def endMenu(): global selected global endMenu global clock global screen selected = None endMenu = KezMenu(["Play Again", lambda: option(1)], ["Quit", lambda: option(2)]) endMenu.color = (255,255,255) endMenu.focus_color = (0,255,0) endMenu.enableEffect('enlarge-font-on-focus', font = None, size = 16, enlarge_factor = 2.) while True: time_passed = clock.tick() / 1000. events = pygame.event.get() endMenu.update(events,time_passed) screen.fill((0,0,0,0)) endMenu.draw(screen) pygame.display.update() if selected is not None: break for x in events: if x.type == KEYDOWN: if x.dict["key"] == K_ESCAPE: pygame.display.quit() return pygame.display.quit()
def main(): # Display menu for player pygame.font.init() screen = pygame.display.set_mode((640, 480), 0, 32) menu = KezMenu( ["New Game", lambda: optionX("new_game")], ["Load Game", lambda: optionX("load_game")], ["Quit!", lambda: optionX("quit")], ) menu.mouse_enabled = False while True: events = pygame.event.get() menu.update(events) screen.fill((150, 150, 150, 255)) menu.draw(screen) pygame.display.flip() if OPTION_SELECTED: break if OPTION_SELECTED == "quit": print("Aww, that's too bad! See you next time!") pygame.quit() sys.exit() else: # Initialize game object game = Game(S_WIDTH, S_HEIGHT, P_WIDTH, P_HEIGHT, TILESIZE, WHITE) # Load last saved game if it exists if OPTION_SELECTED == "load_game": if (game.save_exists()): game.load() # Start game # When exiting save game # Close game pygame.quit() sys.exit()
def main(): # Display menu for player pygame.font.init() screen = pygame.display.set_mode( (640,480), 0, 32 ) menu = KezMenu( ["New Game", lambda: optionX("new_game")], ["Load Game", lambda: optionX("load_game")], ["Quit!", lambda: optionX("quit")], ) menu.mouse_enabled = False while True: events = pygame.event.get() menu.update(events) screen.fill( (150,150,150,255) ) menu.draw(screen) pygame.display.flip() if OPTION_SELECTED: break if OPTION_SELECTED == "quit": print("Aww, that's too bad! See you next time!") pygame.quit() sys.exit() else: # Initialize game object game = Game(S_WIDTH, S_HEIGHT, P_WIDTH, P_HEIGHT, TILESIZE, WHITE) # Load last saved game if it exists if OPTION_SELECTED == "load_game": if(game.save_exists()): game.load() # Start game # When exiting save game # Close game pygame.quit() sys.exit()
def option3(): global OPTION_SELECTED OPTION_SELECTED = 1 def optionX(p): global OPTION_SELECTED OPTION_SELECTED = p menu = KezMenu( ["First option!", option1], ["sEcond", option2], ["Again!", option3], ["Lambda", lambda: optionX(71)], ["Quit", sys.exit], ) menu.mouse_enabled = False def drawMenu(): screen.fill((150, 150, 150, 255)) menu.draw(screen) pygame.display.flip() pygame.display.set_caption("Example 1: Use the KezMenu freely") while True: events = pygame.event.get()
def __init__(self, game_opts): # initialize the state State.__init__(self, 'menu') ## the game's command line options self.game_opts = game_opts ## the screen surface self.screen = pygame.display.get_surface() ## flag to control the settings menu's loop self.menu_settings_running = None ## flag to control the main menu's loop self.menu_main_running = True # enable key repeat for the menu pygame.key.set_repeat(MENU_KEY_DEL, MENU_KEY_INT) ## set the main menu's background self.menu_main_bg = graphics.load_image( constants.FILES['graphics']['menu']['main']['bg'][0])[0] ## set the settings menu's background self.menu_settings_bg = graphics.load_image( constants.FILES['graphics']['menu']['share']['bg'][0])[0] ## set the settings menu's background box self.menu_box_bg = graphics.load_image( constants.FILES['graphics']['menu']['settings']['box'][0])[0] ## set the window frame self.window_frame = graphics.load_image( constants.FILES['graphics']['menu']['share']['frame'][0])[0] ## set the mouse cursor self.mouse_cursor = graphics.load_image( constants.FILES['graphics']['menu']['share']['cursor'][0])[0] ## set the sound when a menu option is entered self.select_option_snd = sound_mixer.load_sound( constants.FILES['sounds']['menu']['share']['sel'][0]) ## create the main menu - string, callback function self.menu_main = KezMenu(self.game_opts, ['Play' , self._play_option], ['Settings' , self._settings_option], ['Credits' , self._credits_option], ['Quit' , self._quit_option]) # set the position of the main menu self.menu_main.set_position(MENU_MAIN_POS_X, MENU_MAIN_POS_Y) # set the main menu's font self.menu_main.set_font(graphics.load_font( constants.FILES['fonts']['menu']['share'][0], 30)) # set the main menu's highlight color self.menu_main.set_highlight_color(pygame.Color('brown')) ## create the settings menu - string, callback function self.menu_settings = KezMenu(self.game_opts, ['Fullscreen' , self._toggle_fullscreen_option], ['Sounds' , self._toggle_sounds_option], ['Music' , self._toggle_music_option], ['Back' , self._back_option]) # disable the menu graphic for focused options self.menu_settings.toggle_image() # set the settings menu's font self.menu_settings.set_font(graphics.load_font( constants.FILES['fonts']['menu']['share'][0], 25)) # set the position of the settings menu self.menu_settings.center_at(constants.SCREEN_WIDTH / 2.0, constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2.0) # set the settings menu's highlight color self.menu_settings.set_highlight_color(pygame.Color('orange')) ## the animated sprite group self.anim_sprites = pygame.sprite.RenderUpdates() # vertical sprite sample self.anim_sprites.add(VertAnimSprite( constants.FILES['graphics']['menu']['share']['anim'][0], [0, 0], ANIM_SPRITE_SPEED)) # horizontal sprite sample self.anim_sprites.add(HorAnimSprite( constants.FILES['graphics']['menu']['share']['anim'][1], [0, 0], ANIM_SPRITE_SPEED)) ## create clock and track time self.clock = pygame.time.Clock()
class Menu(State): ## initialize both the main and settings menu # # @param self the object pointer # @param game_opts the game's command line options def __init__(self, game_opts): # initialize the state State.__init__(self, 'menu') ## the game's command line options self.game_opts = game_opts ## the screen surface self.screen = pygame.display.get_surface() ## flag to control the settings menu's loop self.menu_settings_running = None ## flag to control the main menu's loop self.menu_main_running = True # enable key repeat for the menu pygame.key.set_repeat(MENU_KEY_DEL, MENU_KEY_INT) ## set the main menu's background self.menu_main_bg = graphics.load_image( constants.FILES['graphics']['menu']['main']['bg'][0])[0] ## set the settings menu's background self.menu_settings_bg = graphics.load_image( constants.FILES['graphics']['menu']['share']['bg'][0])[0] ## set the settings menu's background box self.menu_box_bg = graphics.load_image( constants.FILES['graphics']['menu']['settings']['box'][0])[0] ## set the window frame self.window_frame = graphics.load_image( constants.FILES['graphics']['menu']['share']['frame'][0])[0] ## set the mouse cursor self.mouse_cursor = graphics.load_image( constants.FILES['graphics']['menu']['share']['cursor'][0])[0] ## set the sound when a menu option is entered self.select_option_snd = sound_mixer.load_sound( constants.FILES['sounds']['menu']['share']['sel'][0]) ## create the main menu - string, callback function self.menu_main = KezMenu(self.game_opts, ['Play' , self._play_option], ['Settings' , self._settings_option], ['Credits' , self._credits_option], ['Quit' , self._quit_option]) # set the position of the main menu self.menu_main.set_position(MENU_MAIN_POS_X, MENU_MAIN_POS_Y) # set the main menu's font self.menu_main.set_font(graphics.load_font( constants.FILES['fonts']['menu']['share'][0], 30)) # set the main menu's highlight color self.menu_main.set_highlight_color(pygame.Color('brown')) ## create the settings menu - string, callback function self.menu_settings = KezMenu(self.game_opts, ['Fullscreen' , self._toggle_fullscreen_option], ['Sounds' , self._toggle_sounds_option], ['Music' , self._toggle_music_option], ['Back' , self._back_option]) # disable the menu graphic for focused options self.menu_settings.toggle_image() # set the settings menu's font self.menu_settings.set_font(graphics.load_font( constants.FILES['fonts']['menu']['share'][0], 25)) # set the position of the settings menu self.menu_settings.center_at(constants.SCREEN_WIDTH / 2.0, constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2.0) # set the settings menu's highlight color self.menu_settings.set_highlight_color(pygame.Color('orange')) ## the animated sprite group self.anim_sprites = pygame.sprite.RenderUpdates() # vertical sprite sample self.anim_sprites.add(VertAnimSprite( constants.FILES['graphics']['menu']['share']['anim'][0], [0, 0], ANIM_SPRITE_SPEED)) # horizontal sprite sample self.anim_sprites.add(HorAnimSprite( constants.FILES['graphics']['menu']['share']['anim'][1], [0, 0], ANIM_SPRITE_SPEED)) ## create clock and track time self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() ## what to do when the main menu is enabled # # @param self the object pointer def do_actions(self): # display & update screen, get all the events while self.menu_main_running: # draw the background self.screen.blit(self.menu_main_bg, (0, 0)) # count time passed in seconds time_passed_seconds = get_time_sec(self.clock.tick(50)) # animate the sprites self.anim_sprites.update(time_passed_seconds) rectlist = self.anim_sprites.draw(self.screen) # draw the main menu self.menu_main.draw(self.screen) # draw the custom mouse cursor graphics.handle_mouse_cursor(self.mouse_cursor, self.screen) # draw the frame of the window self.screen.blit(self.window_frame, (0, 0)) # display the screen surface pygame.display.update() # clear the sprites self.anim_sprites.clear(self.screen, self.menu_main_bg) # get all the events events = pygame.event.get() # ......... and update the main menu # which needs access to those events self.menu_main.update(events) # main menu event loop for e in events: # quit when the close button is pressed if e.type == pygame.QUIT: self._quit_option() # handle keyboard keys elif e.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: # play the sound if there was a menu key shortcut if self.game_opts.sound: if e.key in (pygame.K_p, pygame.K_s, pygame.K_c): sound_mixer.play_sound( self.select_option_snd, 0.2) # when user presses escape or 'q'uit key if e.key in (pygame.K_ESCAPE, pygame.K_q): self._quit_option() # when user presses 'p'lay key elif e.key == pygame.K_p: self._play_option() # when user presses 's'ettings key elif e.key == pygame.K_s: self._settings_option() # when user presses 'c'redits key elif e.key == pygame.K_c: self._credits_option() ## entry point for main menu's settings option # # @param self the object pointer def _settings_option(self): # each time we enter in settings # sub menu, set the flag to true self.menu_settings_running = True # decrease the alpha of animated sprites for s in self.anim_sprites: s.image.set_alpha(ANIM_SPRITE_ALPHA) # display & update screen, get all the events while self.menu_settings_running: # draw the background self.screen.blit(self.menu_settings_bg, (0, 0)) # draw the main menu self.menu_main.draw(self.screen) # count time passed in seconds time_passed_seconds = get_time_sec(self.clock.tick(50)) # animate the sprites self.anim_sprites.update(time_passed_seconds) rectlist = self.anim_sprites.draw(self.screen) # draw settings menu background box self.screen.blit(self.menu_box_bg, ( (constants.SCREEN_WIDTH - self.menu_box_bg.get_width()) / 2.0, (constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT - self.menu_box_bg.get_height()) / 2.0)) # draw the settings menu self.menu_settings.draw(self.screen) # draw the custom mouse cursor graphics.handle_mouse_cursor(self.mouse_cursor, self.screen) # draw the frame of the window self.screen.blit(self.window_frame, (0, 0)) # display the screen surface pygame.display.update() # clear the sprites self.anim_sprites.clear(self.screen, self.menu_main_bg) # get all the events events = pygame.event.get() # ..... and update the settings menu # which needs access to those events self.menu_settings.update(events) # settings menu event loop for e in events: # quit when the close button is pressed if e.type == pygame.QUIT: self._back_option() self._quit_option() # handle keyboard keys elif e.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: # play the sound if there was a menu key shortcut if self.game_opts.sound: if e.key in (pygame.K_f, pygame.K_s, pygame.K_m, pygame.K_b, pygame.K_ESCAPE): sound_mixer.play_sound( self.select_option_snd, 0.2) # when user presses escape key or 'b'ack key if e.key in (pygame.K_ESCAPE, pygame.K_b): self._back_option() # when user presses 'f'ullscreen key elif e.key == pygame.K_f: self._toggle_fullscreen_option() # when user presses 's'ounds key elif e.key == pygame.K_s: self._toggle_sounds_option() # when user presses 'm'usic key elif e.key == pygame.K_m: self._toggle_music_option() # restore the alpha of the animated sprites for s in self.anim_sprites: s.image.set_alpha(255) ## entry point for main menu's new game option # # @param self the object pointer def _play_option(self): if self.game_opts.verbose: print 'Start a new game.' ## entry point for main menu's credits option # # @param self the object pointer def _credits_option(self): # get the path of the filename fullname = file_path( constants.FILES['texts']['menu']['credits']['text'][0], constants.TEXTS_DIR) # if credits text file exists and is readable if os.access(fullname, os.F_OK) and os.access(fullname, os.R_OK): if self.game_opts.verbose: print 'Go to the credits screen.' # create the credits screen c = Credits(self.screen, self.game_opts, self.window_frame, self.menu_settings_bg, self.select_option_snd, fullname) # run the credits screen if not # quit if the close button is # pressed (inside the credits) self._quit_option() else: print ''.join(["Couldn't text file: ", fullname]) ## entry point for main menu's quit option # # @param self the object pointer def _quit_option(self): if self.game_opts.verbose: print 'Exit the game!' # perform safe exit safe_exit() ## entry point for settings menu's toggle fullscreen option # # @param self the object pointer def _toggle_fullscreen_option(self): self.game_opts.fullscreen = not self.game_opts.fullscreen if self.game_opts.verbose: print 'Toggle fullscreen!' # store the position of the mouse cursor mouse_position = pygame.mouse.get_pos() # toggle the fullscreen <-> window mode pygame.display.set_mode( (constants.SCREEN_WIDTH, constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT), pygame.FULLSCREEN if self.game_opts.fullscreen else 0) # update the mouse cursor position pygame.mouse.set_pos(mouse_position) ## entry point for settings menu's toggle sounds option # # @param self the object pointer def _toggle_sounds_option(self): self.game_opts.sound = not self.game_opts.sound if self.game_opts.verbose: print 'Toggle sounds!' ## entry point for settings menu's toggle music option # # @param self the object pointer def _toggle_music_option(self): if self.game_opts.verbose: print 'Toggle music!' = not if else: ## entry point for settings menu's back option # # @param self the object pointer def _back_option(self): self.menu_settings_running = False if self.game_opts.verbose: print 'Go back to main menu!'
def __init__(self, game_opts): # initialize the state State.__init__(self, constants.SCENES['menu']) ## the game's command line options self.game_opts = game_opts ## the screen surface self.screen = pygame.display.get_surface() ## flag to control the settings menu's loop self.menu_settings_running = None ## flag to control the main menu's loop self.menu_main_running = True # enable key repeat for the menu pygame.key.set_repeat(MENU_KEY_DEL, MENU_KEY_INT) ## set the main menu's background self.menu_main_bg = graphics.load_image( constants.FILES['graphics']['menu']['main']['bg'][0])[0] ## set the settings menu's background self.menu_settings_bg = graphics.load_image( constants.FILES['graphics']['menu']['share']['bg'][0])[0] ## set the settings menu's background box self.menu_box_bg = graphics.load_image( constants.FILES['graphics']['menu']['settings']['box'][0])[0] ## set the window frame self.window_frame = graphics.load_image( constants.FILES['graphics']['menu']['share']['frame'][0])[0] ## set the mouse cursor self.mouse_cursor = graphics.load_image( constants.FILES['graphics']['menu']['share']['cursor'][0])[0] ## set the sound when a menu option is entered self.select_option_snd = sound_mixer.load_sound( constants.FILES['sounds']['menu']['share']['sel'][0]) ## create the main menu - string, callback function self.menu_main = KezMenu(self.game_opts, ['Play', self._play_option], ['Settings', self._settings_option], ['Credits', self._credits_option], ['Quit', self._quit_option]) # set the position of the main menu self.menu_main.set_position(MENU_MAIN_POS_X, MENU_MAIN_POS_Y) # set the main menu's font self.menu_main.set_font( graphics.load_font(constants.FILES['fonts']['menu']['share'][0], MAIN_FONT_SIZE)) # set the main menu's highlight color self.menu_main.set_highlight_color(MAIN_FOCUS_COLOR) ## create the settings menu - string, callback function self.menu_settings = KezMenu( self.game_opts, ['Fullscreen', self._toggle_fullscreen_option], ['Sounds', self._toggle_sounds_option], ['Music', self._toggle_music_option], ['Back', self._back_option]) # disable the menu graphic for focused options self.menu_settings.toggle_image() # set the settings menu's font self.menu_settings.set_font( graphics.load_font(constants.FILES['fonts']['menu']['share'][0], MENU_FONT_SIZE)) # set the position of the settings menu self.menu_settings.center_at(constants.SCREEN_WIDTH / 2.0, constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2.0) # set the settings menu's highlight color self.menu_settings.set_highlight_color(SETTINGS_FOCUS_COLOR) ## the animated sprite group self.anim_sprites = pygame.sprite.RenderUpdates() # create the animated sprites sprite_num = len(constants.FILES['graphics']['menu']['share']['anim']) sprite_fact = SpriteFactory() for i in range(sprite_num): # create the "right" type of animated sprite using the factory r_sprite = sprite_fact.create_anim_sprite( i, constants.FILES['graphics']['menu']['share']['anim'][i], ANIM_SPRITE_SPEED) self.anim_sprites.add(r_sprite) ## create clock and track time self.clock = pygame.time.Clock()
class Menu(State): ## initialize both the main and settings menu # # @param self the object pointer # @param game_opts the game's command line options def __init__(self, game_opts): # initialize the state State.__init__(self, constants.SCENES['menu']) ## the game's command line options self.game_opts = game_opts ## the screen surface self.screen = pygame.display.get_surface() ## flag to control the settings menu's loop self.menu_settings_running = None ## flag to control the main menu's loop self.menu_main_running = True # enable key repeat for the menu pygame.key.set_repeat(MENU_KEY_DEL, MENU_KEY_INT) ## set the main menu's background self.menu_main_bg = graphics.load_image( constants.FILES['graphics']['menu']['main']['bg'][0])[0] ## set the settings menu's background self.menu_settings_bg = graphics.load_image( constants.FILES['graphics']['menu']['share']['bg'][0])[0] ## set the settings menu's background box self.menu_box_bg = graphics.load_image( constants.FILES['graphics']['menu']['settings']['box'][0])[0] ## set the window frame self.window_frame = graphics.load_image( constants.FILES['graphics']['menu']['share']['frame'][0])[0] ## set the mouse cursor self.mouse_cursor = graphics.load_image( constants.FILES['graphics']['menu']['share']['cursor'][0])[0] ## set the sound when a menu option is entered self.select_option_snd = sound_mixer.load_sound( constants.FILES['sounds']['menu']['share']['sel'][0]) ## create the main menu - string, callback function self.menu_main = KezMenu(self.game_opts, ['Play', self._play_option], ['Settings', self._settings_option], ['Credits', self._credits_option], ['Quit', self._quit_option]) # set the position of the main menu self.menu_main.set_position(MENU_MAIN_POS_X, MENU_MAIN_POS_Y) # set the main menu's font self.menu_main.set_font( graphics.load_font(constants.FILES['fonts']['menu']['share'][0], MAIN_FONT_SIZE)) # set the main menu's highlight color self.menu_main.set_highlight_color(MAIN_FOCUS_COLOR) ## create the settings menu - string, callback function self.menu_settings = KezMenu( self.game_opts, ['Fullscreen', self._toggle_fullscreen_option], ['Sounds', self._toggle_sounds_option], ['Music', self._toggle_music_option], ['Back', self._back_option]) # disable the menu graphic for focused options self.menu_settings.toggle_image() # set the settings menu's font self.menu_settings.set_font( graphics.load_font(constants.FILES['fonts']['menu']['share'][0], MENU_FONT_SIZE)) # set the position of the settings menu self.menu_settings.center_at(constants.SCREEN_WIDTH / 2.0, constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2.0) # set the settings menu's highlight color self.menu_settings.set_highlight_color(SETTINGS_FOCUS_COLOR) ## the animated sprite group self.anim_sprites = pygame.sprite.RenderUpdates() # create the animated sprites sprite_num = len(constants.FILES['graphics']['menu']['share']['anim']) sprite_fact = SpriteFactory() for i in range(sprite_num): # create the "right" type of animated sprite using the factory r_sprite = sprite_fact.create_anim_sprite( i, constants.FILES['graphics']['menu']['share']['anim'][i], ANIM_SPRITE_SPEED) self.anim_sprites.add(r_sprite) ## create clock and track time self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() ## what to do when the main menu is enabled # # @param self the object pointer def do_actions(self): # display & update screen, get all the events while self.menu_main_running: # draw the background bg = self.screen.blit(self.menu_main_bg, (0, 0)) # count time passed in seconds time_passed_seconds = get_time_sec( self.clock.tick(MENU_CLOCK_TICK)) # animate the sprites self.anim_sprites.update(time_passed_seconds) # rectlist = self.anim_sprites.draw(self.screen) self.anim_sprites.draw(self.screen) # draw the main menu self.menu_main.draw(self.screen) # draw the custom mouse cursor graphics.handle_mouse_cursor(self.mouse_cursor, self.screen) # draw the frame of the window fr = self.screen.blit(self.window_frame, (0, 0)) need_update = (bg, fr) # display the screen surface pygame.display.update(need_update) # get all the events events = pygame.event.get() # ......... and update the main menu # which needs access to those events self.menu_main.update(events) # main menu event loop for e in events: # quit when the close button is pressed if e.type == pygame.QUIT: self._quit_option() # handle keyboard keys elif e.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: # play the sound if there was a menu key shortcut if self.game_opts.sound: if e.key in (pygame.K_p, pygame.K_s, pygame.K_c): sound_mixer.play_sound(self.select_option_snd, SOUND_VOL) # when user presses escape or 'q'uit key if e.key in (pygame.K_ESCAPE, pygame.K_q): self._quit_option() # when user presses 'p'lay key elif e.key == pygame.K_p: self._play_option() # when user presses 's'ettings key elif e.key == pygame.K_s: self._settings_option() # when user presses 'c'redits key elif e.key == pygame.K_c: self._credits_option() ## entry point for main menu's settings option # # @param self the object pointer def _settings_option(self): # each time we enter in settings # sub menu, set the flag to true self.menu_settings_running = True # decrease the alpha of animated sprites for s in self.anim_sprites: s.image.set_alpha(ANIM_SPRITE_ALPHA) # display & update screen, get all the events while self.menu_settings_running: # draw the background bg = self.screen.blit(self.menu_settings_bg, (0, 0)) # draw the main menu self.menu_main.draw(self.screen) # count time passed in seconds time_passed_seconds = get_time_sec( self.clock.tick(MENU_CLOCK_TICK)) # animate the sprites self.anim_sprites.update(time_passed_seconds) self.anim_sprites.draw(self.screen) # draw settings menu background box menu_bg = self.screen.blit( self.menu_box_bg, ((constants.SCREEN_WIDTH - self.menu_box_bg.get_width()) / 2.0, (constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT - self.menu_box_bg.get_height()) / 2.0)) # draw the settings menu self.menu_settings.draw(self.screen) # draw the custom mouse cursor graphics.handle_mouse_cursor(self.mouse_cursor, self.screen) # draw the frame of the window fr = self.screen.blit(self.window_frame, (0, 0)) need_update = (bg, menu_bg, fr) # display the screen surface pygame.display.update(need_update) # get all the events events = pygame.event.get() # ..... and update the settings menu # which needs access to those events self.menu_settings.update(events) # settings menu event loop for e in events: # quit when the close button is pressed if e.type == pygame.QUIT: self._back_option() self._quit_option() # handle keyboard keys elif e.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: # play the sound if there was a menu key shortcut if self.game_opts.sound: if e.key in (pygame.K_f, pygame.K_s, pygame.K_m, pygame.K_b, pygame.K_ESCAPE): sound_mixer.play_sound(self.select_option_snd, SOUND_VOL) # when user presses escape key or 'b'ack key if e.key in (pygame.K_ESCAPE, pygame.K_b): self._back_option() # when user presses 'f'ullscreen key elif e.key == pygame.K_f: self._toggle_fullscreen_option() # when user presses 's'ounds key elif e.key == pygame.K_s: self._toggle_sounds_option() # when user presses 'm'usic key elif e.key == pygame.K_m: self._toggle_music_option() # restore the alpha of the animated sprites for s in self.anim_sprites: s.image.set_alpha(MAX_ALPHA) ## entry point for main menu's new game option # # @param self the object pointer def _play_option(self): if self.game_opts.verbose: print('Start a new game.') self.menu_main_running = False ## what should be satisfied for enabling the next scene # # @param self the object pointer # @return the name of the next scene def check_conditions(self): # if the scene is finished, returns back # to the caller the name of the next one if not self.menu_main_running: return constants.SCENES['level_one'] return None ## entry point for main menu's credits option # # @param self the object pointer def _credits_option(self): # get the path of the filename fullname = file_path( constants.FILES['texts']['menu']['credits']['text'][0], constants.TEXTS_DIR) # if credits text file exists and is readable if os.access(fullname, os.F_OK) and os.access(fullname, os.R_OK): if self.game_opts.verbose: print('Go to the credits screen.') # create the credits screen c = Credits(self.screen, self.game_opts, self.window_frame, self.menu_settings_bg, self.select_option_snd, fullname) # run the credits screen if not # quit if the close button is # pressed (inside the credits) self._quit_option() else: print((' '.join(("Couldn't read text file:", fullname)))) ## entry point for main menu's quit option # # @param self the object pointer def _quit_option(self): if self.game_opts.verbose: print('Exit the game!') # perform safe exit safe_exit() ## entry point for settings menu's toggle fullscreen option # # @param self the object pointer def _toggle_fullscreen_option(self): self.game_opts.fullscreen = not self.game_opts.fullscreen if self.game_opts.verbose: print('Toggle fullscreen!') # store the position of the mouse cursor mouse_position = pygame.mouse.get_pos() # toggle the fullscreen <-> window mode pygame.display.set_mode( (constants.SCREEN_WIDTH, constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT), pygame.FULLSCREEN if self.game_opts.fullscreen else 0) # update the mouse cursor position pygame.mouse.set_pos(mouse_position) ## entry point for settings menu's toggle sounds option # # @param self the object pointer def _toggle_sounds_option(self): self.game_opts.sound = not self.game_opts.sound if self.game_opts.verbose: print('Toggle sounds!') ## entry point for settings menu's toggle music option # # @param self the object pointer def _toggle_music_option(self): if self.game_opts.verbose: print('Toggle music!') = not if else: ## entry point for settings menu's back option # # @param self the object pointer def _back_option(self): self.menu_settings_running = False if self.game_opts.verbose: print('Go back to main menu!')
def option2(): global OPTION_SELECTED OPTION_SELECTED = 1 def option3(): global OPTION_SELECTED OPTION_SELECTED = 1 def optionX(p): global OPTION_SELECTED OPTION_SELECTED = p menu = KezMenu( ["First option!", option1], ["sEcond", option2], ["Again!", option3], ["Lambda", lambda: optionX(71)], ["Quit", sys.exit], ) menu.mouse_enabled = False def drawMenu(): screen.fill( (150,150,150,255) ) menu.draw(screen) pygame.display.flip() pygame.display.set_caption("Example 1: Use the KezMenu freely") while True: events = pygame.event.get() menu.update(events) screen.fill( (150,150,150,255) )
def __init__(self, game_opts): State.__init__(self, constants.SCENES['menu']) self.game_opts = game_opts self.screen = pygame.display.get_surface() self.menu_settings_running = None self.menu_main_running = True pygame.key.set_repeat(MENU_KEY_DEL, MENU_KEY_INT) self.menu_main_bg = ResourceManager().getImage( constants.FILES['graphics']['menu']['main']['bg'][0]) self.menu_settings_bg = ResourceManager().getImage( constants.FILES['graphics']['menu']['share']['bg'][0]) self.menu_box_bg = ResourceManager().getImage( constants.FILES['graphics']['menu']['settings']['box'][0]) self.window_frame = ResourceManager().getImage( constants.FILES['graphics']['menu']['share']['frame'][0]) self.mouse_cursor = ResourceManager().getImage( constants.FILES['graphics']['menu']['share']['cursor'][0]) self.select_option_snd = sound_mixer.load_sound( constants.FILES['sounds']['menu']['share']['sel'][0]) # create the main menu - string, callback function self.menu_main = KezMenu(self.game_opts, ['Play' , self._play_option], ['Settings' , self._settings_option], ['Credits' , self._credits_option], ['Quit' , self._quit_option]) self.menu_main.set_position(MENU_MAIN_POS_X, MENU_MAIN_POS_Y) self.menu_main.set_font(graphics.load_font( constants.FILES['fonts']['menu']['share'][0], MAIN_FONT_SIZE)) self.menu_main.set_highlight_color(MAIN_FOCUS_COLOR) # create the settings menu - string, callback function self.menu_settings = KezMenu(self.game_opts, ['Fullscreen' , self._toggle_fullscreen_option], ['Sounds' , self._toggle_sounds_option], ['Music' , self._toggle_music_option], ['Back' , self._back_option]) # disable the menu graphic for focused options self.menu_settings.toggle_image() self.menu_settings.set_font(graphics.load_font( constants.FILES['fonts']['menu']['share'][0], MENU_FONT_SIZE)) self.menu_settings.center_at(constants.SCREEN_WIDTH / 2.0, constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2.0) self.menu_settings.set_highlight_color(SETTINGS_FOCUS_COLOR) self.sprites = pygame.sprite.LayeredUpdates() sprites_number = len(constants.FILES['graphics']['menu']['share']['anim']) sprite_area = self.screen.get_rect() sprite_limiter = LimiterFactory().getInstance('Default') for i in range(sprites_number): sprite = MenuSprite(constants.FILES['graphics']['menu']['share']['anim'][i], (, i, MAX_ALPHA, False, SPRITE_SPEED, sprite_area, 'Random') sprite.limiter = sprite_limiter self.sprites.add(sprite) self.clock = pygame.time.Clock()
class Menu(State): def __init__(self, game_opts): State.__init__(self, constants.SCENES['menu']) self.game_opts = game_opts self.screen = pygame.display.get_surface() self.menu_settings_running = None self.menu_main_running = True pygame.key.set_repeat(MENU_KEY_DEL, MENU_KEY_INT) self.menu_main_bg = ResourceManager().getImage( constants.FILES['graphics']['menu']['main']['bg'][0]) self.menu_settings_bg = ResourceManager().getImage( constants.FILES['graphics']['menu']['share']['bg'][0]) self.menu_box_bg = ResourceManager().getImage( constants.FILES['graphics']['menu']['settings']['box'][0]) self.window_frame = ResourceManager().getImage( constants.FILES['graphics']['menu']['share']['frame'][0]) self.mouse_cursor = ResourceManager().getImage( constants.FILES['graphics']['menu']['share']['cursor'][0]) self.select_option_snd = sound_mixer.load_sound( constants.FILES['sounds']['menu']['share']['sel'][0]) # create the main menu - string, callback function self.menu_main = KezMenu(self.game_opts, ['Play' , self._play_option], ['Settings' , self._settings_option], ['Credits' , self._credits_option], ['Quit' , self._quit_option]) self.menu_main.set_position(MENU_MAIN_POS_X, MENU_MAIN_POS_Y) self.menu_main.set_font(graphics.load_font( constants.FILES['fonts']['menu']['share'][0], MAIN_FONT_SIZE)) self.menu_main.set_highlight_color(MAIN_FOCUS_COLOR) # create the settings menu - string, callback function self.menu_settings = KezMenu(self.game_opts, ['Fullscreen' , self._toggle_fullscreen_option], ['Sounds' , self._toggle_sounds_option], ['Music' , self._toggle_music_option], ['Back' , self._back_option]) # disable the menu graphic for focused options self.menu_settings.toggle_image() self.menu_settings.set_font(graphics.load_font( constants.FILES['fonts']['menu']['share'][0], MENU_FONT_SIZE)) self.menu_settings.center_at(constants.SCREEN_WIDTH / 2.0, constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2.0) self.menu_settings.set_highlight_color(SETTINGS_FOCUS_COLOR) self.sprites = pygame.sprite.LayeredUpdates() sprites_number = len(constants.FILES['graphics']['menu']['share']['anim']) sprite_area = self.screen.get_rect() sprite_limiter = LimiterFactory().getInstance('Default') for i in range(sprites_number): sprite = MenuSprite(constants.FILES['graphics']['menu']['share']['anim'][i], (, i, MAX_ALPHA, False, SPRITE_SPEED, sprite_area, 'Random') sprite.limiter = sprite_limiter self.sprites.add(sprite) self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() def do_actions(self): while self.menu_main_running: bg = self.screen.blit(self.menu_main_bg, (0, 0)) time_passed_seconds = get_time_sec(self.clock.tick(MENU_CLOCK_TICK)) self.sprites.update(time_passed_seconds) self.sprites.draw(self.screen) self.menu_main.draw(self.screen) graphics.handle_mouse_cursor(self.mouse_cursor, self.screen) fr = self.screen.blit(self.window_frame, (0, 0)) need_update = (bg, fr) pygame.display.update(need_update) events = pygame.event.get() self.menu_main.update(events) for e in events: if e.type == pygame.QUIT: self._quit_option() elif e.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if self.game_opts.sound: if e.key in (pygame.K_p, pygame.K_s, pygame.K_c): sound_mixer.play_sound( self.select_option_snd, SOUND_VOL) if e.key in (pygame.K_ESCAPE, pygame.K_q): self._quit_option() elif e.key == pygame.K_p: self._play_option() elif e.key == pygame.K_s: self._settings_option() elif e.key == pygame.K_c: self._credits_option() # TODO eliminate this duplicate code def _settings_option(self): '''Entry point for main menu's settings option.''' # each time we enter in settings # sub menu, set the flag to true self.menu_settings_running = True for s in self.sprites: s.alpha = SPRITE_ALPHA while self.menu_settings_running: bg = self.screen.blit(self.menu_settings_bg, (0, 0)) self.menu_main.draw(self.screen) time_passed_seconds = get_time_sec(self.clock.tick(MENU_CLOCK_TICK)) self.sprites.update(time_passed_seconds) self.sprites.draw(self.screen) menu_bg = self.screen.blit(self.menu_box_bg, ( (constants.SCREEN_WIDTH - self.menu_box_bg.get_width()) / 2.0, (constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT - self.menu_box_bg.get_height()) / 2.0)) self.menu_settings.draw(self.screen) graphics.handle_mouse_cursor(self.mouse_cursor, self.screen) fr = self.screen.blit(self.window_frame, (0, 0)) need_update = (bg, menu_bg, fr) pygame.display.update(need_update) events = pygame.event.get() self.menu_settings.update(events) for e in events: if e.type == pygame.QUIT: self._back_option() self._quit_option() elif e.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if self.game_opts.sound: if e.key in (pygame.K_f, pygame.K_s, pygame.K_m, pygame.K_b, pygame.K_ESCAPE): sound_mixer.play_sound( self.select_option_snd, SOUND_VOL) if e.key in (pygame.K_ESCAPE, pygame.K_b): self._back_option() elif e.key == pygame.K_f: self._toggle_fullscreen_option() elif e.key == pygame.K_s: self._toggle_sounds_option() elif e.key == pygame.K_m: self._toggle_music_option() for s in self.sprites: s.alpha = MAX_ALPHA def _play_option(self): if self.game_opts.verbose: print('Start a new game.') self.menu_main_running = False def check_conditions(self): if not self.menu_main_running: return constants.SCENES['level_one'] return None ## entry point for main menu's credits option # # @param self the object pointer def _credits_option(self): fullname = file_path( constants.FILES['texts']['menu']['credits']['text'][0], constants.TEXTS_DIR) if os.access(fullname, os.F_OK) and os.access(fullname, os.R_OK): if self.game_opts.verbose: print('Go to the credits screen.') c = Credits(self.screen, self.game_opts, self.window_frame, self.menu_settings_bg, self.select_option_snd, fullname) if not # quit if the close button is # pressed (inside the credits) self._quit_option() else: path = os.path.basename(__file__) print("{0}: couldn't read text file: {1}".format(path, fullname)) raise SystemExit def _quit_option(self): if self.game_opts.verbose: print('Exit the game!') # perform safe exit safe_exit() def _toggle_fullscreen_option(self): self.game_opts.fullscreen = not self.game_opts.fullscreen if self.game_opts.verbose: print('Toggle fullscreen!') mouse_position = pygame.mouse.get_pos() pygame.display.set_mode( (constants.SCREEN_WIDTH, constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT), pygame.FULLSCREEN if self.game_opts.fullscreen else 0) pygame.mouse.set_pos(mouse_position) def _toggle_sounds_option(self): self.game_opts.sound = not self.game_opts.sound if self.game_opts.verbose: print('Toggle sounds!') def _toggle_music_option(self): if self.game_opts.verbose: print('Toggle music!') = not if else: def _back_option(self): self.menu_settings_running = False if self.game_opts.verbose: print('Go back to main menu!')
def __init__(self, game_opts): # initialize the state State.__init__(self, constants.SCENES["menu"]) ## the game's command line options self.game_opts = game_opts ## the screen surface self.screen = pygame.display.get_surface() ## flag to control the settings menu's loop self.menu_settings_running = None ## flag to control the main menu's loop self.menu_main_running = True # enable key repeat for the menu pygame.key.set_repeat(MENU_KEY_DEL, MENU_KEY_INT) ## set the main menu's background self.menu_main_bg = graphics.load_image(constants.FILES["graphics"]["menu"]["main"]["bg"][0])[0] ## set the settings menu's background self.menu_settings_bg = graphics.load_image(constants.FILES["graphics"]["menu"]["share"]["bg"][0])[0] ## set the settings menu's background box self.menu_box_bg = graphics.load_image(constants.FILES["graphics"]["menu"]["settings"]["box"][0])[0] ## set the window frame self.window_frame = graphics.load_image(constants.FILES["graphics"]["menu"]["share"]["frame"][0])[0] ## set the mouse cursor self.mouse_cursor = graphics.load_image(constants.FILES["graphics"]["menu"]["share"]["cursor"][0])[0] ## set the sound when a menu option is entered self.select_option_snd = sound_mixer.load_sound(constants.FILES["sounds"]["menu"]["share"]["sel"][0]) ## create the main menu - string, callback function self.menu_main = KezMenu( self.game_opts, ["Play", self._play_option], ["Settings", self._settings_option], ["Credits", self._credits_option], ["Quit", self._quit_option], ) # set the position of the main menu self.menu_main.set_position(MENU_MAIN_POS_X, MENU_MAIN_POS_Y) # set the main menu's font self.menu_main.set_font(graphics.load_font(constants.FILES["fonts"]["menu"]["share"][0], MAIN_FONT_SIZE)) # set the main menu's highlight color self.menu_main.set_highlight_color(MAIN_FOCUS_COLOR) ## create the settings menu - string, callback function self.menu_settings = KezMenu( self.game_opts, ["Fullscreen", self._toggle_fullscreen_option], ["Sounds", self._toggle_sounds_option], ["Music", self._toggle_music_option], ["Back", self._back_option], ) # disable the menu graphic for focused options self.menu_settings.toggle_image() # set the settings menu's font self.menu_settings.set_font(graphics.load_font(constants.FILES["fonts"]["menu"]["share"][0], MENU_FONT_SIZE)) # set the position of the settings menu self.menu_settings.center_at(constants.SCREEN_WIDTH / 2.0, constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2.0) # set the settings menu's highlight color self.menu_settings.set_highlight_color(SETTINGS_FOCUS_COLOR) ## the animated sprite group self.anim_sprites = pygame.sprite.RenderUpdates() # create the animated sprites sprite_num = len(constants.FILES["graphics"]["menu"]["share"]["anim"]) sprite_fact = SpriteFactory() for i in range(sprite_num): # create the "right" type of animated sprite using the factory r_sprite = sprite_fact.create_anim_sprite( i, constants.FILES["graphics"]["menu"]["share"]["anim"][i], ANIM_SPRITE_SPEED ) self.anim_sprites.add(r_sprite) ## create clock and track time self.clock = pygame.time.Clock()
class Menu(State): ## initialize both the main and settings menu # # @param self the object pointer # @param game_opts the game's command line options def __init__(self, game_opts): # initialize the state State.__init__(self, constants.SCENES["menu"]) ## the game's command line options self.game_opts = game_opts ## the screen surface self.screen = pygame.display.get_surface() ## flag to control the settings menu's loop self.menu_settings_running = None ## flag to control the main menu's loop self.menu_main_running = True # enable key repeat for the menu pygame.key.set_repeat(MENU_KEY_DEL, MENU_KEY_INT) ## set the main menu's background self.menu_main_bg = graphics.load_image(constants.FILES["graphics"]["menu"]["main"]["bg"][0])[0] ## set the settings menu's background self.menu_settings_bg = graphics.load_image(constants.FILES["graphics"]["menu"]["share"]["bg"][0])[0] ## set the settings menu's background box self.menu_box_bg = graphics.load_image(constants.FILES["graphics"]["menu"]["settings"]["box"][0])[0] ## set the window frame self.window_frame = graphics.load_image(constants.FILES["graphics"]["menu"]["share"]["frame"][0])[0] ## set the mouse cursor self.mouse_cursor = graphics.load_image(constants.FILES["graphics"]["menu"]["share"]["cursor"][0])[0] ## set the sound when a menu option is entered self.select_option_snd = sound_mixer.load_sound(constants.FILES["sounds"]["menu"]["share"]["sel"][0]) ## create the main menu - string, callback function self.menu_main = KezMenu( self.game_opts, ["Play", self._play_option], ["Settings", self._settings_option], ["Credits", self._credits_option], ["Quit", self._quit_option], ) # set the position of the main menu self.menu_main.set_position(MENU_MAIN_POS_X, MENU_MAIN_POS_Y) # set the main menu's font self.menu_main.set_font(graphics.load_font(constants.FILES["fonts"]["menu"]["share"][0], MAIN_FONT_SIZE)) # set the main menu's highlight color self.menu_main.set_highlight_color(MAIN_FOCUS_COLOR) ## create the settings menu - string, callback function self.menu_settings = KezMenu( self.game_opts, ["Fullscreen", self._toggle_fullscreen_option], ["Sounds", self._toggle_sounds_option], ["Music", self._toggle_music_option], ["Back", self._back_option], ) # disable the menu graphic for focused options self.menu_settings.toggle_image() # set the settings menu's font self.menu_settings.set_font(graphics.load_font(constants.FILES["fonts"]["menu"]["share"][0], MENU_FONT_SIZE)) # set the position of the settings menu self.menu_settings.center_at(constants.SCREEN_WIDTH / 2.0, constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2.0) # set the settings menu's highlight color self.menu_settings.set_highlight_color(SETTINGS_FOCUS_COLOR) ## the animated sprite group self.anim_sprites = pygame.sprite.RenderUpdates() # create the animated sprites sprite_num = len(constants.FILES["graphics"]["menu"]["share"]["anim"]) sprite_fact = SpriteFactory() for i in range(sprite_num): # create the "right" type of animated sprite using the factory r_sprite = sprite_fact.create_anim_sprite( i, constants.FILES["graphics"]["menu"]["share"]["anim"][i], ANIM_SPRITE_SPEED ) self.anim_sprites.add(r_sprite) ## create clock and track time self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() ## what to do when the main menu is enabled # # @param self the object pointer def do_actions(self): # display & update screen, get all the events while self.menu_main_running: # draw the background bg = self.screen.blit(self.menu_main_bg, (0, 0)) # count time passed in seconds time_passed_seconds = get_time_sec(self.clock.tick(MENU_CLOCK_TICK)) # animate the sprites self.anim_sprites.update(time_passed_seconds) # rectlist = self.anim_sprites.draw(self.screen) self.anim_sprites.draw(self.screen) # draw the main menu self.menu_main.draw(self.screen) # draw the custom mouse cursor graphics.handle_mouse_cursor(self.mouse_cursor, self.screen) # draw the frame of the window fr = self.screen.blit(self.window_frame, (0, 0)) need_update = (bg, fr) # display the screen surface pygame.display.update(need_update) # get all the events events = pygame.event.get() # ......... and update the main menu # which needs access to those events self.menu_main.update(events) # main menu event loop for e in events: # quit when the close button is pressed if e.type == pygame.QUIT: self._quit_option() # handle keyboard keys elif e.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: # play the sound if there was a menu key shortcut if self.game_opts.sound: if e.key in (pygame.K_p, pygame.K_s, pygame.K_c): sound_mixer.play_sound(self.select_option_snd, SOUND_VOL) # when user presses escape or 'q'uit key if e.key in (pygame.K_ESCAPE, pygame.K_q): self._quit_option() # when user presses 'p'lay key elif e.key == pygame.K_p: self._play_option() # when user presses 's'ettings key elif e.key == pygame.K_s: self._settings_option() # when user presses 'c'redits key elif e.key == pygame.K_c: self._credits_option() ## entry point for main menu's settings option # # @param self the object pointer def _settings_option(self): # each time we enter in settings # sub menu, set the flag to true self.menu_settings_running = True # decrease the alpha of animated sprites for s in self.anim_sprites: s.image.set_alpha(ANIM_SPRITE_ALPHA) # display & update screen, get all the events while self.menu_settings_running: # draw the background bg = self.screen.blit(self.menu_settings_bg, (0, 0)) # draw the main menu self.menu_main.draw(self.screen) # count time passed in seconds time_passed_seconds = get_time_sec(self.clock.tick(MENU_CLOCK_TICK)) # animate the sprites self.anim_sprites.update(time_passed_seconds) self.anim_sprites.draw(self.screen) # draw settings menu background box menu_bg = self.screen.blit( self.menu_box_bg, ( (constants.SCREEN_WIDTH - self.menu_box_bg.get_width()) / 2.0, (constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT - self.menu_box_bg.get_height()) / 2.0, ), ) # draw the settings menu self.menu_settings.draw(self.screen) # draw the custom mouse cursor graphics.handle_mouse_cursor(self.mouse_cursor, self.screen) # draw the frame of the window fr = self.screen.blit(self.window_frame, (0, 0)) need_update = (bg, menu_bg, fr) # display the screen surface pygame.display.update(need_update) # get all the events events = pygame.event.get() # ..... and update the settings menu # which needs access to those events self.menu_settings.update(events) # settings menu event loop for e in events: # quit when the close button is pressed if e.type == pygame.QUIT: self._back_option() self._quit_option() # handle keyboard keys elif e.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: # play the sound if there was a menu key shortcut if self.game_opts.sound: if e.key in (pygame.K_f, pygame.K_s, pygame.K_m, pygame.K_b, pygame.K_ESCAPE): sound_mixer.play_sound(self.select_option_snd, SOUND_VOL) # when user presses escape key or 'b'ack key if e.key in (pygame.K_ESCAPE, pygame.K_b): self._back_option() # when user presses 'f'ullscreen key elif e.key == pygame.K_f: self._toggle_fullscreen_option() # when user presses 's'ounds key elif e.key == pygame.K_s: self._toggle_sounds_option() # when user presses 'm'usic key elif e.key == pygame.K_m: self._toggle_music_option() # restore the alpha of the animated sprites for s in self.anim_sprites: s.image.set_alpha(MAX_ALPHA) ## entry point for main menu's new game option # # @param self the object pointer def _play_option(self): if self.game_opts.verbose: print("Start a new game.") self.menu_main_running = False ## what should be satisfied for enabling the next scene # # @param self the object pointer # @return the name of the next scene def check_conditions(self): # if the scene is finished, returns back # to the caller the name of the next one if not self.menu_main_running: return constants.SCENES["level_one"] return None ## entry point for main menu's credits option # # @param self the object pointer def _credits_option(self): # get the path of the filename fullname = file_path(constants.FILES["texts"]["menu"]["credits"]["text"][0], constants.TEXTS_DIR) # if credits text file exists and is readable if os.access(fullname, os.F_OK) and os.access(fullname, os.R_OK): if self.game_opts.verbose: print("Go to the credits screen.") # create the credits screen c = Credits( self.screen, self.game_opts, self.window_frame, self.menu_settings_bg, self.select_option_snd, fullname ) # run the credits screen if not # quit if the close button is # pressed (inside the credits) self._quit_option() else: print((" ".join(("Couldn't read text file:", fullname)))) ## entry point for main menu's quit option # # @param self the object pointer def _quit_option(self): if self.game_opts.verbose: print("Exit the game!") # perform safe exit safe_exit() ## entry point for settings menu's toggle fullscreen option # # @param self the object pointer def _toggle_fullscreen_option(self): self.game_opts.fullscreen = not self.game_opts.fullscreen if self.game_opts.verbose: print("Toggle fullscreen!") # store the position of the mouse cursor mouse_position = pygame.mouse.get_pos() # toggle the fullscreen <-> window mode pygame.display.set_mode( (constants.SCREEN_WIDTH, constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT), pygame.FULLSCREEN if self.game_opts.fullscreen else 0 ) # update the mouse cursor position pygame.mouse.set_pos(mouse_position) ## entry point for settings menu's toggle sounds option # # @param self the object pointer def _toggle_sounds_option(self): self.game_opts.sound = not self.game_opts.sound if self.game_opts.verbose: print("Toggle sounds!") ## entry point for settings menu's toggle music option # # @param self the object pointer def _toggle_music_option(self): if self.game_opts.verbose: print("Toggle music!") = not if else: ## entry point for settings menu's back option # # @param self the object pointer def _back_option(self): self.menu_settings_running = False if self.game_opts.verbose: print("Go back to main menu!")