def test_tagged_feed_link(self): """Make sure the tagged feed is discoverable on the questions page.""" tag(name='green', slug='green', save=True) url = urlparams(reverse('questions.questions'), tagged='green') response = self.client.get(url) doc = pq(response.content) feed_links = doc('link[type="application/atom+xml"]') eq_(2, len(feed_links)) eq_('Recently updated questions', feed_links[0].attrib['title']) eq_('/en-US/questions/feed', feed_links[0].attrib['href']) eq_('Recently updated questions tagged green', feed_links[1].attrib['title']) eq_('/en-US/questions/tagged/green/feed', feed_links[1].attrib['href'])
def test_escalated(self): """Verify the escalated queryset.""" t = tag(name=config.ESCALATE_TAG_NAME, slug=config.ESCALATE_TAG_NAME, save=True) q = question(save=True) # There should be no escalated questions yet. eq_(0, Question.objects.escalated().count()) # Tag a question and there should be one escalated question. q.tags.add(t) eq_(1, Question.objects.escalated().count())
def test_tagged_feed(self): """Test the tagged feed.""" t = tag(name='green', slug='green', save=True) q = question(save=True) q.tags.add('green') items = TaggedQuestionsFeed().items(t) eq_(1, len(items)) eq_(, items[0].id) cache.clear() q = question(save=True) q.tags.add('green') q.updated = + timedelta(days=1) items = TaggedQuestionsFeed().items(t) eq_(2, len(items)) eq_(, items[0].id)
def test_hot_questions(self): """Verifies that hot questions show up in the hot topics section.""" # Create a product and the hot topics topic. p = product(save=True) hot_tag = tag(name='hot', slug=HOT_TOPIC_SLUG, save=True) # Create a flag, since this code is flagged off by default. Flag.objects.create(name='hot_questions', everyone=True) # Create 4 hot questions. titles = ['apple', 'banana', 'cherry', 'date'] timestamp = - timedelta(days=7) for i in range(4): q = question(title=titles[i], created=timestamp, save=True) q.products.add(p) q.tags.add(hot_tag) timestamp += timedelta(days=1) # Create a non-hot document. q = question(title='elderberry', save=True) q.products.add(p) # GET the product landing page and verify the content. url = reverse('products.product', args=[p.slug]) r = self.client.get(url, follow=True) eq_(200, r.status_code) doc = pq(r.content) eq_(3, len(doc('#hot-topics li.question'))) # Only the 3 newest hot topics should show up. assert 'apple' not in r.content assert 'banana' in r.content assert 'cherry' in r.content assert 'date' in r.content # Non-hot topics should not show up. assert 'elderberry' not in r.content
def test_add_existing_case_insensitive(self): """Assert add_existing_tag works case-insensitively.""" tag(name='lemon', slug='lemon', save=True) add_existing_tag('LEMON', self.untagged_question.tags) tags_eq(self.untagged_question, [u'lemon'])