def url_get(domain, uri, params={}, headers={}, proxyid=None): querystring = "" if params: querystring = "".join(['?', urlencode(params)]) if proxyid: log("(urllib2) Proxy domain is activated", xbmc.LOGDEBUG) for pd in (proxyid and proxy.update_list(proxyid, domain) or [domain]): url = "".join([pd, uri, querystring]) req = urllib2.Request(url) log("(urllib2) (Request URL) "+url, xbmc.LOGDEBUG) req.add_header("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_8_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/30.0.1599.66 Safari/537.36") log("(urllib2) (Request header) User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_8_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/30.0.1599.66 Safari/537.36", xbmc.LOGDEBUG) req.add_header("Accept-Encoding", "gzip") log("(urllib2) (Request header) Accept-Encoding: gzip", xbmc.LOGDEBUG) for k, v in headers.items(): req.add_header(k, v) log("(urllib2) (Request header) {key}: {val}".format(key=k, val=v), xbmc.LOGDEBUG) try: with closing(urllib2.urlopen(req, timeout=20)) as response: res = if response.headers.get("Content-Encoding", "") == "gzip": log("(urllib2) The content is gzip compressed", xbmc.LOGDEBUG) res = zlib.decompressobj(16 + zlib.MAX_WBITS).decompress(res) if res: data = simplejson.loads(res) if proxyid: log("(urllib2) Proxy domain ({proxydomaine}) worked and will be given as first choice in the future".format(proxydomaine=pd), xbmc.LOGDEBUG) proxy.set_default(proxyid, pd) log("(urllib2) Done", xbmc.LOGDEBUG) return data raise AnErrorOccurred(0) except urllib2.HTTPError as e: log("(urllib2) http error: ({url}) [{code}] {reason}".format(url=url, code=e.code, reason=e.reason), xbmc.LOGERROR) except ValueError as e: log("(urllib2) JSON error: {e} ({url})".format(e=e, url=url), xbmc.LOGERROR) except AnErrorOccurred as e: log("(urllib2) Empty or wrrong response: "+url, xbmc.LOGERROR) except: log("(urllib2) Unknown error: "+url, xbmc.LOGERROR)
def play(self, uri, item, subtitle=None, subtitle_provider=None): # torrent2http_options = { "uri": str(uri), # Files "download_path": xbmc.validatePath(xbmc.translatePath(__addon__.getSetting("download_path"))) or CACHE_DIR, "keep_files": __addon__.getSetting("keep_files") == 'true' and True or False, "keep_complete": __addon__.getSetting("keep_complete") == 'true' and True or False, "keep_incomplete": __addon__.getSetting("keep_incomplete") == 'true' and True or False, # Network "download_kbps": int(__addon__.getSetting("download_kbps")) or 0, "upload_kbps": int(__addon__.getSetting("upload_kbps")) or 0, "connections_limit": int(__addon__.getSetting("connections_limit")) or 200, "encryption": int(__addon__.getSetting("encryption")) or 1, # Port "listen_port": int(__addon__.getSetting("listen_port")) or 6881, "use_random_port": __addon__.getSetting("use_random_port") == 'true' and True or False, # Peers "torrent_connect_boost": int(__addon__.getSetting("torrent_connect_boost")) or 50, "connection_speed": int(__addon__.getSetting("connection_speed")) or 50, "peer_connect_timeout": int(__addon__.getSetting("peer_connect_timeout")) or 15, "min_reconnect_time": int(__addon__.getSetting("min_reconnect_time")) or 60, "max_failcount": int(__addon__.getSetting("max_failcount")) or 3, # Features "enable_tcp": __addon__.getSetting("enable_tcp") == 'true' and False or True, "enable_dht": __addon__.getSetting("enable_dht") == 'true' and False or True, "enable_lsd": __addon__.getSetting("enable_lsd") == 'true' and False or True, "enable_utp": __addon__.getSetting("enable_utp") == 'true' and False or True, "enable_scrape": __addon__.getSetting("enable_scrape") == 'true' and True or False, "enable_upnp": __addon__.getSetting("enable_upnp") == 'true' and False or True, "enable_natpmp": __addon__.getSetting("enable_natpmp") == 'true' and False or True, # Additional "trackers": not __addon__.getSetting("trackers") == "" and __addon__.getSetting['trackers'].split(',') or None, "dht_routers": not __addon__.getSetting("dht_routers") == "" and __addon__.getSetting['dht_routers'].split(',') or None, # Log / Debug "log_stats": __addon__.getSetting("debug") == 'true' and True or False, "debug_alerts": __addon__.getSetting("debug_alerts") == 'true' and True or False, # Bin "binaries_path": os.path.join(RESOURCES_PATH, 'bin') } # List item self.item = item ### if torrent2http_options['download_kbps'] <= 0: torrent2http_options['download_kbps'] = None if torrent2http_options['upload_kbps'] <= 0: torrent2http_options['upload_kbps'] = None elif torrent2http_options['upload_kbps'] < 15: notify(__addon__.getLocalizedString(30313)) torrent2http_options['upload_kbps'] = 15 __addon__.setSetting('upload_kbps', '15') log('(Player) Start the torrent2http file', xbmc.LOGDEBUG) with closing(Engine(**torrent2http_options)) as engine: # Start engine and instruct torrent2http to begin download first file engine.start(0) log('(Player) Pre-Loading the movie', xbmc.LOGDEBUG) ready = False with closing(SafeDialogProgress(delay_create=0)) as dialog: dialog.create(self.item['info']['title']) dialog.update(self.progressed, *self._get_status_lines()) file_id = None while not xbmc.abortRequested and not dialog.iscanceled(): xbmc.sleep(self.progressSleepTime) # Get status status = engine.status() # Check if there is loading error and raise exception engine.check_torrent_error(status) # We need a file id if file_id is None: # Get torrent files list, filtered by video file type only files = engine.list(media_types=[MediaType.VIDEO]) if files is None: continue # Torrent has no video files if not files: raise AnErrorOccurred(30316) # Select first matching file file_id = files[0].index file_status = files[0] # Get file status file_status = engine.file_status(file_id) if not file_status: continue if status.state == State.DOWNLOADING: self._calculate_progress(int(self.item['info'].get('duration', 0)), status, file_status) if self.progressed >= 100: ready = True break dialog.update(int(self.progressed), *self._get_status_lines(status)) continue if status.state in [State.FINISHED, State.SEEDING]: ready = True break if ready: log('(Player) Finished with pre-loading the movie', xbmc.LOGDEBUG) # Download subtitle if subtitle: log('(Player) Download subtitle', xbmc.LOGDEBUG) dialog.update(99, *[__addon__.getLocalizedString(30019), ' ', ' ']) path = file_status.save_path subtitle =, os.path.dirname(path), ".".join([os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))[0], self.item['stream_info']['subtitle']['language']])) dialog.update(100, *[__addon__.getLocalizedString(30020), ' ', ' ']) elif xbmc.abortRequested or dialog.iscanceled(): log('(Player) Pre-Loading was canceled or interrupted', xbmc.LOGDEBUG) if ready: # Resolve URL to XBMC self.item.update({"path": file_status.url}) # Starts the playback log('(Player) Start the playback', xbmc.LOGDEBUG) #xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(int(sys.argv[1]), True, self.item) plugin.set_resolved_url(self.item) for _ in xrange(60): if not self.isPlaying(): xbmc.sleep(1000) continue if subtitle: log('(Player) Adds the subtitle to the player', xbmc.LOGDEBUG) self.setSubtitles(subtitle) # Wait for the playback to finish log('(Player) Wait for the playback to finish', xbmc.LOGDEBUG) with closing(OverlayText()) as self.overlay: while not xbmc.abortRequested and self.isPlaying(): if self.overlay.isShowing(): self.overlay.setText("\n".join(self._get_status_lines(engine.status()))) xbmc.sleep(100) log('(Player) Playback is finished', xbmc.LOGDEBUG) if subtitle and torrent2http_options["keep_files"] == False and torrent2http_options["keep_complete"] == False and torrent2http_options["keep_incomplete"] == False: # Delete subtitle log('(Player) Delete subtitle', xbmc.LOGDEBUG) subtitle_provider.remove(subtitle) break else: log('(Player) Playback is terminated due to timeout', xbmc.LOGERROR)