コード例 #1
	def test_update_add(self) : 

		db_handler = self.init_db_update_test()
		kanjis_list = db_handler.select('vocab', 'word')
		self.assertGreater(len(kanjis_list), 0)
		self.assertEqual(os.path.exists(configuration.getConfiguration().get('kioku', 'intermediate_files_bk')+'/testJap1.csv'), True)
コード例 #2
ファイル: command.py プロジェクト: roma-p/kioku
def reset_DB():

    global reset_suffix
    status = True
    config_data = configuration.getConfiguration()
    db_path = config_data.get('kioku', 'db_path')
    db_bk = config_data.get('kioku', 'db_bk')

    for path in (db_path, db_bk):
        if not os.path.exists(path):
            status = False
            log.error('Path not found : ' + path)
    if not status: return status

    bdd_name = db_path.split('/')[-1].split('.db')[0]
    now = datetime.datetime.now()
    backup_fullpath = db_bk + '/' + bdd_name + reset_suffix + str(
        now.year) + '.' + str(now.month) + '.' + str(now.day) + '.' + str(
            now.hour) + ':' + str(now.minute) + '.db'
    os.rename(db_path, backup_fullpath)
    log.info('current BDD saved as : ' + backup_fullpath)

    status = init_kioku()
    if not status:
        log.error('backuped done but init process failed somehow.')
    return status
コード例 #3
	def test_update_multiple(self) : 

		db_handler = self.init_db_update_test()
		kanjis_list = db_handler.select('vocab', 'word')
		self.assertGreater(len(kanjis_list), 0)
		for i in range(1,4) : 	
			self.assertEqual(os.path.exists(configuration.getConfiguration().get('kioku', 'intermediate_files_bk')+'/testJap'+str(i)+'.csv'), True)
コード例 #4
	def setUp(self):

		# monkey patching configuration for test purpose. 
		def path_patched() : return config_path
		configuration.path = path_patched
		self.data = configuration.getConfiguration()

		# creating working DB.
		copyfile(original_db, working_db)
コード例 #5
ファイル: command.py プロジェクト: roma-p/kioku
def _get_intermediate_files_bk_path():

    global intermediate_files_bk
    intermediate_files_bk = configuration.getConfiguration().get(
        'kioku', 'intermediate_files_bk')
    if not intermediate_files_bk:
            'did not find path to store data file "intermediate_files_bk" in configuration file.'
        return False
    return True
コード例 #6
ファイル: command.py プロジェクト: roma-p/kioku
def init_kioku():

    db_path = configuration.getConfiguration().get('kioku', 'db_path')
    if not os.path.exists(db_path):
        log.warning("database not found at : " + db_path)
        log.warning("instanciating a fresh one.")
        status = db_generation.generateDB(db_path)
        if not status: return False

    db_handler = DB_handler()
    if not db_handler: return False
    return True
コード例 #7
ファイル: command.py プロジェクト: roma-p/kioku
def update_DB(input_data):

    # Checking ---------------------------------------------------------------
    status = True
    if not os.path.exists(input_data):
        log.error('file / path not found :' + input_data)
        status = False
    config_data = configuration.getConfiguration()
    if not config_data:
        log.error('configuration data loading failed.')
        status = False

    if not status:
        log.error('DB not updated.')
        return status

    #TODO : need a way to check csv file integrity before modifying DB...

    # Updating databse --------------------------------------------------------
    if input_data[-3:] == 'csv':
        errors = db_update.add(input_data)
        bk_list = [input_data]

        fileList, errors = db_update.add_multiple(input_data)
        bk_list = fileList

    # Backup of files ---------------------------------------------------------
    for file in bk_list:
        file_bk_name = _name_intermediate_file(file)
        if not file_bk_name:
            log.error('could not backup file : ' + original_file)
            copyfile(file, file_bk_name)
            log.info('data file backuped at : ' + file_bk_name)

    # Treating errors ---------------------------------------------------------
    if not errors:
        log.info('no entry tagged as error detected')
        log.warning(str(len(errors)) + ' entries tagged as error detected')
コード例 #8
ファイル: command.py プロジェクト: roma-p/kioku
def backup_DB(backupName):

    if backupName[-3:] != '.db':
        log.error('backup files are .db')
        return False
    config_data = configuration.getConfiguration()

    if not config_data:
        log.error('no config data found...')
        return False

    db_path = config_data.get('kioku', 'db_path')
    db_bk = config_data.get('kioku', 'db_bk')
    backup_path = db_bk + '/' + backupName

    status = True
    for path in (db_path, db_bk):
        if not os.path.exists(path):
            status = False
            log.error('Path not found : ' + path)
    if not status: return status

    copyfile(db_path, backup_path)
    return status