コード例 #1
ファイル: ecs.py プロジェクト: KnpLabs/kitipy
def add_secrets(containers: List[dict], secrets: dict) -> List[dict]:
    kctx = kitipy.get_current_context()
    by_name = {c["name"]: c for c in containers}

    for container, container_secrets in secrets.items():
        by_name[container].update({"secrets": container_secrets})

    return list(by_name.values())
コード例 #2
def wait_for(tester: TesterCallable,
             max_checks: int,
             interval: int = 1,
             label: Optional[str] = None):
    """This helper function will run a tester callback for max_checks times at
    most, with an interval between each check. If the callback didn't return
    true or a successful subprocess.CompletedProcess after max_checks retries,
    an exception is thrown.
    This helps implementing some higher-level wait functions, for instance to
    ensure containers are all running or to ensure a DB is initialized.

        tester (TesterCallable):
            The callback to regularly run.
        max_checks (int):
            Number of times the tester functions should be called at most.
            After that, an exception is thrown if no check were successful.
        interval (int):
            Interval in seconds between two retry.
        label (Optional[str]):
            Label to display on the CLI every time the tester function is
            called. This is prefixed by "[X/max_checks]". It's also used for
            the exception message when wait_for fails. It's recommended to 
            write it in the form of: "Wait for <something>".
        click.ClickException: When max_checks is reached and no checks were successful.
    kctx = kitipy.get_current_context()
    label = label if label is not None else 'Waiting...'
    for i in range(1, max_checks, interval):
        kctx.echo(message="[%d/%d] %s" % (i, max_checks, label))

        result = None
        succeeded = False

            result = tester(kctx)
        except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
            succeedded = False

        if isinstance(result, bool):
            succeeded = result
        if isinstance(result, subprocess.CompletedProcess):
            succeeded = result.returncode == 0

        if succeeded:


    kctx.fail("Failed to %s" % (label.lower()))
コード例 #3
ファイル: ecs.py プロジェクト: KnpLabs/kitipy
def run_oneoff_task(client: mypy_boto3_ecs.ECSClient, cluster_name: str,
                    task_name: str, task_def: dict, container: str,
                    command: List[str], run_args: dict) -> str:
    """Run a specific command in a oneoff ECS task.

        client (mypy_boto3_ecs.ECSClient):
            An ECS API client.
        cluster_name (str):
            The name of the cluster where the task should run.
        task_name (str):
            The name of the task to create.
        task_def (dict):
            The task definition to register and deploy. See https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECS/latest/developerguide/task_definition_parameters.html.
        container (str):
            The name of the container where the command should run.
        command (List[str]):
            The shell command to run in the container.
        run_args (dict):
            The list of arguments to pass to run_task(). See https://boto3.amazonaws.com/v1/documentation/api/latest/reference/services/ecs.html#ECS.Client.run_task.

        str: The ARN of the task.
    # @TODO: use a proper logger
    kctx = kitipy.get_current_context()

    task_def_id = register_task_definition(client, task_def)

    run_args["cluster"] = cluster_name
    run_args["group"] = task_name
    run_args["taskDefinition"] = task_def_id
    run_args["count"] = 1
    run_args["overrides"] = {
        "containerOverrides": [{
            "name": container,
            "command": command

    resp = client.run_task(**run_args)
    task_arn = resp["tasks"][0]["taskArn"]
    kctx.info("A new oneoff task {0} has been scheduled.".format(task_arn))

    return task_arn
コード例 #4
ファイル: ecs.py プロジェクト: KnpLabs/kitipy
def register_task_definition(client: mypy_boto3_ecs.ECSClient,
                             task_def: dict) -> str:
    """Register a task definition and returns its id.

        client (mypy_boto3_ecs.ECSClient):
            An ECS API client.
        task_def (dict):
            A task definition as expected by ECS API. See https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECS/latest/developerguide/task_definition_parameters.html.

        str: The definition ID in format "family:revision".
    resp = client.register_task_definition(**task_def)
    task_def_id = "{0}:{1}".format(resp["taskDefinition"]["family"],

    # @TODO: use a proper logger
    kctx = kitipy.get_current_context()
    kctx.info(("A new task definition {task_def_id} " +
               "has been registered").format(task_def_id=task_def_id))

    return task_def_id
コード例 #5
ファイル: ecs.py プロジェクト: KnpLabs/kitipy
def watch_deployment(
    client: mypy_boto3_ecs.ECSClient,
    cluster_name: str,
    service_name: str,
    deployment_id: str,
    max_attempts: int = 120,
) -> Generator[mypy_boto3_ecs.type_defs.ServiceEventTypeDef, None, None]:
    """Wait until a service deployment is complete and stream ECS events.

    This function polls the ECS API every 5s until the given deployment has
    completed. A deployment is completed once it has PRIMARY status and its
    number of desired replicas matches the running count.

        client (mypy_boto3_ecs.ECSClient):
            An ECS API client.
        cluster_name (str):
            The name of the cluster where the service run.
        service_name (str):
            The name of the service to look for.
        deployment_id (str):
            The ID of the deployment to watch.
        max_attempts (number):
            The maximum number of attempts to be made. Default: 120 (~10 minutes).

        ServiceNotFoundError: When no matching service was found.
        RuntimeError: When more than 1 service have been returned by ECS API.
        DeploymentNotFoundError: When no deployment with the given ID is found.
        RuntimeError: When max_attempts is reached.
    kctx = kitipy.get_current_context()
    status = None
    last_date = None
    attempts = 0.

    while attempts < max_attempts:
        deployment = find_service_deployment(
            client, cluster_name, service_name,
            lambda d: d["id"] == deployment_id)

        if deployment is None:
            raise DeploymentNotFoundError(
                "Deployment {0} not found.".format(deployment_id))

        if last_date is None:
            last_date = deployment["createdAt"]

        status = deployment["status"]
        events = list_service_events(client, cluster_name, service_name)
        new_events = list(e for e in events if e["createdAt"] > last_date)

        if len(new_events) > 0:
            last_date = new_events[0]["createdAt"]

        for event in reversed(new_events):
            yield event

        running_count = deployment["runningCount"]
        desired_count = deployment["desiredCount"]
        if status == "PRIMARY" and running_count == desired_count:

        attempts += 1

    raise RuntimeError(
        "watch_deployment timed out before the deployment was completed. It is probably broken."
コード例 #6
ファイル: ecs.py プロジェクト: KnpLabs/kitipy
def upsert_service(client: mypy_boto3_ecs.ECSClient, cluster_name: str,
                   service_name: str, task_def: dict,
                   service_def: dict) -> str:
    """Upsert an ECS service with its task definition.
    The desiredCount of the current service deployment is automatically reused.

        client (mypy_boto3_ecs.ECSClient):
            An ECS API client.
        cluster_name (str):
            The name of the cluster where the service should be looked for.
        service_name (str):
            The name of the service to look for.
        task_def (dict):
            The task definition to register and deploy. See https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECS/latest/developerguide/task_definition_parameters.html.
        service_def (dict):
            The definition of the service to upsert. See https://boto3.amazonaws.com/v1/documentation/api/latest/reference/services/ecs.html#ECS.Client.create_service.
        string: The ID of the service deployment.

            Both loadBalancers and serviceRegistries parameters from the
            service definitions can't be changed after creation. If you need to
            update these parameters, you should change the service name.
    # @TODO: use a proper logger
    kctx = kitipy.get_current_context()

    task_def_id = register_task_definition(client, task_def)

    service_def["cluster"] = cluster_name
    service_def["serviceName"] = service_name
    service_def["taskDefinition"] = task_def_id

    if find_service_arn(client, cluster_name, service_name) is None:
        kctx.info(("Creating service {service} " +
                   "in {cluster} cluster.").format(service=service_name,
        resp = client.create_service(**service_def)
        return resp["service"]["deployments"][0]["id"]

    existing = describe_service(client, cluster_name, service_name)

    if existing["loadBalancers"] != service_def.get("loadBalancers", []):
        raise ServiceDefinitionChangedError(
            "The parameter loadBalancers has changed.")

    if existing["serviceRegistries"] != service_def.get(
            "serviceRegistries", []):
        # @TODO: add previous/current values to the exception
        raise ServiceDefinitionChangedError(
            "The parameter serviceRegistries has changed.")

    # Remvoe all the params that are supported by create_service but not by
    # update_service.
    service_def["service"] = service_def["serviceName"]
    service_def = {
        k: v
        for k, v in service_def.items() if k not in create_update_diff

    kctx.info(("Updating service {service} " + "in {cluster} cluster.").format(
        service=service_name, cluster=cluster_name))

    service_def["desiredCount"] = existing["desiredCount"]

    resp = client.update_service(**service_def)
    return resp["service"]["deployments"][0]["id"]