コード例 #1
 def re_open_window(self):
     global s2
     global s3
     global icon_active
     Window.disable_on_restore = 'N'
     )  #you MUST run this or the SetForegroundWindow code will error!!
     Window.window_state = 'open'
     if Window.last_screen_width < Window.original_screen_width or Window.last_screen_height < Window.original_screen_height:
         icon_active = 'maximize'
         icon_active = 'window'
     Window.set_system_cursor('arrow')  #normal arrow
コード例 #2
 def on_touch_down(self, touch):
     if touch.button == 'left':  #only run all this on a left click..
         global touch_down_active
         global last_mouse_pos_x
         global last_mouse_pos_y
         global start_window_height
         global start_window_width
         global start_window_top
         global start_window_left
         global start_pos_x
         global start_pos_y
         global window_resize_feature
         global icon_active
         touch_down_active = 'N'
         window_resize_feature = 'disabled'
         title_bar_button_clicked = 'N'
         start_window_height = Window.size[1]
         start_window_width = Window.size[0]
         start_window_top = Window.top
         start_window_left = Window.left
         start_pos_x = mouse2.position[0]
         start_pos_y = mouse2.position[1]
         #//Minimize Button Clicked//
         if self.ids.s1.collide_point(touch.pos[0], touch.pos[1]):
             Window.last_screen_pos_left = Window.left
             Window.last_screen_pos_top = Window.top
             Window.window_state = 'minimized'
             title_bar_button_clicked = 'Y'
         if self.ids.s2.collide_point(touch.pos[0], touch.pos[1]):
             #//Window Button Clicked//
             if icon_active == 'window':
                 Window.disable_on_restore = 'N'
                 Window.last_screen_width = Window.original_screen_width / 2
                 Window.last_screen_height = Window.original_screen_height / 2
                 #change the button to a maximize button..
                 self.ids.s2.size = [25, 20]
                 self.ids.s2.pos = [
                     int(Window.size[0] -
                         (self.get_screen_width() * .03958333)),
                     int(Window.size[1] -
                         (self.get_screen_height() * .02403846))
                 self.ids.t2.size = [12, 12]
                 self.ids.t2.pos = [
                     int(Window.size[0] -
                         (self.get_screen_width() * .03645833)),
                     int(Window.size[1] -
                         (self.get_screen_height() * .02115385))
                 self.ids.t2.source = 'maximize_icon_blue.png'
                 touch_down_active = 'N'
                 icon_active = 'maximize'
                 title_bar_button_clicked = 'Y'
             #//Maximize Button Clicked//
             elif icon_active == 'maximize':
                 Window.disable_on_restore = 'N'
                 #find which monitor the window is currently using window left and top position - look in taskbar included position coordinates
                 i = 0
                 for row in Window.monitor_data_incl_taskbar:
                     if Window.left >= row[0] and Window.left < row[
                             1] and Window.top >= row[
                                 2] and Window.top < row[3]:
                         break  #stop the loop and use i below
                     i = i + 1
                 #update window position and size
                 Window.last_screen_pos_left = Window.monitor_data_excl_taskbar[
                 Window.last_screen_pos_top = Window.monitor_data_excl_taskbar[
                 Window.last_screen_width = Window.monitor_data_excl_taskbar[
                 Window.last_screen_height = Window.monitor_data_excl_taskbar[
                 #change the button to a window button..
                 self.ids.s2.size = [25, 20]
                 self.ids.s2.pos = [
                     int(Window.size[0] -
                         (self.get_screen_width() * .03854167)),
                     int(Window.size[1] -
                         (self.get_screen_height() * .02403846))
                 self.ids.t2.size = [15, 15]
                 self.ids.t2.pos = [
                     int(Window.size[0] -
                         (self.get_screen_width() * .03645833)),
                     int(Window.size[1] -
                         (self.get_screen_height() * .02307692))
                 self.ids.t2.source = 'window_icon_blue.png'
                 icon_active = 'window'
                 title_bar_button_clicked = 'Y'
         #//Close Button Clicked//
         if self.ids.s3.collide_point(
                 touch.pos[0], touch.pos[1]):  #if close button is clicked..
             ButtonsApp.mouse_listener_active = 'N'
             ButtonsApp.click_listener_active = 'N'
         if touch.pos[1] > Window.size[
                 1] - 30 and title_bar_button_clicked == 'N':  #this will limit dragging of the window to only when the cursor is near the very TOP of the window..
             ButtonsApp.window_move_active = 'Y'
             ButtonsApp.mouse_listener_active2 = 'Y'
             ButtonsApp.window_move_active = 'N'
             ButtonsApp.mouse_listener_active2 = 'N'
         #//Window Resize Feature Activated//
         if icon_active == 'maximize' and title_bar_button_clicked == 'N':
             #here is where we determine which window drag feature the user is trying to utilize
             #//BOTTOM - North to South//
             if (touch.pos[1] < 7 and touch.pos[0] < Window.size[0] - 7
                 ) and (touch.pos[1] < 7 and touch.pos[0] > 7):
                 window_resize_feature = 'n_s_b'  #north to south arrow for vertical sizing
                 ButtonsApp.window_move_active = 'N'
                 ButtonsApp.window_resize_active = 'Y'
                 ButtonsApp.mouse_listener_active2 = 'Y'
             #//BOTTOM RIGHT - Northwest to Southeast//
             elif touch.pos[1] < 7 and touch.pos[0] > Window.size[0] - 7:
                 window_resize_feature = 'nw_se_b'  #northwest to southeast arrow for diagonal sizing
                 ButtonsApp.window_move_active = 'N'
                 ButtonsApp.window_resize_active = 'Y'
                 ButtonsApp.mouse_listener_active2 = 'Y'
             #//RIGHT SIDE - West to East//
             elif (touch.pos[1] > 8 and touch.pos[0] > Window.size[0] - 7
                   ) and (touch.pos[1] < Window.size[1] - 8
                          and touch.pos[0] > Window.size[0] - 7):
                 window_resize_feature = 'w_e_r'  #west to east arrow for horizontal sizing
                 ButtonsApp.window_move_active = 'N'
                 ButtonsApp.window_resize_active = 'Y'
                 ButtonsApp.mouse_listener_active2 = 'Y'
             #//TOP - North to South//
             elif (touch.pos[1] > Window.size[1] - 7
                   and touch.pos[0] < Window.size[0] - 7) and (
                       touch.pos[1] > Window.size[1] - 7
                       and touch.pos[0] > 7):
                 window_resize_feature = 'n_s_t'
                 ButtonsApp.window_move_active = 'N'
                 ButtonsApp.window_resize_active = 'Y'
                 ButtonsApp.mouse_listener_active2 = 'Y'
             #//TOP RIGHT - Northeast to Southwest//
             elif touch.pos[1] > Window.size[1] - 7 and touch.pos[
                     0] > Window.size[0] - 7:
                 window_resize_feature = 'ne_sw_t'
                 ButtonsApp.window_move_active = 'N'
                 ButtonsApp.window_resize_active = 'Y'
                 ButtonsApp.mouse_listener_active2 = 'Y'
             #//TOP LEFT - Northwest to Southeast//
             elif touch.pos[1] > Window.size[1] - 7 and touch.pos[0] < 7:
                 window_resize_feature = 'nw_se_t'
                 ButtonsApp.window_move_active = 'N'
                 ButtonsApp.window_resize_active = 'Y'
                 ButtonsApp.mouse_listener_active2 = 'Y'
             #//LEFT SIDE - West to East//
             elif (touch.pos[1] > 8 and
                   touch.pos[0] < 7) and (touch.pos[1] < Window.size[1] - 8
                                          and touch.pos[0] < 7):
                 window_resize_feature = 'w_e_l'
                 ButtonsApp.window_move_active = 'N'
                 ButtonsApp.window_resize_active = 'Y'
                 ButtonsApp.mouse_listener_active2 = 'Y'
             #//BOTTOM LEFT - Northeast to Southwest//
             elif touch.pos[1] < 7 and touch.pos[0] < 7:
                 window_resize_feature = 'ne_sw_b'
                 ButtonsApp.window_move_active = 'N'
                 ButtonsApp.window_resize_active = 'Y'
                 ButtonsApp.mouse_listener_active2 = 'Y'
             #//ANYTHING ELSE//
                 window_resize_feature = 'disabled'
                 ButtonsApp.window_resize_active = 'N'
         touch_down_active = 'Y'
     return super(ButtonsApp, self).on_touch_down(touch)