コード例 #1
    def __init__(self):
        self._pr2 = PR2JointMover(time_to_reach=1)
        self._ik = KinematicsLoader(self._pr2.robot_state)
        self._pr2box = PR2Box()

        self._rate = rospy.Rate(10)
        self._human_joints = None
        rospy.Subscriber("human_joints", sensor_msgs.msg.JointState,
コード例 #2
class JointsMirror:
    def __init__(self):
        self._pr2 = PR2JointMover(time_to_reach=1)
        self._ik = KinematicsLoader(self._pr2.robot_state)
        self._pr2box = PR2Box()

        self._rate = rospy.Rate(10)
        self._human_joints = None
        rospy.Subscriber("human_joints", sensor_msgs.msg.JointState,

    def joints_cb(self, data):
        assert isinstance(data, sensor_msgs.msg.JointState)
        self._human_joints = data.position

    def act(self):

        while not rospy.is_shutdown():

            if self._human_joints is None:
                rospy.logwarn("No human joints received, waiting...")

            #left arm
            pr2_joints_left = [0] * 7

            pr2_joints_left[0] = normalize(self._human_joints[2], -pi, pi)
            pr2_joints_left[1] = normalize(-(self._human_joints[4] - pi/2), -pi, pi)
            pr2_joints_left[2] = normalize(-(self._human_joints[6] - pi/2), -pi, pi)
            pr2_joints_left[3] = normalize(self._human_joints[0], -pi, pi)

            pr2_joints_right = [0] * 7
            pr2_joints_right[0] = normalize(self._human_joints[3], -pi, pi)
            pr2_joints_right[1] = normalize(-(self._human_joints[5] - pi/2), -pi, pi)
            pr2_joints_right[2] = normalize((self._human_joints[7] - pi/2), -pi, pi)
            pr2_joints_right[3] = normalize(self._human_joints[1], -pi, pi)

            #get left fk pose
            l_execute = True
            l_pose = self._ik.get_left_arm_fk_pose(pr2_joints_left,
            rospy.loginfo("testing pose: %s", l_pose)
            if (l_pose[1] < 0.2):
                rospy.logwarn("Left arm too close to center, not executing"
                l_execute = False
            if self._pr2box.point_inside(l_pose):
                rospy.logwarn("Warning, desired pose: %s is dangerous for left arm,"
                              "not executing!", l_pose)
                l_execute = False
            if (l_execute):
                self._pr2.set_arm_state(pr2_joints_left, "left", wait=False)

            #get right ik pose
            r_pose = self._ik.get_right_arm_fk_pose(pr2_joints_right,
            r_execute = True
            if (r_pose[1] > -0.2):
                rospy.logwarn("Right arm too close to center, not executing"
                r_execute = False
            if (self._pr2box.point_inside(r_pose)):
                rospy.logwarn("Warning, desired pose: %s is dangerous for right arm,"
                              "not executing!", r_pose)
                r_execute = False
            if (r_execute):
                self._pr2.set_arm_state(pr2_joints_right, "right", wait=False)