コード例 #1
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: naumushv/klever
    def __generate_alias(self, process, name, file, int_retval=False):
        new_name = "emg_{}".format(name)
        code = [
            "{}();".format("return {}".format(name) if int_retval else name)
        # Add definition
        func = Function(new_name,
                        "{}(void)".format("int {}".format(new_name) if int_retval else "void {}".format(new_name)))
        func.body = code
        process.add_definition(file, name, func.define())
        process.add_declaration('environment model', name,
                                'extern {} {}(void);\n'.format("int" if int_retval else "void", new_name))

        return new_name
コード例 #2
    def __generate_calls(self, functions_collection):
        def indented_line(t, s):
            return (t * "\t") + s

        # Generate process
        ep = Process("main")
        ep._category = 'generic'
        ep.comment = "Call exported functions."
        ep.pretty_id = 'zephyr/generic'
        ep.process = ''

        caller_func = Function("ldv_zephr", "void a(void)")

        # Generate actions for all sequence
        expressions = []
        identifier = 0
        for func in functions_collection:
            for obj in functions_collection[func]:
                self.logger.info("Call function {!r} from {!r}".format(
                    func, obj.definition_file))
                expr = self.__generate_call(ep, func, obj, identifier)

        # Generate process description
        tab = 0
        cnt = 0
        for expr in expressions:
            caller_func.body.append(indented_line(tab, "{}".format(expr)))
            cnt += 1

            'function_calls', [], ["{}();".format(caller_func.name)],
            'Call all initialization functions in asc order of level.')
        ep.process = "<function_calls>"
        ep.add_definition("environment model", caller_func.name,
                          caller_func.define() + ["\n"])

        return ep
コード例 #3
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: ldv-klever/klever
    def __generate_call(self, process, func_name, func_obj, identifier):
        Generate a C code to call a particular function.

        :param process: Process object to add definitions and declarations.
        :param func_name: Function name.
        :param func_obj: Function object.
        :param identifier: Numerical identifier.
        :return: List of C statements
        # Add declaration of caller
        caller_func = Function("emg_{}_caller_{}".format(func_name, identifier), "void a(void)")
        process.add_declaration("environment model", caller_func.name, caller_func.declare(True)[0])
        expression = ""
        body = []
        initializations = []

        # Check retval and cast to void call
        if func_obj.declaration.return_value and func_obj.declaration.return_value != 'void':
            expression += "(void) "

        # Get arguments and allocate memory for them
        args = []
        free_args = []
        for index, arg in enumerate(func_obj.declaration.parameters):
            if not isinstance(arg, str):
                argvar = Variable("emg_arg_{}".format(index), arg)
                body.append(argvar.declare(scope={func_obj.definition_file}) + ";")
                if isinstance(arg, Pointer):
                    elements = self.conf.get("initialize strings as null terminated")
                    if elements and str(arg) == 'char **':
                        if isinstance(elements, int) or elements.isnumeric():
                            elements = int(elements)
                            elements = 'ldv_undef_int()'
                        argvar_len = Variable(argvar.name + '_len', 'int')

                        # Define explicitly number of arguments, since undef value is too difficult sometimes
                        initializations.append("int {} = {};".format(argvar_len.name, elements))
                        initializations.append("{} = (char **) ldv_xmalloc({} * sizeof(char *));".
                                               format(argvar.name, argvar_len.name))

                        # Initialize all elements but the last one
                        initializations.append("for (int i = 0; i < {} - 1; i++)".format(argvar_len.name))

                        # Some undefined data
                        initializations.append("\t{}[i] = (char *) external_allocated_data();".format(argvar.name))

                        # The last element is a string
                        initializations.append("{}[{}] = (char * ) 0;".format(argvar.name, elements - 1))
                    elif self.conf.get("allocate external", True):
                        value = "external_allocated_data();"
                        initializations.append("{} = {}".format(argvar.name, value))
                        if self.conf.get("allocate with sizeof", True):
                            apt = arg.points.to_string('', typedef='complex_and_params')
                            value = "ldv_xmalloc(sizeof({}));".\
                                format(apt if apt != 'void' else apt + '*')
                            value = "ldv_xmalloc_unknown_size(0);"
                        initializations.append("{} = {}".format(argvar.name, value))

        # Generate call
        expression += "{}({});".format(func_name, ", ".join(args))

        # Generate function body
        body += initializations + [expression]

        # Free memory
        for arg in free_args:

        caller_func.body = body

        # Add definition of caller
        process.add_definition(func_obj.definition_file, caller_func.name, caller_func.define() + ["\n"])

        # Return call expression
        return "{}();".format(caller_func.name)
コード例 #4
    def __generate_insmod_process(self, source, inits, exits,
            "Generate artificial process description to call Init and Exit module functions 'insmod'"
        ep = Process("insmod")
        ep.comment = "Initialize or exit module."
        ep.self_parallelism = False

        # Add subprocesses finally
        process = ''
        for i, pair in enumerate(inits):
            process += "<{0}>.(<init_failed_{1}>".format(pair[1], i)
            for j, pair2 in enumerate(exits[::-1]):
                if pair2[0] == pair[0]:
            j = 1
            for _, exit_name in exits[:j - 1:-1]:
                process += ".<{}>".format(exit_name)
            process += "|<init_success_{}>.".format(i)

        for _, exit_name in exits:
            process += "<{}>.".format(exit_name)
        # Remove the last dot
        process = process[:-1]

        process += ")" * len(inits)
        if kernel_initializations and inits:
            process += "<kernel_initialization>." \
                       "(<kerninit_success> | <kerninit_failed>.(" + process + "))"
        elif kernel_initializations and not inits:
            process += "<kernel_initialization>.(<kernel_initialization_success> | <kernel_initialization_fail>)"
        elif not inits and not kernel_initializations:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "There is no both kernel initialization functions and module initialization "

        # This populates all actions
        parse_process(ep, process)

        if len(kernel_initializations) > 0:
            body = ["int ret;"]
            label_name = 'emg_kernel_initialization_exit'

            # Generate kernel initializations
            for name, calls in kernel_initializations:
                for filename, func_name in calls:
                    func = source.get_source_function(func_name, filename)
                    if func:
                        retval = not func.declaration.return_value == 'void'
                        raise RuntimeError(
                            "Cannot resolve function {!r} in file {!r}".format(
                                name, filename))
                    new_name = self.__generate_alias(ep, func_name, filename,
                    statements = []
                    if retval:
                            "ret = {}();".format(new_name),
                            "ret = ldv_post_init(ret);", "if (ret)",
                            "\tgoto {};".format(label_name)

            body.extend(["{}:".format(label_name), "return ret;"])
            func = Function('emg_kernel_init', 'int emg_kernel_init(void)')
            func.body = body
            addon = func.define()
            ep.add_definition('environment model', 'emg_kernel_init', addon)

            ki_subprocess = ep.actions['kernel initialization']
            ki_subprocess.statements = ["%ret% = emg_kernel_init();"]
            ki_subprocess.comment = 'Kernel initialization stage.'
            ki_subprocess.trace_relevant = True

            ki_success = ep.actions['ki_success']
            ki_success.condition = ["%ret% == 0"]
            ki_success.comment = "Kernel initialization is successful."

            ki_failed = ep.actions['kerninit_failed']
            ki_failed.condition = ["%ret% != 0"]
            ki_failed.comment = "Kernel initialization is unsuccessful."
        if len(inits) > 0:
            # Generate init subprocess
            for filename, init_name in inits:
                self.logger.debug("Found init function {!r}".format(init_name))
                new_name = self.__generate_alias(ep, init_name, filename, True)
                init_subprocess = ep.actions[init_name]
                init_subprocess.comment = 'Initialize the module after insmod with {!r} function.'.format(
                init_subprocess.statements = [
                    "%ret% = {}();".format(new_name),
                    "%ret% = ldv_post_init(%ret%);"
                init_subprocess.trace_relevant = True

        # Add ret label
        ep.add_label('ret', import_declaration("int label"))

        # Generate exit subprocess
        if len(exits) == 0:
            self.logger.debug("There is no exit function found")
            for filename, exit_name in exits:
                self.logger.debug("Found exit function {!r}".format(exit_name))
                new_name = self.__generate_alias(ep, exit_name, filename,
                exit_subprocess = ep.actions[exit_name]
                exit_subprocess.comment = 'Exit the module before its unloading with {!r} function.'.format(
                exit_subprocess.statements = ["{}();".format(new_name)]
                exit_subprocess.trace_relevant = True

        # Generate successful conditions
        for action in (a for a in ep.actions.filter(include={Block})
                       if str(a).startswith('init_success')):
            action.condition = ["%ret% == 0"]
            action.comment = "Module has been initialized."

        # Generate else branch
        for action in (a for a in ep.actions.filter(include={Block})
                       if str(a).startswith('init_failed')):
            action.condition = ["%ret% != 0"]
            action.comment = "Failed to initialize the module."

        return ep