コード例 #1
ファイル: ChatBroadcaster.py プロジェクト: MicN/HogBotGit
def handleLogonNotification(context, **kwargs):
    returnCode = FilterManager.CONTINUE
    chat = kwargs["chat"]
    bot = kwargs["bot"]
    globalState = bot.states["global"]
    bot.sendChatMessage(HogDatabase.getEnterMessage(chat["userId"], chat["userName"]))
    if HogDatabase.getAutolog(chat["userId"]) == 1:
        sendLatestLog(bot, chat["userId"], bot.params["userClan"])
    return returnCode
コード例 #2
ファイル: ChatBroadcaster.py プロジェクト: MicN/HogBotGit
def handlePrivateChat(context, **kwargs):
    returnCode = FilterManager.CONTINUE
    chat = kwargs["chat"]
    bot = kwargs["bot"]
    globalState = bot.states["global"]

    arr = chat["text"].split()

    if chat["text"] == "squelch":
        if BotUtils.canUserPerformAction(chat["userId"], "squelch", bot):
            globalState["isSquelched"] = True
            bot.sendChatMessage("No longer broadcasting /clan to the other clan channels.")
            bot.sendChatMessage("/w %s You do not have permission to perform this action." % chat["userId"])
        returnCode = FilterManager.FINISHED
    elif chat["text"] == "unsquelch":
        if BotUtils.canUserPerformAction(chat["userId"], "squelch", bot):
            globalState["isSquelched"] = False
            bot.sendChatMessage("Now broadcasting /clan to the other clan channels.")
            bot.sendChatMessage("/w %s You do not have permission to perform this action." % chat["userId"])
        returnCode = FilterManager.FINISHED
    elif chat["text"] == "muteall":
        if BotUtils.canUserPerformAction(chat["userId"], "muteall", bot):
            for aBot in BotManager._bots:
                aBot.states["global"]["isSquelched"] = True
                aBot.sendChatMessage("All bots have been muted.")
            bot.sendChatMessage("/w %s You do not have permission to perform this action." % chat["userId"])
        returnCode = FilterManager.FINISHED
    elif chat["text"] == "unmuteall":
        if BotUtils.canUserPerformAction(chat["userId"], "muteall", bot):
            for aBot in BotManager._bots:
                aBot.states["global"]["isSquelched"] = False
                aBot.sendChatMessage("All bots have been unmuted.")
            bot.sendChatMessage("/w %s You do not have permission to perform this action." % chat["userId"])
        returnCode = FilterManager.FINISHED
    elif chat["text"] == "who":
        response = bot.sendChatMessage("/who")
        whoChat = response[0]
        str = ""
        for user in whoChat["users"]:
            if user["userName"] != bot.id:
                if len(str) > 0:
                    str += ", "
                str += user["userName"]
        if len(str) > 0:
            bot.sendChatMessage("/w %s %s" % (chat["userId"], str))
            bot.sendChatMessage("/w %s There is no one else in my clan channel." % chat["userId"])
        returnCode = FilterManager.FINISHED
    elif chat["text"] == "help":
        m = {}
        m["userId"] = chat["userId"]
        m["text"] = generateHelpText(bot.params["userName"])
        returnCode = FilterManager.FINISHED
    elif chat["text"] == "mymsgs":
        m = {}
        m["userId"] = chat["userId"]
        message = (
            "Enter Message: "
            + HogDatabase.getEnterMessage(chat["userId"], chat["userName"])
            + "\n"
            + "Exit Message: "
            + HogDatabase.getExitMessage(chat["userId"], chat["userName"])
        m["text"] = message
        returnCode = FilterManager.FINISHED
    elif chat["text"] == "autolog":
        toggle = HogDatabase.toggleAutolog(chat["userId"], chat["userName"])
        if toggle == 1:
            bot.sendChatMessage("/w %s autolog enabled." % (chat["userId"]))
            bot.sendChatMessage("/w %s autolog disabled." % (chat["userId"]))
        returnCode = FilterManager.FINISHED
    elif chat["text"] == "log":
        sendLatestLog(bot, chat["userId"], bot.params["userClan"])
        returnCode = FilterManager.FINISHED

    if len(arr) > 0 and arr[0] == "entermsg":
        enterMsg = chat["text"].replace("entermsg ", "", 1)
        HogDatabase.setEnterMessage(chat["userId"], chat["userName"], enterMsg)
        bot.sendChatMessage("/w %s Enter message changed to: %s" % (chat["userId"], enterMsg))
        returnCode = FilterManager.FINISHED
    elif len(arr) > 0 and arr[0] == "exitmsg":
        exitMsg = chat["text"].replace("exitmsg ", "", 1)
        HogDatabase.setExitMessage(chat["userId"], chat["userName"], exitMsg)
        bot.sendChatMessage("/w %s Exit message changed to: %s" % (chat["userId"], exitMsg))
        returnCode = FilterManager.FINISHED
    elif len(arr) > 0 and arr[0] == "seen":
        user = chat["text"].replace("seen ", "", 1)
        lastSeen = HogDatabase.getLastSeen(user)
        if lastSeen == None or lastSeen[0] == None:
            bot.sendChatMessage("/w %s %s hasn't been seen by the bot" % (chat["userId"], user))
            bot.sendChatMessage("/w %s %s last seen on %s" % (chat["userId"], user, lastSeen[0]))
        returnCode = FilterManager.FINISHED

    return returnCode