def sendMotorCommand(publisher, thr, diffThr): msg = Drive() #print(thr,diffThr) msg.left = thr - diffThr msg.right = thr + diffThr rospy.loginfo_throttle( config.NAV['log_period'], "Motor command: Left: %f Right: %f" % (msg.left, msg.right)) publisher.publish(msg)
def __init__(self): rospy.Subscriber("cmd_vel", Twist, self.callback) = rospy.Publisher("cmd_drive", Drive, queue_size=10) self.driveMsg = Drive() rospy.loginfo("Listening for Twist messages on topic=cmd_vel") rospy.spin()
def sendMotorCommand(enabled,thr,diffThr): msg = Drive() if enabled!=config.MANUAL['rc_armed']: msg.left = 0 msg.right = 0 rospy.logwarn_throttle(config.MANUAL['motorCommand_log_period'],"Radio controller not detected or enabled") else: scalar_diffThr = config.MANUAL['scalar_diffThr'] #print(thr,diffThr) # for debug use thr2 = decimal.Decimal(-1*(thr-1500))/500 diffThr2 = decimal.Decimal(-1*(diffThr-1500))/500 #print(thr2,diffThr2) # for debug use msg.left = thr2-scalar_diffThr*diffThr2 msg.right = thr2+scalar_diffThr*diffThr2 if msg.left>1: msg.left = 1 if msg.left<-1: msg.left = -1 if msg.right>1: msg.right = 1 if msg.right<-1: msg.right = -1 pub = rospy.Publisher('/cmd_drive', Drive,queue_size=1) #msg.header.stamp = rospy.loginfo("Manual motor command: Left: %f Right: %f"%(msg.left,msg.right)) pub.publish(msg)
def callback(self, twist): """ Receive twist message, formulate and send Chameleon speed msg. """ cmd = Drive() speed_scale = 1.0 if twist.linear.x > 0.0: speed_scale = self.fwd_speed_scale if twist.linear.x < 0.0: speed_scale = self.rev_speed_scale cmd.left = (twist.linear.x * speed_scale) - (twist.angular.z * self.rotation_scale) cmd.right = (twist.linear.x * speed_scale) + (twist.angular.z * self.rotation_scale) # Maintain ratio of left/right in saturation if fabs(cmd.left) > 1.0: cmd.right = cmd.right * 1.0 / fabs(cmd.left) cmd.left = copysign(1.0, cmd.left) if fabs(cmd.right) > 1.0: cmd.left = cmd.left * 1.0 / fabs(cmd.right) cmd.right = copysign(1.0, cmd.right) # Apply down-scale of left and right thrusts. cmd.left *= self.left_max cmd.right *= self.right_max self.cmd_pub.publish(cmd)
if __name__ == '__main__': rospy.init_node('twist2drive', anonymous=True) # ROS Parameters in_topic = rospy.get_param('~input_topic', 'cmd_vel') out_topic = rospy.get_param('~output_topic', 'cmd_drive') # Scaling from Twist.linear.x to (left+right) linear_scaling = rospy.get_param('~linear_scaling', 0.2) # Scaling from Twist.angular.z to (right-left) angular_scaling = rospy.get_param('~angular_scaling', 0.05) rospy.loginfo("Subscribing to <%s>, Publishing to <%s>" % (in_topic, out_topic)) rospy.loginfo("Linear scaling=%f, Angular scaling=%f" % (linear_scaling, angular_scaling)) node = Node(linear_scaling, angular_scaling) # Publisher = rospy.Publisher(out_topic, Drive, queue_size=10) node.driveMsg = Drive() # Subscriber rospy.Subscriber(in_topic, Twist, node.callback) try: rospy.spin() except rospy.ROSInterruptException: pass
in_topic = rospy.get_param('~input_topic', 'imu') out_topic = rospy.get_param('~output_topic', 'cmd_drive') Kp = rospy.get_param('~Kp', 1.0) Kd = rospy.get_param('~Kd', 0.0) Ki = rospy.get_param('~Ki', 0.0) # Initiate node object - creates PID object node = Node() # Set initial gains from parameters = Kp = Kd = Ki # Setup outbound message node.drivemsg = Drive() #in_topic = "kingfisher_rpy" #in_type = Vector3 in_type = Imu # Setup publisher rospy.loginfo("Subscribing to %s" % (in_topic)) rospy.loginfo("Publishing to %s" % (out_topic)) node.publisher = rospy.Publisher(out_topic, Drive, queue_size=10) node.pubdebug = rospy.Publisher("pid_debug", PidDiagnose, queue_size=10) node.debugmsg = PidDiagnose() # Setup subscribers rospy.Subscriber(in_topic, in_type, node.callback) rospy.Subscriber("set_setpoint", Float64, node.set_setpoint)
# List of waypoints (x,y) in order of operation waypoints = [[1, -1], [1, 1], [1, 1], [1, 1], [1, 1], [1, 1], [1, 1], [0.3, -0.3], [0.3, -0.3], [1, 1], [1, 1], [1, 1], [1, 1], [1, 1], [1, 1], [1, 1], [1, 1]] #widx = 0; # Index of active waypoint # Set a distance metric for reaching a waypoint distThreshold = 3.0 # Setup publication of Twist commands ### NEEDS TO CHANGE cmdPub = rospy.Publisher('/cmd_drive', Drive, queue_size=10) time.sleep(2) # Wait to ensure publisher is registered # Create an empty Twist message for publication cmdMsg = Drive() # Setup subscriber - pointing it to the callback function above # Note we use the callback_args to pass the publisher and message into # the callback function (Could have used globals, but...) poseSub = rospy.Subscriber('/p3d_odom', Odometry, callback=callback_fcn, callback_args=[cmdPub, cmdMsg, waypoints]) print('WIDX = ' + str(widx)) # This just waits until is_shutdown() becomes true - infinite loop # See rospy.spin()
[1, 1], [1, 1], [1, 1], [1, 1], [1, 1], [1, 1], [1, 1], [1, 1], [1, 1], [1, 1], [1, 1]] #widx = 0; # Index of active waypoint # Set a distance metric for reaching a waypoint distThreshold = 3.0 # Setup publication of Twist commands ### NEEDS TO CHANGE cmdPub = rospy.Publisher('/cmd_drive', Drive, queue_size=10) time.sleep(2) # Wait to ensure publisher is registered for i in range(len(waypoints)): # Create an empty Twist message for publication cmdMsg = Drive() cmdMsg.left = waypoints[i][0] cmdMsg.right = waypoints[i][1] cmdPub.publish(cmdMsg) if i > 9: time.sleep(1) else: time.sleep(2) # Setup subscriber - pointing it to the callback function above # Note we use the callback_args to pass the publisher and message into # the callback function (Could have used globals, but...) #poseSub = rospy.Subscriber('/p3d_odom',Odometry, # callback=callback_fcn, # callback_args=[cmdPub,cmdMsg, # waypoints]) #print('WIDX = ' + str(widx))