コード例 #1
ファイル: SGE.py プロジェクト: Kortemme-Lab/klab
def check(logfile, job_id, cluster_job_name):
    # todo: this needs to be updated for array jobs
    errors = []
    joblist = logfile.readFromLogfile()
    jobIsRunning = query(logfile, job_id)
    if not joblist.get(job_id):
        if not jobIsRunning:
            errors.append("Job %d is not running but also has no entry in the logfile %s." % (job_id, logfile.getName()))
            errors.append("Job %d is running but has no entry in the logfile %s." % (job_id, logfile.getName()))
        cname = cluster_job_name
        dir = joblist[job_id]["Directory"]
        if not jobIsRunning:
            outputfile = os.path.join(dir, "%(cname)s.o%(job_id)d" % vars())
            if os.path.exists(outputfile):
                F = open(outputfile, "r")
                contents = F.read()
                success = re.compile('''Done!\s*</output>\s*<enddate>(.*?)</enddate>\s*</make_fragments>\s*$''', re.DOTALL)
                match = success.search(contents)
                if match:
                    colorprinter.message("Job %d finished successfully on %s. Results are in %s." % (job_id, match.groups(1)[0].strip(), dir))
                    errors.append("Job %d has finished running but was not successful. Results are in %s." % (job_id, dir))
                    errcode = ERRCODE_JOBFAILED
                    errors.append("The output file %s associated with job %d could not be found. Searched in %s." % (outputfile, job_id, dir))
                    errcode = ERRCODE_NOOUTPUT
            colorprinter.warning("Job %d is still running. Results are being stored in %s." % (job_id, dir))
    return errors
コード例 #2
ファイル: SGE.py プロジェクト: Kortemme-Lab/klab
def query(logfile, jobID = None):
    """If jobID is an integer then return False if the job has finished and True if it is still running.
       Otherwise, returns a table of jobs run by the user."""
    joblist = logfile.readFromLogfile()
    if jobID and type(jobID) == type(1):
        command = ['qstat', '-j', str(jobID)]
        command = ['qstat']

    processoutput = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()
    output = processoutput[0]
    serror = processoutput[1]
    # Form command
    jobs = {}
    if type(jobID) == type(1):
        if serror.find("Following jobs do not exist") != -1:
            return False
            return True

    if not output.strip():
        colorprinter.message("No jobs running at present.")
    output = output.strip().split("\n")
    if len(output) > 2:
        for line in output[2:]:
            # We assume that our script names contain no spaces for the parsing below to work
            tokens = line.split()
            jid = int(tokens[0])
            jobstate = tokens[4]

            details = {  "jobid" : jid,
                         "prior" : tokens[1],
                         "name" : tokens[2],
                         "user" : tokens[3],
                         "state" : jobstate,
                         "submit/start at" : "%s %s" % (tokens[5], tokens[6])
            jataskID = 0
            if jobstate == "r":
                details["queue"] = tokens[7]
                details["slots"] = tokens[8]
            elif jobstate == "qw":
                details["slots"] = tokens[7]
                if len(tokens) >= 9:
                    jataskID = tokens[8]
                    details["ja-task-ID"] = jataskID

            if len(tokens) > 9:
                jataskID = tokens[9]
                details["ja-task-ID"] = jataskID

            jobs[jid] = jobs.get(jid) or {}
            jobs[jid][jataskID] = details
            if joblist.get(jid):
                jobdir = joblist[jid]["Directory"]
                jobtime = joblist[jid]["TimeInSeconds"]
                colorprinter.message("Job %d submitted %d minutes ago. Status: '%s'. Destination directory: %s." % (jid, jobtime / 60, jobstate, jobdir))
                colorprinter.message("Job %d submitted at %s %s. Status: '%s'. Destination directory unknown." % (jid, tokens[5], tokens[6], jobstate))
        return True