コード例 #1
ファイル: test_graph.py プロジェクト: FudanSELab/kgdt
    def test_save_and_load(self):
        graph_data = GraphData()
        graph_data.create_index_on_property("qualified_name", "alias")

        graph_data.add_node({"method"}, {"qualified_name": "ArrayList.add"})
        graph_data.add_node({"override method"},
                            {"qualified_name": "ArrayList.pop"})

        graph_data: GraphData = GraphData.load("test.graph")
        self.assertEqual(graph_data.get_node_num(), 2)
コード例 #2
ファイル: base.py プロジェクト: FudanSELab/kgdt
class KGBuildPipeline:
    def __init__(self):
        self.__name2component = {}
        self.__component_order = []
        self.__graph_data = GraphData()
        self.__doc_collection = MultiFieldDocumentCollection()
        self.__before_run_component_listeners = {}
        self.__after_run_component_listeners = {}

    def __repr__(self):
        return str(self.__component_order)

    def exist_component(self, component_name):
        check whether the component exist in the Pipeline
        :param component_name: the name of component
        :return: True, exist, False, not exist.
        if component_name in self.__component_order:
            return True
        return False

    def add_before_listener(self, component_name, listener: PipelineListener):
        add a new PipelineListener running before a specific component
        :param component_name: the name of the component
        :param listener: the PipelineListener
        if not self.exist_component(component_name):
            raise ComponentNotExistError(component_name)

        if component_name not in self.__before_run_component_listeners:
            self.__before_run_component_listeners[component_name] = []

    def add_after_listener(self, component_name, listener: PipelineListener):
        if component_name not in self.__after_run_component_listeners:
            self.__after_run_component_listeners[component_name] = []

    def __get_component_order(self, name):
        get the order of the specific component
        :param name: the specific component
        :return: the order start from 0 to num(component), -1. the specific component not exist

        for order, exist_component in enumerate(self.__component_order):
            if exist_component == name:
                return order
        return -1

    def __allocate_order_for_new_component(self, before=None, after=None):
        try to allocate the right position for the new component
        :param before: the component of this new component must run before
        :param after: the component of this new component must run after
        :return: -1, can't not find a right order.
        min_order = 0
        max_order = self.num_of_components()

        if before is not None:
            max_order = self.__get_component_order(before)
            if max_order == -1:
                max_order = self.num_of_components()

        if after is not None:
            min_order = self.__get_component_order(after) + 1
            if min_order == -1:
                min_order = 0
        if min_order > max_order:
            return -1
        return max_order

    def add_component(self,
                      component: Component,
        add a new component to this pipeline with given name. In a pipeline, the component name must be unique.
        :param after: the component name the this new component must run after
        :param before: the component name the this new component must run after
        :param name: the name of this new component
        :param component: the component instance
        :param config: the other config, save for update

        order = self.__allocate_order_for_new_component(before=before,
        if order == -1:
            raise ComponentOrderError("Can't not find a right order for %s" %

        self.__name2component[name] = component

        self.__component_order.insert(order, name)

    def check(self):
        check whether the components in the pipeline setting correct.
        e.g., the order of the component is wrong.
        the necessary component for a component to run is missing.
        :return: True the pipeline is correct.
        current_entities = self.get_provided_entities()
        current_relations = self.get_provided_relations()
        current_document_fields = self.get_provided_document_fields()

        component_pairs = self.get_component_name_with_component_pair_by_order(

        for component_name, component in component_pairs:
            missing_entities = component.dependent_entities(
            ) - current_entities
            if missing_entities != set():
                raise ComponentDependencyError(component_name,

            missing_relations = component.dependent_relations(
            ) - current_relations
            if missing_entities != set():
                raise ComponentDependencyError(component_name,

            missing_fields = component.dependent_document_fields(
            ) - current_document_fields
            if missing_fields != set():
                raise ComponentDependencyError(component_name, missing_fields)


        return True

    def get_provided_document_fields(self):
        get the provided entity type set for the pipeline from the current DocumentCollection. If the pipeline start from empty state,
        This method will return empty set
        return set(self.__doc_collection.get_field_set())

    def get_provided_relations(self):
        get the provided relation type set for the pipeline from the current GraphData. If the pipeline start from empty state,
        This method will return empty set
        return self.__graph_data.get_all_relation_types()

    def get_provided_entities(self):
        get the provided entity type set for the pipeline from the current GraphData. If the pipeline start from empty state,
        This method will return empty set
        return set(self.__graph_data.get_all_labels())

    def get_components_by_order(self):
        components = []
        for component_name in self.__component_order:
            component: Component = self.__name2component[component_name]
        return components

    def get_component_name_with_component_pair_by_order(self):
        components = []
        for component_name in self.__component_order:
            component: Component = self.__name2component[component_name]
            components.append((component_name, component))
        return components

    def run(self, **config):
        print("start running the pipeline")
        for component_name in self.__component_order:
            component: Component = self.__name2component[component_name]
            self.before_run_component(component_name, **config)
            self.after_run_component(component_name, **config)

        print("finish running the pipeline")

    def before_run_component(self, component_name, **config):
        print("start running with name=%r in the pipeline" % component_name)
        for listener in self.__before_run_component_listeners.get(
                component_name, []):
            listener.on_before_run_component(component_name, self, **config)

    def after_run_component(self, component_name, **config):
        print("finish running with name=%r in the pipeline\n" % component_name)
        for listener in self.__after_run_component_listeners.get(
                component_name, []):
            listener.on_after_run_component(component_name, self, **config)

    def save(self, graph_path=None, doc_path=None):
        save the graph data object after all the building of all component
        :param doc_path: the path to save the DocumentCollection
        :param graph_path: the path to save the GraphData

    def save_graph(self, path):
        if path is None:

    def save_doc(self, path):
        if path is None:

    def load_graph(self, graph_data_path):
        self.__graph_data = GraphData.load(graph_data_path)
        # update component graph data
        for component_name in self.__component_order:
            component: Component = self.__name2component[component_name]

        print("load graph")

    def load_doc(self, document_collection_path):
        self.__doc_collection = MultiFieldDocumentCollection.load(
        # update component doc_collection
        for component_name in self.__component_order:
            component: Component = self.__name2component[component_name]

        print("load doc collection")

    def num_of_components(self):
        return len(self.__component_order)