コード例 #1
 def test_mul_inplace(self):
     finalVector = Vector(2, 2)
     finalVector *= Vector(3, 3)
     self.assertEqual(finalVector.x, 6)
     self.assertEqual(finalVector.y, 6)
コード例 #2
 def move(self):
     Adds behaviour to the ball object in the game by
     changing its position.
     self.pos = Vector(*self.velocity) + self.pos
コード例 #3
 def turn_right(obj):
     game.snake1.velocity = Vector(*game.snake1.velocity).rotate(270)
コード例 #4
 def mov(self):
     self.pos = Vector(*self.v)+self.pos
コード例 #5
ファイル: agario.py プロジェクト: tylerhuntley/agario-kv
 def can_eat(self, food):
     return (Vector(food.pos) -
             self.pos).length() <= self.radius + food.radius
コード例 #6
 def serve_car(self):
     self.car.center = self.center
     self.car.velocity = Vector(6, 0)
コード例 #7
ファイル: Pong.py プロジェクト: Rising-Sol/Python
 def serve_ball(self):
     self.ball.center = self.center
     self.ball.velocity = Vector(4, 0).rotate(randint(0, 360))
コード例 #8
    def step(self, action, last_distance):
        global goal_x
        global goal_y
        global done
        xx = goal_x - self.car.x  #goal - car location
        yy = goal_y - self.car.y
        done = False
        obsv = self.calc_obs(xx, yy)
        # using 2 point distance formula
        distance = np.sqrt((self.car.x - goal_x) ** 2 + (self.car.y - goal_y) ** 2)
        print("distance" + str(distance))

        # if value of car that particular pixel in sand array > 0 i.e means its on sand
        if sand[int(self.car.x), int(self.car.y)] > 0:
            self.car.velocity = Vector(0.5, 0).rotate(self.car.angle)  # reducethe vel
            # print log
            print(1, goal_x, goal_y, distance, int(self.car.x), int(self.car.y),
                  im.read_pixel(int(self.car.x), int(self.car.y)))
            # penalize for moving on sand
            reward = -1
        else:  # otherwise on the road
            self.car.velocity = Vector(2, 0).rotate(self.car.angle)# increase vel slightly
            # living penality
            reward = -0.2
            print(0, goal_x, goal_y, distance, int(self.car.x), int(self.car.y),
                  im.read_pixel(int(self.car.x), int(self.car.y)))
            # new distance in the right direction, then give reward positive value
            if distance < last_distance:
                reward = 0.2 # reward for going towards goal
            # else:
            #     last_reward = last_reward +(-0.2)

        # not going near wall area
        # Adding done condition and negative reward for going near borders
        if self.car.x < 5:  # 5 pixels from the wall
            self.car.x = 5
            reward = -1
            done = True
        if self.car.x > self.width - 5:
            self.car.x = self.width - 5
            reward = -1
            done = True # make done true as bad episode

        if self.car.y < 5:
            self.car.y = 5
            reward = -1
            done = True
        if self.car.y > self.height - 5:
            self.car.y = self.height - 5
            reward = -1
            done = True
        # if within 25 pixels of the destination, then give reward
        if distance < 25:
            reward =25
            done =True # end if go near destination

        return obsv, reward, done, distance
コード例 #9
 def move(self, rotation):
     print("Inside Move......")
     self.pos = Vector(*self.velocity) + self.pos
     print("Rotation is", rotation)
     self.rotation = rotation
     self.angle = self.angle + self.rotation
コード例 #10
 def test_rmul_scalar(self):
     finalVector = 3 * Vector(2, 2)
     self.assertEqual(finalVector.x, 6)
     self.assertEqual(finalVector.y, 6)
コード例 #11
 def move(self, rotation): # move car and sensors
     print("car is moving")
     self.pos = Vector(*self.velocity) + self.pos # storing car position, updating car position after every move on the map
     self.rotation = rotation
     self.angle = self.angle + self.rotation
コード例 #12
 def test_rmul_list(self):
     finalVector = (3, 3) * Vector(2, 2)
     self.assertEqual(finalVector.x, 6)
     self.assertEqual(finalVector.y, 6)
コード例 #13
 def test_mul_scalar(self):
     finalVector = Vector(2, 2) * 3
     self.assertEqual(finalVector.x, 6)
     self.assertEqual(finalVector.y, 6)
コード例 #14
 def test_mul_inplace_scalar(self):
     finalVector = Vector(2, 2)
     finalVector *= 3
     self.assertEqual(finalVector.x, 6)
     self.assertEqual(finalVector.y, 6)
コード例 #15
    def get_xy_from_latlon(self, lat, lon):
        '''Return x/y location from latitude/longitude'''

        (x, y) = latlon_to_unit(lat, lon)  # FIXME: grok + document
        return Vector(x + 1, y + 1) * (TILE_W, TILE_H)
コード例 #16
    def moveandtrain(self, dt):

        #global brain
        global last_reward
        global scores
        global last_distance
        global goal_x
        global goal_y
        global longueur
        global largeur
        global swap
        global random_itr

        longueur = self.width
        largeur = self.height
        print("Width", longueur)
        print("Height", largeur)

        if first_update:
        print("Calling Self Update................", random_itr)
        xx = goal_x - self.car.x
        yy = goal_y - self.car.y
        print("XX", xx)
        print("YY", yy)
        print("Self X", self.car.x)
        print("Self Y", self.car.y)
        orientation = Vector(*self.car.velocity).angle((xx, yy)) / 180.
        print("Orientation", orientation)
        #last_signal = [self.car.signal1, self.car.signal2, self.car.signal3, orientation, -orientation]
        #last_signal = [self.car.signal, orientation, -orientation]
        #action = policy.update(last_reward, last_signal)
        #rotation = action2rotation[action]
        #for i in range(10000):
        rotation = random.randint(-5, 5)
        print("Rotation", rotation)
        #obs = np.array(sand[int(self.car.x)+40:int(self.car.y)+40])
        obs = sand[int(self.car.x) - 20:int(self.car.x) + 20,
                   int(self.car.y) - 20:int(self.car.y) + 20]
        #print("Obs shape",obs.shape)
        #new_obs = np.array(sand[int(self.car.x)+40:int(self.car.y)+40])
        new_obs = sand[int(self.car.x) - 20:int(self.car.x) + 20,
                       int(self.car.y) - 20:int(self.car.y) + 20]
        distance = np.sqrt((self.car.x - goal_x)**2 + (self.car.y - goal_y)**2)
        #self.ball1.pos = self.car.sensor1
        #self.ball2.pos = self.car.sensor2
        #self.ball3.pos = self.car.sensor3

        if sand[int(self.car.x), int(self.car.y)] > 0:
            self.car.velocity = Vector(0.5, 0).rotate(self.car.angle)
            print(1, goal_x, goal_y, distance, int(self.car.x),
                  im.read_pixel(int(self.car.x), int(self.car.y)))

            last_reward = -1
        else:  # otherwise
            self.car.velocity = Vector(2, 0).rotate(self.car.angle)
            last_reward = -0.2
            print(0, goal_x, goal_y, distance, int(self.car.x),
                  im.read_pixel(int(self.car.x), int(self.car.y)))
            if distance < last_distance:
                last_reward = 0.1
            # else:
            #     last_reward = last_reward +(-0.2)

        if self.car.x < 5:
            self.car.x = 5
            last_reward = -1
        if self.car.x > self.width - 5:
            self.car.x = self.width - 5
            last_reward = -1
        if self.car.y < 5:
            self.car.y = 5
            last_reward = -1
        if self.car.y > self.height - 5:
            self.car.y = self.height - 5
            last_reward = -1

        if distance < 25:
            if swap == 1:
                goal_x = 1420
                goal_y = 622
                swap = 0
                goal_x = 9
                goal_y = 85
                swap = 1
        last_distance = distance

        replay_buffer.add((obs, new_obs, rotation, last_reward, 0))
        random_itr = random_itr + 1
        if random_itr == 10000:
            policy.train(replay_buffer, 1000)
コード例 #17
    def update(self, dt):

        global dqn_rotation
        global dqn_velocity
        global last_reward
        global last_onsand
        global last_distance
        global goal_x
        global goal_y
        global RIGHT
        global TOP
        global GOAL
        global start
        global reached

        RIGHT = self.width
        TOP = self.height
        self.ball1.pos = self.car.sensor1
        self.ball2.pos = self.car.sensor2
        self.ball3.pos = self.car.sensor3

        if first_update:
        if GOAL == 'none':

        xx = goal_x - self.car.x
        yy = goal_y - self.car.y        
        orientation = (Vector(*self.car.velocity).angle((xx, yy)) + last_onsand) / 180.
        # The car uses 4 signals: 3 from three sensors (balls) + 1 from current car status
        last_signal = [self.car.signal1, self.car.signal2, self.car.signal3, orientation]
        # Determining actions based on reward and signals (states)
        action_rotation = dqn_rotation.update(last_reward, last_signal)
        rotation = action2rotation[action_rotation]
        action_velocity = dqn_velocity.update(last_reward, last_signal)
        velocity = action2velocity[action_velocity]
        # Taking actions        
        self.car.velocity = Vector(velocity, 0).rotate(self.car.angle)

# Exercise 5                                                                     #
# Design alternative reward scheme                                               #
# How is the car movement differnet?                                             #

        reward = 0
        # Reward if the car is approaching the goal
        distance = np.sqrt((self.car.x - goal_x) ** 2 + (self.car.y - goal_y) ** 2)
        reward += (last_distance - distance) / 10
        # Penalize if the car rotates (we prefer to keep going unless it is necessary)                
        if action_rotation == 1 or action_rotation == 2:
            reward += -0.1
        if action_rotation == 3 or action_rotation == 4:
            reward += -0.2
        # Penalize if the car hits obstacles (sands)
        # On the sands, the car may move quite randomly
        if sand[int(self.car.x), int(self.car.y)] > 0:
            reward += -10
            random_rotation = random.randint(-100, 100)
            random_velocity = random.randint(1, velocity)
            self.car.velocity = Vector(random_velocity, 0).rotate(self.car.angle)
            last_onsand = random_rotation
            last_onsand = 0
        # Penalize if the car hits obstacles (boundary)
        if self.car.x < BOUNDARY:
            self.car.x = BOUNDARY
            reward += -1
        if self.car.x > self.width - BOUNDARY:
            self.car.x = self.width - BOUNDARY
            reward += -1
        if self.car.y < BOUNDARY:
            self.car.y = BOUNDARY
            reward += -1
        if self.car.y > self.height - BOUNDARY:
            self.car.y = self.height - BOUNDARY
            reward += -1

        # Reaching the destination!
        if distance < 100:
            if reached == 1:
            elif GOAL == 'airport':
                now = time.time()
                reached = 1
                print('Reach Airport!')
                print('It takes %i seconds.' % (now-start))
            elif GOAL == 'downtown':
                now = time.time()
                reached = 1
                print('Reach Downtown!')
                print('It takes %i seconds.'% (now-start))
            elif GOAL == 'home':
                now = time.time()
                reached = 1
                print('Reach Home!')
                print('It takes %i seconds.'% (now-start))

        last_distance = distance
コード例 #18
 def serve_car(self):  # starting the car when we launch the application
     self.car.center = self.center  # the car will start at the center of the map
     self.car.velocity = Vector(
         6, 0
     )  # the car will start to go horizontally to the right with a speed of 6
コード例 #19
    def update(self, dt):  #action to take is decided by this function

        global brain
        global last_reward
        global scores
        global last_distance
        global goal_x
        global goal_y
        global longueur
        global largeur

        longueur = self.width
        largeur = self.height
        if first_update:

        xx = goal_x - self.car.x
        yy = goal_y - self.car.y
        orientation = Vector(*self.car.velocity).angle((xx, yy)) / 180.
        last_signal = [
            self.car.signal1, self.car.signal2, self.car.signal3, orientation,
        ]  # - ensures explore in both directions
        #action is output of NN. last_reward obtained, last_signal of all 3 sensors + orientation wrt goal
        #brain is an instance of Dqn class
        action = brain.update(last_reward,
                              last_signal)  #action to play decided here
        rotation = action2rotation[action]
        distance = np.sqrt((self.car.x - goal_x)**2 + (self.car.y - goal_y)**2)
        self.ball1.pos = self.car.sensor1
        self.ball2.pos = self.car.sensor2
        self.ball3.pos = self.car.sensor3

        if sand[int(self.car.x), int(self.car.y)] > 0:
            #SLOW DOWN ON SAND
            self.car.velocity = Vector(1, 0).rotate(self.car.angle)
            last_reward = -1
        else:  # otherwise
            #USUAL SPEED
            self.car.velocity = Vector(6, 0).rotate(self.car.angle)
            last_reward = -0.1
            if distance < last_distance:  #slightly positive as approaching goal
                last_reward = 0.5

        #very close to edge (left, right, bottom, top)
        if self.car.x < 10:
            self.car.x = 10
            last_reward = -1
        if self.car.x > self.width - 10:
            self.car.x = self.width - 10
            last_reward = -1
        if self.car.y < 10:
            self.car.y = 10
            last_reward = -1
        if self.car.y > self.height - 10:
            self.car.y = self.height - 10
            last_reward = -1

        #update goal position, when goal is reached
        if distance < 100:
            goal_x = self.width - goal_x
            goal_y = self.height - goal_y
        last_distance = distance
コード例 #20
    def update(
        self, dt
    ):  # the big update function that updates everything that needs to be updated at each discrete time t when reaching a new state (getting new signals from the sensors)

        global brain  # specifying the global variables (the brain of the car, that is our AI)
        global last_reward  # specifying the global variables (the last reward)
        global scores  # specifying the global variables (the means of the rewards)
        global last_distance  # specifying the global variables (the last distance from the car to the goal)
        global goal_x  # specifying the global variables (x-coordinate of the goal)
        global goal_y  # specifying the global variables (y-coordinate of the goal)
        global longueur  # specifying the global variables (width of the map)
        global largeur  # specifying the global variables (height of the map)

        longueur = self.width  # width of the map (horizontal edge)
        largeur = self.height  # height of the map (vertical edge)
        print(self.width, self.height)
        if first_update:  # trick to initialize the map only once

        xx = goal_x - self.car.x  # difference of x-coordinates between the goal and the car
        yy = goal_y - self.car.y  # difference of y-coordinates between the goal and the car
        orientation = Vector(*self.car.velocity).angle(
            (xx, yy)
        ) / 180.  # direction of the car with respect to the goal (if the car is heading perfectly towards the goal, then orientation = 0)
        last_signal = [
            self.car.signal1, self.car.signal2, self.car.signal3, orientation,

        # our input state vector, composed of the three signals received by the three sensors, plus the orientation and -orientation
        action = brain.update(
            last_reward, last_signal
        )  # playing the action from our ai (the object brain of the dqn class)
        )  # appending the score (mean of the last 100 rewards to the reward window)

        rotation = action2rotation[
            action]  # converting the action played (0, 1 or 2) into the rotation angle (0°, 20° or -20°)
            rotation)  # moving the car according to this last rotation angle

        distance = np.sqrt(
            (self.car.x - goal_x)**2 + (self.car.y - goal_y)**2
        )  # getting the new distance between the car and the goal right after the car moved

        self.ball1.pos = self.car.sensor1  # updating the position of the first sensor (ball1) right after the car moved
        self.ball2.pos = self.car.sensor2  # updating the position of the second sensor (ball2) right after the car moved
        self.ball3.pos = self.car.sensor3  # updating the position of the third sensor (ball3) right after the car moved

        if sand[int(self.car.x),
                int(self.car.y)] > 0:  # if the car is on the sand
            self.car.velocity = Vector(1, 0).rotate(
                self.car.angle)  # it is slowed down (speed = 1)
            last_reward = -1  # and reward = -1
        else:  # otherwise
            self.car.velocity = Vector(6, 0).rotate(
                self.car.angle)  # it goes to a normal speed (speed = 6)
            last_reward = -0.2  # and it gets bad reward (-0.2)
            if distance < last_distance:  # however if it getting close to the goal
                last_reward = 0.1  # it still gets slightly positive reward 0.1

        if self.car.x < 10:  # if the car is in the left edge of the frame
            self.car.x = 10  # it is not slowed down
            last_reward = -1  # but it gets bad reward -1
        if self.car.x > self.width - 10:  # if the car is in the right edge of the frame
            self.car.x = self.width - 10  # it is not slowed down
            last_reward = -1  # but it gets bad reward -1
        if self.car.y < 10:  # if the car is in the bottom edge of the frame
            self.car.y = 10  # it is not slowed down
            last_reward = -1  # but it gets bad reward -1
        if self.car.y > self.height - 10:  # if the car is in the upper edge of the frame
            self.car.y = self.height - 10  # it is not slowed down
            last_reward = -1  # but it gets bad reward -1

        if distance < 100:  # when the car reaches its goal
            goal_x = self.width - goal_x  # the goal becomes the bottom right corner of the map (the downtown), and vice versa (updating of the x-coordinate of the goal)
            goal_y = self.height - goal_y  # the goal becomes the bottom right corner of the map (the downtown), and vice versa (updating of the y-coordinate of the goal)

        # Updating the last distance from the car to the goal
        last_distance = distance
コード例 #21
 def move(self):
     self.pos = Vector(*self.velocity) + self.pos
コード例 #22
 def collide_point(self, x, y):
     return Vector(x, y).distance(self.center) <= self.width / 2
コード例 #23
 def serve_ball(self):
     self.ball.v = Vector(4,0).rotate(randint(0,360))
コード例 #24
ファイル: map.py プロジェクト: Gvence/pythonHW
    def update(self, bt ):

        global brain
        global last_reward
        global scores
        global last_distance
        global lastCar_x
        global lastCar_y
        global longueur
        global largeur
        global TIMES
        global lines
        global ITE
        global SCO
        global ax
        global last_action
        longueur = self.width
        largeur = self.height
        if first_update:

        #xx = goal_x - self.car.x
        #yy = goal_y - self.car.y
        #orientation = Vector(*self.car.velocity).angle((xx, yy)) / 180.  # 小车速度 乘上小车向目标方向的修正等一现在小车朝着目标方向开
        last_signal = [self.car.signal1, self.car.signal2, self.car.signal3, last_distance,
                       last_action]  # 将小车的正负运动方向和小车的传感器的回馈作为输入
        action = brain.update(last_reward, last_signal)  # 通过学习小车状态和环境回报选择方向
        file = open('data_record.txt', 'a')
        file.write('%.2f'%self.car.signal1 + '\t' + '%.2f'%self.car.signal2 + '\t' + '%.2f'%self.car.signal3 \
                   + '\t' + '%.2f'%self.car.x + '\t\t' + '%.2f'%self.car.y + '\t\t' + str(action.numpy())+ '\n')
        last_action = action
        scores.append(brain.score())  # 记录每一次学习后的得分
        rotation = action2rotation[action]  # 通过网络跑出的动作转换成小车的运动方向,左转还是右转还是前进


        if self.car.x >= self.width/2 :
            dis_x = self.width - self.car.x
            dis_x = self.car.x
        if self.car.y >= self.height/2 :
            dis_y = self.height - self.car.y
            dis_y = self.car.y
        #distance = np.array([dis_x, dis_y]).min()
        distance = Vector(dis_x, dis_y).rotate(self.car.angle).length()
        #distance = np.array([np.sqrt((self.car.x - self.width) ** 2), np.sqrt((self.car.y - self.height) ** 2)]).min()
        #distance = np.sqrt((self.car.x - goal_x)**2 + (self.car.y - goal_y)**2)
        self.ball1.pos = self.car.sensor1
        self.ball2.pos = self.car.sensor2
        self.ball3.pos = self.car.sensor3
        self.car.velocity = Vector(6, 0).rotate(self.car.angle)
        if sand[int(self.car.x), int(self.car.y)] > 0:
            last_reward = -1
            last_reward = 0.5
        if abs(lastCar_x - self.car.x) < 10:
            last_reward -= 0.5
        if abs(lastCar_y - self.car.y) < 10:
            last_reward -= 0.5
        lastCar_x = self.car.x
        lastCar_y = self.car.y
        if self.car.x < 10:
            self.car.x = 10
            last_reward -= 1
        if self.car.x > self.width - 10:
            self.car.x = self.width - 10
            last_reward -= 1
        if self.car.y < 10:
            self.car.y = 10
            last_reward -= 1
        if self.car.y > self.height - 10:
            self.car.y = self.height - 10
            last_reward -= 1
        if distance - last_distance < 0:
            last_reward += 0.1
            last_reward -= 0.5
        if distance <= 50:  # 小车会向右下角开当与右下角的距离《100时向左上角开周而复始,遇到障碍躲避
            last_reward -= 0.5
        if distance >100 and distance < 150:
            last_reward += 1
            #goal_x = self.width - goal_x
            #goal_y = self.height - goal_y
        last_distance = distance
        TIMES += 1
        if TIMES % 1000 == 0 :
            SCO.append(scores[len(scores) - 1])
            Time = time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.localtime(time.time()))
            print("%s saving brain..." % Time)
            lines = ax.plot(ITE, SCO, 'r-', lw=3)
コード例 #25
ファイル: agario.py プロジェクト: tylerhuntley/agario-kv
 def eject_blob(self, x, y):
     if self.mass >= 50:
         self.mass -= 10
         blob_pos = Vector(x, y) - self.offset
         self.parent.add_widget(Blob(self.parent, pos=blob_pos))
コード例 #26
ファイル: scatter.py プロジェクト: psydox/kivy
 def _get_rotation(self):
     v1 = Vector(0, 10)
     tp = self.to_parent
     v2 = Vector(*tp(*self.pos)) - tp(self.x, self.y + 10)
     return -1.0 * (v1.angle(v2) + 180) % 360
コード例 #27
 def distance(self, other_touch):
     '''Return the distance between the current touch and another touch.
     return Vector(self.pos).distance(other_touch.pos)
コード例 #28
ファイル: scatter.py プロジェクト: psydox/kivy
 def _set_center(self, center):
     if center == self.center:
         return False
     t = Vector(*center) - self.center
     trans = Matrix().translate(t.x, t.y, 0)
コード例 #29
 def turn_left2(obj):
     game.snake2.velocity = Vector(*game.snake2.velocity).rotate(90)
コード例 #30
 def test_mul_twovectors(self):
     finalVector = Vector(2, 2) * Vector(3, 3)
     self.assertEqual(finalVector.x, 6)
     self.assertEqual(finalVector.y, 6)