コード例 #1
    def test_ip_hints(self):
        from kittens.hints.main import (
            convert_text, functions_for, mark, parse_hints_args
        args = parse_hints_args(['--type', 'ip'])[0]
        pattern, post_processors = functions_for(args)

        def create_marks(text, cols=60):
            text = convert_text(text, cols)
            return tuple(mark(pattern, post_processors, text, args))

        testcases = (
            ('', ['']),
            ('2001:0db8:0000:0000:0000:ff00:0042:8329', ['2001:0db8:0000:0000:0000:ff00:0042:8329']),
            ('2001:db8:0:0:0:ff00:42:8329', ['2001:db8:0:0:0:ff00:42:8329']),
            ('2001:db8::ff00:42:8329', ['2001:db8::ff00:42:8329']),
            ('2001:DB8::FF00:42:8329', ['2001:DB8::FF00:42:8329']),
            ('0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001', ['0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001']),
            ('::1', ['::1']),
            # Invalid IPs won't match
            ('', []),
            (':1', []),

        for testcase, expected in testcases:
            with self.subTest(testcase=testcase, expected=expected):
                marks = create_marks(testcase)
                ips = [m.text for m in marks]
                self.ae(ips, expected)
コード例 #2
def mark(text, args, Mark, extra_cli_args, *a):
    if extra_cli_args and extra_cli_args[0] not in button_map:
        print(f"The key `{extra_cli_args[0]}` is unknown.")
        print(f"You must specify one of: {', '.join(button_map.keys())}")
    if args.type == "emoji" or args.type == "emoji_char_and_name":
        import demoji

        if demoji.last_downloaded_timestamp() is None:
        if args.type == "emoji":
            regex = demoji._EMOJI_PAT
            emoji_name_pattern = r":[a-z0-9_+-]+:"
            regex = re.compile(r"{}|{}".format(demoji._EMOJI_PAT.pattern,
        args.minimum_match_length = 1
        pattern, _ = functions_for(args)
        regex = re.compile(pattern)
    for idx, (s, e, _) in enumerate(
            regex_finditer(regex, args.minimum_match_length, text)):
        lines = text[:s].split("\n")
        y = len(lines) - 1
        x = wcswidth(lines[-1])
        mark_text = text[s:e].replace("\n", "").replace("\0", "")
        yield Mark(idx, s, e, mark_text, {"x": x, "y": y})
コード例 #3
def mark(text, args, Mark, extra_cli_args, *a):
    pattern, _ = functions_for(args)
    regex = re.compile(pattern)
    for idx, (s, e, _) in enumerate(
            regex_finditer(regex, args.minimum_match_length, text)):
        mark_text = text[s:e].replace("\n", "").replace("\0", "")
        groupdict = {
            "start": calc_xy(text, s),
            "end": calc_xy(text, e, end=True)
        yield Mark(idx, s, e, mark_text, groupdict)
コード例 #4
    def test_url_hints(self):
        from kittens.hints.main import (
            Mark, convert_text, functions_for, linenum_marks,
            linenum_process_result, mark, parse_hints_args
        args = parse_hints_args([])[0]
        pattern, post_processors = functions_for(args)

        def create_marks(text, cols=20, mark=mark):
            text = convert_text(text, cols)
            return tuple(mark(pattern, post_processors, text, args))

        def t(text, url, cols=20):
            marks = create_marks(text, cols)
            urls = [m.text for m in marks]
            self.ae(urls, [url])

        u = 'http://test.me/'
        t(u, 'http://test.me/')
        t(f'"{u}"', u)
        t(f'({u})', u)
        t(u + '\nxxx', u + 'xxx', len(u))
        t(f'link:{u}[xxx]', u)
        t(f'`xyz <{u}>`_.', u)
        t(f'<a href="{u}">moo', u)

        def m(text, path, line, cols=20):

            def adapt(pattern, postprocessors, text, *a):
                return linenum_marks(text, args, Mark, ())

            marks = create_marks(text, cols, mark=adapt)
            data = {'groupdicts': [m.groupdict for m in marks], 'match': [m.text for m in marks]}
            self.ae(linenum_process_result(data), (path, line))

        args = parse_hints_args('--type=linenum'.split())[0]
        m('file.c:23', 'file.c', 23)
        m('file.c:23:32', 'file.c', 23)
        m('file.cpp:23:1', 'file.cpp', 23)
        m('a/file.c:23', 'a/file.c', 23)
        m('a/file.c:23:32', 'a/file.c', 23)
        m('~/file.c:23:32', os.path.expanduser('~/file.c'), 23)
コード例 #5
    def test_url_hints(self):
        from kittens.hints.main import parse_hints_args, functions_for, mark, convert_text
        args = parse_hints_args([])[0]
        pattern, post_processors = functions_for(args)

        def create_marks(text, cols=20):
            text = convert_text(text, cols)
            return tuple(mark(pattern, post_processors, text, args))

        def t(text, url, cols=20):
            marks = create_marks(text, cols)
            urls = [m.text for m in marks]
            self.ae(urls, [url])

        u = 'http://test.me/'
        t(u, 'http://test.me/')
        t('"{}"'.format(u), u)
        t('({})'.format(u), u)
        t(u + '\nxxx', u + 'xxx', len(u))
        t('link:{}[xxx]'.format(u), u)
        t('`xyz <{}>`_.'.format(u), u)