コード例 #1
    def setUp(self):
        self.l = []
        for i in range(self.num):
                Khashmir('', self.startport + i,
                         '/tmp/kh%s.db' % (self.startport + i)))

        for i in self.l:
            i.addContact(self.localip, self.l[randrange(0, self.num)].port)
            i.addContact(self.localip, self.l[randrange(0, self.num)].port)
            i.addContact(self.localip, self.l[randrange(0, self.num)].port)

        for i in self.l:
            self.done = 0
            while not self.done:
        for i in self.l:
            self.done = 0
            while not self.done:
コード例 #2
ファイル: DHT.py プロジェクト: norpol/apt-p2p
    def join(self, deferred=None):
        """See L{apt_p2p.interfaces.IDHT}.
        @param deferred: the deferred to callback when the join is complete
            (optional, defaults to creating a new deferred and returning it)
        # Check for multiple simultaneous joins
        if self.joining:
            if deferred:
                deferred.errback(DHTError("a join is already in progress"))
                raise DHTError, "a join is already in progress"

        if deferred:
            self.joining = deferred
            self.joining = defer.Deferred()

        if self.config is None:
            self.joining.errback(DHTError("configuration not loaded"))
            return self.joining

        # Create the new khashmir instance
        if not self.khashmir:
            self.khashmir = Khashmir(self.config, self.cache_dir)

        self.outstandingJoins = 0
        for node in self.bootstrap:
            host, port = node.rsplit(':', 1)
            port = int(port)
            self.outstandingJoins += 1

            # Translate host names into IP addresses
            if isIPAddress(host):
                self._join_gotIP(host, port)
                                                   callbackArgs=(port, ),
                                                   errbackArgs=(host, port))

        return self.joining
コード例 #3
ファイル: DHT.py プロジェクト: PyroSamurai/apt-p2p
    def join(self, deferred = None):
        """See L{apt_p2p.interfaces.IDHT}.
        @param deferred: the deferred to callback when the join is complete
            (optional, defaults to creating a new deferred and returning it)
        # Check for multiple simultaneous joins 
        if self.joining:
            if deferred:
                deferred.errback(DHTError("a join is already in progress"))
                raise DHTError, "a join is already in progress"

        if deferred:
            self.joining = deferred
            self.joining = defer.Deferred()

        if self.config is None:
            self.joining.errback(DHTError("configuration not loaded"))
            return self.joining

        # Create the new khashmir instance
        if not self.khashmir:
            self.khashmir = Khashmir(self.config, self.cache_dir)

        self.outstandingJoins = 0
        for node in self.bootstrap:
            host, port = node.rsplit(':', 1)
            port = int(port)
            self.outstandingJoins += 1
            # Translate host names into IP addresses
            if isIPAddress(host):
                self._join_gotIP(host, port)
                                                   callbackArgs = (port, ),
                                                   errbackArgs = (host, port))
        return self.joining
コード例 #4
ファイル: DHT.py プロジェクト: PyroSamurai/apt-p2p
class DHT:
    """The main interface instance to the Khashmir DHT.
    @type config: C{dictionary}
    @ivar config: the DHT configuration values
    @type cache_dir: C{string}
    @ivar cache_dir: the directory to use for storing files
    @type bootstrap: C{list} of C{string}
    @ivar bootstrap: the nodes to contact to bootstrap into the system
    @type bootstrap_node: C{boolean}
    @ivar bootstrap_node: whether this node is a bootstrap node
    @type joining: L{twisted.internet.defer.Deferred}
    @ivar joining: if a join is underway, the deferred that will signal it's end
    @type joined: C{boolean}
    @ivar joined: whether the DHT network has been successfully joined
    @type outstandingJoins: C{int}
    @ivar outstandingJoins: the number of bootstrap nodes that have yet to respond
    @type next_rejoin: C{int}
    @ivar next_rejoin: the number of seconds before retrying the next join
    @type foundAddrs: C{list} of (C{string}, C{int})
    @ivar foundAddrs: the IP address an port that were returned by bootstrap nodes
    @type storing: C{dictionary}
    @ivar storing: keys are keys for which store requests are active, values
        are dictionaries with keys the values being stored and values the
        deferred to call when complete
    @type retrieving: C{dictionary}
    @ivar retrieving: keys are the keys for which getValue requests are active,
        values are lists of the deferreds waiting for the requests
    @type retrieved: C{dictionary}
    @ivar retrieved: keys are the keys for which getValue requests are active,
        values are list of the values returned so far
    @type factory: L{twisted.web2.channel.HTTPFactory}
    @ivar factory: the factory to use to serve HTTP requests for statistics
    @type config_parser: L{apt_p2p.apt_p2p_conf.AptP2PConfigParser}
    @ivar config_parser: the configuration info for the main program
    @type section: C{string}
    @ivar section: the section of the configuration info that applies to the DHT
    @type khashmir: L{khashmir.Khashmir}
    @ivar khashmir: the khashmir DHT instance to use
    if _web2:
        implements(IDHT, IDHTStats, IDHTStatsFactory)
        implements(IDHT, IDHTStats)
    def __init__(self):
        """Initialize the DHT."""
        self.config = None
        self.cache_dir = ''
        self.bootstrap = []
        self.bootstrap_node = False
        self.joining = None
        self.khashmir = None
        self.joined = False
        self.outstandingJoins = 0
        self.next_rejoin = 20
        self.foundAddrs = []
        self.storing = {}
        self.retrieving = {}
        self.retrieved = {}
        self.factory = None
    def loadConfig(self, config, section):
        """See L{apt_p2p.interfaces.IDHT}."""
        self.config_parser = config
        self.section = section
        self.config = {}
        # Get some initial values
        self.cache_dir = os.path.join(self.config_parser.get(section, 'cache_dir'), khashmir_dir)
        if not os.path.exists(self.cache_dir):
        self.bootstrap = self.config_parser.getstringlist(section, 'BOOTSTRAP')
        self.bootstrap_node = self.config_parser.getboolean(section, 'BOOTSTRAP_NODE')
        for k in self.config_parser.options(section):
            # The numbers in the config file
            if k in ['CONCURRENT_REQS', 'STORE_REDUNDANCY', 
                     'RETRIEVE_VALUES', 'MAX_FAILURES', 'PORT']:
                self.config[k] = self.config_parser.getint(section, k)
            # The times in the config file
            elif k in ['CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL', 'MIN_PING_INTERVAL', 
                       'BUCKET_STALENESS', 'KEY_EXPIRE',
                       'KRPC_TIMEOUT', 'KRPC_INITIAL_DELAY']:
                self.config[k] = self.config_parser.gettime(section, k)
            # The booleans in the config file
            elif k in ['SPEW', 'LOCAL_OK']:
                self.config[k] = self.config_parser.getboolean(section, k)
            # Everything else is a string
                self.config[k] = self.config_parser.get(section, k)
    def join(self, deferred = None):
        """See L{apt_p2p.interfaces.IDHT}.
        @param deferred: the deferred to callback when the join is complete
            (optional, defaults to creating a new deferred and returning it)
        # Check for multiple simultaneous joins 
        if self.joining:
            if deferred:
                deferred.errback(DHTError("a join is already in progress"))
                raise DHTError, "a join is already in progress"

        if deferred:
            self.joining = deferred
            self.joining = defer.Deferred()

        if self.config is None:
            self.joining.errback(DHTError("configuration not loaded"))
            return self.joining

        # Create the new khashmir instance
        if not self.khashmir:
            self.khashmir = Khashmir(self.config, self.cache_dir)

        self.outstandingJoins = 0
        for node in self.bootstrap:
            host, port = node.rsplit(':', 1)
            port = int(port)
            self.outstandingJoins += 1
            # Translate host names into IP addresses
            if isIPAddress(host):
                self._join_gotIP(host, port)
                                                   callbackArgs = (port, ),
                                                   errbackArgs = (host, port))
        return self.joining

    def _join_gotIP(self, ip, port):
        """Join the DHT using a single bootstrap nodes IP address."""
        self.khashmir.addContact(ip, port, self._join_single, self._join_error)
    def _join_resolveFailed(self, err, host, port):
        """Failed to lookup the IP address of the bootstrap node."""
        log.msg('Failed to find an IP address for host: (%r, %r)' % (host, port))
        self.outstandingJoins -= 1
        if self.outstandingJoins <= 0:
    def _join_single(self, addr):
        """Process the response from the bootstrap node.
        Finish the join by contacting close nodes.
        self.outstandingJoins -= 1
        if addr:
        if addr or self.outstandingJoins <= 0:
        log.msg('Got back from bootstrap node: %r' % (addr,))
    def _join_error(self, failure = None):
        """Process an error in contacting the bootstrap node.
        If no bootstrap nodes remain, finish the process by contacting
        close nodes.
        self.outstandingJoins -= 1
        log.msg("bootstrap node could not be reached")
        if self.outstandingJoins <= 0:

    def _join_complete(self, result):
        """End the joining process and return the addresses found for this node."""
        if not self.joined and isinstance(result, list) and len(result) > 1:
            self.joined = True
        if self.joining and self.outstandingJoins <= 0:
            df = self.joining
            self.joining = None
            if self.joined or self.bootstrap_node:
                self.joined = True
                # Try to join later using exponential backoff delays
                log.msg('Join failed, retrying in %d seconds' % self.next_rejoin)
                reactor.callLater(self.next_rejoin, self.join, df)
                self.next_rejoin *= 2
    def getAddrs(self):
        """Get the list of addresses returned by bootstrap nodes for this node."""
        return self.foundAddrs
    def leave(self):
        """See L{apt_p2p.interfaces.IDHT}."""
        if self.config is None:
            raise DHTError, "configuration not loaded"
        if self.joined or self.joining:
            if self.joining:
                self.joining.errback(DHTError('still joining when leave was called'))
                self.joining = None
            self.joined = False
    def _normKey(self, key):
        """Normalize the length of keys used in the DHT."""
        # Extend short keys with null bytes
        if len(key) < HASH_LENGTH:
            key = key + '\000'*(HASH_LENGTH - len(key))
        # Truncate long keys
        elif len(key) > HASH_LENGTH:
            key = key[:HASH_LENGTH]
        return key

    def getValue(self, key):
        """See L{apt_p2p.interfaces.IDHT}."""
        if self.config is None:
            return defer.fail(DHTError("configuration not loaded"))
        if not self.joined:
            return defer.fail(DHTError("have not joined a network yet"))
        d = defer.Deferred()
        key = self._normKey(key)

        if key not in self.retrieving:
            self.khashmir.valueForKey(key, self._getValue)
        self.retrieving.setdefault(key, []).append(d)
        return d
    def _getValue(self, key, result):
        """Process a returned list of values from the DHT."""
        # Save the list of values to return when it is complete
        if result:
            self.retrieved.setdefault(key, []).extend([bdecode(r) for r in result])
            # Empty list, the get is complete, return the result
            final_result = []
            if key in self.retrieved:
                final_result = self.retrieved[key]
                del self.retrieved[key]
            for i in range(len(self.retrieving[key])):
                d = self.retrieving[key].pop(0)
            del self.retrieving[key]

    def storeValue(self, key, value):
        """See L{apt_p2p.interfaces.IDHT}."""
        if self.config is None:
            return defer.fail(DHTError("configuration not loaded"))
        if not self.joined:
            return defer.fail(DHTError("have not joined a network yet"))

        d = defer.Deferred()
        key = self._normKey(key)
        bvalue = bencode(value)

        if key in self.storing and bvalue in self.storing[key]:
            raise DHTError, "already storing that key with the same value"

        self.khashmir.storeValueForKey(key, bvalue, self._storeValue)
        self.storing.setdefault(key, {})[bvalue] = d
        return d
    def _storeValue(self, key, bvalue, result):
        """Process the response from the DHT."""
        if key in self.storing and bvalue in self.storing[key]:
            # Check if the store succeeded
            if len(result) > 0:
                self.storing[key][bvalue].errback(DHTError('could not store value %s in key %s' % (bvalue, key)))
            del self.storing[key][bvalue]
            if len(self.storing[key].keys()) == 0:
                del self.storing[key]
    def getStats(self):
        """See L{apt_p2p.interfaces.IDHTStats}."""
        return self.khashmir.getStats()

    def getStatsFactory(self):
        """See L{apt_p2p.interfaces.IDHTStatsFactory}."""
        assert _web2, "NOT IMPLEMENTED: twisted.web2 must be installed to use the stats factory."
        if self.factory is None:
            # Create a simple HTTP factory for stats
            class StatsResource(resource.Resource):
                def __init__(self, manager):
                    self.manager = manager
                def render(self, ctx):
                    return http.Response(
                        {'content-type': http_headers.MimeType('text', 'html')},
                        '<html><body>\n\n' + self.manager.getStats() + '\n</body></html>\n')
                def locateChild(self, request, segments):
                    log.msg('Got HTTP stats request from %s' % (request.remoteAddr, ))
                    return self, ()
            self.factory = channel.HTTPFactory(server.Site(StatsResource(self)))
        return self.factory
コード例 #5
ファイル: DHT.py プロジェクト: norpol/apt-p2p
class DHT:
    """The main interface instance to the Khashmir DHT.
    @type config: C{dictionary}
    @ivar config: the DHT configuration values
    @type cache_dir: C{string}
    @ivar cache_dir: the directory to use for storing files
    @type bootstrap: C{list} of C{string}
    @ivar bootstrap: the nodes to contact to bootstrap into the system
    @type bootstrap_node: C{boolean}
    @ivar bootstrap_node: whether this node is a bootstrap node
    @type joining: L{twisted.internet.defer.Deferred}
    @ivar joining: if a join is underway, the deferred that will signal it's end
    @type joined: C{boolean}
    @ivar joined: whether the DHT network has been successfully joined
    @type outstandingJoins: C{int}
    @ivar outstandingJoins: the number of bootstrap nodes that have yet to respond
    @type next_rejoin: C{int}
    @ivar next_rejoin: the number of seconds before retrying the next join
    @type foundAddrs: C{list} of (C{string}, C{int})
    @ivar foundAddrs: the IP address an port that were returned by bootstrap nodes
    @type storing: C{dictionary}
    @ivar storing: keys are keys for which store requests are active, values
        are dictionaries with keys the values being stored and values the
        deferred to call when complete
    @type retrieving: C{dictionary}
    @ivar retrieving: keys are the keys for which getValue requests are active,
        values are lists of the deferreds waiting for the requests
    @type retrieved: C{dictionary}
    @ivar retrieved: keys are the keys for which getValue requests are active,
        values are list of the values returned so far
    @type factory: L{twisted.web2.channel.HTTPFactory}
    @ivar factory: the factory to use to serve HTTP requests for statistics
    @type config_parser: L{apt_p2p.apt_p2p_conf.AptP2PConfigParser}
    @ivar config_parser: the configuration info for the main program
    @type section: C{string}
    @ivar section: the section of the configuration info that applies to the DHT
    @type khashmir: L{khashmir.Khashmir}
    @ivar khashmir: the khashmir DHT instance to use

    if _web2:
        implements(IDHT, IDHTStats, IDHTStatsFactory)
        implements(IDHT, IDHTStats)

    def __init__(self):
        """Initialize the DHT."""
        self.config = None
        self.cache_dir = ''
        self.bootstrap = []
        self.bootstrap_node = False
        self.joining = None
        self.khashmir = None
        self.joined = False
        self.outstandingJoins = 0
        self.next_rejoin = 20
        self.foundAddrs = []
        self.storing = {}
        self.retrieving = {}
        self.retrieved = {}
        self.factory = None

    def loadConfig(self, config, section):
        """See L{apt_p2p.interfaces.IDHT}."""
        self.config_parser = config
        self.section = section
        self.config = {}

        # Get some initial values
        self.cache_dir = os.path.join(
            self.config_parser.get(section, 'cache_dir'), khashmir_dir)
        if not os.path.exists(self.cache_dir):
        self.bootstrap = self.config_parser.getstringlist(section, 'BOOTSTRAP')
        self.bootstrap_node = self.config_parser.getboolean(
            section, 'BOOTSTRAP_NODE')
        for k in self.config_parser.options(section):
            # The numbers in the config file
            if k in [
                    'MAX_FAILURES', 'PORT'
                self.config[k] = self.config_parser.getint(section, k)
            # The times in the config file
            elif k in [
                self.config[k] = self.config_parser.gettime(section, k)
            # The booleans in the config file
            elif k in ['SPEW', 'LOCAL_OK']:
                self.config[k] = self.config_parser.getboolean(section, k)
            # Everything else is a string
                self.config[k] = self.config_parser.get(section, k)

    def join(self, deferred=None):
        """See L{apt_p2p.interfaces.IDHT}.
        @param deferred: the deferred to callback when the join is complete
            (optional, defaults to creating a new deferred and returning it)
        # Check for multiple simultaneous joins
        if self.joining:
            if deferred:
                deferred.errback(DHTError("a join is already in progress"))
                raise DHTError, "a join is already in progress"

        if deferred:
            self.joining = deferred
            self.joining = defer.Deferred()

        if self.config is None:
            self.joining.errback(DHTError("configuration not loaded"))
            return self.joining

        # Create the new khashmir instance
        if not self.khashmir:
            self.khashmir = Khashmir(self.config, self.cache_dir)

        self.outstandingJoins = 0
        for node in self.bootstrap:
            host, port = node.rsplit(':', 1)
            port = int(port)
            self.outstandingJoins += 1

            # Translate host names into IP addresses
            if isIPAddress(host):
                self._join_gotIP(host, port)
                                                   callbackArgs=(port, ),
                                                   errbackArgs=(host, port))

        return self.joining

    def _join_gotIP(self, ip, port):
        """Join the DHT using a single bootstrap nodes IP address."""
        self.khashmir.addContact(ip, port, self._join_single, self._join_error)

    def _join_resolveFailed(self, err, host, port):
        """Failed to lookup the IP address of the bootstrap node."""
        log.msg('Failed to find an IP address for host: (%r, %r)' %
                (host, port))
        self.outstandingJoins -= 1
        if self.outstandingJoins <= 0:

    def _join_single(self, addr):
        """Process the response from the bootstrap node.
        Finish the join by contacting close nodes.
        self.outstandingJoins -= 1
        if addr:
        if addr or self.outstandingJoins <= 0:
        log.msg('Got back from bootstrap node: %r' % (addr, ))

    def _join_error(self, failure=None):
        """Process an error in contacting the bootstrap node.
        If no bootstrap nodes remain, finish the process by contacting
        close nodes.
        self.outstandingJoins -= 1
        log.msg("bootstrap node could not be reached")
        if self.outstandingJoins <= 0:

    def _join_complete(self, result):
        """End the joining process and return the addresses found for this node."""
        if not self.joined and isinstance(result, list) and len(result) > 1:
            self.joined = True
        if self.joining and self.outstandingJoins <= 0:
            df = self.joining
            self.joining = None
            if self.joined or self.bootstrap_node:
                self.joined = True
                # Try to join later using exponential backoff delays
                log.msg('Join failed, retrying in %d seconds' %
                reactor.callLater(self.next_rejoin, self.join, df)
                self.next_rejoin *= 2

    def getAddrs(self):
        """Get the list of addresses returned by bootstrap nodes for this node."""
        return self.foundAddrs

    def leave(self):
        """See L{apt_p2p.interfaces.IDHT}."""
        if self.config is None:
            raise DHTError, "configuration not loaded"

        if self.joined or self.joining:
            if self.joining:
                    DHTError('still joining when leave was called'))
                self.joining = None
            self.joined = False

    def _normKey(self, key):
        """Normalize the length of keys used in the DHT."""
        # Extend short keys with null bytes
        if len(key) < HASH_LENGTH:
            key = key + '\000' * (HASH_LENGTH - len(key))
        # Truncate long keys
        elif len(key) > HASH_LENGTH:
            key = key[:HASH_LENGTH]
        return key

    def getValue(self, key):
        """See L{apt_p2p.interfaces.IDHT}."""
        if self.config is None:
            return defer.fail(DHTError("configuration not loaded"))
        if not self.joined:
            return defer.fail(DHTError("have not joined a network yet"))

        d = defer.Deferred()
        key = self._normKey(key)

        if key not in self.retrieving:
            self.khashmir.valueForKey(key, self._getValue)
        self.retrieving.setdefault(key, []).append(d)
        return d

    def _getValue(self, key, result):
        """Process a returned list of values from the DHT."""
        # Save the list of values to return when it is complete
        if result:
                                      []).extend([bdecode(r) for r in result])
            # Empty list, the get is complete, return the result
            final_result = []
            if key in self.retrieved:
                final_result = self.retrieved[key]
                del self.retrieved[key]
            for i in range(len(self.retrieving[key])):
                d = self.retrieving[key].pop(0)
            del self.retrieving[key]

    def storeValue(self, key, value):
        """See L{apt_p2p.interfaces.IDHT}."""
        if self.config is None:
            return defer.fail(DHTError("configuration not loaded"))
        if not self.joined:
            return defer.fail(DHTError("have not joined a network yet"))

        d = defer.Deferred()
        key = self._normKey(key)
        bvalue = bencode(value)

        if key in self.storing and bvalue in self.storing[key]:
            raise DHTError, "already storing that key with the same value"

        self.khashmir.storeValueForKey(key, bvalue, self._storeValue)
        self.storing.setdefault(key, {})[bvalue] = d
        return d

    def _storeValue(self, key, bvalue, result):
        """Process the response from the DHT."""
        if key in self.storing and bvalue in self.storing[key]:
            # Check if the store succeeded
            if len(result) > 0:
                    DHTError('could not store value %s in key %s' %
                             (bvalue, key)))
            del self.storing[key][bvalue]
            if len(self.storing[key].keys()) == 0:
                del self.storing[key]

    def getStats(self):
        """See L{apt_p2p.interfaces.IDHTStats}."""
        return self.khashmir.getStats()

    def getStatsFactory(self):
        """See L{apt_p2p.interfaces.IDHTStatsFactory}."""
        assert _web2, "NOT IMPLEMENTED: twisted.web2 must be installed to use the stats factory."
        if self.factory is None:
            # Create a simple HTTP factory for stats
            class StatsResource(resource.Resource):
                def __init__(self, manager):
                    self.manager = manager

                def render(self, ctx):
                    return http.Response(
                        200, {
                            'content-type': http_headers.MimeType(
                                'text', 'html')
                        }, '<html><body>\n\n' + self.manager.getStats() +

                def locateChild(self, request, segments):
                    log.msg('Got HTTP stats request from %s' %
                            (request.remoteAddr, ))
                    return self, ()

            self.factory = channel.HTTPFactory(server.Site(
        return self.factory