コード例 #1
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: zctyhj/kitsune
def opensearch_suggestions(request):
    """A simple search view that returns OpenSearch suggestions."""
    content_type = "application/x-suggestions+json"

    term = request.GET.get("q")
    if not term:
        return HttpResponseBadRequest(content_type=content_type)

    locale = locale_or_default(request.LANGUAGE_CODE)

    # FIXME: Rewrite this using the simple search search business
    # logic. This currently returns templates (amongst other things)
    # which is totally wrong.
        query = dict(("%s__match" % field, term) for field in DocumentMappingType.get_query_fields())
        # Upgrade the query to an analyzer-aware one.
        query = es_utils.es_query_with_analyzer(query, locale)

        wiki_s = (
            .values_dict("document_title", "url")

        query = dict(("%s__match" % field, term) for field in QuestionMappingType.get_query_fields())
        question_s = (
            .values_dict("question_title", "url")

        results = list(chain(question_s, wiki_s))
    except ES_EXCEPTIONS:
        # If we have ES problems, we just send back an empty result
        # set.
        results = []

    def urlize(r):
        return u"%s://%s%s" % ("https" if request.is_secure() else "http", request.get_host(), r["url"][0])

    def titleize(r):
        # NB: Elasticsearch returns an array of strings as the value,
        # so we mimic that and then pull out the first (and only)
        # string.
        return r.get("document_title", r.get("question_title", [_("No title")]))[0]

    data = [term, [titleize(r) for r in results], [], [urlize(r) for r in results]]
    return HttpResponse(json.dumps(data), content_type=content_type)
コード例 #2
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: runt18/kitsune
def suggestions(request):
    """A simple search view that returns OpenSearch suggestions."""
    content_type = 'application/x-suggestions+json'

    term = request.GET.get('q')
    if not term:
        return HttpResponseBadRequest(content_type=content_type)

    site = Site.objects.get_current()
    locale = locale_or_default(request.LANGUAGE_CODE)
        query = dict(('{0!s}__match'.format(field), term)
                     for field in DocumentMappingType.get_query_fields())
        # Upgrade the query to an analyzer-aware one.
        query = es_utils.es_query_with_analyzer(query, locale)

        wiki_s = (DocumentMappingType.search()
                  .values_dict('document_title', 'url')

        query = dict(('{0!s}__match'.format(field), term)
                     for field in QuestionMappingType.get_query_fields())
        question_s = (QuestionMappingType.search()
                      .values_dict('question_title', 'url')

        results = list(chain(question_s, wiki_s))
    except ES_EXCEPTIONS:
        # If we have ES problems, we just send back an empty result
        # set.
        results = []

    def urlize(r):
        return u'https://{0!s}{1!s}'.format(site, r['url'])

    def titleize(r):
        return r.get('document_title', r.get('document_title'))

    data = [term,
            [titleize(r) for r in results],
            [urlize(r) for r in results]]
    return HttpResponse(json.dumps(data), content_type=content_type)
コード例 #3
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: jayvdb/kitsune
def suggestions(request):
    """A simple search view that returns OpenSearch suggestions."""
    mimetype = 'application/x-suggestions+json'

    term = request.GET.get('q')
    if not term:
        return HttpResponseBadRequest(mimetype=mimetype)

    site = Site.objects.get_current()
    locale = locale_or_default(request.LANGUAGE_CODE)
        query = dict(('%s__text' % field, term)
                     for field in DocumentMappingType.get_query_fields())
        wiki_s = (DocumentMappingType.search()
                  .values_dict('document_title', 'url')

        query = dict(('%s__text' % field, term)
                     for field in QuestionMappingType.get_query_fields())
        question_s = (QuestionMappingType.search()
                      .values_dict('question_title', 'url')

        results = list(chain(question_s, wiki_s))
    except ES_EXCEPTIONS:
        # If we have ES problems, we just send back an empty result
        # set.
        results = []

    urlize = lambda r: u'https://%s%s' % (site, r['url'])
    titleize = lambda r: (r['document_title'] if 'document_title' in r
                          else r['question_title'])
    data = [term,
            [titleize(r) for r in results],
            [urlize(r) for r in results]]
    return HttpResponse(json.dumps(data), mimetype=mimetype)
コード例 #4
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: rbillings/kitsune
def opensearch_suggestions(request):
    """A simple search view that returns OpenSearch suggestions."""
    content_type = 'application/x-suggestions+json'

    search_form = SimpleSearchForm(request.GET, auto_id=False)
    if not search_form.is_valid():
        return HttpResponseBadRequest(content_type=content_type)

    cleaned = search_form.cleaned_data
    language = locale_or_default(cleaned['language'] or request.LANGUAGE_CODE)
    searcher = generate_simple_search(search_form, language, with_highlights=False)
    searcher = searcher.values_dict('document_title', 'question_title', 'url')
    results = searcher[:10]

    def urlize(r):
        return u'%s://%s%s' % (
            'https' if request.is_secure() else 'http',

    def titleize(r):
        # NB: Elasticsearch returns an array of strings as the value, so we mimic that and
        # then pull out the first (and only) string.
        return r.get('document_title', r.get('question_title', [_('No title')]))[0]

        data = [
            [titleize(r) for r in results],
            [urlize(r) for r in results]
    except ES_EXCEPTIONS:
        # If we have Elasticsearch problems, we just send back an empty set of results.
        data = []

    return HttpResponse(json.dumps(data), content_type=content_type)
コード例 #5
def advanced_search(request):
    """Elasticsearch-specific Advanced search view"""

    to_json = JSONRenderer().render
    template = "search/results.html"

    # 1. Prep request.
    r = request.GET.copy()
    # TODO: Figure out how to get rid of 'a' and do it.
    # It basically is used to switch between showing the form or results.
    a = request.GET.get("a", "2")
    # TODO: This is so the 'a=1' stays in the URL for pagination.
    r["a"] = 1

    language = locale_or_default(
        request.GET.get("language", request.LANGUAGE_CODE))
    r["language"] = language
    lang = language.lower()
    lang_name = settings.LANGUAGES_DICT.get(lang) or ""

    # 2. Build form.
    search_form = AdvancedSearchForm(r, auto_id=False)

    # 3. Validate request.
    # Note: a == 2 means "show the form"--that's all we use it for now.
    if a == "2" or not search_form.is_valid():
        if request.IS_JSON:
            return HttpResponse(
                json.dumps({"error": _("Invalid search data.")}),

        t = "search/form.html"
        data = {
            "advanced": True,
            "request": request,
            "search_form": search_form
        # get value for search input from last search term.
        last_search = request.COOKIES.get(settings.LAST_SEARCH_COOKIE)
        # If there is any cached input from last search, pass it to template
        if last_search and "q" not in r:
            cached_field = urlquote(last_search)
            data.update({"cached_field": cached_field})

        return cache_control(render(request, t, data),

    # 4. Generate search.
    cleaned = search_form.cleaned_data

    # We use a regular S here because we want to search across
    # multiple doctypes.
    searcher = (AnalyzerS().es(

    doctypes = []
    final_filter = F()
    unix_now = int(time.time())
    interval_filters = (
        ("created", cleaned["created"], cleaned["created_date"]),
        ("updated", cleaned["updated"], cleaned["updated_date"]),

    # Start - wiki search configuration

    if cleaned["w"] & constants.WHERE_WIKI:
        wiki_f = F(model="wiki_document")

        # Category filter
        if cleaned["category"]:
            wiki_f &= F(document_category__in=cleaned["category"])

        # Locale filter
        wiki_f &= F(document_locale=language)

        # Product filter
        products = cleaned["product"]
        for p in products:
            wiki_f &= F(product=p)

        # Topics filter
        topics = cleaned["topics"]
        for t in topics:
            wiki_f &= F(topic=t)

        # Archived bit
        if not cleaned["include_archived"]:
            wiki_f &= F(document_is_archived=False)

        # Apply sortby
        sortby = cleaned["sortby_documents"]
            searcher = searcher.order_by(*constants.SORT_DOCUMENTS[sortby])
        except IndexError:
            # Skip index errors because they imply the user is sending us sortby values
            # that aren't valid.

        final_filter |= wiki_f

    # End - wiki search configuration

    # Start - support questions configuration

    if cleaned["w"] & constants.WHERE_SUPPORT:
        question_f = F(model="questions_question")

        # These filters are ternary, they can be either YES, NO, or OFF
        ternary_filters = ("is_locked", "is_solved", "has_answers",
                           "has_helpful", "is_archived")
        d = dict(("question_%s" % filter_name,
                 for filter_name in ternary_filters if cleaned[filter_name])
        if d:
            question_f &= F(**d)

        if cleaned["asked_by"]:
            question_f &= F(question_creator=cleaned["asked_by"])

        if cleaned["answered_by"]:
            question_f &= F(question_answer_creator=cleaned["answered_by"])

        q_tags = [t.strip() for t in cleaned["q_tags"].split(",")]
        for t in q_tags:
            if t:
                question_f &= F(question_tag=t)

        # Product filter
        products = cleaned["product"]
        for p in products:
            question_f &= F(product=p)

        # Topics filter
        topics = cleaned["topics"]
        for t in topics:
            question_f &= F(topic=t)

        # Note: num_voted (with a d) is a different field than num_votes
        # (with an s). The former is a dropdown and the latter is an
        # integer value.
        if cleaned["num_voted"] == constants.INTERVAL_BEFORE:
            question_f &= F(
                question_num_votes__lte=max(cleaned["num_votes"], 0))
        elif cleaned["num_voted"] == constants.INTERVAL_AFTER:
            question_f &= F(question_num_votes__gte=cleaned["num_votes"])

        # Apply sortby
        sortby = cleaned["sortby"]
            searcher = searcher.order_by(*constants.SORT_QUESTIONS[sortby])
        except IndexError:
            # Skip index errors because they imply the user is sending us sortby values
            # that aren't valid.

        # Apply created and updated filters
        for filter_name, filter_option, filter_date in interval_filters:
            if filter_option == constants.INTERVAL_BEFORE:
                before = {
                    filter_name + "__gte": 0,
                    filter_name + "__lte": max(filter_date, 0)

                question_f &= F(**before)

            elif filter_option == constants.INTERVAL_AFTER:
                after = {
                    filter_name + "__gte": min(filter_date, unix_now),
                    filter_name + "__lte": unix_now,

                question_f &= F(**after)

        final_filter |= question_f

    # End - support questions configuration

    # Start - discussion forum configuration

    if cleaned["w"] & constants.WHERE_DISCUSSION:
        discussion_f = F(model="forums_thread")

        if cleaned["author"]:
            discussion_f &= F(post_author_ord=cleaned["author"])

        if cleaned["thread_type"]:
            if constants.DISCUSSION_STICKY in cleaned["thread_type"]:
                discussion_f &= F(post_is_sticky=1)

            if constants.DISCUSSION_LOCKED in cleaned["thread_type"]:
                discussion_f &= F(post_is_locked=1)

        valid_forum_ids = [
            f.id for f in Forum.authorized_forums_for_user(request.user)

        forum_ids = None
        if cleaned["forum"]:
            forum_ids = [f for f in cleaned["forum"] if f in valid_forum_ids]

        # If we removed all the forums they wanted to look at or if
        # they didn't specify, then we filter on the list of all
        # forums they're authorized to look at.
        if not forum_ids:
            forum_ids = valid_forum_ids

        discussion_f &= F(post_forum_id__in=forum_ids)

        # Apply created and updated filters
        for filter_name, filter_option, filter_date in interval_filters:
            if filter_option == constants.INTERVAL_BEFORE:
                before = {
                    filter_name + "__gte": 0,
                    filter_name + "__lte": max(filter_date, 0)

                discussion_f &= F(**before)

            elif filter_option == constants.INTERVAL_AFTER:
                after = {
                    filter_name + "__gte": min(filter_date, unix_now),
                    filter_name + "__lte": unix_now,

                discussion_f &= F(**after)

        final_filter |= discussion_f

    # End - discussion forum configuration

    # Done with all the filtery stuff--time  to generate results

    searcher = searcher.doctypes(*doctypes)
    searcher = searcher.filter(final_filter)

    if "explain" in request.GET and request.GET["explain"] == "1":
        searcher = searcher.explain()

    cleaned_q = cleaned["q"]

    # Set up the highlights. Show the entire field highlighted.
    searcher = searcher.highlight(
        "question_content",  # support forum
        "document_summary",  # kb
        "post_content",  # contributor forum

    searcher = apply_boosts(searcher)

    # Build the query
    if cleaned_q:
        query_fields = chain(*[
            cls.get_query_fields() for cls in
            [DocumentMappingType, ThreadMappingType, QuestionMappingType]
        query = {}
        # Create a simple_query_search query for every field we want to search.
        for field in query_fields:
            query["%s__sqs" % field] = cleaned_q

        # Transform the query to use locale aware analyzers.
        query = es_utils.es_query_with_analyzer(query, language)

        searcher = searcher.query(should=True, **query)

    searcher = searcher[:settings.SEARCH_MAX_RESULTS]

    # 5. Generate output
    pages = paginate(request, searcher, settings.SEARCH_RESULTS_PER_PAGE)

    if pages.paginator.count == 0:
        # If we know there aren't any results, show fallback_results.
        fallback_results = _fallback_results(language, cleaned["product"])
        results = []
        fallback_results = None
        results = build_results_list(pages, request.IS_JSON)

    items = [(k, v) for k in search_form.fields for v in r.getlist(k)
             if v and k != "a"]
    items.append(("a", "2"))

    product = Product.objects.filter(slug__in=cleaned["product"])
    if product:
        product_titles = [
            pgettext("DB: products.Product.title", p.title) for p in product
        product_titles = [_("All Products")]

    # FIXME: This is probably bad l10n.
    product_titles = ", ".join(product_titles)

    data = {
        "num_results": pages.paginator.count,
        "results": results,
        "fallback_results": fallback_results,
        "product_titles": product_titles,
        "q": cleaned["q"],
        "w": cleaned["w"],
        "lang_name": lang_name,
        "advanced": True,
        "products": Product.objects.filter(visible=True),

    if request.IS_JSON:
        data["total"] = len(data["results"])
        data["products"] = [{
            "slug": p.slug,
            "title": p.title
        } for p in data["products"]]

        if product:
            data["product"] = product[0].slug

        pages = Paginator(pages)
        data["pagination"] = dict(
        if not results:
            data["message"] = constants.NO_MATCH
        json_data = to_json(data)
        if request.JSON_CALLBACK:
            json_data = request.JSON_CALLBACK + "(" + json_data + ");"
        return HttpResponse(json_data, content_type=request.CONTENT_TYPE)

        "product": product,
        "pages": pages,
        "search_form": search_form
    resp = cache_control(render(request, template, data),
    return resp
コード例 #6
def simple_search(request):
    """Elasticsearch-specific simple search view.

    This view is for end user searching of the Knowledge Base and
    Support Forum. Filtering options are limited to:

    * product (`product=firefox`, for example, for only Firefox results)
    * document type (`w=2`, for example, for Support Forum questions only)


    to_json = JSONRenderer().render
    template = "search/results.html"

    # 1. Prep request.
    # Redirect to old Advanced Search URLs (?a={1,2}) to the new URL.
    if request.GET.get("a") in ["1", "2"]:
        new_url = reverse("search.advanced") + "?" + request.GET.urlencode()
        return HttpResponseRedirect(new_url)

    # 2. Build form.
    search_form = SimpleSearchForm(request.GET, auto_id=False)

    # 3. Validate request.
    if not search_form.is_valid():
        if request.IS_JSON:
            return HttpResponse(
                json.dumps({"error": _("Invalid search data.")}),

        t = "search/form.html"
        return cache_control(
            render(request, t, {
                "advanced": False,
                "request": request,
                "search_form": search_form

    # 4. Generate search.
    cleaned = search_form.cleaned_data

    language = locale_or_default(cleaned["language"] or request.LANGUAGE_CODE)
    lang_name = settings.LANGUAGES_DICT.get(language.lower()) or ""

    searcher = generate_simple_search(search_form,
    searcher = searcher[:settings.SEARCH_MAX_RESULTS]

    # 5. Generate output.
    pages = paginate(request, searcher, settings.SEARCH_RESULTS_PER_PAGE)

    if pages.paginator.count == 0:
        fallback_results = _fallback_results(language, cleaned["product"])
        results = []

        fallback_results = None
        results = build_results_list(pages, request.IS_JSON)

    product = Product.objects.filter(slug__in=cleaned["product"])
    if product:
        product_titles = [
            pgettext("DB: products.Product.title", p.title) for p in product
        product_titles = [_("All Products")]

    # FIXME: This is probably bad l10n.
    product_titles = ", ".join(product_titles)

    data = {
        "num_results": pages.paginator.count,
        "results": results,
        "fallback_results": fallback_results,
        "product_titles": product_titles,
        "q": cleaned["q"],
        "w": cleaned["w"],
        "lang_name": lang_name,
        "products": Product.objects.filter(visible=True),

    if request.IS_JSON:
        data["total"] = len(data["results"])
        data["products"] = [{
            "slug": p.slug,
            "title": p.title
        } for p in data["products"]]

        if product:
            data["product"] = product[0].slug

        pages = Paginator(pages)
        data["pagination"] = dict(
        if not results:
            data["message"] = constants.NO_MATCH

        json_data = to_json(data)
        if request.JSON_CALLBACK:
            json_data = request.JSON_CALLBACK + "(" + json_data + ");"
        return HttpResponse(json_data, content_type=request.CONTENT_TYPE)

        "product": product,
        "pages": pages,
        "search_form": search_form,
        "advanced": False,
    resp = cache_control(render(request, template, data),
    return resp
コード例 #7
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: willoughbyrm/kitsune
def simple_search(request):
    is_json = request.GET.get("format") == "json"
    search_form = SimpleSearchForm(request.GET, auto_id=False)

    if not search_form.is_valid():
        if not is_json:
            return render(request, "search/form.html", {"search_form": search_form})
        return HttpResponse(
            json.dumps({"error": _("Invalid search data.")}),

    cleaned = search_form.cleaned_data

    # get language
    language = locale_or_default(cleaned["language"] or request.LANGUAGE_CODE)
    lang_name = settings.LANGUAGES_DICT.get(language.lower()) or ""

    # get product and product titles
    product, product_titles = _get_product_title(cleaned["product"])

    # create search object
    search = CompoundSearch()

    # apply aaq/kb configs
    if cleaned["w"] & constants.WHERE_WIKI:
        search.add(WikiSearch(query=cleaned["q"], locale=language, product=product))
    if cleaned["w"] & constants.WHERE_SUPPORT:
        search.add(QuestionSearch(query=cleaned["q"], locale=language, product=product))

    # execute search
    page = paginate(
    total = search.total
    results = search.results

    # generate fallback results if necessary
    fallback_results = None
    if total == 0:
        fallback_results = _fallback_results(language, cleaned["product"])

    data = {
        "num_results": total,
        "results": results,
        "fallback_results": fallback_results,
        "product_titles": ", ".join(product_titles),
        "q": cleaned["q"],
        "w": cleaned["w"],
        "lang_name": lang_name,
        "products": Product.objects.filter(visible=True),

    if not is_json:
                "product": product,
                "pages": page,
                "search_form": search_form,
        return render(request, "search/results.html", data)

    # create results dictionary for instant search
            "total": total,
            "products": [
                {"slug": p.slug, "title": pgettext("DB: products.Product.title", p.title)}
                for p in data["products"]
            "pagination": _make_pagination(page),
    if product:
        data["product"] = product.slug
    if not results:
        data["message"] = constants.NO_MATCH

    json_data = JSONRenderer().render(data)
    return HttpResponse(json_data, content_type="application/json")
コード例 #8
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: 1234-/kitsune
def advanced_search(request, template=None):
    """Elasticsearch-specific Advanced search view"""

    to_json = JSONRenderer().render

    # 1. Prep request.
    r = request.GET.copy()
    # TODO: Figure out how to get rid of 'a' and do it.
    # It basically is used to switch between showing the form or results.
    a = request.GET.get('a', '2')
    # TODO: This is so the 'a=1' stays in the URL for pagination.
    r['a'] = 1

    language = locale_or_default(request.GET.get('language', request.LANGUAGE_CODE))
    r['language'] = language
    lang = language.lower()
    lang_name = settings.LANGUAGES_DICT.get(lang) or ''

    # 2. Build form.
    search_form = AdvancedSearchForm(r, auto_id=False)

    # 3. Validate request.
    # Note: a == 2 means "show the form"--that's all we use it for now.
    if a == '2' or not search_form.is_valid():
        if request.IS_JSON:
            return HttpResponse(
                json.dumps({'error': _('Invalid search data.')}),

        t = template if request.MOBILE else 'search/form.html'
        data = {'advanced': True,
                'request': request,
                'search_form': search_form}
        # get value for search input from last search term.
        last_search = request.COOKIES.get(settings.LAST_SEARCH_COOKIE)
        # If there is any cached input from last search, pass it to template
        if last_search and 'q' not in r:
            cached_field = urlquote(last_search)
            data.update({'cached_field': cached_field})

        return cache_control(
            render(request, t, data),

    # 4. Generate search.
    cleaned = search_form.cleaned_data

    # On mobile, we default to just wiki results.
    if request.MOBILE and cleaned['w'] == constants.WHERE_BASIC:
        cleaned['w'] = constants.WHERE_WIKI

    # We use a regular S here because we want to search across
    # multiple doctypes.
    searcher = (AnalyzerS().es(urls=settings.ES_URLS)

    doctypes = []
    final_filter = F()
    unix_now = int(time.time())
    interval_filters = (
        ('created', cleaned['created'], cleaned['created_date']),
        ('updated', cleaned['updated'], cleaned['updated_date'])

    # Start - wiki search configuration

    if cleaned['w'] & constants.WHERE_WIKI:
        wiki_f = F(model='wiki_document')

        # Category filter
        if cleaned['category']:
            wiki_f &= F(document_category__in=cleaned['category'])

        # Locale filter
        wiki_f &= F(document_locale=language)

        # Product filter
        products = cleaned['product']
        for p in products:
            wiki_f &= F(product=p)

        # Topics filter
        topics = cleaned['topics']
        for t in topics:
            wiki_f &= F(topic=t)

        # Archived bit
        if not cleaned['include_archived']:
            wiki_f &= F(document_is_archived=False)

        # Apply sortby
        sortby = cleaned['sortby_documents']
            searcher = searcher.order_by(*constants.SORT_DOCUMENTS[sortby])
        except IndexError:
            # Skip index errors because they imply the user is sending us sortby values
            # that aren't valid.

        final_filter |= wiki_f

    # End - wiki search configuration

    # Start - support questions configuration

    if cleaned['w'] & constants.WHERE_SUPPORT:
        question_f = F(model='questions_question')

        # These filters are ternary, they can be either YES, NO, or OFF
        ternary_filters = ('is_locked', 'is_solved', 'has_answers',
                           'has_helpful', 'is_archived')
        d = dict(('question_%s' % filter_name,
                 for filter_name in ternary_filters if cleaned[filter_name])
        if d:
            question_f &= F(**d)

        if cleaned['asked_by']:
            question_f &= F(question_creator=cleaned['asked_by'])

        if cleaned['answered_by']:
            question_f &= F(question_answer_creator=cleaned['answered_by'])

        q_tags = [t.strip() for t in cleaned['q_tags'].split(',')]
        for t in q_tags:
            if t:
                question_f &= F(question_tag=t)

        # Product filter
        products = cleaned['product']
        for p in products:
            question_f &= F(product=p)

        # Topics filter
        topics = cleaned['topics']
        for t in topics:
            question_f &= F(topic=t)

        # Note: num_voted (with a d) is a different field than num_votes
        # (with an s). The former is a dropdown and the latter is an
        # integer value.
        if cleaned['num_voted'] == constants.INTERVAL_BEFORE:
            question_f &= F(question_num_votes__lte=max(cleaned['num_votes'], 0))
        elif cleaned['num_voted'] == constants.INTERVAL_AFTER:
            question_f &= F(question_num_votes__gte=cleaned['num_votes'])

        # Apply sortby
        sortby = cleaned['sortby']
            searcher = searcher.order_by(*constants.SORT_QUESTIONS[sortby])
        except IndexError:
            # Skip index errors because they imply the user is sending us sortby values
            # that aren't valid.

        # Apply created and updated filters
        for filter_name, filter_option, filter_date in interval_filters:
            if filter_option == constants.INTERVAL_BEFORE:
                before = {filter_name + '__gte': 0,
                          filter_name + '__lte': max(filter_date, 0)}

                question_f &= F(**before)

            elif filter_option == constants.INTERVAL_AFTER:
                after = {filter_name + '__gte': min(filter_date, unix_now),
                         filter_name + '__lte': unix_now}

                question_f &= F(**after)

        final_filter |= question_f

    # End - support questions configuration

    # Start - discussion forum configuration

    if cleaned['w'] & constants.WHERE_DISCUSSION:
        discussion_f = F(model='forums_thread')

        if cleaned['author']:
            discussion_f &= F(post_author_ord=cleaned['author'])

        if cleaned['thread_type']:
            if constants.DISCUSSION_STICKY in cleaned['thread_type']:
                discussion_f &= F(post_is_sticky=1)

            if constants.DISCUSSION_LOCKED in cleaned['thread_type']:
                discussion_f &= F(post_is_locked=1)

        valid_forum_ids = [f.id for f in Forum.authorized_forums_for_user(request.user)]

        forum_ids = None
        if cleaned['forum']:
            forum_ids = [f for f in cleaned['forum'] if f in valid_forum_ids]

        # If we removed all the forums they wanted to look at or if
        # they didn't specify, then we filter on the list of all
        # forums they're authorized to look at.
        if not forum_ids:
            forum_ids = valid_forum_ids

        discussion_f &= F(post_forum_id__in=forum_ids)

        # Apply created and updated filters
        for filter_name, filter_option, filter_date in interval_filters:
            if filter_option == constants.INTERVAL_BEFORE:
                before = {filter_name + '__gte': 0,
                          filter_name + '__lte': max(filter_date, 0)}

                discussion_f &= F(**before)

            elif filter_option == constants.INTERVAL_AFTER:
                after = {filter_name + '__gte': min(filter_date, unix_now),
                         filter_name + '__lte': unix_now}

                discussion_f &= F(**after)

        final_filter |= discussion_f

    # End - discussion forum configuration

    # Done with all the filtery stuff--time  to generate results

    searcher = searcher.doctypes(*doctypes)
    searcher = searcher.filter(final_filter)

    if 'explain' in request.GET and request.GET['explain'] == '1':
        searcher = searcher.explain()

    cleaned_q = cleaned['q']

    # Set up the highlights. Show the entire field highlighted.
    searcher = searcher.highlight(
        'question_content',  # support forum
        'document_summary',  # kb
        'post_content',  # contributor forum

    searcher = apply_boosts(searcher)

    # Build the query
    if cleaned_q:
        query_fields = chain(*[
            cls.get_query_fields() for cls in [
        query = {}
        # Create a simple_query_search query for every field we want to search.
        for field in query_fields:
            query['%s__sqs' % field] = cleaned_q

        # Transform the query to use locale aware analyzers.
        query = es_utils.es_query_with_analyzer(query, language)

        searcher = searcher.query(should=True, **query)

    searcher = searcher[:settings.SEARCH_MAX_RESULTS]

    # 5. Generate output
    pages = paginate(request, searcher, settings.SEARCH_RESULTS_PER_PAGE)

    if pages.paginator.count == 0:
        # If we know there aren't any results, show fallback_results.
        fallback_results = _fallback_results(language, cleaned['product'])
        results = []
        fallback_results = None
        results = build_results_list(pages, request.IS_JSON)

    items = [(k, v) for k in search_form.fields for
             v in r.getlist(k) if v and k != 'a']
    items.append(('a', '2'))

    product = Product.objects.filter(slug__in=cleaned['product'])
    if product:
        product_titles = [pgettext('DB: products.Product.title', p.title) for p in product]
        product_titles = [_('All Products')]

    # FIXME: This is probably bad l10n.
    product_titles = ', '.join(product_titles)

    data = {
        'num_results': pages.paginator.count,
        'results': results,
        'fallback_results': fallback_results,
        'product_titles': product_titles,
        'q': cleaned['q'],
        'w': cleaned['w'],
        'lang_name': lang_name,
        'advanced': True,
        'products': Product.objects.filter(visible=True)

    if request.IS_JSON:
        data['total'] = len(data['results'])
        data['products'] = [{'slug': p.slug, 'title': p.title}
                            for p in data['products']]

        if product:
            data['product'] = product[0].slug

        pages = Paginator(pages)
        data['pagination'] = dict(
        if not results:
            data['message'] = _('No pages matched the search criteria')
        json_data = to_json(data)
        if request.JSON_CALLBACK:
            json_data = request.JSON_CALLBACK + '(' + json_data + ');'
        return HttpResponse(json_data, content_type=request.CONTENT_TYPE)

        'product': product,
        'pages': pages,
        'search_form': search_form
    resp = cache_control(render(request, template, data), settings.SEARCH_CACHE_PERIOD)
    resp.set_cookie(settings.LAST_SEARCH_COOKIE, urlquote(cleaned['q']),
                    max_age=3600, secure=False, httponly=False)
    return resp
コード例 #9
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: zctyhj/kitsune
def simple_search(request, template=None):
    """ES-specific simple search view.

    This view is for end user searching of the Knowledge Base and
    Support Forum. Filtering options are limited to:
    * product (`product=firefox`, for example, for only Firefox results)
    * document type (`w=2`, for esample, for Support Forum questions only)

    # Redirect to old Advanced Search URLs (?a={1,2}) to the new URL.
    a = request.GET.get("a")
    if a in ["1", "2"]:
        new_url = reverse("search.advanced") + "?" + request.GET.urlencode()
        return HttpResponseRedirect(new_url)

    # JSON-specific variables
    is_json = request.GET.get("format") == "json"
    callback = request.GET.get("callback", "").strip()
    content_type = "application/x-javascript" if callback else "application/json"

    # Check callback is valid
    if is_json and callback and not jsonp_is_valid(callback):
        return HttpResponse(
            json.dumps({"error": _("Invalid callback function.")}), content_type=content_type, status=400

    language = locale_or_default(request.GET.get("language", request.LANGUAGE_CODE))
    r = request.GET.copy()

    # TODO: Do we really need to add this to the URL if it isn't already there?
    r["w"] = r.get("w", constants.WHERE_BASIC)

    # TODO: Break out a separate simple search form.
    search_form = SimpleSearchForm(r, auto_id=False)

    if not search_form.is_valid():
        if is_json:
            return HttpResponse(json.dumps({"error": _("Invalid search data.")}), content_type=content_type, status=400)

        t = template if request.MOBILE else "search/form.html"
        search_ = render(request, t, {"advanced": False, "request": request, "search_form": search_form})
        cache_period = settings.SEARCH_CACHE_PERIOD
        search_["Cache-Control"] = "max-age=%s" % (cache_period * 60)
        search_["Expires"] = (datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(minutes=cache_period)).strftime(EXPIRES_FMT)
        return search_

    cleaned = search_form.cleaned_data

    # On mobile, we default to just wiki results.
    if request.MOBILE and cleaned["w"] == constants.WHERE_BASIC:
        cleaned["w"] = constants.WHERE_WIKI

    page = max(smart_int(request.GET.get("page")), 1)
    offset = (page - 1) * settings.SEARCH_RESULTS_PER_PAGE

    lang = language.lower()
    if settings.LANGUAGES_DICT.get(lang):
        lang_name = settings.LANGUAGES_DICT[lang]
        lang_name = ""

    # We use a regular S here because we want to search across
    # multiple doctypes.
    searcher = AnalyzerS().es(urls=settings.ES_URLS).indexes(es_utils.read_index("default"))

    wiki_f = F(model="wiki_document")
    question_f = F(model="questions_question")

    cleaned_q = cleaned["q"]
    products = cleaned["product"]

    if not products and "all_products" not in request.GET:
        lowered_q = cleaned_q.lower()

        if "thunderbird" in lowered_q:
        elif "android" in lowered_q:
        elif "ios" in lowered_q or "ipad" in lowered_q or "ipod" in lowered_q or "iphone" in lowered_q:
        elif "firefox os" in lowered_q:
        elif "firefox" in lowered_q:

    # Start - wiki filters

    if cleaned["w"] & constants.WHERE_WIKI:
        # Category filter
        wiki_f &= F(document_category__in=settings.SEARCH_DEFAULT_CATEGORIES)

        # Locale filter
        wiki_f &= F(document_locale=language)

        # Product filter
        for p in products:
            wiki_f &= F(product=p)

        # Archived bit
        wiki_f &= F(document_is_archived=False)

    # End - wiki filters

    # Start - support questions filters

    if cleaned["w"] & constants.WHERE_SUPPORT:
        # Has helpful answers is set by default if using basic search
        cleaned["has_helpful"] = constants.TERNARY_YES

        # No archived questions in default search.
        cleaned["is_archived"] = constants.TERNARY_NO

        # These filters are ternary, they can be either YES, NO, or OFF
        ternary_filters = ("has_helpful", "is_archived")
        d = dict(
            ("question_%s" % filter_name, _ternary_filter(cleaned[filter_name]))
            for filter_name in ternary_filters
            if cleaned[filter_name]
        if d:
            question_f &= F(**d)

        # Product filter
        for p in products:
            question_f &= F(product=p)

    # End - support questions filters

    # Done with all the filtery stuff--time  to generate results

    # Combine all the filters and add to the searcher
    doctypes = []
    final_filter = F()
    if cleaned["w"] & constants.WHERE_WIKI:
        final_filter |= wiki_f

    if cleaned["w"] & constants.WHERE_SUPPORT:
        final_filter |= question_f

    searcher = searcher.doctypes(*doctypes)
    searcher = searcher.filter(final_filter)

    if "explain" in request.GET and request.GET["explain"] == "1":
        searcher = searcher.explain()

    documents = ComposedList()

        # Set up the highlights. Show the entire field highlighted.
        searcher = searcher.highlight(
            "question_content",  # support forum
            "document_summary",  # kb

        # Set up boosts
        searcher = searcher.boost(
            # Text phrases in document titles and content get an extra
            # boost.

        # Build the query
        query_fields = chain(*[cls.get_query_fields() for cls in [DocumentMappingType, QuestionMappingType]])
        query = {}
        # Create match and match_phrase queries for every field
        # we want to search.
        for field in query_fields:
            for query_type in ["match", "match_phrase"]:
                query["%s__%s" % (field, query_type)] = cleaned_q

        # Transform the query to use locale aware analyzers.
        query = es_utils.es_query_with_analyzer(query, language)

        searcher = searcher.query(should=True, **query)

        num_results = min(searcher.count(), settings.SEARCH_MAX_RESULTS)

        # TODO - Can ditch the ComposedList here, but we need
        # something that paginate can use to figure out the paging.
        documents = ComposedList()
        documents.set_count(("results", searcher), num_results)

        results_per_page = settings.SEARCH_RESULTS_PER_PAGE
        pages = paginate(request, documents, results_per_page)

        # If we know there aren't any results, let's cheat and in
        # doing that, not hit ES again.
        if num_results == 0:
            searcher = []
            # Get the documents we want to show and add them to
            # docs_for_page
            documents = documents[offset : offset + results_per_page]

            if len(documents) == 0:
                # If the user requested a page that's beyond the
                # pagination, then documents is an empty list and
                # there are no results to show.
                searcher = []
                bounds = documents[0][1]
                searcher = searcher[bounds[0] : bounds[1]]

        results = []
        for i, doc in enumerate(searcher):
            rank = i + offset

            if doc["model"] == "wiki_document":
                summary = _build_es_excerpt(doc)
                if not summary:
                    summary = doc["document_summary"]
                result = {"title": doc["document_title"], "type": "document"}

            elif doc["model"] == "questions_question":
                summary = _build_es_excerpt(doc)
                if not summary:
                    # We're excerpting only question_content, so if
                    # the query matched question_title or
                    # question_answer_content, then there won't be any
                    # question_content excerpts. In that case, just
                    # show the question--but only the first 500
                    # characters.
                    summary = bleach.clean(doc["question_content"], strip=True)[:500]

                result = {
                    "title": doc["question_title"],
                    "type": "question",
                    "is_solved": doc["question_is_solved"],
                    "num_answers": doc["question_num_answers"],
                    "num_votes": doc["question_num_votes"],
                    "num_votes_past_week": doc["question_num_votes_past_week"],

            result["url"] = doc["url"]
            result["object"] = doc
            result["search_summary"] = summary
            result["rank"] = rank
            result["score"] = doc.es_meta.score
            result["explanation"] = escape(format_explanation(doc.es_meta.explanation))
            result["id"] = doc["id"]

    except ES_EXCEPTIONS as exc:
        # Handle timeout and all those other transient errors with a
        # "Search Unavailable" rather than a Django error page.
        if is_json:
            return HttpResponse(json.dumps({"error": _("Search Unavailable")}), content_type=content_type, status=503)

        # Cheating here: Convert from 'Timeout()' to 'timeout' so
        # we have less code, but still have good stats.
        exc_bucket = repr(exc).lower().strip("()")


        t = "search/mobile/down.html" if request.MOBILE else "search/down.html"
        return render(request, t, {"q": cleaned["q"]}, status=503)

    items = [(k, v) for k in search_form.fields for v in r.getlist(k) if v and k != "a"]
    items.append(("a", "2"))

    fallback_results = None
    if num_results == 0:
        fallback_results = _fallback_results(language, cleaned["product"])

    product = Product.objects.filter(slug__in=cleaned["product"])
    if product:
        product_titles = [_(p.title, "DB: products.Product.title") for p in product]
        product_titles = [_("All Products")]

    product_titles = ", ".join(product_titles)

    data = {
        "num_results": num_results,
        "results": results,
        "fallback_results": fallback_results,
        "product_titles": product_titles,
        "q": cleaned["q"],
        "w": cleaned["w"],
        "lang_name": lang_name,

    if is_json:
        # Models are not json serializable.
        for r in data["results"]:
            del r["object"]
        data["total"] = len(data["results"])

        data["products"] = [{"slug": p.slug, "title": p.title} for p in Product.objects.filter(visible=True)]

        if product:
            data["product"] = product[0].slug

        pages = Paginator(pages)
        data["pagination"] = dict(
        if not results:
            data["message"] = _("No pages matched the search criteria")
        json_data = json.dumps(data)
        if callback:
            json_data = callback + "(" + json_data + ");"

        return HttpResponse(json_data, content_type=content_type)

            "product": product,
            "products": Product.objects.filter(visible=True),
            "pages": pages,
            "search_form": search_form,
            "advanced": False,
    results_ = render(request, template, data)
    cache_period = settings.SEARCH_CACHE_PERIOD
    results_["Cache-Control"] = "max-age=%s" % (cache_period * 60)
    results_["Expires"] = (datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(minutes=cache_period)).strftime(EXPIRES_FMT)
    results_.set_cookie(settings.LAST_SEARCH_COOKIE, urlquote(cleaned["q"]), max_age=3600, secure=False, httponly=False)

    return results_
コード例 #10
def simple_search(request):
    search_form = SimpleSearchForm(request.GET, auto_id=False)

    if not search_form.is_valid():
        return HttpResponse(
            json.dumps({"error": _("Invalid search data.")}),

    cleaned = search_form.cleaned_data

    # get language
    language = locale_or_default(cleaned["language"] or request.LANGUAGE_CODE)
    lang_name = settings.LANGUAGES_DICT.get(language.lower()) or ""

    # get product and product titles
    product, product_titles = _get_product_title(cleaned["product"])

    # get page
        page = int(request.GET.get("page", 1))
    except ValueError:
        page = 1

    # create search object
    search = CompoundSearch(locale=language, product=product)

    # apply aaq/kb configs
    if cleaned["w"] & constants.WHERE_WIKI:
    if cleaned["w"] & constants.WHERE_SUPPORT:

    # execute search
    search.run(cleaned["q"], page=page)
    total = search.total
    results = search.results

    # generate fallback results if necessary
    fallback_results = None
    if total == 0:
        fallback_results = _fallback_results(language, cleaned["product"])

    # create results dictionary for instant search
    data = {
        "num_results": total,
        "total": total,
        "results": results,
        "fallback_results": fallback_results,
        "product_titles": product_titles,
        "q": cleaned["q"],
        "w": cleaned["w"],
        "lang_name": lang_name,
        "products": [
            {"slug": p.slug, "title": pgettext("DB: products.Product.title", p.title)}
            for p in Product.objects.filter(visible=True)
        "pagination": _make_pagination(page, total),
    if product:
        data["product"] = product.slug
    if not results:
        data["message"] = constants.NO_MATCH

    json_data = JSONRenderer().render(data)
    return HttpResponse(json_data, content_type="application/json")
コード例 #11
def simple_search(request, template=None):
    """Elasticsearch-specific simple search view.

    This view is for end user searching of the Knowledge Base and
    Support Forum. Filtering options are limited to:

    * product (`product=firefox`, for example, for only Firefox results)
    * document type (`w=2`, for example, for Support Forum questions only)


    to_json = JSONRenderer().render

    # 1. Prep request.
    # Redirect to old Advanced Search URLs (?a={1,2}) to the new URL.
    if request.GET.get('a') in ['1', '2']:
        new_url = reverse('search.advanced') + '?' + request.GET.urlencode()
        return HttpResponseRedirect(new_url)

    # 2. Build form.
    search_form = SimpleSearchForm(request.GET, auto_id=False)

    # 3. Validate request.
    if not search_form.is_valid():
        if request.IS_JSON:
            return HttpResponse(json.dumps(
                {'error': _('Invalid search data.')}),

        t = template if request.MOBILE else 'search/form.html'
        return cache_control(
            render(request, t, {
                'advanced': False,
                'request': request,
                'search_form': search_form
            }), settings.SEARCH_CACHE_PERIOD)

    # 4. Generate search.
    cleaned = search_form.cleaned_data

    # On mobile, we default to just wiki results.
    if request.MOBILE and cleaned['w'] == constants.WHERE_BASIC:
        cleaned['w'] = constants.WHERE_WIKI

    language = locale_or_default(cleaned['language'] or request.LANGUAGE_CODE)
    lang_name = settings.LANGUAGES_DICT.get(language.lower()) or ''

    searcher = generate_simple_search(search_form,
    searcher = searcher[:settings.SEARCH_MAX_RESULTS]

    # 5. Generate output.
    pages = paginate(request, searcher, settings.SEARCH_RESULTS_PER_PAGE)

    if pages.paginator.count == 0:
        fallback_results = _fallback_results(language, cleaned['product'])
        results = []

        fallback_results = None
        results = build_results_list(pages, request.IS_JSON)

    product = Product.objects.filter(slug__in=cleaned['product'])
    if product:
        product_titles = [
            pgettext('DB: products.Product.title', p.title) for p in product
        product_titles = [_('All Products')]

    # FIXME: This is probably bad l10n.
    product_titles = ', '.join(product_titles)

    data = {
        'num_results': pages.paginator.count,
        'results': results,
        'fallback_results': fallback_results,
        'product_titles': product_titles,
        'q': cleaned['q'],
        'w': cleaned['w'],
        'lang_name': lang_name,
        'products': Product.objects.filter(visible=True)

    if request.IS_JSON:
        data['total'] = len(data['results'])
        data['products'] = [{
            'slug': p.slug,
            'title': p.title
        } for p in data['products']]

        if product:
            data['product'] = product[0].slug

        pages = Paginator(pages)
        data['pagination'] = dict(
        if not results:
            data['message'] = _('No pages matched the search criteria')

        json_data = to_json(data)
        if request.JSON_CALLBACK:
            json_data = request.JSON_CALLBACK + '(' + json_data + ');'
        return HttpResponse(json_data, content_type=request.CONTENT_TYPE)

        'product': product,
        'pages': pages,
        'search_form': search_form,
        'advanced': False,
    resp = cache_control(render(request, template, data),
    return resp
コード例 #12
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: runt18/kitsune
def simple_search(request, template=None):
    """ES-specific simple search view.

    This view is for end user searching of the Knowledge Base and
    Support Forum. Filtering options are limited to:
    * product (`product=firefox`, for example, for only Firefox results)
    * document type (`w=2`, for esample, for Support Forum questions only)

    # Redirect to old Advanced Search URLs (?a={1,2}) to the new URL.
    a = request.GET.get('a')
    if a in ['1', '2']:
        new_url = reverse('search.advanced') + '?' + request.GET.urlencode()
        return HttpResponseRedirect(new_url)

    # JSON-specific variables
    is_json = (request.GET.get('format') == 'json')
    callback = request.GET.get('callback', '').strip()
    content_type = (
        'application/x-javascript' if callback else 'application/json')

    # Check callback is valid
    if is_json and callback and not jsonp_is_valid(callback):
        return HttpResponse(
            json.dumps({'error': _('Invalid callback function.')}),
            content_type=content_type, status=400)

    language = locale_or_default(
        request.GET.get('language', request.LANGUAGE_CODE))
    r = request.GET.copy()

    # TODO: Do we really need to add this to the URL if it isn't already there?
    r['w'] = r.get('w', constants.WHERE_BASIC)

    # TODO: Break out a separate simple search form.
    search_form = SimpleSearchForm(r, auto_id=False)

    if not search_form.is_valid():
        if is_json:
            return HttpResponse(
                json.dumps({'error': _('Invalid search data.')}),

        t = template if request.MOBILE else 'search/form.html'
        search_ = render(request, t, {
            'advanced': False, 'request': request,
            'search_form': search_form})
        cache_period = settings.SEARCH_CACHE_PERIOD
        search_['Cache-Control'] = 'max-age={0!s}'.format((cache_period * 60))
        search_['Expires'] = (
            (datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(minutes=cache_period))
        return search_

    cleaned = search_form.cleaned_data

    # On mobile, we default to just wiki results.
    if request.MOBILE and cleaned['w'] == constants.WHERE_BASIC:
        cleaned['w'] = constants.WHERE_WIKI

    page = max(smart_int(request.GET.get('page')), 1)
    offset = (page - 1) * settings.SEARCH_RESULTS_PER_PAGE

    lang = language.lower()
    if settings.LANGUAGES_DICT.get(lang):
        lang_name = settings.LANGUAGES_DICT[lang]
        lang_name = ''

    # We use a regular S here because we want to search across
    # multiple doctypes.
    searcher = (AnalyzerS().es(urls=settings.ES_URLS)

    wiki_f = F(model='wiki_document')
    question_f = F(model='questions_question')

    cleaned_q = cleaned['q']
    products = cleaned['product']

    if not products and 'all_products' not in request.GET:
        lowered_q = cleaned_q.lower()

        if 'thunderbird' in lowered_q:
        elif 'android' in lowered_q:
        elif ('ios' in lowered_q or 'ipad' in lowered_q or 'ipod' in lowered_q or
              'iphone' in lowered_q):
        elif 'firefox os' in lowered_q:
        elif 'firefox' in lowered_q:

    # Start - wiki filters

    if cleaned['w'] & constants.WHERE_WIKI:
        # Category filter
        wiki_f &= F(document_category__in=settings.SEARCH_DEFAULT_CATEGORIES)

        # Locale filter
        wiki_f &= F(document_locale=language)

        # Product filter
        for p in products:
            wiki_f &= F(product=p)

        # Archived bit
        wiki_f &= F(document_is_archived=False)

    # End - wiki filters

    # Start - support questions filters

    if cleaned['w'] & constants.WHERE_SUPPORT:
        # Has helpful answers is set by default if using basic search
        cleaned['has_helpful'] = constants.TERNARY_YES

        # No archived questions in default search.
        cleaned['is_archived'] = constants.TERNARY_NO

        # These filters are ternary, they can be either YES, NO, or OFF
        ternary_filters = ('has_helpful', 'is_archived')
        d = dict(('question_{0!s}'.format(filter_name),
                 for filter_name in ternary_filters if cleaned[filter_name])
        if d:
            question_f &= F(**d)

        # Product filter
        for p in products:
            question_f &= F(product=p)

    # End - support questions filters

    # Done with all the filtery stuff--time  to generate results

    # Combine all the filters and add to the searcher
    doctypes = []
    final_filter = F()
    if cleaned['w'] & constants.WHERE_WIKI:
        final_filter |= wiki_f

    if cleaned['w'] & constants.WHERE_SUPPORT:
        final_filter |= question_f

    searcher = searcher.doctypes(*doctypes)
    searcher = searcher.filter(final_filter)

    if 'explain' in request.GET and request.GET['explain'] == '1':
        searcher = searcher.explain()

    documents = ComposedList()

        # Set up the highlights. Show the entire field highlighted.
        searcher = searcher.highlight(
            'question_content',  # support forum
            'document_summary',  # kb

        # Set up boosts
        searcher = searcher.boost(

            # Text phrases in document titles and content get an extra
            # boost.

        # Build the query
        query_fields = chain(*[
            cls.get_query_fields() for cls in [
        query = {}
        # Create match and match_phrase queries for every field
        # we want to search.
        for field in query_fields:
            for query_type in ['match', 'match_phrase']:
                query['{0!s}__{1!s}'.format(field, query_type)] = cleaned_q

        # Transform the query to use locale aware analyzers.
        query = es_utils.es_query_with_analyzer(query, language)

        searcher = searcher.query(should=True, **query)

        num_results = min(searcher.count(), settings.SEARCH_MAX_RESULTS)

        # TODO - Can ditch the ComposedList here, but we need
        # something that paginate can use to figure out the paging.
        documents = ComposedList()
        documents.set_count(('results', searcher), num_results)

        results_per_page = settings.SEARCH_RESULTS_PER_PAGE
        pages = paginate(request, documents, results_per_page)

        # If we know there aren't any results, let's cheat and in
        # doing that, not hit ES again.
        if num_results == 0:
            searcher = []
            # Get the documents we want to show and add them to
            # docs_for_page
            documents = documents[offset:offset + results_per_page]

            if len(documents) == 0:
                # If the user requested a page that's beyond the
                # pagination, then documents is an empty list and
                # there are no results to show.
                searcher = []
                bounds = documents[0][1]
                searcher = searcher[bounds[0]:bounds[1]]

        results = []
        for i, doc in enumerate(searcher):
            rank = i + offset

            if doc['model'] == 'wiki_document':
                summary = _build_es_excerpt(doc)
                if not summary:
                    summary = doc['document_summary']
                result = {
                    'title': doc['document_title'],
                    'type': 'document'}

            elif doc['model'] == 'questions_question':
                summary = _build_es_excerpt(doc)
                if not summary:
                    # We're excerpting only question_content, so if
                    # the query matched question_title or
                    # question_answer_content, then there won't be any
                    # question_content excerpts. In that case, just
                    # show the question--but only the first 500
                    # characters.
                    summary = bleach.clean(
                        doc['question_content'], strip=True)[:500]

                result = {
                    'title': doc['question_title'],
                    'type': 'question',
                    'is_solved': doc['question_is_solved'],
                    'num_answers': doc['question_num_answers'],
                    'num_votes': doc['question_num_votes'],
                    'num_votes_past_week': doc['question_num_votes_past_week']}

            result['url'] = doc['url']
            result['object'] = doc
            result['search_summary'] = summary
            result['rank'] = rank
            result['score'] = doc.es_meta.score
            result['explanation'] = escape(format_explanation(
            result['id'] = doc['id']

    except ES_EXCEPTIONS as exc:
        # Handle timeout and all those other transient errors with a
        # "Search Unavailable" rather than a Django error page.
        if is_json:
            return HttpResponse(json.dumps({'error': _('Search Unavailable')}),
                                content_type=content_type, status=503)

        # Cheating here: Convert from 'Timeout()' to 'timeout' so
        # we have less code, but still have good stats.
        exc_bucket = repr(exc).lower().strip('()')


        t = 'search/mobile/down.html' if request.MOBILE else 'search/down.html'
        return render(request, t, {'q': cleaned['q']}, status=503)

    items = [(k, v) for k in search_form.fields for
             v in r.getlist(k) if v and k != 'a']
    items.append(('a', '2'))

    fallback_results = None
    if num_results == 0:
        fallback_results = _fallback_results(language, cleaned['product'])

    product = Product.objects.filter(slug__in=cleaned['product'])
    if product:
        product_titles = [_(p.title, 'DB: products.Product.title')
                          for p in product]
        product_titles = [_('All Products')]

    product_titles = ', '.join(product_titles)

    data = {
        'num_results': num_results,
        'results': results,
        'fallback_results': fallback_results,
        'product_titles': product_titles,
        'q': cleaned['q'],
        'w': cleaned['w'],
        'lang_name': lang_name, }

    if is_json:
        # Models are not json serializable.
        for r in data['results']:
            del r['object']
        data['total'] = len(data['results'])

        data['products'] = ([{'slug': p.slug, 'title': p.title}
                             for p in Product.objects.filter(visible=True)])

        if product:
            data['product'] = product[0].slug

        pages = Paginator(pages)
        data['pagination'] = dict(
        if not results:
            data['message'] = _('No pages matched the search criteria')
        json_data = json.dumps(data)
        if callback:
            json_data = callback + '(' + json_data + ');'

        return HttpResponse(json_data, content_type=content_type)

        'product': product,
        'products': Product.objects.filter(visible=True),
        'pages': pages,
        'search_form': search_form,
        'advanced': False,
    results_ = render(request, template, data)
    cache_period = settings.SEARCH_CACHE_PERIOD
    results_['Cache-Control'] = 'max-age={0!s}'.format((cache_period * 60))
    results_['Expires'] = (
        (datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(minutes=cache_period))
    results_.set_cookie(settings.LAST_SEARCH_COOKIE, urlquote(cleaned['q']),
                        max_age=3600, secure=False, httponly=False)

    return results_
コード例 #13
ファイル: api.py プロジェクト: zctyhj/kitsune
    def get_data(self, request):
        search_form = self.form_class(request.GET)
        if not search_form.is_valid():
            raise GenericAPIException(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST,
                                      _('Invalid search data.'))

        language = locale_or_default(
            request.GET.get('language', request.LANGUAGE_CODE))
        lang = language.lower()
        if settings.LANGUAGES_DICT.get(lang):
            lang_name = settings.LANGUAGES_DICT[lang]
            lang_name = ''

        page = max(smart_int(request.GET.get('page')), 1)
        offset = (page - 1) * settings.SEARCH_RESULTS_PER_PAGE

        searcher = (es_utils.AnalyzerS().es(urls=settings.ES_URLS).indexes(

        doctypes = self.get_doctypes()
        searcher = searcher.doctypes(*doctypes)

        filters = self.get_filters()
        searcher = searcher.filter(filters)

        # Add the simple string query.
        cleaned_q = search_form.cleaned_data.get('query')

        if cleaned_q:
            query_fields = self.get_query_fields()
            query = {}
            # Create a simple_query_search query for every field
            # we want to search.
            for field in query_fields:
                query['%s__sqs' % field] = cleaned_q

            # Transform the query to use locale aware analyzers.
            query = es_utils.es_query_with_analyzer(query, language)

            searcher = searcher.query(should=True, **query)

            num_results = min(searcher.count(), settings.SEARCH_MAX_RESULTS)

            results_per_page = settings.SEARCH_RESULTS_PER_PAGE

            # If we know there aren't any results, let's cheat and in
            # doing that, not hit ES again.
            if num_results == 0:
                searcher = []
                # TODO - Can ditch the ComposedList here, but we need
                # something that paginate can use to figure out the paging.
                documents = ComposedList()
                documents.set_count(('results', searcher), num_results)

                # Get the documents we want to show and add them to
                # docs_for_page
                documents = documents[offset:offset + results_per_page]

                if len(documents) == 0:
                    # If the user requested a page that's beyond the
                    # pagination, then documents is an empty list and
                    # there are no results to show.
                    searcher = []
                    bounds = documents[0][1]
                    searcher = searcher[bounds[0]:bounds[1]]

            results = []
            for i, doc in enumerate(searcher):
                rank = i + offset

                result = self.format_result(doc)

                result['url'] = doc['url']
                result['rank'] = rank
                result['score'] = doc.es_meta.score
                result['explanation'] = escape(
                result['id'] = doc['id']

        except es_utils.ES_EXCEPTIONS:
            raise GenericAPIException(status.HTTP_503_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE,
                                      _('Search Unavailable'))

        data = {
            'num_results': num_results,
            'results': results,
            'lang_name': lang_name,

        if not results:
            data['message'] = _('No pages matched the search criteria')

        return data
コード例 #14
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: wanglilong007/kitsune
def simple_search(request, template=None):
    """ES-specific simple search view.

    This view is for end user searching of the Knowledge Base and
    Support Forum. Filtering options are limited to:
    * product (`product=firefox`, for example, for only Firefox results)
    * document type (`w=2`, for esample, for Support Forum questions only)

    # Redirect to old Advanced Search URLs (?a={1,2}) to the new URL.
    a = request.GET.get('a')
    if a in ['1', '2']:
        new_url = reverse('search.advanced') + '?' + request.GET.urlencode()
        return HttpResponseRedirect(new_url)

    # JSON-specific variables
    is_json = (request.GET.get('format') == 'json')
    callback = request.GET.get('callback', '').strip()
    content_type = ('application/x-javascript'
                    if callback else 'application/json')

    # Check callback is valid
    if is_json and callback and not jsonp_is_valid(callback):
        return HttpResponse(json.dumps(
            {'error': _('Invalid callback function.')}),

    language = locale_or_default(
        request.GET.get('language', request.LANGUAGE_CODE))
    r = request.GET.copy()

    # TODO: Do we really need to add this to the URL if it isn't already there?
    r['w'] = r.get('w', constants.WHERE_BASIC)

    # TODO: Break out a separate simple search form.
    search_form = SimpleSearchForm(r, auto_id=False)

    if not search_form.is_valid():
        if is_json:
            return HttpResponse(json.dumps(
                {'error': _('Invalid search data.')}),

        t = template if request.MOBILE else 'search/form.html'
        search_ = render(request, t, {
            'advanced': False,
            'request': request,
            'search_form': search_form
        cache_period = settings.SEARCH_CACHE_PERIOD
        search_['Cache-Control'] = 'max-age=%s' % (cache_period * 60)
        search_['Expires'] = (
            (datetime.utcnow() +
        return search_

    cleaned = search_form.cleaned_data

    # On mobile, we default to just wiki results.
    if request.MOBILE and cleaned['w'] == constants.WHERE_BASIC:
        cleaned['w'] = constants.WHERE_WIKI

    page = max(smart_int(request.GET.get('page')), 1)
    offset = (page - 1) * settings.SEARCH_RESULTS_PER_PAGE

    lang = language.lower()
    if settings.LANGUAGES_DICT.get(lang):
        lang_name = settings.LANGUAGES_DICT[lang]
        lang_name = ''

    # We use a regular S here because we want to search across
    # multiple doctypes.
    searcher = (AnalyzerS().es(urls=settings.ES_URLS).indexes(

    wiki_f = F(model='wiki_document')
    question_f = F(model='questions_question')

    # Start - wiki filters

    if cleaned['w'] & constants.WHERE_WIKI:
        # Category filter
        wiki_f &= F(document_category__in=settings.SEARCH_DEFAULT_CATEGORIES)

        # Locale filter
        wiki_f &= F(document_locale=language)

        # Product filter
        products = cleaned['product']
        for p in products:
            wiki_f &= F(product=p)

        # Archived bit
        wiki_f &= F(document_is_archived=False)

    # End - wiki filters

    # Start - support questions filters

    if cleaned['w'] & constants.WHERE_SUPPORT:
        # Has helpful answers is set by default if using basic search
        cleaned['has_helpful'] = constants.TERNARY_YES

        # No archived questions in default search.
        cleaned['is_archived'] = constants.TERNARY_NO

        # These filters are ternary, they can be either YES, NO, or OFF
        ternary_filters = ('has_helpful', 'is_archived')
        d = dict(('question_%s' % filter_name,
                 for filter_name in ternary_filters if cleaned[filter_name])
        if d:
            question_f &= F(**d)

        # Product filter
        products = cleaned['product']
        for p in products:
            question_f &= F(product=p)

    # End - support questions filters

    # Done with all the filtery stuff--time  to generate results

    # Combine all the filters and add to the searcher
    doctypes = []
    final_filter = F()
    if cleaned['w'] & constants.WHERE_WIKI:
        final_filter |= wiki_f

    if cleaned['w'] & constants.WHERE_SUPPORT:
        final_filter |= question_f

    searcher = searcher.doctypes(*doctypes)
    searcher = searcher.filter(final_filter)

    if 'explain' in request.GET and request.GET['explain'] == '1':
        searcher = searcher.explain()

    documents = ComposedList()

        cleaned_q = cleaned['q']

        # Set up the highlights. Show the entire field highlighted.
        searcher = searcher.highlight(
            'question_content',  # support forum
            'document_summary',  # kb

        # Set up boosts
        searcher = searcher.boost(

            # Text phrases in document titles and content get an extra
            # boost.

        # Build the query
        query_fields = chain(*[
            for cls in [DocumentMappingType, QuestionMappingType]
        query = {}
        # Create match and match_phrase queries for every field
        # we want to search.
        for field in query_fields:
            for query_type in ['match', 'match_phrase']:
                query['%s__%s' % (field, query_type)] = cleaned_q

        # Transform the query to use locale aware analyzers.
        query = es_utils.es_query_with_analyzer(query, language)

        searcher = searcher.query(should=True, **query)

        num_results = min(searcher.count(), settings.SEARCH_MAX_RESULTS)

        # TODO - Can ditch the ComposedList here, but we need
        # something that paginate can use to figure out the paging.
        documents = ComposedList()
        documents.set_count(('results', searcher), num_results)

        results_per_page = settings.SEARCH_RESULTS_PER_PAGE
        pages = paginate(request, documents, results_per_page)

        # If we know there aren't any results, let's cheat and in
        # doing that, not hit ES again.
        if num_results == 0:
            searcher = []
            # Get the documents we want to show and add them to
            # docs_for_page
            documents = documents[offset:offset + results_per_page]

            if len(documents) == 0:
                # If the user requested a page that's beyond the
                # pagination, then documents is an empty list and
                # there are no results to show.
                searcher = []
                bounds = documents[0][1]
                searcher = searcher[bounds[0]:bounds[1]]

        results = []
        for i, doc in enumerate(searcher):
            rank = i + offset

            if doc['model'] == 'wiki_document':
                summary = _build_es_excerpt(doc)
                if not summary:
                    summary = doc['document_summary']
                result = {'title': doc['document_title'], 'type': 'document'}

            elif doc['model'] == 'questions_question':
                summary = _build_es_excerpt(doc)
                if not summary:
                    # We're excerpting only question_content, so if
                    # the query matched question_title or
                    # question_answer_content, then there won't be any
                    # question_content excerpts. In that case, just
                    # show the question--but only the first 500
                    # characters.
                    summary = bleach.clean(doc['question_content'],

                result = {
                    'title': doc['question_title'],
                    'type': 'question',
                    'is_solved': doc['question_is_solved'],
                    'num_answers': doc['question_num_answers'],
                    'num_votes': doc['question_num_votes'],
                    'num_votes_past_week': doc['question_num_votes_past_week']

            result['url'] = doc['url']
            result['object'] = doc
            result['search_summary'] = summary
            result['rank'] = rank
            result['score'] = doc.es_meta.score
            result['explanation'] = escape(

    except ES_EXCEPTIONS as exc:
        # Handle timeout and all those other transient errors with a
        # "Search Unavailable" rather than a Django error page.
        if is_json:
            return HttpResponse(json.dumps({'error': _('Search Unavailable')}),

        # Cheating here: Convert from 'Timeout()' to 'timeout' so
        # we have less code, but still have good stats.
        exc_bucket = repr(exc).lower().strip('()')


        t = 'search/mobile/down.html' if request.MOBILE else 'search/down.html'
        return render(request, t, {'q': cleaned['q']}, status=503)

    items = [(k, v) for k in search_form.fields for v in r.getlist(k)
             if v and k != 'a']
    items.append(('a', '2'))

    fallback_results = None
    if num_results == 0:
        fallback_results = _fallback_results(language, cleaned['product'])

    product = Product.objects.filter(slug__in=cleaned['product'])
    if product:
        product_titles = [
            _(p.title, 'DB: products.Product.title') for p in product
        product_titles = [_('All Products')]

    product_titles = ', '.join(product_titles)

    data = {
        'num_results': num_results,
        'results': results,
        'fallback_results': fallback_results,
        'product_titles': product_titles,
        'q': cleaned['q'],
        'w': cleaned['w'],
        'lang_name': lang_name,

    if is_json:
        # Models are not json serializable.
        for r in data['results']:
            del r['object']
        data['total'] = len(data['results'])

        data['products'] = ([{
            'slug': p.slug,
            'title': p.title
        } for p in Product.objects.filter(visible=True)])

        if product:
            data['product'] = product[0].slug

        pages = Paginator(pages)
        data['pagination'] = dict(
        if not results:
            data['message'] = _('No pages matched the search criteria')
        json_data = json.dumps(data)
        if callback:
            json_data = callback + '(' + json_data + ');'

        return HttpResponse(json_data, content_type=content_type)

        'product': product,
        'products': Product.objects.filter(visible=True),
        'pages': pages,
        'search_form': search_form,
        'advanced': False,
    results_ = render(request, template, data)
    cache_period = settings.SEARCH_CACHE_PERIOD
    results_['Cache-Control'] = 'max-age=%s' % (cache_period * 60)
    results_['Expires'] = (
        (datetime.utcnow() +

    return results_
コード例 #15
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: rivaxel/kitsune
def simple_search(request, template=None):
    """Elasticsearch-specific simple search view.

    This view is for end user searching of the Knowledge Base and
    Support Forum. Filtering options are limited to:

    * product (`product=firefox`, for example, for only Firefox results)
    * document type (`w=2`, for example, for Support Forum questions only)

    # Redirect to old Advanced Search URLs (?a={1,2}) to the new URL.
    if request.GET.get('a') in ['1', '2']:
        new_url = reverse('search.advanced') + '?' + request.GET.urlencode()
        return HttpResponseRedirect(new_url)

    # JSON-specific variables
    is_json = (request.GET.get('format') == 'json')
    callback = request.GET.get('callback', '').strip()
    content_type = 'application/x-javascript' if callback else 'application/json'

    # Check callback is valid
    if is_json and callback and not jsonp_is_valid(callback):
        return HttpResponse(
            json.dumps({'error': _('Invalid callback function.')}),

    search_form = SimpleSearchForm(request.GET, auto_id=False)

    if not search_form.is_valid():
        if is_json:
            return HttpResponse(
                json.dumps({'error': _('Invalid search data.')}),

        t = template if request.MOBILE else 'search/form.html'
        search_ = render(request, t, {
            'advanced': False,
            'request': request,
            'search_form': search_form})
        cache_period = settings.SEARCH_CACHE_PERIOD
        search_['Cache-Control'] = 'max-age=%s' % (cache_period * 60)
        search_['Expires'] = (
            (datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(minutes=cache_period))
        return search_

    cleaned = search_form.cleaned_data

    # On mobile, we default to just wiki results.
    if request.MOBILE and cleaned['w'] == constants.WHERE_BASIC:
        cleaned['w'] = constants.WHERE_WIKI

    language = locale_or_default(cleaned['language'] or request.LANGUAGE_CODE)
    lang = language.lower()
    lang_name = settings.LANGUAGES_DICT.get(lang) or ''

    searcher = generate_simple_search(search_form, language, with_highlights=True)
    searcher = searcher[:settings.SEARCH_MAX_RESULTS]
    fallback_results = None

        pages = paginate(request, searcher, settings.SEARCH_RESULTS_PER_PAGE)
        offset = pages.start_index()

        results = []
        if pages.paginator.count == 0:
            fallback_results = _fallback_results(language, cleaned['product'])

            for i, doc in enumerate(pages):
                rank = i + offset

                if doc['model'] == 'wiki_document':
                    summary = _build_es_excerpt(doc)
                    if not summary:
                        summary = doc['document_summary']
                    result = {
                        'title': doc['document_title'],
                        'type': 'document'}

                elif doc['model'] == 'questions_question':
                    summary = _build_es_excerpt(doc)
                    if not summary:
                        # We're excerpting only question_content, so if the query matched
                        # question_title or question_answer_content, then there won't be any
                        # question_content excerpts. In that case, just show the question--but
                        # only the first 500 characters.
                        summary = bleach.clean(doc['question_content'], strip=True)[:500]

                    result = {
                        'title': doc['question_title'],
                        'type': 'question',
                        'is_solved': doc['question_is_solved'],
                        'num_answers': doc['question_num_answers'],
                        'num_votes': doc['question_num_votes'],
                        'num_votes_past_week': doc['question_num_votes_past_week']}

                result['url'] = doc['url']
                result['object'] = doc
                result['search_summary'] = summary
                result['rank'] = rank
                result['score'] = doc.es_meta.score
                result['explanation'] = escape(format_explanation(
                result['id'] = doc['id']

    except ES_EXCEPTIONS as exc:
        # Handle timeout and all those other transient errors with a
        # "Search Unavailable" rather than a Django error page.
        if is_json:
            return HttpResponse(json.dumps({'error': _('Search Unavailable')}),
                                content_type=content_type, status=503)

        # Cheating here: Convert from 'Timeout()' to 'timeout' so
        # we have less code, but still have good stats.
        exc_bucket = repr(exc).lower().strip('()')


        t = 'search/mobile/down.html' if request.MOBILE else 'search/down.html'
        return render(request, t, {'q': cleaned['q']}, status=503)

    product = Product.objects.filter(slug__in=cleaned['product'])
    if product:
        product_titles = [_(p.title, 'DB: products.Product.title') for p in product]
        product_titles = [_('All Products')]

    # FIXME: This is probably bad l10n.
    product_titles = ', '.join(product_titles)

    data = {
        'num_results': pages.paginator.count,
        'results': results,
        'fallback_results': fallback_results,
        'product_titles': product_titles,
        'q': cleaned['q'],
        'w': cleaned['w'],
        'lang_name': lang_name}

    if is_json:
        # Models are not json serializable.
        for r in data['results']:
            del r['object']
        data['total'] = len(data['results'])

        data['products'] = [{'slug': p.slug, 'title': p.title}
                            for p in Product.objects.filter(visible=True)]

        if product:
            data['product'] = product[0].slug

        pages = Paginator(pages)
        data['pagination'] = dict(
        if not results:
            data['message'] = _('No pages matched the search criteria')
        json_data = json.dumps(data)
        if callback:
            json_data = callback + '(' + json_data + ');'

        return HttpResponse(json_data, content_type=content_type)

        'product': product,
        'products': Product.objects.filter(visible=True),
        'pages': pages,
        'search_form': search_form,
        'advanced': False,
    results_ = render(request, template, data)
    cache_period = settings.SEARCH_CACHE_PERIOD
    results_['Cache-Control'] = 'max-age=%s' % (cache_period * 60)
    results_['Expires'] = (
        (datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(minutes=cache_period))
    results_.set_cookie(settings.LAST_SEARCH_COOKIE, urlquote(cleaned['q']),
                        max_age=3600, secure=False, httponly=False)

    return results_
コード例 #16
ファイル: api.py プロジェクト: rivaxel/kitsune
    def get_data(self, request):
        search_form = self.form_class(request.GET)
        if not search_form.is_valid():
            raise GenericAPIException(
                _('Invalid search data.')

        language = locale_or_default(
            request.GET.get('language', request.LANGUAGE_CODE)
        lang = language.lower()
        if settings.LANGUAGES_DICT.get(lang):
            lang_name = settings.LANGUAGES_DICT[lang]
            lang_name = ''
        self.language = language

        page = max(smart_int(request.GET.get('page')), 1)
        offset = (page - 1) * settings.SEARCH_RESULTS_PER_PAGE

        searcher = (

        doctypes = self.get_doctypes()
        searcher = searcher.doctypes(*doctypes)

        filters = self.get_filters(search_form.cleaned_data)
        searcher = searcher.filter(filters)

        # Add the simple string query.
        cleaned_q = search_form.cleaned_data.get('query')

        if cleaned_q:
            query_fields = self.get_query_fields()
            query = {}
            # Create a simple_query_search query for every field
            # we want to search.
            for field in query_fields:
                query['%s__sqs' % field] = cleaned_q

            # Transform the query to use locale aware analyzers.
            query = es_utils.es_query_with_analyzer(query, language)

            searcher = searcher.query(should=True, **query)

            num_results = min(searcher.count(), settings.SEARCH_MAX_RESULTS)

            results_per_page = settings.SEARCH_RESULTS_PER_PAGE

            # If we know there aren't any results, let's cheat and in
            # doing that, not hit ES again.
            if num_results == 0:
                searcher = []
                # TODO - Can ditch the ComposedList here, but we need
                # something that paginate can use to figure out the paging.
                documents = ComposedList()
                documents.set_count(('results', searcher), num_results)

                # Get the documents we want to show and add them to
                # docs_for_page
                documents = documents[offset:offset + results_per_page]

                if len(documents) == 0:
                    # If the user requested a page that's beyond the
                    # pagination, then documents is an empty list and
                    # there are no results to show.
                    searcher = []
                    bounds = documents[0][1]
                    searcher = searcher[bounds[0]:bounds[1]]

            results = []
            for i, doc in enumerate(searcher):
                rank = i + offset

                result = self.format_result(doc)

                result['url'] = doc['url']
                result['rank'] = rank
                result['score'] = doc.es_meta.score
                result['explanation'] = escape(
                result['id'] = doc['id']

        except es_utils.ES_EXCEPTIONS:
            raise GenericAPIException(
                _('Search Unavailable')

        data = {
            'num_results': num_results,
            'results': results,
            'lang_name': lang_name,

        if not results:
            data['message'] = _('No pages matched the search criteria')

        return data
コード例 #17
def search(request, template=None):
    """ES-specific search view"""

    # JSON-specific variables
    is_json = (request.GET.get('format') == 'json')
    callback = request.GET.get('callback', '').strip()
    mimetype = 'application/x-javascript' if callback else 'application/json'

    # Search "Expires" header format
    expires_fmt = '%A, %d %B %Y %H:%M:%S GMT'

    # Check callback is valid
    if is_json and callback and not jsonp_is_valid(callback):
        return HttpResponse(
            json.dumps({'error': _('Invalid callback function.')}),
            mimetype=mimetype, status=400)

    language = locale_or_default(
        request.GET.get('language', request.LANGUAGE_CODE))
    r = request.GET.copy()
    a = request.GET.get('a', '0')

    # Search default values
        category = (map(int, r.getlist('category')) or
    except ValueError:
        category = settings.SEARCH_DEFAULT_CATEGORIES
    r.setlist('category', category)

    # Basic form
    if a == '0':
        r['w'] = r.get('w', constants.WHERE_BASIC)
    # Advanced form
    if a == '2':
        r['language'] = language
        r['a'] = '1'

    # TODO: Rewrite so SearchForm is unbound initially and we can use
    # `initial` on the form fields.
    if 'include_archived' not in r:
        r['include_archived'] = False

    search_form = SearchForm(r, auto_id=False)

    if not search_form.is_valid() or a == '2':
        if is_json:
            return HttpResponse(
                json.dumps({'error': _('Invalid search data.')}),

        t = template if request.MOBILE else 'search/form.html'
        search_ = render(request, t, {
            'advanced': a, 'request': request,
            'search_form': search_form})
        cache_period = settings.SEARCH_CACHE_PERIOD
        search_['Cache-Control'] = 'max-age=%s' % (cache_period * 60)
        search_['Expires'] = (
            (datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(minutes=cache_period))
        return search_

    cleaned = search_form.cleaned_data

    if request.MOBILE and cleaned['w'] == constants.WHERE_BASIC:
        cleaned['w'] = constants.WHERE_WIKI

    page = max(smart_int(request.GET.get('page')), 1)
    offset = (page - 1) * settings.SEARCH_RESULTS_PER_PAGE

    lang = language.lower()
    if settings.LANGUAGES_DICT.get(lang):
        lang_name = settings.LANGUAGES_DICT[lang]
        lang_name = ''

    # We use a regular S here because we want to search across
    # multiple doctypes.
    searcher = (AnalyzerS().es(urls=settings.ES_URLS)

    wiki_f = F(model='wiki_document')
    question_f = F(model='questions_question')
    discussion_f = F(model='forums_thread')

    # Start - wiki filters

    if cleaned['w'] & constants.WHERE_WIKI:
        # Category filter
        if cleaned['category']:
            wiki_f &= F(document_category__in=cleaned['category'])

        # Locale filter
        wiki_f &= F(document_locale=language)

        # Product filter
        products = cleaned['product']
        for p in products:
            wiki_f &= F(product=p)

        # Topics filter
        topics = cleaned['topics']
        for t in topics:
            wiki_f &= F(topic=t)

        # Archived bit
        if a == '0' and not cleaned['include_archived']:
            # Default to NO for basic search:
            cleaned['include_archived'] = False
        if not cleaned['include_archived']:
            wiki_f &= F(document_is_archived=False)

    # End - wiki filters

    # Start - support questions filters

    if cleaned['w'] & constants.WHERE_SUPPORT:
        # Solved is set by default if using basic search
        if a == '0' and not cleaned['has_helpful']:
            cleaned['has_helpful'] = constants.TERNARY_YES

        # These filters are ternary, they can be either YES, NO, or OFF
        ternary_filters = ('is_locked', 'is_solved', 'has_answers',
                           'has_helpful', 'is_archived')
        d = dict(('question_%s' % filter_name,
                 for filter_name in ternary_filters if cleaned[filter_name])
        if d:
            question_f &= F(**d)

        if cleaned['asked_by']:
            question_f &= F(question_creator=cleaned['asked_by'])

        if cleaned['answered_by']:
            question_f &= F(question_answer_creator=cleaned['answered_by'])

        q_tags = [t.strip() for t in cleaned['q_tags'].split(',')]
        for t in q_tags:
            if t:
                question_f &= F(question_tag=t)

        # Product filter
        products = cleaned['product']
        for p in products:
            question_f &= F(product=p)

        # Topics filter
        topics = cleaned['topics']
        for t in topics:
            question_f &= F(topic=t)

    # End - support questions filters

    # Start - discussion forum filters

    if cleaned['w'] & constants.WHERE_DISCUSSION:
        if cleaned['author']:
            discussion_f &= F(post_author_ord=cleaned['author'])

        if cleaned['thread_type']:
            if constants.DISCUSSION_STICKY in cleaned['thread_type']:
                discussion_f &= F(post_is_sticky=1)

            if constants.DISCUSSION_LOCKED in cleaned['thread_type']:
                discussion_f &= F(post_is_locked=1)

        valid_forum_ids = [
            f.id for f in Forum.authorized_forums_for_user(request.user)]

        forum_ids = None
        if cleaned['forum']:
            forum_ids = [f for f in cleaned['forum'] if f in valid_forum_ids]

        # If we removed all the forums they wanted to look at or if
        # they didn't specify, then we filter on the list of all
        # forums they're authorized to look at.
        if not forum_ids:
            forum_ids = valid_forum_ids

        discussion_f &= F(post_forum_id__in=forum_ids)

    # End - discussion forum filters

    # Created filter
    unix_now = int(time.time())
    interval_filters = (
        ('created', cleaned['created'], cleaned['created_date']),
        ('updated', cleaned['updated'], cleaned['updated_date']))
    for filter_name, filter_option, filter_date in interval_filters:
        if filter_option == constants.INTERVAL_BEFORE:
            before = {filter_name + '__gte': 0,
                      filter_name + '__lte': max(filter_date, 0)}

            discussion_f &= F(**before)
            question_f &= F(**before)
        elif filter_option == constants.INTERVAL_AFTER:
            after = {filter_name + '__gte': min(filter_date, unix_now),
                     filter_name + '__lte': unix_now}

            discussion_f &= F(**after)
            question_f &= F(**after)

    # In basic search, we limit questions from the last
    if a == '0':
        start_date = unix_now - settings.SEARCH_DEFAULT_MAX_QUESTION_AGE
        question_f &= F(created__gte=start_date)

    # Note: num_voted (with a d) is a different field than num_votes
    # (with an s). The former is a dropdown and the latter is an
    # integer value.
    if cleaned['num_voted'] == constants.INTERVAL_BEFORE:
        question_f &= F(question_num_votes__lte=max(cleaned['num_votes'], 0))
    elif cleaned['num_voted'] == constants.INTERVAL_AFTER:
        question_f &= F(question_num_votes__gte=cleaned['num_votes'])

    # Done with all the filtery stuff--time  to generate results

    # Combine all the filters and add to the searcher
    doctypes = []
    final_filter = F()
    if cleaned['w'] & constants.WHERE_WIKI:
        final_filter |= wiki_f

    if cleaned['w'] & constants.WHERE_SUPPORT:
        final_filter |= question_f

    if cleaned['w'] & constants.WHERE_DISCUSSION:
        final_filter |= discussion_f

    searcher = searcher.doctypes(*doctypes)
    searcher = searcher.filter(final_filter)

    if 'explain' in request.GET and request.GET['explain'] == '1':
        searcher = searcher.explain()

    documents = ComposedList()

        cleaned_q = cleaned['q']

        # Set up the highlights. Show the entire field highlighted.
        searcher = searcher.highlight(
            'question_content',  # support forum
            'document_summary',  # kb
            'post_content',  # contributor forum

        # Set up boosts
        searcher = searcher.boost(

            # Text phrases in document titles and content get an extra
            # boost.

        # Apply sortby for advanced search of questions
        if cleaned['w'] == constants.WHERE_SUPPORT:
            sortby = cleaned['sortby']
                searcher = searcher.order_by(
            except IndexError:
                # Skip index errors because they imply the user is
                # sending us sortby values that aren't valid.

        # Apply sortby for advanced search of kb documents
        if cleaned['w'] == constants.WHERE_WIKI:
            sortby = cleaned['sortby_documents']
                searcher = searcher.order_by(
            except IndexError:
                # Skip index errors because they imply the user is
                # sending us sortby values that aren't valid.

        # Build the query
        if cleaned_q:
            query_fields = chain(*[cls.get_query_fields()
                                   for cls in get_mapping_types()])
            query = {}
            # Create text and text_phrase queries for every field
            # we want to search.
            for field in query_fields:
                for query_type in ['text', 'text_phrase']:
                    query['%s__%s' % (field, query_type)] = cleaned_q

            # Transform the query to use locale aware analyzers.
            query = es_utils.es_query_with_analyzer(query, language)

            searcher = searcher.query(should=True, **query)

        num_results = min(searcher.count(), settings.SEARCH_MAX_RESULTS)

        # TODO - Can ditch the ComposedList here, but we need
        # something that paginate can use to figure out the paging.
        documents = ComposedList()
        documents.set_count(('results', searcher), num_results)

        results_per_page = settings.SEARCH_RESULTS_PER_PAGE
        pages = paginate(request, documents, results_per_page)

        # If we know there aren't any results, let's cheat and in
        # doing that, not hit ES again.
        if num_results == 0:
            searcher = []
            # Get the documents we want to show and add them to
            # docs_for_page
            documents = documents[offset:offset + results_per_page]

            if len(documents) == 0:
                # If the user requested a page that's beyond the
                # pagination, then documents is an empty list and
                # there are no results to show.
                searcher = []
                bounds = documents[0][1]
                searcher = searcher.values_dict()[bounds[0]:bounds[1]]

        results = []
        for i, doc in enumerate(searcher):
            rank = i + offset

            if doc['model'] == 'wiki_document':
                summary = _build_es_excerpt(doc)
                if not summary:
                    summary = doc['document_summary']
                result = {
                    'title': doc['document_title'],
                    'type': 'document'}

            elif doc['model'] == 'questions_question':
                summary = _build_es_excerpt(doc)
                if not summary:
                    # We're excerpting only question_content, so if
                    # the query matched question_title or
                    # question_answer_content, then there won't be any
                    # question_content excerpts. In that case, just
                    # show the question--but only the first 500
                    # characters.
                    summary = bleach.clean(
                        doc['question_content'], strip=True)[:500]

                result = {
                    'title': doc['question_title'],
                    'type': 'question',
                    'is_solved': doc['question_is_solved'],
                    'num_answers': doc['question_num_answers'],
                    'num_votes': doc['question_num_votes'],
                    'num_votes_past_week': doc['question_num_votes_past_week']}

                summary = _build_es_excerpt(doc, first_only=True)
                result = {
                    'title': doc['post_title'],
                    'type': 'thread'}

            result['url'] = doc['url']
            result['object'] = ObjectDict(doc)
            result['search_summary'] = summary
            result['rank'] = rank
            result['score'] = doc._score
            result['explanation'] = escape(format_explanation(

    except ES_EXCEPTIONS as exc:
        # Handle timeout and all those other transient errors with a
        # "Search Unavailable" rather than a Django error page.
        if is_json:
            return HttpResponse(json.dumps({'error': _('Search Unavailable')}),
                                mimetype=mimetype, status=503)

        # Cheating here: Convert from 'Timeout()' to 'timeout' so
        # we have less code, but still have good stats.
        exc_bucket = repr(exc).lower().strip('()')

        import logging

        t = 'search/mobile/down.html' if request.MOBILE else 'search/down.html'
        return render(request, t, {'q': cleaned['q']}, status=503)

    items = [(k, v) for k in search_form.fields for
             v in r.getlist(k) if v and k != 'a']
    items.append(('a', '2'))

    if is_json:
        # Models are not json serializable.
        for r in results:
            del r['object']
        data = {}
        data['results'] = results
        data['total'] = len(results)
        data['query'] = cleaned['q']
        if not results:
            data['message'] = _('No pages matched the search criteria')
        json_data = json.dumps(data)
        if callback:
            json_data = callback + '(' + json_data + ');'

        return HttpResponse(json_data, mimetype=mimetype)

    fallback_results = None
    if num_results == 0:
        fallback_results = _fallback_results(language, cleaned['product'])

    product = Product.objects.filter(slug__in=cleaned['product'])
    if product:
        product_titles = [_(p.title, 'DB: products.Product.title')
                          for p in product]
        product_titles = [_('All Products')]

    product_titles = ', '.join(product_titles)

    results_ = render(request, template, {
        'num_results': num_results,
        'results': results,
        'fallback_results': fallback_results,
        'q': cleaned['q'],
        'w': cleaned['w'],
        'product': product,
        'products': Product.objects.filter(visible=True),
        'product_titles': product_titles,
        'pages': pages,
        'search_form': search_form,
        'lang_name': lang_name, })
    cache_period = settings.SEARCH_CACHE_PERIOD
    results_['Cache-Control'] = 'max-age=%s' % (cache_period * 60)
    results_['Expires'] = (
        (datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(minutes=cache_period))
    results_.set_cookie(settings.LAST_SEARCH_COOKIE, urlquote(cleaned['q']),
                        max_age=3600, secure=False, httponly=False)

    return results_
コード例 #18
def advanced_search(request, template=None):
    """Elasticsearch-specific Advanced search view"""

    to_json = JSONRenderer().render

    # 1. Prep request.
    r = request.GET.copy()
    # TODO: Figure out how to get rid of 'a' and do it.
    # It basically is used to switch between showing the form or results.
    a = request.GET.get('a', '2')
    # TODO: This is so the 'a=1' stays in the URL for pagination.
    r['a'] = 1

    language = locale_or_default(
        request.GET.get('language', request.LANGUAGE_CODE))
    r['language'] = language
    lang = language.lower()
    lang_name = settings.LANGUAGES_DICT.get(lang) or ''

    # 2. Build form.
    search_form = AdvancedSearchForm(r, auto_id=False)

    # 3. Validate request.
    # Note: a == 2 means "show the form"--that's all we use it for now.
    if a == '2' or not search_form.is_valid():
        if request.IS_JSON:
            return HttpResponse(json.dumps(
                {'error': _('Invalid search data.')}),

        t = template if request.MOBILE else 'search/form.html'
        data = {
            'advanced': True,
            'request': request,
            'search_form': search_form
        # get value for search input from last search term.
        last_search = request.COOKIES.get(settings.LAST_SEARCH_COOKIE)
        # If there is any cached input from last search, pass it to template
        if last_search and 'q' not in r:
            cached_field = urlquote(last_search)
            data.update({'cached_field': cached_field})

        return cache_control(render(request, t, data),

    # 4. Generate search.
    cleaned = search_form.cleaned_data

    # On mobile, we default to just wiki results.
    if request.MOBILE and cleaned['w'] == constants.WHERE_BASIC:
        cleaned['w'] = constants.WHERE_WIKI

    # We use a regular S here because we want to search across
    # multiple doctypes.
    searcher = (AnalyzerS().es(urls=settings.ES_URLS,

    doctypes = []
    final_filter = F()
    unix_now = int(time.time())
    interval_filters = (('created', cleaned['created'],
                        ('updated', cleaned['updated'],

    # Start - wiki search configuration

    if cleaned['w'] & constants.WHERE_WIKI:
        wiki_f = F(model='wiki_document')

        # Category filter
        if cleaned['category']:
            wiki_f &= F(document_category__in=cleaned['category'])

        # Locale filter
        wiki_f &= F(document_locale=language)

        # Product filter
        products = cleaned['product']
        for p in products:
            wiki_f &= F(product=p)

        # Topics filter
        topics = cleaned['topics']
        for t in topics:
            wiki_f &= F(topic=t)

        # Archived bit
        if not cleaned['include_archived']:
            wiki_f &= F(document_is_archived=False)

        # Apply sortby
        sortby = cleaned['sortby_documents']
            searcher = searcher.order_by(*constants.SORT_DOCUMENTS[sortby])
        except IndexError:
            # Skip index errors because they imply the user is sending us sortby values
            # that aren't valid.

        final_filter |= wiki_f

    # End - wiki search configuration

    # Start - support questions configuration

    if cleaned['w'] & constants.WHERE_SUPPORT:
        question_f = F(model='questions_question')

        # These filters are ternary, they can be either YES, NO, or OFF
        ternary_filters = ('is_locked', 'is_solved', 'has_answers',
                           'has_helpful', 'is_archived')
        d = dict(('question_%s' % filter_name,
                 for filter_name in ternary_filters if cleaned[filter_name])
        if d:
            question_f &= F(**d)

        if cleaned['asked_by']:
            question_f &= F(question_creator=cleaned['asked_by'])

        if cleaned['answered_by']:
            question_f &= F(question_answer_creator=cleaned['answered_by'])

        q_tags = [t.strip() for t in cleaned['q_tags'].split(',')]
        for t in q_tags:
            if t:
                question_f &= F(question_tag=t)

        # Product filter
        products = cleaned['product']
        for p in products:
            question_f &= F(product=p)

        # Topics filter
        topics = cleaned['topics']
        for t in topics:
            question_f &= F(topic=t)

        # Note: num_voted (with a d) is a different field than num_votes
        # (with an s). The former is a dropdown and the latter is an
        # integer value.
        if cleaned['num_voted'] == constants.INTERVAL_BEFORE:
            question_f &= F(
                question_num_votes__lte=max(cleaned['num_votes'], 0))
        elif cleaned['num_voted'] == constants.INTERVAL_AFTER:
            question_f &= F(question_num_votes__gte=cleaned['num_votes'])

        # Apply sortby
        sortby = cleaned['sortby']
            searcher = searcher.order_by(*constants.SORT_QUESTIONS[sortby])
        except IndexError:
            # Skip index errors because they imply the user is sending us sortby values
            # that aren't valid.

        # Apply created and updated filters
        for filter_name, filter_option, filter_date in interval_filters:
            if filter_option == constants.INTERVAL_BEFORE:
                before = {
                    filter_name + '__gte': 0,
                    filter_name + '__lte': max(filter_date, 0)

                question_f &= F(**before)

            elif filter_option == constants.INTERVAL_AFTER:
                after = {
                    filter_name + '__gte': min(filter_date, unix_now),
                    filter_name + '__lte': unix_now

                question_f &= F(**after)

        final_filter |= question_f

    # End - support questions configuration

    # Start - discussion forum configuration

    if cleaned['w'] & constants.WHERE_DISCUSSION:
        discussion_f = F(model='forums_thread')

        if cleaned['author']:
            discussion_f &= F(post_author_ord=cleaned['author'])

        if cleaned['thread_type']:
            if constants.DISCUSSION_STICKY in cleaned['thread_type']:
                discussion_f &= F(post_is_sticky=1)

            if constants.DISCUSSION_LOCKED in cleaned['thread_type']:
                discussion_f &= F(post_is_locked=1)

        valid_forum_ids = [
            f.id for f in Forum.authorized_forums_for_user(request.user)

        forum_ids = None
        if cleaned['forum']:
            forum_ids = [f for f in cleaned['forum'] if f in valid_forum_ids]

        # If we removed all the forums they wanted to look at or if
        # they didn't specify, then we filter on the list of all
        # forums they're authorized to look at.
        if not forum_ids:
            forum_ids = valid_forum_ids

        discussion_f &= F(post_forum_id__in=forum_ids)

        # Apply created and updated filters
        for filter_name, filter_option, filter_date in interval_filters:
            if filter_option == constants.INTERVAL_BEFORE:
                before = {
                    filter_name + '__gte': 0,
                    filter_name + '__lte': max(filter_date, 0)

                discussion_f &= F(**before)

            elif filter_option == constants.INTERVAL_AFTER:
                after = {
                    filter_name + '__gte': min(filter_date, unix_now),
                    filter_name + '__lte': unix_now

                discussion_f &= F(**after)

        final_filter |= discussion_f

    # End - discussion forum configuration

    # Done with all the filtery stuff--time  to generate results

    searcher = searcher.doctypes(*doctypes)
    searcher = searcher.filter(final_filter)

    if 'explain' in request.GET and request.GET['explain'] == '1':
        searcher = searcher.explain()

    cleaned_q = cleaned['q']

    # Set up the highlights. Show the entire field highlighted.
    searcher = searcher.highlight(
        'question_content',  # support forum
        'document_summary',  # kb
        'post_content',  # contributor forum

    searcher = apply_boosts(searcher)

    # Build the query
    if cleaned_q:
        query_fields = chain(*[
            cls.get_query_fields() for cls in
            [DocumentMappingType, ThreadMappingType, QuestionMappingType]
        query = {}
        # Create a simple_query_search query for every field we want to search.
        for field in query_fields:
            query['%s__sqs' % field] = cleaned_q

        # Transform the query to use locale aware analyzers.
        query = es_utils.es_query_with_analyzer(query, language)

        searcher = searcher.query(should=True, **query)

    searcher = searcher[:settings.SEARCH_MAX_RESULTS]

    # 5. Generate output
    pages = paginate(request, searcher, settings.SEARCH_RESULTS_PER_PAGE)

    if pages.paginator.count == 0:
        # If we know there aren't any results, show fallback_results.
        fallback_results = _fallback_results(language, cleaned['product'])
        results = []
        fallback_results = None
        results = build_results_list(pages, request.IS_JSON)

    items = [(k, v) for k in search_form.fields for v in r.getlist(k)
             if v and k != 'a']
    items.append(('a', '2'))

    product = Product.objects.filter(slug__in=cleaned['product'])
    if product:
        product_titles = [
            pgettext('DB: products.Product.title', p.title) for p in product
        product_titles = [_('All Products')]

    # FIXME: This is probably bad l10n.
    product_titles = ', '.join(product_titles)

    data = {
        'num_results': pages.paginator.count,
        'results': results,
        'fallback_results': fallback_results,
        'product_titles': product_titles,
        'q': cleaned['q'],
        'w': cleaned['w'],
        'lang_name': lang_name,
        'advanced': True,
        'products': Product.objects.filter(visible=True)

    if request.IS_JSON:
        data['total'] = len(data['results'])
        data['products'] = [{
            'slug': p.slug,
            'title': p.title
        } for p in data['products']]

        if product:
            data['product'] = product[0].slug

        pages = Paginator(pages)
        data['pagination'] = dict(
        if not results:
            data['message'] = _('No pages matched the search criteria')
        json_data = to_json(data)
        if request.JSON_CALLBACK:
            json_data = request.JSON_CALLBACK + '(' + json_data + ');'
        return HttpResponse(json_data, content_type=request.CONTENT_TYPE)

        'product': product,
        'pages': pages,
        'search_form': search_form
    resp = cache_control(render(request, template, data),
    return resp
コード例 #19
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: 1234-/kitsune
def simple_search(request, template=None):
    """Elasticsearch-specific simple search view.

    This view is for end user searching of the Knowledge Base and
    Support Forum. Filtering options are limited to:

    * product (`product=firefox`, for example, for only Firefox results)
    * document type (`w=2`, for example, for Support Forum questions only)


    to_json = JSONRenderer().render

    # 1. Prep request.
    # Redirect to old Advanced Search URLs (?a={1,2}) to the new URL.
    if request.GET.get('a') in ['1', '2']:
        new_url = reverse('search.advanced') + '?' + request.GET.urlencode()
        return HttpResponseRedirect(new_url)

    # 2. Build form.
    search_form = SimpleSearchForm(request.GET, auto_id=False)

    # 3. Validate request.
    if not search_form.is_valid():
        if request.IS_JSON:
            return HttpResponse(
                json.dumps({'error': _('Invalid search data.')}),

        t = template if request.MOBILE else 'search/form.html'
        return cache_control(
            render(request, t, {
                'advanced': False,
                'request': request,
                'search_form': search_form}),

    # 4. Generate search.
    cleaned = search_form.cleaned_data

    # On mobile, we default to just wiki results.
    if request.MOBILE and cleaned['w'] == constants.WHERE_BASIC:
        cleaned['w'] = constants.WHERE_WIKI

    language = locale_or_default(cleaned['language'] or request.LANGUAGE_CODE)
    lang_name = settings.LANGUAGES_DICT.get(language.lower()) or ''

    searcher = generate_simple_search(search_form, language, with_highlights=True)
    searcher = searcher[:settings.SEARCH_MAX_RESULTS]

    # 5. Generate output.
    pages = paginate(request, searcher, settings.SEARCH_RESULTS_PER_PAGE)

    if pages.paginator.count == 0:
        fallback_results = _fallback_results(language, cleaned['product'])
        results = []

        fallback_results = None
        results = build_results_list(pages, request.IS_JSON)

    product = Product.objects.filter(slug__in=cleaned['product'])
    if product:
        product_titles = [pgettext('DB: products.Product.title', p.title) for p in product]
        product_titles = [_('All Products')]

    # FIXME: This is probably bad l10n.
    product_titles = ', '.join(product_titles)

    data = {
        'num_results': pages.paginator.count,
        'results': results,
        'fallback_results': fallback_results,
        'product_titles': product_titles,
        'q': cleaned['q'],
        'w': cleaned['w'],
        'lang_name': lang_name,
        'products': Product.objects.filter(visible=True)}

    if request.IS_JSON:
        data['total'] = len(data['results'])
        data['products'] = [{'slug': p.slug, 'title': p.title}
                            for p in data['products']]

        if product:
            data['product'] = product[0].slug

        pages = Paginator(pages)
        data['pagination'] = dict(
        if not results:
            data['message'] = _('No pages matched the search criteria')

        json_data = to_json(data)
        if request.JSON_CALLBACK:
            json_data = request.JSON_CALLBACK + '(' + json_data + ');'
        return HttpResponse(json_data, content_type=request.CONTENT_TYPE)

        'product': product,
        'pages': pages,
        'search_form': search_form,
        'advanced': False,
    resp = cache_control(render(request, template, data), settings.SEARCH_CACHE_PERIOD)
    resp.set_cookie(settings.LAST_SEARCH_COOKIE, urlquote(cleaned['q']),
                    max_age=3600, secure=False, httponly=False)
    return resp
コード例 #20
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: Cherpak/kitsune
def search(request, template=None):
    """ES-specific search view"""

    # JSON-specific variables
    is_json = (request.GET.get('format') == 'json')
    callback = request.GET.get('callback', '').strip()
    mimetype = 'application/x-javascript' if callback else 'application/json'

    # Search "Expires" header format
    expires_fmt = '%A, %d %B %Y %H:%M:%S GMT'

    # Check callback is valid
    if is_json and callback and not jsonp_is_valid(callback):
        return HttpResponse(
            json.dumps({'error': _('Invalid callback function.')}),
            mimetype=mimetype, status=400)

    language = locale_or_default(
        request.GET.get('language', request.LANGUAGE_CODE))
    r = request.GET.copy()
    a = request.GET.get('a', '0')

    # Search default values
        category = (map(int, r.getlist('category')) or
    except ValueError:
        category = settings.SEARCH_DEFAULT_CATEGORIES
    r.setlist('category', category)

    # Basic form
    if a == '0':
        r['w'] = r.get('w', constants.WHERE_BASIC)
    # Advanced form
    if a == '2':
        r['language'] = language
        r['a'] = '1'

    # TODO: Rewrite so SearchForm is unbound initially and we can use
    # `initial` on the form fields.
    if 'include_archived' not in r:
        r['include_archived'] = False

    search_form = SearchForm(r)

    if not search_form.is_valid() or a == '2':
        if is_json:
            return HttpResponse(
                json.dumps({'error': _('Invalid search data.')}),

        t = template if request.MOBILE else 'search/form.html'
        search_ = render(request, t, {
            'advanced': a, 'request': request,
            'search_form': search_form})
        search_['Cache-Control'] = 'max-age=%s' % \
                                   (settings.SEARCH_CACHE_PERIOD * 60)
        search_['Expires'] = (datetime.utcnow() +
                                minutes=settings.SEARCH_CACHE_PERIOD)) \
        return search_

    cleaned = search_form.cleaned_data

    if request.MOBILE and cleaned['w'] == constants.WHERE_BASIC:
        cleaned['w'] = constants.WHERE_WIKI

    page = max(smart_int(request.GET.get('page')), 1)
    offset = (page - 1) * settings.SEARCH_RESULTS_PER_PAGE

    lang = language.lower()
    if settings.LANGUAGES.get(lang):
        lang_name = settings.LANGUAGES[lang]
        lang_name = ''

    # We use a regular S here because we want to search across
    # multiple doctypes.
    searcher = (AnalyzerS().es(urls=settings.ES_URLS)

    wiki_f = F(model='wiki_document')
    question_f = F(model='questions_question')
    discussion_f = F(model='forums_thread')

    # Start - wiki filters

    if cleaned['w'] & constants.WHERE_WIKI:
        # Category filter
        if cleaned['category']:
            wiki_f &= F(document_category__in=cleaned['category'])

        # Locale filter
        wiki_f &= F(document_locale=language)

        # Product filter
        products = cleaned['product']
        for p in products:
            wiki_f &= F(product=p)

        # Topics filter
        topics = cleaned['topics']
        for t in topics:
            wiki_f &= F(topic=t)

        # Archived bit
        if a == '0' and not cleaned['include_archived']:
            # Default to NO for basic search:
            cleaned['include_archived'] = False
        if not cleaned['include_archived']:
            wiki_f &= F(document_is_archived=False)

    # End - wiki filters

    # Start - support questions filters

    if cleaned['w'] & constants.WHERE_SUPPORT:
        # Solved is set by default if using basic search
        if a == '0' and not cleaned['has_helpful']:
            cleaned['has_helpful'] = constants.TERNARY_YES

        # These filters are ternary, they can be either YES, NO, or OFF
        ternary_filters = ('is_locked', 'is_solved', 'has_answers',
        d = dict(('question_%s' % filter_name,
                 for filter_name in ternary_filters if cleaned[filter_name])
        if d:
            question_f &= F(**d)

        if cleaned['asked_by']:
            question_f &= F(question_creator=cleaned['asked_by'])

        if cleaned['answered_by']:
            question_f &= F(question_answer_creator=cleaned['answered_by'])

        q_tags = [t.strip() for t in cleaned['q_tags'].split(',')]
        for t in q_tags:
            if t:
                question_f &= F(question_tag=t)

        # Product filter
        products = cleaned['product']
        for p in products:
            question_f &= F(product=p)

        # Topics filter
        topics = cleaned['topics']
        for t in topics:
            question_f &= F(topic=t)

    # End - support questions filters

    # Start - discussion forum filters

    if cleaned['w'] & constants.WHERE_DISCUSSION:
        if cleaned['author']:
            discussion_f &= F(post_author_ord=cleaned['author'])

        if cleaned['thread_type']:
            if constants.DISCUSSION_STICKY in cleaned['thread_type']:
                discussion_f &= F(post_is_sticky=1)

            if constants.DISCUSSION_LOCKED in cleaned['thread_type']:
                discussion_f &= F(post_is_locked=1)

        valid_forum_ids = [
            f.id for f in Forum.authorized_forums_for_user(request.user)]

        forum_ids = None
        if cleaned['forum']:
            forum_ids = [f for f in cleaned['forum'] if f in valid_forum_ids]

        # If we removed all the forums they wanted to look at or if
        # they didn't specify, then we filter on the list of all
        # forums they're authorized to look at.
        if not forum_ids:
            forum_ids = valid_forum_ids

        discussion_f &= F(post_forum_id__in=forum_ids)

    # End - discussion forum filters

    # Created filter
    unix_now = int(time.time())
    interval_filters = (
        ('created', cleaned['created'], cleaned['created_date']),
        ('updated', cleaned['updated'], cleaned['updated_date']))
    for filter_name, filter_option, filter_date in interval_filters:
        if filter_option == constants.INTERVAL_BEFORE:
            before = {filter_name + '__gte': 0,
                      filter_name + '__lte': max(filter_date, 0)}

            discussion_f &= F(**before)
            question_f &= F(**before)
        elif filter_option == constants.INTERVAL_AFTER:
            after = {filter_name + '__gte': min(filter_date, unix_now),
                     filter_name + '__lte': unix_now}

            discussion_f &= F(**after)
            question_f &= F(**after)

    # In basic search, we limit questions from the last
    if a == '0':
        start_date = unix_now - settings.SEARCH_DEFAULT_MAX_QUESTION_AGE
        question_f &= F(created__gte=start_date)

    # Note: num_voted (with a d) is a different field than num_votes
    # (with an s). The former is a dropdown and the latter is an
    # integer value.
    if cleaned['num_voted'] == constants.INTERVAL_BEFORE:
        question_f &= F(question_num_votes__lte=max(cleaned['num_votes'], 0))
    elif cleaned['num_voted'] == constants.INTERVAL_AFTER:
        question_f &= F(question_num_votes__gte=cleaned['num_votes'])

    # Done with all the filtery stuff--time  to generate results

    # Combine all the filters and add to the searcher
    doctypes = []
    final_filter = F()
    if cleaned['w'] & constants.WHERE_WIKI:
        final_filter |= wiki_f

    if cleaned['w'] & constants.WHERE_SUPPORT:
        final_filter |= question_f

    if cleaned['w'] & constants.WHERE_DISCUSSION:
        final_filter |= discussion_f

    searcher = searcher.doctypes(*doctypes)
    searcher = searcher.filter(final_filter)

    if 'explain' in request.GET and request.GET['explain'] == '1':
        searcher = searcher.explain()

    documents = ComposedList()

        cleaned_q = cleaned['q']

        # Set up the highlights. Show the entire field highlighted.
        searcher = searcher.highlight(
            'question_content',  # support forum
            'document_summary',  # kb
            'post_content',  # contributor forum

        # Set up boosts
        searcher = searcher.boost(

            # Text phrases in document titles and content get an extra
            # boost.

        # Apply sortby for advanced search of questions
        if cleaned['w'] == constants.WHERE_SUPPORT:
            sortby = cleaned['sortby']
                searcher = searcher.order_by(
            except IndexError:
                # Skip index errors because they imply the user is
                # sending us sortby values that aren't valid.

        # Apply sortby for advanced search of kb documents
        if cleaned['w'] == constants.WHERE_WIKI:
            sortby = cleaned['sortby_documents']
                searcher = searcher.order_by(
            except IndexError:
                # Skip index errors because they imply the user is
                # sending us sortby values that aren't valid.

        # Build the query
        if cleaned_q:
            query_fields = chain(*[cls.get_query_fields()
                                   for cls in get_mapping_types()])
            query = {}
            # Create text and text_phrase queries for every field
            # we want to search.
            for field in query_fields:
                for query_type in ['text', 'text_phrase']:
                    query['%s__%s' % (field, query_type)] = cleaned_q

            # Transform the query to use locale aware analyzers.
            query = es_utils.es_query_with_analyzer(query, language)

            searcher = searcher.query(should=True, **query)

        num_results = min(searcher.count(), settings.SEARCH_MAX_RESULTS)

        # TODO - Can ditch the ComposedList here, but we need
        # something that paginate can use to figure out the paging.
        documents = ComposedList()
        documents.set_count(('results', searcher), num_results)

        results_per_page = settings.SEARCH_RESULTS_PER_PAGE
        pages = paginate(request, documents, results_per_page)

        # If we know there aren't any results, let's cheat and in
        # doing that, not hit ES again.
        if num_results == 0:
            searcher = []
            # Get the documents we want to show and add them to
            # docs_for_page
            documents = documents[offset:offset + results_per_page]

            if len(documents) == 0:
                # If the user requested a page that's beyond the
                # pagination, then documents is an empty list and
                # there are no results to show.
                searcher = []
                bounds = documents[0][1]
                searcher = searcher.values_dict()[bounds[0]:bounds[1]]

        results = []
        for i, doc in enumerate(searcher):
            rank = i + offset

            if doc['model'] == 'wiki_document':
                summary = _build_es_excerpt(doc)
                if not summary:
                    summary = doc['document_summary']
                result = {
                    'title': doc['document_title'],
                    'type': 'document'}

            elif doc['model'] == 'questions_question':
                summary = _build_es_excerpt(doc)
                if not summary:
                    # We're excerpting only question_content, so if
                    # the query matched question_title or
                    # question_answer_content, then there won't be any
                    # question_content excerpts. In that case, just
                    # show the question--but only the first 500
                    # characters.
                    summary = bleach.clean(
                        doc['question_content'], strip=True)[:500]

                result = {
                    'title': doc['question_title'],
                    'type': 'question',
                    'is_solved': doc['question_is_solved'],
                    'num_answers': doc['question_num_answers'],
                    'num_votes': doc['question_num_votes'],
                    'num_votes_past_week': doc['question_num_votes_past_week']}

                summary = _build_es_excerpt(doc, first_only=True)
                result = {
                    'title': doc['post_title'],
                    'type': 'thread'}

            result['url'] = doc['url']
            result['object'] = ObjectDict(doc)
            result['search_summary'] = summary
            result['rank'] = rank
            result['score'] = doc._score
            result['explanation'] = escape(format_explanation(

    except ES_EXCEPTIONS as exc:
        # Handle timeout and all those other transient errors with a
        # "Search Unavailable" rather than a Django error page.
        if is_json:
            return HttpResponse(json.dumps({'error':
                                             _('Search Unavailable')}),
                                mimetype=mimetype, status=503)

        # Cheating here: Convert from 'Timeout()' to 'timeout' so
        # we have less code, but still have good stats.
        exc_bucket = repr(exc).lower().strip('()')

        import logging

        t = 'search/mobile/down.html' if request.MOBILE else 'search/down.html'
        return render(request, t, {'q': cleaned['q']}, status=503)

    items = [(k, v) for k in search_form.fields for
             v in r.getlist(k) if v and k != 'a']
    items.append(('a', '2'))

    if is_json:
        # Models are not json serializable.
        for r in results:
            del r['object']
        data = {}
        data['results'] = results
        data['total'] = len(results)
        data['query'] = cleaned['q']
        if not results:
            data['message'] = _('No pages matched the search criteria')
        json_data = json.dumps(data)
        if callback:
            json_data = callback + '(' + json_data + ');'

        return HttpResponse(json_data, mimetype=mimetype)

    fallback_results = None
    if num_results == 0:
        fallback_results = _fallback_results(language, cleaned['product'])

    results_ = render(request, template, {
        'num_results': num_results,
        'results': results,
        'fallback_results': fallback_results,
        'q': cleaned['q'],
        'w': cleaned['w'],
        'product': Product.objects.filter(slug__in=cleaned['product']),
        'products': Product.objects.filter(visible=True),
        'pages': pages,
        'search_form': search_form,
        'lang_name': lang_name, })
    results_['Cache-Control'] = 'max-age=%s' % \
                                (settings.SEARCH_CACHE_PERIOD * 60)
    results_['Expires'] = (datetime.utcnow() +
                           timedelta(minutes=settings.SEARCH_CACHE_PERIOD)) \
    results_.set_cookie(settings.LAST_SEARCH_COOKIE, urlquote(cleaned['q']),
                        max_age=3600, secure=False, httponly=False)

    return results_
コード例 #21
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: zctyhj/kitsune
def advanced_search(request, template=None):
    """ES-specific Advanced search view"""

    # JSON-specific variables
    is_json = request.GET.get("format") == "json"
    callback = request.GET.get("callback", "").strip()
    content_type = "application/x-javascript" if callback else "application/json"

    # Check callback is valid
    if is_json and callback and not jsonp_is_valid(callback):
        return HttpResponse(
            json.dumps({"error": _("Invalid callback function.")}), content_type=content_type, status=400

    language = locale_or_default(request.GET.get("language", request.LANGUAGE_CODE))
    r = request.GET.copy()
    # TODO: Figure out how to get rid of 'a' and do it.
    # It basically is used to switch between showing the form or results.
    a = request.GET.get("a", "2")
    # TODO: This is so the 'a=1' stays in the URL for pagination.
    r["a"] = 1

    # Search default values
        category = map(int, r.getlist("category")) or settings.SEARCH_DEFAULT_CATEGORIES
    except ValueError:
        category = settings.SEARCH_DEFAULT_CATEGORIES
    r.setlist("category", category)

    r["language"] = language

    search_form = AdvancedSearchForm(r, auto_id=False)

    # This is all we use a for now I think.
    if not search_form.is_valid() or a == "2":
        if is_json:
            return HttpResponse(json.dumps({"error": _("Invalid search data.")}), content_type=content_type, status=400)

        t = template if request.MOBILE else "search/form.html"
        search_ = render(request, t, {"advanced": True, "request": request, "search_form": search_form})
        cache_period = settings.SEARCH_CACHE_PERIOD
        search_["Cache-Control"] = "max-age=%s" % (cache_period * 60)
        search_["Expires"] = (datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(minutes=cache_period)).strftime(EXPIRES_FMT)
        return search_

    cleaned = search_form.cleaned_data

    if request.MOBILE and cleaned["w"] == constants.WHERE_BASIC:
        cleaned["w"] = constants.WHERE_WIKI

    page = max(smart_int(request.GET.get("page")), 1)
    offset = (page - 1) * settings.SEARCH_RESULTS_PER_PAGE

    lang = language.lower()
    if settings.LANGUAGES_DICT.get(lang):
        lang_name = settings.LANGUAGES_DICT[lang]
        lang_name = ""

    # We use a regular S here because we want to search across
    # multiple doctypes.
    searcher = AnalyzerS().es(urls=settings.ES_URLS).indexes(es_utils.read_index("default"))

    wiki_f = F(model="wiki_document")
    question_f = F(model="questions_question")
    discussion_f = F(model="forums_thread")

    # Start - wiki filters

    if cleaned["w"] & constants.WHERE_WIKI:
        # Category filter
        if cleaned["category"]:
            wiki_f &= F(document_category__in=cleaned["category"])

        # Locale filter
        wiki_f &= F(document_locale=language)

        # Product filter
        products = cleaned["product"]
        for p in products:
            wiki_f &= F(product=p)

        # Topics filter
        topics = cleaned["topics"]
        for t in topics:
            wiki_f &= F(topic=t)

        # Archived bit
        if not cleaned["include_archived"]:
            wiki_f &= F(document_is_archived=False)

    # End - wiki filters

    # Start - support questions filters

    if cleaned["w"] & constants.WHERE_SUPPORT:
        # These filters are ternary, they can be either YES, NO, or OFF
        ternary_filters = ("is_locked", "is_solved", "has_answers", "has_helpful", "is_archived")
        d = dict(
            ("question_%s" % filter_name, _ternary_filter(cleaned[filter_name]))
            for filter_name in ternary_filters
            if cleaned[filter_name]
        if d:
            question_f &= F(**d)

        if cleaned["asked_by"]:
            question_f &= F(question_creator=cleaned["asked_by"])

        if cleaned["answered_by"]:
            question_f &= F(question_answer_creator=cleaned["answered_by"])

        q_tags = [t.strip() for t in cleaned["q_tags"].split(",")]
        for t in q_tags:
            if t:
                question_f &= F(question_tag=t)

        # Product filter
        products = cleaned["product"]
        for p in products:
            question_f &= F(product=p)

        # Topics filter
        topics = cleaned["topics"]
        for t in topics:
            question_f &= F(topic=t)

    # End - support questions filters

    # Start - discussion forum filters

    if cleaned["w"] & constants.WHERE_DISCUSSION:
        if cleaned["author"]:
            discussion_f &= F(post_author_ord=cleaned["author"])

        if cleaned["thread_type"]:
            if constants.DISCUSSION_STICKY in cleaned["thread_type"]:
                discussion_f &= F(post_is_sticky=1)

            if constants.DISCUSSION_LOCKED in cleaned["thread_type"]:
                discussion_f &= F(post_is_locked=1)

        valid_forum_ids = [f.id for f in Forum.authorized_forums_for_user(request.user)]

        forum_ids = None
        if cleaned["forum"]:
            forum_ids = [f for f in cleaned["forum"] if f in valid_forum_ids]

        # If we removed all the forums they wanted to look at or if
        # they didn't specify, then we filter on the list of all
        # forums they're authorized to look at.
        if not forum_ids:
            forum_ids = valid_forum_ids

        discussion_f &= F(post_forum_id__in=forum_ids)

    # End - discussion forum filters

    # Created filter
    unix_now = int(time.time())
    interval_filters = (
        ("created", cleaned["created"], cleaned["created_date"]),
        ("updated", cleaned["updated"], cleaned["updated_date"]),
    for filter_name, filter_option, filter_date in interval_filters:
        if filter_option == constants.INTERVAL_BEFORE:
            before = {filter_name + "__gte": 0, filter_name + "__lte": max(filter_date, 0)}

            discussion_f &= F(**before)
            question_f &= F(**before)
        elif filter_option == constants.INTERVAL_AFTER:
            after = {filter_name + "__gte": min(filter_date, unix_now), filter_name + "__lte": unix_now}

            discussion_f &= F(**after)
            question_f &= F(**after)

    # Note: num_voted (with a d) is a different field than num_votes
    # (with an s). The former is a dropdown and the latter is an
    # integer value.
    if cleaned["num_voted"] == constants.INTERVAL_BEFORE:
        question_f &= F(question_num_votes__lte=max(cleaned["num_votes"], 0))
    elif cleaned["num_voted"] == constants.INTERVAL_AFTER:
        question_f &= F(question_num_votes__gte=cleaned["num_votes"])

    # Done with all the filtery stuff--time  to generate results

    # Combine all the filters and add to the searcher
    doctypes = []
    final_filter = F()
    if cleaned["w"] & constants.WHERE_WIKI:
        final_filter |= wiki_f

    if cleaned["w"] & constants.WHERE_SUPPORT:
        final_filter |= question_f

    if cleaned["w"] & constants.WHERE_DISCUSSION:
        final_filter |= discussion_f

    searcher = searcher.doctypes(*doctypes)
    searcher = searcher.filter(final_filter)

    if "explain" in request.GET and request.GET["explain"] == "1":
        searcher = searcher.explain()

    documents = ComposedList()

        cleaned_q = cleaned["q"]

        # Set up the highlights. Show the entire field highlighted.
        searcher = searcher.highlight(
            "question_content",  # support forum
            "document_summary",  # kb
            "post_content",  # contributor forum

        # Set up boosts
        searcher = searcher.boost(
            # Text phrases in document titles and content get an extra
            # boost.

        # Apply sortby for advanced search of questions
        if cleaned["w"] == constants.WHERE_SUPPORT:
            sortby = cleaned["sortby"]
                searcher = searcher.order_by(*constants.SORT_QUESTIONS[sortby])
            except IndexError:
                # Skip index errors because they imply the user is
                # sending us sortby values that aren't valid.

        # Apply sortby for advanced search of kb documents
        if cleaned["w"] == constants.WHERE_WIKI:
            sortby = cleaned["sortby_documents"]
                searcher = searcher.order_by(*constants.SORT_DOCUMENTS[sortby])
            except IndexError:
                # Skip index errors because they imply the user is
                # sending us sortby values that aren't valid.

        # Build the query
        if cleaned_q:
            query_fields = chain(
                *[cls.get_query_fields() for cls in [DocumentMappingType, ThreadMappingType, QuestionMappingType]]
            query = {}
            # Create a simple_query_search query for every field
            # we want to search.
            for field in query_fields:
                query["%s__sqs" % field] = cleaned_q

            # Transform the query to use locale aware analyzers.
            query = es_utils.es_query_with_analyzer(query, language)

            searcher = searcher.query(should=True, **query)

        num_results = min(searcher.count(), settings.SEARCH_MAX_RESULTS)

        # TODO - Can ditch the ComposedList here, but we need
        # something that paginate can use to figure out the paging.
        documents = ComposedList()
        documents.set_count(("results", searcher), num_results)

        results_per_page = settings.SEARCH_RESULTS_PER_PAGE
        pages = paginate(request, documents, results_per_page)

        # If we know there aren't any results, let's cheat and in
        # doing that, not hit ES again.
        if num_results == 0:
            searcher = []
            # Get the documents we want to show and add them to
            # docs_for_page
            documents = documents[offset : offset + results_per_page]

            if len(documents) == 0:
                # If the user requested a page that's beyond the
                # pagination, then documents is an empty list and
                # there are no results to show.
                searcher = []
                bounds = documents[0][1]
                searcher = searcher[bounds[0] : bounds[1]]

        results = []
        for i, doc in enumerate(searcher):
            rank = i + offset

            if doc["model"] == "wiki_document":
                summary = _build_es_excerpt(doc)
                if not summary:
                    summary = doc["document_summary"]
                result = {"title": doc["document_title"], "type": "document"}

            elif doc["model"] == "questions_question":
                summary = _build_es_excerpt(doc)
                if not summary:
                    # We're excerpting only question_content, so if
                    # the query matched question_title or
                    # question_answer_content, then there won't be any
                    # question_content excerpts. In that case, just
                    # show the question--but only the first 500
                    # characters.
                    summary = bleach.clean(doc["question_content"], strip=True)[:500]

                result = {
                    "title": doc["question_title"],
                    "type": "question",
                    "is_solved": doc["question_is_solved"],
                    "num_answers": doc["question_num_answers"],
                    "num_votes": doc["question_num_votes"],
                    "num_votes_past_week": doc["question_num_votes_past_week"],

                summary = _build_es_excerpt(doc, first_only=True)
                result = {"title": doc["post_title"], "type": "thread"}

            result["url"] = doc["url"]
            result["object"] = doc
            result["search_summary"] = summary
            result["rank"] = rank
            result["score"] = doc.es_meta.score
            result["explanation"] = escape(format_explanation(doc.es_meta.explanation))

    except ES_EXCEPTIONS as exc:
        # Handle timeout and all those other transient errors with a
        # "Search Unavailable" rather than a Django error page.
        if is_json:
            return HttpResponse(json.dumps({"error": _("Search Unavailable")}), content_type=content_type, status=503)

        # Cheating here: Convert from 'Timeout()' to 'timeout' so
        # we have less code, but still have good stats.
        exc_bucket = repr(exc).lower().strip("()")


        t = "search/mobile/down.html" if request.MOBILE else "search/down.html"
        return render(request, t, {"q": cleaned["q"]}, status=503)

    items = [(k, v) for k in search_form.fields for v in r.getlist(k) if v and k != "a"]
    items.append(("a", "2"))

    fallback_results = None
    if num_results == 0:
        fallback_results = _fallback_results(language, cleaned["product"])

    product = Product.objects.filter(slug__in=cleaned["product"])
    if product:
        product_titles = [_(p.title, "DB: products.Product.title") for p in product]
        product_titles = [_("All Products")]

    product_titles = ", ".join(product_titles)

    data = {
        "num_results": num_results,
        "results": results,
        "fallback_results": fallback_results,
        "product_titles": product_titles,
        "q": cleaned["q"],
        "w": cleaned["w"],
        "lang_name": lang_name,
        "advanced": True,

    if is_json:
        # Models are not json serializable.
        for r in data["results"]:
            del r["object"]
        data["total"] = len(data["results"])

        data["products"] = [{"slug": p.slug, "title": p.title} for p in Product.objects.filter(visible=True)]

        if product:
            data["product"] = product[0].slug

        pages = Paginator(pages)
        data["pagination"] = dict(
        if not results:
            data["message"] = _("No pages matched the search criteria")
        json_data = json.dumps(data)
        if callback:
            json_data = callback + "(" + json_data + ");"

        return HttpResponse(json_data, content_type=content_type)

            "product": product,
            "products": Product.objects.filter(visible=True),
            "pages": pages,
            "search_form": search_form,
    results_ = render(request, template, data)
    cache_period = settings.SEARCH_CACHE_PERIOD
    results_["Cache-Control"] = "max-age=%s" % (cache_period * 60)
    results_["Expires"] = (datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(minutes=cache_period)).strftime(EXPIRES_FMT)
    results_.set_cookie(settings.LAST_SEARCH_COOKIE, urlquote(cleaned["q"]), max_age=3600, secure=False, httponly=False)

    return results_