def test_system_ntp_modify(): """ Test that ntp servers were initially configured and can be reconfigured Test Steps: - Execute system ntp-show - Verify that ntpservers field contains a list of 3 ntp servers - Update ntp with new ntp servers - Lock/unlock controllers to get rid of config out of date alarm - After lock and unlock verify that alarms cleared """ LOG.tc_step("Check 'system ntp-show' contains expected fields") table_ = table_parser.table(cli.system('ntp-show')[1]) expt_sub_fields = ['uuid', 'ntpservers', 'isystem_uuid', 'created_at', 'updated_at'] actual_fields = table_parser.get_column(table_, 'Property') LOG.tc_step("Actual ntp fields Names are {}".format(actual_fields)) assert set(expt_sub_fields) <= set(actual_fields), "Some expected fields are not included in system show table." LOG.tc_step("Modify 'system ntp-modify' and verify that it contains expected fields") ntp_pool = NtpPool.NTP_POOL_1 if sorted(system_helper.get_ntp_values(fields='ntpservers')[0].split(',')) == sorted(ntp_pool.split(',')): ntp_pool = NtpPool.NTP_POOL_2 system_helper.modify_ntp(ntp_servers=ntp_pool)
def test_ptp_parameter_modify(mode, transport, mechanism, default_config): """ This test is to verify PTP parameters. Note: There are some hardware dependency to support all the parameters. Args: mode: transport: mechanism: default_config: Test steps: 1. Check PTP enabled 2. Change parameter and clear alarm """ LOG.tc_step("PTP Enabled check") ptp_enabled = system_helper.get_ptp_values(fields='enabled') if ptp_enabled[0] != 'True': system_helper.modify_ntp(enabled=False, clear_alarm=False) system_helper.modify_ptp(enabled=True, clear_alarm=False) LOG.tc_step("PTP Modify parameters") ret_value, output = system_helper.modify_ptp(mode=mode, transport=transport, mechanism=mechanism)
def test_ptp_and_ntp_disable(): """ This test is to verify disabling both NTP and PTP Test steps: 1. Disable NTP enabled 2. Disable PTP and clear alarm. """ system_helper.modify_ntp(enabled=False, clear_alarm=False) system_helper.modify_ptp(enabled=False, clear_alarm=True)
def revert(): reverted = False try: LOG.fixture_step("Manage primary subcloud {} if unmanaged".format(primary_subcloud)) dc_helper.manage_subcloud(primary_subcloud) LOG.fixture_step("Revert NTP config if changed") res = system_helper.modify_ntp(ntp_servers=central_ntp, auth_info=central_auth, check_first=True, clear_alarm=False)[0] if res != -1: LOG.fixture_step("Lock unlock config out-of-date hosts in central region") system_helper.wait_and_clear_config_out_of_date_alarms(auth_info=central_auth, wait_with_best_effort=True) LOG.fixture_step("Lock unlock config out-of-date hosts in {}".format(primary_subcloud)) dc_helper.wait_for_subcloud_ntp_config(subcloud=primary_subcloud, expected_ntp=central_ntp, clear_alarm=True) if managed_subcloud: LOG.fixture_step("Lock unlock config out-of-date hosts in {}".format(managed_subcloud)) dc_helper.wait_for_subcloud_ntp_config(subcloud=managed_subcloud, expected_ntp=central_ntp, clear_alarm=True) if subclouds_to_revert: LOG.fixture_step("Manage unmanaged subclouds and check they are unaffected") for subcloud in subclouds_to_revert: dc_helper.manage_subcloud(subcloud) assert not system_helper.get_alarms(alarm_id=EventLogID.CONFIG_OUT_OF_DATE, auth_info=Tenant.get('admin_platform', dc_region=subcloud)) reverted = True finally: if not reverted: for subcloud in subclouds_to_revert: dc_helper.manage_subcloud(subcloud)
def test_system_ptp_enable_negative(): """ This test is to veirfy the Negative senario by trying to enable both PTP and NTP together Test steps: 1. Change PTP enabled 2. Verify string for PTP failure 3. PTP is neabled success change NTP enabled 4. Verify sting for NTP enabled """ ret_value, output = system_helper.modify_ptp(enabled=True, clear_alarm=True, wait_with_best_effort=True, fail_ok=True) if ret_value != 0: find_string = output.find( 'PTP cannot be configured alongside with NTP') assert find_string == 0, 'Test Failed: Error message \"PTP cannot be configured alongside with NTP\"' \ ' not found' if ret_value == 0: ret_value, output = system_helper.modify_ntp( enabled=True, clear_alarm=True, wait_with_best_effort=True, fail_ok=True) if ret_value > 0: find_string = output.find( 'NTP cannot be configured alongside with PTP') assert find_string == 0, 'Test Failed: Error message \"NTP cannot be configured alongside ' \ 'with PTP\" not found'
def restore_default_confg():'Restoring Ptp values= {} {} {} {}'.format( ptp_default[0], ptp_default[1], ptp_default[2], ptp_default[3])) if ptp_default[0] == 'False': system_helper.modify_ptp(enabled=False, mode=ptp_default[1], transport=ptp_default[2], mechanism=ptp_default[3], clear_alarm=True) system_helper.modify_ntp(enabled=True, clear_alarm=True) else: system_helper.modify_ntp(enabled=False, clear_alarm=True) system_helper.modify_ptp(enabled=False, mode=ptp_default[1], transport=ptp_default[2], mechanism=ptp_default[3], clear_alarm=True)
def test_system_ntp_modify_reject_server_name_too_long(): """ Test that attempting to configure more than 3 ntp servers is rejected Test Steps: - Attempt to configure ntp server with longer than 255 characters - Verify that the operation is rejected and that - system ntp-modify exits with return code 1 """ LOG.tc_step("Test system ntp-modify is rejected if server name is > than 255 characters") code, output = system_helper.modify_ntp(ntp_servers=NtpPool.NTP_NAME_TOO_LONG, fail_ok=True, wait_with_best_effort=True) assert 1 == code, 'Expect ntp-modify is not rejected with server name longer than 255 characters'
def test_system_ntp_modify_reject_too_many_servers(): """ Test that attempting to configure more than 3 ntp servers is rejected Test Steps: - Attempt to configure more than 3 ntp servers - Verify that the operation is rejected and that - system ntp-modify exits with return code 1 """ LOG.tc_step("Test system ntp-modify is rejected if more than 3 NTP servers defined in the list") code, output = system_helper.modify_ntp(ntp_servers=NtpPool.NTP_POOL_TOO_LONG, fail_ok=True, wait_with_best_effort=True) assert 1 == code, 'Expect ntp-modify is not rejected with more than 3 NPT servers defined'
def test_dc_ntp_modify(ntp_precheck): """ Update NTP servers on central region and check it is propagated to subclouds Args: ntp_precheck (fixture for test setup and teardown) Setups: - Ensure primary subcloud is manged and NTP config is in sync with central region - Un-manage rest of the subclouds except one Test Steps: - Un-manage primary subcloud - Configure NTP servers on above unmanaged subcloud to remove the first NTP server - Configure NTP servers on central region to add an invalid server - Lock/unlock controllers on central region to apply the config - Wait for new NTP config to sync over to the only managed osubcloud and config out-of-date alarms appear - Lock/unlock controllers on managed subcloud to apply config - Ensure central NTP config does not sync to unmanaged primary subcloud - Re-manage primary subcloud and ensure NTP config syncs over - Lock/unlock controllers in primary subcloud to apply new NTP configuration - Verify fm alarm 100.114 appears for invalid/unreachable NTP server on central region and managed Teardown: - Reset NTP servers to original value - Lock/unlock controllers on all managed subclouds to clear the config out of date alarm - Re-manage subclouds that were umanaged in setup - Verify no config out-of-date alarms on the re-managed subclouds """ primary_subcloud, managed_subcloud, prev_central_ntp = ntp_precheck new_central_ntp = [''] + prev_central_ntp[:-1] local_subcloud_ntp = prev_central_ntp[1:] central_auth = Tenant.get('admin_platform', dc_region='RegionOne') primary_sub_auth = Tenant.get('admin_platform', dc_region=primary_subcloud) auth_list = [central_auth, primary_sub_auth] if managed_subcloud: managed_sub_auth = Tenant.get('admin_platform', dc_region=managed_subcloud) auth_list.append(managed_sub_auth) LOG.tc_step("Unmanage {}".format(primary_subcloud)) dc_helper.unmanage_subcloud(subcloud=primary_subcloud, check_first=True) LOG.tc_step("While {} is unmanaged, modify its NTP servers locally from {} to {}". format(primary_subcloud, prev_central_ntp, local_subcloud_ntp)) system_helper.modify_ntp(ntp_servers=local_subcloud_ntp, auth_info=primary_sub_auth) LOG.tc_step("Reconfigure NTP servers on central region from {} to {}".format(prev_central_ntp, new_central_ntp)) system_helper.modify_ntp(ntp_servers=new_central_ntp, auth_info=central_auth) if managed_subcloud: LOG.tc_step("Wait for new NTP config to sync over to managed subcloud: {}".format(managed_subcloud)) dc_helper.wait_for_subcloud_ntp_config(subcloud=managed_subcloud, expected_ntp=new_central_ntp) LOG.tc_step("Ensure NTP config is not updated on unmanaged subcloud: {}".format(primary_subcloud)) code = dc_helper.wait_for_subcloud_ntp_config(subcloud=primary_subcloud, expected_ntp=new_central_ntp, timeout=60, fail_ok=True, clear_alarm=False)[0] assert 1 == code, "Actual return code: {}".format(code) assert local_subcloud_ntp == system_helper.get_ntp_servers(auth_info=primary_sub_auth) LOG.tc_step('Re-manage {} and ensure NTP config syncs over'.format(primary_subcloud)) dc_helper.manage_subcloud(subcloud=primary_subcloud, check_first=False) dc_helper.wait_for_subcloud_ntp_config(subcloud=primary_subcloud, expected_ntp=new_central_ntp) LOG.tc_step('Verify NTP alarm appeared for invalid server on central and managed subclouds') for auth_info in auth_list: system_helper.wait_for_alarm(alarm_id=EventLogID.NTP_ALARM, auth_info=auth_info, timeout=660)