def recoverymenu(): '''display recovery menu and process results''' try: my_menu = dict([ ('a1', 'unpack recovery.img'), ('b2', 'browse recovery'), #('c3', 'init.d support'), ('e5', 'finalise recovery'), #('f6', 'Pack Kernel with fun_ CWM recovery'), ('g=', '='), ('h3', 'Custom remove'), ('j4', 'Custom deploy'), ('t=', '='), ('vm', 'main menu'), ('z=', '=') ]) choice = mymenu(my_menu,'Enter selection :') if choice in ('1'): unpackrecovery() elif choice in ('2'): browse_recovery() elif choice in ('5'): finalise_recovery() #elif choice in ('6'): # pack_CWM_recovery() else: pass if choice not in ('m','M'): recoverymenu() except Exception as e: logerror('recovery::recoverymenu ',e,1)
def parameter_menu(): '''display parameter menu and process results''' try: my_menu = dict([ ('a1', 'read parameters'), ('b2', 'display parameters'), ('c3', 'Edit Parameters'), #('e5', 'finalise recovery'), #('g=', '='), #('h3', 'Custom remove'), #('j4', 'Custom deploy'), ('t=', '='), ('vm', 'main menu'), ('z=', '=') ]) choice = mymenu(my_menu,'Enter selection :',checkvalid = True) if choice in ('1'): parse_parameter() elif choice in ('2'): display_params() elif choice in ('3'): editparameter_menu() elif choice in ('rR'): repairparams() else: pass if choice not in ('m','M'): parameter_menu() except Exception as e: logerror('parameter::parameter_menu ',e,1)
def parameter_menu(): '''display parameter menu and process results''' try: my_menu = dict([ ('a1', 'read parameters'), ('b2', 'display parameters'), ('c3', 'Edit Parameters'), #('e5', 'finalise recovery'), #('g=', '='), #('h3', 'Custom remove'), #('j4', 'Custom deploy'), ('t=', '='), ('vm', 'main menu'), ('z=', '=') ]) choice = mymenu(my_menu, 'Enter selection :', checkvalid=True) if choice in ('1'): parse_parameter() elif choice in ('2'): display_params() elif choice in ('3'): editparameter_menu() elif choice in ('rR'): repairparams() else: pass if choice not in ('m', 'M'): parameter_menu() except Exception as e: logerror('parameter::parameter_menu ', e, 1)
def bootmenu(): '''display boot menu and process results''' try: my_menu = dict([ ('a1', 'unpack boot.img'), ('b2', 'build prop edits'), ('c3', 'init.d support'), ('d4', 'brand boot.img'), ('e5', 'finalise boot'), ('g=', '='), ('h6', 'Custom remove'), ('j7', 'Custom deploy'), ('k8', 'Custom extend'), ('l9', 'Custom extend init.rk30board.rc'), ('p=', '='), ('qw', 'broWse'), ('t=', '='), ('vm', 'main menu'), ('z=', '=') ]) choice = mymenu(my_menu,'Enter selection :') if choice in ('1'): unpackboot() elif choice in ('2'): initrc_mount_system_rw(1) elif choice in ('3'): addinitd_support(1) elif choice in ('4'): brand_boot(1) elif choice in ('5'): finalise_boot() elif choice in ('6'): custom_remove('working/boot/') elif choice in ('7'): custom_deploy('working/boot/') elif choice in ('8'): path = 'working/boot/init.rc' query_add_by_file(path,os.path.join(KitchenConfig.KitchenConfig.KitchenPath ,'processcontrol/queryaddinitrc')) os.system('sudo ' + KitchenConfig.KitchenConfig.editor + ' ' + path) elif choice in ('9'): path = 'working/boot/init.rk30board.rc' query_add_by_file(path,os.path.join(KitchenConfig.KitchenConfig.KitchenPath ,'processcontrol/queryaddrk30board')) logging.debug('boot::bootmenu sudo ' + KitchenConfig.KitchenConfig.editor + ' ' + path) os.system('sudo ' + KitchenConfig.KitchenConfig.editor + ' ' + path) elif choice in ('W','w'): browse_boot() else: pass if choice not in ('m','M'): bootmenu() except Exception as e: logerror('boot::bootmenu ',e,1)
def flash_menu(): '''display flash menu and process results''' try: ri = rominfo.rominfo my_menu = dict([ ('a1', 'flash misc'), ('b2', 'flash kernel'), ('c3', 'flash boot'), ('e4', 'flash recovery'), ('g5', 'flash system'), ('h6', 'flash parameters'), ('i7', 'clear cache'), ('j8', 'clear userdata'), ('k9', 'reboot'), ('pp', 'Pull ROM'), ('t=', '='), ('vm', 'main menu'), ('z=', '=') ]) choice = mymenu(my_menu,'Enter selection :',checkvalid = True) if choice in ('1'): flash_singleimage('working/misc.img',ri.misc.flashdata()) elif choice in ('2'): flash_singleimage('working/kernel.img',ri.kernel.flashdata()) elif choice in ('3'): flash_singleimage('working/boot.img',ri.boot.flashdata()) elif choice in ('4'): flash_singleimage('working/recovery.img',ri.recovery.flashdata()) elif choice in ('5'): flash_singleimage('working/system.img',ri.system.flashdata()) elif choice in ('6'): flash_parameters() elif choice in ('7'): flash_clear('cache') elif choice in ('8'): flash_clear('userdata') elif choice in ('9'): flash_reboot() elif choice in ('Pp'): pullROM() elif choice in('Rr'): repairparams() else: pass if choice not in ('m','M'): flash_menu() except Exception as e: logerror('flash::flash_menu ',e,1)
def flash_menu(): '''display flash menu and process results''' try: ri = rominfo.rominfo my_menu = dict([('a1', 'flash misc'), ('b2', 'flash kernel'), ('c3', 'flash boot'), ('e4', 'flash recovery'), ('g5', 'flash system'), ('h6', 'flash parameters'), ('i7', 'clear cache'), ('j8', 'clear userdata'), ('k9', 'reboot'), ('pp', 'Pull ROM'), ('t=', '='), ('vm', 'main menu'), ('z=', '=')]) choice = mymenu(my_menu, 'Enter selection :', checkvalid=True) if choice in ('1'): flash_singleimage('working/misc.img', ri.misc.flashdata()) elif choice in ('2'): flash_singleimage('working/kernel.img', ri.kernel.flashdata()) elif choice in ('3'): flash_singleimage('working/boot.img', ri.boot.flashdata()) elif choice in ('4'): flash_singleimage('working/recovery.img', ri.recovery.flashdata()) elif choice in ('5'): flash_singleimage('working/system.img', ri.system.flashdata()) elif choice in ('6'): flash_parameters() elif choice in ('7'): flash_clear('cache') elif choice in ('8'): flash_clear('userdata') elif choice in ('9'): flash_reboot() elif choice in ('Pp'): pullROM() elif choice in ('Rr'): repairparams() else: pass if choice not in ('m', 'M'): flash_menu() except Exception as e: logerror('flash::flash_menu ', e, 1)
def kernel_menu(): ''' stand alone menu''' try: ri = rominfo.rominfo if ri.kernelImageSize <> '': getkerneldata() my_menu = dict([ ('aa', 'Get Kernel image info'), ('bb', 'Brand Kernel'), ('t=', '='), ('vm', 'main menu'), ('z=', '=') ]) else: my_menu = dict([ ('aa', 'Get Kernel image info'), ('t=', '='), ('vm', 'main menu'), ('z=', '=') ]) choice = mymenu(my_menu,'Enter selection :') if choice in ('a'): getkerneldata() elif choice in ('b'): if w > 0: brandkernel(); elif choice in ('m','M'): pprint('=') pprint('Exiting') pprint('=') if choice not in ('m', 'M'): kernel_menu() except Exception as e: logerror('kernel::kernelmenu ' ,e,1)
def systemmenu(): '''display system menu and process results''' my_menu = dict([ ('a1', 'mount system.img'), ('b2', 'unmount system'), ('c=', '='), ('d3', 'grow system'), ('e5', 'custom remove'), ('g6', 'custom deploy'), ('h7', 'custom build prop change'), ('p=', '='), ('qw', 'broWse'), ('s=', '='), ('tm', 'main menu'), ('z=', '=') ]) choice = mymenu(my_menu,'Enter selection :') if choice in ('1'): mountsystem() elif choice in ('2'): finalisesystem() elif choice in ('3'): growsystem() elif choice in ('5'): customremove('working/mntsystem/') elif choice in ('6'): custom_deploy('working/mntsystem/') elif choice in ('7'): extendBuildprop(1) elif choice in ('W','w'): browse_system() else: pass if choice not in ('m','M'): systemmenu()
def rkmainmenu(): '''Main menu for interaction with user This is a version 1 menu this needs to inspect the state of the current working ROM and offer options as appropriate''' try: main_menu = dict([ ('a1', 'Pick up img and create locations'), ('b2', 'Clean, brand and root system and boot images'), ('c3', 'Make ROM kits'), ('d4', 'Clean workspace (removes working files)'), #('f5', 'Wipe workspace, and unpacked'), ('g=', '='), ('hb', 'boot menu'), ('ir', 'recovery menu'), ('js', 'system menu'), ('kk', 'kernel menu'), ('lp', 'parameter menu'), ('mf', 'flash menu'), #('ng', 'graphics'), ('p=', '='), ('qw', 'broWse'), ('t=', '='), ('yx', 'eXit'), ('z=', '=') ]) choice = mymenu( main_menu ,'Enter selection :' ,checkvalid = True) if choice in ('1'): setworkingROM() elif choice in ('2'): cleanroot() elif choice in ('3'): makeROMkits() elif choice in ('4'): cleanworkspace() #elif choice in ('5'): # wipeworkspace() elif choice in ('b','B'): bootmenu() elif choice in ('s','S'): systemmenu() elif choice in ('r','R'): recoverymenu() elif choice in ('p','P'): parameter_menu() elif choice in ('f','F'): flash_menu() elif choice in ('r','R'): repairparams() elif choice in ('k','K'): kernel_menu() elif choice in ('W','w'): browse('') elif choice in ('x','X'): pprint('=') pprint('Exiting') pprint('=') if choice not in ('x', 'X'): rkmainmenu() except Exception as e: logerror('rkmainmenu::menu ',e,1)
def rkmainmenu(): '''Main menu for interaction with user This is a version 1 menu this needs to inspect the state of the current working ROM and offer options as appropriate''' try: main_menu = dict([ ('a1', 'Pick up img and create locations'), ('b2', 'Clean, brand and root system and boot images'), ('c3', 'Make ROM kits'), ('d4', 'Clean workspace (removes working files)'), #('f5', 'Wipe workspace, and unpacked'), ('g=', '='), ('hb', 'boot menu'), ('ir', 'recovery menu'), ('js', 'system menu'), ('kk', 'kernel menu'), ('lp', 'parameter menu'), ('mf', 'flash menu'), #('ng', 'graphics'), ('p=', '='), ('qw', 'broWse'), ('t=', '='), ('yx', 'eXit'), ('z=', '=') ]) choice = mymenu(main_menu, 'Enter selection :', checkvalid=True) if choice in ('1'): setworkingROM() elif choice in ('2'): cleanroot() elif choice in ('3'): makeROMkits() elif choice in ('4'): cleanworkspace() #elif choice in ('5'): # wipeworkspace() elif choice in ('b', 'B'): bootmenu() elif choice in ('s', 'S'): systemmenu() elif choice in ('r', 'R'): recoverymenu() elif choice in ('p', 'P'): parameter_menu() elif choice in ('f', 'F'): flash_menu() elif choice in ('r', 'R'): repairparams() elif choice in ('k', 'K'): kernel_menu() elif choice in ('W', 'w'): browse('') elif choice in ('x', 'X'): pprint('=') pprint('Exiting') pprint('=') if choice not in ('x', 'X'): rkmainmenu() except Exception as e: logerror('rkmainmenu::menu ', e, 1)