class ScreenRace: sogMemory = 30 # seconds sogHistory = [] def __init__(self, gui=None): if gui == None: print("ScreenRace __init__ with gui == None - need to set it up!") else: self.gui = gui = TimeHelper() def setGui(self, gui): self.gui = gui def setupGui(self): self.sogG = Graph( ymax=1.0, ymin=-1.0, ) self.sogP = MeshLinePlot(color=[1, 1, 0, 1]) self.sogG.add_plot(self.sogP) self.gui.rl.ids.flRace.add_widget(self.sogG) def on_settings(self, o=None): print("on_settings") def update(self, fromWho, vals): #print("sogUpdate" ,fromWho, vals) self.sogHistory.append(vals['speed'])
def create_graph(self, dates): if len(dates) > 0: graph = Graph(x_ticks_minor=5, y_ticks_minor=5, x_ticks_major=5, y_ticks_major=5, y_grid_label=True, x_grid_label=True, padding=5, border_color=[0, 0, 0, 0], font_size=8, xmin=0, xmax=calendar.monthrange(dates[0].year, dates[0].month)[1], ymin=int(min([x.weight for x in dates]) - 5), ymax=int(max([x.weight for x in dates]) + 5)) else: graph = Graph(x_ticks_minor=5, y_ticks_minor=5, x_ticks_major=5, y_ticks_major=5, y_grid_label=True, x_grid_label=True, padding=5, border_color=[0, 0, 0, 0], font_size=8, xmin=0, ymin=0) plot = SmoothLinePlot(color=[1, 105 / 255, 97 / 255, 1]) plot.points = [(, float(x.weight)) for x in dates] graph.add_plot(plot) return graph
class LiveView(Widget): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__() self.graph = Graph(x_ticks_minor=4, x_ticks_major=16, y_grid_label=True, x_grid_label=True, padding=5, x_grid=True, y_grid=True, xmin=-0, xmax=SAMPLES, ymin=0, **kwargs) self.plot = MeshLinePlot(color=[1, 1, 0, 1]) self.plot.points = [(x, 0) for x in range(0, SAMPLES + 1)] self.graph.add_plot(self.plot) self.total_plot = MeshLinePlot(color=[0, 1, 1, 1]) self.total_plot.points = [(x, 0) for x in range(0, SAMPLES + 1)] self.graph.add_plot(self.total_plot) self.values = collections.defaultdict( lambda: [0 for x in range(0, SAMPLES + 1)]) def update(self, sender, date, value): self.values[sender][date] = value total = [self.values[sender][date] for sender in self.values.keys()] self.plot.points[date] = (date, value) self.total_plot.points[date] = (date, sum(total))
def create_graph(self): colors = itertools.cycle([ rgb('7dac9f'), rgb('dc7062'), rgb('66a8d4'), rgb('e5b060') ]) graph_theme = { 'label_options': { 'color': (0, 0, 0, 1), 'bold': False}, 'background_color': (.9, .9, .9, 1), 'tick_color': rgb('808080'), 'border_color': rgb('808080') } graph = Graph(xlabel='', ylabel='Glicemia', font_size=14, x_ticks_minor=0, x_ticks_major=25, y_ticks_major=1, y_grid_label=True, x_grid_label=True, padding=5, x_grid=True, y_grid=True, xmin=-0, xmax=100, ymin=-1, ymax=1, **graph_theme) #plot = MeshLinePlot(color=[1, 0, 0, 1]) plot = MeshLinePlot(color=next(colors)) plot.points = [(x, sin(x/10.)) for x in range(0, 101)] graph.add_plot(plot) return graph
def make_plot(plot_price, plot_dates, tickers_on_plot, plot_colors, xlabel='Bitcoin'): x = list(range(1, (len(plot_price) + 1))) y = plot_price y_axis_ticks = (max(y) - min(y)) / 5 plot = None graph = Graph(xlabel=xlabel, x_ticks_major=1, y_ticks_major=y_axis_ticks, y_grid_label=True, x_grid_label=True, padding=10, x_grid=False, y_grid=False, xmin=min(x), xmax=max(x), ymin=min(y), ymax=max(y)) for i in range(0, len(tickers_on_plot)): plot = MeshLinePlot(color=plot_colors[i]) plot.points = [(i, j) for i, j in zip(x, (y))] graph.add_plot(plot) return graph
def make_plot(ratings_list, plot_dates, plot_tickers, plot_colors): # Prepare the data x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] # make the graph graph = Graph(ylabel='Ratings', x_ticks_major=1, y_ticks_minor=1, y_ticks_major=1, y_grid_label=True, x_grid_label=False, padding=5, x_grid=True, y_grid=True, xmin=0, xmax=10, ymin=0, ymax=10) if (len(plot_tickers) > 0): i = 0 while (i < len(plot_tickers)): plot = MeshLinePlot(color=plot_colors[i]) plot.points = [(i, j) for i, j in zip(x, ratings_list[i])] graph.add_plot(plot) i += 1 return graph
def build(self): graph = Graph(xlabel='X', ylabel='Y', x_ticks_minor=5, x_ticks_major=25, y_ticks_major=1, y_grid_label=True, x_grid_label=True, padding=5, x_grid=True, y_grid=True, xmin=-0, xmax=100, ymin=-1, ymax=1) plot = MeshLinePlot(color=[1, 0, 0, 1]) plot.points = [(x, sin(x / 10.)) for x in range(0, 101)] graph.add_plot(plot) return graph
def rainGraph(self): rainY = [] for i in range(len(self.fileData) - 19, len(self.fileData)): rainY.append(str(math.floor((float(self.fileData[i][8]))))) plot = None graph = Graph(size_hint = (0.5,0.8), pos_hint = {'x': .24, 'y': 0}, ylabel='Rain Events', xlabel='Time', x_ticks_major=1, y_ticks_minor=1, y_ticks_major=1, y_grid_label=True, x_grid_label=True, padding=5, x_grid=True, y_grid=True, xmin=0, xmax=20, ymin=0, ymax=50, background_color = [1,1,1,.2]) plot = MeshLinePlot(color=[.5, 0, .5, 1]) plot.points = [(int(i), int(rainY[i])) for i in range(0, 19)] graph.add_plot(plot) return graph
def humidGraph(self): humidY = [] for i in range(len(self.fileData) - 19, len(self.fileData)): humidY.append(str(math.floor((float(self.fileData[i][4]))))) humidityPlot = None humidityGraph = Graph(size_hint = (0.5,0.8), pos_hint = {'x': .24, 'y': 0}, ylabel='% Humidity', xlabel='Time', x_ticks_major=1, y_ticks_minor=1, y_ticks_major=1, y_grid_label=True, x_grid_label=True, padding=5, x_grid=True, y_grid=True, xmin=0, xmax=20, ymin=0, ymax=100, background_color = [1,1,1,.2]) humidityPlot = MeshLinePlot(color=[.5,0 ,.5, 1]) humidityPlot.points = [(int(i), int(humidY[i])) for i in range(0, 19)] humidityGraph.add_plot(humidityPlot) return humidityGraph
class linechart(): def __init__(self, ticker): self.CurrentPrice = 100 self.ticker = ticker self.cryptos = [] self.yticks = 100 self.xticks = 10 self.xmax = 50 self.chart = Graph( xlabel='Time', ylabel='Price', x_ticks_minor=0, x_ticks_major=self.xticks, y_ticks_major=self.yticks, y_grid_label=True, x_grid_label=True, padding=5, x_grid=True, y_grid=True, xmin=0, xmax=self.xmax, ymin=0, ) self.plot = SmoothLinePlot(color=[1, 1, 1, 1]) self.chart.add_plot(self.plot) def update(self, data): #sizing graph adding upper buffer self.chart.ymax = round((data['ymax'] + data['ymax'] / 4) / 10) * 10 self.chart.ymin = round((data['ymin'] - data['ymin'] / 4) / 10) * 10 #sizing xmax self.xmax = len(data['plot']) self.plots = data['plot'] self.CurrentPrice = data['CurrentPrice'] self.yticks = (self.chart.ymax - self.chart.ymin) / 4 self.chart.y_ticks_major = self.yticks self.plot.points = self.plots self.xmax = len(self.plot.points) - 1 self.chart.xmax = self.xmax def Get_graph(self): return self.chart
def tempGraph(self): tempY =[] for i in range(len(self.fileData) - 19, len(self.fileData)): tempY.append(str(math.floor((float(self.fileData[i][6]))))) plot = None graph = Graph(size_hint = (.5,.8), ylabel='Outside Temperature (C)', xlabel = 'Time', x_ticks_major = 1, y_ticks_minor = 1, y_ticks_major = 1, y_grid_label=True, x_grid_label=True, padding=5, x_grid=True, y_grid=True, xmin=0, xmax=20, ymin=-10, ymax=50, pos_hint = {'x': .24, 'y': .2}, background_color = [1,1,1,.2]) plot = MeshLinePlot(color = [1,1,1,1]) plot.points = [(int(i), int(tempY[i])) for i in range(0, 19)] graph.add_plot(plot) return graph
def all_graph(Shear_list, length, position, label): datapoints = np.arange(0, length, 0.01) point_data_list = [] multiplier = 1 if label == "Bending moment (kNm)" or label == "Deflection (1/EI)" or 'Axial Stress (kN)': multiplier = -1 ymax = 0 ymin = 0 min_y = 0 max_y = 0 for i in range(len(datapoints)): point_data = 0 for all in Shear_list: point_data += all.calculate(datapoints[i])*multiplier if point_data + abs(point_data / 5) > ymax: ymax = point_data + abs(point_data / 5) elif ymin > point_data - abs(point_data / 5): ymin = point_data - abs(point_data / 5) point_data_list.append((datapoints[i], point_data)) if i == 0: max_y = point_data min_y = point_data else: max_y = max(point_data, max_y) min_y = min(point_data, min_y) ymax = int(round(ymax, 0)) ymin = int(round(ymin, 0)) max_y = round(max_y, 3) min_y = round(min_y, 3) if ymax == 0: ymax = 1 if ymin == 0: ymin = -1 graph = Graph(pos_hint=position, size_hint=(0.7, 0.9), xlabel='Position', ylabel=label, x_ticks_minor=5, x_ticks_major=length / 10, x_grid_label=True, y_grid_label=True, y_ticks_major=(ymax-ymin)/5, y_ticks_minor=5, padding=5, x_grid=True, y_grid=True, xmax=length, xmin=0, ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax) plot = MeshLinePlot() plot.points = point_data_list graph.add_plot(plot) return graph, [min_y, max_y]
class MainScreen(FloatLayout): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(MainScreen, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.thread = None self.started = False self.ie_val = 2 self.av_val = 200 self.rr_val = 20 self.mainlabel = Label(text="DEX-IC smart vent", font_size=60, size_hint=(1, 0.2), pos_hint={ 'x': 0, 'y': 0.8 }) self.githublabel = Label(text="", font_size=25, size_hint=(1.6, 0.1), pos_hint={ 'x': 0.08, 'y': 0 }) self.button = Button(text='Start', font_size=30, size_hint=(0.3, 0.1), pos_hint={ 'x': 0.35, 'y': 0.01 }) self.button.bind(on_press=self.stop_btn) self.add_widget(self.mainlabel) self.add_widget(self.githublabel) self.add_widget(self.button) #self.button.disabled=True self.dex = Image(source="dex-logo.jpg", size_hint=(0.15, 0.15), pos_hint={ 'x': 0.16, 'y': 0.05 }) self.add_widget(self.dex) self.eit = Image(source="EIT-Health.jpg", size_hint=(0.15, 0.15), pos_hint={ 'x': 0.01, 'y': 0.05 }) self.add_widget(self.eit) self.ier_button = Button(text="IE / R = 1:{}".format(self.ie_val), font_size=30, size_hint=(0.15, 0.1), pos_hint={ 'x': 0.01, 'y': 0.75 }) self.add_widget(self.ier_button) self.ier_p_button = Button(text='+', font_size=30, size_hint=(0.075, 0.05), pos_hint={ 'x': 0.085, 'y': 0.68 }) self.ier_p_button.bind(on_press=self.ie_p) self.add_widget(self.ier_p_button) self.ier_m_button = Button(text='-', font_size=30, size_hint=(0.075, 0.05), pos_hint={ 'x': 0.01, 'y': 0.68 }) self.ier_m_button.bind(on_press=self.ie_m) self.add_widget(self.ier_m_button) self.av_button = Button(text="A V = {}".format(self.av_val), font_size=30, size_hint=(0.15, 0.1), pos_hint={ 'x': 0.01, 'y': 0.55 }) self.add_widget(self.av_button) self.av_p_button = Button(text='+', font_size=30, size_hint=(0.075, 0.05), pos_hint={ 'x': 0.085, 'y': 0.48 }) self.av_p_button.bind(on_press=self.av_p) self.add_widget(self.av_p_button) self.av_m_button = Button(text='-', font_size=30, size_hint=(0.075, 0.05), pos_hint={ 'x': 0.01, 'y': 0.48 }) self.av_m_button.bind(on_press=self.av_m) self.add_widget(self.av_m_button) self.rr_button = Button(text="R / R = {}".format(self.rr_val), font_size=30, size_hint=(0.15, 0.1), pos_hint={ 'x': 0.01, 'y': 0.35 }) self.add_widget(self.rr_button) self.rr_p_button = Button(text='+', font_size=30, size_hint=(0.075, 0.05), pos_hint={ 'x': 0.085, 'y': 0.28 }) self.rr_p_button.bind(on_press=self.rr_p) self.add_widget(self.rr_p_button) self.rr_m_button = Button(text='-', font_size=30, size_hint=(0.075, 0.05), pos_hint={ 'x': 0.01, 'y': 0.28 }) self.rr_m_button.bind(on_press=self.rr_m) self.add_widget(self.rr_m_button) self.graph = Graph(xlabel='Time', ylabel='Pressure', x_ticks_minor=1, x_ticks_major=5, y_ticks_major=1, y_grid_label=True, x_grid_label=True, padding=10, xlog=False, ylog=False, x_grid=False, y_grid=False, ymin=0, ymax=200, size_hint=(0.7, 0.5), pos_hint={ 'x': 0.25, 'y': 0.3 }) self.plot = MeshLinePlot(mode='line_strip', color=[1, 0, 0, 1]) values = [0] self.plot.points = [(x, values[x]) for x in range(-0, len(values))] self.graph.add_plot(self.plot) self.add_widget(self.graph) def stop_btn(self, x): if self.started: self.button.text = "Start" self.started = False else: self.button.text = "Stop" self.started = True def ie_p(self, x): if self.ie_val + 0.1 < 3.1: self.ie_val += 0.1 self.ier_button.text = "IE / R = 1:{:.1f}".format(self.ie_val) def ie_m(self, x): if self.ie_val - 0.1 > 0.9: self.ie_val -= 0.1 self.ier_button.text = "IE / R = 1:{:.1f}".format(self.ie_val) def av_p(self, x): if self.av_val + 50 < 850: self.av_val += 50 self.av_button.text = "A V = {}".format(self.av_val) def av_m(self, x): if self.av_val - 50 > 150: self.av_val -= 50 self.av_button.text = "A V = {}".format(self.av_val) def rr_p(self, x): if self.rr_val + 1 < 41: self.rr_val += 1 self.rr_button.text = "R / R = {}".format(self.rr_val) def rr_m(self, x): if self.rr_val - 1 > 5: self.rr_val -= 1 self.rr_button.text = "R / R = {}".format(self.rr_val) def update_graph(self, *args): print("update graph") #log = open('test.log','a') try: headers = {'content-type': 'application/json'} r = requests.get('') #log.write(str(r) + "\n") print(r.text) values = json.loads(r.text) print(values) self.graph.xmax = len(values) self.plot.points = [(x, values[x]) for x in range(-0, len(values))] except Exception as e: print(e)
class AircraftLoadLayout(GridLayout): def __init__(self, aircraft_config, **kwargs): super(AircraftLoadLayout, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.cols = 1 self.cfg = load_aircraft_config(aircraft_config) self.loads = create_loads_list(self.cfg) acft = self.cfg.aircraft self.lbl_info = Label(text="%s (%s)" % (acft.designation, acft.immat)) self.add_widget(self.lbl_info) self.sliders = SlidersLayout(self.cfg, self.loads) self.add_widget(self.sliders) self.lbl_center_gravity = Label(text="") self.add_widget(self.lbl_center_gravity) self.graph = Graph( xlabel="X", ylabel="mass", # x_ticks_minor=0.05, x_ticks_major=0.5, # y_ticks_major=100, # y_ticks_minor=20, y_grid_label=True, x_grid_label=True, padding=5, x_grid=True, y_grid=True, xmin=0.7, xmax=1.1, ymin=0, ymax=1000, ) self.mesh_line_plot = MeshLinePlot(color=[0, 0, 1, 1]) self.graph.add_plot(self.mesh_line_plot) self.add_widget(self.graph) self.btn_toggle = ToggleButton( text="lever arm / moment", group="xaxis", ) self.btn_toggle.bind(on_press=self.on_touch_move) self.add_widget(self.btn_toggle) # point = Point(0.8, 400) # plot = ScatterPlot(color=(1,0,0,1), pointsize=5) self.scatter_plot = ScatterPlot(color=[1, 0, 0, 1], point_size=5) # plot.points.append((0.8, 400)) self.graph.add_plot(self.scatter_plot) self.update_label_plot() def on_touch_move(self, touch): # print("AircraftLoadLayout.on_touch_move") self.sliders.update() self.update_label_plot() def update_label_plot(self): G = calculate_cg(self.cfg, self.loads) if self.btn_toggle.state == "normal": self.graph.xlabel = "lever_arm" self.scatter_plot.points = [(G.lever_arm, G.mass)] self.mesh_line_plot.points = [(pt.lever_arm, pt.mass) for pt in self.cfg.centrogram] else: self.graph.xlabel = "moment" self.scatter_plot.points = [(G.moment, G.mass)] self.mesh_line_plot.points = [(pt.moment, pt.mass) for pt in self.cfg.centrogram] self.mesh_line_plot.points.append(self.mesh_line_plot.points[0]) delta_x_pc, delta_y_pc = 0.05, 0.05 self.graph.xmin = min( x[0] for x in self.mesh_line_plot.points) * (1 - delta_x_pc) self.graph.xmax = max( x[0] for x in self.mesh_line_plot.points) * (1 + delta_x_pc) self.graph.ymin = min( x[1] for x in self.mesh_line_plot.points) * (1 - delta_x_pc) self.graph.ymax = max( x[1] for x in self.mesh_line_plot.points) * (1 + delta_x_pc) is_inside_centrogram = inside_centrogram(G, self.cfg.centrogram) self.lbl_center_gravity.text = ( "G: (mass=%.1f kg, lever_arm=%.3f m, moment=%.1f kg.m)" % (G.mass, G.lever_arm, G.moment)) if is_inside_centrogram: self.lbl_center_gravity.disabled = False self.lbl_center_gravity.color = (0, 1, 0, 1) self.mesh_line_plot.color = (0, 0, 1, 1) else: self.lbl_center_gravity.disabled = True self.lbl_center_gravity.color = (1, 0, 0, 1) self.mesh_line_plot.color = (1, 0, 0, 1)
class Screen2(Screen): graph_id = ObjectProperty() titre = StringProperty("Capteur") # Affichage sur le bouton au dessus du graphique period = StringProperty("Période") def __init__(self, **kwargs): """self.graph ne peut pas être initié ici. Il doit être dans une autre méthode et appelé plus tard. """ super().__init__(**kwargs) = App.get_running_app() self.unit_x = "tutu" self.unit_y = "tata" self.graph = None self.y_major = 1 self.titre = "Accelerometer" self.reset = None self.xlabel = "" # Initialisation de la courbe avec sa couleur # mode='points', self.curve_plot = MeshLinePlot(mode='points', color=[1, 0, 0, 1]) # #self.curve_plot.mode = 'triangle_strip' self.curve_plot.points = [(0, 0)] * 101 # Appel tous les 2 secondes Clock.schedule_interval(self.update, 2) def graph_init(self): """Initialisation de self.graph. plot initié avec 100 couples [(x, y), ...] """ print("Initialisation du graph") # ## Si existe je détruits if self.graph: self.ids.graph_id.remove_widget(self.graph) print("self.graph détruit") if self.y_major: # int if len( > 5: self.create_graph() else: self.reset = 1 def create_graph(self): """Création du graph seul et pas d'ajout au widget""" print("Appel de la création du graph ..") self.unit_x = "minutes" # Paramètres du graph en x self.xmin = 0 self.xmax = 1000 self.x_ticks_major = 3600 self.x_ticks_minor = 600 # Paramètres du graph en y self.ymin = 0 self.ymax = self.y_major self.ylabel = self.unit_y self.y_ticks_major = self.y_major / 10 self.y_ticks_minor = 0 #5 # Je crée ou recrée self.graph = Graph(background_color=(0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1), border_color=(0, 0.1, 0.1, 1), xlabel=self.xlabel, ylabel=self.ylabel, x_ticks_minor=self.x_ticks_minor, x_ticks_major=self.x_ticks_major, y_ticks_major=self.y_ticks_major, x_grid_label=True, y_grid_label=True, padding=10, view_pos=(10, -10), x_grid=True, y_grid=True, xmin=self.xmin, xmax=self.xmax, ymin=self.ymin, ymax=self.ymax, tick_color=(1, 0, 1, 1), label_options={'color': (0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1)}) self.graph.add_plot(self.curve_plot) self.ids.graph_id.add_widget(self.graph) def update(self, dt): if self.reset: self.reset = None self.y_major = 0 self.graph_init() else: if not self.graph: self.graph_init() # Reset des points self.curve_plot.points = [] # Echelle des y y_major = self.get_y_major() if y_major != self.y_major: self.y_major = y_major # reset du graph # #self.graph_init() # Apply value to plot for h in self.curve_plot.points.append([h[0], h[1]]) # #self.curve_plot.update() def get_y_major(self): """Le maxi de l'echelle des y""" # Recherche du maxi maxi = 0 for couple in # #print(couple) if couple[1] > maxi: maxi = couple[1] # Définition de l'échelle sur y soit 0 à y_major if 1 <= maxi < 10: a = 1 elif 10 <= maxi < 100: a = 10 elif 100 <= maxi < 1000: a = 100 elif 1000 <= maxi < 10000: a = 1000 elif 10000 <= maxi < 100000: a = 10000 else: a = 1 # 756 --> 800 int(756/100) + 1 * 1000 if maxi < 0: y_major = 1 else: y_major = (int(maxi * 1.1 / a) + 1) * a # #print("maxi:", maxi, "y_major", y_major) return y_major
class ThirdWindow(Screen): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(ThirdWindow, self).__init__(**kwargs) Clock.schedule_once(self.yap, 0) def yap(self, za): box = self.ids.deneme graph_theme = { 'label_options': { 'color': rgb('444444'), # color of tick labels and titles 'bold': True }, 'background_color': rgb('2b2b2b'), # canvas background color 'tick_color': rgb('7ba21d'), # ticks and grid 'border_color': rgb('000000') } # border drawn around each graph self.graph = Graph( xlabel='Time (s)', ylabel='Temparature (°F)', x_ticks_major=10, y_ticks_major=10, y_grid_label=True, x_grid_label=True, padding=5, #xmin=0, #ymin=0, **graph_theme) box.add_widget(self.graph) self.plot = LinePlot(line_width=2, color=[0.48, 0.63, 0.11, 1]) self.graph.add_plot(self.plot) self.salise = 0 self.saniye = 0 self.dakika = 0 self.values = [] def start(self): self.tan = Clock.schedule_interval(self.arttirici, 0.5) self.zam = Clock.schedule_interval(self.zamanlayici, 0.1) def stop(self): if self.tan: Clock.unschedule(self.tan) self.ids.current_temp.text = "" self.ids.slider_temp.value = 0 self.ids.slider_fan.value = 0 self.salise = 0 self.saniye = 0 self.dakika = 0 self.graph.remove_plot(self.plot) self.etiketteGoster() if self.zam: Clock.unschedule(self.zam) def zamanlayici(self, za): self.salise += 1 if self.salise == 10: self.salise = 0 self.saniye += 1 if self.saniye == 60: self.saniye = 0 self.dakika += 1 self.etiketteGoster() def etiketteGoster(self): self.ids.etiket.text = "%s:%s:%s" % (self.dakika, str( self.saniye).zfill(2), str(self.salise).zfill(2)) def arttirici(self, za): derece = self.ids.slider_temp.value fan_deger = self.ids.slider_fan.value self.son_deger = derece - fan_deger / 2 if len(self.values) >= 100: self.values = [] self.values.append(self.son_deger) self.ids.current_temp.text = "%.2f" % self.son_deger self.plot.points = [(i, j) for i, j in enumerate(self.values)]
def on_start(self): self.animate_background() self.animate_card() counter = 0 wall_user_options = { "checkerboard-plus": "Add New Problem", "cloud-download-outline": "Load Problem", "engine-outline": "Generate Problem", "new-box": "Reset Wall", "home-lightbulb": "Show Problem", } wall_ids = { 1: "A11", 2: "B11", 3: "C11", 4: "D11", 5: "E11", 6: "F11", 7: "G11", 8: "H11", 9: "I11", 10: "J11", 11: "K11", 13: "A10", 14: "B10", 15: "C10", 16: "D10", 17: "E10", 18: "F10", 19: "G10", 20: "H10", 21: "I10", 22: "J10", 23: "K10", 25: "A9", 26: "B9", 27: "C9", 28: "D9", 29: "E9", 30: "F9", 31: "G9", 32: "H9", 33: "I9", 34: "J9", 35: "K9", 37: "A8", 38: "B8", 39: "C8", 40: "D8", 41: "E8", 42: "F8", 43: "G8", 44: "H8", 45: "I8", 46: "J8", 47: "K8", 49: "A7", 50: "B7", 51: "C7", 52: "D7", 53: "E7", 54: "F7", 55: "G7", 56: "H7", 57: "I7", 58: "J7", 59: "K7", 61: "A6", 62: "B6", 63: "C6", 64: "D6", 65: "E6", 66: "F6", 67: "G6", 68: "H6", 69: "I6", 70: "J6", 71: "K6", 73: "A5", 74: "B5", 75: "C5", 76: "D5", 77: "E5", 78: "F5", 79: "G5", 80: "H5", 81: "I5", 82: "J5", 83: "K5", 85: "A4", 86: "B4", 87: "C4", 88: "D4", 89: "E4", 90: "F4", 91: "G4", 92: "H4", 93: "I4", 94: "J4", 95: "K4", 97: "A3", 98: "B3", 99: "C3", 100: "D3", 101: "E3", 102: "F3", 103: "G3", 104: "H3", 105: "I3", 106: "J3", 107: "K3", 109: "A2", 110: "B2", 111: "C2", 112: "D2", 113: "E2", 114: "F2", 115: "G2", 116: "H2", 117: "I2", 118: "J2", 119: "K2", 121: "A1", 122: "B1", 123: "C1", 124: "D1", 125: "E1", 126: "F1", 127: "G1", 128: "H1", 129: "I1", 130: "J1", 131: "K1", } """ Fill Side Menu with items START""" for icon_name in wall_user_options.keys(): self.root.ids.content_drawer.ids.md_list.add_widget( ItemDrawer(icon=icon_name, text=wall_user_options[icon_name])) """ serves as a seperator for two itemdrawers""" self.root.ids.content_drawer.ids.md_list.add_widget( OneLineListItem(text="")) """ Adds logout option in the drawer menu""" self.root.ids.content_drawer.ids.md_list.add_widget( ItemDrawer(icon="logout", text="Sign Out")) """ Fill Side Menu with items END""" """ Fill ClimbingGrid with holds START""" for i in range(0, 132): if i % 12 == 0 or i == 0: self.root.ids.wall_system.add_widget( MDLabel(text=str(11 - counter), halign="center", size_hint_x=None, width=25, theme_text_color="Custom", text_color=(1, 1, 1, 1), font_style="H6", font_name="JetBrainsMono")) counter = counter + 1 else: self.root.ids.wall_system.add_widget( HoldLayout(id=wall_ids[i])) """Draw GRAPH""" graph = Graph(xlabel='X', ylabel='Y', x_ticks_minor=5, x_ticks_major=25, y_ticks_major=1, y_grid_label=True, x_grid_label=True, padding=5, x_grid=True, y_grid=True, xmin=-0, xmax=100, ymin=-1, ymax=1) plot = MeshLinePlot(color=[1, 0, 0, 1]) plot.points = [(x, sin(x / 10.)) for x in range(0, 101)] graph.add_plot(plot) self.root.ids.screen_three.add_widget(graph) self.initiate_problem_list() """ Fill ClimbingGrid with holds END"""
class Screen2(Screen): graph_id = ObjectProperty() titre = StringProperty("Capteur") # Affichage sur le bouton au dessus du graphique period = StringProperty("Période") def __init__(self, **kwargs): """self.graph ne peut pas être initié ici. Il doit être dans une autre méthode et appelé plus tard. """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.sensor_id = None self.unit_x = "" self.unit_y = "" self.graph = None self.histo = [] self.histo_data = None self.y_major = 0 self.titre = "Capteur" self.reset = None self.xlabel = "" self.duration = None # Initialisation de la courbe avec sa couleur self.curve_plot = MeshLinePlot(color=[0, 0, 0, 1]) self.curve_plot.points = [(0, 0)]*101 # horizontal_line self.line_plot = LinePlot(line_width=2, color=[1, 0, 0.5, 1]) # Appel tous les 2 secondes Clock.schedule_interval(self.update, 2) def get_datetime(self, date): """de "2020-01-15", retourne""" d = date.split("-") return[0]), int(d[1]), int(d[2])) def graph_init(self): """Initialisation de self.graph. plot initié avec 100 couples [(x, y), ...] """ print("Initialisation du graph") # Si existe je détruits if self.graph: self.ids.graph_id.remove_widget(self.graph) print("self.graph détruit") # Récup de data dans Screen1 screen1 = self.manager.get_screen("screen1") # ['Digital Ambient Light Sensor', 'Lux', 31.79] # description unit value self.labels_text = screen1.labels_text if self.y_major: # int if len(self.histo) > 20: self.create_graph() else: self.reset = 1 def create_graph(self): """Création du graph seul et pas d'application au widget""" print("Appel de la création du graph ..") if self.xlabel == "Unité en Minutes: 0 = valeur actuelle": self.duration = "jour" self.unit_x = "minutes" else: self.duration = "semaine" self.unit_x = "heures" # Paramètres du graph en x # Jour self.xmin = 0 if self.duration == "jour": # un jour = 24*60 = 1440 mn # 1440/6 = 240 valeurs dans l'histo # self.xmax = 1440 mn self.xmax = len(self.histo) * 6 # 1440/4 = 360 self.x_ticks_major = 360 self.x_ticks_minor = 6 # divise en 6 les 360 # Semaine else: self.xmax = len(self.histo) self.x_ticks_major = 24 self.x_ticks_minor = 6 # divise en 6 les 24 if "PM 10" in self.titre or "PM 2.5" in self.titre: self.xlabel += "\nEn rouge: valeur réglementaire maxi" # Paramètres du graph en y self.ymin = 0 self.ymax = self.y_major self.ylabel = self.unit_y self.y_ticks_major = self.y_major/10 self.y_ticks_minor = 0 #5 # Je crée ou recrée self.graph = Graph( background_color=(0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1), border_color=(0, 0.1, 0.1, 1), xlabel=self.xlabel, ylabel=self.ylabel, x_ticks_minor=self.x_ticks_minor, x_ticks_major=self.x_ticks_major, #y_ticks_minor=self.y_ticks_minor, y_ticks_major=self.y_ticks_major, x_grid_label=True, y_grid_label=True, padding=5, x_grid=True, y_grid=True, xmin=self.xmin, xmax=self.xmax, ymin=self.ymin, ymax=self.ymax, tick_color=(1, 0, 1, 1), label_options={'color': (0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1)}) self.graph.add_plot(self.curve_plot) self.graph.add_plot(self.line_plot) self.ids.graph_id.add_widget(self.graph) def update(self, dt): """Update de cette class toutes les 2 secondes, appelée par set_histo() de SmartCitizen """ if self.reset: self.reset = None self.y_major = 0 self.graph_init() else: if not self.graph: self.graph_init() # Reset des points self.curve_plot.points = [] # Echelle des y y_major = self.get_y_major() if y_major != self.y_major: self.y_major = y_major # reset du graph self.graph_init() # Apply value to plot for i in range(len(self.histo)): y = self.histo[i][1] if self.duration == "jour": self.curve_plot.points.append([i * 6, y]) else: self.curve_plot.points.append([i, y]) # Construit horizontal line self.apply_horizontal_line() def get_y_major(self): """Le maxi de l'echelle des y""" # Recherche du maxi maxi = 0 for couple in self.histo: # #print(couple) if couple[1] > maxi: maxi = couple[1] # Définition de l'échelle sur y soit 0 à y_major if 1 <= maxi < 10: a = 1 elif 10 <= maxi < 100: a = 10 elif 100 <= maxi < 1000: a = 100 elif 1000 <= maxi < 10000: a = 1000 elif 10000 <= maxi < 100000: a = 10000 else: a = 1 # 756 --> 800 int(756/100) + 1 * 1000 if maxi < 0: y_major = 1 else: y_major = (int(maxi*1.1/a) + 1) * a # #print("maxi:", maxi, "y_major", y_major) return y_major def apply_horizontal_line(self): """si self.y_major = 90 équivalent à 1 y = 30 devient 30/90*1=0.33 """ if self.graph: y = 0 if self.titre: if self.y_major != 0: if "PM 10" in self.titre: y = 30 # 30 # #self.xlabel += ": en rouge valeur réglementaire maxi" if "PM 2.5" in self.titre: y = 10 # 10 # #self.xlabel += ": en rouge valeur réglementaire maxi" if y: self.line_plot.points = [(i, y) for i in range(self.xmax)] else: self.line_plot.points = []
class MainScreen(GridLayout): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(MainScreen, self).__init__(**kwargs) #Set the number of columns self.cols = 3 #Heading self.add_widget(Label(size_hint=(1, 0.5))) self.heading = Label(size_hint=(1, 0.5)) self.heading.font_size = 30 self.heading.text = "Automatic Blinds & Live Weather" self.heading.bold = True self.add_widget(self.heading) self.add_widget(Label(size_hint=(1, 0.5))) #Current temperature label self.tempLabel = Label(size_hint=(1, 0.05)) self.add_widget(self.tempLabel) self.add_widget(Label(size_hint=(1, 0.05))) #Current Humidity Label self.humLabel = Label(size_hint=(1, 0.05)) self.add_widget(self.humLabel) #Graph theme graph_theme = { 'background_color': (0, 0, 0, 0), 'tick_color': (128 / 255, 128 / 255, 128 / 255, 1) } #Temperature Graph self.tempGraph = Graph(xlabel='Time', ylabel='Temperature', x_ticks_minor=5, x_ticks_major=10, y_ticks_minor=1, y_ticks_major=5, x_grid_label=True, y_grid_label=True, padding=5, x_grid=True, y_grid=True, xmin=-0, xmax=60, ymin=-0, ymax=50, size_hint=(3, 1), **graph_theme) #Temperature plot (where to send the data points) self.tempPlot = LinePlot(color=(64 / 255, 224 / 255, 208 / 255, 1), line_width=1.5) self.tempGraph.add_plot(self.tempPlot) self.add_widget(self.tempGraph) self.add_widget(Label()) #Humidity Graph self.humGraph = Graph(xlabel='Time', ylabel='Humidity', x_ticks_minor=5, x_ticks_major=10, y_ticks_minor=1, y_ticks_major=10, x_grid_label=True, y_grid_label=True, padding=5, x_grid=True, y_grid=True, xmin=-0, xmax=60, ymin=-0, ymax=100, size_hint=(3, 1), **graph_theme) #Humidity plot (where to send the data points) self.humPlot = LinePlot(color=(64 / 255, 224 / 255, 208 / 255, 1), line_width=1.5) self.humGraph.add_plot(self.humPlot) self.add_widget(self.humGraph) self.add_widget(Label()) #Config button, sends you to the config screen self.button = Button(text="Configure", font_size=30, bold=True, size_hint=(3, 1)) self.add_widget(self.button) #Starts a thread which collects the data from the sensor, then graphs it using 'PlotTempHum' _thread.start_new_thread(sensors.graphDHT11, (self.PlotTempHum, )) def PlotTempHum(self, temp, hum, timeStamp, reset): #Resets the graph if (reset): self.tempPlot.points.clear() self.humPlot.points.clear() #updates the labels, (current temp/current hum) self.tempLabel.text = str(temp) self.humLabel.text = str(hum) #adds the points to the graph self.tempPlot.points.append((float(timeStamp), temp)) self.humPlot.points.append((float(timeStamp), hum))
class mainApp(App): def build(self): self.icon = 'diceSmall.png' mainPanel = TabbedPanel() mainPanel.default_tab_text = 'Dice Roll' mainPanel.add_widget(self.tabProbabilityTesting()) mainPanel.default_tab_content = self.tabDiceRoll() return mainPanel def addButtons(self,buttonList,buttonFunctionList,layout): for rowIndex, rowButtons in enumerate(buttonList): rowLayout = BoxLayout( size_hint = (1,1), padding = [0,0.5,0,0.5], ) for buttonIndex, buttonLabel in enumerate(rowButtons): button = Button( text = buttonLabel, pos_hint={"center_x": 0.5, "center_y": 0.5}, size_hint = (1,1), ) button.bind(on_press=buttonFunctionList[rowIndex][buttonIndex]) rowLayout.add_widget(button) layout.add_widget(rowLayout) def tabDiceRoll(self): mainLayout = BoxLayout(orientation = 'vertical') fontSize = 35 labelList = ['d4','d6','d8','d10','d12','d20','d100','custom'] self.diceDict = {} buttons = [ ['Roll Inputs','Clear Inputs'], ['D20','2d6'], ['Roll Stats', '(dis)Advantage'], ] buttonFunctionList = [ [self.fireRollButton, self.fireClearButton], [self.fireD20Button,self.fireMonopolyButton], [self.fireStatsButton, self.fireAdvantageButton], ] for label in labelList: rowLayout = BoxLayout() self.kivyLabel = TextInput( text = label if label != 'custom' else '', hint_text = 'Custom dice' if label == 'custom' else '', background_color = [0.75,0.75,0.75,1], font_size = '{size}sp'.format(size = int(fontSize/2)), readonly = True if label != 'custom' else False, input_filter = 'int', size_hint = (0.3,1)) self.diceDict[label] = numberInput( multiline = False, font_size = '{size}sp'.format(size = int(fontSize/2)), hint_text = 'Enter number of dice here', input_filter = 'int', size_hint = (0.7,1)) rowLayout.add_widget(self.kivyLabel) rowLayout.add_widget(self.diceDict[label]) mainLayout.add_widget(rowLayout) self.addButtons(buttons,buttonFunctionList,mainLayout) self.resultTextBox = TextInput( text = '\n\n\n\n\n', multiline = True, readonly = True, font_size = '{size}sp'.format(size = int(fontSize/2)), halign = 'left', background_color = [109/255,162/255,1,1], background_active = 'd20Skeleton.png', background_normal = 'd20Skeleton.png', size_hint = (0.9,8), pos_hint = {'center_x': .5, 'center_y': .5} ) mainLayout.add_widget(self.resultTextBox) return mainLayout def tabProbabilityTesting(self): ''' tab containing plot of probability distributions from various user-specificed pools of dice ''' self.plotColorMap = [ [1,0,0,1], [0,1,0,1], [0,0,1,1], [1,1,0,1], [1,0,1,1], [0,1,1,1], [1,1,1,1], [0.75,0.75,0.75,1]] tabProb = TabbedPanelItem(text = 'Prob. Plots') self.statsMainLayout = BoxLayout(orientation = 'vertical') self.entryLayout = BoxLayout(orientation = 'vertical',size_hint = (1,0.45)) buttonLayout = BoxLayout(size_hint = (1,0.05)) self.graphLayout = BoxLayout(size_hint = (1,0.5)) self.graph = Graph(xlabel='Value', ylabel='Counts', x_ticks_minor=1,x_ticks_major=2, y_ticks_minor = 100, y_ticks_major=500, y_grid_label=True, x_grid_label=True, padding=5, x_grid=True, y_grid=True, xmin=-0, xmax=15, ymin=0,ymax = 5000) self.graphLayout.add_widget(self.graph) self.plotList = [] self.statsMainLayout.add_widget(self.entryLayout) self.statsMainLayout.add_widget(buttonLayout) self.statsMainLayout.add_widget(self.graphLayout) self.testList = [] self.appendNewTest(self.entryLayout,readOnly = True) self.testList.append(self.appendNewTest(self.entryLayout)) buttonList = [['Add New Test','Plot Results','Reset']] buttonFunctionList = [[self.fireNewTestButton,self.firePlotButton,self.fireResetTestsButton]] self.addButtons(buttonList,buttonFunctionList,buttonLayout) tabProb.add_widget(self.statsMainLayout) return tabProb def appendNewTest(self,layout,readOnly = False): ''' Add new test to probability distribution tab readOnly should be true for the first line to give a header column, and false thereafter ''' rowLayout = BoxLayout(orientation = 'horizontal',) testIndex = len(self.testList) if not readOnly else -1 testDice = TextInput( hint_text = 'Dice', text = 'Enter dice list' if readOnly else '', readonly = readOnly, background_color = self.plotColorMap[testIndex]) testBonus = numberInput( hint_text = 'Bonus', text = 'Enter fixed bonus' if readOnly else '', readonly = readOnly, background_color = self.plotColorMap[testIndex]) testMode = numberInput( hint_text = 'Expected Value (output)', text = 'Expected Value' if readOnly else '', readonly = True, background_color = self.plotColorMap[testIndex]) rowLayout.add_widget(testDice) rowLayout.add_widget(testBonus) rowLayout.add_widget(testMode) layout.add_widget(rowLayout) return(testDice,testBonus,testMode,rowLayout) def createPlot(self): ''' Clear existing plots, and add a plot for each specificed test to the graph. Each will be colour coded to match the background of the test rowButtons Could (should!) do actual stats stuff to get expected values of each dice pool, but 10k tests takes negligible time even on a phone ''' for plot in self.plotList: self.graph.remove_plot(plot) self.plotList = [] maxCount = [500] maxValue = [6] numberOfTests = 10000 for index, test in enumerate(self.testList): outcomes = {} diceList = re.findall(r"[\w\d']+", test[0].text) if len(diceList) > 0: bonus = 0 if len(test[1].text) == 0 else int(test[1].text) for i in range(0,numberOfTests): diceResult = diceRoll.rollDicePool(diceList = diceList, bonus = bonus)[0] if diceResult in outcomes: outcomes[diceResult]+=1 else: outcomes[diceResult] = 1 plot = MeshLinePlot(color=self.plotColorMap[index],mode = 'points') xList = [key for key in outcomes] xList.sort() plot.points = [(key, outcomes[key]) for key in xList] maxCount.append(max(outcomes[key] for key in outcomes)) maxValue.append(max(key for key in outcomes)) expectedValue = round(sum([key * outcomes[key] for key in outcomes])/numberOfTests,1) test[2].text = str(expectedValue) if expectedValue != 0 else 'Error with {diceList}'.format(diceList = diceList) self.results=outcomes self.graph.add_plot(plot) self.plotList.append(plot) #Pad graph axes to make maximum values clear and prevent them being lost over the edge of the visible space self.graph.xmax = max(maxValue) + 2 self.graph.ymax = max(maxCount) + 500 def diceRollOutput(self,diceList): dicePool = diceRoll.dicePool(diceList = diceList) dicePool.roll() message = dicePool.diceString+ ' \n' for diceType in dicePool.resultDict: message += 'd{diceType} : {diceResults}\n'.format( diceType = diceType, diceResults = ', '.join(map(str,dicePool.resultDict[diceType]))) message += 'Result: ' + str(dicePool.rollSum) return message def fireRollButton(self,instance): diceList = [] for dice in self.diceDict: no_of_dice = self.diceDict[dice].text if dice == 'custom': dice = 'd' + self.kivyLabel.text.lower() if no_of_dice != '' and no_of_dice != 0: diceList.append(no_of_dice + dice) if len(diceList) > 0: message = self.diceRollOutput(diceList) self.resultTextBox.text = '\n' + message + '\n' def fireD20Button(self,instance): result = diceRoll.rollDice(20) self.resultTextBox.text = '\n\nRolled 1d20\nResult: ' + str(result) + '\n' def fireAdvantageButton(self,instance,sides=20): result1 = diceRoll.rollDice(sides) result2 = diceRoll.rollDice(sides) message = 'Rolled 2d{sides}\nResult: {r1} , {r2}'.format(sides = sides, r1 = result1, r2 = result2) self.resultTextBox.text = '\n\n' + message + '\n' def fireMonopolyButton(self,instance): message = self.diceRollOutput(['2d6']) self.resultTextBox.text = '\n' + message + '\n' def fireStatsButton(self,instance): stats = diceRoll.rollStats(6) outString = 'Stats rolled : \n' + str(stats[0]) + ' ' + str(stats[1]) + ' ' + str(stats[2]) +'\n' + str(stats[3]) + ' ' + str(stats[4]) + ' ' + str(stats[5]) outString += '\nAverage of ' + str(np.round( sum(stats) / len(stats) , 2)) self.resultTextBox.text = '\n' + outString + '\n' def fireClearButton(self,instance): for label in self.diceDict: self.diceDict[label].text = '' self.kivyLabel.text = '' def fireNewTestButton(self,instance): if len(self.testList) <7: self.testList.append(self.appendNewTest(self.entryLayout)) def fireResetTestsButton(self,instance): while len(self.testList) >1: self.entryLayout.remove_widget(self.testList.pop()[-1]) for textBox in self.testList[0]: textBox.text = '' for plot in self.plotList: self.graph.remove_plot(plot) def firePlotButton(self,instance): self.createPlot()
class UIApp(App): def init(self): self.read_pulse_table() def build(self): self.savef = None self.state = None self.baselineHR = 60.0 # baseline HR self.Ts = 1.0 / 50.0 # sampling period self.modulation = 0.1 # how much to modulate the pressure wave via RR self.pressure = Pressure() superBox = BoxLayout(orientation='vertical') HB = BoxLayout(orientation='horizontal') cell1 = BoxLayout(orientation='vertical') self.textinputHomePos = FloatInput(text='100') cell1h = BoxLayout(orientation='horizontal') label = Label(text='Home Pos') cell1h.add_widget(label) cell1h.add_widget(self.textinputHomePos) self.textinputCalibMax = FloatInput(text='1500') cell1bh = BoxLayout(orientation='horizontal') label = Label(text='Calib Max') cell1bh.add_widget(label) cell1bh.add_widget(self.textinputCalibMax) self.textinputCalibInc = FloatInput(text='25') cell1ch = BoxLayout(orientation='horizontal') label = Label(text='Calib Inc') cell1ch.add_widget(label) cell1ch.add_widget(self.textinputCalibInc) self.textinputCalibDelay = FloatInput(text='0.1') cell1dh = BoxLayout(orientation='horizontal') label = Label(text='Calib Delay') cell1dh.add_widget(label) cell1dh.add_widget(self.textinputCalibDelay) self.home_button = Button(text='Home') self.home_button.bind(on_press=self.home) self.home_button.background_color = default_bgnd self.calib_button = Button(text='Calibrate') self.calib_button.background_color = default_bgnd self.calib_button.bind(on_press=self.calibrate) cell1.add_widget(cell1h) cell1.add_widget(self.home_button) cell1.add_widget(cell1ch) cell1.add_widget(cell1bh) cell1.add_widget(cell1dh) cell1.add_widget(self.calib_button) HB.add_widget(cell1) self.pressure_button = Button(text='Read\nPressure') self.pressure_button.background_color = default_bgnd self.pressure_button.bind(on_press=self.read_pressure) cell1b = BoxLayout(orientation='vertical') cell1b.add_widget(self.pressure_button) self.pressure_label = Label(text='0.0 mmHg') cell1b.add_widget(self.pressure_label) HB.add_widget(cell1b) cell3 = BoxLayout(orientation='vertical') cell3a = BoxLayout(orientation='horizontal') label = Label(text='Systolic') self.textinputSystolic = FloatInput(text='120.0') cell3a.add_widget(label) cell3a.add_widget(self.textinputSystolic) cell3.add_widget(cell3a) cell3b = BoxLayout(orientation='horizontal') label = Label(text='Diastolic') self.textinputDiastolic = FloatInput(text='80.0') cell3b.add_widget(label) cell3b.add_widget(self.textinputDiastolic) cell3.add_widget(cell3b) cell3c = BoxLayout(orientation='horizontal') label = Label(text='HR') self.textinputHR = FloatInput(text='75.0') cell3c.add_widget(label) cell3c.add_widget(self.textinputHR) cell3.add_widget(cell3c) cell3d = BoxLayout(orientation='horizontal') label = Label(text='RR') self.textinputRR = FloatInput(text='10.0') cell3d.add_widget(label) cell3d.add_widget(self.textinputRR) cell3.add_widget(cell3d) HB.add_widget(cell3) self.play_button = Button(text='Play Waveform') self.play_button.background_color = default_bgnd self.play_button.bind(on_press=self.play_waveform) HB.add_widget(self.play_button) self.exit_button = Button(text='Exit') self.exit_button.background_color = default_bgnd self.exit_button.bind(on_press=self.exit_app) HB.add_widget(self.exit_button) superBox.add_widget(HB) #self.graph = Graph(xlabel='X', ylabel='Y', x_ticks_minor=5, # x_ticks_major=25, y_ticks_major=50, # y_grid_label=True, x_grid_label=True, padding=5, # x_grid=True, y_grid=True, xmin=-0, xmax=500, ymin=0, ymax=200) #self.plot = MeshLinePlot(color=[1, 1, 1, 1]) #self.plot.points = [(x, 50+50*math.sin(x / 10.)) for x in range(0, 501)] #self.graph.add_plot(self.plot) self.default_graph_waveform() superBox.add_widget(self.graph) #print(self.plot.points) return superBox def read_pulse_table(self): f = open('pulse256.dat', 'rb') a = f.close() self.pulse256 = struct.unpack("256h", a) #print(self.pulse256) def resample_HR(self, values, heartrate): out = [] ratio = heartrate / self.baselineHR index = range(len(values)) index0 = [] x = 0 while (x < (len(values) - 1)): index0.append(x) v = np.interp(x, index, values) out.append(v) x = x + ratio # advance more slowly in time return out def default_graph_waveform(self): self.graph = Graph(xlabel='t (s) or steps', ylabel='BP (mmHg)', x_ticks_minor=5, x_ticks_major=1.0, y_ticks_major=50, y_grid_label=True, x_grid_label=True, padding=5, x_grid=True, y_grid=True, xmin=-0, xmax=10.0, ymin=0, ymax=240) self.plot = MeshLinePlot(color=[1, 1, 1, 1]) self.plot.points = [(x * 0.02, 5) for x in range(0, 501)] self.graph.add_plot(self.plot) def reset_graph_waveform(self): self.graph.xmin = 0 self.graph.xmax = 10.0 self.graph.x_ticks_major = 1.0 self.plot.points = [(x * 0.02, 5) for x in range(0, 501)] def read_pressure_callback(self, x): (p, mm, t) = self.pressure.quick_read() swp = self.plot.points[self.index] copy = (self.index * 0.02, mm) self.plot.points[self.index] = copy self.index = (self.index + 1) % 500 self.pressure_label.text = "%3.1f mmHg / %2.1f C" % (mm, t) def home_callback(self, x): h = int(self.textinputHomePos.text) print("home to %d" % h) self.pressure.home(h) self.state = None self.home_button.text = "Home Pos" self.home_button.background_color = [0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 1] return False def calibrate_inc_callback(self, x): p = self.pressure.one_calibrate(self.calib_inc, self.calib_delay) if (p >= self.calib_max): print("End calibrate") self.pressure.end_calibrate() self.state = None self.calib_button.text = "Calibrate" self.calib_button.background_color = [0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 1] else: self.home_event = Clock.schedule_once(self.calibrate_inc_callback, 0.0) print(self.calib_index, self.pressure.calib_mmHg, len(self.plot.points)) self.plot.points[self.calib_index] = ( self.pressure.calib_s[self.calib_index], self.pressure.calib_mmHg[self.calib_index]) #print(self.plot.points) self.calib_index = self.calib_index + 1 return False def calibrate_start_callback(self, x): h = int(self.textinputHomePos.text) cm = int(self.textinputCalibMax.text) ci = int(self.textinputCalibInc.text) cd = float(self.textinputCalibDelay.text) print("calibrate %d,%d, %d, %f" % (h, cm, ci, cd)) h0 = h x = [h] while (h0 <= cm): h0 = h0 + ci x.append(h0) print(x) self.graph.xmin = h self.graph.xmax = cm self.graph.x_ticks_major = 100 self.plot.points = [] for x0 in x: self.plot.points.append((x0, 0)) #self.graph.add_plot(self.plot) self.pressure.start_calibrate_curve(h, ci) self.calib_inc = ci self.calib_max = cm self.calib_delay = cd self.calib_index = 0 self.home_event = Clock.schedule_once(self.calibrate_inc_callback, 0.01) return False def play_more_callback(self, x): out = [] for a in range(10): R = self.pressure.one_read_timeout() if (R is None): break else: s, t, pos = R p0 = np.interp(pos, self.steps, self.mmHgs) p1 = self.pressure.psi2mmHg( int(s) * self.pressure.pressure_multiplier) t1 = float(t) * self.pressure.temp_multiplier #print(p0,p1) out.append(p0) out.append(p1) self.plot.points[self.play_i] = ( self.plot.points[self.play_i][0], p1) self.play_i = (self.play_i + 1) % 500 self.pressure_label.text = "%3.1f mmHg / %2.1f C" % (p1, t1) if (self.savef): #print(out) s = struct.pack("{}f".format(len(out)), *out) self.savef.write(s) self.play_more_event = Clock.schedule_once(self.play_more_callback, 0) def play_calibrate_callback(self, x): # first get our waveform parameters h = int(self.textinputHomePos.text) cm = int(self.textinputCalibMax.text) ci = int(self.textinputCalibInc.text) systolic = float(self.textinputSystolic.text) diastolic = float(self.textinputDiastolic.text) heartrate = float(self.textinputHR.text) resprate = float(self.textinputRR.text) cd = float(self.textinputCalibDelay.text) print("play calibrate %d,%d, %d" % (h, cm, ci)) print("Sys %f Dia %f" % (systolic, diastolic)) (steps0, psi0, mmHg0) = self.pressure.calibrate_curve(h, cm, ci) self.steps = np.array(steps0) self.psis = np.array(psi0) self.mmHgs = np.array(mmHg0) # Now branch on whether using pulse_table (single pulse with cyclic indexing), # OR - whole waveform repeated. if (USE_PULSE_TABLE): print("Down with UPT....") v = self.pulse256 minb = 0.0 maxb = 8192.0 print(minb, maxb) span = maxb - minb v0 = [] # now convert to float actual mmHg value cycle for b in v: x = (float(b) - minb) / span * (systolic - diastolic) + diastolic v0.append(x) # and now calibrate to the right number of steps ys0 = [] i = 0 while (i < (len(v0))): x = v0[i] s = round(np.interp(x, self.mmHgs, self.steps)) ys0.append(s) i = i + 1 ys0.append( ys0[0]) # append the first value at the end for wrap-around self.pressure.write_table(ys0) hrindex = heartrate / 60.0 * 256.0 / 50.0 # index value per 20ms interval rrindex = resprate / 60.0 * 256.0 / 50 # index value per 20ms interval # now convert to X.8 format` print("Playing table...\n") self.pressure.play_table(round(hrindex * 256.0), round(rrindex * 256.0), cm, h) else: # single recorded waveform sequence, possibly repeated f = open('TestPulses.dat', 'rb') a = f.readlines() f.close() values = [] for l in a: x = float(l) values.append(x) v = values[:-20] if (not (self.baselineHR == heartrate)): print("RESAMPLING @ %f from %f" % (heartrate, self.baselineHR)) values = self.resample_HR(values, heartrate) minb = 50000 maxb = -50000 for b in v: if (b > maxb): maxb = b if (b < minb): minb = b print(minb, maxb) span = maxb - minb runs = 1 v0 = [] for i in range(runs): for b in v: x = (b - minb) / span * (systolic - diastolic) + diastolic v0.append(x) ys = [] ys0 = [] i = 0 t = 0 dt = 20e-3 ts = [] ps = [] mms = [] while (i < (len(v0))): x = v0[i] s = round(np.interp(x, self.mmHgs, self.steps)) i = i + 25 ts.append(t) t = t + dt ys0.append(s) for i in range(runs): for y in ys0: ys.append(y) print(len(ys)) self.pressure.write_waveform(ys) self.pressure.play_waveform(-1, cm, h) #self.pressure.start_reading() self.play_i = 0 self.play_button.background_color = [0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 1] self.play_button.text = "Stop Playing..." self.state = "PLAY2" self.savef = open(SAVEFILE_NAME, "wb") self.play_more_event = Clock.schedule_once(self.play_more_callback, 0) return False def read_pressure(self, button): print("READ PRESSURE") if (self.state == None): self.index = 0 self.state = 'PRESSURE' button.text = "Stop Reading\nPressure & Temp" button.background_color = [1, 0.5, 0.5, 1] self.reset_graph_waveform() self.pressure_event = Clock.schedule_interval( self.read_pressure_callback, 0.25) elif (self.state == 'PRESSURE'): self.state = None button.text = "Read\nPressure & Temp" button.background_color = [0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 1] self.pressure_event.cancel() def home(self, button): print("HOME") if (self.state == None): self.index = 0 self.state = 'HOME' button.text = "Going Home" button.background_color = [1, 0.5, 0.5, 1] self.home_event = Clock.schedule_once(self.home_callback, 0.1) def calibrate(self, button): print("CALIBRATE") if (self.state == None): self.state = 'CALIBRATE' button.text = "Calibrating..." button.background_color = [1, 0.5, 0.5, 1] self.home_event = Clock.schedule_once( self.calibrate_start_callback, 0.25) def play_stop_callback(self, x): print("PLAY STOP CALLBACK") if (self.savef): self.savef.close() self.savef = None self.play_more_event.cancel() for i in range(1): # drain any old readings s = self.pressure.one_read_timeout() if (not s): break #self.pressure.stop_reading() self.play_button.text = "Play Waveform" self.play_button.background_color = [0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 1] self.play_event.cancel() def play_waveform(self, button): print("PLAY WAVEFORM") if (self.state == None): self.state = 'PLAY' self.play_button.text = "Calibrating..." self.play_button.background_color = [1, 0.5, 0.5, 1] self.play_event = Clock.schedule_once(self.play_calibrate_callback, 0.25) elif (self.state == 'PLAY2'): print("STOPPING") self.pressure.set_params(1) print("STOPPING") self.state = None self.play_button.text = "Stopping Waveform" self.play_button.background_color = [0.5, 0.5, 1, 1] self.play_event = Clock.schedule_once(self.play_stop_callback, 0.25) def exit_app(self, button): print("EXIT") self.stop() self.root_window.close()
class StockDetailScreen(Screen): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(StockDetailScreen, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.layout = CustomLayout() back_img = lm.createImage(source='images/back.png', rel_size=lm.rel_square(rel_width=.1)) self.layout.add_item(CustomButton(back_img, on_release_func=lambda: back(self.manager), alignment='left')) self.stock_name = lm.createLabel(bold= False, rel_size= (1, .1), text_rel_size = (.95, .1), halign='center', valign='middle') self.layout.add_item(self.stock_name) self.layout.add_widget(Button(text="TRADE", bold=True, font_size=40, background_color=DARK_GREEN,, rel_size=(.8, .1)) self.current_price = lm.createLabel(font_size= 50, rel_size= (1, .1)) self.layout.add_item(self.current_price) self.center_image = lm.createImage(source='images/up_arrow.png', rel_size=lm.rel_square(rel_width=.5)) self.layout.add_item(self.center_image) self.stock_symbol = lm.createLabel(font_size= 50, rel_size= (1, .1)) self.layout.add_item(self.stock_symbol) self.num_shares = lm.createLabel(font_size= 28, rel_size= (1, .1)) self.layout.add_item(self.num_shares) self.layout.add_item(lm.createLabel(text = 'Past Week Performace', font_size= 28, rel_size= (1, .1))) # graph self.graph = Graph(x_ticks_major=1, tick_color = (0,0,0,.5), xlabel='Days', y_grid_label=True, x_grid_label=True, precision='%.2f', padding=5, x_grid=True, y_grid=True, xmin=-5, xmax=-1, ymin=0, ymax=100, border_color = (0,0,0,0), label_options = {'color': (0,0,0,1)}) self.plot = [(i-7, .3*i*100) for i in range(7)] self.layout.add_widget(self.graph, rel_size=(.90, .3)) self.add_widget(self.layout.create()) def on_pre_enter(self): position = Position(current_stock_symbol) position.update_price() self.stock_name.widget.text = symbol_data[position.tag]['NAME'] self.current_price.widget.text = f'${position.current_price:,.2f}' self.stock_symbol.widget.text = position.tag self.center_image.widget.source = 'images/up_arrow.png' if position.day_change >= 0 else 'images/down_arrow.png' share_count = current_portfolio[position.tag].num_shares if current_portfolio[position.tag] else 0 self.num_shares.widget.text = f'You own {share_count} share{"s" if share_count != 1 else ""}' self.plot_data(position.get_prev_week_data()) def plot_data(self, data): """ Change the data shown on the stock graph. data should be a list of tuples showing (x,y) pairs on the graph. """ self.graph.ymax = max(price for _,price in data) * 1.01 self.graph.ymin = min(price for _,price in data) * .99 self.graph.y_ticks_major = (self.graph.ymax - self.graph.ymin) / 4 self.graph.remove_plot(self.plot) self.plot = LinePlot(color=WHITE, line_width=3) self.plot.points = data self.graph.add_plot(self.plot) def trade(self, trade_button): """ Enter the trade screen """ global trade_mode trade_mode = 'BUY' screen_transition(self.manager, 'detail', 'trade', SLIDE_LEFT)
from math import sin from kivy_garden.graph import Graph, MeshLinePlot graph = Graph(xlabel='X', ylabel='Y', x_ticks_minor=5, x_ticks_major=25, y_ticks_major=1, y_grid_label=True, x_grid_label=True, padding=5, x_grid=True, y_grid=True, xmin=-0, xmax=100, ymin=-1, ymax=1) plot = MeshLinePlot(color=[1, 0, 0, 1]) plot.points = [(x, sin(x / 10.)) for x in range(0, 101)] graph.add_plot(plot)
class Logic(BLayout): def __init__(self, information=None): super(Logic, self).__init__() if information is None: information = dict() self.information = information self.mi = dict() self.nmi = dict() self.tmi = dict() self.twomi = dict() self.graph = Graph(xlabel='X', ylabel='Y', x_ticks_minor=.25, x_ticks_major=1, y_ticks_minor=1, y_ticks_major=1, y_grid_label=True, x_grid_label=True, padding=5, x_grid=True, y_grid=True, xmin=-1, xmax=24, ymin=-1, ymax=1) self.red_plot = MeshLinePlot(color=[1, 0, 0, 1]) self.gre_plot = MeshLinePlot(color=[0, 1, 0, 1]) self.blu_plot = MeshLinePlot(color=[0, 0, 1, 1]) self.yel_plot = MeshLinePlot(color=[1, 1, 0, 1]) self.add_widget(widget=self.graph) def parse_information(self): if len(self.information.values()) > 0: self.mi = self.information['Mask'][1] self.nmi = self.information['NoMask'][1] self.tmi = self.information['TookMask'][1] self.twomi = self.information['WoMask'][1] self.graph.ymax = self.information["Total"] + 5 self.red_plot.points = [ (self.set_float(y), x) for x, y in zip(self.mi.keys(), self.mi.values()) ] self.gre_plot.points = [ (self.set_float(y), x) for x, y in zip(self.nmi.keys(), self.nmi.values()) ] self.blu_plot.points = [ (self.set_float(y), x) for x, y in zip(self.tmi.keys(), self.tmi.values()) ] self.yel_plot.points = [ (self.set_float(y), x) for x, y in zip(self.twomi.keys(), self.twomi.values()) ] @staticmethod def set_float(_input=str()) -> float: # format is 00:00:00 # We need 00.00 _time = _input.split(":") _hour = int(_time[0]) * 1.0 _minute = int(_time[1]) / 60.0 _float = _hour + _minute return _float def update(self): self.parse_information() self.graph.add_plot(self.red_plot) self.graph.add_plot(self.gre_plot) self.graph.add_plot(self.blu_plot) self.graph.add_plot(self.yel_plot)
class GraphPlot(RelativeLayout): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(GraphPlot, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.y_range = 10 self.x_range = 10 self.range_multiplier = [2, 2.5, 2] self.graph = Graph(xlabel="x", ylabel="y", x_ticks_major=self.x_range / 2, y_ticks_major=self.y_range / 2, y_grid_label=True, x_grid_label=True, x_grid=True, y_grid=True, xmin=-self.x_range, xmax=self.x_range, ymin=-self.y_range, ymax=self.y_range, draw_border=False) # graph.size = (1200, 400) # self.graph.pos = self.plot = MeshLinePlot(color=[1, 1, 1, 1]) x = -self.x_range self.plot.points = [] while x < self.x_range: try: self.plot.points.append((x, sin(x))) except ZeroDivisionError: pass x += self.x_range / 100 self.add_widget(self.graph) self.graph.add_plot(self.plot) def on_touch_down(self, touch): if touch.is_mouse_scrolling: # for whatever reason, the definition of scrollup and scrolldown are reversed if touch.button == 'scrollup': self.zoomOut() elif touch.button == 'scrolldown': self.zoomIn() def zoomIn(self): print(self.x_range) self.x_range = multiplyByFloat(self.x_range, 1 / self.range_multiplier[0]) self.y_range = multiplyByFloat(self.y_range, 1 / self.range_multiplier[0]) self.range_multiplier.insert(0, self.range_multiplier[2]) del self.range_multiplier[-1] self.update() def zoomOut(self): print(self.x_range) self.x_range = multiplyByFloat(self.x_range, self.range_multiplier[0]) self.y_range = multiplyByFloat(self.y_range, self.range_multiplier[0]) self.range_multiplier.append(self.range_multiplier[0]) self.range_multiplier.remove(self.range_multiplier[0]) self.update() def update(self): self.remove_widget(self.graph) self.graph = Graph(xlabel="x", ylabel="y", x_ticks_major=self.x_range / 2, y_ticks_major=self.y_range / 2, y_grid_label=True, x_grid_label=True, x_grid=True, y_grid=True, xmin=-self.x_range, xmax=self.x_range, ymin=-self.y_range, ymax=self.y_range, draw_border=False) self.plot = MeshLinePlot(color=[1, 1, 1, 1]) x = -self.x_range self.plot.points = [] while x < self.x_range: try: self.plot.points.append((x, sin(x))) except ZeroDivisionError: pass x += self.x_range / 100 self.add_widget(self.graph) self.graph.add_plot(self.plot)
class linechart(): def __init__(self, ticker): self.CurrentPrice = 0 self.dt = 0 self.ticker = ticker self.cryptos = [] self.yticks = 100 for dicto in json.loads( requests.get( '' ).text): self.cryptos.append(dicto['symbol']) self.xticks = 10 self.xmax = 50 self.chart = Graph( xlabel='Time', ylabel='Price', x_ticks_minor=0, x_ticks_major=self.xticks, y_ticks_major=self.yticks, y_grid_label=True, x_grid_label=True, padding=5, x_grid=True, y_grid=True, xmin=0, xmax=self.xmax, ymin=0, ) self.plot = SmoothLinePlot(color=[1, 1, 1, 1]) self.chart.add_plot(self.plot) #main def get_point_data(self): if self.dt + 5 < time.time(): data = self.getPointsFromApi() self.dt = time.time() self.data_handle(data) def data_handle(self, data): if data is None: return timestamps = data['t'] prices = data['c'] plot = [] ymax = max(data['c']) ymin = min(data['c']) for times, value in zip(range(len(prices)), prices): plot.append((times, value)) self.plot.points = plot self.CurrentPrice = data['c'][-1] self.yticks = (self.chart.ymax - self.chart.ymin) / 4 self.chart.y_ticks_major = self.yticks self.plot.points = plot self.xmax = len(self.plot.points) - 1 self.chart.xmax = self.xmax #sizing graph adding upper buffer self.chart.ymax = round((ymax + ymax / 4) / 10) * 10 self.chart.ymin = round((ymin - ymin / 4) / 10) * 10 #sizing xmax self.xmax = len(plot) def getPointsFromApi(self, *dt): if self.ticker in self.cryptos: data = jsonhelper.getCrytpoPlot(self.ticker, 'bvtss4748v6pijnevmqg') else: data = jsonhelper.GetStockPlot(self.ticker, 'bvtss4748v6pijnevmqg') return data def Get_graph(self): return self.chart
class graphicsScreen(GridLayout): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(graphicsScreen, self).__init__(**kwargs) global dataFile self.dataFile = dataFile global refreshRate self.refreshRate = refreshRate Window.size = (800, 600) self.cols = 2 self.rows = 2 ############################ SCORE ################################################## self.graphScore = Graph(xlabel='Generation', ylabel='Score', font_size='20sp', x_ticks_major=1, y_ticks_major=1, y_grid_label=True, x_grid_label=True, padding=5, xlog=False, ylog=False, x_grid=True, y_grid=True, ymin=0, xmin=0) self.scorePlot = LinePlot(color=[1, 0, 0, 1], line_width=2) self.scorePlotMedian = LinePlot(color=[0.3, 0.3, 1, 1], line_width=2) self.scorePlot.points = [(0, 0)] self.scorePlotMedian.points = [(0, 0)] self.graphScore.add_plot(self.scorePlot) self.graphScore.add_plot(self.scorePlotMedian) ############################ FITNESS ################################################## self.graphFitness = Graph(xlabel='Generation', ylabel='Fitness', font_size='20sp', x_ticks_major=1, y_ticks_major=1, y_grid_label=True, x_grid_label=True, padding=5, xlog=False, ylog=False, x_grid=True, y_grid=True, ymin=0, xmin=0) self.fitnessPlot = LinePlot(color=[1, 0, 0, 1], line_width=2) self.fitnessPlotMedian = LinePlot(color=[0.3, 0.3, 1, 1], line_width=2) self.fitnessPlot.points = [(0, 0)] self.fitnessPlotMedian.points = [(0, 0)] self.graphFitness.add_plot(self.fitnessPlot) self.graphFitness.add_plot(self.fitnessPlotMedian) ############################ SCORE TIME ################################################## self.graphScoreTime = Graph(xlabel='Time [min]', ylabel='Score', font_size='20sp', x_ticks_major=1, y_ticks_major=1, y_grid_label=True, x_grid_label=True, padding=5, xlog=False, ylog=False, x_grid=True, y_grid=True, ymin=0, xmin=0) self.scoreTimePlot = LinePlot(color=[1, 0, 0, 1], line_width=2) self.scoreTimePlotMedian = LinePlot(color=[0.3, 0.3, 1, 1], line_width=2) self.scoreTimePlot.points = [(0, 0)] self.scoreTimePlotMedian.points = [(0, 0)] self.graphScoreTime.add_plot(self.scoreTimePlot) self.graphScoreTime.add_plot(self.scoreTimePlotMedian) ############################ GENERATION TIME ################################################## self.graphGenTime = Graph(xlabel='Generation', ylabel='Time [min]', font_size='20sp', x_ticks_major=1, y_ticks_major=1, y_grid_label=True, x_grid_label=True, padding=5, xlog=False, ylog=False, x_grid=True, y_grid=True, ymin=0, xmin=0) self.genTimePlot = LinePlot(color=[1, 0, 0, 1], line_width=2) self.genTimePlot.points = [(0, 0)] self.graphGenTime.add_plot(self.genTimePlot) self.add_widget(self.graphScore) self.add_widget(self.graphFitness) self.add_widget(self.graphScoreTime) self.add_widget(self.graphGenTime) if self.refreshRate > 0: self.readHandle = Clock.schedule_interval(self.readPipeData, self.refreshRate) else: self.readCsvData() def readCsvData(self): with open(self.dataFile) as csv_file: csv_reader = csv.reader(csv_file, delimiter=',') score = [] generation = [] fitness = [] seconds = [] for row in csv_reader: if row[0] == 'score': score = list(map(int, row[1][1:-1].split(","))) elif row[0] == 'generation': generation = list(map(int, row[1][1:-1].split(","))) elif row[0] == 'fitness': fitness = list(map(int, row[1][1:-1].split(","))) elif row[0] == 'seconds': seconds = list(map(float, row[1][1:-1].split(","))) self.scorePoints = [] self.scorePointsMedian = [] self.fitnessPoints = [] self.fitnessPointsMedian = [] self.scoreTimePoints = [] self.scoreTimePointsMedian = [] self.timeGenPoints = [] for i in range(len(score)): self.scorePoints.append((generation[i], score[i])) self.fitnessPoints.append((generation[i], fitness[i])) self.scoreTimePoints.append((seconds[i] / 60, score[i])) self.timeGenPoints.append((generation[i], seconds[i] / 60)) self.scorePointsMedian = self.floatMedian(self.scorePoints) self.fitnessPointsMedian = self.floatMedian(self.fitnessPoints) self.scoreTimePointsMedian = self.floatMedian(self.scoreTimePoints) self.graphsUpdate() def readPipeData(self, *args): self.scorePoints = [] self.scorePointsMedian = [] self.fitnessPoints = [] self.fitnessPointsMedian = [] self.scoreTimePoints = [] self.scoreTimePointsMedian = [] self.timeGenPoints = [] if os.path.exists(self.dataFile): with open(self.dataFile, "r") as file: for line in file: data = list(line.split(",")) score = int(data[0]) generation = int(data[1]) fitness = int(data[2]) minutes = float(data[3]) / 60 self.scorePoints.append((generation, score)) self.fitnessPoints.append((generation, fitness)) self.scoreTimePoints.append((minutes, score)) self.timeGenPoints.append((generation, minutes)) self.scorePointsMedian = self.floatMedian(self.scorePoints) self.fitnessPointsMedian = self.floatMedian(self.fitnessPoints) self.scoreTimePointsMedian = self.floatMedian(self.scoreTimePoints) self.graphsUpdate() else: self.readHandle.cancel() def graphsUpdate(self): self.scorePlot.points = self.scorePoints self.scorePlotMedian.points = self.scorePointsMedian self.fitnessPlot.points = self.fitnessPoints self.fitnessPlotMedian.points = self.fitnessPointsMedian self.scoreTimePlot.points = self.scoreTimePoints self.scoreTimePlotMedian.points = self.scoreTimePointsMedian self.genTimePlot.points = self.timeGenPoints xmax = self.scorePlot.points[-1][0] self.graphScore.xmax = 10 if xmax < 10 else xmax xmax = self.fitnessPlot.points[-1][0] self.graphFitness.xmax = 10 if xmax < 10 else xmax xmax = round(self.scoreTimePlot.points[-1][0], 1) + 0.1 self.graphScoreTime.xmax = 1 if xmax < 1 else xmax xmax = self.genTimePlot.points[-1][0] self.graphGenTime.xmax = 10 if xmax < 10 else xmax yListScore = [] for point in self.scorePlot.points: yListScore.append(point[1]) ymax = max(yListScore) self.graphScore.ymax = 10 if ymax < 10 else ymax yListFitnesse = [] for point in self.fitnessPlot.points: yListFitnesse.append(point[1]) ymax = max(yListFitnesse) self.graphFitness.ymax = 10 if ymax < 10 else ymax yListTime = [] for point in self.scoreTimePlot.points: yListTime.append(point[1]) ymax = max(yListTime) self.graphScoreTime.ymax = 10 if ymax < 10 else ymax yListGenTime = [] for point in self.genTimePlot.points: yListGenTime.append(point[1]) ymax = round(max(yListGenTime), 1) self.graphGenTime.ymax = 1 if ymax < 1 else ymax self.graphScore.x_ticks_major = int(self.graphScore.xmax / 10) self.graphFitness.x_ticks_major = int(self.graphFitness.xmax / 10) self.graphScoreTime.x_ticks_major = float(self.graphScoreTime.xmax / 10) self.graphGenTime.x_ticks_major = int(self.graphGenTime.xmax / 10) self.graphScore.y_ticks_major = int(self.graphScore.ymax / 10) self.graphFitness.y_ticks_major = int(self.graphFitness.ymax / 10) self.graphScoreTime.y_ticks_major = int(self.graphScoreTime.ymax / 10) self.graphGenTime.y_ticks_major = float(self.graphGenTime.ymax / 10) def floatMedian(self, points): retPoints = [] if len(points) > 4: tmpPoints = [0] * len(points) for i in range(len(points)): tmpPoints[i] = points[i][1] for i in range(4): retPoints.append((points[i][0], points[i][1])) for i in range(len(points) - 9 - 4): retPoints.append( (points[i + 4][0], sorted(tmpPoints[i + 4:i + 4 + 9])[4])) return retPoints
class Screen2(Screen): """Affichage en courbe de la dernière minute des normes du vecteur Accélération, actualisée toutes les 2 secondes """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """self.graph ne peut pas être initié ici. Il doit être dans une autre méthode et appelé plus tard. """ super().__init__(**kwargs) = App.get_running_app() self.graph = None self.ylabel = "Valeur des accélérations sur x y z" self.titre = "Accelerometer" self.xlabel = "500 valeurs" self.x_ticks_minor = 5 self.x_ticks_major = 100 self.y_ticks_major = 3000 self.freq = 1 self.xmax = 0 self.ymin = -10000 self.ymax = 10000 = 0 self.lenght = 500 = 0 # Initialisation des courbes avec la couleur self.curve_norme = MeshLinePlot(color=[0, 0, 0, 1]) self.curve_norme.points = [] self.curve_x = MeshLinePlot(color=[0, 0.8, 0, 1]) self.curve_x.points = [] self.curve_y = MeshLinePlot(color=[0.8, 0, 0, 1]) self.curve_y.points = [] self.curve_z = MeshLinePlot(color=[0, 0, 0.8, 1]) self.curve_z.points = [] Clock.schedule_once(self._once, 1) def _once(self, dt): Clock.schedule_interval(self.update, 0.1) self.create_graph() def histo_correction(self): """Les valeurs de temps manquantes sont mal affichée par Graph, il y a un saut du graphique au défilement, donc on ne voit pas le "trou" Correction de histo pour ajouter ces valeurs manquantes avec des valeurs xyz = 000 """ # hist = tout l'historique hist = if len(hist) > 2: for i in range(len(hist)): trou = hist[i][0] - hist[i - 1][0] # #print(trou) if trou > 2: index = i # 21 manque = int(trou - 1) # Ajout des valeurs manquantes debut = hist[index - 1][0] + 1 for p in range(manque): hist.insert(index + p, (debut + p * 1.01, [0, 0, 0])) = hist def update(self, dt): """Affichage de 500 valeurs 10 Hz = 50 s = 500 * 0.1 = 500 dizième 20 Hz = 25 s = 500 * 0.05s self.lenght = 500 f = 10, 50s = 500/10; de - 50s à 0 f = 20, 25s = 500/20; de - 25s à 0 = int de -beaucoup à 0, fait décalage sur les 500 couples """ # Actualisation de la fréquence f = int('accelerometer', 'frequency')) if self.freq != f: self.freq = f self.create_graph() self.histo_correction() self.curve_norme.points = [] self.curve_x.points = [] self.curve_y.points = [] self.curve_z.points = [] # J'affiche 500 couples soit self.lenght = 500 if len( > 5: nb = len( # La pile est remplie, décalage possible avec gap if nb > self.lenght: debut = nb + - self.lenght fin = nb + # La 1ère coupe est -500:500 et non pas -500:0 if fin == 0: fin = nb t_debut =[debut][0] # il faut [-500:500] puis [-501:-1] puis [-502:-2] for couple in[debut:fin]: self.add_couple(couple, t_debut) # Ajout de tous les couples pour remplir la pile # pas de décalage possible avec gap else: t_debut =[0][0] for couple in self.add_couple(couple, t_debut) def add_couple(self, couple, t_debut): x = couple[0] - t_debut - self.lenght / self.freq y = couple[1][0] self.curve_x.points.append((x, y)) y = couple[1][1] self.curve_y.points.append((x, y)) y = couple[1][2] self.curve_z.points.append((x, y)) def get_xmin(self): """Affichage de 500 valeurs 10 Hz = 50 s = 500 * 0.1 = 500 dizième 20 Hz = 25 s = 500 * 0.05s self.lenght = 500 f = 10, 50s = 500/10; de xmin=-50s à xmax=0 f = 20, 25s = 500/20; de xmin=-25s à xmax=0 """ f = int('accelerometer', 'frequency')) xmin = -int(500 / f) print("xmin = ", xmin) return xmin def create_graph(self): print("Création du graph ...") if self.graph: self.ids.graph_id.remove_widget(self.graph) xmin = self.get_xmin() self.graph = Graph(background_color=(0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1), border_color=(0, 0.1, 0.1, 1), xlabel=self.xlabel, ylabel=self.ylabel, x_ticks_minor=self.x_ticks_minor, x_ticks_major=self.x_ticks_major, y_ticks_major=self.y_ticks_major, x_grid_label=True, y_grid_label=True, padding=10, x_grid=True, y_grid=True, xmin=xmin, xmax=self.xmax, ymin=self.ymin, ymax=self.ymax, tick_color=(1, 0, 1, 1), label_options={'color': (0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1)}) self.graph.add_plot(self.curve_x) self.graph.add_plot(self.curve_y) self.graph.add_plot(self.curve_z) self.ids.graph_id.add_widget(self.graph) def do_back_forward(self, sens): = 1 bt = Thread(target=self.back_forward_loop, args=(sens, ), daemon=True) bt.start() def back_forward_loop(self, sens): step = 0 while step += 1 sleep(0.1) += sens * 50 * step if > 0: = 0 l = len( if < -l + 500: = -l + 500 print("Gap:", def do_end(self): = 0 def do_last(self): = 0 print("Gap:",