コード例 #1
ファイル: vkeyboard.py プロジェクト: imc/pymt
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        kwargs.setdefault('size', MTVKeyboard.DEFAULT_SIZE)
        kwargs.setdefault('pos', MTVKeyboard.DEFAULT_POS)
        kwargs.setdefault('layout', None)
        kwargs.setdefault('time_lazy_update', .2)
        kwargs.setdefault('repeat', 1 / 15.)
        kwargs.setdefault('repeat_timeout', .2)
        super(MTVKeyboard, self).__init__(**kwargs)


        self.time_lazy_update   = kwargs.get('time_lazy_update')
        self.layout             = kwargs.get('layout')
        self.container_width, self.container_height   = self.size
        self.repeat             = kwargs.get('repeat')
        self.repeat_timeout     = kwargs.get('repeat_timeout')

        # read default layout in configuration
        if self.layout is None:
            idlayout = pymt.pymt_config.get('keyboard', 'layout')
            # search layout
            for layout in MTVKeyboard.available_layout:
                if layout.ID == idlayout:
                    self.layout = layout()
            # no layout found ?
            if self.layout is None:
                pymt.pymt_logger.warning('Vkeyboard: Keyboard layout <%s> not found, fallback on QWERTY' % idlayout)
                self.layout = KeyboardLayoutQWERTY()

        self._mode              = 'NORMAL'
        self._cache             = {}
        self._current_cache     = None
        self._last_update       = 0
        self._last_update_scale = 1.
        self._need_update       = 'now'
        self._internal_text     = u''
        self._show_layout       = False
        self._active_keys       = []
        self._old_scale         = self.scale
        self._used_label        = []
        self._last_key_down     = []
        self._last_key_repeat   = 0
        self._last_key_repeat_timeout  = 0

        # prepare layout widget
        mtop, mright, mbottom, mleft = self.style['margin']
        self._layout_widget     = MTKineticList(
            title=None, searchable=False, deletable=False,
            size=(self.width - mleft - mright, self.height),
            pos=(mleft, 0), style={'bg-color': (.0, .0, .0, .7)},
        for layout in MTVKeyboard.available_layout:
            item = MTKineticItem(label=layout.TITLE + ' - ' + layout.DESCRIPTION,
                    style={'font-size':14}, size=(self.width - mleft - mright, 40))
            item.push_handlers(on_press=curry(self.on_layout_change, layout))
コード例 #2
ファイル: vkeyboard.py プロジェクト: imc/pymt
class MTVKeyboard(MTScatterWidget):
    MTVKeyboard is a OnBoard keyboard, with Multitouch support.
    Layout are entirely customizable, and you can switch from layout with
    little button in bottom-right of keyboard.

        `layout` : KeyboardLayout object, default to None
            If none, keyboard layout will be created from configuration
        `time_lazy_update` : float, default to 0.2
            Time in seconds of force a lazy update when keyboard size change
        `repeat` : float, default to 0.2
            If 1/15., will repeat the last key 5 time per seconds
        `repeat_timeout` : float, default to 0.2
            Will start repeatition after 200ms

        `on_key_down` : key
            Fired when a key is down
            The key contain: displayed_str, internal_str, internal_action, width
        `on_key_up` : key
            Fired when a key is up
            The key contain: displayed_str, internal_str, internal_action, width
        `on_text_change` : text
            Fired when the internal text is changed

    List of internal action availables :

    * backspace
    * capslock
    * enter
    * escape
    * layout (to display layout list)
    * shift
    * shift_L
    * shift_R


    available_layout = []

    DEFAULT_SIZE = (700, 200)
    DEFAULT_POS = (0, 0)

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        kwargs.setdefault('size', MTVKeyboard.DEFAULT_SIZE)
        kwargs.setdefault('pos', MTVKeyboard.DEFAULT_POS)
        kwargs.setdefault('layout', None)
        kwargs.setdefault('time_lazy_update', .2)
        kwargs.setdefault('repeat', 1 / 15.)
        kwargs.setdefault('repeat_timeout', .2)
        super(MTVKeyboard, self).__init__(**kwargs)


        self.time_lazy_update   = kwargs.get('time_lazy_update')
        self.layout             = kwargs.get('layout')
        self.container_width, self.container_height   = self.size
        self.repeat             = kwargs.get('repeat')
        self.repeat_timeout     = kwargs.get('repeat_timeout')

        # read default layout in configuration
        if self.layout is None:
            idlayout = pymt.pymt_config.get('keyboard', 'layout')
            # search layout
            for layout in MTVKeyboard.available_layout:
                if layout.ID == idlayout:
                    self.layout = layout()
            # no layout found ?
            if self.layout is None:
                pymt.pymt_logger.warning('Vkeyboard: Keyboard layout <%s> not found, fallback on QWERTY' % idlayout)
                self.layout = KeyboardLayoutQWERTY()

        self._mode              = 'NORMAL'
        self._cache             = {}
        self._current_cache     = None
        self._last_update       = 0
        self._last_update_scale = 1.
        self._need_update       = 'now'
        self._internal_text     = u''
        self._show_layout       = False
        self._active_keys       = []
        self._old_scale         = self.scale
        self._used_label        = []
        self._last_key_down     = []
        self._last_key_repeat   = 0
        self._last_key_repeat_timeout  = 0

        # prepare layout widget
        mtop, mright, mbottom, mleft = self.style['margin']
        self._layout_widget     = MTKineticList(
            title=None, searchable=False, deletable=False,
            size=(self.width - mleft - mright, self.height),
            pos=(mleft, 0), style={'bg-color': (.0, .0, .0, .7)},
        for layout in MTVKeyboard.available_layout:
            item = MTKineticItem(label=layout.TITLE + ' - ' + layout.DESCRIPTION,
                    style={'font-size':14}, size=(self.width - mleft - mright, 40))
            item.push_handlers(on_press=curry(self.on_layout_change, layout))

    def on_text_change(self, *largs):

    # Static methods

    def add_custom_layout(layout_class):
        '''Add a custom layout class on MTVKeyboard'''
        if not layout_class in MTVKeyboard.available_layout:
            # Append layout in class
            if layout_class.FONT_FILENAME != None:
                # Load custom font
                    # XXX FIXME
                    pymt.pymt_logger.exception('Vkeyboard: Unable to load custom font')

    # Keyboard properties

    def _get_text(self):
        return self._internal_text
    def _set_text(self, value):
        if value != self._internal_text:
            self._internal_text = value
            self.dispatch_event('on_text_change', value)
    text = property(_get_text, _set_text,
            doc='''Get/set text string on vkeyboard''')

    def _get_mode(self):
        return self._mode
    def _set_mode(self, value):
        if value != self._mode:
            self._need_update = 'now'
            self._mode = value
    mode = property(_get_mode, _set_mode,
            doc='''Get/set mode of vkeyboard (NORMAL, SHIFT...)''')

    # Public methods

    def clear(self):
        '''Clear the text'''
        self.text = u''

    # Private methods

    def _lazy_update(self):
        self.container_width = int(self.width * self.scale)
        self.container_height = int(self.height * self.scale)
        self._need_update = 'lazy'
        self._last_update = getClock().get_time()

    def _update(self):
        dt = getClock().get_time() - self._last_update
        if self._need_update is None:

        if self._need_update == 'now' or (self._need_update == 'lazy' and  dt >
            # create layout mode if not in cache
            layoutmode = '%s:%s' % (self.layout.ID, self.mode)
            if not layoutmode in self._cache:
                self._cache[layoutmode] = {'background': GlDisplayList(),
                                           'keys': GlDisplayList(),
                                           'usedlabel': []}
            self._current_cache = self._cache[layoutmode]

            # do real update

            # don't update too fast next time (if it's lazy)
            self._last_update = getClock().get_time()
            self._last_update_scale = self.scale
            self._need_update = None

    def _do_update(self, mode=None):
        # we absolutly want mode to update displaylist.
        if mode not in ('background', 'keys'):

        # don't update background if it's already compiled
        if mode == 'background' and self._current_cache['background'].is_compiled():

        # calculate margin
        s = self.scale
        w, h = self.container_width, self.container_height
        if mode == 'background':
            s = 1.
            w, h = self.size
        mtop, mright, mbottom, mleft = map(lambda x: x * s, self.style['margin'])
        self.texsize = Vector(w - mleft - mright,
                              h - mtop - mbottom)
        kx, ky = self.layout.SIZE
        self.keysize = Vector(self.texsize.x / kx, self.texsize.y / ky)
        m = 3 * s
        x, y = 0, self.texsize.y - self.keysize.y

        # update display list
        self._current_cache['usedlabel'] = []
        with self._current_cache[mode]:

            # draw lines
            for index in xrange(1, ky + 1):
                line = self.layout.__getattribute__('%s_%d' % (self.mode, index))

                # draw keys
                for key in line:
                    displayed_str, internal_str, internal_action, scale = key
                    kw = self.keysize.x * scale

                    # don't display empty keys
                    if displayed_str is not None:
                        if mode == 'background':
                            if internal_action is not None:
                                pos=(x+m, y+m),
                                size=(kw-m*2, self.keysize.y-m*2),
                                style=self.style, prefix='key')
                        elif mode == 'keys':
                            font_size = int(14 * s)
                            if font_size < 8:
                                font_size = 8
                            color = self.style['color']
                            if internal_action is not None:
                                color = self.style['color-syskey']
                                    pos=(x + kw / 2., y + self.keysize.y / 2.),
                                    font_size=font_size, bold=False,
                    # advance X
                    x += kw
                # advance Y
                y -= self.keysize.y
                x = 0

        # update completed
        self._need_update = None

    # Rewrite some handle to update the widget (drawing and scalling)

    def on_resize(self, w, h):

    def on_transform(self, *largs):
        # to lazy update only if scale change
        if self._old_scale != self.scale:
            self._old_scale = self.scale

    def on_layout_change(self, layout, *largs):
        self._layout_widget.visible = False
        self.layout = layout()
        self._need_update = 'now'

    def on_update(self):
        super(MTVKeyboard, self).on_update()

        if not len(self._last_key_down):
        self._last_key_repeat_timeout -= getFrameDt()
        if self._last_key_repeat_timeout < 0:
            self._last_key_repeat -= getFrameDt()
            if self._last_key_repeat > 0:
            self._last_key_repeat = self.repeat
            key = self._last_key_down[-1]
            self.dispatch_event('on_key_down', key, True)
            self.dispatch_event('on_key_up', key, True)

    def draw(self):
        # background
        drawCSSRectangle(size=self.size, style=self.style)

        # content dynamic update
        with gx_matrix:
            glTranslatef(self.style['margin'][3], self.style['margin'][2], 0)

            # draw precalculated background

            # draw active keys layer
            # +2 and -4 result of hard margin coded in _do_update (m = 3 * s)
            # we substract 1 cause of border (draw-border is activated.)
            for key, size in self._active_keys:
                x, y, w, h = size
                drawCSSRectangle(pos=(x+2, y+2), size=(w-4, h-4),
                    style=self.style, prefix='key', state='down')

            # search the good scale for current precalculated keys layer
            if self._last_update_scale == self.scale:
                s = 1. / self.scale# / self._last_update_scale
                glScalef(s, s, s)
                s = 1. / self._last_update_scale
                glScalef(s, s, s)

    def get_key_at_pos(self, x, y):
        '''Return the key + size info on the current layout, at the coordinate (x, y)'''
        mtop, mright, mbottom, mleft = self.style['margin']
        w, h = self.width - mleft - mright, self.height - mtop - mbottom
        kx, ky = self.layout.SIZE
        keysize = Vector(w / kx, h / ky)
        if x < mleft or x > self.width - mright or \
           y < mbottom or y > self.height - mtop:
               return None
        index = ky-int((y - mbottom) /
                (self.height - mtop - mbottom)
                * ky)
        line = self.layout.__getattribute__('%s_%d' % (self.mode, index))
        x -= mleft
        kx = 0
        for key in line:
            kw = keysize.x * key[3]
            if x >= kx and x < kx + kw:
                h = (self.height - mtop - mbottom) / ky
                return (key, (kx, h * (ky-index), kw, h))
            kx += kw
        return None

    def on_key_down(self, key, repeat=False):
        if repeat is False:
            self._last_key_repeat_timeout = self.repeat_timeout
            self._last_key_repeat = self.repeat
        displayed_str, internal_str, internal_action, scale = key
        if internal_action is None:
            if internal_str is not None:
                self.text += internal_str
        elif internal_action in ('capslock'):
            if self.mode == 'NORMAL':
                self.mode = 'SHIFT'
                self.mode = 'NORMAL'
            self._need_update = 'now'
        elif internal_action in ('shift', 'shift_L', 'shift_R'):
            if self.mode == 'NORMAL':
                self.mode = 'SHIFT'
                self.mode = 'NORMAL'
            self._need_update = 'now'
        elif internal_action in ('layout'):
            self._layout_widget.visible = True
        elif internal_action in ('backspace'):
            self.text = self.text[:-1]

    def on_key_up(self, key, repeat=False):
        if key in self._last_key_down and repeat is False:
        displayed_str, internal_str, internal_action, scale = key
        if internal_action is None:
        elif internal_action in ('shift', 'shift_L', 'shift_R'):
            if self.mode == 'NORMAL':
                self.mode = 'SHIFT'
                self.mode = 'NORMAL'
            self._need_update = 'now'

    def on_touch_down(self, touch):
        if not self._layout_widget.visible:
            x, y = self.to_local(touch.x, touch.y)
            keyinfo = self.get_key_at_pos(x, y)
            if keyinfo is not None:
                key, size = keyinfo
                if key not in self._active_keys:
                    touch.userdata['vkeyboard_key'] = keyinfo
                    self.dispatch_event('on_key_down', key)
                return True
        return super(MTVKeyboard, self).on_touch_down(touch)

    def on_touch_up(self, touch):
        if 'vkeyboard_key' in touch.userdata:
            keyinfo = touch.userdata['vkeyboard_key']
            key, size = keyinfo
            if keyinfo in self._active_keys:
            self.dispatch_event('on_key_up', key)
            return True
        return super(MTVKeyboard, self).on_touch_up(touch)
コード例 #3
ファイル: vkeyboard.py プロジェクト: azoon/pymt
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        MTVKeyboard is a OnBoard keyboard, who support Multitouch.
        Layout are entirely customizable, and you can switch from layout with
        little button in bottom-right of keyboard.

            `on_key_down` : key
                Fired when a key is down
                The key contain: displayed_str, internal_str, internal_action, width
            `on_key_up` : key
                Fired when a key is up
                The key contain: displayed_str, internal_str, internal_action, width
            `on_text_change` : text
                Fired when the internal text is changed

        List of internal action availables :

        * backspace
        * capslock
        * enter
        * escape
        * layout (to display layout list)
        * shift
        * shift_L
        * shift_R

        kwargs.setdefault('size', (700, 200))
        kwargs.setdefault('layout', None)
        super(MTVKeyboard, self).__init__(**kwargs)


        self.layout             = kwargs.get('layout')
        self.container_width, self.container_height   = self.size

        # read default layout in configuration
        if self.layout is None:
            idlayout = pymt.pymt_config.get('keyboard', 'layout')
            # search layout
            for layout in MTVKeyboard.available_layout:
                if layout.ID == idlayout:
                    self.layout = layout()
            # no layout found ?
            if self.layout is None:
                pymt.pymt_logger.warning('Keyboard layout <%s> not found, fallback on QWERTY' % idlayout)
                self.layout = KeyboardLayoutQWERTY()

        self._mode              = 'NORMAL'
        self._cache             = {}
        self._current_cache     = None
        self._last_update       = 0
        self._last_update_scale = 1.
        self._need_update       = 'now'
        self._internal_text     = ''
        self._show_layout       = False
        self._active_keys       = []

        # prepare layout widget
        mtop, mright, mbottom, mleft = self.style['margin']
        self._layout_widget     = MTKineticList(
            title=None, searchable=False, deletable=False,
            size=(self.width - mleft - mright, self.height),
            pos=(mleft, 0), style={'bg-color': (.0, .0, .0, .7)},
        for layout in MTVKeyboard.available_layout:
            item = MTKineticItem(label=layout.TITLE + ' - ' + layout.DESCRIPTION,
                    style={'font-size':14}, size=(self.width - mleft - mright, 40))
            item.push_handlers(on_press=curry(self.on_layout_change, layout))