ima_exclude"] is not None: if isinstance(args["ima_exclude"], str): if args["ima_exclude"] == "default": args["ima_exclude"] = config.get('tenant', 'ima_excludelist') excl_data = ima.read_excllist(args["ima_exclude"]) elif isinstance(args["ima_exclude"], list): excl_data = args["ima_exclude"] else: raise UserError("Invalid exclude list provided") # Set up IMA if TPM_Utilities.check_mask(self.tpm_policy['mask'], config.IMA_PCR) or \ TPM_Utilities.check_mask(self.vtpm_policy['mask'], config.IMA_PCR): # Process allowlists self.allowlist = ima.process_allowlists(al_data, excl_data) # Read command-line path string TPM2 event log template if "mb_refstate" in args and args["mb_refstate"] is not None: self.enforce_pcrs(list(self.tpm_policy.keys()), config.MEASUREDBOOT_PCRS, "measured boot") # Auto-enable TPM2 event log (or-bit mask) for _pcr in config.MEASUREDBOOT_PCRS: self.tpm_policy['mask'] = "0x%X" % (int( self.tpm_policy['mask'], 0) | (1 << _pcr)) f"TPM PCR Mask automatically modified is {self.tpm_policy['mask']} to include IMA/Event log PCRs" ) if isinstance(args["mb_refstate"], str): if args["mb_refstate"] == "default": args["mb_refstate"] = config.get('tenant', 'mb_refstate') al_data = 'test' elif isinstance(args["mb_refstate"], list): al_data = args["mb_refstate"] else: raise UserError( "Invalid measured boot reference state (intended state) provided" ) # if none if (args["file"] is None and args["keyfile"] is None and args["ca_dir"] is None): raise UserError( "You must specify one of -k, -f, or --cert to specify the key/contents to be securely delivered to the agent" ) if args["keyfile"] is not None: if args["file"] is not None or args["ca_dir"] is not None: raise UserError( "You must specify one of -k, -f, or --cert to specify the key/contents to be securely delivered to the agent" ) # read the keys in if isinstance(args["keyfile"], dict) and "data" in args["keyfile"]: if isinstance(args["keyfile"]["data"], list) and len( args["keyfile"]["data"]) == 1: keyfile = args["keyfile"]["data"][0] if keyfile is None: raise UserError("Invalid key file contents") f = io.StringIO(keyfile) else: raise UserError("Invalid key file provided") else: f = open(args["keyfile"], 'r') self.K = base64.b64decode(f.readline()) self.U = base64.b64decode(f.readline()) self.V = base64.b64decode(f.readline()) f.close() # read the payload in (opt.) if isinstance(args["payload"], dict) and "data" in args["payload"]: if isinstance(args["payload"]["data"], list) and len(args["payload"]["data"]) > 0: self.payload = args["payload"]["data"][0] else: if args["payload"] is not None: f = open(args["payload"], 'r') self.payload = f.close() if args["file"] is not None: if args["keyfile"] is not None or args["ca_dir"] is not None: raise UserError( "You must specify one of -k, -f, or --cert to specify the key/contents to be securely delivered to the agent" ) if isinstance(args["file"], dict) and "data" in args["file"]: if isinstance(args["file"]["data"], list) and len(args["file"]["data"]) > 0: contents = args["file"]["data"][0] if contents is None: raise UserError("Invalid file payload contents") else: raise UserError("Invalid file payload provided") else: with open(args["file"], 'r') as f: contents = ret = user_data_encrypt.encrypt(contents) self.K = ret['k'] self.U = ret['u'] self.V = ret['v'] self.payload = ret['ciphertext'] if args["ca_dir"] is None and args["incl_dir"] is not None: raise UserError( "--include option is only valid when used with --cert") if args["ca_dir"] is not None: if args["file"] is not None or args["keyfile"] is not None: raise UserError( "You must specify one of -k, -f, or --cert to specify the key/contents to be securely delivered to the agent" ) if args["ca_dir"] == 'default': args["ca_dir"] = config.CA_WORK_DIR if "ca_dir_pw" in args and args["ca_dir_pw"] is not None: ca_util.setpassword(args["ca_dir_pw"]) if not os.path.exists(args["ca_dir"]) or not os.path.exists( "%s/cacert.crt" % args["ca_dir"]): logger.warning(" CA directory does not exist. Creating...") ca_util.cmd_init(args["ca_dir"]) if not os.path.exists("%s/%s-private.pem" % (args["ca_dir"], self.agent_uuid)): ca_util.cmd_mkcert(args["ca_dir"], self.agent_uuid) cert_pkg, serial, subject = ca_util.cmd_certpkg( args["ca_dir"], self.agent_uuid) # support revocation if not os.path.exists( "%s/RevocationNotifier-private.pem" % args["ca_dir"]): ca_util.cmd_mkcert(args["ca_dir"], "RevocationNotifier") rev_package, _, _ = ca_util.cmd_certpkg(args["ca_dir"], "RevocationNotifier") # extract public and private keys from package sf = io.BytesIO(rev_package) with zipfile.ZipFile(sf) as zf: privkey ="RevocationNotifier-private.pem") cert ="RevocationNotifier-cert.crt") # put the cert of the revoker into the cert package sf = io.BytesIO(cert_pkg) with zipfile.ZipFile(sf, 'a', compression=zipfile.ZIP_STORED) as zf: zf.writestr('RevocationNotifier-cert.crt', cert) # add additional files to zip if args["incl_dir"] is not None: if isinstance(args["incl_dir"], dict) and "data" in args[ "incl_dir"] and "name" in args["incl_dir"]: if isinstance(args["incl_dir"]["data"], list) and isinstance( args["incl_dir"]["name"], list): if len(args["incl_dir"]["data"]) != len( args["incl_dir"]["name"]): raise UserError("Invalid incl_dir provided") for i in range(len(args["incl_dir"]["data"])): zf.writestr( os.path.basename( args["incl_dir"]["name"][i]), args["incl_dir"]["data"][i]) else: if os.path.exists(args["incl_dir"]): files = next(os.walk(args["incl_dir"]))[2] for filename in files: with open( "%s/%s" % (args["incl_dir"], filename), 'rb') as f: zf.writestr(os.path.basename(, else: logger.warning( f'Specified include directory {args["incl_dir"]} does not exist. Skipping...' ) cert_pkg = sf.getvalue() # put the private key into the data to be send to the CV self.revocation_key = privkey # encrypt up the cert package ret = user_data_encrypt.encrypt(cert_pkg) self.K = ret['k'] self.U = ret['u'] self.V = ret['v'] self.metadata = {'cert_serial': serial, 'subject': subject} self.payload = ret['ciphertext'] if self.payload is not None and len(self.payload) > config.getint( 'tenant', 'max_payload_size'): raise UserError("Payload size %s exceeds max size %d" % (len( self.payload), config.getint('tenant', 'max_payload_size')))